J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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MA IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGYSomatic Psychology SpecializationSomatic psychology is an emerging academic and clinicalfield that explores the connection between body/mind/spirit, interpersonal relationships, and culture. The MAdegree program in Counseling Psychology with anemphasis in Somatic Psychology is a professional training inpsychotherapeutic practice from the integrative, whole-personmodel. It provides students with the traditional clinical skillsof assessment, diagnosis, and treatment (from the perspectiveof body-mind integration) necessary for their emergenceas licensed psychotherapists. This master’s-level program isone of a very few in the world which integrates the studyof the body, somatic self-experience, and psycho-emotionalprocesses in daily life and in the practice of psychotherapy.As an integrative program, the JFKU Somatic Psychologyprogram is informed by several disciplines in the appliedhuman and natural sciences including attachmenttheory, psychodynamic and humanistic therapy models,neurodevelopmental and psychobiological perspectives,traumatology, eco-psychology, psycho-evolutionary theory,ethology, the study of non- and pre-verbal communication,and relational therapy theory. Multicultural and diversityperspectives are integrated into all classes.The curriculum offers intensive academic and experientialcourses that support diverse personal styles of learningcoupled with the most exciting new research availablein the field. In addition to the in-depth core curriculumof the Counseling Psychology program, students explorecontemporary schools of somatic psychology such as neo-Reichian, Hakomi, bodynamics, mind-body psychotherapy,formative psychology, bioenergetics, authentic movement,biosynthesis, somatic experiencing, sensorimotorpsychotherapy, and psychophysical therapy. All courseinstructors in this program are active, somatic psychotherapyprofessionals in current clinical practice.The three-year, 92-unit program is divided into three areas ofemphasis. Year one focuses on basic theory and acquisitionof personal therapy skills such as receptivity, presence,tracking, and effective communication. Year two emphasizesthe development of core clinical skills in the area ofassessment and treatment, marriage and family interventions,and somatic movement techniques. In the third year, studentsare in their supervised field placement and all courses arefocused on work with clients.Clinical training seminars explore the psychological,emotional, and relational problems of living that canemerge when the life of the mind becomes separate fromand dominant over the life of the body. Students study andexperience the clinically potent effects of bodily awareness,somatic self-reflection, mindfulness practices, understandingof the sensation-emotion-thought continuum, and the somaticbasis of consciousness. Students graduate as fully competentpractitioners of one of the newest and most innovativeapproaches to psychotherapy.Performance Review and EvaluationWhen admitted, each student is assigned a faculty advisorwho is available for information and support. During thecourse of the program, there is an ongoing evaluation of thestudent’s academic performance and readiness to matriculatethrough the program. When an evaluation indicates thata student’s performance falls below the standards of theCounseling Psychology program, a student may be requiredto take additional coursework, complete additional supervisedfield experience, undertake personal growth work, take aleave of absence, or withdraw from the program.After one year in the program and completion of the courseslisted below, students are given a year-end progress review.This year-end review is a supportive team process involvingthe review of written faculty feedback and evaluation, overallgrade standing, and an assessment of the individual’s overallreadiness to proceed further in the program.Courses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)Undergraduate Prerequisites 1, 2PYC 3100 Childhood and Adolescence 0–3PYC 3200 Personality and Psychotherapy 0–4SCI 3110 Anatomy and Physiology 0–4Any approved spiritual practice course 3 0–2Core CurriculumCNS 5010 Paradigms of Consciousness 3SPC 5000 Introduction to Somatic Psychology Program 1 0con continued on next page120 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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