J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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the transformative power of creative expression. A writtenproposal for a course or community arts project is required.A&C 5300 APPLIED ALCHEMY 3An introduction to the transformational symbolic imagesystem of alchemy and its powerful applications to studio artmaking.Discussion of historical alchemical processes and themodern use of alchemical metaphor and symbol in art. Thiscourse includes assigned reading and studio assignments.A&C 5305 ART AND ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2This course introduces subtle states of consciousness andaltered states of consciousness where inspiration, creativity,and insight might arise. Students explore practices meant toaccess states of heightened lucidity and multidimensionalawareness. This class requires studio exercises involvingmusic, movement, and visual arts as well as lecture, readings,and written assignments.A&C 5310 ART AND THE SYMBOLIC PROCESS 3Students in this course explore the philosophy of symbolism.Philosophical and experiential insight into the nature ofsymbol from a variety of cultural and individual perspectivesis the goal. Students are led to the discovery of their ownarchetypal visual vocabulary through a combination ofpersonal practice and the academic investigation essential tocreative process. Experiential exercises, required reading, andwritten project. Required for MA and MFA.A&C 5312 CREATIVITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS 3Students will engage the essential questions associatedwith the creative process: “Why do we make art? What isthe mystery substance emerging from emptiness? What iscreativity?” In- and out-of-class studio assignments, groupdiscussions, and assigned readings help students explore theessence of their individual creative process from cultural,psychological, and spiritual perspectives. Class will emphasizedevelopment of personal approaches to creative processand the identification and elimination to blocks to creativity.Required for MA and MFA.A&C 5315 DREAMS, ART, AND THE INNER WORLDS 3This course explores the connection between the dreamingmind and the act of creation. Slide lectures, experientialexercises, and studio work will help students understandthe transition between symbolic dream imagery and themultidimensional spaces of the inner world. Reading, writtenproject and studio assignments are required.A&C 5325 FACES OF THE SOUL 3Students undergo an intensive exploration of the relationshipbetween Asian traditions of Qi Gong and energetic healingwith mask-making, movement, and other individual creativeacts. Special emphasis is placed on the use of creative selfexpressionto develop and heal the body and to developstronger self-image.A&C 5328 INNER DYNAMICS OF DRAWING AND COLOR 3This course combines the system of color developed byJohannes Itten (The Art of Color) with energetic principlesinherent in meditation and therapy, finding the roots ofcolor theory and composition in forms and visual vocabularythat bridges aesthetic form with the transformative healingpowers inherent in color. Studio and reading assignments arerequired.A&C 5331 MEDIA OF SACRED ARTS 1–3Varying courses explore the relationship between creativityand spiritual practice. Courses highlight the creation ofart intended specifically for sacred and transformativeprocess. Various courses will focus on mask-making, music,movement, or mixed media in the creation of sacred art.Courses address the use of sacred art from diverse culturalsettings. Students are engaged in studio assignments. Thiscourse may be retaken for additional credit.A&C 5342 HISTORY OF SACRED ARTS 3Students will survey sacred art throughout history asseen from a variety of cultural perspectives. Topics willinclude visual art, architecture, music, and dance as wellas philosophical and religious concepts from numeroustraditions including Greco-Roman, classical Chinese,Shamanism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Emphasisrests upon how these concepts relate to the development ofartistic process of each student. Reading and term paper arerequired.A&C 5350 ARTIST IN SOCIETY 3This course surveys the various archetypal roles of the artistas teacher, thinker, magician, warrior, etc. Students explorehow artists integrate personal, creative process within thelarger community. Guest lecturers and a written projectchallenge each student.A&C 5360 BEYOND THE STUDIO:COMMUNITY COLLABORATION A 3The course allows students to become familiar with avariety of models and methods for the integration of art intothe larger community. Exploration of art as a vehicle forcommunity transformation, political activism, and humandevelopment will be considered in the first of a two-quartersequence. Assigned readings, guest lectures, and field tripsenable students to plan and initiate a short volunteer projectputting these principles to practical use.A&C 5361 BEYOND THE STUDIO:COMMUNITY COLLABORATION B 3After initiating short-term individual community arts projectsin Community Arts A, intensive follow-up and advisement ispursued. Students meet both as a group and individually withthe instructor to discuss experiences and related avenues ofcommunity interaction. Class presentations of final projectsprovide insight into the relationship between creative processand community service. Emphasis is on practical activityand personal insight as well as related academic and artisticmaterial.A&C 5501 PHILOSOPHY OF ART 3Aesthetic philosophies and critical issues in art lie at the coreof this course. Students develop insight through integrationof cultural history, critical intent, and personal creativeexperience. Sources of artistic imagery and the dynamics ofaesthetic experience are examined. Students are encouragedto connect artistic development and issues of meaning, intent,signification, and reception. Studio assignments, reading, anda written project are required.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 141

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