J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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DefermentPending departmental approval and provided an enrollmentdeposit is paid (if required), applicants may defer enrollmentup to one year from the time of initial acceptance. Applicantswho fail to enroll within one year after deferring will forfeittheir place in the program and enrollment deposit and willbe required to submit another application if they choose toreapply. Requests for deferment must be made in writing tothe Admissions Office.ReadmissionStudents who leave the university must reapply beforeresuming their studies. Upon return, students must providetranscripts from all schools attended during their absencefrom JFKU, complete a readmission application, and pay anyreapplication fees. The university has established a leave ofabsence policy to accommodate students who must leavetheir studies for a period of time; see the Leave of Absencepolicy in this catalog for details.Program TransferSome students decide after matriculation that they are bettersuited for another program at the university. In such cases,students may apply to transfer provided they have the newprogram complete a Program Transfer Application, whichreflects the application requirements the transferring studentmust meet in order to be admitted into the new program.Please visit the Admissions Office for more information.DenialDepartments may deny any applicant whose academic recordindicates a lack of adequate preparation for university studyor whose academic objectives are not congruent with those ofthe program to which the applicant applied. The department’sdecision is final, and appeals of the decision will not beconsidered. Due to the complexity of the admission andevaluation process, it is not possible to inform unsuccessfulapplicants of the reasons for the decision of the department.NON-DEGREE STUDENTSIndividuals interested in taking courses for academic creditbut not in pursuing a degree should register as a non-degreestudent. While non-degree students are not required toundergo a formal admissions process, two programs in theGraduate School of Professional Psychology—the Doctor ofPsychology and Counseling Psychology programs—requireindividuals interested in taking their courses to obtaindepartmental approval prior to registering.Non-degree students who later decide to apply for admissionto a degree program must submit an application, pay theappropriate non-refundable fee, and complete all admissionrequirements for the desired program. Admission as a nondegreestudent does not guarantee admission to a degree orcertificate program.Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.AUDITORSIndividuals who want to take a course for no academic creditmust register as an auditor and pay the appropriate tuitionand fees. Auditors do not pay student association fees, arenot members of the student association, and do not receivea student ID card. Audited courses do not appear on officialtranscripts.4 GENERAL INFORMATIONJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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