J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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A&C 4520 VISUAL CULTURE B 3The second part of the two-quarter visual culturerequirement, this course will combine studio work and thestudy of ethnography. Students will examine diverse culturesand select one in particular, either contemporary or historical,from which to create original artwork made with that culture’scultural perspectives and philosophical perspectives. Studentswill work in any media of their choice. Specific culturalrequirements and formal expectations will be carefullyconsidered in discussion and evaluation of student artwork.A&C 4530 ART, ARCHETYPE, AND CREATIVE PROCESS 3An examination of individual identity within the context ofhistory, cultural philosophy, and creative process. Strongemphasis is placed on the making of images and objects astools for self-inquiry. Links between creativity, spirituality,and the physical process of object-making will be explored indepth. Relationships between meaning, aesthetic intent, andpsychological archetype will be examined through class workand out-of-class assignments. A variety of creative modalitiessuch as drawing, painting, sound, performance, and languagewill be used. Intensive self-examination, studio practice,and academic study will help students explore the universaldimensions of their individual artwork.A&C 4660 INDIVIDUAL MENTORSHIP 1-5Individual studio practice with an approved mentor selectedfrom a network of working visual artists in the Bay Area isprovided. Students meet individually with mentors severaltimes over the course of the quarter to develop technical,conceptual, and professional skills. A written assessment ofthe mentorship is required.A&C 4665 MENTORSHIP EXTENSION 1-3Students are permitted to continue working on an individual,community, or group mentorship without incurring an incomplete.A&C 4670 MEDIA OF SACRED ARTS 1–3Varying courses explore the relationship between creativityand spiritual practice. Courses highlight the creation ofart intended specifically for sacred and transformativeprocess. Various courses will focus on mask-making, music,movement, or mixed media in the creation of sacred art.Courses address the use of sacred art from diverse culturalsettings. Students are engaged in studio assignments. Thiscourse may be retaken for additional credit.A&C 4675 GROUP STUDIO PRACTICE 1–3Group studio practice involves any of a variety of coursesthat address the formal, technical, and experiential aspectsof art-making. Varying courses exploring the transpersonalaspects of drawing, painting, multi-media, installation, andperformance are offered. Other courses may be offered basedon student interest. This course may be retaken for additionalcredit.A&C 4900 TOPICS IN ARTS AND CONSCIOUSNESS 1–3Topics vary according to need and interest. This course maybe repeated for credit with a change in topic.GRADUATE COURSESA&C 5010 IMAGE AND PROCESS 3Students in this course investigate the formal integration of artand inner awareness. Exploration of artistic paradigms from avariety of cultures and historical periods creates a broadenedbase for understanding artistic growth and development.Integration of these principles into individual artwork isstressed. Through intensive studio assignments, readings, andclass discussions, a common vocabulary of artistic dialogue isdeveloped.A&C 5100 INTRODUCTION TO TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS 3This course will introduce students to the variousmethodologies and theories related to the use of art andpersonal creativity as healing forces in the world. A widevariety of topics—including psychological, spiritual, andshamanic approaches to artwork and its relationship to thehealing process—will be examined. Students will be ledthrough a variety of experiential projects intended to offerinsight into art and its uses as more than a mere decorativeor academic exercise. Students are encouraged to draw fromtheir own experiences of creativity and expression as a basisfor work in the class.A&C 5200 TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS EDUCATION 1–3Students choose among selected topics investigating theuses of creativity as a vehicle for human growth and healing.Various courses will explore aspects of creativity related toteaching, personal spiritual practice, physical healing, andemotional counseling. By participating in a variety of creativemodalities, students simultaneously strengthen their owncreative processes and form a basis for future professionalpractice.A&C 5210 TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS: GROUP PROCESS 3This course explores theories and techniques for the developmentof group dynamics in transformative arts practice.Models of group educational and therapeutic processes areconsidered. Human interaction as a formative element in thedevelopment of creativity will be discussed. Group exercises,assigned readings, and experiential projects are utilized.A&C 5255 TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS SEMINAR 3This seminar is based on in-class presentation of students’creative work. Group dialogue focuses on issues of personalgrowth and healing implicit in the student’s creativeexpression. The instructor facilitates meaningful insights intoeach student’s work as well as leading discussion of practicalimplications of work discussed as it pertains to work in thecommunity. Students are introduced to advanced theories oftransformative arts. Class assignments and readings are givento help accentuate the link between creative process andwork with others.A&C 5260 TRANSFORMATIVE ARTS TEACHINGPRACTICUM 3The field of transformative arts offers a new way to thinkof teaching as a primary activity related to the promotion ofhuman growth. Students combine theoretical information withhands-on experience of teaching. Class lectures introducerelevant material to be used as the basis for a practicaldemonstration by each student of an approach to teachingthat is directly related to that student’s own experience of140 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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