J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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CDV 5245 CLINICAL ISSUES IN CAREER COUNSELING 3Students will learn about some of the more common issuesthat come up in career counseling including depression, lossand grief, family influences, addictions, and the impact ofthe counselor’s own issues. Through information and in-classexercises, class will focus on practical applications.CDV 5250 GROUP WORK IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT 3A review of when and how groups can be useful in theworkplace and in career centers for assessment, counseling,job support, and motivation. Group dynamics, adult learningmodels, and skills for leading and facilitating groups willbe addressed through role play, a team project, and guestspeakers. Ethical guidelines for group leaders will beaddressed.CDV 5255 DEVELOPING A BUSINESS CONSULTING PRACTICE 3Explores requirements of developing a consulting practicefrom targeting customers to financing to marketing newventures. The attributes of successful entrepreneurs areexamined so students can determine their appropriateness tostarting their own business. Other topics include establishingfees, determining physical space and environmental needs,legal aspects, forms of business, and acquiring new business.CDV 5700 SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP 1–6Students who live in the San Francisco Bay Area will begintheir internship at the university’s Career Center. Subsequentinternships will occur at external sites such as businesses,colleges, universities, or nonprofit organizations. Studentswho live outside the Bay Area will take all their internshipunits at a site in their local area. Students gain experience inareas including individual counseling, career assessments,group facilitation, and career center management under theguidance of a supervisor. Master’s students take a total of 10internship units; post-graduate certificate students take a totalof 3 internship units. Consent of the program chair is requiredfor this course.CDV 5810 PLANNING, CONDUCTING, ANDEVALUATING WORKSHOPS 3Theories and methods of teaching and training adults.Students are taught how to design workshop materials andwrite workshop goals and objectives and are introduced tomarketing techniques and assessment models. The design ofa workshop is undertaken as a class project.CDV 5900 TOPICS IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT 1–3These one-day workshops explore theories and applicationsof career development. Topics vary according to studentinterest and have included managing career change, specialpopulations, and the integration of career and personalcounseling.CDV 5991 RESEARCH IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT 2Focuses on career development research, aiding studentsin proposal development, and in building their skill base.Includes a process of framing a research question, developinga proposal, and gathering, analyzing, and synthesizinginformation and communicating results. Students will be ableto develop their own area of interest and will be encouragedto explore new frontiers in career development throughtheoretical and practical application.CDV 5992 PROPOSAL RESEARCH AND EVALUATION 2Students develop a written proposal based on research fora final project of their choice. Helps students formulate astatement of intent for CDV 5993. The proposal must becompleted prior to registering for CDV 5993. Prerequisite:CDV 5991.CDV 5993 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION 2This final project completes the program in careerdevelopment. Students design, implement, and evaluatean original project that results in a service or instrumentcontributing to the career development field. Prerequisite:CDV 5992.CDV 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT 1–6To be arranged with consent of instructor and approval of thedean. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.CDV 9000 PROGRAM ORIENTATION WORKSHOP 0Orientation to the university and School of Managementpolicies and procedures; plan student program and introduceconcept of competencies and building a portfolio. Fieldstudy students will be sent a packet to read and discuss withprogram chair. Complete in first quarter.CDV 9001 CORE COMPETENCY EVALUATION WORKSHOP 0Determine student’s progress in acquiring requiredcompetencies; set new learning goals; establish plans forexternal fieldwork, final project, and post graduation. Fieldstudies students must meet with program chair during theirfirst summer residency. All students must complete thisworkshop before enrolling in CDV 5700.CDV 9002 FINAL EVALUATION WORKSHOP 0Assessment of learned competencies and skills; submission offinal portfolio. Field studies students may complete throughdiscussion with the program chair. Complete within the lasttwo quarters of enrollment before graduation.104 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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