J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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BUS 5191 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKING AND SYSTEMS 3Explores the fundamentals of essential e-commerce infrastructurein technology and services from the managerialperspective including database organization and applications,telecommunications networks, and electronic transactionsystems.BUS 5192 E-COMMERCE MARKETING 3Investigates development and applications for data mining,intelligent agents, segmentation, new product development,distribution, pricing, forecasting, alliance building, andcompetitive advantage to e-commerce business-to-businessmarkets.BUS 5193 E-COMMERCE PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW 3Examines the government policy, public interest, and legalissues of the Internet globally including applications forintellectual property rights, challenges to privacy and security,control, and taxation of transactions.BUS 5194 MANAGING OPERATIONS FOR E-COMMERCE 3Explores the supply-chain logistics and supportingmechanisms including online auctions by which competitivee-commerce solutions are realized for the customer. Identifiesand examines the technology and services required foroptimal delivery.BUS 5220 GREEN ECONOMICS 3This course examines financial and business decision makingfrom a global business perspective with an emphasis onsustainable development. Subjects explore include integratingeconomic success with environmental quality and socialequity, social and environmental impacts, global economicinfluences, and sustainable management.BUS 5263 FINANCING NEW VENTURES 3Examines the concepts and institutions involved inentrepreneurial finance and private equity markets. Thiscourse reviews and evaluates major sources of fundingincluding venture capital firms, informal investors, banks,investment banks, suppliers, buyers, and various governmentsources. Topics explored include valuation, “guerrilla”financing, joint ventures and strategic alliances, privateplacements, forms of buyouts, and IPOs.BUS 5280 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 3Provides students with a working knowledge of variousfinancial instruments (such as bonds, stocks, and othermarketable securities), how markets for these instrumentsoperate, and the processes used to make investmentdecisions. Type, size, and timing of investments are covered.The knowledge gained is applicable to corporate, personal,and institutional investing. Prerequisite: BUS 5020.BUS 5385 CULTURES AND COMPARATIVE MANAGEMENT STYLES 3This course examines business customs and practices inforeign countries with a primary focus on Europe and thePacific Basin. Topics include cross-national comparisons ofthe impact of culture on management approaches and stylesof negotiation and operation.BUS 5420 DEVELOPING A BUSINESS CONSULTING PRACTICE 3Explores requirements of developing a consulting practicefrom targeting customers to financing to marketing newventures. The attributes of successful entrepreneurs areexamined so students can determine their appropriateness tostarting their own business. Other topics include establishingfees, determining physical space and environmental needs,legal aspects, forms of business, and acquiring new business.BUS 5450 EMERGING MODELS OF BUSINESS 3An examination of management experiments beingsuccessfully carried out by a growing number oforganizations, the “vanguard management” of organizationscommitted to optimal organizational performance andemployee satisfaction.BUS 5455 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ORGANIZATIONALTRANSFORMATION 3This course considers the importance in the global economy.Students analyze how transformation occurs in both businessand educational organizations, organizational culture, and personaltransformation.BUS 5460 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES, MYTHS, AND VALUES 3Teaches students how to understand organizations andtheir cultures, how to analyze an organization’s presentposition and extrapolate its future, and assess and uncoverits underlying assumptions and beliefs. Specific organizationsand situations are used as course material.BUS 5475 STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONAND TEAM BUILDING 3This course examines interpersonal communication fromanalytical, critical, and practical perspectives. The focus is onunderstanding the subtleties of interpersonal communicationincluding interaction patterns, word bias, values, nonverbalbehavior, tone and personal perceptions, and the role ofleadership in self-managed teams.BUS 5480 PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL CONSULTING 3Designed to help the student understand the nature oforganizational consulting and the differences between thepractice of internal and external consulting. The courseworkintegrates managerial, psychological, and transformationalmethodologies. Students also study the different phases oforganizational consulting and learn how to achieve theirrespective goals.BUS 5485 TOPICS IN ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3Provides an opportunity for more detailed investigation intothe various aspects of organizational leadership. Topics haveincluded work group facilitation and systems thinking inorganizations. May be repeated for credit with a change oftopic.BUS 5800 BUSINESS INTERNSHIP 1–3This course provides students the opportunity to explorespecific job functions by interning at companies andobserving people performing those jobs. Students mayexperience administrative, operations, marketing, sales,finance, technology, and other departments in variouscapacities.102 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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