J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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CNS 5039C SELF-EXPLORATION:FAIRY TALES AS SIGNPOSTS OF THE SOUL 2In this course, students will focus upon a selection ofGrimm’s fairy tales to highlight the cognitive imagination’srole in apprehending the nature of imaginal reality. Criticalperspectives to be used include those of folklore, analyticaland archetypal psychology, literary theory, and GiambattistaVico’s way of fantasia.CNS 5039D SELF-EXPLORATION:ANCESTRAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND HEALING 2Ancestral stories, family traditions, and the great teachingstories from our culture shape us and condition ourperception of presence. In this course, we will examinethe “breaking points” in our ancestral heritages—the placeswhere our ancestors may have suffered a loss of connectionto place, community, language, traditions, and spirituality.Through readings, class discussion, and personal research,students will learn how to access and reclaim the strengthsand wisdom within our ancestral heritage.CNS 5039E SELF-EXPLORATION: ALCHEMY 2In this class, students will study the basic principles, history,and practices of alchemy—East and West, exoteric andesoteric, ancient and modern. This course also examinesthe alchemical states which bring about physical, emotional,mental, and personal transformation.CNS 5049 INTRODUCTION TO CONSCIOUSNESSAND TRANSFORMATIVE STUDIES 0This course introduces new students to the ConsciousnessStudies program.CNS 5055 EXISTENTIALISM, ETHICS, AND CONSCIOUSNESS 3The focus of this course will be on answering modernexistential questions exploring the theories of Ralph WaldoEmerson, Soren Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Jose Orgeta Gasset,J-P Sarte and others. Questions addressed in the courseinclude: How do we use existential principles to exploreethical issues in the 21st century? From what level ofconsciousness do our choices emerge?CNS 5060 PHILOSOPHY OF CONSCIOUSNESS 1–3Explores the major Western philosophical approaches tounderstanding the relationship between body and mindas well as the nature of truth and reality, postmoderncosmology, and process philosophy.CNS 5120 DIVERSITY, COMMUNITY, AND CONSCIOUSNESS 3This course presents a 21st-century approach to socialissues and includes discussion of racial, ethnic, and culturaldifferences along with ways to build community, harmony,and understanding—diversity in oneness.CNS 5200 SEMINAR IN CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES 1–3In-depth research and analysis of specific topics inconsciousness studies. Class format consists of lectures, selfdirectedstudy, and group discussions. Includes such topicsas chaos and complexity theory, myth and archetype, andecopsychology.CNS 5201 INTRODUCTION TO LIVING SYSTEMS 3Explores basic concepts of systems theory related tolife processes including both the dynamics and thelevels of complexity in natural and artificial systems andinterdependence of microscopic and macroscopic orders.CNS 5202 WOMEN’S REALITY: PRESENCE,POWER, AND SELF-EXPRESSION 1Examines systems and beliefs that silence women’sexperiences and voices. Through readings and discussion ofwomen’s psychology and spirituality, we will explore modelsof consciousness that support women toward self-expressionand conscious choice-making in creating a more just andcompassionate society.CNS 5211 CROSS-CULTURAL HISTORY OF DREAMS 2This course explores the sophisticated dream teachings andtraditions of cultures from all around the world includingancient Greece, India, China, and the indigenous culturesof North and South America. Issues to be discussed includetheories about the divine origins of dreaming; the tiesbetween dreams, myths, and religion; and practical methodsof dream interpretation and expression.CNS 5216 LUCID DREAMING 2Lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious whiledreaming. In this course, scientific research in the field oflucid dreaming will be explored and students will learnmethods to become conscious in sleep. This course willinterweave cognitive, experimental, and experientialapproaches to explore this state of consciousness.CNS 5219 DREAM PRACTICUM 1–3Participants in the class will share and work with theirdreams, drawing upon contemporary theories and practices inthe field of dream studies.CNS 5270 ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS 1–3In-depth research and analysis of specific topics in scienceand consciousness. Topics may include genetics, chaos,synchronicity, complexity, and biology of consciousness.CNS 5280 DREAMS, ARCHETYPES, AND PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY 2In this course, students will explore the recurrent dreamarchetypes that help dreamers become aware of themesgenerating a personal mythology for one’s life.CNS 5282 DREAMS: INITIATION ANDINDIGENOUS WAYS OF KNOWING 2Everyone carries ancestral knowledge memory deep within.Through myths and dreams, individuals are able to recoverinnate wisdom present and potential in the environment.With the world of dreams and myth, all beings hold equalpotency and potential. This state of awareness or animatedknowing is “native mind.” This course offers students anopportunity to begin a journey of recovery in ancestral waysof knowing. Through dreams and myths, students exploreinitiation into native mind.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 145

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