J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGYThe Department of Counseling Psychology offers a Masterof Arts in Counseling Psychology with three specializations:somatic psychology, transpersonal psychology, and holisticstudies (an integration of somatic and transpersonal). Builton the traditions of modern psychology, the foundation ofall three specializations adds a holistic perspective whichintegrates body, mind, spirit, and culture into the curriculum.The Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology is designed forstudents who are interested in working psychotherapeuticallywith individuals, couples, families, and groups. Studentsreceive a strong foundation in basic counseling theoryand practice while meeting the educational requirementsfor the California Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT)license. Specializations are offered in somatic psychology,transpersonal psychology, and holistic studies (offered only atthe Campbell Campus).The curriculum encompasses core courses in holisticstudies, basic counseling skills, diagnosis and assessment;marriage and family counseling courses; and courses in thestudent’s chosen specialization. Students complete a yearlongsupervised traineeship at the school’s Center for HolisticCounseling or an approved community-based site.Central to the program is the perspective that holisticlearning occurs both cognitively and experientially. Onlythrough knowing oneself can the therapist obtain the clarity,compassion, and wisdom necessary to help others. Thecurriculum therefore places significant emphasis upon thestudent’s self-exploration and personal growth combinedwith critical thinking and the acquisition of clinical skills.Graduates of the program will know themselves well asprofessionals who are skilled and capable. Graduates willcompetently use the counseling skills of empathic listening,clear and direct communicating presence, and self-reflection.They will understand and know professional theories ofindividual and family development and therapy as well asdevelop basic professional skills in clinical diagnosis andassessment. Students of the program will also learn theimportance of attunement to issues relating to diversity,ethnicity, and multiculturalism in providing professionalservices. They will know the laws of the state of California asthey pertain to the professional of counseling psychology andbe practiced in making ethical choices and decisions.FIELD PLACEMENTStudents in the counseling psychology program gaintherapeutic experience and develop their clinical skillsthrough a required 12 units of field placement. Studentscomplete their field placement at the school’s Center forHolistic Counseling, JFKU’s community counseling centers inSunnyvale or Pittsburg, or at another approved communitybasedsite.The 12 units (four consecutive quarters) of supervisedfield placement are integral to students’ clinical training.Students are trained in conducting screening interviews, crisisintervention, assessment, referral, and community outreach.Students have ample opportunity to share their clinicalexperience with other trainees and to receive feedbackon their work from skilled practitioners. Working with theguidance of experienced, licensed therapists, trainees areassisted in developing therapeutic skills through a varietyof means including individual and group supervision,training sessions, individual and family case seminars, directobservation through one-way mirrors, and use of audio- andvideotaping. Students may sometimes be required or have theoption to take a fifth quarter of field placement.Supplemental field placement is for students who wish togain clinical experience in addition to their required 12units of field practicum and wish to count those hours ofexperience towards BBS licensure. In order to be eligible,a student must have completed at least 18 quarter units ofgraduate coursework in the counseling program. Those 18units must include SPC 5323–24 Effective Communication A–B, SPC 5004–06 Group Process A–C, and SPC 5631 Ethics andthe Law. After receiving permission from the field placementcoordinator and the program chair or director, a student mustregister for the one-unit supplemental fieldwork course foreach quarter of experience.SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIES 119

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