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4 <strong>bi</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> <strong>ORGANISATION</strong>, <strong>FUNCTIONS</strong> & DUTIESAt the level of Govt.Minister – in – Charge1Commissioner& Secretary to Govt. Haryana,Public Works (B&R) Department.1Special Secretary to Govt. Haryana,Public Works (B&R) Department.1Under secretary to Govt. Haryana,Public Works (B&R) Department.1SuperintendentPublic Works (B&R) Department1AssistantsClerksSTANDING ORDERIn pursuance of Rule 18 and 19 of the rules of business of Govt. of Haryana,1977 framed under Article 166 of the constitution of India, the standing order has beenissued stating the decision/ disposal levels for different type of cases. The followingarrangements have made:-LIST <strong>OF</strong> CASES TO BE DISPOSED <strong>OF</strong> BY MINISTER IN CHARGE PWD ( B&R)HARYANA.1 All cases referable to C.M. under rule 5.11 and 28 of the rules of business of the Govt.of Haryana2. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS1. All Assembly Questions/ Resolutions/ Motions and Legislative measures.2. All Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha questions.3. All important references relating to Assurances / promises made by theMinisters on the floor of the House.4. Replies to be sent to the Estimates Committee and Assurances Committee ofHaryana Vidhan Sabha, involving matters of policy.5. Replies to be sent to the Public Accounts Committee of Vidhan Sabha,involving maters of policy.3 FINANCIAL MATTERS1. Approval of Annual plan / five year plan2. Inclusion of New works in the supplimentary estimates.3. Administrative approval for the purchase of tools, machinery, equipments andplants with cost more than Rs. 5 lacs.

4. Accord of Administrative Approval for the construction / repair / widening /strengthening of Roads , Buildings and bridges etc. with cost more than Rs. 5lacs.5. Sanctioning of remuneration to Class 1 officers.6. Estimates of works/ project etc more than Rs. 5 lacs.4. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS1. Amendment of Rules.2. Formulation of service rules of Gazetted and non-gazetted Govt. employees.3. Framing of Acts / Amendment of Acts.4. Cases involving major change of policy.5. Recruitment, appointment, promotion, confirmation, extension in probation period,transfers, prosecution penalties under rule – 7 or 8 of P&A rules, dismissal, removal,compulsory retirement and extension in service cases Group – B officers.6. Disciplinary action against Group – B officers, and suspension of Group – B officers7. Depuration of Group – B officers to central / other state.8. Training of officers / officials abroad.9. All Cases of representation / expunction of adverse remarks from the confidentialreports of Group-A & B officers.10. Acceptance of resignation/ voluntary retirement of Group-B officers after obtainingstatutory clearance as prescribed by the Government from time to time.11. Regularization of adhoc promotion of Group-B officers after obtaining statutoryclearances as prescribed by the State Government from time to time.12. Appointment of Inquiry Officer and Presenting Officer in case of group – A officers.13. Reviewing Authority to review the ACRs of Engineer- in – Chief, Chief Engineers andSuperintending Engineers and other officers as per the Government instructionsissued from time to time.14. Hearing of appeal/ revision in exercise of the quasi judicial powers vested in the StateGovernment under various Acts/ Rules.15. Forwarding of application of Group A&B officers of Department for various posts withinor outside Haryana but in India.16. Extension of deputation period in accordance with the Government instruction A&B.17. Sanctioning of remuneration of Group-A officers.5. GENERAL MATTERi. Delegation of powers to Engineer–in– Chief, Chief Engineer, SuperintendingEngineer and Executive Engineers.ii. Change of alignments, if it involves policy or major dispute.iii. Annual Administrative Reports.iv. Diversion of funds from one scheme to another scheme to another schemeinvolving policy or major dispute.v. Any other important or policy matter which Financial Commissioner & PrincipalSecretary to Government Haryana, Public Works ( B&R) Department may like tobring to the notice of Minister –in – Charge/ Chief Minister.

LIST <strong>OF</strong> CASES TO BE DISPOSED <strong>OF</strong>F BY <strong>THE</strong> COMMISSIONER ANDSECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT, HARYANA, PUBLIC WORKS (B&R) DEPARTMENT.1. Replies to Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha2. Transfers of buildings from the Department to other Government Departments.3. Departmental charges.4. Budget proposals for inclusion scheme in S.N.E.5. Estimate of works projects etc. upto Rs. 5 lacs.6. Cases relating to disposal or write off unserviceable surplus stock upto 10,000/-7. Retention in service beyond 55 years for Group – B officers.8. Time barred claim cases to be referred to Finance Department.9. Cases involving loss of Govt. stores of money exceeding Rs. 2500/-.10. Writing off losses, stores etc. under Rule 19.15 of PFR.11. All cases to be referred to L.R. and F.D.12. Writ petitions and notices under section 80 CPC / Court cases.13. Payment of compensation enhanced by Courts.14. Initiating Authority of the annual confidential report of Engineer- in – Chief andreviewing authority of ACR of such Group – A and B officers which are initiated bythe Engineer – in – Chief and also accepting authority of these categories ofofficers as per instructions issued from time to time.15. Complaints against all officers/ officials received through Ministers / MPs /MLAsand public.16. Approval of tour programme / casual leave of Head of Department.17. Sanction of TA <strong>bi</strong>lls of Engineer – in – Chief, Haryana.18. Approval of staff car / Govt. vehicle beyond jurisdiction.19. Earned Leave cases of group – A officers.20. Sponsoring of group A&B officers for participation in training courses / conference /workshop etc. within India.21. Pension Gratuity / Leave encashment of group A&B officers.22. Reversions and crossing of or withholding of Efficiency Bar of group - A & Bofficers.23. Diversion of funds from one scheme to another scheme.24. Retirement on superannuation of Group A&B officers.25. Appointment of Inquiry officer and presenting officers in disciplinary of group –Bofficers.26. Declaration of Departmental examination.27. Sanction of casual leave of JSPW/ Special secretary / Deputy Secretary PW.28. Appeal against the order passed by EIC in the disciplinary action against group –A&B officers under the statutory service rules.29. Accord of administrative approval for the construction of roads, buildings andbridges, tools, machinery equipments and plants etc. with cost less than Rs. 5 lacs.30. Any other cases considered important by the special secretary, PWD, B&R / underSecretary PWD (B&R).

LIST <strong>OF</strong> CASES TO DISPOSED <strong>OF</strong>F BY <strong>THE</strong> SPECIAL SECRETARY / JOINTSECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA, PUBLIC WORKS ( B&R) DEPARTMENT.1. Sanctioning of remuneration of Group – B officers.2. Leave cases of Group –B officers.3. Investigation of time barred claims (Gazetted Estt.)4. All case ( Gazetted) relating to G.P. Fund advance coved under rules.5. All cases (Gazetted) relating to Medical reimbursement covered under rules.6. All complaints against all categories of officers /officials.7. Disposal of individual, representation of Group-C and D employees.8. Forwarding of applications of non-gazetted officials for various posts outside HaryanaState.9. Approving terms and conditions of deputations which are in accordance with Govt. rulesand instructions.10. Pay fixation of officers which is done on the advice of Finance Department11. Settlement of audit objections.12. POL Coupons cases.13. Hiring of an-purchase of furniture and type writers/ continuation of hire of officeaccommodation under the provisions of rules or with the advice of Finance department.14. All cases of routine nature which require back references seeking clarifications,information etc.15. All case of routine nature which have not been included in the list of cases to be disposedoff by the Chief Minister/ Commissioner & Secretary to Govt. Haryana, PWD (B&R).16. All cases relating to grant of LTC to Group A&B Officers.17. Grant of NOC for preparation of passport to all categories of employees.18. Tour programme of Branch members.19. Sanction of causal leave of Under Secretary.20. Permission for higher studies to all categories of employees.21. Financial matter involving relaxation in rule / instructions to be referred to FinanceDepartment /Health Department.22. Extension of deputation period in accordance with the Govt. instructions C&D categoryofficials.23. Appeal preferred by the employee of PWD (B&R) Department for whom Engineer – in –Chief is the appointing authority against disciplinary action taken against them or againstadverse remarks in ACRs.LIST <strong>OF</strong> CASES TO BE DISPOSED <strong>OF</strong> BY <strong>THE</strong> UNDER SECRETRY TOGOVERNMENT HARYANA, PUBLIC WORKS (B&R) DEPARTMENT.1. Investigation of time barred claims (non-gazetted establishment)2. Issue of notification /sanctions where the subject matter has been approved.3. All cases (non-gazetted) relating to Medical reimbursement covered under therules.4. All cases (non-gazetted) relating to G.P. fund advance covered under the rules5. Installation of telephones in case of entitled categories/officers/officials.6. Sanction of remuneration of Group-C &D employees.7. Filing of written reply/statement in court on behalf of Government.

8. Calling comments on the replies to the charge-sheets/SCNs/representations byGroup A&B Officers.9. Distribution of works amongst the Branch Members with the approval ofspecial/Joint Secretary to Government Haryana PWD B&R Department.10. Defence sanction of Court cases.11. Sanction of C/L of Deputy Supdt./Superintendent.12. To obtain report/comments from the Department except important cases, whichwould be submitted to Special Secretaries/Joint Secretaries.13. To write to EIC in respect of observations made by FD/CS/Vig/.L.R etc., if anyLIST <strong>OF</strong> CASES ATO BE DISPOSED <strong>OF</strong> BY <strong>THE</strong> DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT/SUPERINTENDENT, P.W.D.(B&R) DEPARTMENT.1. Issue of reminders.2. Filing of interim reply.3. Sanction of casual leave of Branch Members.4. To mark the case in the absence of dealing Assistant to other Assistant of theBranch.At the level of Head of Department.The Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana Public Works ( Buildings & Roads ) Department isthe Administrative and professional head of the Department assisted by six Chief Engineersat Headquarters’ Office. There are 2 Superintending Engineers, 12 Executive Engineers and28 Sub Divisional Engineers alongwith allied ministerial and technical staff. There is oneJoint Director ( Admn.) belonging to H.C.S. cadre. Registrar is the Head of Office atHeadquarters’ Office level.The Superintending Engineer is responsible to the Chief Engineers and Engineer-in-Chief for administration and general professional control of public works under the control ofhis circle of superintendence. There are 12 Superintending Engineers in the field including 1Superintending Engineer ( Electrical ) and 1 Superintending Engineer (Mechanical). 68Executive Engineers are Incharge of Divisional Offices in the field who are assisted by 164Sub Divisional Engineers in field Sub Divisions.The administrative & professional Head of the Deptt. is Engineer-in- Chief. There aresix Chief Engineers i.e. (i) Chief Engineer (Buildings) (ii) Chief Engineer (Roads), (iii) ChiefEngineer (National Highways), (iv) Chief Engineer (Nabard) (v) Chief Engineer (Bridges) and(vi) Chief Engineer, (NCR Projects). Chief Engineers are responsible for their works toEngineer-in-Chief and Govt.

The Public Works Department (buildings & roads) has been allocated thefollowing business of the government.(a)Construction and maintenance of State Buildings ( including internal Water Supplyand Sewerage and Sanitary Installations) of various departments of theGovernment; and their transfer from one department to another; Construction ofbuilding from on behalf of other departments ( including internal Water SupplyInstallations); Acquisition of land for construction of <strong>bi</strong>ddings and settlement ofclaims of contractors.Note: Other than residences of Governor of the State and care of historical monuments asdefined in section 2 (i) of the Ancient Monument Preservation Act 1974, which are for thetime being declared to be protected monuments under section 3 (i) of the Act.(b)(c)(d)Communication Board;Construction and maintenance of National Highways on behalf of the Governmentof India;Government roads, bridges, ferries, tunnels, ropeways, Military Roads, BoardsArea Roads and means of communication;Note: Subject to such conditions as control over maintenance of means of communication,declared by the President of Military importance and as regards incidence of specialexpenditure connected therewith as the President may prescribe.(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)Road Development Fund;Shipping and Navigation, including inland waterways and traffic thereon, exceptNavigation and Traffic on Canals;Tolls levied by the State Government, in connection with State Subjects ( Tollslevied by Local Bodies are dealt with by the Local Government Department)Follow-up with the Central Ministry of Railways in regard to development ofrailways other facilities provided by the Central Railway Ministry.Establishment matters relating to officers and staff under the administrative controlof the Department, except matters allotted to the Personnel, Administrative andTraining Department.1.7 The above mandate shall be subject to the following extent:(a)(b)In addition to the above function, Public Works Department ( B&R) may also takeup for some public sector undertakings, Central and other State Government, andfor some Non- Government Organizations, works of civil construction as depositworks.Ever since the enactment of National Highways Act 1956, the work (constructionas well as maintenance) of National Highways passing through the State was

(c)(d)being done by PWD (B&R) on behalf of the Government of India, on agency basis.On the enactment of National Highways Authority of India ( NHAI) Act, 1988 theCentral Government acquired the power for vesting in or entrusting to the Authoritysuch National Highways or stretches thereof, which the Central Government mayfrom time to time notify in the Official Gazette. NHAI has been given theresponsi<strong>bi</strong>lity to develop, maintain and manage the National Highways and anyother highways vested in or entrusted to it. Hence, the earlier role of the State inrespect of National Highways as an agent of the Government of India may becontinued, modified or altered, as Central Government may, in accordance with apolicy, decide from time to time.A few organizations set up by the Haryana State Government (e.g. HaryanaUrban Development Authority, Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board,Haryana Tourism Corporation, Haryana Police Housing Corporation, HaryanaHousing Board etc.) have their own engineering organizations, and they take upconstruction of roads and buildings to meet their respective requirements inaccordance with their Aims & Objectives.Save in cases where the Governor may assign the construction and maintenanceof buildings to the department using and requiring them, the execution of all theworks of construction and maintenance for Government departments should beentrusted to Public Works Department (B&R). Prior approval of the Governmentshall be necessary for entrusting any civil work of construction and or repair, fallingwithin the domain earmarked for PWD (B&R) Branch, to any other agency.ENLISTMENT <strong>OF</strong> CONTRACTOREnlistment of contractor in Haryana PWD (B&R) is being done under three disciplinesi.e. Roads, Buildings & Bridges for five categories.Class Amount limit Competent Authority1. Class-I Contractor Unlimited Committee comprising ofChief Engineer(Nabard) ChiefEngineer, (Buildings),ChiefEngineer (Roads) ChiefEngineer(Bridges )& E.E.(General).2. Class-II Contractor For works Superintending Engineercostingupto Rs. 50 lacs3. Class-III Contractor For works Superintending Engineercostingupto Rs. 20 lacs4. Class-IV Contractor For works Executive Engineercostingupto Rs. 5 lacs5. Class-V Contractor For works Executive Engineercostingupto Rs. 1 lac

Any contractor who is interested to participate in the tender floated by the Departmentcan apply for enlistment with the concerned authority in respective of Class-I to ExecutiveEngineer (General) in Head Office, for other categories to the competent authority afterdepositing requisite fee as under :-Enlistment FeeClass- I Rs. 5000/-Class-II Rs. 4000/-Class-III Rs. 3000/-Class-IV Rs. 1000/-Class-V Rs. 500/-All the other information in respect of enlistment has been given in enlistment prospectuswhich can be purchased from EE (General ) S.C.O. No. 13, First Floor, Sector 26, MadhyaMarg, Chandigarh after depositing a fee Rs. 100/-The enlistment is normally valid upto two years and can be renewed after giving half thefee for enlistment .Duties of Department during National Calamities like flood etc:-A special cell is opened from Ist July to 30 th September in the office of Executive Engineer(Planning-II) Tel. No. 2794140 which receives information from field divisions and send to Govt.regarding damages to the roads, bridges and buildings on account of rains/ floods etc..The list of officers posted at Chandigarh and in field offices have been given at Annexure I &II to whom public can contact incase of grievances.AnnexureList of Officers posted at Chandigarh to whom the Public should contact in respect ofthe works/complaints relating to the subject mentioned against each:-S.No Name of Designation Telephone Nos Duties of the OfficersSarv/Shri1. Engineer-in-Chief 25498402549354He is Head of the Department in respectof all the Technical as well asAdministrative matters.2 Chief Engineer (Nabard)Secy. Gen./HRRIDA2549843 He is over all incharge of Nabard andPMGSY works.3 Chief Engineer (Buildings) 2725548 He is over all incharge of all the buildingworks in the State of Haryana pertaining toPWD B&R.4 Chief Engineer (NH) 2724087 He is over all incharge of all the NH &HHUP works in Haryana State.5 Chief Engineer (Roads) 2545953 He is over all incharge of all the Road workkin Haryana State.6 Chief Engineer (NCR) 2775426 He is over all incharge of all the NCRProject in Haryana State.7 CE(Bridges) 2775039 He is over all incharge of all the worksrelating to Bridges including ROBs inHaryana State.

8 J.D.( Administration ) 2546568 Administrative matters of Class-I/IIofficers are dealt with/ examined underthe charge of JDA.9 Registrar 2775266 He is supervising the establishmentworks of Class III & IV employees,cash section and D.D.O of the HeadOffice.10 S.E. (Buildings) 2795474 He is supervising the works of the designcell pertaining to the estimates, DNIT &tenders, design of Buildings in Head OfficeSCO No. 29, Sector 7-C, Madhya Marg,Chandigarh.11 S.E. (Roads) 2795137 He is supervising the work of Road sectionas well as Planing - II, SCO No. 24, Sector7-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.Annexure -IIList of Officers to whom Public should contact in respect of the works/ complaints relatingto the subject mentioned against each:-S.No. Name of Designation Telephone Nos. Duties of the officersSarv/ Shr1 Superintending Engineer, 0171-2644422(O) He is responsible forHaryana PWD (B&R)Ambala0171-2641557 (R) supervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuildings executed underAmbala Circle ( Ambala &2 Superintending Engineer,Haryana PWD (B&R)Bhiwani3 Superintending Engineer,Haryana, PWD B&R,Chandigarh4 Superintending Engineer,Haryana PWD (B&R)Gurgaon5 Superintending Engineer,Haryana PWD (B&R)Hisar.6 Superintending Engineer,Haryana PWD (B&R)Jind01664-242819(O)01664-257119(R)0172-2791288(O)0172-2574088 (R)0124-2321494 (O)0124-2322122(R)01662-237116(O)01662-232071(R)01681-269122(O)01681-245309(R)Kurukshetra Distt.)He is responsible forsupervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuilding works executed underBhiwani Circle mainly inBhiwani & Mohinder-garhDistt.He is responsible forsupervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuildings works executed underChandigarh Circle mainly inPanchkula, Yamuna Nagar &Parts of Ambala Distt.He is responsible forsupervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuildings works executed underGurgaon circle mainly inGurgaon & Faridabad Distt.He is responsible forsupervision of constructionand maintenance of roadsand buildings worksexecuted under Hisar Circlemainly in Sirsa mainly inHisar & Fatehbad Distt.He is responsible forsupervision of constructions &maintenance of roads andbuilding works executed underJind Circle mainly in Jind &Kaithal Distt.

