J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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HHE 5175 PSYCHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OFHEALTH AT EVERY SIZE 2The psychology behind issues related to nourishment andpoor body image is considered in this course along withsociocultural factors that play a role. Some common eatingdisorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, andcompulsive overeating will be discussed. An alternativemodel of looking at weight and size is introduced—health atevery size and how to work with clients is developed withinthis model that stresses health rather than dieting to reachcertain ideals. Weight and fitness issues and the connectionbetween diet, exercise, self-esteem, and social supportare presented as essential components of sound, healthyweight management. The course will teach students how tohelp clients overcome resistance and creative body/mindtechniques of support for changes in diet. Specific weightmanagement situations will be considered such as workingwith people undergoing bariatric surgery. Prerequisites: HHE5155 and HHE 5169.HHE 5177 HUNGER OF THE SPIRIT 2In this course, students explore the spirit behind eatingand self-nourishment of all kinds along with metaphorsof food and eating to be found in all spiritual traditions.We come from a perspective that problems with eating inindividuals and in societies can in a sense be mirroring thedisconnect between body and spirit. Energetics of food andfood preparation are explored from a variety of perspectivesincluding Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine.Who we are spiritually and who we want to be as reflectin our eating choices is considered as well as eating as amindfulness practice.HHE 5180 SOMATIC EDUCATION A 2This course presents a review of somatic modalities includingthose that are movement- and awareness-based and thosethat are touch-based. A strong experiential component isincluded so that students may enhance their own somaticawareness and function.HHE 5181 SOMATIC EDUCATION B 2This course provides theory and techniques for how healtheducators (non-practitioners) may work with people oneon one and in groups or classes to facilitate developmentof somatic awareness and enhanced function. Applicationpossibilities and settings are considered. The course mayalso cover issues such as those that might come up whileteaching movement classes and body awareness classes frombasics of making people comfortable and adapting classesto particular health challenges, touch, and consequences ofteaching practices such as yoga and Qi Gong divorced fromthe traditional spiritual component.HHE 5200 INTEGRAL RESEARCH IN HEALTH EDUCATION 3This course covers issues related to reading and publishingresearch in holistic/integrative health, for example the notionthat only evidence-based research is valid and what researchmethods are most appropriate in a holistic/integrativeparadigm. Wilber’s integral model provides a framework forsurveying research methods belonging in each of the fourquadrants in integrative health contexts.HHE 5225 PRINCIPLES OF HOLISTIC HEALTH 2An overview of holistic principles of health including defininghealing as restoring and strengthening connection with148 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESinnate sources of life and well-being; integration of healthon levels of body, mind, spirit, family, community, andworld; focus on the personal and the person as well as onself-care, prevention, and wellness; and attention to natureand relationships. Students investigate design of educationalprograms for professionals and patients, how holistichealing is advertised and practiced, reference sources forprofessionals in this discipline, and consider career options.HHE 5340 SUPPORT GROUP FACILITATION 2This course will train students in the facilitation of supportgroups. Students will examine how groups work includinghow to establish trust, create safety, and handle commonproblems. Various models of support group facilitation willalso be addressed.HHE 5425 MOVING AND SENSING 3Movement expresses various qualities—structured, freeflowing,linear, waving, fast, slow, etc.—and happens on alldifferent levels, from visible externally to barely felt on theinside. Sensations are the very flesh of our inner experience,though our kinesthetic sense has often been overlooked. Thiscourse presents a conceptual and experiential inquiry intomoving and sensing, covering current movement/somaticapproaches. Students develop tools to enrich their ownsensory awareness as well as to facilitate such growth inclients.HHE 5512 PHYSIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF STRESS 3Examines the theory and practice of stress reduction. Throughexploration of the nature and function of stress, the roleof perceptual awareness of stress, and several modalitiesthat have been shown to be beneficial. This course reviewscurrent physiological and theoretical research and considersthe use of stress as a positive developmental agent from theperspective of nutrition, health counseling, and movement.HHE 5575 SUPERVISED EXTERNSHIP 1–3In this course, students work with ways of bridging theirwork as students with what they hope to do as professionalsand find a site in which they can do a health educationexternship. They work in a professional setting under theguidance of a mentor, keeping a journal, and describing theirwork in a paper. This course may be repeated for credit.HHE 5615 PRACTICUM IN HOLISTIC HEALTH 0.5Practica are designed to give students exposure to variousmodalities of holistic health and cover both an introductionto principles and experience in the work as it relates to theirown health. In addition to modalities, practica will be offeredin practices such as Qi Gong, yoga, aikido, and movement.Topics such as the politics of health care, issues in workingwith different age groups, death and dying, and setting up awellness center will be offered.HHE 5720 SEMINAR IN HOLISTIC HEALTH 1–3A variety of courses that are offered once or twice from thefield of holistic health.HHE 5900 TOPICS IN HOLISTIC HEALTH 1–3Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.HHE 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN HOLISTIC HEALTH 1–6To be arranged with consent of instructor and approval of thedepartment chair and dean. May be repeated for credit with achange of topic.JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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