Alumni News

January 2010 Special Edition - Bellin College

January 2010 Special Edition - Bellin College

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<strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>News</strong>SPECIAL EDITIONJANUARY 2010New Name, New Program,New BuildingBy Dr. V. Jane Muhl/President & CEOThe College has begun its secondcentury with the addition of a newhealth science program, a new name,and a new campus! What a perfecttime to kick-off the new alumni newsletterentitled: Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong><strong>News</strong>. Our name, Bellin College, reflectsthat in addition to the baccalaureateand master’s degrees in nursing, wehave added the baccalaureate degreein the radiologic sciences, starting inSeptember 2009.We had much to celebrate this pastyear with the dedication of ournew home as we observed our 100thanniversary! As we look to our futurewe will remain committed to our valuesof Excellence, Integrity, Community andCaring.Featured Topics• The 3 “NEWs”• <strong>Alumni</strong> Transition• Featured <strong>Alumni</strong>• After the Classroom• Exciting Lab Changes• <strong>Alumni</strong> Reception• Scholarships• Event Invitation & Savethe datesBellin College is located on abeautiful 17 acre campus inGreen Bay, Wisconsin. As <strong>Alumni</strong>,you are well aware that this is ourfirst stand-alone campus! The sizeof the new campus will enable usto build our student body from300 to 600 students. If you havenot already, I urge you to visit ourcampus. I look forward to seeingyou on campus, and often.In this special edition newsletter,you will find invitations to twoevents. One is on Friday, May 7,2010 for a Senior Social BreakfastBuffet, honoring our newest graduates.The other is an all class reunionon Thursday, September 9, 2010,honoring all of you. Please see thedetails within this newsletter.No More Duesto be PART of the<strong>Alumni</strong> Crew!The <strong>Alumni</strong> Council, which was formerlycalled the <strong>Alumni</strong> Association, has amission, and that is to promote leadershipdevelopment, traditions, and a senseof community spirit. The “association”has transitioned to the “council”. Plusalumni relations is an actual departmentwithin the College! Several changes haveoccurred here at Bellin College, but theone important change that all the alumniwill need to keep in mind is:No more dues to be part of the alumni crew!All graduates from our nursing and radiologicscience programs areBellin College <strong>Alumni</strong>.The council’s ongoing goal is to bridgethe gap between our current BellinCollege students and the Bellin College<strong>Alumni</strong> and Friends. All members onthe council work together to provideguidance and support in event planningand to present new, exciting ideas in allaspects of alumni. Below are the dedicatedmembers of the council:Kathy Altergott (Pehlke) ‘63Cheryl Cadieux (VandeHei) ‘97Christine Clarksen (Beyer) ‘91Kathie DeMuth (Gee) ‘93Laura Hieb (Hallgren) ‘89Lillie Morton ‘83Patti Pevonka ‘05Marcia Salm (Wiercinski) ‘70Dianne Smith (Tonnon) ‘70Nathan Wallenfang ‘07Patricia Walsh ‘91Donna Zelazoski (Hendershot) ‘69The next event that the council is hostingwill be for our 2010 graduating class onthe morning of Friday, May 7. See thedetails in our “Save the Date” section inthis newsletter on page 7.Thank you for all your continued support!This special edition of Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>News</strong> is inspired by the previousalumni newsletter titled: “Bellin Briefs”.A special thank you to all that took part in creation of the past <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>News</strong>letters!Marcia Salm (Class of 1970)