7 Superintending Engineer,Haryana, PWD(B&R)Karnal8 Superintending EngineerHaryana PWD (B&R)Rohtak9 Superintending Engineer,Mechanical Circle,Haryana PWD (B&R)Karnal10 Superintending Engineer,Haryana PWD (B&R)Jhajjar11 Superintending Engineer,Electrical Circle,Haryana PWD (B&R)Karnal12 Superintending Engineer, (NH)Haryana PWD (B&R)Faridabad13 Superintending Engineer, (NH)Haryana PWD (B&R)Karnal14 XEN, World Bank Project-I,Haryana PWD (B&R)Chandigarh.15 Director,Research Laboratory,Haryana PWD (B&R),Hisar0184-2255714(O)0184-2241600(R)01262-276076(O)01262-276997(R)0184-2265062(O)2268947(R)01262-269053(O)01262-269054(R)0184-2266076(O)2267470(R)0129-2281164(O)280374(R)0184-2265846(O)2253023(R)0172-2793868(O)01662-232878(O)243322(R)He is responsible forsupervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuilding works executed underKarnal Circle mainly in Karnal& Panipat Distt.He is responsible forsupervision of construction &maintenance of roads andbuildings works executed underRohtak Circle mainly in Rohtak& Sonepat Distt.He is responsible forsupervision and maintenanceof Machinery and Vehicles ofthe department.He is responsible forsupervision of constrictionand maintenance of roadsand building works executedunder Jhajjar Circle mainly inJhajjar & Rewari Distt.He is over-all incharge oelectrical wing of the departmenand is responsible for supervision of carrying out internal andEstate Electrical works in thbuildings constructed by Civwing of the departmentHe is responsible for theexecution and maintenance oNH-65 (Part) and NH-71, NH-1& NH-71B.He is responsible for theexecution and maintenance oNH-21-A, NH-65, NH-71-ANH-72, NH-73 and NH-73A.The world Bank Projects hassince been finished, onlyAr<strong>bi</strong>tration cases are beingdealt by him.He is responsible forsupervision of sampling, qualitycontrol and testing of materialsused on the works executed byPWD (B&R) and researchworks.4.b(ii)<strong>THE</strong> POWERS AND DUTIES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> <strong>OF</strong>FICERS AND EMPLOYEES.DUTIES <strong>OF</strong> DEPARTMENTAL <strong>OF</strong>FICERS.(Extracted from PWD Manual of Orders)( http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html )General5.1 Complete enumeration of each and every duty, attached to all the posts in theB&R, Branch cannot obviously be condensed in this chapter. Effort has been made toenumerate important duties and powers of some of the important posts. For the posts notcovered in this chapter or the duties and powers not enumerated herein, provision made invarious books of reference like, P.W.D. Code, D.F.R., P.F.R., C.S.R.,etc. etc., holds good. In

addition the higher authority can always entrust particular assignments to his subordinateofficer in the interest of public service.Chief Engineers5.2 The Chief Engineer is the administrative and professional head of the branch of theDepartment in his charge, and is responsible for the efficient working of his branch. Hisduties are given in paragraphs 1.43 to 1.48 of the PWD Code. ( http://haryanapwdbandr.org/documents.html) A statement of financial and miscellaneous powers of the ChiefEngineer is given in paragraphs 5.30 and 5.31 of PWD Code. ( http://haryanapwdbandr.org/documents.html)Superintending Engineers5.3 The Superintending Engineer is responsible to the Chief Engineer for theadministration and general professionals control or public works in charge of officers of theDepartment within his Circle of Superintendence.His duties are enumerated in paragraphs 1.49 to 1.57 of PWD Code (http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html ) and are supplemented below :-(a)He will transfer and post all members of Establishment within his circle, exceptDivisional Officers, Assistant Engineers, Circle Office Superintendent, CircleHead Draftsman and Accountants. Superintending Engineers may however,arrange among, themselves for transfer of non-gazetted establishment notborne on circle Cadres, between their respective circles and submit matureproposals to the Chief Engineer for approval. Such proposals may be made inrespect of gazetted officers also.(b)Superintending Engineer shall exercise close supervision over the works of theofficers subordinate to him and shall impart from time to time, instructions andguidance to them in the discharge of their duties.(c)Superintending Engineer should ensure that all the periodical reports andreturns due to Chief Engineer are submitted in time.(d)Superintending Engineer is required to write annual reports of the DivisionalOfficers working in his Circle and his own office Estt. and to submit the formeralong with the R.R. of the Technical Staff and his office. Superintendent to theHead Quarter’s Office(e)Superintending Engineer shall see that the instructions in regard to matter ofgeneral administration issued by him or by the Chief Engineer /Governmentfrom, time to time are faithfully complied with by the Officer and offices underhim.

(f) During his stay at the Head Quarters of a Division, the Superintending Engineershould , with the Executive Engineer concerned, review the position of thedivisional accounts. He should examine whether the Divisional accounts arebeing kept in good order, or are being allowed to fall in arrears. He should payparticular attention to the items under various suspense heads like purchases,stock miscellaneous advances, etc., and should also examine the contractorsledger to see if sufficient efforts is being made to clear these items as quicklyas possible. In case he notices any serious delay or negligence on the part ofthe Divisional staff, he should send a report to the Chief Engineer.(g) The Superintending Engineer should call a meeting of the representatives ofthe contractors and labour Co-operative Societies, working in a particular.Division, at the Divisional Head Quarters once in every six months. In thismeeting he should ascertain the up to date position of running and final <strong>bi</strong>lls ofthe contractors and Societies and should give patient hearing to their difficultieswhich he should try to solve. If any serious points come to the notice of theSuperintending Engineer during these meetings, he should send a selfcontainedreport to the Chief Engineer.Divisional Officers.5.4 (I) The duties of Divisional Officer of B and R Branch have been set out in thePWD Code ( http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html ) paras 1.59 to 1.77and are further supplemented as below:-(a)While the Divisional Officer has a right to seek the advice of the AccountantGeneral in all matters connected with the accounts of his Division or theapplication of financial rule and orders concerning, which there may be anydoubt it will usually be desirable that he should first obtain the advice of theDivisional Accountant who is specially trained for this duty, and this should bedone in writing in all cases of importance. To enable the Divisional Accountantto discharge his duties efficiently, the Divisional Officer should see that theformer is allowed access to all relevant records.(b) (i) Divisional Officers have responsi<strong>bi</strong>lities and duties under the IndianBoilers Act 1923- vide sections 8,22,25 and 33 relevant extracts of which arereproduced in Appendix 5-A. It is important that every facility be given to theChief Boiler Inspector with regard to registration and inspection of boilers incharge of the B&R Branch. Intimation of transfer of boilers should be sent tothe Chief Boiler Inspector.(ii)Whilst the examination of the mechanism of steam Road Rollers isnot a duty of the Boiler Inspector under the Act, an arrangement has beenmade whereby the Boiler Inspector will conduct such examinationssimultaneously with the statutory inspection of the Boilers.

(C) (i)(ii)It is the duty of the Divisional Officer to prepare lists showing the CivilDistricts, all the buildings ,roads, etc., in his Division and the agencyresponsible for their maintenance viz., PWD District Boards, etc. Theselists need to give nothing more than the name of the buildings or group ofbuildings, name of roads etc. For Instance, Tehsil and Thana Jagraon,Munsiffs’ Court Jagraon Road from Jagraon to Raikot etc., and in theremarks column the department etc. responsible for their upkeep.The lists should be as brief and concise as possible , their sole objectbeing to show at a glance in whose charge any building or road issupposed to be. This object is best attained by grouping together allproperties maintained by each agency, i.e. all buildings, roads, etc., underthe PWD then those under the District Board etc.The list, which should bekept up to date and reprinted when necessary should be printed andsupplied by the Divisional Officers to his Sub Divisional Officers, and bythe latter to their subordinates for guidance. Copies of these lists shouldalso be supplied to the Deputy Commissioners concerned and hung up inall the PWD Offices.(d)(e)(f)It is the duty of Divisional Officer to inspect each Sub- DivisionalOffice in his division at-least once a year and submit his report to theSuperintending Engineer in Stereo B&R form No. II. This form which is amemorandum to assist the Divisional Officer, is not sufficiently extensiveto cater for all possible verification in the circumstance of Sub- Divisions.The inspecting officer should, therefore, expand it when necessary, ifconvenient inspecting Officers remarks may be written on separatesheets of papers instead of the form itself and in such cases a blankspace should be reserved in each sheet for the orders of theSuperintending Engineer. The inspecting Officer should also refer to theprevious inspection report and bring prominently to notice items onwhich instructions have been issued, but not attended to. The inspectionreport should also, as a rule, show briefly what steps have been taken toremedy the defects previously noticed. A Sub-Division in which laxity ofSupervision on the part of the S.D.O. comes to his notice should beinspected more frequently.It is the duty of the Divisional Officer to see that the instructionscontained in Appendix 10-B in regard to the use and up-keep ofmeasurements books are strictly observed. In course of his inspectionhe should himself see that these rule are being strictly followed by theS.D.O. and others.Divisional Officers should make himself quite conversant with theuse and working of the steam and Diesel Road Rollers, Concrete mixers,transport vehicles and all other machinery likely to be used on the works(Detailed study of Chief Engineers Technical Memo No. 6 will be useful

(g)(h)(i)(j)in this connection). He should himself develop mechanical mindednessand foster it in his subordinates. All Departmental machinery must beproperly manned and adequate arrangements assured for its safehousing, proper up-keep and periodical overhauling on scientific lines .The Divisional Officer shall test check a reasonable quantity work,measured and checked by subordinates.Divisional Officer is responsible that proper arrangements aremade throughout his Division for proper custody of public property. Hemust be careful to keep all the tools and plants in efficient order, arrangeto protect surplus stock from deterioration, and must take properprecautions to prevent the loss of public stores.The Divisional Officer should exercise close supervision over hisSub-Divisional Officers and should impart, from time to time, instructionsand guidance to them in the discharge of their duties.The Divisional Officer of B&R Branch is responsible to achieveco-ordination with the Executive Electrical Engineer and ExecutiveEngineer Public Health, concerned in the execution of building projectunder his charges. While submitting an estimate for sanction toSuperintending Engineer, he should endorse one copy of his letter toExecutive Electrical Engineer concerned and another to the ExecutiveEngineer Public Health., in whose jurisdiction the work falls, supplyingcopies of plans to enable these to prepare their estimates and to getthem sanctioned in time While commencing the actual construction, theExecutive Engineer, B&R., should again inform the concernedExecutive Engineer Electrical and Public Health, intimating to them theprobable date of completion of the building and requesting them to plantheir works in such a manner that the electrical and sanitary installationsare provided ahead of the schedule date. When action as detailedabove has been taken by the Executive Engineer, B&R, theresponsi<strong>bi</strong>lity for delay of electric or sanitary installation beyond thescheduled date of completion of the building as a whole will be that ofthe concerned Executive Engineer, Electrical or Public Health, as thecase may be.SUB DIVISIONAL <strong>OF</strong>FICER5.5., The Sub Divisional Officer is responsible to the Divisional Officerfor the management and execution of works within his Sub Division andhe is his Divisional Officers assistant. His main functions aresummarized below:-(a) To arrange and supervise the actual execution of all works in theSub Division in accordance with sanctioned estimates, specificationsand drawings. In case of original works he should invariably check allmishans himself and see that they have been correctly given in

(c)(d)accordance with sanctioned plans. He is to check the foundations of allimportant bridges and buildings and ensure that they are sound and torecord the measurements in the measurement book in his own hand. Heshould also check all the underground work before it is buried.(b) To check the property in his charge including buildings and roadsand keep them in a proper state of repairs by timely action and wiseutilization of Govt funds, with the sanction of the competent authority.To maintain all initial accounts for expenditure in respect of works in hischarge and to submit them every month to the Divisional Officerpunctually.To take measurement of works and to check measureworks, measured by his Sectional Officers according to provision madein para 10.53 (vii) of this Manual . The Sub Divisional Officer shouldremain in constant and close touch with the day to day work of theSectional Officer and should see that measurements are taken in duetime, and got checked. To ensure measurements being checked at theproper time each measurement book should be initialed and dated bythe Sub Divisional Officer at intervals not exceeding 3 months.To carefully check the muster-roll in respect to labour employed onworks executed departmentally, as per instructions contained in para10.9 of this Manual and to make payment to the labour in his presence.(e) To see that all public buildings in his charge including provincialproperties transferred to local bodies for maintenance are duly inspectedat least once a year as per instructions contained in paragraph 9.4 of thisManual. Similar annual inspection of bridges and culverts in hischargeshould be carried out by him and result of inspection recordedin the Register of Bridges and Culverts and submitted to the DivisionOfficer for orders.(f) It is the duty of the SDOs to see that their subordinate thoroughlyunderstand and strictly adhere to the details of the estimates forwork on which they are engaged. Detailed instruction should befreely and patiently imparted on all points regarding which asubordinate has any doubts and he should be encouraged to askfor information as such points.(g) To report immediately to the Divisional Officer any seriousaccident or unusual occurrence resulting in serious injury to ordeath of any person or damage to any work or crop in his charge.(h) To keep a vigilant control over expenditure and to report progressof work periodically as may be ordered by Divisional Officer, orhigher authorities.(i) To personally examine all the Standard Measurement Books ofthe Sub-Division, once a year as laid down in paragraph 5(a) ofAppendix 10-C of this Manual.(j) S.D.O. will personally check all the stores in this Sub-Divisionaltwice a year and the T.&.P. articles once a year. The provisions

under paras 4.31 and 4.35 of PWD. Code should be carefullyborne in mind for compliance. He will also carry out the check ofall the materials borne on road metal return at least once a yearand record his check in the Measurement Book.(k) To exercise proper care over safe custody of Government cash,etc., stored in the Government chest or held as a temporaryimprest.Sectional Officer5.6 The smallest working unit in the B&R Branch is known as Sectionin the charge of a Sectional Officer whose principal functional areas under:-(i) To prepare petty requisitions and plans and estimates for specialrepairs and additions and alterations.(ii) To give Nishans for works to be done in his section.(iii) To carry out survey and leveling work when required to do so.(iv) To supervise the actual execution of building and road works andrepairs in his section done through the contractor or by dailylabour and to see that they are executed in accordance with theplans and specification approved by the competent authority forthe said work with sound materials he shall also maintain theRegister of progress and instructions on all Major works andpresent them to all inspection officers on their visits for recordingtheir orders, if any.(v) To make arrangement for adequate strength of labour ateconomical rates with in the sanctioned rates when a work isrequired to be done departmentally.(vi) To maintain accounts of all the stock and T.& P. in his charge,their receipts and issued and to maintain register of materials atsite.(vii) To take measurements of works and to assist the Sub-DivisionalOfficer or Executive Engineer in measurements of checkmeasurements of works.(viii) To record, in time, the measurements of small works belowfoundations. In case of large works, to get the work measured up,in time, from the Sub-Divisional Office, be fore such works getcovered over.(ix) To prepare running <strong>bi</strong>lls of all works and final <strong>bi</strong>lls of such worksas cost less than one lakh of rupees and to submit them to theS.D.O.(x) To put up measurement, books regularly to his Sub-DivisionalOfficer for order of payment at least twice a month.(xi) To supervise labour employed on daily wages and to submitlabour reports daily to the S.D.O. and to supervise the regular

ganges and to check their attendance on his visits to roads underthe charge.(xii) To prepare, maintain and submit in time all rolls of work-chargedestablishment and to make payments to work-chargesestablishment and to permanent gangs on behalf of and under theinstruction of the Sub-Divisional Officer when required to do so.(xiii) To keep a vigilant control over expenditure and report progress ofwork to his S.D.O. either daily or periodically as may be ordered.(xiv) To report to the S.D.O immediately occurrence of any seriousaccidents, etc., in his section and to ensure that no damage takesplace to the Government property in his charge.(xv) To check the Visitor register of all rest houses in his charge atleast once a month and to receive collections of rents, etc., fromChawkidars of rest-houses for depositing them in the Sub-Divisional Office.(xvi) To keep Government land property free from encroachments andto promptly bring to the notice of his Sub-Divisional Officer inwriting when any encroachment temporary or permanent isthreatened or actually takes place.(xvii) To check (count, weigh or measure, as the case may be) eachhalf year, all the stores in his charge and to prepare half yearlydistribution list for stock and yearly for T. & P. showing the closingbalances and to certify distinctly that he has checked the stores,recording the result of such a check.(xviii) To check, measure all the roadside materials at least once in sixmonths and record his check in the measurement books.(xix) To submit survey report for all unserviceable stock and T.& P.(xx) When holding an imprest, the S.O. is responsible for the exerciseof proper care in the custody of cash and in case of loss the onusof proof that proper care was exercised will be on him.(xxi) To carry out annual inspection of buildings and report the result toS.D.O. for entry in the Register of Buildings as laid down inParagraph 9.4 of this Manual. He shall, in addition, be answerablefor the general condition of all building and roads under chargeand for bringing to notice structural weaknesses. If any.(xxii) The Sectional Officer, instead of Keeping a separate Diaryshowing their visit to various works in their charge, should shownall their journeys within or beyond five miles areas of theirheadquarters in their monthly T.A. Bills.

