J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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DEPARTMENT OF INTEGRAL STUDIESAt the heart of the Integral Studies Department is a passionfor investigating the deepest and most profound levels ofhuman existence. Programs in the Integral Studies departmenthold in common a vision of personal, social, and culturaltransformation based on self-inquiry, academic study,and personal experiential research. The department offersthree separate degree programs, each of which honorsdiverse theoretical and practical traditions in philosophy,psychology, and health from a particular academic andprofessional perspective: a Master of Arts in Consciousnessand Transformative Studies, a Master of Arts in Holistic HealthEducation, and a Master of Arts in Integral Psychology. TheDepartment of Integral Studies also administers certificateprograms in Dream Studies and an online certificate inIntegral Theory. All programs prepare students for careers asscholars, teachers, or agents of social change whose work isbased upon the integration of inner truth and external reality.MA IN CONSCIOUSNESS ANDTRANSFORMATIVE STUDIESThe MA in Consciousness and Transformative Studies offersa multifaceted approach to the exploration of consciousness,the unfolding of human potential, and the implementationof new paradigm thinking. This holistic curriculum integratesfive major fields of study—psychology, philosophy,spirituality, ecology, and new science.The program provides a 68-unit curriculum with courses thatchallenge students’ beliefs, examine the relationship betweenconsciousness and the world, and explore new possibilitiesfor personal, social, and global transformation.Courses in New Physics, environmental sustainability, andneurophilosophy provide a new scientific paradigm for thestudy of consciousness and transformation. Personal growthand creativity are explored through courses in myth, symbol,dreams, and indigenous knowledge. The examination of East/West traditions presents different paths to spiritual awareness.The nature of intelligence, insight, and human consciousnessis explored through courses in transpersonal and integralpsychologies.Learning outcomes for the program include awarenessand understanding systems theory, innovative thinking,psycho-spiritual transformation, whole-brain learningand metacognition, intra- and interpersonal intelligence,transformational change, and life service.Students may choose 5–7 units of electives plus an additional3 units of self-exploration from various programs throughoutthe university. There are two options for completing thedegree program, either a four-unit thesis or a two-unitintegrative project.Some course requirements and electives in the program maybe fulfilled through completion of a certificate program.Certificates offered at JFKU include coaching, dream studies,conflict resolution, and organizational psychology.Students who wish to focus their MA more deeply in one areamay elect to declare an optional specialization in one of fourareas:• Philosophy and Religion—deepening students’philosophical and spiritual understanding• Science and Consciousness—exploring the relationshipbetween science, spirit, and consciousness• Culture and Consciousness—exploring the impact ofculture and cultural awareness in expanding consciousness• Consciousness and Healing—exploring the relationshipbetween consciousness and our ability to heal ourselvesphysically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.128 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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