J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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MA IN INTEGRAL PSYCHOLOGYStudents in the Master of Arts in Integral Psychologyprogram develop a strong base in the theory and practiceof Western psychology as well as the wisdom of the world’sspiritual traditions. Students study human psycho-spiritualdevelopment and stages of consciousness in a variety ofcontexts including psychoanalytical, behavioral, humanistic/existential, transpersonal, and integral. The program alsofosters a deep understanding of interpersonal dynamicsand effective communication skills. This integral approachresults in a clearer understanding of human potentialand physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual growth.Graduates of the program can apply this degree in fields asdiverse as education, consulting, coaching, human resources,management, and organizational development.The degree consists of core courses, studies in sacredpsychology, and skill-based professional developmentclasses. Drawing on the world’s wisdom traditions, theorieson the evolution of consciousness, and Eastern and Westernpsychological theory, the curriculum explores the entirespectrum of human development as the unfolding of the selfthrough the integration of matter, body, mind, soul and spirit.The impact of each of these stages of development on theecological and social issues of the planet is also examined.Students can use their professional development and electivecourses to focus on specific areas such as communication,publishing and media, teaching skills and curriculumdevelopment, or work toward certificates in life coaching,dream studies, conflict resolution, and organizationalpsychology.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Undergraduate Prerequisites 1COR 3145 Research Writing and Information Resources 0–3PHR 3405 World Religions 0–3PYC 3200 Personality and Psychotherapy 0–4Core CurriculumCNS 5010 Paradigms of Consciousness 3IPP 5000 Introduction to Integral Psychology 0IPP 5010 Human Development 3IPP 5015 Social and Cultural Psychology 3IPP 5020 Cognitive Theory 2IPP 5025 Somatic Psychology 2IPP 5030 Planetary Psychology 3IPP 5031 Evolutionary Psychology 3IPP 5032 Neuropsychology 3IPP 5054 Enneagram Assessment 3ISD 5010 Integral Psychology A 3ISD 5011 Integral Psychology B 3ISD 5012 Psychology of Dreams 2ISD 5015 Effective Communication A: Emotional Dynamics 3ISD 5016 Effective Communication B: Intersubjectivity 3IPP 5051 Integral Research A 2IPP 5052 Integral Research B 2ISD 5455 Preparation for Externship 2ISD 5460 Externship 1Sacred PsychologyISD 5310 Integral Yoga 2Select SIX UNITS of the following courses 6ISD 5309 Taoism (2)ISD 5315 Christian Mysticism (2)ISD 5318 Seminar in Sacred Psychology and Religion (1–3)ISD 5320 Sufism (2)ISD 5325 Buddhist Psychology (2)ISD 5335 Diamond Approach (2)ISD 5340 Nature Spirituality (2)continued on next page134 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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