J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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ISD 5310 INTEGRAL YOGA 2This course explores the Integral Yoga philosophy of SriAurobindo and Haridas Chaudhuri as an evolutionary modelof psychological and spiritual growth. Course includesintegration of the yogas, different levels of mind, and cellularevolution. Spiritual principles and experiential practices arealso discussed.ISD 5314 SHAKTI-KUNDALINI YOGA 2This course examines the philosophy and spiritual practiceof India’s Kundalini Yoga as a model of human developmentand map of consciousness.ISD 5315 CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM 2The course examines a variety of ancient and contemporaryChristian mystics, whose spiritual quests have challengedorthodoxy and served as a basis for re-evaluating theChristian vision.ISD 5316 JEWISH MYSTICISM 2The essentials of Judaism as presented in the Tanakh, and itsexpression in the movements of Gnosticism, Kabbalah, andHasidism.ISD 5317 ADVAITA VEDANTA: SELF-REALIZATION 2Advaita Vedanta (the teachings of non-duality) is themeditative and psycho-philosophical system directed at theexperiential recognition of the individual “I” as timeless Self,sole-existing reality and Being/Consciousness/Bliss. Thedirect recognition of this identity frees one from sorrow andlimitations. Course investigates Vedantic philosophy andmeditative practices including Sri Ramana Maharshi’s methodof subsiding the “I” sense in the Heart.ISD 5318 SEMINAR IN SACRED PSYCHOLOGY AND RELIGION 1–3Topics in this seminar vary and include spiritual principlesand practices from different religious traditions. Topicsinclude integral yoga, Buddhist psychology, naturespirituality, Sufism, Diamond approach, Kabbalah, andfeminine spirituality among others.ISD 5319 SEMINAR IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES 1–3In-depth research and analysis of specific topics in religiousstudies. Topics include Kundalini Yoga, teachings of Jesus,and a mystic’s vision.ISD 5320 SUFISM 2The course examines the development of the mystical Sufimovement in 17th-century Syria, the relationship of the Sufimovement to orthodox Islam, and Sufism’s relevance in themodern world.ISD 5322 PLATO’S MYSTICISM 2Examines Plato’s views of the mystical quest, the influence ofSocrates on his thought, and the influence of Platonic ideas inthe development of Christianity and Christian mysticism.ISD 5325 BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY 2This course explores the psychological and spiritual aspectsof Buddhist thought and practice including Theraveda,Mahayana, and Tibetan perspectives.ISD 5326 TIBETAN BUDDHISM 2This course explores the confluence of original Indianelements of Buddhism with tantric outlooks as well as with154 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESPersian and Chinese sources. Attention is brought to thepsychology and meditative practices of the Tibetan tradition.ISD 5327 ZEN BUDDHISM 2Traces the spirit of Zen from the roots of Buddhism in Indiathrough the rise of Ch’an in China and its migration to Japanand North America. Taoist influences are highlighted, and thepsychological methodology of Zen meditation is assessed andexperienced.ISD 5330 TAI CHI CHUAN:INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES 2Tai chi chuan, an ancient art of cultivating the body’s vitalenergy (called chi or Qi), is based on the Taoist philosophyof living in harmony with nature. Students will learn 17movements of the short Yang form and specific Taoistprinciples related to spiritual growth.ISD 5335 DIAMOND APPROACH 2This course explores the Diamond Heart approach ofA. H. Almaas. Topics include presence, essence, the theoryof holes, and the relationship of object relations theory topsycho-spiritual development.ISD 5340 NATURE SPIRITUALITY 2Explores the historical role of nature in spiritual experience aswell as practices that enhance the integration of body, mind,and spirit.ISD 5342 RITES AND SYMBOLS OF FEMININE SPIRITUALITY 2Focusing first on the ancient mysteries of Eleusis, this courseexamines the inner-feminine dimension through an analysisof the rituals and symbols of the Demeter/Persephone story.Students explore numerous anima motifs in mythology,mysteries of the underworld, and archetypal foundations offeminine consciousness.ISD 5345 THE GODDESS 2Goddess worship and matriarchal tradition have their roots inprehistoric culture and have persisted, albeit often in disguise,to the present day. The course will explore ancient Goddessreligions as well as the Wicca tradition and movementsidentified with Neo-Paganism. Prerequisite: HUM 3405 or theequivalent.ISD 5347 SPIRITUALITY, SYMBOLS, AND DREAMS 2In this course, we will explore dreaming as a spiritual practice.Dream symbols are often powerful guides which express ourhuman and spiritual potential. They bring insight, wisdom,life purpose, clarity, and illumination. Through readings, classdiscussion, and experiential exercises, we will befriend ourdreaming guides and bring them to the light of day.ISD 5410 TEACHING PRACTICUM A 2Students learn to develop teaching outlines and lesson plansfor adult education. Course includes class presentations,assessments of personal teaching styles, and philosophicalprinciples of holistic education.ISD 5411 TEACHING PRACTICUM B 2Using the skills acquired in ISD 5410, students plan, develop,and present workshops on topics of their choice.ISD 5415 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 2Students will learn how to prepare an academic syllabusand weekly lesson plans for college courses. TopicsJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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