J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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SPC 5431 MOVEMENT SEMINAR B: CLINICAL TECHNIQUE 3This course focuses on the learning and practice ofmovement-based psychotherapy interventions with diversepopulations in a variety of therapeutic settings. Studentsexplore the development of movement patterns, the processof re-patterning, and the use of movement for exploration,expression, and psycho-emotional integration in thepsychotherapy process. Prerequisite: SPC 5430.SPC 5512 SOMATIC PSYCHOLOGY PERSPECTIVES ON STRESS ANDPSYCHOBIOIMMUNOLOGY 2This course introduces students to the neurobiology ofstress, stress profiling, and stress reduction techniques forclinical practice in everyday life. Psychobioimmunologicaltheory and practice is also explored. Among the technicalapproaches which will be introduced are stress evaluation,autogenic training, progressive relaxation, guided meditation,visualizations, and somatically based techniques such asparasympathetic breathing, grounding, mindful movement,and conscious self-regulation through awareness.SPC 5520 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 3An introduction and general overview ofpsychopharmacology as it relates to the practiceof psychotherapy. Current medication, research inpsychopharmacology, and psychoneurology will be covered.The course will also look at alternative remedies, naturalmedicine, and cultural issues from a holistic perspectiveas well as the relationship between psychotherapist andphysician in medication management.SPC 5535 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY LIFE CYCLE A 3This course introduces students to classic developmental theoristsfrom a dynamic living systems and Somatic Psychologyperspective. The emphasis is placed on early bodily andsensory organization and on the primacy of relationship indevelopment. A holistic theory of self and ego developmentis presented. This course will consider how Freud, Reich,Mahler, Winnicott, Piaget, Bowlby, Stern, Schore, Seigel,Fogel, and Greenspan help us understand the process bywhich we come to inhabit our embodied self across thelifespan. Developmental profiles are drawn from diversecultural contexts.SPC 5536 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY LIFE CYCLE B 3This course focuses on the phase-specific, holistic processof development from adolescence to the end of life.A biopsychosocial perspective is applied to the areasof cognitive, emotional, and relational development.Contemporary family life is explored through the in-classuse of the family genogram (an adult attachment scale)and through discussion of multicultural family patterns andthe “family body.” Sources include the Stone Center group,McGoldrick, Greenspan, Erickson, Keleman, and Kubler-Ross.SPC 5540 CHILD THERAPY 3This course provides an overview of theories and “best practices”approaches in the treatment of children. Students willbecome familiar with therapeutic work in various treatmentsettings and develop an appreciation of the overarchingimportance of multicultural, social, and developmentalcontexts in understanding child behavior. Students willdevelop skills for working in collaborate relationships inchild therapy and study psychodynamic and child centeredapproaches to child therapy. Prerequisite: PYC 3100, PYC3200, SPC 5535, and SPC 5536.SPC 5551 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING A 3This is an introduction to the principles and methods ofmarriage and family counseling including family systemstheories, methods for assessment of family/couplesinteraction patterns, and intervention strategies appropriateto different types of dysfunctions. Clinical interventionsinclude experiential and somatic techniques. The relationshipbetween family systems and principles of holism arediscussed. Multicultural family and relational diversity is afocus. Prerequisite: SPC 5535 and SPC 5536.SPC 5552 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING B 3This course focuses on the application of principles andmethods of experiential and somatic techniques, marriage andfamily counseling, and marriage and family systems theoryto specific family problems—terminal illness, psychosomaticdisorders, addictive behavior, relational conflict, divorce,blended families, and multiracial families. Prerequisite: SPC5551 or permission of the advisor.SPC 5572 BODY-ORIENTED PSYCHOTHERAPIES 3This course examines the conceptual themes and clinicalapproaches common to all somatic psychotherapies andexposes students to the theory and practice of a number ofcontemporary modalities through guest lecturers in Hakomi,somatic experiencing, formative psychology, bioenergetics,core energetics, Bodynamics, integrative body psychotherapy,biosynthesis, and process work.SPC 5612 SUPERVISED PRACTICUM IN SOMATIC PSYCHOLOGY 0.5Through a variety of different practica, students exploreholistic health practices that can be used with individuals,couples and families. These practica provide students withthe opportunity to practice and experience the application ofSomatic Psychology clinical skills.SPC 5620 SOMATIC PSYCHOLOGY APPROACHES TO TRAUMAAND PTSD 2This course provides an overview of the history of the traumaconcept and trauma treatment and a basic understanding ofthe psychobiology and neurobiology of trauma. Conceptualand treatment distinctions will be made between shock,developmental trauma, and PTSD. The topics covered includephase-oriented treatment, mapping arousal states, trackingautonomic system activation, traumatic transference andcountertransference, and building somatic and relationalresources. This course draws on the work of Levine, Ogden,Rothschild, and van der Kolk.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 157

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