Page 2Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong> haveteamed up with the Friends ofHaiti, Inc. to extend friendshipand support to the people of a5th world.Donna Zelazoski (Team Leaderof the Kress Birthing Center atBellin Hospital) and her daughterAnne Zelazoski (Staff Nurseon the Hematology, Oncology,Transplant Unit at the Children’sHospital of WI) have becomeregular travelers to Thomazeau,Haiti. In October, 2009 Donnaparticipated in her 8th missionand Anne in her 6th mission.Donna said, “Haiti is the poorestcountry in the Western Hemisphereand medical care forthe people we serve is minimalto non existent. The care andmedications we provide, are theonly received throughout theiryear. We are always welcomedand thanked by grateful communitiesand people.”Numerous people from theGreen Bay area and across thecountry who are involved withFriends of Haiti, Inc. say that themissions to Haiti are rewardingand it is a wonderful opportunityto share the many blessingswe have. The Zelazoski’s havehad the privilege to work withtwo other Bellin College grads,Casey Thompson,Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong>,Mother and Daughter Travel to HaitiAnne Zelazoski, class of 2006 and her mother, Donna (Hendershot)Zelazoski, class of 1969 teamed up with Friends of Haiti Inc. to completeone of several missions to Thomazeau, Haiti.class of 2006 and Sara Brown,class of 2009. Donna states, “Itis wonderful to know you havehelped and it is wonderful toshare time caring for people togetheras a mom and daughterand as Bellin College graduates!”The work that the volunteersdo is predominantly primaryHaiti Spring 2007,Donna Zelazoski holding a newborn.care, but does include someurgent and emergent work.Donna said, “Occasionally wewill get the opportunity todeliver babies!”Donna and Anne lead variouscomponents of the overallproject. There are extensivehours of preparation involved.All the medical supplies andmedications travel rightalong with the Zelazoski’s orshipped in advance. Donnasaid, “It is amazing how creativeand innovative our teamis with the supplies we do have.Once we used dental flossinstead of suture to remove anextra digit!! We make do withwhat we have.”Donna and Anne add “Weboth feel tremendous satisfactionout of knowing we havehelped so many people!” Learnhow you might help, call Donnaat (920)-468-4786.Life After The Classroom...Class of 1970 - Margaret (Peggy) Dunn Gauthier is currently president elect of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates. Shewill assume the position of president in May 2010. SGNA has over 8,000 national and international members with its primary purpose beingeducation. Peggy has been a member during her 31 years of GI Nursing. Her presidential theme is: Linking practice and care, courage,confidence and collaboration.Class of 1998 - Chris Anibal is currently completing his master’s degree to become a Family Nurse Practitioner.Class of 2003 - Jennifer Hafner (Olson) is a staff nurse at the New Beginnings Birthing Center, of Aspirus Wausau Hospital. Co-Author ofthe International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications titled, “Implementation of Standardized Nomenclature in the ElectronicMedical Record”. Michelle Pinchart (Vickman) was married in October 2009.Class of 2008 - Becky Bobber (Borchardt) is currently working as a RN on the surgical services floor at Appleton Medical Center and is expectingher first child due in May. Jo Ann Turiff (Phillips) was married in August 2008. Lauren Fischer is currently working as a RN at MayoClinic and will be married in June 2010.Class of 2009 - Erin Rusch (Woelfel) was married in October 2008.

