J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGY [IPP] COURSESIPP 5000 INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGY 0Introduces new students to the Integral Psychology master’sdegree program. This is a required no-cost, no-credit coursethat includes information for successful completion of theprogram.IPP 5005 INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRAL THEORY:THE FIVE ELEMENTS 3This course will be an introduction to the theoretical modelthat will provide the foundation and structure for theproposed program. It will be the first course in the sequenceof three integral theory courses. This course will providea basic introduction to the central five elements of thetheoretical model guiding the program. It will provide thefoundation upon which more in-depth understanding of themodel will be developed.IPP 5006 INTEGRAL THEORY: INTEGRALMETHODOLOGICAL PLURALISM 3This course provides an exploration of the advanced coreconcepts of integral theory and their applications. Thematerial builds on topics covered in IPP 5005 and extends thediscussion into the sophisticated underpinnings of the integralapproach focusing on the eight methodological families, postmetaphysics,and perspectives.IPP 5009 INTEGRAL THEORY: APPLICATIONS 3This course provides students with an opportunity to explorethe integral approach in action. Through exploring variousapplications of both the basic and advanced components ofthe integral model, students gain a working understanding ofhow to apply the model to their own lives and professions.IPP 5010 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 3Explores how the development of the self is conceptualizedand perceived within a variety of perspectives includingPiaget, Kegan, object-relations theory, and self-psychology.These theories will be expressed within an integraldevelopment model.IPP 5015 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 3Examines existing research on the way human beingsinfluence and affect each other’s behavior in group settings.IPP 5020 COGNITIVE THEORY 2Explores the integral power of cognitive theory, the nature ofconditioning, and the role of mental schemas in constructingmeaning and interpreting reality.IPP 5025 SOMATIC PSYCHOLOGY 2This course explores the basic concepts in the field ofsomatic psychology. Through breath, movement, and thestudy of somatic principles, students examine the body/mindconnection and the importance of embodied life experiences.IPP 5030 PLANETARY PSYCHOLOGY 3This course focuses on the relationship between psyche andnature. Environmental psychology, ecological psychology,ecopsychology, and conservation psychology will beaddressed with an integral context.152 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESIPP 5031 EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY 3Evolutionary psychology draws on evolutionary biology,paleoanthropology, genetics, and cognitive psychology tounderstand the mind from an evolutionary perspective.This course explores intrapsychic processes, cooperation,mating and sex, parental care, perception and language, andenvironmental aesthetics. These explorations will be situatedwithin an integral framework and contrasted with otherevolutionary approaches to psychology, consciousness, andsociety.IPP 5032 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 3In this course, students look at the role the body andemotions play in creating the experience of self, bothneurologically and psychologically. The course explores thedevelopment of neural pathways in the brain in response tointersubjective relationships as well as an integral approachto psychopharmacology. The relationship between mysticalexperiences and the brain is also examined. The courseincludes clinical research as well as experiential exercises.IPP 5039 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 3This course explores how the development of the self is conceptualizedand perceived within a variety of perspectivesincluding Piaget, Kegan, object-relations theory, selfpsychology,and others. Full spectrum development from prepersonalto personal and transpersonal will be covered. Thesetheories will be expressed within an integral developmentalmodel.IPP 5043 INTEGRAL LIFE PRACTICE 2This course focuses on applying the integral model to anindividual’s own path of transformation. Using variousmodules, students construct a practice program for their ownlives that meets them at their growing edge.IPP 5045 INTEGRAL INQUIRY 1–3This course offers a variety of topics related tocommunication and methods of self-exploration from anintegral perspective.IPP 5047 PHENOMENOLOGICAL INQUIRY 2This course will use first-person techniques to exploresomatic, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’sdirect awareness. It will draw on various traditions—philosophical, psychological, and religious—for encounteringone’s interiority. Emphasis will be placed on the experientialcorrelates to various developmental stages.IPP 5051 INTEGRAL RESEARCH A 2This course is designed to expose students to the foundationsof integral research and guide them in beginning a researchproject to be completed in the companion course, IPP 5052.Students will explore the history and concept of researchdesign; identify topics for research using the first-, second-, and third-person approaches; and explore the traditionof action inquiry. Finally, students will complete a projectproposal that will serve as their research guide for IPP 5052.IPP 5052 INTEGRAL RESEARCH B 2In this course, students will continue to use the principles ofIPP 5051 and complete a research project and paper.JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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