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JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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BUS 5900 TOPICS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1–3Topics vary according to student interest. Past topics includeentrepreneurship and innovation and community issues thataffect managers. May be repeated for credit with a change oftopic.BUS 5995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1–6To be arranged with consent of instructor and approval of thedean. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.BUS 5905 TOPICS IN E-COMMERCE 3This course provides an opportunity for a more detailedinvestigation into various aspects of e-commerce. This coursemay be repeated for credit with a change of topic.CAREER DEVELOPMENT [CDV] COURSESCDV 5001 PHILOSOPHY OF WORK 3Philosophical examination of work and changing viewsregarding work. Examine work values as related to cultureand socioeconomic status as well as the relationship betweenwork, family, leisure, and education. Explore and developone’s own philosophy of work and how this may influenceworking with clients as a career counselor.CDV 5020 THEORIES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT 3Study of major theorists such as John Holland, Don Super,and Anne Roe, applying their ideas practically to careercounseling. Covers current challenges to existing theories andexplains emerging issues and trends.CDV 5030 WORKPLACE ISSUES AND TRENDS 3An integrative approach to understanding the global, national,and regional workplace of today as it transitions to meet the21st-century challenges; recognition and integration of thisinformation for career counseling professionals. Examineslabor market information, how to find and use it with clients,in studying all sectors of the economy.CDV 5045 CAREER PLANNING RESOURCES 2An overview and hands-on utilization of the resourcesnecessary to research and conduct a job search. Learnhow to utilize relevant information in the career decisionmaking process. Topics include career information systems,networking, informational interviewing, Career Centerresources.CDV 5061 CAREER COUNSELING FOR DIVERSE POPULATIONS 3Techniques, resources, and appropriate processes forcounseling people from diverse backgrounds includingpeople defined by their ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, anddisabilities. Students gain awareness of the complex issuesfacing these clients and of the resources available for practicalapplication in counseling.CDV 5080 CAREER DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUESAND PRACTICES 1–3Seminars in a variety of practical and current aspects ofcareer development including clinical issues affecting careerdevelopment, advanced assessment instruments, adulttransitions, creative decision making, and job search resourcedevelopment.CDV 5085 BASICS OF RESUME WRITING 1This course explores resume writing from the careercounselor’s perspective. Topics include styles of resumes(e.g., chronological, functional, and combination), necessary/unnecessary information, aesthetics, language usage, anddivision of labor between counselor and client.CDV 5088 TECHNOLOGY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT 1The role of technology in assessment, career counseling,virtual career services, and private practice will be addressed.Ethical and legal guidelines as provided by the professionalassociations will be reviewed.CDV 5089 INTERVIEWING SKILLS 1This course examines how career counselors coach theirclients for successful interviews. Topics include types ofinterviews, preparation, appearance, salary negotiations,follow-up, possible interview questions, and commoninterview mistakes.CDV 5100 ASSESSMENT APPROACHES IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT 3Function of career assessment tools in the career counselingprocess and in employee development programs.Topics include standards for test selection, construction,administration, and interpretation.CDV 5190 ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACHESTO CAREER DEVELOPMENT 3Examines how corporations use career development servicesand interventions as motivational and retention tools andhow not-for-profit organizations help their clients to be moresuccessful and satisfied in their work lives. Guest speakersoffer real-time examples to show how career developmentimproves the alignment between individuals and workplaces.CDV 5230 CAREER COUNSELING INTERVIEW 3An examination of the techniques of client-counselorinterviewing including setting goals, opening and closingthe interview, and developing the ability to determine andunderstand the client’s goals. Prerequisite: CDV 5100.CDV 5240 PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION PRACTICUM 3This practicum provides students with extensive handsonexperience. Students focus on one client for the entirequarter. The client may receive a thorough assessmentincluding standardized and non-standardized tests, resumecreation, job search strategy development, and follow-up.Students participate in individual and group case analysis.Prerequisites: CDV 5230.SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 103

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