DEPARTMENTAL FINANCIAL RULESSent vide CPW Memo No. 44/135/05-5(B&R) (W) Dated 5.2.2008.HARYANA GOVERNMENTFINANCE DEPARTMENTNo. G.S.R. 55/Const/Art. 283/2008- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) ofarticle 283 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rulesfurther to amend the Departmental Financial Rules, In their application to the State of Haryana,namely:-1. These rules may be called the Departmental Financial (Haryana Amendment)Rules, 2008.2. In the Departmental Financial Rules (herein after referred to as the said rules) inrule 10.2,-(a) for serial numbers 4,5,6,13 and 16 and entries thereagainst, the following serialnumbers and entries thereagainst shall be substituted namely:-1 2 3 4“4 To sanction tents (i) Chief Engineer(ii) Superintending EngineerRs. 10.00 lacsRs. 2.00 lacs5 To sanction office furniture (i) Chief EngineerRs. 2.50 lacsfor new office subject to (ii) Superintending Engineers Rs. 0.50. lacsthe instructions of FinanceDepartment on economymeasures, if any(iii) Executive Engineers Rs. 0.25. lacs6 To sanction the purchasemanufacture and repair ofarticles including specialTools and plants (exceptpurchase of motorvehicles. The stock tentsand office furniture)chargeable to works underextension improvementand maintenance andrepairs to Revenueaccounts.13 To sanction repairs andcarriage of Tools andPlants16 To obtain rain gauges andmeasure glasses(i) Chief Engineer(ii) Superintending Engineer(iii) Executive EngineerExecutive Engineers(i) SuperintendingEngineers(ii) Executive EngineersRs. 20.00 lacsRs. 5.00 lacsRs. 0.20 lacsRs. 0.25 lacsRs. 0.25 lacsRs. 0.05 lacs(b)Serial numbers 11 and 12 and the entries thereagainst shall be omitted.3. In the said rules, in rule 10.3 for serial numbers 2 and 3 and entries there against, the followingserial numbers and entries there against shall be substituted namely:-1. 2. 3. 4.2. To sanction estimate for i) Chief EngineerFull Powersrepairs and carriage oftools and plants includingspecial tools and plants.ii) Superintending Engineersiii) Executive EngineersRs. 10.00 lacsRs. 0.10 be subject tothe provision of the3. To sanction estimates forthe purchase andmanufacture of Tools andPlants including specialTools and Plants(i) Chief Engineers(ii) SuperintendingEngineersDivision.Rs. 10.00 lacsRs. 2.50 lacs

4. In the said rule , in rule 10.4, for serial number 7-A and entries thereagainst, thefollowing serial number and entries thereagainst shall be substituted, namely:-1 2 3 4“7-A. To convey administrativeapproval to expenditure inconnection with PublicWorks Department RestHouses/InspectionBungalows, Civil RestHouses/Dak Bungalows(i) Chief Engineers(ii) SuperintendingEngineers(iii) Executive EngineersRs. 1.00 lacsRs. 0.25 lacsRs. 0.10 lacs”5. In the said rule, in rule 10.5,-a) for serial number 1,3,4,13,14 and 22 and entries thereagainst, the following serialnumbers and entries thereagainst shall be substituted, namely:-1 2 3 4“1 To accord technicalsanction to detailedestimates of original worksand special repairs.(plan/Non-Plan)(i) Engineer-in-Chief3 To accord technicalsanction to estimates formaintenance and repair,(Non-Plan) only(a) Ordinarymaintenance and repairs(b) Electricity, telephone,water and other energycharges.(c) Establishment .(d) Municipal and otherstatutory taxes and charges.4 To sanction new work oraddition chargeable toextension and improvement.(ii)Chief Engineers(iii) SuperintendingEngineers(iv)(i)(ii)Executive EngineerEngineer-in-ChiefChief Engineers(iii) SuperintendingEngineers(iii) Executive EngineerExecutive EngineersFull powers subject tomaximum 10 percentexcess over theamountofadministrativeapproval.Rs. 1.000.00 lacssubject to maximum 10% percent excess overthe amount ofadministrativeapproval.Rs. 25.00 lacs subjectto maximum 10percent excess overthe amount ofAdministrativeApproval.Rs. 5.00 lacs subjectto maximum 10percent excess overthe amount ofadministrativeapproval.Full Powers.Rs. 100.00 lacsRs. 25.00 lacsRs. 2.00Rs. 0.25 lacslacs13 To sanctionworks for otherdepartments, in cases ofurgency, when there is nolocal authority of thedepartment concerned.Superintending EngineersRs. 0.25 lacs.

14 To sanction expenditure onsurvey and otherpreliminaryworksconnected with thepreparation of estimateschargeable to minerheads—Works and othercharges failing under allheads of accounts.22 To sanction estimates forthe construction of newdrains etc, chargeable tomajor head- “Works”- “Drainworks’ (for Irrigation Branchonly)(i) Engineer-in-Chief(ii) Chief Engineers(iii) Superintending Engineer(iv) Executive Engineers(i) Engineer-in-Chief(ii) Chief Engineers(iii) SuperintendingEngineersRs. 25.00 lacsRs. 15.00 lacsRs. 2.50 lacs(Authority in column 3should not split theworks so as to make itfall within their power)Rs. 0.10 lacs(Authority in column 3should not split theworks so as to make itfall within their powerRs. 10.00 lacsRs. 5.00 lacsordinarily; to beenhanced up to Rs.10.00 lacs in cases ofemergencyRs. 2.00 lacs”.(b)Serial numbers 7 and 20 and entries thereagainst shall be omitted.6. In the said rules, in rule 10.6 for serial numbers I and 4 and entries thereagainst, thefollowing serial numbers and entries thereagainst shall be substituted, namely:-1 2 3 4“1 To accept tenders for the Tender Allotment Committee as Full powersexecution of works by appointed, either generally orcontract.with respect to any/somespecific purpose, by therespective AdministrativeDepartment with such termsand conditions, including theone relating to the quorum, asthe respective AdministrativeDepartment may determine,and till such time as it has notbeen appointed to beotherwise, and/or has not beendetermined to be otherwise, theTender Allotment Committeecomprising Engineer-in-Chiefas Chairman and all ChiefEngineers and Chief AccountsOfficer as its members withquorum being three includingEngineer-in-Chief and theconcerned Chief Engineer towhom agenda pertains.(i) Chief EngineerFull powers up to Rs.(ii) Any other officer/ 500.00 lacsauthority appointed bythe respectiveAdministrativeDepartment to be theChief Engineer for thispurpose.(i)SuperintendingEngineers1. Full powers up toRs. 10.00 lacs

(ii)Any other office/authorityappointed by therespectiveAdministrativeDepartment to be theSuperintendingEngineer for thispurpose2. Rs. 10.00 lacsto Rs. 25.00 lacs whenthe tendered rates arenot more than 10percent over HaryanaSchedule of Rates plussanctioned premiumand Non-scheduleitems do not exceed 10percent of theestimates.3. Rs. 25.00 lacs toRs. 50.00 lacs whenthe tendered rates arenot more than 5percent over HaryanaSchedule of Ratesplus sanctionedpremium and Non-Schedule items do notexceed 10 percent ofthe estimates.4. Rs. 50.00 lacs toRs. 100.00 lacs whenthe tendered rates arenot more than HaryanaSchedule of Rates plussanctioned premiumand Non-Scheduleitems do not exceed 10percent of theestimates.Note- SuperintendingEngineer shall exercisethese powers only afterthe estimate istechnically sanctionedbe competentauthority.(i)(ii)Executive EngineerAny otheroffice/authorityappointed by therespectiveAdministrativeDepartment to be theExecutive Engineerfor this purpose.1. Full powers upto Rs.5.00 lacs when Noa-Scheduled items donot exceed 10% of theestimates.2. Rs. 5.00 lacs to Rs.10.00 lacs when thetendered rates are notmore than 5 percentover HaryanaSchedule of Rates plussanctioned premiumand Non-scheduleitems do not exceed 10percent of theestimates.Note:-1. Executive Engineershall exercise thesepowers only after the

estimate is technicallysanctioned bycompetent authority.2. In case Non-Scheduled itemsexceed 10 % if theestimates, then thetender would bedecidedbySuperintendingEngineer.3. Approval of nexthigher authority shallbe obtained if a tenderother then the lowest isto be accepted andalso if single tender isto be accepted .4 To issue work orders forworks and repairs.(i)(ii)Executive Engineer,Buildings and Roadsand Water Supplyand SanitationDepartment.Sub- DivisionalOfficers Buildingsand Roads andWater Supply andSanctionedDepartment.Rs. 0.50 lacs(No enhancement isallowed ).Rs. 0.20 lacs(No enhancement isallowed).S.P. SHARMA,Financial Commissioner and Principal SecretaryTo Government, Haryana, Finance Department.

4.<strong>bi</strong>ii.<strong>THE</strong> PROCEDURE FOLLOWED IN <strong>THE</strong> DECISION MAKING PROCESS,INCLUDING CHANNELS <strong>OF</strong> SUPERVISION AND ACCOUNTABILITYThe procedure of decision making process including channels of supervisionand accounta<strong>bi</strong>lity has been defined in Manual of Order and PWD Code.( http://haryanapwdbandr.org/documents.html)4.<strong>bi</strong>v.<strong>THE</strong> NORMS SET BY IT FOR <strong>THE</strong> DISCHARGE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> <strong>FUNCTIONS</strong>The norms for discharge of functions of officers and employees have beendefined in PWD Code and Manual of Order. ( http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html )4.bv.<strong>THE</strong> RULES, REGULATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUALS AND RECORDS,HELD BY IT OR UNDER <strong>ITS</strong> CONTROL OR USED BY <strong>ITS</strong> EMPLOYEESFOR DISCHARGING <strong>ITS</strong> <strong>FUNCTIONS</strong>At Govt. level1. Rule of business of the Govt. of Haryana, 1977.2. Standing order.3. Service Rules – Group A&B4. Civil Service Rules, Volume – I,5. Civil Service Rules, Volume – II,6. Civil Service Rules, Volume – III,7. Haryana Civil Services (punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987.8. Punjab Financial Rules Volume - I,9. Punjab Financial Rules Volume - II,10. State Treasury Rules volume – I.11. State Treasury Rules volume – II.12. Accounts Code and other Rules.At head of department levela) Haryana Service of Engineers Class-I, Public Works Department ( Buildings &Roads Branch ), ( Public Health Branch) and ( Irrigation Branch ) respectivelyAct, 1995.b) Punjab Service of Engineers Class-II, P.W.D. ( Buildings & Roads Branch )Rules, 1965.c) Haryana Service of Engineers ( Horticulture ) Group-A, Public WorksDepartment ( Buildings & Roads Branch ) Rules, 1989.d) Haryana Service of Engineers ( Horticulture ) Group-B, Public WorksDepartment ( Buildings & Roads Branch ) Rules, 1989.e) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings & Roads Branch ) Tehsildars (Group-B ) Service Rules, 1997.f) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch )Headquarter Office ( Ministerial Group B ) Service Rules, 1980.g) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) FieldOffices ( Ministerial Group- B) Service Rules, 1996.

h) Punjab Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads Branch ( State ServiceClass-III Road Inspectors ) Rules, 1964.i) Haryana Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads Branch, JuniorEngineers ( Group- C ) Service Rules, 1998.j) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch )Headquarters office Ministerial ( Group-C ) Rules, 1979.k) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) Draftsmanand Tracers ( Group C ) Service Rules, 1998.l) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) Kanungos (Group C ) Service Rules, 1996.m) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) NaibTahsildar ( Group C ) Service Rules, 1996.n) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) Patwariesand Readers ( Group C ) Service Rules, 1998.o) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) ResearchLaboratory ( Group – C ) Service Rules, 1996.p) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) ResearchLaboratory ( Group D ) Service Rules, 1996.q) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch )Headquarters Office ( Group-D ) Service Rules, 1996.r) Haryana Public Works Department ( Buildings and Roads Branch ) . FieldOffices ( Group D ) Service Rules, 1996.O<strong>THE</strong>R BOOKS :-a) PWD Code ( http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html )b) Manual of Order ( http://haryanapwd-bandr.org/documents.html )c) CSRsd) P.F.Rs.e) D.F.R.f) Haryana Government Employees Conduct Rules, 1966All executive instructions issued by Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana andFinance Department from time to time.List of Books to be consulted.1. Punjab Civil Services Rules Volume-I/ Relating to pay and Allowances, LeavePassages and other General Conditions of Services. Edition 31. Dec. 1984.2. Punjab Civil Services Rules Volume-II, Rules Relating to Pension and ProvidentFunds Second Edition Corrected upto 31. March 1984.3. Punishment & Appeal Rules in Civil Services 5 th Edition 2006 by Sh. RameshwarSingla.4 Manual of Orders PWD B&R Branch.5. Financial Hand Books No.3 Department Financial Rules.

6. Conduct Rules of Govt. employees.7. Punjab Civil Services Rules Vol-I,II,III 2006 by Singla Law Agency.4 bvi. A STATEMENT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> CATEGORIES <strong>OF</strong> DOCUMENTS THAT ARE HELDBY IT OR UNDER <strong>ITS</strong> CONTROL.1. Manual Of Orders PWD B&R Branch.2. Haryana PWD Schedule of Rates 1974 (Plus latest premium on this).3. Haryana PWD Specifications 1990.4. Compendium of instructions Section-A to D .5. Departmental Financial Rules Revised Edition 30 th . April.1981.6. Public Works Department Code with Appendices Second Edition Fifth Reprint.4 b(vii) <strong>THE</strong> <strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> ANY ARRANGEMENT THAT EXISTS FORCONSULTATION WITH, OR REPRESENTATION BY, <strong>THE</strong> MEMBER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong>PUBLIC IN RELATION TO <strong>THE</strong> FORMULATION <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> POLICY ORADMINISTRATION <strong>THE</strong>RE<strong>OF</strong>.No formal arrangement exists. However, general public suggestions are always welcome.4bviii.A STATEMENT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND O<strong>THE</strong>RBODIES CONSISTING <strong>OF</strong> TWO OR MORE PERSONS CONSTITUTED AS<strong>ITS</strong> PART OR FOR <strong>THE</strong> PURPOSE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> ADVICE , AND AS TOWHE<strong>THE</strong>R MEETINGS <strong>OF</strong> THOSE BOARDS,COUNCILS, COMMITTEESAND O<strong>THE</strong>R BODIES ARE OPEN TO <strong>THE</strong> PUBLIC, OR <strong>THE</strong> MINUTE <strong>OF</strong>WHICH MEETINGS ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR PUBLIC :-a) A Departmental Promotion Committee has been constituted under theChairmanship of Commissioner & Secretary to Government Haryana, PublicWorks (Buildings & Roads) Department with Special Secretary (B&R),Engineer-in-Chief and senior-most Chief Engineer as Members for consideringthe cases of promotion from Group-C to Group-B and Group-B to Group-A.b) Tender Approval Committee under the Chairmanship of Engineer-in-Chiefassisted by other Chief Engineers.However, minutes are not accessible to public.4 b(ix & x) DIRECTORY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>OF</strong>FICERS AND MONTHLY REMUNERATIONS RECEIVEDName of theofficerSh. K.K. Jalan,IASDesignation Phone ResidenceCommissioner &Secy. to Govt.Office Residence2713496 2792231 192/7 Chd.

Sh. S. N. Roy,IASSmt. SaritaMalik, HCS.HaryanaSpecial Secretary 2713788 2749485 1028/11, Chd.Under SecretaryPBX:2713772Ext: 443.- 742/7, Chd.1. Commissioner & Secretary Rs: 18400-22400/-2. Special Secretary Rs: 18400-22400/-3. Under Secretary Rs. 8000-12500/- + Rs. 400 Spl. Pay P.M.4. Superintendent Rs. 6500-10500 + 100 Spl. P.M.5. Assistant Rs. 5500- 9000/-6. Clerk Rs. 3050 - 4590/-7. Stenographer Rs. 3050-4590 + 100 Spl. P.M.8. Peon Rs. 2550-3200/-Sr. No.Name of Officer (S/Sh.)[with Home Distt ]AddressIEngineer-in-Chief(Pay Scale Rs. 22400-24500)1 Mahesh Kumar [Rohtak] #3434,Sector 24D,ChanIIChief Engineers includingon deputation(Pay Scale Rs.18400-22400)1 Chaman Lal[Jind]2 Subhash Chand Jindal[Hisar]3 Rakesh Manocha[Yamun Nagar]4 Subhash Chander[Rajasthan]5 H.R. Raheja[Kaithal]digarh# 349,Sector 22A,Chandigarh#734,Sector 7A,Chandigarh#2584,Sector 19,Chandigarh#B301RailVihar,Sector 4PanchkulaContactNo.254984025498432724087DateofBirth30-Jun-196001-Apr-196005-May-195723-Jul-196113-Jun-196110-Jul-1962DateofPromotionassuch01.06.200725.10.200431.12.200527.11.200627.11.200627.11.2006

6 Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh[Bhiwani]7 G.D. Goel[Jind]8 A.K. Jain[sonepat]9 R.K. Gandhi[Jind]10 B.S. Singla[Hisar]11 J.S. Dhanda[Karnal]IIISr. No.Superintending Engineers(Civil) including ondeputationPay Scale Rs.13500-17250)Name of Officer (S/Sh.)[with Home Distt ]1 Jagdish Rai Gupta[Rohtak]2 A.K. Kakkar[Delhi]3 V K Sawal[Punjab]4 K K Singh[UP]5 R K Aggarwal[UP]6 A K Modi[Kurukshetra]7 N L Kapoor[Karnal]#344,Sector 22A,Chandigarh#210,Sector 22A,Chandigarh#2165,Sector 42C,Chandigarh#2531,Sector 27CChandigarh#130,Sector 23A,Chandigarh#3361,Sector 23D,Chandigarh2545953272554827750392775426ContactNo.2281164232212227607624530905-Jan-196314-Nov-196301-Jun-196016-Jan-196204-Feb-196125-Dec-1955DateofBirth10-Sep-195008-Jul-195318-Mar-195423-Dec-195501-Jan-195111-Oct-195415-May-195127.11.200627.11.200627.11.200608.12.206601.03.200701.03.2007DateofPromotionassuch23.06.200504.07.200523.06.200501.07.200501.07.200524.11.200624.11.2006

