J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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A&C 5505 CONTEMPORARY ARTS THEORY AND CRITICISM 3Students undergo an intensive exploration of newdevelopments in contemporary art and the philosophicalconcepts upon which they are based. Various examplesof art criticism are considered as expressions of currentphilosophies of art. The effects of these writings oncontemporary art and culture are examined in detail. Writtenassignments, readings, and field trips to local galleries andmuseums are integral to the course. Emphasis is placedon the development and expression of individual criticalphilosophy through a unique writing style.A&C 5550 MFA REVIEW: MIDPOINT 1At the completion of the midpoint of the MFA program(completion of 45 units), a review is required to ensure thecandidate’s appropriate progress through the program. Arepresentative body of the candidate’s artwork is examinedand discussed by a committee of faculty who providefeedback regarding the strengths and weaknesses of theartwork presented. The review offers the candidate anopportunity for reflection on artistic achievements andpersonal growth made in the program.A&C 5555 MA TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS:MIDPOINT REVIEW 1The midpoint review requires students in the MATransformative Arts program to submit original artworkand a comprehensive self-assessment to the Faculty ReviewCommittee. The committee offers feedback and insight intothe student’s progress through the program and discusses thestudent’s overall goals and interests within the context of theMA program.A&C 5601 INTRODUCTION TO TIME-BASED ART 3Students undergo an art historical and studio-basedintroduction to a variety of “new genres” such as performanceart, environmental art, conceptual art, and installation. Inclassexercises and assignments introduce students to thetechniques and concepts associated with these approaches tocontemporary art. Reading assignments and class discussionsare also essential aspects of the course.A&C 5603 ADVANCED TIME-BASED SEMINAR 3This seminar calls for group critique of individual artworkscreated by class members. Students explore complex aspectsof time- and space-based artwork. Open only to students withsubstantial experience in new genres, this seminar satisfiesstudio critique seminar requirements for MFA students.A&C 5604 TIME-BASED LABORATORY: BLACK BOX 3This laboratory provides students with a studio-basedapproach to the personal exploration of new genres.Centered around the “Black Box” at the Arts Annex, studentsparticipate in class assignments as well as the presentationof individual works which explore time, space, light, andconcept as formal elements of individual artwork. Specialemphasis is placed on development of personal approachesto working in experimental media and the awareness of theevolution and progression of the work over time.A&C 5610 DRAWING FROM THE BODY 3Students explore the technical and psychological dimensionsof drawing from direct observations of the human form.Drawing from live models, class assignments, and groupcritiques help students to develop their skills and awareness142 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESof the drawing process and its relationship to our ownbodies.A&C 5612 INK, BRUSH, AND PAPER 2In this course, students examine the techniques andphilosophies associated with east-Asian painting traditions.An introduction to Asian painting materials, techniques andimagery are important parts of the course. Both calligraphyand landscape painting will be introduced from the Asianperspective. Exercises in tai chi and Qi Gong emphasize therelationship between Asian painting techniques and culturaltraditions of energetic flow of nature—”chi.”A&C 5615 POETICS SEMINAR 3Exploration of poem-making as an expression of voice,feeling, and truth. Individual presentation of original poetryto the group in conjunction with experiential exercises aimedat connecting the process of poem-making to individualself-affirmation and wellness. The power of language as atransformative tool and individual development of poetry asan artistic means of self-expression are emphasized.A&C 5620 BOOK ARTS 3The practice of contemporary book arts embraces conceptsthat are wide ranging and inclusive of every form andmaterial imaginable including installation and worldwidemail arts projects. Students explore the multidimensionalsymbolism of “the book” through integration of contentstructure, story, text, and spirit. Studio assignments, readings,class discussions, and lectures challenge the students.A&C 5632 ADVANCED PAINTING SEMINAR 3This seminar is an intensive studio for students who havesubstantial experience in the field of painting either with oilsor acrylics. Individual and group critiques as well as lecturesand demonstrations will be offered on alternating weeks, withopen studio sessions. Emphasis is placed on developing thephilosophical, personal, and formal elements of painting.A&C 5660 INDIVIDUAL MENTORSHIP 1–5Individual studio practice with an approved mentor selectedfrom a network of working visual artists in the Bay Area isprovided. Students meet individually with mentors severaltimes over the course of the quarter to develop technical,conceptual and professional skills. A written assessment ofthe mentorship is required.A&C 5662 COMMUNITY MENTORSHIP 1–3Students choose projects that allow them to work as avolunteer for an approved community organization such asan art gallery, community workshop, school, or counselingcenter. Students complete specific projects under thesupervision of a designated staff member from the sponsoringinstitution.A&C 5663 GROUP MENTORSHIP 1–3In special situations, several students may work with the samementor at the same time. These arrangements sometimesallow for a wider exchange of experiences and ideas thanmight occur in an individual mentorship.A&C 5665 MENTORSHIP EXTENSION 1–3Students are permitted to continue working on an individual,community, or group mentorship without incurring an incomplete.JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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