J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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HSJ 5205 BODY-ORIENTED PSYCHOTHERAPIES 3Students examine psychological attitudes and learn how theseattitudes are embodied in a particular physical structure.The relationships between Freudian, Jungian, and somaticapproaches such as Reichian therapy or bioenergetics arecovered. Prerequisite: HSJ 5106.HSJ 5210 CHILD THERAPY 3Examines the psychological issues of childhood fromtraditional and somatic perspectives. Reviews a variety oftherapeutic methods for working with children and addressesthe child’s expression of energy, physical motility, and health.Prerequisite: HSJ 5121.HSJ 5211 CHILD THERAPY B 2This advanced course examines the theory and practice ofchild and adolescent therapy in the school setting. Childhooddisorders, basic child interview skills, and interventiondecisions are also addressed. Prerequisite: HSJ 5210.HSJ 5215 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING A 3Introduction to the principles and methods of marriage andfamily counseling including family systems theories, methodsfor assessment of family interaction patterns, and interventionstrategies appropriate to different types of family dysfunction.The relationship between family systems and principles ofholism are discussed. Prerequisite: HSJ 5121.HSJ 5216 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING B 3Application of principles and methods of marriage and familycounseling and marriage and family systems theory to specificfamily problems such as terminal illness, psychosomatic disorders,and addictive behavior. Prerequisite: HSJ 5215.HSJ 5220 JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY A 3Presents basic Jungian concepts, models of the psycheand processes. The contributions of Jung and Jungianorientedtherapists to the field of transpersonal and somaticpsychology will be explored. Includes the nature ofarchetypes, myth, ritual, dreams, and how to work withclients using these resources as well as how these elementsare present in our own lives and culture.HSJ 5221 JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY B 3Continues the work of Jungian Psychology A and exploresJungian concepts in relation to somatic reality. Usingthe work of Arnold Mindell and process psychotherapy,archetypal and symbolic movement work, active imagination,and other modalities, this offers a way to ground andembody the many facets of one’s experience. Students willalso learn ways to bring these processes into the therapeuticrelationship. Prerequisite: HSJ 5220.HSJ 5222 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION C 3A review and practice of the principles presented in EffectiveCommunication A and B to help bridge the transition fromstudent to professional. Through experiential exercises, roleplays, and class discussions, students will begin to synthesizeall of the therapeutic skills they have learned in their first twoyears of courseware. To help students prepare for their fieldplacement, they will get to renew and refresh their effectivecommunication skills.HSJ 5225 BASIC ADDICTION STUDIES 3Basic information about alcoholism and chemical dependencyincluding definitions, impact upon the users and their environments,medical aspects, current theories of the etiology of substanceabuse, major treatment approaches, and communityresources. Topics are covered from a systems perspectiveand include spiritual and nutritional issues in chemicaldependency.HSJ 5230 SEXUALITY 2The sexual response cycle, male and female sexuality, andsexual development and dysfunction are discussed fromphysiological, psychological, sociocultural, and somaticperspectives. Explores therapeutic approaches as they applyto individuals, couples, and families.HSJ 5235 ETHICS AND THE LAW 3Students become familiar with the existing legal and ethicalissues facing therapists. MFT licensing requirements andCalifornia laws for psychotherapists are studied.HSJ 5301–04 SUPERVISED FIELD PRACTICUM A–D 3/3/3/3Supervised clinical experience in marriage and family therapyin approved settings. Students gain first-hand knowledgeand experience working with clients and receive weeklysupervision by qualified, licensed therapists. Supervised fieldpracticum spans four academic quarters. Permission requiredto register.HSJ 5305 SUPERVISED FIELD PRACTICUM 1–3This course may be required if a student needs additionalclinical work. Students may also choose to do an extraquarter of placement.HSJ 5310 APPLIED CLINICAL PHILOSOPHY 2This course focuses on specific therapeutic issues frompsychodynamic, existential/phenomenological, ortranspersonal orientations. Students learn to articulate theirclinical philosophy by drawing on their client counselingexperience. Using traditional, somatic, and transpersonalsources, clinical theory and methods are explored throughwritten position papers.HSJ 5315 CASE SEMINAR: INDIVIDUALS 3Clinical case supervision for students in supervised field practicum.Case presentations from the student’s current placementserve as a starting point for lecture, discussion, role-play, andself-exploration. To be taken concurrently with the student’ssecond quarter of supervised field practicum.HSJ 5320 CASE SEMINAR: FAMILIES 3Students in supervised field practicum develop formal casepresentations of families and receive feedback from thecourse instructor and peers. This course enables students tocompare different ways of working with families and familyproblems. Prerequisite: HSJ 5315. Co-requisite: HSJ 5303.HSJ 5325 CASE SEMINAR: FAMILIES 2Students in supervised field practicum develop formal casepresentations of families and receive feedback from thecourse instructor and peers. This course enables students tocompare different ways of working with families and familyproblems. Prerequisite: HSJ 5315. Co-requisite: HSJ 5303.150 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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