8 J S Suhag[MP]9 Ashok Kumar Garg[Panchkula]10 Suman Sorot[Faridabad]11 R D Berwal[Kurukshetra]12 N K Garg[Hisar]13 R S Yadav[Gurgaon]14 Suraj Bhan Boora[Hisar]15 K B Narang[Sirsa]16 S K Mehta[Sirsa]17 Anup Chauhan[Ambala]18 Neeraj Gupta[Chandigarh]19 Pardeep Ranjan[Rohtak]20 Anand KumarGarg[Kurukshetra]IVSuperintending Engineer(Elect)(Pay Scale Rs.13500-17250)1 VacantVSuperintending Engineer(Mech)(Pay Scale Rs.13500-17250).1 A.K. Bansal[Bhiwani ]VIExecutive Engineers(Civil)including on deputation(Pay Scale Rs.10000-13900)1 J S Dahiya[Sonipat]2 A P Kathpalia[Karnal]3 P B Gupta[Hisar]4 R K Garg[Faridabad]5 Inderjit Singh Bishnoi[Sirsa]264442224281927912882255714237116232878279547427951372690532644422226506222709462638652277548419-Sep-195502-Jun-195309-Feb-195531-Jan-195417-Mar-195605-Aug-195215-Jul-196010-Mar-195719-Jun-195703-Feb-195917-Dec-195910-Apr-195802-Nov-195801-Jul-195015-Aug-195516-Oct-195301-Apr-195425-Sep-195721-Feb-195924.11.200624.11.200624.11.200624.11.200624.11.200601.07.200524.11.200624.11.200624.11.200624.11.200620.07.200720.07.200720.07.2007Sep-0722.05.200321.05.200321.05.200321.05.200322.05.2003

6 S K Goel[Rajasthan]7 Suresh Dangi[Rohtak]8 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh[Jind]9 S K Singh[UP]10 V D Sharma[Jind]11 S K Sharma[Kurukshetra]12 R K Chawla[Sonipat]13 B S Dahiya[Jind]14 O P Bhola[Kurukshetra]27951732214601276426222282238066220530222959263025031-Mar-195716-Mar-195815-Apr-195212-Jan-195328-Mar-195623-Dec-195611-Jul-195703-Feb-195909-Apr-195816 A K Kataria[Sirsa]17 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r singh[Ambala]18 R K Verma[Karnal]19 A K Sethi[Chandigarh]20 D V S Dahiya[Rohtak]21 P K Goel[Hisar]22 A K Goel[Hisar]23 SS Panwar[Sonipat]24 A K Mehta[Sirsa]25 Basti Ram Bhoria[Sirsa]26 Rajiv Aggarwal[Kaithal]27 Hari Narain[Karnal]28 Jatinder Mittal[Jind]256936279517327933322795388278370522525621287124243623988725187915 Bhupinder Kumar 01-May-195711-Apr-195524-Apr-195015-Nov-195901-Nov-195631-Mar-196103-Jan-196028-Sep-196103-Oct-195812-Nov-195918-Feb-195407-Oct-196324-Mar-196120-Sep-01.06.200315.12.200315.12.200315.12.200305.08.200519.12.200305.08.200513.12.200314.12.200305.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.20055.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.20

1961 0529 R K Kansal[Jind]30 D S Dhanda[Jind]31 Arvind Kumar[Rohtak]2794350224232621-Dec-195701-Aug-195725-Feb-196433 Nihal Singh[Hisar]34 Subhash Bhamboo[Sirsa]35 K S Suhag[Rohtak]36 K K Nain[Kurukshtra]37 Virender Jakhar[rajasthan]38 P K Dhaka[Hisar]39 P C Birdi[Kurukshetra]40 S S Puwar[Jind]41 S S Hooda[Rohtak]42 K S Saharan[Rohtak]43 B R Kapoor[Karnal]44 R C S Dabla[Sonipat]45 Chander Mohan[Bhiwani]46 Sanjeet Kumar[Jind]47 Balraj Singh[Hisar]48 S P Siroha[Mohindergarh]49 M S Sangwan[Jind]50 P K Chaudhary[Non-Haryana]2596882795220225102928403524483323788925680632201202795302279414023853027123722568332 S K Aggarwal[Karnal] 26-Nov-195624-Jun-196302-Sep-196130-Dec-195903-Jul-195821-Jun-196220-Jul-196421-Jun-195712-Jul-195714-Oct-195920-Nov-195829-Apr-195710-Jun-195711-Aug-196322-Dec-196420-Aug-196415-Mar-196222-Dec-195827-Mar-196405.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.200505.08.2005

51 Surinder Singh[Rohtak]52 Mahesh Kumar[Bhiwani]53 A K Dahiya[Hisar]54 R K Rathee[Sonipat]2546616232050902-Oct-196630-Dec-196528-Nov-196922-Aug-196123.12.200523.12.200523.12.200523.12.200555 K K Goel[Rohtak]56 Rajiv Yadav[Rewari]57 B S Dhanda[Hisar]58 R K Bishnoi[Sirsa]59 K S Jakhar[jhajjar]60 Ashok Kumar[Sonipat]61 R K Sehrawat[Sonipat]2288187234113279493622007305-Oct-195105-Dec-196703-Feb-195730-May-195701-Jan-196801-Apr-196506-Sep-195923.12.200523.12.200523.12.200523.12.200523.12.200531.12.200531.12.200562 Sajjan Singh[Hisar]63 Naresh Kumar[Sonipat]64 Raj Pal[Panipat]228165208-Apr-196501-Dec-196620-Apr-196231.12.200531.12.200507.12.200665 Ramdhari[Hisar]66 Sunil Kundu[Panipat]252006263139601-Jan-196327-Oct-196631.12.200531.12.200567 Vipin Sharma[YamunaNagar]68 V K Sharma[Jind]69 V S Malik[Rohtak]2632558094160-00777256507224941601-Feb-196222-Jan-196501-May-196831.12.200531.12.200507.12.200670 Sube Singh[Hisar]23783408-Sep-195807.12.200671 Jai Parkash[Karnal]226596110-Jun-196207.12.2006

72 Chhotu Ram[Fatehabad]73 A K Singla[Kurukshetra]74 Hanumant Singh[Sonipat]75 Balwan Singh[Rohtak]76 R A Hooda[Rohtak]77 Arun Jagga[Chandigarh]78 Ram Charan[Kurukshetra]79 Y M Mehra[Sonipat]2775484277271232242402-Aug-195706-Sep-196505-Jun-196720-Feb-196430-Nov-195806-Mar-196910-Dec-196316-Nov-1968Executive Engineers (Civil)unders suspension on05.05.20061 B.R. Bhoria 18-Feb-195407.12.200607.12.200607.12.200607.12.200607.12.200607.12.200607.12.200607.12.20065.08.2005ELECTRICAL WINGExecutive Engineers(Elect)including on deputation(Pay Scale Rs.10000-13900)Sr. No.1 J P Gandhi[Kurukshetra]2 Gopal Ram[Kurukshetra]Name of Officer (S/Sh.)[with Home Distt ]AddressContactNo.26308772265696DateofBirth22-Apr-195018-Feb-1954DateofPromotionassuch13.08.198514.12.20063 P K Kashyap[Rohtak]4 Kalu Ram[Sirsa]27681316-Sep-195520-Apr-195314.12.200614.12.20065 Suraj Bhan[Bhiwani]6 R S Sehrawat[Sonipat]7 Iswar Singh Barnela[Mohindergarh]2794877225651232087401-Sep-195730-Sep-196006-Dec-195114.12.200607.09.200707.09.20078 N K Handa[Karnal]12-Jan-07.09.20

1961 07MECHANICAL WINGExecutive Engineers(Mech)(Pay Scale Rs.10000-13900).1 S K Chaudhary[Delhi]2 R S Mehta[Ambala]3 V B Dahiya[Bhiwani]4 S S Lohan[Hisar]263174622513323208612362325 R.S. Aggarwal 2265753IXOne sanctioned post ofExecutive Engineer(Hort)(Pay Scale Rs.10000-13900).1 Kul<strong>bi</strong>r Singh[Hisar]XSr. No.Sub DivisonalEngineers(Civil) includingon deputation( Pay Scale 8000-13500)Name of Officer (S/Sh.)[with Hom Distt ]1 Ramesh Kumar,(Degree)2 S.P.Singhmar,(Degree)3 Jaspal Singh,(Degree)4 S.C. Chaudhary,(AMIE)5 Rai Singh (SC),(AMIE)6 Dev Dutt,(DM/AMIE)7 R.K. Tindwal,(Degree)8 Jai Pal Singh,(Degree)9 Basau Ram Sarowa,(Degree)10 V.G.Machra(Degree)Date ofBirth15-Nov-195915-Sep-196010-Mar-196407-Apr-195001-Jan-196007-Apr-196120-Oct-196220-Feb-196010-Jun-196030-May-19582647992DateofPromotion assuch03.03.8309.03.9012.04.9301.01.9331.03.9301.01.9303.05.9326.05.9330.04.9311.06.9307-Mar-195215-Aug-195623-Oct-196318-Dec-195914-May-195121-Dec-1969DateofRetirement28.2.1730.9.1831.3.2230.4.0831.12.1730.04.1931.10.2028.2.1830.6.1831.5.1628.11.200301.01.200601.01.200610.10.200727.11.200727.08.2007Remark

11 P.K. Aggarwal,(AMIE)12 V.P.Chhabra,(AMIE)13 Ram Karan,(AMIE)14 Des Raj,(DM/AMIE)15 K.K. Sharma,(AMIE)16 Jage Ram,(AMIE)17 F.C. Garg,(Diploma)18 Badri Parshad(Diploma)19 K.L.Singal,(Diploma)20-Oct-195021-Jan-195110-Apr-195008-Oct-195123-Aug-195003-Mar-195230-Nov-195006-Sep-195006-Sep-195030.12.91(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)29.12.92(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)29.12.92(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)19.04.96(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)31.12.96(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)06.06.97(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)31.10.0831.1.0930.4.0831.10.0931.8.0831.3.1030.11.0830.9.0830.9.08

20 Baljit Singh Sangwan,(AMIE)28-Jun-195121 C.B. Yadav, (AMIE) 07-Feb-195122 D.K. Nagpal,(AMIE)23 G.S. Walia,(Degree)24 G.K. Mehta,(Degree)25 R.S.Dahiya,(AMIE)26 R.K. Kapoor,(Degree)27 T.S.Phogat,(Degree)28 Pardeep Attri,(AMIE)04-Oct-195205-Sep-195212-Jul-195115-Oct-195211-Jul-195301-Jan-195210-Jun-197827.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)27.11.98(Adhoc)01.01.05(Regular)17.11.05(Deputation)06.10.06(Absorption30.6.0928.2.0931.10.1030.9.1031.7.0931.10.1031.7.1131.12.0930.06.36

)29 Lal Chand Jain,(Diploma)30 Ram Kumar Sangwan,(Diploma)31 Pahlad Gupta,(Diploma)32 Bhupesh Kr. Gupta,(Diploma)33 Sewa Ram Attri,(Diploma)34 J.S. Malik,(Diploma)35 Prem Singh Kataria,(CHD)36 Vir Bhan,(Diploma)01-Jan-195216-Apr-195101-Jun-195014-Nov-195105-Apr-195019-Mar-195107-Jun-195210-May-195031.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.0930.4.0931.5.0830.11.0930.4.0831.3.0930.6.1031.5.08

37 S.N.Pruthi,(CHD)38 Pahalwan Ram(CHD)39 Khazan Singh,(AMIE)23-May-195003-Apr-195201-Jun-195140 M.L. Ahuja, (DM/AMIE) 27-Jul-195841 Kuldeep Singh,(Degree)42 Parveen Chaudhary,(AMIE)43 Krishan Paul,(Diploma)44 Subh Ram Gulia,(Diploma)45 Surender Kumar Malik,(Diploma)46 Naresh Kumar Nagi,(Diploma)47 Harnand Sharma,(Diploma)48 R.S. Dahiya,(Diploma)49 Kuldip Singh,(Diploma)01-Mar-197126-Jul-198204-Jul-195004-Jun-195006-Jun-195004-Feb-194918-Oct-195010-Mar-195007-Aug-195031.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)31.12.05(Adhoc)01.01.06(Regular)02.05.06(Deputation)18.07.07(Absorption)06.10.0606.10.0606.10.0606.10.0606.10.0606.10.0606.10.0631.5.0830.4.1031.5.0931.7.1631.8.0831.07.4031.7.0830.6.0830.6.0828.2.0931.10.0831.03.0831.08.08

50 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Dahiya,(Diploma)51 L.D.Bansal,(Diploma)52 V.K.Chopra,(Diploma)53 Chhaju Ram Goel,(Diploma)54 Sukh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh,(AMIE)55 S.C.Sachdeva,(AMIE)56 P.K.Bagri,(AMIE)57 P.K.Jindal,(AMIE)58 I.S.Chahal,(AMIE)59 S.P.Kaushik,(AMIE)60 Mam Chand,(AMIE)61 Dharam Pal Rohilla,(CHD)62 Karan Singh,(CHD)63 Krishan Lal Sharma,(CHD)64 Ram Partap Sharma,(CHD)65 Gulshan Rai,(CHD)66 Bir Singh Sarwan,(CHD)67 C.P. Gupta,(AMIE)68 Sukh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Mawlia,[Hisar]69 Vikas Kumar[Kurukshetra]70 Seema Dhankhar[Chandigarh]71 Sandeep Kumar Goyal[Panchkula]72 Surender Deswal[Panipat]06-05-198029.12.0620.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0720.7.0730.4.0831.7.0831.3.0830.6.0830.11.1531.10.1930.4.1831.8.1831.10.1231.5.1631.5.1730.6.0930.4.0930.9.0828.2.0931.8.1131.5.105.03

73 Vikas Surjewala[Jind]74 Harpal Singh[Gurgaon]75 Vishal KumarSharma[Karnal]76 Surender Dalal[Jind]77 Abhishek[Jind]78 Navneet Kumar Nain[Rohtak]79 Jagvir Singh[Rohtak]80 Sultan Singh[Kurukshetra]81 Jagbeer Singh[Panchkula82 Romit Chugh[Hisar]83 Rajeev Jain[Yamuna Nagar]84 Manoj Kumar[Hisar]85 Puneet Kumar[Jind]86 Avinash Kumar[UP]87 Kuldeep ChandPanchkula]88 Vishal Kumar[Gurgaon]89 Narender Singh[Hisar]90 Dalel Singh[Panipat]91 Jag Bhushan[Sonepat]92 Pritam Chand[Faridabad]93 Ajit Singh[Jhajjar]94 Hemant Kumar[Chandigarh]29-10-19836.12.200729.2.20086.12.20076.12.20077.12.20076.12.20077.12.20076.12.20076.12.20076.12.20076.12.20076.12.20078.12.20071.1.200813.12.20076.12.200723.2.20086.12.20076.12.200725.12.20076.12.20076.12.200731-10-203030-06-203431-07-203305-10-203216-06-203825-02-203914-09-202812-07-202315-11-202821-01-203805-09-202620-12-202730-10-197218-06-197604-07-197506-10-197416-06-198025-02-198115-09-197012-07-196516-11-197022-01-198005-09-196820-12-196916-08-197418-06-15-08-203218-06-2039198122-08-197921-08-203708-11-197907-11-203710-04-198209-04-204008-01-196508-01-202325-01-196925-01-202703-02-196203-02-202020-08-197620-08-203428-10-2041

95 Karam Singh[Kurukshetra]96 Bhupinder Singh[Panchkula]97 Nitya Nand[Gurgaon]98 Balwant Singh Singathia[Sirsa]99 Surinder Kumar Singla[Hisar]100 Om Parkash Chopra[Gurgaon]101 Janak Raj Gupta[Rohtak]102 Krishan Singh Hooda[Rohtak]103 Mohinder Kumar Jain[Gurgaon]104 Vinod Kumar Jain[Punjab]105 Ravinder Kumar Jain[Faridabad]106 Ashok Kumar Jain[Rohtak]107 Radha Krishan Mittal[Jind]108 Sada Sukh Sahai[Jind]109 R.K. Kaushik[Bhiwani]110 Prem Chand[Hisar]111 Raj Pal Sharma[Rohtak]08-08-196504-02-197014-Mar-195015-Sep-195005-Jun-195208-Jan-195215-Feb-195124-Aug-195205-Jun-195004-Dec-195101-Mar-195001-Apr-195010-Jul-196020-Aug-196001-Jan-195912-Nov-195910-Mar-1957113 S.K. Verma[Sirsa]112 Jagdish Rai[Jind] 12-Apr-196009-May-19576.12.20079.1.200830.1.200801.02.200830.01.200829.01.200829.01.200801.02.200812.02.200807.02.200829.02.200830.01.200820.01.200829.01.200829.01.200829.01.200830.01.200829.01.200830-08-202329-02-202831.03.200830.09.200830.06.201031.01.201028.02.200931.08.201030.06.200831.12.200929.02.200831.03.200831.07.201831.08.201831.12.201630.11.201731.03.201530.04.201831.05.2015Sub Divisonal Engineers(Elect) including ondeputations(Pay Scale Rs.8000-13500).1 A K Gupta[Jind]2 S C Aggarwal[Sirsa]3 Ram Rikh[Hisar]20009 20.07.198119275 24.07.198318480 25.06.198531.12.201231.10.201031.08.2008

4 P K Singla[Kaithal]5 Bhim Sain[Hisar]6 V K Yadav[Mohindergarh]7 Sanjeev Johar Bishnoi[Hisar]8 Rajesh Ahuja[Mohindergarh]9 Arjun Singh Saini[Yamuna Nagar]12 S S Dalal[Jhajjar]13 R K Gupta[Kaithal]14 Dharamvir[Bhiwani]16 Mitarsen Jain[Sonipat]17 Prem Chand[Ambala]18 R K Kaushik[Bhiwani]19 Lal Chand Goel[Ambala]20 Jai Parkash[Karnal]23418 22.03.199422749 21.02.199421745 04.04.199423852 18.01.199525123 12.05.199820825 25.06.199818332 26.07.200518419 08.12.200519421 23.07.200518429 13.08.200718674 13.08.200718719 13.08.200719282 13.08.200720440 13.08.200721 KK Salgotra 19518 08.02.200822 Om Parkash Rohilla 19681 27.12.200723 Devki Nandan Sharma 22686 24.12.2007XIISub DivisonalEngineers(Mech) includingon deputation(Pay Scale Rs.8000-13500).1 B R Kataria[Gurgaon]2 Amarnath[Jind]3 Ramesh Kumar[Bhiwani]4 Arun Kumar[Kurukshetra)5 Kul<strong>bi</strong>r Singh[Hisar]6 Kailash Chander[Bhiwani]28.02.202230.04.202031.07.201730.4.202331.10.202630.04.201531.03.200830.06.200831.03.201130.6.200828.02.200930.04.200931.10.201031.12.201331.06.201130-11-201129-02-202026-Apr-195401-Jan-196015-Sep-196806-Feb-196920-Aug-196103-Oct-195027.09.79(Adhoc)31.12.90(Regular)11.03.199101.12.199518.03.199722.04.199706.10.1997

