Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan

Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan

Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan


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Oh io He a l t h Qu a l it y Im p r o v e m e n t Pl a nDeveloping the <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Between January and May 2009, the core SQII team developed a road map for implementing the strategies developed atthe Summit. Initially, their efforts centered on prioritizing strategies; however, there was an immediate recognition thatcreating a truly transformational health system for <strong>Ohio</strong>ans would require work on two fronts. First, transformationalchange would require creating an affordable and sustainable health care financing and delivery system. Second,strategies would need to be implemented to move from a sick-care system to one focused on wellness and health. Theimplementation team also identified critical concepts that are essential for the success of any of the 12 strategies identifiedat the Summit.Collaborative TransformationalStrategiesThe team decided to refocus its attention from the12 strategies to 4 core collaborative transformationalstrategies (CTS):• Patient-centered medical home• <strong>Health</strong> information technology• Payment reform; and• Informed and Activated Patients and Individuals.The team used the following criteria for selecting thefour collaborative transformational strategies (CTS):• Each of these strategies is considered animportant contributor to and factor for thesuccess of the twelve strategies developed at theSummit.• None of the four transformational strategies hasa clear institutional home to provide directionand leadership (as opposed to strategies suchas patient safety and health promotion, bothof which have identified institutional homesPatienttoensure continued ongoing work on thoseCenteredMedicalactivities).Home• The four strategies all have the potential toenhance access to care, including the abilityOHQISto make coverage both more affordable andFig. 2available.• The four strategies are interrelated andcomplementary, building off of each other toward a greater whole.MetricsProcess level Metrics (work progress) System Level Metrics (health outcomes)Vision for <strong>Health</strong>y <strong>Ohio</strong>All <strong>Ohio</strong>ans achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness through access tohigh quality health care, healthy food and activities that stimulate physical, mentaland emotional well-being.All <strong>Ohio</strong>ans have information needed to make cost effective, clinically appropriateand culturally relevant decisions related to prevention of illness and injury and treatmentor care.Affordable andSustainable Financingand Delivery SystemPaymentReform<strong>Health</strong>InformationTechnologyActivatedand Engaged<strong>Ohio</strong>ansCore Collaborative Transformational StrategiesImplementation TeamCore <strong>Plan</strong>ning TeamFocus on <strong>Health</strong> andWellness<strong>Health</strong>y<strong>Ohio</strong>PatientSafetyInstituteUnified LongTerm Care<strong>Ohio</strong>BusinessRoundtablehealthinitiativesWork in Other Areas (examples of state-wide work, not exhaustive)Figure 2 is a graphical representation of the relationship between the “building block” initiatives and how that work couldlead to achieving the Vision for <strong>Health</strong>y <strong>Ohio</strong>.Summit Strategies and Collaborative Transformational StrategiesTo confirm that these four collaborative strategies would support the success of the 12 Summit strategies, the core teamcreated a crosswalk between these two groups of strategies (see figure 3 below). In addition, the table acknowledges thatimportant key work is taking place in other state-level initiatives, including but not limited to: <strong>Health</strong>y <strong>Ohio</strong> within the6

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