J o h n F K e n n e d y U n i v e r s i t y

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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BUS 4450 EMERGING MODELS OF BUSINESS 3Explores management experiments being successfully carriedout by growing number of organizations, the “vanguardmanagement” of organizations committed to optimalorganizational performances, and employee satisfaction.BUS 4460 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES, MYTHS, AND VALUES 3Examines organizations and their cultures, how to analyzean organization’s present position and extrapolate its future,and how to assess and uncover its underlying assumptionsand beliefs. Specific organizations and situations are used ascourse material.BUS 4475 STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNICATIONAND TEAM BUILDING 3Examines interpersonal communication from analytical,critical, and practical perspectives. The focus is onunderstanding the subtleties of interpersonal communicationincluding interaction patterns, word bias, values, nonverbalbehavior, tone and personal perceptions, and the role ofleadership in self-managed teams.BUS 4485 TOPICS IN ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3Provides an opportunity for more detailed investigation intothe various aspects of organizational leadership. Topics haveincluded work group facilitation and systems thinking inorganizations. May be repeated for credit with a change oftopic.BUS 4800 BUSINESS INTERNSHIP 1–3Provides students the opportunity to explore specificjob functions by interning at companies and observingpeople performing those jobs. Students may experienceadministrative operations, marketing, sales, finance,technology, and other departments in various capacities.BUS 4900 TOPICS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 3Topics vary according to student interest. Past topics haveincluded nonprofit management, total quality management,and women, money, and empowerment. May be repeated forcredit with a change of topic.BUS 4992 CASE STUDIES IN ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 3Using case studies, students apply theory and experienceto analyze practical business problems, develop solutions,and recommend courses of action. Emphasis is on oral andwritten communication of results. Prerequisite: completion ofall core requirements.BUS 4995 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1–6To be arranged with consent of instructor and approval of thedean. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.BUS 4996 PRACTICUM 1 3The course demonstrates a student’s acquired knowledge,integrative skills, and the readiness to progress tograduate work. Practicum 1 requires the student to writea detailed proposal for a practicum project including aproject description, the rationale for undertaking it, levelof complexity undertaken, the methodology that willbe employed, the resources and sources to be used, abibliography of theoretical references and data sources, andcompetencies to be demonstrated. Minimum competenciesmust be demonstrated. At the end of the proposal phase, thestudent will make a presentation of the written proposal tothe Practicum Panel that the student has recruited. Minimumrepresentation on the practicum panel includes a facultyadvisor and at least one faculty member with expertise in theproject subject area or an external professional with graduatelevelacademic qualifications. Written approval of the projectproposal must be completed in order for the student toprogress to Practicum 2.BUS 4997 PRACTICUM 2 3The course demonstrates a student’s acquired knowledge,integrative skills, and the readiness to progress to graduatework. Practicum 2 requires the student to complete theproject using the approved methodology outlined in Part 1,submit a written report of Project outcomes, make an oralpresentation to the Practicum Panel, and complete a reflectionpaper of the project process. The reflection paper discussescompetencies demonstrated in the project, how theoriesand knowledge from prior coursework were applied, howthe project might have been improved, and how it could beexpanded or continued to the next level of performance.GRADUATE COURSESBUS 5000 MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS 3Analyzes business needs for managerial communicationincluding meetings, conferences, and general informationdissemination and reporting and determines appropriatemethods. Course covers business proposals, reports,and executive summaries and provides practice in oralpresentation. Prerequisite: successful completion of KEPET orBUS 2400.BUS 5008 QUANTITATIVE TOOLS FOR LEADERSHIP 3This course will introduce students to quantitative methodsfor business and leadership. Students will get acquaintedwith spreadsheet modeling, descriptive statistics, performancemeasures, stochastic systems, probability distributions,confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, forecasting,correlation, regression analysis, and simulation. The intentof this course is to introduce students to these methods, givehands-on experience in solving small problems in class, andhelp students apply these methods to everyday businessproblems using Microsoft Excel. In addition, students willlearn how to organize, analyze, interpret, and present datausing statistical methods in order to make sound decisionsthat advance our understanding of relevant problems orprocesses.BUS 5020 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 3This course explores the financial function of thecontemporary business enterprise. Introduction to theoriesof financial management including cost of capital, financialleverage, capital structure, dividend policy, long-termcapital, working capital, and financial analysis and planning.Prerequisite: BUS 5096.BUS 5025 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 3Introduction to human resources management includingtheories of motivation, functions of manager and staff,techniques for improving the match between individuals andthe organization, and encouraging individual growth anddevelopment.100 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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