7 R K Narang[Faridabad]8 Kulwant Singh[Ambala]XIIISub DivisonalEngineers(Hort) includingon deputation(Pay Scale Rs.8000-13500)1 R K Yadav[Rewari]2 Zile Singh[Hisar]3 Satya Pal[Karnal4 Rishi Lal Chauhan[Kurukshetra]05-Feb-195212-Apr-195104-Apr-196804-Mar-197003-Feb-195205-Apr-196015.12.200615.12.200615.07.199401.01.199824.09.200724.09.2007Total Sanctioned posts = 6071 Yog Raj 03-08-19502 Faqir Chand 03-03-19503 Bahal Singh Dhanda 05-20-19524 Chhotu Ram 12-15-19515 Din Dayal Verma 03-02-19506 Dilbagh Singh Rathi 05-10-19507 Daya Ram Gupta 05-28-19508 Dharam Pal Dahiya 06-01-19509 Dal Chand Gupta 04-04-1951AmbalaAmbala29-07-197126394Hansi 16-08-1972KarnalKaithalRohtak19-05-19722648527-05-1972Hansi 19-07-1971SonepatPalwal12-05-197218-05-197231-Mar-200831-Mar-200831-May-201031-Dec-200931-Mar-200831-May-200831-May-200831-May-200830-Apr-2009

10 Giani Ram Garg 01-08-195111 Gopal Krishan Mehta 07-12-195112 Ganga Dutt Sharma 04-12-195113 Harinder Kumar Gupta 10-19-195014 Hukam Chand Sharma 03-15-195015 Hari Om Gupta 12-16-195116 Inder Kumar Bhasin 04-24-195117 Jai Dayal Kathuria 02-10-195118 Jai Karan kaswan 03-15-195019 Jai Bir Singh Malik 01-10-195120 Kuldeep Singh Sawhney 10-19-195021 Madan Lal Bhuti 03-08-195022 Mange Ram Sabarwal 03-15-195023 Om Parkash Kwatra 11-15-195024 Om Singh Sangwan 04-05-195125 Prem Singh 04-19-195026 Raje Ram 01-12-1952KarnalAmbalaKarnalAmbalaKaithalGurgaon28-05-197210-05-197210-05-197211-05-197219-05-197217-05-1972Delhi 11-05-1972Hisar 26183Hisar 10-05-1972Hisar 26424AmbalaKarnalKarnalRohtakGohanaLudhiana30-05-197217-05-197226-06-1972260912645612-05-1972Hisar 19-04-197231-Jan-200931-Jul-200930-Apr-200931-Oct-200831-Mar-200831-Dec-200930-Apr-200928-Feb-200931-Mar-200831-Jan-200931-Oct-200831-Mar-200831-Mar-200830-Nov-200830-Apr-200930-Apr-200831-Jan-2010

27 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Rathi 05-05-195128 Ram Phal Singh Hooda 06-11-195029 Karam Singh 04-04-195130 Ramesh Kumar Joon 09-01-195231 Ramesh Kumar nagpal 05-25-195132 Sudesh Kumar Sharma 10-08-195233 Tej Pal 02-13-195134 Tek Ram 01-07-195135 Ved Parkash Verma 03-04-195036 V.N. Gaur 10-08-195137 Deepak Kumar Dhull 11-15-195038 Bishamber Lal Pruthi 02-05-195139 Anil Kumar Singla 04-15-195840 Jagdish Chander Sharma 04-24-195641 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 10-18-195742 Subhash Chander 05-15-1960BahadurgarhRohtakKaithalRohtakAmbalaAmbalaGurgaon2636311-05-197214-06-197220-05-197229-06-19722633412-05-1972Hisar 10-05-1972KaithalNaraingarhRohtakRohtakKarnalRohtakPanipat2639412-05-197222-06-197229-11-197127-11-198115-11-197829-12-1981Hansi 19-11-198131-May-200930-Jun-200830-Apr-200931-Aug-201031-May-200931-Oct-201028-Feb-200931-Jan-200931-Mar-200831-Oct-200930-Nov-200828-Feb-200930-Apr-201630-Apr-201431-Oct-201531-May-2018

43 Jai Kishan Verma 02-22-195544 Ravinder Kumar Kalra 07-10-195945 Amrit Lal Goyal 03-05-195946 Sardara Singh Jagian 09-30-195847 Balwant Singh Malik 05-15-195848 Jagdish Chander 05-14-196049 Subhash Cander Sangwan 12-26-195450 Jagdish Chander 03-28-195851 Subhash Chander Mehta 05-14-195952 Rajinder Singh 02-15-195853 Rajinder Kumar Babbar 08-07-195854 Om parkash Akheria 05-15-195555 Anand Kumar Goyal 01-17-195856 Jai Parkash Kaushik 03-12-195957 Subhash Chander Gaur 04-10-195458 Satyavir Singh 12-24-1958KarnalKaithalNarwanaNarwanaKaithalKaithalGohanaGohanaFatehabadSonepat13-11-19811-01-19822-12-198116-11-198120-11-19816-01-198213-12-198126-11-19812-12-198127-01-1982Hansi 19-11-1981PalwalSonepatRohtakAmbala19-01-19821-02-198213-01-19823-12-1981Jind 16-11-198128-Feb-201331-Jul-201731-Mar-201730-Sep-201631-May-201631-May-201831-Dec-201231-Mar-201631-May-201729-Feb-201631-Aug-201631-May-201331-Jan-201631-Mar-201730-Apr-201231-Dec-2016

59 Sant Kumar 07-31-195560 Jatinder Kumar (BC) 12-23-195261 Budh Ram 08-22-195662 Naresh Kumar Gupta 09-27-195663 Ashwani Kumar 04-20-196064 Virender Singh Gahlot 11-20-195565 Prem Singh Deswal 09-04-195466 Ram Phal Vashist 04-19-195767 Ram Phal Jhakhar 06-15-195268 Yash Paul Gulia 11-18-195869 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Sharma 03-05-196170 Rajinder Kumar Singla 01-02-195871 Ramesh Chander Satija 03-12-196072 Gopal Dass Dua 05-10-195973 Naresh Chander Bhardwaj 04-08-195974 S.C.Nagpal 10-11-195075 Madhu Sudan Sharma 09-29-1955KarnalDabwali17-11-198125-02-1982Sirsa 2-12-1981AmbalaNaraingarhSonepatPanipatBahadurgarhCharkhiDadriJhajjarRohtakNarwanaPanipatGohanaGohana7-12-198120-11-19814-12-198121-12-198111-01-198220-11-19812-12-19812-12-19813-12-198112-01-198212-01-19828-12-1981Nuh 14-08-1970Ambala8-01-198231-Jul-201331-Dec-201031-Aug-201430-Sep-201430-Apr-201830-Nov-201330-Sep-201230-Apr-201530-Jun-201030-Nov-201631-Mar-201931-Jan-201631-Mar-201831-May-201730-Apr-201731-Oct-200830-Sep-2013

76 Suresh Kumar Verma 05-09-195777 Parshotam Kumar 06-10-195778 Darshan Kumar 05-07-196079 Suresh Kumar Hooda 05-01-195880 Hitesh Kumar Sharma 03-29-195981 Naresh Kumar Bansal 03-01-195882 Rattan Lal Khambhara 06-01-195683 Pardeep Kumar Chadha 11-19-196184 Pawanjit Singh Rana 04-03-195985 Parveen Kumar Goyal 04-08-196086 Jai Parkash 05-01-195687 Ram parkash 01-12-195788 Naresh Kumar Goyal 04-22-195889 Rai Chand Jain 10-11-196090 Surjit Singh Punia 02-12-196091 Rajesh Kumar Pruthi 04-28-1958Sirsa 25-11-1981Hisar 26-11-1981RohtakRohtakBallabgarhGurgaonKarnalAmbalaAmbalaAmbalaNarwanaAmbala14-01-198220-04-198227-01-19826-01-198212-01-198216-11-198113-01-198221-01-198219-11-198111-01-1982Jind 24-11-1981Narwana30-11-1981Jind 9-12-1981Karnal24-11-198131-May-201530-Jun-201531-May-201830-Apr-201631-Mar-201729-Feb-201631-May-201430-Nov-201930-Apr-201730-Apr-201830-Apr-201431-Jan-201530-Apr-201631-Oct-201828-Feb-201830-Apr-2016

92 Randhir Singh 04-22-195593 Rakesh Taneja 07-31-195494 Rishi Kumar Sarin 02-17-195895 Prem Singh 07-01-195996 Ram Dhari 06-15-195897 Sarwan Kumar kansal 03-26-195798 Samey Singh pawar 05-04-195699 Om parkash Soglan 07-02-1958100 Yashwant Rai 02-04-1955101 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Rana 02-12-1957102 Ram Chander 12-05-1956103 LachmanDass Rehlen 01-04-1952104 Lajpat Rai Saini 10-08-1957105 Devender Singh 11-28-1957106 Raj Kapoor 05-30-1958107 Samandar Singh Gaur 11-09-1956108 Sudesh Kumar Nagpal 05-04-1959PanipatPanipatChandigarhNarwanaKarnalPanipatKarnalGohanaKaithalSonepatPanipat23-11-198124-12-19813-12-19811-12-198113-08-198215-01-198224-12-198130-11-198125-11-198120-01-198221-04-1981Hisar 3-12-1981RohtakAmbala14-01-198217-12-1981Jind 13-11-1981JhajjarRohtak30-11-198123-11-198130-Apr-201331-Jul-201229-Feb-201630-Jun-201730-Jun-201631-Mar-201531-May-201431-Jul-201628-Feb-201328-Feb-201531-Dec-201431-Jan-201031-Oct-201530-Nov-201531-May-201630-Nov-201431-May-

2017109 Rai Singh Khatkar 03-02-1955110 Jagdish Singh 04-18-1958111 Bhupinder Singh Dalal 09-17-1956112 Ishwar Kumar Aggarwal 04-01-1959113 Rai Singh Yadav 05-20-1956114 Rakesh Kumar Aneja 09-15-1959115 Ishwar Singh 02-16-1956116 Nirankar Singh 03-31-1958117 Vinod Kumar Malik 05-14-1958118 Sumer Singh 09-07-1960119 Siri Niwas Dahiya 02-21-1955120 Devender Kumar Gupta 02-03-1958121 Vijay Kumar Arora 04-13-1958122 Kailash Chand Garg 11-03-1959123 Harivansh Rai Bachan 12-31-1955124 Radhey Sham Mittal 01-26-1960NarwanaJhajjarBahadurgarhRohtakJhajjarRohtakRohtakGonda(UP)GohanaJhajjarBhiwaniSaharanpurKaithalKarnalBalia(UP)Narwana24-12-198114-01-198220-01-198214-01-198218-01-198214-01-198230-11-198127-04-197930-04-19796-05-198013-05-19809-06-198026-06-198012-07-1980(AN)21-08-198021-08-1980(AN)31-Mar-201330-Apr-201630-Sep-201431-Mar-201731-May-201430-Sep-201728-Feb-201431-Mar-201631-May-201630-Sep-201828-Feb-201329-Feb-201630-Apr-201630-Nov-201731-Dec-201331-Jan-2018

125 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 08-16-1958126 Anil Kumar S/o Sh. RamRichpal03-27-1961127 Ramesh Chander lather 09-21-1959128 Kuldeep Singh Saini 09-07-1957129 Satyawan Singh (B.C) 04-10-1960130 Raju Sarin 09-22-1965131 Parmod Kumar Gautam 04-16-1959132 Pawan Kumar Bansal 04-01-1963133 Kamlesh Kumar 09-15-1950134 Jagmal Singh 12-07-1959135 Raj Kumar Mehta 03-23-1963136 Satyaveer Singh Chauhan 09-09-1957137 Satish Kumar Kansal 10-10-1961138 Hakim Singh Saini (ESM) 04-01-1957139 Vijay Kumar Mehta 02-20-1962140 Vijay Kumar Sharma 12-02-1959141 Raj Kumar Chhilar (BC) 03-06-1953Sonepat22-08-1980Jind22-08-1980Jind 26-08-1980ThanesarMeham(Rohtak)Chandigarh29-08-198016-03-198227-11-1984Jind 31139TohanaAmbalaAdampur26-08-198616-01-19711-04-1987Hisar 10-09-1987Hansi 2-03-1987PanipatKurukshetra10-09-198718-02-1987Sirsa 13-07-1987GohanaBahadurgarh22-09-19876-04-198731-Aug-201631-Mar-201930-Sep-201730-Sep-201530-Apr-201830-Sep-202330-Apr-201731-Mar-202130-Sep-200831-Dec-201731-Mar-202130-Sep-201531-Oct-201931-Mar-201529-Feb-202030-Nov-201731-Mar-2011

142 Harjit Singh Khera 12-29-1960143 Ram Kumar Sharma (ESM) 12-08-1963144 Nirmal Kumar Jain 01-04-1962145 Kamal Singh Chopra(S.C.) 05-15-1962146 Dharam<strong>bi</strong>r Jain 04-05-1960147 Ram Kumar (BC) 11-04-1956148 Jai Bhagwan Kaysth (S.C.) 05-25-1954149 Jai Parkash Gulia (ESM) 08-08-1962150 Yagya Dutt Arya (BC) 10-18-1961151 Ravinder Kumar Sodhi (S.C.) 05-09-1962152 Ranjit Singh (S.C.) 04-15-1960153 Satya Parkash Yadav (ESM) 11-30-1957154 Jai Bhagwan (BC) 10-10-1959155 Dharam Pal Singh (S.C.) 07-16-1959156 Om Parkash (S.C.) 05-15-1959157 Arun Kumar (ESM) 10-23-1959RohtakJhajjarFatehabadMehamBawaniKhera13-07-19879-02-198712-09-19879-03-198723-07-1987Hisar 4-03-1987CharkhiDadriRohtakJagadhri11-05-198718-03-198731-03-1987Hisar 2-03-1987Ratia 18-09-1987RewariJagadhriNarwana25-03-198713-10-198721-04-1987Hisar 23-02-1987Bhiwani10-02-198731-Dec-201831-Dec-202131-Jan-202031-May-202030-Apr-201830-Nov-201431-May-201231-Aug-202031-Oct-201931-May-202030-Apr-201830-Nov-201531-Oct-201731-Jul-201731-May-201731-Oct-2017

158 Shiv Dhan Singh Bhagotia(S.C.)159 Satveer Singh Dhanda(ESM)05-24-196008-05-1961160 Wazir Singh Barak (ESM) 06-24-1962161 Krishan Kumar Pawar(S.C.) 02-10-1957162 Jag<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Chauhan (S.C.) 05-01-1958163 Jai Bhagwan Chopra (S.C.) 08-01-1960164 Jai Bhagwan Naseer (ESM) 05-12-1960165 Om Parkash Mehra (S.C.) 01-01-1960166 Ram Phal Singh (ESM) 12-24-1962167 Raj Kumar Thahiya (S.C.) 12-04-1960168 Surinder Singh (ESM) 02-22-1962169 Gaje Nand (S.C.) 05-20-1952170 Ramesh Chander Sandhu(ESM)12-09-1960171 Hardwari Lal (ESM) 05-02-1962172 Rajnish Kumar 12-08-1966173 Birbal Ram Lehga 02-04-1957Narnaul13-03-1987Hansi 24-02-1987RohtakSonepat19-02-198727-05-1987Jind 12-03-1987Jind 11-02-1987Gohana 4/1987GohanaNarwanaKarnalJagadhriBhiwani30-10-198725-02-198728-10-198710-02-198722-07-1987Jind 10-03-1987Sirsa 10-08-1987Chandigarh20-03-1987Sirsa 4-05-198931-May-201831-Aug-201930-Jun-202028-Feb-201530-Apr-201631-Jul-201831-May-201831-Dec-201731-Dec-202031-Dec-201829-Feb-202031-May-201030-Dec-201831-May-202031-Dec-202428-Feb-2015

174 Jai Parkash Bansal 05-10-1962175 Ramesh Chander Garg 04-15-1961176 Makhan Lal Goyal 07-21-1963177 R.S.Chauhan 10-10-1962178 Ashwani Malik 03-28-1961179 Devender Kumar (BC) 04-01-1960180 Blawant Rai (S.C.) 10-20-1958181 Dal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh (S.C.) 01-07-1961182 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh (S.C.) 03-09-1961183 Arjun Kumar (S.C.) 04-04-1961184 Anand Kumar Verma (BC) 10-15-1960185 Nafe Singh (BC) 06-08-1962186 Surender Kumar (BC) 07-08-1963187 Ram Niwas Lamba (BC) 08-17-1960188 Vinod Kumar Goel 04-28-1961189 Prem Chand S/o Sh. AshaRam (S.C.)08-22-1960NarwanaKaithalNarnaulKarnalRohtakJhajjar26-04-198912-04-198910-07-19891-05-19894-05-19896-04-1989Hisar 11-08-1989RohtakKaithalKarnalKaithalTohanaJhajjarBawaniKheraPundriGonana5-05-19896-06-198914-06-19891-05-19899-06-19899-06-19898-06-19899-01-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular14-01-1981Adho31-May-202030-Apr-201931-Jul-202131-Oct-202031-Mar-201931-Mar-201831-Oct-201630-Jan-201931-Mar-201930-Apr-201931-Oct-201830-Jun-202031-Jul-202131-Aug-201830-Apr-201931-Aug-2018

