J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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HSJ 5350 FINAL INTEGRATIVE PROJECT A 1This course examines the philosophical, personal, andprofessional issues raised in the course of graduate study incounseling psychology. Students develop an outline for anintegrative paper that includes their understanding of holisticstudies, transpersonal and somatic psychology, and theirown personal growth work. This is the first in a two-coursesequence.HSJ 5351 FINAL INTEGRATIVE PROJECT B 2This is the second in a two-course sequence. Studentscomplete their integrative paper and give an oral presentationon their topic. Students take this course when ready tocomplete their paper. Prerequisites: HSJ 5350.HSJ 5520 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 3This course offers an introduction and general overviewof the field of psychopharmacology as it relates to thepractice of psychotherapy. Current medications, research inpsychopharmacology, and psychoneurology will be covered.In addition alternative medicine, natural remedies, andcultural issues from a holistic perspective will be coveredas will the relationship between the psychotherapist andphysician in medication management.HSJ 5530 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING 3This survey course is designed to help students understandthe basic concepts and applications of psychological testingand the psychometric properties of psychological tests.This course will emphasize the appropriate applicationsand limitations of many of the current psychologicaltests—especially with regard to their use with people ofnon-dominant cultures. Issues of validity and ethics will bereviewed in this regard.NON-CREDIT WORKSHOPS AND SPECIALCOURSESHSJ 9000 GROUP PROCESS—NEW COHORT 0This course is reserved for students who have returned tothe program after an absence or who have transferred intothis program from another department. This course offers noacademic credit, but allows students to enter into the groupprocess sequence with a new cohort. Students enrolling inthis course will attend the same sessions as students enrollingin HSJ 5101. Permission of the department is required to takethis course. Offered as needed; credit/no credit only.HSJ 9005 PERSONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY 0Students must register for this course when they havecompleted their personal psychotherapy requirement.HSJ 9010 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION—NEW COHORT 0This course is reserved for students who have returned tothe program after an absence or who have transferred intothis program from another department. This course offers noacademic credit, but allows students to enter into the effectivecommunication sequence with a new cohort. Studentsenrolling in this course will attend the same sessions asstudents enrolling in HSJ 5105. Permission of the departmentis required to take this course. Offered as needed; credit/nocredit only.HSJ 5792 PRACTICE OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY 2Students receive comprehensive training and supervision inthe practice of group psychotherapy. As an MFT trainee, thestudent co-facilitates a weekly therapy group and participatesin group supervision for two hours each week. Studentslearn how to plan and publicize a group as well as how toestablish and maintain a therapeutic group culture.HSJ 5793 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT THERAPY IN THE SCHOOL 2Students receive comprehensive training and supervision inthe practice and treatment of children and adolescents in theschool setting. As an MFT trainee, the student will work withchildren and adolescents and participate in group supervisionfor two hours each week.HSJ 5900 TOPICS IN HOLISTIC STUDIES 1–3Topics vary and may be repeated for credit with a change intopic.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 151

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