J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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PLS 3025 BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS 3This course will provide the student with the introductionto the formation, operation, and dissolution of various kindsof business organizations including the different kinds ofcorporations, sole proprietorships, and partnerships. Focuswill be placed on the laws that govern business organizationsand the procedures for forming entities and maintainingcompliance with statutory requirements. Prerequisite: PLS3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3027 FAMILY LAW 3This course will introduce the student to the broad area offamily law including the fundamental principles underlyingthe marital relationship, dissolution, child custody, andsupport. Students will learn how to become an effectiveparalegal in a family-law practice by the drafting of thevarious documents relating to domestic relations. Prerequisite:PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3040 INTERNSHIP 1–3This course will provide the student an opportunity togain practical paralegal work experience in an officeenvironment. The student must work a certain number ofhours in the office environment under the supervision of anattorney or experienced paralegal. (Note: Students wouldbe encouraged to take an internship as one of their twoelectives, especially those who are not currently working inlaw firms. However, an internship is not required since manystudents may be working full time in other employment orhave responsibilities that would preclude an internship duringregular office hours.) Prerequisite: PLS 3002 and PLS 3008.PLS 3100 LAW OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 3This course will focus on the role of the paralegal as an officeadministrator. The organizational structure of law officeswill be explored as well as the role of the paralegal withinthese structures. Students will be introduced to the day-todayduties and responsibilities of managing a legal officewith emphasis placed on computer calendaring systems,accounting practices and software, and overall law officemanagement. Prerequisite: PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3105 JURISPRUDENCE 3This course studies the nature, purpose, and philosophyof law. Gives the student exposure to the roots of lawhistorically and places the legal system in perspectiveby examining its antecedents in religion, sociology, andphilosophy. Prerequisite: PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3107 HISTORY OF THE U.S. SINCE WORLD WAR II 3An introductory course designed to provide a thoughtprovokingtreatment of the American past, focusing on thelatter half of the 20th century, which at least one historianhas called the age of extremes. This course is intended to putinto historical perspective the dominant public events of thetimes. It comprises an approach to the study of history thatseeks to identify possible connections among many factors—the political, social, and economic trends and culturaldevelopments that have shaped and reshaped our society.Prerequisite: PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3109 CONSTITUTION, SUPREME COURT,AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY 3Introduces the student to major constitutional law decisionsof the Supreme Court in selected areas and also exploresthe role of the Supreme Court in the American governmentsystem and the political impact of its actions. Prerequisite: PLS3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3111 LAW AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 3This is a survey course examining the civil rights of thevarious groups studied including people of color, people withdisabilities, and gays and lesbians. Sex discrimination againstboth women and men will be studied as well. Prerequisite:PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 3113 SOCIAL, CULTURAL, ANDPOLITICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS 3Addresses the interaction of law and business and the societalissues that must be a part of successful and responsiblebusiness activities. Prerequisite: PLS 3001 and PLS 3002.PLS 4998 SENIOR PROJECT A 3A consecutive two-quarter course which is intended to serveas the capstone of the BA program. The course providesstudents the opportunity to thoroughly explore and researcha topic of their choice within their area of emphasis and writea lengthy essay on their findings and conclusions. The courseis divided into two quarters. The first quarter, Senior ProjectA, is dedicated to selecting a topic, conducting research,receiving feedback and assistance in writing, and draftingsections of what will become the final product.PLS 4999 SENIOR PROJECT B 3A continuation and conclusion of Senior Project A. (Seeabove.) Students concentrate on drafting, revising, andpolishing their essay complete with appropriate bibliographyand footnotes according to APA guidelines.106 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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