190 Suresh Pal 04-10-1960191 Yudhister Mudgil 09-17-1962192 S.P.Singla 07-02-1962193 Nathu Ram Garg 08-31-1962194 Mohinder Singh 01-15-1959195 Jawahar Vashist 08-21-1960196 Kamal Kumar 08-10-1958197 Bharat Bhushan Jindal 05-29-1961KarnalAmbalaKaithalc01.11.1986Regular15-01-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular15-01-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular16-01-1987Jind 20-01-1981Adhoc01.11.1986RegularPalwal31-01-1981Adhoc01.11.1986RegularJind 23-02-1981Adhoc01.11.1986RegularKarnal12-03-1981Adhoc01.11.1986RegularNuh 14-07-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular30-Apr-201830-Sep-202031-Jul-202031-Aug-202031-Jan-201731-Aug-201831-Aug-201631-May-2019

198 K.C.Disodia 09-27-1961199 Din Mohmd. 02-15-1962200 Mukh Ram 04-08-1960201 Kuldeep Singh Rana 07-06-1960202 M.P.Sharma 02-05-1962203 Naresh Kumar Dariwal 08-31-1961204 Manjit Kumar 01-29-1963205 Ram Kishan Yadav 05-06-1958206 Om Narain Gupta 08-01-1961AmbalaPalwalAmbalaChandigarhKarnal16-07-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular21-07-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular7-08-1981Adhoc01.11.1986Regular4-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular9-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularNuh 11-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularBhiwaniM.Garh11-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular12-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularSirsa 12-03-198230-Sep-201929-Feb-202030-Apr-201831-Jul-201829-Feb-202031-Aug-201931-Jan-202131-May-201631-Jul-201

207 R.C.Dahiya 09-09-1961208 Rishi Gupta 03-23-1962209 Lalit Kumar 12-01-1963210 Balwan Singh Sahu 04-01-1962211 Prem Chand S/o Sh. TaraChand06-08-1961212 Dewan Chand Panwar 09-10-1959213 Ram Pal Mehra 03-02-1961214 M.C. Paul 05-24-1961BahadurgarhChandigarhKurukshetraCh.DadriNarwanaAdhoc01.11.1986Regular12-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular12-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular13-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular15-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular16-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHansi 17-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHisar 17-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularFaridabad19-03-1982930-Sep-201931-Mar-202030-Nov-202131-Mar-202030-Jun-201930-Sep-201731-Mar-201931-May-

215 Ved Ram 01-24-1957216 Pawan Kumar Gupta 05-07-1960217 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/o Sh. FaquirChand03-30-1957218 Inderjit Nagpal 12-22-1958219 Dharam<strong>bi</strong>r 03-12-1959220 Jai Bhagwan 06-03-1962221 Mam Chand 04-25-1962222 Anil Bhamboo 02-01-1963223 Ved Parkash Sharma 08-21-1956BallabgarhAdhoc01.11.1986Regular24-03-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHisar 26-03-82Adhoc01.11.1986RegularBhiwaniY.NagarJhajjarKaithalKaithalEllenabadChandigarh2/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular5-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular5/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular5/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular5/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular05.05.82Adhoc01.11.1986Regular6/5/1982Adhoc201931-Jan-201531-May-201831-Mar-201531-Dec-201631-Mar-201730-Jun-202030-Apr-202031-Jan-202131-Aug-2014

224 Suresh Kumar Mata 10-10-1957225 Partap Singh 01-10-1962226 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 04-05-1961227 Rajinder Singh Bodwal 04-02-1962228 L.K.Bhtia 04-25-1962229 Ishwar Chand Gupta 11-29-1961230 Amar Singh 01-13-1962231 Raj Kumar Chawla 08-12-196101.11.1986RegularHisar 6/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHisar 7/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularGohanaGurgaon10/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular10/5/1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHisar 14-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularGohana25-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularSirsa 24-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularSirsa 25-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularKurukshet31-Oct-201531-Jan-202030-Apr-201930-Apr-202030-Apr-202030-Nov-201931-Jan-202031-Aug-2019232 Subhash Chander Sharma 01-10-25-05-31-Jan-

233 R.N.Ahlawat 01-15-1962234 Faquir Chand 05-07-1950235 Ishwar Singh 08-25-1960236 Dharamvir Singh (ESM) 11-14-1960237 Baljit Singh (ESM) 10-18-1963238 Satvinder Kumar (ESM) 02-16-1962239 Arvind Singh (ESM) 05-01-1968240 Ved Parkash (ESM) 08-15-1962241 Randhir Singh (ESM) 01-08-1956242 Krishan Kumar Baniwal(ESM)243 Bijender Singh Ahlawat(ESM)1963 ra 1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular05-02-196109-10-1962244 Jagdish (ESM) 01-17-1962RohtakJhajjar29-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986Regular31-05-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularHansi 16-06-1982Adhoc01.11.1986RegularMehamBhiwaniMeham15-10-198913-07-198914-06-89Hansi 6-07-1989RohtakMehamJhajjarJhajjarMeham12-07-198911-07-19892-07-198919-07-19891-08-1989202131-Jan-202031-May-200831-Aug-201830-Nov-201831-Oct-202129-Feb-202030-Apr-202631-Aug-202031-Jan-201430-May-201930-Sep-202031-Jan-202

245 Parveen Kumar Chhikara(ESM)03-01-1967246 Baljeet Singh (ESM) 06-27-1967247 Ramesh Kumar Hooda(ESM)04-15-1961248 Dharam Parkash (ESM) 04-19-1966249 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Nehra (ESM) 05-05-1963250 Mani Ram (ESM) 11-05-1967251 Sham Lal 03-17-1953252 Ish Kumar Khurana 04-13-1951253 Siri Pal Gautam 03-04-1953254 Nanak Ram 05-06-1954255 Dilbagh Singh 08-03-1968256 Dal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 12-25-1969257 Ram Parkash 08-21-1968258 Jaswainder Kumar Murti 02-12-1968259 Sultan Singh 07-12-1965260 Ashok Kumar 05-25-1966BahadurgarhMehamRohtakMohindergarh28-07-198931-07-198915-07-19897-07-1989Indri 29-07-1989Tosham7-07-1989Sirsa 17-06-1989Hansi 15-06-1989Jind 19-06-1989PalwalGohanaBahadurgarhHathinPhul(pb.)KaithalBhatinda(Pb.)15-06-19896-10-19897-08-199116.10.9223-10-199221-10-199227-10-1992028-Feb-202530-Jun-202530-Apr-201930-Apr-202431-May-202130-Nov-202531-Mar-201130-Apr-200931-Mar-201131-May-201231-Aug-202631-Dec-202731-Aug-202628-Feb-202631-Jul-202331-May-202

261 Ravinder Kumar 04-01-1964262 Jasmer Singh 02-28-1967263 Shahabudin 04-27-1964264 Ravinder Kumar Sethi 05-18-1964265 Ravinder Singh Yadav 05-19-1963266 Satish Kumar 03-31-1959267 Krishan Kumar Sihag 03-03-1966268 Ash Mohmad 06-28-1968269 Vir Vikram Singh 12-25-1968270 Harish Kaushik (ESM) 10-15-1967271 Sajjan Kumar (ESM) 06-30-1969272 Jagdish Kumar (BC) 01-27-1965273 Fazrudin 12-04-1964274 Randhir Singh Chahar 07-07-1960275 Sanjay Bansal 05-05-1970276 Suresh Kumar 09-01-1966Ch.DadriPalwal20-10-199221-10-1992Nuh 22-10-1992Hansi 22-10-1992RohtakAdmapurFaridabadFerozpurJhirkaRohtakRohtakRewariPanipatFerozpurJhirka21-10-199223-10-199221-10-199227-10-199221-10-199220-10-199223-10-199219-10-199229-10-1992Hansi 23-10-1992GohanaRohtak23-10-199220-10-1992431-Mar-202228-Feb-202530-Apr-202231-May-202231-May-202131-Mar-201731-Mar-202430-Jun-202631-Dec-202631-Oct-202530-Jun-202731-Jan-202331-Dec-202231-Jul-201830-May-202831-Aug-202

277 Pehsal Kumar 07-02-1967278 Tilak Raj 03-27-1970279 Surinder Singh 12-08-1970280 Mohinder Singh (S.C.) 02-20-1969281 Raj Kumar 12-06-1965282 Sudhir Kumar Verma 08-04-1967283 Parkash Lal (BC) 12-03-1970284 Krishan Chand Garg 06-08-1961285 Sohan Lal (BC) 02-06-1970286 Adish Kumar Mittal 01-03-1968287 Subhash Chander (BC) 06-07-1968288 Naresh Kumar 11-29-1970289 Sandeep Kumar 12-03-1969290 Krishan Kumar Yadav 08-15-1968291 Ashwani Kumar 08-15-1965292 Randhir Singh 09-01-1964293 Ran Singh (BC) 06-05-Hisar 21-10-1992PanchkulaPanipat23-10-199227-10-1992Hisar 28-10-1992NarwanaChandigarhGohanaBhatinda(Pb.)28-10-199221-10-199223-10-199223-10-1992Sirsa 23-10-1992RohtakRaniaKurukshetraRohtakM/GarhGohanaKaithal21-10-199220-10-199222-10-19921-01-199331-02-199230-12-19921-01-1993431-Jul-202531-Mar-202831-Dec-202828-Feb-202731-Dec-202331-Aug-202531-Dec-202830-Jun-201929-Feb-202831-Jan-202630-Jun-202630-Nov-202831-Dec-202731-Aug-202631-Aug-202331-Aug-2022Hisar 21-10-30-Jun-

294 Anil Kumar (ESM) 07-31-1969295 Vinod Kumar 02-21-1965296 Ajit Singh 03-07-1970297 Pardeep Kumar 01-10-1968298 Sushil Kumar 09-08-1965299 Joginder Singh (S.C) 06-20-1972300 Satya Narain 09-10-1962301 Indraj (S.C) 03-04-1969302 Randhir Singh Mehra 07-17-1961303 Ram Dhan (S.C) 09-05-1963304 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Sigh(S.C) 04-08-1961305 Rohtash (S.C) 08-14-1958306 Bhupinder Singh Ranga(S.C)1968 992 202605-01-1959307 Mange Ram 09-06-1963308 Rajesh Gupta 06-21-1973309 Sandeep Sachdeva 11-11-1967310 Yog Raj Singla 07-14-GohanaM/GarhGurgaonBallabgarhSonepatJagadhri23-10-19921-01-199330-12-199230-12-199230-12-199221-10-1992Jind 30-12-1992PalwalRohtakKalanaur23-10-199219-10-199220-10-1992Jind 28-10-1992NarnaulAmbalaBawaniKheraJhajjarMalaut(Pb)22-10-199223-10-19924-01-19935-01-19936-01-199331-Jul-202728-Feb-202331-Mar-202831-Jan-202630-Sep-202330-Jun-203030-Sep-202021-Mar-202731-Jul-201930-Sep-202130-Apr-201931-Aug-201630-Apr-201730-Sep-202130-Jun-203130-Nov-2025Ratia 7-01-31-Jul-

311 Mohmad Ayub Khan 04-20-1961312 Tajwant Singh 04-19-1965313 Sanjeev Sharma 07-24-1965314 Mewa Singh 05-28-1966315 Navin Singh Dahiya 07-18-1971316 Paramjit Singh 08-15-1965317 Tarsem Lal Garg 04-08-1962318 Rajesh Kumar 12-18-1970319 Naresh Kumar 05-21-1968320 Surender Singh Chahal 03-02-1962321 Vijay Kumar Sharma 08-20-1969322 Harbhajan Singh (BC) 08-15-1969323 Mangat Ram (S.C.) 03-24-1970324 Ramesh Kumar 01-02-1967325 Kashmir Chand 04-10-1967326 Shamsher Singh 05-08-19681969 1993 2027FaridabadKarnalFaridabadSriKaranpurSonepatSriGangaNagarCheeka1-01-19931-01-199320-10-19931-01-199328-12-19921-01-19931-01-1993Hisar 1-01-1993Panipat1-01-1993Jind 1-01-1993BhatindaNissingRohtakGohanaFazilka(Pb.)Rohtak30-12-19924-01-199322-10-19921-01-19931-01-19934-01-199330-Apr-201930-Apr-202331-Jul-202331-May-202431-Jul-202931-Aug-202330-Apr-202031-Dec-202831-May-202629-Feb-202031-Aug-202731-Aug-202731-Mar-202831-Jan-202530-Apr-202531-May-

327 Surender Singh (ESM) 12-10-1961328 Jagjit Singh (ESM) 07-25-1971329 Surender Pal 03-10-1966330 Anil Kumar (BC) 05-09-1972331 Purshotam Kumar 05-07-1969332 Sanjay Kumar (ESM) 06-16-1966333 Gajender Kumar (SC) 09-01-1965334 Devi Lal (BC) 11-10-1957335 Jasmer Singh (SC) 04-13-1965336 R.K.Bishnoi 03-08-1950337 Daya Nand Bhayana 10-15-1953338 Ashok Kumar 11-15-1958339 Ragh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 04-10-1963340 Krishan Kumar 08-06-1970341 Vipin Pal 10-10-1957342 Ram Kumar Nain 11-10-1951KarnalDabwaliGharaundaRadaur19-10-199228-10-19921-01-19937-01-1993Sirsa 7-01-1993RewariRewariFazilka(Pb.)JagadhriAdampur3-11-199222-10-9926-01-19934-01-199312-01-1993Hansi 19-05-1993ChhachhrauliPalwalBawaniKhera24-05-199315-07-199320-09-1993Hisar 4-02-1994Narwana21-04-1994202631-Dec-201931-Jul-202931-Mar-202431-May-203031-May-202730-Jun-202431-Aug-202330-Nov-201530-Apr-202331-Mar-200831-Oct-201130-Nov-201630-Apr-202131-Aug-202831-Oct-201530-Nov-2009

343 Krishan Kumar 11-02-1952344 Ram Singh 07-02-1953345 Chatar Singh 11-17-1957346 R.D. Kaushik 05-18-1955347 Nand Lal Verma 03-15-1960348 Rakesh Kumar Chauhan 07-02-1977349 Om Chand 12-15-1953350 Ravin Datta 03-10-1971351 Balak Ram 06-12-1954352 Baldev Raj 11-13-1951353 Raj Krishan 12-12-1951354 Devender Kumar Leekha 09-01-1958355 Chaman Lal 01-15-1960356 Rajinder Kumar Verma 12-18-1960357 Devender Kumar Rathi 06-04-1968358 Subhash Chander 07-14-1960359 Virender Singh 10-15-1958NarwanaTohanaBawaniKheraBahadurgarhKarnalBarara(Ambala)Saharanpur(UP)SonepatRohtakKurukshetraKurukshetraBhiwaniNilokheriBhiwaniSonepat21-04-199422-04-199422-04-19941-10-199417-07-1981Adhoc7-07-19953516722-04-19963518635270352703527615-03-198211-03-198216-02-2000Jind 37825Rohtak3782530-Nov-201031-Jul-201130-Nov-201531-May-201331-Mar-201831-Jul-203531-Dec-201131-Mar-202930-Jun-201230-Nov-200931-Dec-200931-Aug-201631-Jan-201831-Dec-201830-Jun-202631-Jul-201831-Oct-201

360 Madan Mohan Chopra 12-12-1960361 Rulia Ram 12-05-1961362 Paramjit Singh Saini 12-15-1960363 Mohinder Singh 10-23-1953364 Sadhu Ram 11-22-1964365 Ishwar Singh 06-01-1954366 Balwant Singh 10-10-1959367 Dharam Pal Sharma 06-08-1959368 Sat Pal 06-10-1957369 Paramjit Singh Gill 11-13-1962370 Mukhtiar Singh 04-01-1950371 Kul<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Chhikara 04-15-1964372 Om Parkash 06-08-1954373 Shivender Kumar 06-12-1969374 Sat Pal Kudiyan S/O Sh.Bhim Singh15.03.1966375 Arun S/O Sh. Bhagwan Dass 18.12.1970376 Ajay Kumar Kataria S/O Sh.Sajjan Pal06.12.1973NaraingarhGohanaJallandharMeham37825378253782537826Hansi 37826Hansi 37826Hisar 37832MahendergarhNaraingarhNabha(Pb)PehowaSonepatBawaniKheraDeraBassiYamunaNagarJhajjarJhajjar3782538194381943859638596385963859629.5.200626.5.200629.5.2006629-Dec-201831-Dec-201930-Dec-201831-Oct-201130-Nov-202231-May-201231-Oct-201730-Jun-201730-Jun-201530-Nov-202031-Mar-200830-Apr-202230-Jun-201230-Jun-202731.3.202431.12.202831.12.20

28377 Amit Kumar S/O Sh.Rajinder Parshad378 Krishan Kumar S/O Sh.Sardar Singh379 Amarjeet S/O Sh. DalipSingh380 Sunny Wadhwan S/O Sh.Pritam Singh Wadhwan381 Manoj Kumar S/O RajinderSingh382 Ravi Inder Singh S/O Sh.Sohan Lal383 Sunil Kumar S/O Sh. PremSingh384 Ajay Kumar S/O Sh. ChattarSingh385 Rajesh Tomar S/O Sh. Bal<strong>bi</strong>rSingh Tomar386 Dinesh Kumar S/O Sh. JaiBhagwan387 Ashok Kumar Saroha S/OSh. Kripal Singh01.09.198208.06.196810.06.197020.06.198417.12.197022.12.197007.06.198010.06.198006.12.197120.12.198120.07.1971388 Arvind S/O Sh. Sadhu Ram 30.10.1986389 Sanjeev Tanwer S/O Sh.Virbhan Tanwer390 Tapesh Kumar S/O Sh.Aman Singh391 Vikram Singh Rathee S/OSh. V.S.Rathee392 Anil Chahal S/O Sh. SurajBhan Chahal393 Jagvir Singh S/O Sh. D.C.Koala394 Sumit Kumar S/O Sh.Harnarain395 Dharam Pal Singh S/O Sh.Ram Narain23.04.197718.05.197730.06.198225.02.198315.09.197026.09.197630.11.1968Jind 26.5.2006SonepatRohtakPanchkulaJhajjarMewat(Nuh)RohtakRohtakRohtakKarnalSonepatRohtak25.5.20061.6.200629.5.200629.5.20063.11.200625.5.200624.5.200624.5.200625.5.200625.5.200624.5.2006Jind 23.5.2006GurgaonRohtakSonepatRohtakBhiwaniRohtak396 Bijender S/O 30473 Hansi25.5.200626.5.200624.5.200629.5.200625.5.200626.5.200631.8.204030.6.202630.6.202830.6.204231.12.203730.12.202830.6.203830.6.203831.12.202931.12.203931.7.202930.1.204430.4.203231.8.203530.6.204028.2.204130.9.202830.9.203430.11.2026397 Balwan Singh S/O Sh. PhoolSingh398 Rakesh Kumar S/O Sh. InderSain07.07.196428.05.1959Hisar 23.5.2006Karnal26.5.200631.7.202531.5.2017

