J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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HHE 5140 CULTURE, COMMUNITY, AND HEALTH 2This course explores relationships between culturaldefinitions of health and illness and health-seeking behaviorsin a pluralistic society. It also considers the relationshipbetween being marginalized and social status (e.g., race,class, gender, sexual orientation, religious status, orimmigration) and health and illness in various populationsin the United States and abroad. Strategies for workingeffectively with multicultural populations in regard to healthcare are presented.HHE 5143 HEALTH PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 2This course helps prepare students to coordinate andadminister health programs in the mainstream setting.Students will learn the practical skills needed to manage ahealth project, schedule events, develop materials, facilitatemeetings, hold focus groups, train personnel, set goals,and work with internal and external groups to successfullypromote a health program. Methods for integrating holisticapproaches into mainstream settings will be addressed. Thiscourse is designed for Holistic Health Education students whodesire to work as health educators in the mainstream settingsuch as a hospital, medical center, or university.HHE 5145 HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, AND SUSTAINABILITY 2Explores connections between perspectives on health andillness and ways of thinking about the environment, nature,and the earth. Sustainability is compared to the mechanismof homeostasis in the body, its innate healing ability,and movement toward growth and higher organization.Environmentally related illnesses are looked at from theselarger perspectives. Prerequisite: COR 3150.HHE 5147 HEALTH EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 3This course maps out the field of health educationand explores the history of the health education role,introduces the Association of Health Educators, considersthe philosophical basis of health education, and predictsdirections for the future of the profession. Practical skillsneeded by health educators are covered, and students havethe opportunity to practice them including basic teachingmethods and coaching. Models of health education as partof the mainstream health-care system and in other settingsare explored. Professionals in their field are brought to sharetheir experiences.HHE 5150 MIND/BODY APPROACHES TO SELF-CARE 2Educating people in ways they can promote their ownhealing and maintain a high degree of wellness is a majorpart of a holistic approach to health. This course discussesmotivating and facilitating healthy changes in lifestyle andself-care practices. Students will be introduced to waysof educating people in mindful breathing, movement andexercise, guided meditation, and enhanced awareness ofeveryday life.HHE 5155 FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH NUTRITION 2Covers the essential issues and principles in the field ofnutrition today including the effects of food on healthpromotion, disease prevention, and recovery from illness andinjury. A whole-foods, plant-based model will be introducedand contrasted with the USDA food pyramid. Students will beinstructed in formulating a personal dietary plan based uponone’s metabolic tendencies, health status, and commitment toimproving dietary habits and choices.HHE 5156 COMPARATIVE DIETARY APPROACHES 2An overview and analysis of contemporary dietaryapproaches that provide health professionals and consumersa broad spectrum of choice for how best to nourish and healbody, mind, and spirit. Picking up from the previous course,this one looks at Western diets from A–Z (Atkins, Ornish, andZone) and the Asian dietary approaches of Ayurveda andmacrobiotics. The nutritional value, potential benefit, andrisk for each approach will be discussed and applied to casehistories. Prerequisite: HHE 5155.HHE 5160 EMBODYING SPIRIT 2The ultimate goal of a spiritual practice is awakening, butother gifts include psychological, intellectual, and physicalbenefits; a greater sense of joy in living; purpose; and afeeling of belonging and community. Abundant researchshows a strong link between health and spirituality. Thiscourse helps students develop or deepen a spiritual practicethrough exploring ideas and exercises common to manyreligious traditions—purifying our motivation, cultivatinglove and compassion, training our attention, clarifying ourawareness, developing ethics, cultivating wisdom, andengaging in service to others. Prerequisite: HHE 5155.HHE 5167 NUTRITIONAL CONSULTATION 2In this course, students learn about analyzing the nutrientcontent of foods and meal plans using the most efficient,up-to-date methods. The main course focus is on thegoals of nutrition counseling—effective rapport building,listening, and interviewing; keys to motivation; the stages ofchange (transtheoretical model); behavior change strategies;barriers to change; goal setting and evaluation; effectivedocumentation; and non-food interventions to improvehealth. Prerequisites: HHE 5155 and HHE 5156.HHE 5169 HEALING FOODS A 2This course introduces the foods, ways of eating, andnutritional therapies that help to bring about and maintainthe most vibrant health and also introduces the nutritionaldeficiencies that contribute to ill health and lack of wellbeing.Nutrition for men’s and women’s health, a healthyimmune system, cardiovascular health, gastrointestinal health,and adrenal stress syndrome will be covered. Emphasis is onpreventing illness and maintaining wellness. Prerequisites:HHE 5155 and HHE 5156.HHE 5171 HEALING FOODS B 2Complementing HHE 5169, this course will provide thefoundation for working with specific and diagnosed “medicalconditions” such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome anddisease, allergies (especially food allergies), heart disease, andcancer. Prerequisite: HHE 5169.HHE 5173 FROM FARM TO TABLE 3In this course, students analyze how the production,harvesting, marketing and distribution, shopping, cooking,serving, and enjoying of food determine a wide variety ofsocial processes with profound consequences for the earthand its populations. The role of health educators as advocatesof healthier approaches is considered, one that will benefitearth communities, families, and every individual. Sociallytransformative programs involving sustainable gardens,programs in schools and communities, and other innovationswill be examined.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 147

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