Bellin College LabChangesBellin College is movingforward and advancing in technologiesacross the board! Notonly do we have a new name,new campus, and new programin Radiologic Sciences, but wehave new Health Science Labs.The labs are located in thelower level of the campus andconsist of: Two skills labs, twohealth assessment labs, tworadiology labs, simulation area,and practice lab.Students will benefit greatlyfrom the advancements of thelabs. When they graduate andface the real health care workforce,they will be more thanready to take on what comestheir way. Student, Jamie Sokolsays, “The labs at the new campusreally are quite impressiveand a significant upgrade fromthe labs at the old hospital location.It was awesome walkinginto the new labs knowing youwouldn’t be bumping into yourclassmates everytime you tooka step. The best part, I wouldsay, is definitely the simulationlabs. The learning resources wehave available now are technologicallysuperior compared tothe overused equipment theschool had been using previously.The manikins are so lifelike and enable our instructorsto simulate real life situations oreven a potential patient crisis.I think this is the best hands onapproach to learning before webegin actual patient care.”Bellin College had an openhouse to the public in September2009 and the labs were definitelya highlight, especially to formerJamie Sokol (Junior) says“The labs are quite impressiveand a significant upgrade...”Students shown in the newHealth Assessment Labstudents. Kathy Altergott,class of 1963 said, “All of ourpracticing was done on eachother or the real patient.Times have changed dramatically.I would not trade myBellin College experience foranything!”The College has made everyeffort to enhance studentlearning and experiencethrough the incorporationof simulation with two highfidelity simulation manikins.Our Health Science ResourceCenter Coordinator, KarenVan Beek said, “ With our skillsBellin College ScholarshipsPage 3and health assessment areas,students are able to gain handson experience with variousprocedures and skills they willbe performing as either an RNor Radiology Technician. Oursimulation area takes this stepfurther, allowing for interactive,realistic management ofpatients in a safe environment.”Check out www.bellincollege.edu for more information onthe labs.The Bellin College scholarshipsare an important part ofour student’s education. Manyof you received support fromthem and greatly appreciatedthe generosity of our donors asdo our current students. LinsayDorsey was awarded the BellinCollege <strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarship thisyear. Dorsey wrote a sincerethank you to Marcia Salm (classof 1970, who has representedthe <strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarship formany years) that read, “Thankyou so much for your supportand generous donation of theBellin <strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarship. Yourconnection to Bellin College isgreatly appreciated. I love thisprogram more and more aswe progress and I am lookingforward to working as a nursein the near future. Thank you somuch!”The ongoing brick campaign hascontributed to the <strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarshipand it has been a success!To date we have approximately$9,000 of proceeds that has supportedthe <strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarshipof which, $5,000 was awarded in2009.The very smallest gifts can combineto have a huge impact. Detailsof our “small is BIG” campaignare on the pages to follow (Pg. 5).With the support of campaignssuch as this, we are hoping thescholarship will grow to supportseveral of our future students!Picture above is of a memory brickfrom our garden pathway

Page 4Big Smiles at theBellin College<strong>Alumni</strong> ClassReunionThe 2009 <strong>Alumni</strong> ClassReunion was held on Thursday,September 10th, in the BellinCollege atrium. The eventturned out to be a great successwith over 200 guests.During the event the <strong>Alumni</strong>had the option to go in front ofcamera and tell their cherishedmemories of becoming a nurse.The stories are posted on ourwebsite: www.bellincollege.edualong with the pictures fromthe evening.Mark your calendars for thenext <strong>Alumni</strong> All Class Reunion,which will be on Thursday,September 9th in the BellinCollege Atrium. Watch for yourinvitation!We were the first class thatdidn’t have to stand up atattention everytime a doctorcame to the desk.”Joan Anderson Emst ‘50“My tuition cost was $150. It wastough for my mother to scrapethat together. If it wasn’t for thechickens and eggs we wouldn’t havepulled it off.”Blanche Chilla Dudek ‘43On August 14, 2008, a veryspecial Endowed Scholarshipwas started in memory of ayoung girl named Nikki Kehm.Cathy & Jim Kehm who arethe parents of Nikki and hergrandmother, Mrs. Batchelder,met with the Bellin CollegePresident, Jane Muhl to telltheir story and why starting anEndowed Scholarship was soimportant to them.2009 Class ReunionShown Above: <strong>Alumni</strong> from the Class of 1950Endowed Scholarship Tiedto an Unforgettable StoryNikki was a 16 year old with bigdreams to become an obstetricsnurse, but her dreams tragicallycame to an end when a drunkendriver hit Nikki as she walkedNikki Kehm12/30/1991-7/1/2008Bellin College<strong>Alumni</strong> Shared MemoriesWe worked really hard,studied really hard,and played really hard! I wouldn’ttrade the three years living in thedorm for anything in the world.Riding back & forth to UWGB in theBlue Goose topped it all off!”Kathy Pehlke Altergott ‘63Once you got your cap, youwere all set!”Blanche Chilla Dudek ‘43along a rural highway, killingher instantly. Cathy Kehmonce said, “from the time shewas a toddler, Nikki wanted tobe a nurse. She would spendhours taking care of her dolls,pretending that they were herpatients. On July 1, 2008 herlife was stolen from her by adrunk driver. On her driverspermit she had marked ‘organdonor’. Nikki was so badly“We didn’t have a lot ofteachers. We only had16 students in class.”Lavern Kreutzman Laga ‘45“I recall we could not be married,could not wear slacks, and alwayshad to wear a white uniform dress, acap and clean white shoes.”Corrine Christensen Roscoe ‘50injured her wish could not befulfilled. Thus we have decidedto honor her memory by helpingothers achieve their goal ofbecoming a nurse.”Nikki will always be a part ofBellin College through the workof our students who receive thebenefits of this heart-touchingscholarship.