399 Narender Kumar S/O Sh.Bhagwan Dass400 Sushil Kumar S/O Sh. MojiRam05.05.197829.10.1973401 Gulshan S/O Sh. Asha Ram 14.07.1982402 Anil Kumar Jain S/O Sh.Prem Chand Jain403 Asha Rani S/O Sh. OmParkash Saini404 Kewal Kishor S/O Sh. DesRaj405 Naresh Kumar S/O Sh.Wazir Singh406 Devender Kumar S/O Sh.Ram Kumar407 Jag<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/O Sh.Manphool Singh408 Sandeep Kumar S/O Sh.Hara Singh409 Virender Kumar S/O Sh.Fateh Singh410 Ashok Kumar S/O Sh.Mehender Singh411 Suresh Kumar Tenwer S/OSh. Parmanand Tenwer412 Gopal Ram Ghintala S/O Sh.Thakur Dass413 Hanuman Parshad S/O Sh.Tulsi Ram414 Charanjit Singh S/O Sh.Rachhpal Singh415 Manoj Kumar S/O Sh. RamLal416 Virender Singh S/O Sh. RisalSingh417 Dalvir Singh S/O Sh. RamKumar13.04.195717.06.198121.09.195401.07.196504.01.197715.02.197731.03.197607.01.196715.07.198021.10.196515.11.195414.09.197624.06.198401.07.197901.01.196701.08.1970418 Rohtas S/O Sh. Tara Chand 24.1.1979419 Dal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Nain S/O Sh.Budh Ram Nain420 Ram Nivas S/O Sh. LachhiRam421 Lakh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/O Sh.Bachan Singh10.11.195920.03.197301.01.1967RewariSonepat25.5.200624.5.2006Hisar 29.5.2006KurukshetraKurukshet23.5.200631.5.2006raSirsa 29.5.2006PanchkulaMahendergarh25.5.2006Hisar 24.5.2006JhajjarSonepat25.5.200624.5.2006Jind 23.5.2006Jind 26.5.2006Sirsa 29.5.2006MahendergarhKurukshetraGurgaonRohtakRewariRohtakKaithalMahendergarhKaithal24.5.200626.5.200631.5.200624.5.200626.5.200625.5.200629.5.200623.5.200625.5.200631.5.203631.10.203131.7.104130.4.201530.6.203930.9.203931.1.20528.2.203531.3.203431.1.202531.7.203631.10.202331.11.201230.9.203430.6.204230.7.203730.12.203230.7.203731.1.203730.11.201731.3.203130.12.2025

422 Alok Kumar S/O Sh.Surinder Singh423 Sumer Singh S/O Sh. RamChander424 Virender Kumar S/O Sh.Piara Lal425 Karan Singh S/O Sh. KesarSingh426 Shailender S/O Sh. KhushiRam427 Krishan Kumar Gupta S/Osh. Kapoor Chand Gupta428 Ra<strong>bi</strong>nder Singh S/O Sh.Chaman Singh429 Dharamvir S/O Sh. RamKumar430 Uttam Kumar S/O sh. RamPhal Singh431 Arun Kumar S/O Sh. RamPartap432 Mohan Lal S/O Sh. ThakurDass433 Satyawan S/O Sh. BhallaRam434 Sahab Singh S/O Sh. ShriRam435 Prem Singh S/O Sh. PaleRam436 Surinder S/O Sh. BankeRam437 Hari Om Narwal S/O Sh.Chattar Singh438 Karamvir Singh S/O Sh.Harlal Singh439 Parmod Kumar S/O Sh. HiraLal440 Raj Kumar S/O Sh. PyareLal441 Bijender Kumar S/O Sh.Hardwari Lal Ranga442 Naresh Kumar S/O Sh.Chanader Singh16.03.197801.04.197205.07.198628.08.196723.01.197607.06.195409.11.197819.03.198627.02.198614.09.197904.05.196820.04.196808.05.196405.05.198127.02.197520.10.196731.01.196410.07.198501.07.197114.06.196903.05.1969443 Rohtas S/O Sh. Bhag Chand 09.10.1968MahendergarhMahendergarhChandigarhYamunaNagarFaridabadBhiwaniFaridabad25.5.200625.5.200629.5.200625.5.200626.5.200626.5.200626.5.2006Jind 29.5.2006Rohtak25.5.2006Sirsa 24.5.2006Hisar 29.5.2006RohtakRohtakRewariRohtakSonepatRohtakAmbalaCantt.25.5.200631.5.200625.5.200625.5.200624.5.200621.11.20068.6.2006Nuh 25.5.2006Gurgaon25.5.2006Hisar 24.5.2006Jind 25.5.200631.3.203031.5.203031.7.204431.8.203131.1.203430.6.201230.11.203631.3.204428.2.204430.9.203731.5.202630.4.202631.5.202230.9.202928.2.203331.10.202531.1.202231.7.204330.6.202930.6.202731.5.202731.10.2026

444 Dharamvir S/O Sh. TaraChand445 Budh Singh S/O Sh. BirsalaRam446 Vipin Vyas S/O Sh. B.R.Vyas447 Jitender Kumar S/O Sh.Krishan Chander448 Vishnu Kumar S/O Sh.Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh449 Baljit Singh S/O Sh. JageRam450 Arun Kumar Kansal S/O Sh.Satay Dev Kansal451 Kamal S/O Sh. CharanSingh452 Ravinder Kumar S/O Sh.Chuni Lal453 Sidharath Dev S/O Sh.Gurdayal Singh454 Surinder Singh S/O Sh. LalSingh455 Karnail Singh S/O Sh. MainSingh456 Ishwar Singh S/O Sh. MamChand457 Hoshiar Singh S/O Sh. RamSawrup458 Parmod Mahal S/O Sh.Dharamvir Mahal459 Mahender Singh S/O Sh.Matu Ram460 Ram Phal S/O Sh. GajeSingh461 Naresh Kumar S/O Sh.Jagdish462 Surinder Singh S/O Sh.Karnail Singh463 Sarjeet Singh S/O Sh. RamSarup464 Zile Singh S/O Sh. HukamSingh465 Surinder Singh S/o Sh.Shyam Lal Singh12.12.196506.05.196210.09.198212.11.196908.09.197610.10.196228.02.197009.11.198001.04.197620.03.196926.06.197815.06.197730.04.196510.11.196207.02.198601.01.196810.1.197117.07.196815.01.195701.08.195502.10.19611.12.1969Jind 25.5.2006FatehabadFaridabadRewariSonepatRohtakYamunaNagarRohtakKarnalFaridabadAmbalaCityKarnalMahendergarh29.5.200629.5.200626.5.200624.5.200624.5.200626.5.200625.5.200629.5.20062.6.200631.5.200613.6.20061.9.2006Jind 25.5.2006KarnalBhiwaniKarnal26.5.200624.5.200626.5.2006Hisar 3.10.2006Fatehabad24.5.2006Jind 22.5.2006JhajjarPalwal29.5.20066.12.0731.12.202331.5.202030.9.204030.11.202730.9.203431.10.202028.2.202830.11.203831.3.203431.3.202730.6.203630.6.203530.4.203330.11.201930.12.202630.12.202630.11.202931.7.202631.1.201531.07.201331.10.201931.1.2026

466 Surjeet Singh Kuhar S/oRam Mehar Kuhar7.6.1967467 Rajat Kumar S/o Sh. Brij Lal 10.9.1977468 Baljit Singh S/O Sh. SurajSingh469 Ajay Kumar S/O Sh. Sukh<strong>bi</strong>rSingh470 Ashwani Kumar S/o Sh.Badri Narain12.6.196918.10.196718.9.1975471 Balram S/o Sh. Ram Singh 17.5.1980472 Raj Kumar S/O Sh. KansiRam473 Satya Pal S/o Sh. DharamSingh474 Jagjit Singh S/o Sh. BalwanSingh475 Ram Mehar Sharma S/o Sh.Ram Chander Sharma476 Yogender Bhalara S/o Sh.Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh477 Krishan Gopal S/o Sh. RamMehar478 Karam<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/o Sh. RamChander479 Jagvinder Singh S/o Sh.Bhagwan Singh480 Jitender Kumar S/O Sh. RamJi Dass481 Narender Singh S/o Sh.Sube Singh482 Satyavir Sharma S/o Sh. OmParkaksh Sharma483 Rajesh Ruhil S/o Sh. AmirSingh484 Sandeep Kumark S/o Sh.Ram Gopal485 Sunil Kumar S/O Sh.Jawahar Lal486 Jas<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/o Sh. OmParkash487 Vinod Kumar S/o Sh.DharampalRohtakTohanaRohtakSonepatKarnal26.9.1983 Bhadra(Raj.)4.3.197110.10.19734.3.19744.2.19879.4.19718.1.197425.9.19701.11.196930.7.196820.6.196814.4.19728.1.19875.1.19737.2.19706.10.19826. 4.12.2007Meham4.12.20074.12.2007Jind 6.12.2007NarwanaRohtakGohanaSamalkhaRohtakGohanaSonepat4.12.20076.12.20074.12.20075.12.200711.12.20074.12.20074.12.2007Jind 3.12.2007BahadurgarhNewDelhiPalwalBahadurgarhMeham11.12.200712.12.200711.12.20073941730.6.202530.9.203530.6.202731.10.202530.9.203331.4.20383.6.204131.3.202931.10.203131.3.203228.2.204530.4.202921.1.203230.9.202830.11.202731.7.202530.6.202530.4.203031.1.204531.5.203729.2.202831.10.2040

488 Omvir Singh S/o Sh. MahavirSinghs489 Sanjay Kumar Sharma S/oSh. Shiv kumar490 Sandeep Chahal S/o Sh.Amarjit Singh16.12.197514.4.19704.4.1980491 Vinod S/o Sh. Ishwar Singh 25.3.1976492 Ravinder Kadiyan S/o Sh.Tara Chand493 Sandip Kumar S/o Sh.Dharamvir Singh494 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh S/o Sh. RamSarup495 Saurabh Pandit S/o PanditPuran Mals496 Anuraj Jindal S/o Sh. R.P.Jindal497 Kuldeep Singh S/o Sh.Mahavir Singh17.4.197921.12.198210.5.196816.2.198516.9.19841.12.1972498 Sonu S/o Sh. Baljeet Singhs 28.7.1987499 Dharamender Singh S/o Sh.Kartar Singh500 Mukesh Kumar S/o RamKuwar501 Harpreet Singh, S/o Sh.Jasmer Singh502 Sh. Hemant Saini, S/o Sh.Dindayal Saini503 Sh. Harjit Singh, S/o Sh.Ram Chander504 Sh. Jitender Kumar, S/o Sh.Hari Ram10.12.197810.3.198024.3.19835.7.198630.5.19672.1.1968505 Satpal, S/o Sh. Rati Ram, 5.4.1967506 Dharam Singh, S/o Sh. ShriRam507 Virender Kumar S/o Sh.Daya Kishan508 Rajinder Kumar, S/o Sh. JeeRam509 Yogesh Kumar, S/o Sh.Paras Ram,510 Mangal Singh, S/O Sh. RamSarup,3.7.19636.2.19723.11.19678.3.198112.12.1975BahadurgarhSonepatAmbalaCityRohtakPanipatCh.Dadri6.12.20075.12.200739417394177.12.20075.12.2007Hansi 3.12.2007BhiwaniAmbalaCityBhiwaniRohtakJhajjarRohtakChandigarhGurgaonRohtakFaridabadFatehabadGohanaRohtakMullanaGurgaonRohtak6.12.20075.12.20075.12.20077.12.20077.12.20073.12.20073.12.20074.12.200719.12.20074.12.20074.12.200712.12.20075.12.20076.12.20077.12.200731.12.203330.4.202830.4.203831.3.203330.4.203731.12.204031.5.202628.2.204330.9.204230.11.203031.7.204631.12.203631.3.203831.3.204831.7.204431.5.202531.1.202630.4.202531.7.202128.2.203030.11.202531.3.203931.12.20

511 Daya Ram, S/o Sh. BansiLal,512 Sandeep Kumar S/O Sh. OmParkash513 Kutubuddin, S/o Sh. AbdulRashid514 Virender Singh, S/o Sh.Ragh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh515 Som<strong>bi</strong>r, S/o Sh. SumerSingh516 Dharam Veer, S/o Sh. RajSingh517 Prem Singh, S/o Sh.Banwari Lal518 Deepa Mohan Salvi, W/oSh. Yogesh Kumar ,519 Suresh Kumar, S/o Sh. ShivDhan520 Virender Singh, S/o Sh.Suresh Kumar521 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, S/o Sh. RamSwarup522 Yogesh Kumar, S/o Sh.Sant Lal,523 Ajit Singh, S/o Sh. HukamSingh524 Raj Kumar, S/o Sh. SunderLal,525 Manoj Kumar S/oSh.Manhohar Lal526 Pappu Kumar Kataria, S/oSh. Sheochand527 Anil Kumar, S/o Sh. KanwarPal Singh528 Inder Pal, S/o Sh. AjmerSingh529 Sanjeev Kumar, S/o Sh.Sher Singh1.3.196520.11.198515.11.197412.7.19861.4.198627.8.19651.1.19708.6.198128.2.196719.5.19872.3.196715.8.19751.9.19621.8.198010.11.196710.3.196617.2.198427.1.19806.4.1978530 Rajender, S/o Sh. Tej Ram 26.8.1979531 Zile Singh, S/o Sh. Bal<strong>bi</strong>rSingh,532 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, S/o Sh. DeviSingh26.7.197210.2.1967MohindergarhJhajjarPunhanaKaithalKharkhodaRewari5.12.2007394173941712.12.20074.12.20075.12.2007Hansi 4.12.2007GurgaonRohtakNewDelhiRohtakFaridabadRohtak6.12.20076.12.20073.12.20073941713.12.2007Hisar 4.12.2007Beri 39417MohindergarhMohindergarhPanchkulaKarnalRewariKarnalRohtak5.12.200739417394176.12.20075.12.20073.12.20075.12.20073328.2.202330.11.20413.11.203231.7.204431.3.204431.8.202331.12.202730.6.203928.2.202531.5.204531.3.202531.8.203331.8.202031.7.203830.11.202531.3.202428.2.204231.1.203830.4.203631.8.203731.7.203028.2.2025

533 Pawan Purushotam Verma,S/o Sh. Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh15.8.1978534 Sunil Kumar, S/o Sh. Jai Pal, 31.5.1986535 Ariph Hussain, S/o Sh.Mohd. Hussain536 Parveen Singh Ahlawat, S/oSh. Tek Ram Ahlawat537 Sh. Ajay Saini, S/o Sh. RanSingh,538 Shiv Sankar, S/o Sh. RamSawrup539 Deep Chand, S/o Sh. TeluRam540 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, S/o Sh.Ramkishan,541 Mukesh Kumar, S/o Sh.Maman Singh542 Rajeev Kumar, S/o Sh. HariChander,543 Karamvir Singh, S/o Sh.Rohtash Singh,544 Maninder Singh, S/o Sh.Bhajan Singh545 Navneet Singh, S/o Sh.Subhash Chander1.1.19852.2.19812.3.198324.7.19762.3.19662.4.197115.1.197612.2.198711.9.197814.12.198522.12.1981RohtakBarara(Ambala)PunhanaJhajjarRohtakRohtakNarwanaGohanaGurgaonBahadurgarhChandigarhPehowaRewari11.12.200712.12.20077.12.2007394175.12.2007394175.12.20075.12.200711.12.20075.12.20077.12.20073941712.12.200731.8.203631.5.204431.12.204228.2.203931.3.204131.7.203431.3.202430.4.202931.1.203428.2.204530.9.203631.12.204331.12.2039JUNIOR ENGINEER(MECHANICAL)Sanctioned Strength = 50Vacant = 81 S.K. Leekha (Tohana) 27.5.52Rohtak2 J.L. Chopra (Kurukshetra) 5.6.51 Gurgaon3 B.K. Gupta (Ludhiana) 15.9.61Karnal4 Hari Om (Sohna) 6.3.50 Gurgaon5 J.D. Bhardwaj (Assandh) 2.3.50 Sonepat6 Saranjit Singh Sagoo(Karnal)15.4.537 Dalip Singh (Fatehabad) 6.12.53Y.Nagar18.5.7317.5.7312.6.7316.5.7321.5.7318.3.74Sirsa 21.7.7831.5.201030.6.200930.9.200931.3.200831.3.200830.4.201131.12.2011

