Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan

Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan

Ohio Health Quality Improvement Plan


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Appendix IV — Co m m e n t s f r o mStatewide Or g a n iz a t io n s• Patient and physician education on GI health andappropriate use of antibiotic medications• Diabetes handbook<strong>Ohio</strong> Academy of Family Physicians<strong>Ohio</strong> Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) will beworking over the next three months to develop its 2010-2013 strategic plan that includes these strategies and tactics,which are already priorities for the Academy. OAFP wouldbe able to assist in implementation of all these strategiesthrough work on any task forces or committees to helpeducate and communicate with <strong>Ohio</strong>’s family physicians.The top priority for the Council should be to educateprimary care physicians on what the patient-centeredmedical home (PCMH) is; how physicians can transformtheir practices into PCMH; and provide information onthe <strong>Ohio</strong> health information network to assist physiciansin the electronic health record (EHR) conversion. Thisshould take place while payment reform is addressedcorresponding with the PCMH.The four collaborative transformation strategies can beintegrated by focusing on the primary care system:• Primary care physicians will become PCMH witheducation on how to transform their practices andwill also move forward with the EHR conversionbecause it is part of the PCMH and will be willing tomove forward once a health information exchange isestablished• Payment reform will be accomplished with the34integration of PCMH. It is imperative that paymentreform play a paramount role in practice transformationtoward PCMH integration. Without this critical piece ofthe PCMH principles, primary care education and othercollaborative efforts will fail to reach desired outcomes.There will be informed and activated patients and•individuals through effective use of PCMH.<strong>Ohio</strong> Association of Advanced PracticeNursesThe <strong>Ohio</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> offers acohesive and all encompassing proposal to reform <strong>Ohio</strong>’shealth system. Advanced Practice Nurses currently provideprimary care services to tens of thousands of <strong>Ohio</strong>’scitizens. We are experienced in the provision of wellnessand chronic care medical services and prepared to take partas leaders and members of the Patient Centered MedicalHome initiatives in <strong>Ohio</strong>.Patient Centered Medical HomeImplementation of the patient centered medical home ismost crucial to real health care reform. The realization ofthis model of care delivery requires the integration of all ofthe other transformational strategies including IT, PaymentReform, and the Activated Patient. Changes in access andaffordability can be greatly accelerated through the PCMHmodel. The <strong>Ohio</strong> Association of Advanced Practice Nurses,(OAAPN), can assist in providing outreach, education andassistance to APNs in pursuing the PCMH model in theirown health care practices.Payment ReformPayment reform will be elusive, contentious and mostdifficult to pursue since all interested stakeholders arestriving to proceed as they always have in their own selfinterest. <strong>Ohio</strong>’s managed care organizations, public andprivate insurers, hospitals, and physician trade associationshave demonstrated their power and influence with <strong>Ohio</strong>’slegislators in eliminating all budget bill provisions thatcould have promoted cooperation. Is payment reformlikely in such a politically hot environment? Possibly, butit won’t be easy. APNs can be found in independent APNpractices, physician provider and hospital based practices,long term care practices, retail and employer based clinics,and in other settings. Their investment in the status quo isless than most other providers since they are currently paidless for providing similar services with very high quality.The question that must be asked is “Why insurers wouldwant to continue to pay more when they could pay less andget a high quality service?”Council PrioritiesThe top priority for the council should be to proceed withthe implementation of the PCMH for the underserved,underinsured and the poor in <strong>Ohio</strong>. Insurance coveragewithout access is not coverage however and all barriers thatprevent health providers from practicing to the fullest scopeof practice should be removed.OAAPN can assist with the implementation of the PCMHin member practices, assist with needed education of <strong>Ohio</strong>’sAPNs regarding PCMH and encourage APNs to enter theprimary care workforce.OAAPN is also committed to serving on health care policycommittees whose purpose is to pursue positive change inthe delivery of health care services to <strong>Ohio</strong>’s citizens.

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