Page 5Dear <strong>Alumni</strong>,The year of 1909 was the beginning of many cherishedmemories and accomplishments for our alumni. This is when BellinCollege was founded. The college embraces the 100 years of historyby making current students aware of the Bellin College timeline andit’s importance.The second century has begun with a new name, new beautifulcampus and a new “small is BIG” theory of giving to create newscholarships for our students! With the holidays just past, many ofus will reflect upon the things in life for which we are grateful. One ofthose things is Bellin College.Let’s work together and put our theory to the test!Will you give $19.09 to Bellin College today?A positive response to this question will tell us that our “small isBIG” theory is a force to be reckoned with. <strong>Alumni</strong> like you will respondwith individual gifts of every size for many purposes. Overtime and in combination with countless other donors, your smallgifts will have a major impact!“Small is BIG” Theory...Small Gifts Will have a Major Impact!Please circle your gift purpose...<strong>Alumni</strong> Scholarship FundNew Campus FundCollege Operations**If you would like details on how to begin an Endowedor Annual Scholarship in honor or in memory of someoneplease call Ph#: (920) 433-6654Thank You for Your Gift!Please make checks payableto: Bellin College3201 Eaton RoadGreen Bay 54311Credit CardVisa OR Mastercard________________________Expiration date:______________

Page 6Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong>,Let’s Catch Up!Keep us informed of what’s new in your life!Have you recently moved, gotten married,had a child, started a new job or progressed inyour career? We want to know! Complete anddetach the form below and mail it to:Bellin CollegeDevelopment/<strong>Alumni</strong> Relations3201 Eaton RoadGreen Bay, WI 54311ORGo green & e-mail your responseto:alumni@bellincollege.eduLet’s Catch Up!Please share your personal or professional news that will be printed in the next <strong>Alumni</strong> newsletter“Life After the Classroom” section. Please print clearly!Include your address, phone number, and e-mail on the lines provided below.**If married please include your maiden name & married name**Receive Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>News</strong> Electronically? YES or NO (please circle)My e-mail address is: ______________________________________Deadline to submit for April newsletter is: Monday, March 1, 2010

Page 7All <strong>Alumni</strong> are invited!Senior Social Breakfast BuffetFriday, May 7, 20108:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.St. Brendan’s InnGreen Bay, WI• Sponsor a senior• Special speaker• Enjoy the breakfast buffet~<strong>Alumni</strong> Senior Sponsorship is $20~RSVP by Friday, April 30thCall Amy Raboin atPh#: 920-433-6654Ask Amy about the details onsponsoring a senior!Save the Date!!<strong>Alumni</strong> Class ReunionThursday, September 9, 2010~Healthy Humor Performance~Special Speakers~<strong>Alumni</strong> Video Memories on Display from the 2009 event~Memorabilia & Tours**Details to follow in the April 2010 <strong>News</strong>letter!**<strong>Alumni</strong> 2009 EventJoyce McCollum, Betty Jameson, & Jane Muhl

Page 8Help give Bellin College an independenthistory of its own!Send us a copy of your yearbook...Or better yet, blow off the dust and donateyour personalized yearbook!The Bellin College <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>News</strong>will be released twice a year afterthis January special edition.Look for yournewsletters in April and October!3201 Eaton RoadGreen Bay, WI 54311(920) 433-6699www.bellincollege.edu*If you have questions or wish to make suggestions for future newsletters, please contactCristy M. Borchardt, Communications and <strong>Alumni</strong> Relations Director at 920-433-6655

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