J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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ARTS AND CONSCIOUSNESS [A&C] COURSESThese courses are offered on the Berkeley campus.UNDERGRADUATE COURSESA&C 4020 HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ART 3Examination and discussion of art since 1980. Concepts andphilosophies which define the art of “now” are examinedin depth. Study of current trends and ideas and their impacton students’ artwork is emphasized. Slide lectures, assignedreading, and independent research papers are required.A&C 4022 ART OF THE WORLD 3A survey of world art from the Paleolithic to Early Modernera. Emphasis is placed on diverse cultural perspectivesand comparisons of various cultural approaches to art andits place in culture. Comparisons of east Asian, Islamic,European, and tribal art will be the central focus of thecourse. Slide lectures, assigned reading, and independentresearch papers are required.A&C 4024 MODERN ART 3This course explores European Modernism and its impact onworld culture and contemporary ideas of art and creativity.Ideas such as automatism, expressionism, abstraction, andconceptualism will be examined as a way of contextualizingand clarifying the role of contemporary art in society.A&C 4100–49 STUDIO INTENSIVE 6A variety of topics courses including drawing, painting,photography, new genres, digital media, photography, andimprovisation. These courses meet twice each week doublingthe normal amount of credit offered. The educational intentof studio intensives is to develop technical and formalart-making skills in an intensive practice-based studioenvironment. Additional course material and supplies arerequired for each course.A&C 4110 STUDIO INTENSIVE: PHOTOGRAPHY 6In-depth exploration of varying technical and conceptualapproaches to photography. Students will gain proficiencyin the use of darkroom techniques as well as digitalphotography. Students will explore the potential ofphotographic processes to create images which reflect andextend the artist’s perception. Diverse uses of the photographas social document, aesthetic image, and ethnographic toolswill be explored through studio assignments and critiques.A&C 4115 STUDIO INTENSIVE:SCULPTURE AND INSTALLATION ART 6An intensive introduction to the three-dimensional materialsin art. Students will work in a variety of media to gain abasic understanding of the visual and conceptual dynamicsof mass, form, materiality, and space. Equal emphasis will beplaced on the creation of three-dimensional art objects andthe use of architectural, psychological, and spiritual spaceas key elements in installation art. Students gain skill andconfidence in the use of assemblage, clay modeling, and thefabrication of maquettes for large-scale works. Environmentalart will also be investigated. Studio assignments, field trips,and in-class demonstrations enable students to developindividualized approaches to sculpture and installation.A&C 4120 STUDIO INTENSIVE:MOVEMENT, POETICS, AND IMPROVISATION 6Exploration of creative process through direct use of bodyand language will be the core activity of this class. Throughcollaborative studio exercises and out-of-class assignments,students will develop confidence in their use of poetics andperformance as artistic instruments. Studio assignments andcritique are essential aspects of the course.A&C 4130 STUDIO INTENSIVE: PAINTING 6In-depth exploration of varying technical and conceptualapproaches to painting. Using acrylic paints, students willexplore both figurative and non-figurative approaches topainting drawing from a variety of visual sources. The classwill examine color, line, form, and volume as key elementsin the painting process. A strong emphasis on the materialqualities of paint will be offered as well as information onspecial painting techniques and traditions. The aim of thecourse is the development of a personal approach to paintingbased on a strong understanding of the visual and materialproperties of the medium. Special attention will be paid tothe potential health hazards associated with various paintingmaterials and techniques.A&C 4140 STUDIO INTENSIVE: DRAWING 6In-depth exploration of varying technical and conceptualapproaches to drawing. Observational rendering usingthe human figure and subjects will be the core practiceof this course. Emphasis on traditional drawing skillssuch as proportion, perspective, development of line andform, and the development of gesture will be heavilyemphasized. Cross-cultural approaches to drawing as well asdrawing techniques aimed at heightening visual acuity andimagination will also be explored.A&C 4145 STUDIO INTENSIVE: DIGITAL MEDIA 6An intensive introduction to digital art using videophotographic and rendered sources. Students gain skill andconfidence in the use of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Pro-Tools, and Sound & Final Cut Pro Video. Student assignmentsand in-class demonstrations enable students to developindividualized approaches to the use of digital media asprimary techniques for creative self-expression.A&C 4510 VISUAL CULTURE A 3An exploration of the relationship between art and culture,specifically pertaining to the visual arts. Using examplesfrom a variety of societies, the notions of visuality andrepresentation as integral to the concept of culture will bediscussed. Of central importance will be the presentation ofthe visual cultures developed from the time of modernityto the present. Some of the issues discussed will be thedevelopment of different technologies and their impact onethics, concepts of ownership authenticity, representation,and the making of societies of spectacle. First part of a twoquartersequence.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 139

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