J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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include holistic teaching philosophy, course objectives anddescription, reading and research materials, assignments,student evaluations, and the balance between cognitive andexperiential learning.ISD 5420 PRINCIPLES OF MEDIATION ANDCONFLICT RESOLUTION A 3Explores the theory and practice of conflict resolution.Students learn how to play a neutral role when interveningin conflicts, how conflicts originate and evolve, and howto develop a case study from the initial intake throughresolution. Theory, lecture, and simulations provide studentswith practical and strategic skills and greater understanding ofanger, power, and ways of working through an impasse.ISD 5421 PRINCIPLES OF MEDIATION ANDCONFLICT RESOLUTION B 3Continues in-depth study of mediation practices andexamines the nature of conflict related to gender, age, sexualorientation, race, religion, personality differences, and socialvalues. Students are exposed to different types of conflictresolution (e.g., mediation, negotiation, collaboration, andconciliation) and also learn various approaches (e.g., single,co-mediation, and use of panels). Students begin to workwith a mentor and have an opportunity to interview andwork with conflict mediators in the field.ISD 5423 CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND CULTURAL SENSITIVITY 3Enhances students’ knowledge and awareness of the role thatcultural and lifestyle differences can play in conflict. Studentsalso learn how to effectively address issues of diversity inconflict resolution.ISD 5430 COMMUNICATION/PUBLISHING/MEDIA 3Preparing, packaging, and disseminating information to bothgeneral and specific audiences. Topics include writing bookproposals and query letters, assessing markets, and dealingeffectively with contracts, agents, editors, and publishers.Presentations and delivery skills, self-promotion through themedia, personal and public relations, and interviews are alsocovered.ISD 5435 COACHING: EVOKING EXCELLENCE 3This course focuses on the leader as coach. Students learna behavioral approach to working with others to buildconfidence and self-esteem, diagnose and correct problems,enhance motivation, and create performance excellence.ISD 5440 PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL CONSULTING 3Designed to help the student understand the nature oforganizational consulting and the differences between thepractice of internal and external consulting. Courseworkintegrates managerial, psychological, and transformationalmethodologies. Students also study the different phases oforganizational consulting and learn how to achieve theirrespective goals.ISD 5445 GRANT WRITING 2Covers the fundamentals of researching, writing, andsubmitting successful grant proposals. Topics includeresearching potential funders and developing the componentsof a successful proposal such as a letter of inquiry, grantnarrative, budget, and grant stewardship.ISD 5447 ADVANCED WRITING AND PUBLISHING 2This course is intended for students who wish to publish theirresearch professionally. Students must bring to the course aresearch paper from a previous class with an A or A+ grade.The focus of the class will be to refine and edit the researchpaper into a high-quality article that will be submitted forpublication to a professional journal.ISD 5450 SPIRIT IN THE WORKPLACE 2This course examines an integral perspective of business andexplores ways in which personal, professional and societalvalues may be expressed at work.ISD 5453 INTEGRAL COACHING 2This is a practical, hands-on class to define and providecoaching skills for managers, consultants, and those in privatepractice. The course will emphasize and apply an integralapproach to coaching based on the work of Ken Wilber. Inaddition, students will practice basic coaching skills offeredby Laura Whitworth’s co-active approach. The emphasisis on practical applications of coaching skills in real-lifeprofessional situations. Offered credit/no credit only.ISD 5455 PREPARATION FOR EXTERNSHIP 2Encourages students to begin an inquiry into their futurecareer goals and application of principles learned in theirdegree program.ISD 5460 EXTERNSHIP 1Students integrate career goals and degree principles byattending a particular externship site.ISD 5505 STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS 2For those considering opening a practice as a consultant,coach, therapist, bodyworker, or developing a start-upcompany, this class will examine the basics needed to turn agreat idea into a business reality. Among the topics coveredare analyzing life values and priorities, determining businessgoals and strategies, launching and managing the business,and dealing with finances and marketing.ISD 5507 ISSUES IN INTEGRAL STUDIES 1–3This course offers different perspectives on topics related tointegral studies.ISD 5510 SEMINAR IN INTEGRAL STUDIES 1–3This course offers a variety of topics on issues related tointegral and holistic philosophies.ISD 5600 PLANNING A THESIS 1Students prepare a master’s proposal under the supervision ofa selected faculty member. Thesis writing is optional.ISD 5610 MA INTEGRATIVE PROJECT 2In this class, students prepare their final integrative paperand presentation. This includes a personal statement,psychological and spiritual theory, and application ofcoursework within a professional and social context.ISD 5615 THESIS 1–5Students write a master’s thesis under the supervision ofselected faculty members.ISD 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN INTEGRAL STUDIES 1–3Independent study allows students to do in-depth research ona particular topic. Students work independently with consentand supervision by a faculty member.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 155

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