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JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

JFK University Catalog 2006-2007 - John F. Kennedy University

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a user of information systems, and as a future decision makerconcerned with the acquisition, application, and control ofbusiness information systems.BUS 3041 STATISTICS AND RESEARCH APPLICATIONS 3Concepts and applications of statistics including probability,estimation, and hypotheses testing of means and proportions;sampling techniques; correlation and regression analysis;chi-square tests; and the nature, purpose, and applications ofresearch. Prerequisite: successful completion of mathematicsexam (UME) or algebra portion of QRT or BUS 3180.BUS 3043 E-COMMERCE AND BUSINESS 3Introduces business-to-business e-commerce uses anddirections with a global perspective. Various business cases ofsuccessful and developing ventures are examined for viabilityand competitive edge.BUS 3151 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 3This course examines and critiques models of organizationaldesign and the present and potential effectiveness. Studentsexplore trends in a multicultural domestic and global societyand study the impact of the development and evolution oforganizations and employment.BUS 3153 HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANAGEMENT 3This course traces the impact of U.S. history on management.Various business management styles such as flattenedhierarchies, visual, and self-managing teams are introduced.Students are given a historical basis for understanding theirevolution and get a contextual sense of how history ofdifferent management styles affect today’s diverse and globalworkplace.BUS 3160 DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS 3Provides students the opportunity to explore how diversitycan add value to the work experience. Through learningabout other cultures, students understand how culturaldifferences can become a strength and opportunity fornew ways of working. Processes for effective cross-culturalcommunication, team building, and valuing diversity in theworkplace are presented.BUS 3168 COMMUNITY ISSUES WHICH IMPACTTODAY’S MANAGER 3Today’s manager is affected by many factors outside theconfines of the office. This course explores some of the issuesincluding drug use and random drug testing, communitygrowth vs. no-growth mandates, transportation measures thataffect the workplace (e.g., carpooling and public transit),and the interaction between the public and private businesssectors.BUS 3170 GROUP DYNAMICS 3Focuses on the process and techniques of verbal andnonverbal resolution to help students develop insights andskills to enhance interpersonal effectiveness in groups.Aspects of team building and group leadership skills areaddressed.BUS 3180 MATH FOR MANAGERS 3Introduces simple mathematics and quantitative reasoningfoundations. Includes algebra, word problems, andprobability and practical applications in business situations.BUS 3196 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION 3Focuses on the systematic and creative elements ofentrepreneurial innovation. Students consider theopportunity sources that give birth to entrepreneurialthinking, the elements of entrepreneurial management, anda number of the most successful strategies in new businessdevelopment. The course also links basic concepts in thefield to management practices in entrepreneurial firms andto U.S. companies’ efforts to become globally competitive.Prerequisite: BUS 3151.BUS 3210 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 3Provides students with a working knowledge of variousfinancial instruments (such as bonds, stocks, and othermarketable securities), the ways in which markets forthese instruments operate, and the processes used to makeinvestment decisions. Type, size, and timing of investmentsare covered. The knowledge gained is applicable tocorporate, personal and institutional investing.BUS 3260 NONPROFIT FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING 3Accounting and financial management of nonprofitorganizations including educational and health servicesorganizations, specific foundations, and community-basedorganizations. Prerequisite: BUS 2001 or equivalent.BUS 3265 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING A 3First of a two-part sequence of courses in intermediateaccounting designed for accounting-specialization students.This course is an in-depth study of accounting theory,practice, and problems; generally accepted accountingprinciples; reconciliations; inventory valuation; and balancesheets. Prerequisite: BUS 2001 or equivalent.BUS 3266 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING B 3Continuation of BUS 3265. Further in-depth study inaccounting theory, practice, and problems; valuation ofliabilities; stockholders’ equity; retained earnings; revenues;income taxes; leases; and statements of cash flow.Prerequisite: BUS 3265.BUS 3300 STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 3This course helps to create and implement an effectivestrategic plan using a simple, seven-phase process that coverseverything from defining the mission and setting the courseto initiating, monitoring, and streamlining the plan.BUS 3400 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS I 3A review of basic writing skills and effective communicationtechniques for diverse situations. Emphasizes writtencommunication in a business environment. Prerequisite:successful completion of writing exam (UWE), BUS 2400, or 6units of lower-division composition.BUS 3401 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS II 3Continuation of BUS 3400. Addresses both verbal andnonverbal communication with an emphasis on businesspresentations, cross-cultural communications, and discussiongroup leadership. Prerequisite: BUS 3400.BUS 3403 SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS 1Proficiencies with a variety of software applications andpersonal computing devices are critical for businesscommunications or analysis. In workshop format, students98 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTJOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY

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