J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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CNS 5284 CONSCIOUSNESS AND SUSTAINABILITY: SOLUTIONS FORTHE 21ST CENTURY 2This course explores the issues, theories, research, andpractices in order to understand/take action on healing and“greening” the planet. Students will examine the currentpractices and approaches in ecology and sustainability thatare making a difference and improving the planet. Studentswill select a topic of interest in the area of sustainability toresearch, focusing on innovative practices currently beingexplored or developed.CNS 5300 SACRED INTENTION, SACRED MANIFESTATION 1Examines the sacred dimension and importance of clarifyingintentions and values. Course also addresses the existentialmeaning of will and intentionality and their role in directingconsciousness, dispelling confusion, empowering vision, andcreating a new reality.CNS 5344 DREAM GROUPS: FACILITATION AND ETHICS 2This course explores the ethical implications of workingwith dreams in a group setting. Students also examine issuesof cultural, gender, and class bias in regard to dream work.Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experienceleading a dream group.CNS 5345 SHAMANISM AND DREAMS 1This course explores the role of dreams in Shamanictraditions. Major topics include receiving the “calls” indreams, healing, dream interpretation, the role of shamans,shamanic misconceptions, and the rise of urban shamanismand ethics. Shamanic states of consciousness and the practiceof drumming as a tool for entering the dream state will beintroduced. This class will be held on the Berkeley campus.CNS 5620 ISSUES IN CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES 1–3Issues will vary according to student interests. May berepeated for credit with a change of topic.CNS 5800 ISSUES IN PHILOSOPHY 1–3In-depth research and analysis of specific topics inphilosophy and consciousness. Focus varies with instructorand student interest.CNS 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES 1–6To be arranged with consent of instructor and approval of thedepartment chair and dean.CNS 9210 DREAM STUDIES FIELDWORK 0In this course, students will complete a field project relatedto Dream Studies. The specific nature of the project will varybased on student’s interests and available mentors and oftenincludes attendance at a dream conference; however, all workmust be approved prior to its onset.HOLISTIC HEALTH EDUCATION [HHE] COURSESHHE 5001 INTRODUCTION TO HOLISTIC HEALTHEDUCATION PROGRAM 0A required, no-cost, no-credit course for all students enteringthe program. It prepares students to get the most out of theprogram and lets them know what they need to do in orderto complete it.HHE 5120 INTEGRATIVE HEALTH AND WELLNESS 2This course examines issues and challenges of integrating allopathicand holistic, East and West, science and spirit. Studentsreview the foundations of modern scientific medicine aswell as healing in ancient traditions, and explore integrativeapproaches to healing in a postmodern world.HHE 5125 ENERGY MODELS OF HEALING 2This course presents a brief history of theories of energy andvibrational modes of healing from the earliest “scientific”and vitalist philosophers through Mesmer and more recentlyBurr, Becker, Hunt, and Brennan. “Energetic anatomy” andprominent modalities are covered. The course explores therole of technology in energy healing and also how to defineand explain theories and practices to lay-people and medicalprofessionals.HHE 5126 ASIAN APPROACHES TO HEALING 2Two of the oldest holistic systems of medicine—Chineseand Ayurvedic medicine—are presented in this introductorycourse. Their basic philosophy, principles, and standardsof treatment will be explored both didactically andexperientially. The course will not focus on comparing thetwo systems, but the diversities of each will be outlinedwith emphasis on their spiritual roots, cultural and socialperspectives, and their growing appeal as global alternativesin health care.HHE 5130 CONCEPTS OF THE BODY 3Theoretical and philosophical conceptualizations of thebody influence health and healing. This course will providean opportunity to read, discuss, and analyze classical andcontemporary views of the body including those found inart, religion, and literature as well as work on language,metaphors and the body, body image and sexuality, andembodiment practices. The work of somatic theorists such asReich, Lowen, and Keleman will also be introduced as well ascommon bodywork modalities.HHE 5135 HEALTH-CARE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS 2The health of our health-care system is a political andeconomical matter. This course explores the roles economicsand politics play in treatment options, funding for research,government regulation, and insurance coverage. We willconsider various scenarios including systemic and nationwideconsequences if the system is not reformed. Possibilities fortransformation harnessing political and economic forces willbe considered along with possible roles played by holistichealth educators operating from an integrative and integralparadigm.146 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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