J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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MA IN TRANSFORMATIVE ARTSThe process of artistic growth and expression offers powerfultools for human transformation. Through this degreeprogram, students use their own experience as creative artiststo develop a technique or project for positive communityinteraction.The program combines philosophical, academic, personalgrowth, and creative work.Through their choice of electives, students explore andgrow in their area of special interest. Although individualartwork is an essential core of the program, students intransformative arts are not primarily concerned with thecritique or exhibition of their artwork. Instead, they learn touse the insights gained through the artistic process to servethe world as transformative teachers and healers. Althoughthe MA in Transformative Arts does not offer any professionalcertification, it is possible for students to articulate their studyin transformative arts with the teaching credential programoffered through the JFK University School of Education andLiberal Arts. Completion of the teacher credential programrequires at least one additional year of study. Details of thisprocedure are available from department staff.Each student creates a unique way of using art as ahealing force in the world. Specific coursework addressesthe practical applications of creativity through group andindividual work. This degree culminates with a communityarts project in which the student applies the information andunderstanding gained in the program. A final paper is thensubmitted, in which the community project is discussed andexamined within the context of both the student’s personalexperience of the creative process and the academic materialrelated to the activity.Admission RequirementsAn undergraduate degree in art is not required for admissionto the MA in Transformative Arts program. However, it isessential that students have some previous background inthe arts. Applicants to the MA in Transformative Arts programmust complete at least 6 units of work in studio art, musicalcomposition, poetry, or another primary art form. Applicantsmust also complete a survey of art history course.In addition to the university and school-based admissionrequirements (listed previously), applicants to this programmust submit an artist’s statement addressing the applicant’sartistic development and goals. This may be included in thepersonal statement. Admissions requirements are similar tothe MFA program with the following exceptions:• A portfolio of original artwork may be submitted in personduring an admissions interview. Slides, VHS cassette, audiocassette, or CD/DVD are acceptable. Portfolios may includeartwork in non-visual media, e.g., poetry, dance and movement,or writing.• Applications to the MA and BFA programs are acceptedeach quarter on a rolling basis. Students may enter in anyquarter. Priority deadlines for the MA and BFA programsare September 1 for the fall quarter, December 1 for thewinter quarter, March 1 for the spring quarter, and June 1for the summer quarter.114 SCHOOL OF HOLISTIC STUDIESJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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