J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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IPP 5054 ENNEAGRAM ASSESSMENT 3The Enneagram will be presented as a model forunderstanding defense strategies against experiencing andexpressing one’s essential self. The course will focus ondevelopmental perspectives and intersubjective dynamics.IPP 5057 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES 2This course will present the research for the various lines ofdevelopment and help students explore their own capacities(cognitive, interpersonal, moral, somatic) and how to developthese dimensions of themselves.IPP 5059 STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2This course examines altered states of consciousnessincluding hypnosis, mediation, and dreams as well ascreative, ecstatic, and mystical states. Students explorecharacteristics and scientific implications of these statesand research current thinking through personal projectsand study.IPP 5061 INTEGRAL SPIRITUALITY 2This course will explore how the integral model changesour understanding of spirituality. Also, it will situate variousreligious traditions within an integral context exploring howthese traditions can be most effective in today’s complexworld.IPP 5510 PSYCHOSYNTHESIS 3Explores the principles and practices of psychosynthesis, atranspersonal psychology developed by Roberto Assagioli.Topics include the integration of sub-personalities,development of different aspects of the will, the use ofguided imagery, and other techniques for integrating body,mind, and spirit.INTEGRAL STUDIES [ISD] COURSESISD 5010 INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGY A 3This course examines different integral and transpersonal psychologiesand philosophies including those of Sri Aurobindo,Ken Wilber, C. G. Jung, Roberto Assagioli, and A. H. Almaas.Topics include feminist perspectives, the relationship ofSelf/self, and the potential of integral psychology to deepenour understanding of and help bring about personal psychospiritualdevelopment as well as social and global change.ISD 5011 INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGY B 3This course continues the inquiry of Integral Psychology Aand delves more deeply into Wilber’s four-quadrant theory.Students will study in greater detail the place of traditionaland transpersonal theories within the development of integralconsciousness.ISD 5012 PSYCHOLOGY OF DREAMS 2This course provides students with theoretical and practicalknowledge of the Western psychology of dreams. Courseincludes the work of S. Freud, C. G. Jung, M. Boss, F. Perls,C. Hall and other contemporary psychologists. The strengthsand weaknesses of each tradition will be examined andspecial attention given to the practical methods of dreaminterpretation in each tradition.ISD 5013 DREAMS AND THE BODY 1The body is a vehicle in which the dream is experienced.The body is impacted by the emotional state of the dreamerand the dreams. Drawing upon cross-cultural studies onthe importance of body awareness, in this class studentswill learn about the role of emotional body and its impactin dreaming and waking. Through somatic practices suchas breathing, movement, dream postures, and dream bodymapping, students will experience and bring mindfulness intothe relationship between their waking body and dreamingbody.ISD 5015 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION A:EMOTIONAL DYNAMICS 3This course is an introduction to some basic principles andpractices of effective communication. Students explorethe use of communication in day-to-day life, relationships,counseling, teaching, employment settings, and in othercontexts for working with people. Topics include presence,centering, listening skills, and discriminating between contentand process.ISD 5016 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION B:INTERSUBJECTIVITY 3This course continues to practice skills and principles ofeffective communication: Topics include emotional dynamics,conflict management, and the importance of communicationin social and global issues.ISD 5025 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH A 1This course prepares students for mixed-method research inthe field of integral studies. Students will study six differentmethods of research.ISD 5026 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH B 2In this course, students will continue work begun in ISD 5025and complete a mixed-method research project.ISD 5030 AN INTEGRAL APPROACH TO DREAM WORK 2A multidimensional, holistic perspective of dream work thatincludes multiple ways of gaining insights into the nature andmeaning of dreams. We will explore how dreams affect ourbody, emotions, mind, spirit, and community. Ken Wilber’sfour-quadrant model will also be discussed in relation tolevels of consciousness, dream work, and the practitioner’sworld view.ISD 5303 EAST/WEST MEDITATIVE PRACTICES 1This course is an integration of Eastern and Westernmeditative practices and includes the philosophy of thesespiritual systems as well as experiential practices. This courseis offered credit/no credit only.ISD 5307 ISSUES IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES 1–3This course explores changing topics in religious studiessuch as Advaita Vedanta, women’s spirituality, and creationspirituality. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.ISD 5309 TAOISM 2This course examines the origins of Taoism in Chinese cultureand the thought of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. The resonanceof Taoist ideas with contemporary living is also covered.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 153

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