8 Kuldeep Singh Saini(Kurukshetra)16.5.579 R.S. Dahiya (Sonepat) 26.4.5610 Gurmukh Singh (Karnal) 21.12.53KurukshetraCharkhiDadriKarnal11 S.K. Saini (Bahadurgarh) 1.3.54 Rohtak12 Balwant Singh (Kurukshetra) 12.5.57Kurukshetra17.7.7820.7.7818.7.7819.7.7824.11.7813 Banwari Lal (Sirsa) 6.5.55 Sirsa 14.9.7914 Satish Kumar Bansal (Jind) 1.1.61 Faridabad15 Jagat Singh Dahiya(Sonepat)15.1.54Sonepat16 R.K. Singla (Jind) 1.1.59 Narwana17 Dilbag Singh (Meham) 3.11.5818 Hans Raj (Narnaul) 9.10.5919 J.N. Dhawan (Bhiwani) 28.11.5420 Y.S. Chauhan (Sonepat) 10.8.5421 Bajrang Ram Saini (Sirsa) 11.5.5222 Mahesh Chander (Rohtak) 26.11.5623 Madan Lal (Ambala) 30.4.5621.12.8109.12.8110.12.81Hisar 11.12.81AmbalaBhiwaniRohtakFatehabadRohtakAmbala24 Jaswinder Singh (Ambala) 8.7.54 Ambala25 Ram Bilas (Rewari) 20.9.5226 A.K. Sethi (Karnal) 10.3.5627 R.K. Sharma (Nilokheri) 16.1.55RewariPanipatKarnal28 S.K. Sharma (Karnal) 1.4.57 Karnal09.12.8111.12.8108.12.8110.12.8116.12.8111.12.8126.6.8204.12.8116.6.8217.6.8207.1.8329 Satnam Singh (Elanabad) 1.3.59 Sirsa 11.1.8330 Raj Pal (Ambala) 10.6.56Ambala05.1.8331.5.201530.4.201431.12.201129.2.201231.5.201531.5.201331.12.201831.1.201231.12.201630.11.201631.10.201731.11.201230.6.201231.5.201030.11.201430.4.201431.7.201230.9.201031.3.201431.1.201331.12.201528.2.201730.6.201

431 Dharamvir Singh (Panipat) 29.5.5732 Pavitar Singh (Ambala) 29.7.5733 Udesh Mehta (Chandigarh) 25.9.6234 Ravi Bhardwaj (Alwar) 21.9.6535 D.S. Kundu (Jind) 14.7.6836 Karan Singh (Ambala) 18.12.68KarnalPanchkulaChandigarhNarnaul09.12.8111.12.8112.9.8624.4.91Jind 09.8.91AmbalaE/M19.1.9337 Shalender Gaur (Sonepat) 6.2.75 Hisar 24.1.200038 Dhanpat Ram (Sirsa) 8.12.5939 Pritam Singh (Pehwa) 06.5.5740 Chhattar Singh Saini(Rohtak)2.12.5541 Baljeet Singh (Rohtak) 25.12.54FatehabadAmbalaKaithalBhiwani03.1.200720.12.200609.11.200609.11.200642 Ramesh Kumar (Jind) 4.2.58 Hisar 04.1.200731.5.201531.7.201530.9.202030.9.202331.7.202631.12.202628.2.203331.12.201731.5.201531.12.201331.12.1229.2.2016JUNIOR ENGINEER(ELECTRICAL)UNDER SUPERINTENDINGENGINEER. ELECT. CIRCLE,PWD B&R BRANCH, KARNALSanctioned Strength = 95Vacant = 181 D.C. Malik (Gurgaon) 7.11.516.10.722 P.R. Anand (Karnal) 7.4.51 15.3.743 Braham Pal Singh (Panipat) 1.2.54 23.3.774 Braham Dutt Sharma (Jind) 23.5.545 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Kadian (Rohtak) 10.5.502.2.779.5.776 Kartar Singh Duhan (Jind) 8.8.53 25.3.777 Baldev Singh Verma (Karnal) 10.10.5411.3.7730.11.200930.4.200928.2.201231.3.201231.5.200831.8.201131.10.20

128 Inder Singh Verma (Karnal) 4.5.52 14.3.779 Rajinder Pal Taneja (Hisar) 10.12.5410 Ram Pal Punia (Sonepat) 25.5.5411 Ved Parkash Pannu (Hisar) 25.10.5212 Dilbag Singh Mor (Hisar) 15.12.5413 Lal Chand Legha(Fatehabad)10.5.538.3.7720.4.7721.3.7718.4.7723.3.7714 Rattan Singh Khatri (Hisar) 6.3.53 18.3.7715 Raminder Kumar Arora(Yamunanagar)16 Jagdish Pal Aggarwal(Rewari)6.10.5219.2.5217 Girdhar Singh (Fardiabad) 5.11.5418 Harish Kumar Sharma(Jallandher)20.11.5019 A.N. Gupta (Karnal) 20.5.5317.2.7718.3.7713.6.7720.4.781.1.8020 Samat Singh (Ambala) 5.3.54 15.9.8221 Parkash Chander (Rohtak) 4.11.5615.9.8222 Pyare Lal (Hisar) 9.4.54 15.9.8223 Ramesh Chander (Bhiwani) 15.4.5624 J.C. Verma (Karnal) 6.11.5825 Sushil Kumar Garg (Ambala) 9.11.6026 Mohinder Paul Sharma(Karnal)27 Satyavir Singh Mor(Sonepat)15.9.8215.9.8213.1.836.6.54 27.1.831.10.5528 Labh Singh Hooda (Rohtak) 1.10.5729 Geeta Ram (Delhi) 29.3.562.2.8321.1.833.2.8331.5.201031.12.201231.5.201231.10.201031.12.201231.5.201131.3.201130.10.201028.2.201031.11.201230.11.200831.5.201131.3.201230.11.201430.4.201230.4.201430.11.201630.11.201830.6.201230.9.201330.9.201531.3.2014

30 Suresh Kumar Gupta (Jind) 31.12.5818.1.8331 Randhir Singh (Ambala) 1.4.59 31.1.8332 Balraj Singh (Sonepat) 30.12.581.3.8333 Sham Lal (Sirsa) 9.7.61 1.3.8334 Sube Singh (Jind) 1.6.55 31.1.8335 Gurdeep Singh (Karnal) 17.7.5436 Ram Parkash Sharma(Karnal)27.1.839.2.56 15.9.8237 Ajmer Singh (Fatehabad) 1.9.58 1.2.8338 Ishwar Singh (Hisar) 2.10.5939 N.K. Bajaj (Fatehabad) 28.12.5540 Ramesh Nath Chauhan ( 16.8.5918.5.8318.5.8315.9.8241 Prem Raj Ahlawat (Jhajjar) 8.3.57 11.9.8642 Balkar Singh (Karnal) 21.9.6043 Lalit Mohan Jindal(Chandigarh)13.5.7244 Krishan Chand (Kurukshetra) 12.8.5245 Vijay Singh (Jind) 16.2.7946 Surender (Rohtak) 4.11.7247 Sanjeev Kumar (Rohtak) 18.10.7648 Sandeep Sharma (Jhajjar) 12.10.8149 Pardeep Kumar (Jhajjar) 12.4.7650 Dharvinder Singh (Rohtak) 23.2.711.11.8622.6.941.9.20065.10.200716.10.20075.10.200718.10.20078.10.20075.10.200751 Sukhdev Sharma (Jind) 1.1.83 8.10.200752 Ram Rattan Singh Panwar(Jhajjar)22.2.8010.10.200731.12.201631.3.201731.12.201631.7.201931.5.201331.7.201228.2.201431.8.201631.10.201731.12.201331.8.201731.3.201430.9.201831.5.203031.8.201028.2.203731.10.203031.10.203431.10.203930.4.203428.2.203931.12.204128.2.203

853 Ram Mehar (Rohtak) 26.1.768.10.200754 Satyawan Singh (Jhajjar) 1.4.70 5.10.200755 Rakesh Kumar (Faridabad) 9.6.74 17.10.200756 Vijay Mehta (Jind) 16.2.795.10.200757 Sumer Singh (Bhiwani) 2.2.83 10.10.200758 Dinesh Singh Sangwan(Bhiwani)9.11.7959 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh (Hisar) 12.2.8610.10.200710.10.200760 Vishwnath Khichi (Gurgaon) 1.7.73 24.10.200761 Jitender Kumar(Mohindergarh)14.9.8162 Manoj Kumar (Jhajjar) 25.3.7463 Navin Kumar (Rohtak) 21.10.7064 Amardeep Singh (Ambala) 20.4.8165 Mithun Kakran (Chandigarh) 11.5.8166 Sahil (Rohtak) 30.9.7667 Sadhu Ram (Rohtak) 14.6.6815.10.200711.10.20078.10.200715.10.200710.10.200710.10.200710.10.200768 Bhudev Singh (Rewari) 1.1.80 10.10.200769 Vind Kumar (Fatehabad) 9.9.80 19.10.200770 Dinesh Sapana (Faridabad) 22.11.8011.10.200771 Rakesh Kumar (Rewari) 3.3.73 18.10.200772 Ashwani Kumar(Kurukshetra)5.12.7573 Rajesh Birbal (Karnal) 10.3.7674 Kuldeep Singh (Jind) 22.11.8410.10.200711.10.20078.10.200731.1.203431.10.202830.6.203228.2.203728.2.204130.11.203728.2.204431.7.203130.9.203931.3.203231.10.202830.4.203931.5.203930.9.203430.6.202631.12.203730.9.203830.11.203831.3.203131.12.203331.3.203430.11.2042

75 Parveen Kumar (Fatehabad) 9.6.84 10.10.200776 Ram Singh (Kurukshetra) 2.9.80 8.10.200777 Chha<strong>bi</strong>l Kumar (Rohtak) 10.12.6710.10.200730.6.194230.9.203831.12.2025JUNIOR ENGINEER(HORTICULTURE)Sanctioned Strength = 22Vacant = 51 Omvir Singh (UP) 10.1.582 Jai<strong>bi</strong>r Singh (UP) 15.7.533 Kamal Singh (UP) 20.8.534 Satyvir Singh (Kaithal) 10.9.555 Tejpal Singh (UP) 01.5.506 Ranvir Singh (UP) 08.3.517 Pawan Kumar (Hisar) 20.1.758 Ravinder Kumar (Rohtak) 16.4.699 Vardan Singh (Hisar) 17.11.69Hisar 29.9.81(Regularizedw.e.f.01.1.91)BhiwaniPalwal(Gurgaon)AmbalaGurgaonSonepatFatehabadChandigarh01.10.81(Regularizedw.e.f.01.1.91)16.11.81(Regularizedw.e.f.01.1.91)19.6.82(Regularizedw.e.f.01.1.91)12.7.06(Dateofpromotion)12.7.06(Dateofpromotion)18.10.077-NovSirsa 18.10.0731.1.201631.1.201131.8.201110.9.201330.4.200831.3.200931.1.203330.4.202730.11.20

10 Baga Singh Jaswal(Fatehabad)01.1.6711 Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh (Panipat) 10.12.7512 Shyam Sunder (Hisar) 04.10.7813 Rohit Kansey (Ambala) 22.9.8314 Gurbaksh Singh(Yamunanagar)10.3.7615 Anil Kumar (Hisar) 15.4.7716 Pankaj Kumar (Rohtak) 15.1.7417 Gulab Singh (Bhiwani) 30.7.76DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> CLASS-III<strong>OF</strong>FICIALS (DRAWINGSTAFF)I. 18 posts of CHD (Civil)including on deputationposts(Pay scale: Rs. 6500-9900)1 Laxmi Narain, (BC) 1/10/19512 Rama Nand Dahiya, (SC) 16-07-19503 Mohinder Singh 10/12/19504 Narinder Kumar Dhanwantri-I2/9/19505 Narinder Kumar Aggarwal-II 2/7/19516 Ved Parkash Ranger, (SC) 4/1/19527 Ram Sarup 26-04-19508 Sukhi Ram 1/4/19509 Sher Singh 8/4/195410 Tek Chand Gupta 15-05-11 Ram Kumar Chauhan ( BC)(PH)19538/8/1950Jind 24.10.07KarnalKaithalYamunaNagarKurukshetraRohtakJhajjar19.10.0702.11.0719.10.0722.10.0719.10.0725.10.07Dadri 19.10.07JhajjarJhajjarFatehabadRohtakJagadhri16.2.200614.3.20069.11.200619.10.20069.12.2006Hisar 8.2.2006Jagadhari13.12.2006Hansi 1.3.2007BhiwaniGurgaon15.5.200710.5.2007Hisar 22.8.20072731.12.202431.12.203331.10.203630.9.204131.3.203430.4.203531.1.203231.7.203430.9.200931.7.200831.12.200830.9.200831.7.200931.1.201030.4.200831.3.200830.4.201231.5.201131.8.200

12 Ramesh Chander Bhutani 16-06-195013 Virender Kumar 22-07-195314 Phool Chand ( SC) 15-09-195215 Chattar Singh 21-05-195118 Sat Pal (SC) 8.11.195319 VacantJagadhariChandigarhTohana22.8.20071.9.20078.12.2006Hansi 27.8.2007GurgaonJagadhariKarnal22.8.200728.9.200724.8.2007830.6.200831.7.201130.9.201031.5.200931.3.201130.4.200930.11.2011II.60 posts of HDMs(Civil)including on deputationposts(Pay scale:Rs. 5500-9000)1 Hukam Chand 9/11/19542 Lal Chand, 3/1/19533 Satish Kumar Jain, 12/12/19514 Balwan Singh Punia, 3/12/19525 Ravinder Kumar, 2/4/19526 Ram Phal Bansal, 30-05-19537 Jai Singh, 10/4/19518 Murari Lal, 1/8/19539 Sita Ram Adlakha (U/S) 7/6/1954JagadhariHodalGurgaon24.9.2001 30.11.20128/10/200127-04-2002Hisar 23-04-2002YamunaNagarSonepatAmbalaYamunaNagarBallabgarh12/12/20026/11/200212/11/200327.8.200527-07-200516 Ram Lal 23-03-195317 Ali Hassan Poshwal 5/4/195131-01-201131-12-200931-12-201030-04-201031-05-201130-04-200931-07-201130-06-2012

10 Gulshan Kumar Bali, 22-08-195211 Gulshan Kumar Batra, 21-03-195412 Darshan Lal Dhingra, 15-09-195413 Amar Nath Goswami, 25-03-195014 Jagdish Kumar Chugh 20-05-195615 Krishan Gopal Verma, (BC) 20-08-195416 Chander Bhan Gupta 6/3/195717 Rajinder Singh, (SC) 14-07-195318 Sahab Singh, (SC) 15.12.195719 Didar Singh, 5/4/195220 Bhushan Lal Dhawan 3/5/195321 Ashok Kumar 20-03-195022 Ramesh Chander Sukheja 3/10/195023 Shishpal Singh Vats 5/4/195324 Rupesh Kumar 1/4/195025 Sunita Suri 20-09-195526 Dilbag Singh 7/3/1958JagadhariRohtakGohanaRohtakJagadhariAmbalaPalwal04.08.200512.8.200528-07-20055/9/20051/8/20051/3/200622.02.2006Hisar 12.04-1993AmbalaRoparRohtakKarnalRohtak1/3/199601.05.200620.02.200610.03.200611.03.2006Hansi 20.02.2006SonepatChandigarh21.02.200601.03.2006Hansi 3/3/200631-08-201031-03-201230-09-201231-03-200831-05-201431-08-201231-03-201531-07-201131.12.201530-04-201031-05-201131-03-200831-10-200830-04-201131-03-200830-09-201331-03-2016

27 Chander Parkash 6/8/195028 Ram Dhan (SC) 28-08-195329 S. N. Aggarwal 23-06-195530 Prem Chand Mehndiratta 20-09-195231 Parmod Kumar Mittal 5/8/195232 Mohinder Singh(SC) 10/4/195833 Ramesh Kumar Jain 5/5/195434 Radhey Sham 12/12/195135 Krishan Lal Kamboj, (BC) 25-10-195436 Kapoor Singh (SC) 5/4/195137 Chhaju Ram (SC) 15-04-196038 Jagdish Chander (SC) 15-06-196139 Shyam Lal (SC) (PH) 10/10/196040 Hawa Singh 8/11/195341 Babu Lal (SC) 5/4/195342 Surinder Kumar Pathak 30-09-195443 Jagdish Kumar 6/2/1959KaithalSonepat24.02.20061.3.1996Jind 20.02.2006KarnalJagadhariAmbalaSonepatGurgaonEllenabadKarnal24.8.200601.09.200625.08.200624.8.200625.8.200601.09.200619.9.2006Hansi 21.04.1998FatehabadJagadhariBhiwaniNarnaulChandigarh16.03.199812.05.199919.4.20079.11.200625.8.2007Hansi 1.12.200631-08-200831-08-201130-06-201330-09-201031-08-201030-04-201631-05-201231-12-200931-10-201230-04-200930-04-201830-06-201931-10-201830-11-201130-04-201130-09-201228-02-2017

44 Ashok Kumar 9/10/195745 Satish Chander Gupta 2/1/196046 Naresh Kumar Sharma 5/4/195747 Krishan Kumar Kalra 13-08-195948 Chajju Ram, HDM (SC) 15-04-196049 Suman Kumar Sharma 28-11-195950 Suresh Chander (BC) 1/1/195851 Sham Krishan 3/1/196152 Jagdish Chander 26-06-196153 Telu Ram 15-05-195854 Manjit Singh (ESM) 3/2/195755 Rajinder Kumar 2/5/195756 Mahavir Singh, 14-07-195957 Ragh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Nain,(ESM) 1/12/195958 Jagdish Chander, HDM (SC) 15-06-196159 Devinder Kumar 15-08-195760 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Dangi 24-10-1959KarnalPalwalKaithalRewari5.10.2006Apr-071.12.20069.1.2007Hansi 21.4.1998KarnalAmbalaRohtakGohana18.12.20068.8.200730.8.200710.9.2007Hisar 1.9.2007Ambala14.9.2007Hisar 16.11.2007Hisar 30.11.2007Hisar 24.8.2007FatehabadNaraingarhRohtak22.7.200220.10.200728.8.200731-10-201531-01-201830-04-201531-08-201730-04-201830-11-201731-12-201531-01-201930-06-201931-05-201628-02-201531-05-201531-07-201730-11-201730-06-201931-08-201531-10-2017

61 Shyam Lal 1/4/195862 Ann Dev Kumar (BC) 19-02-196163 Shyam Lal, HDM (SC)(PH) 10/10/196064 Krishanotar 23-01-196065 Surinder Singh Yadav 6/10/195466 Wazir Singh Malik (ESM) 12/5/196067 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Ranga (SC) 1/11/195868 Ravinder Kumar Sharma 1/4/196169 V.P. Alhan (SC) 13.5.195470 Shyam Lal (SC) 4.3.1950III.106 posts of ADMs (Civil)including on deputationposts(Pay scale:Rs. 5000-7850)1 Vijay Singh , 11/1/19602 Dharam<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Khush, 10/10/19603 Shiv Charan Dass, 15-06-19604 Sunder Lal Nagpal, 17-01-19585 Yudhvir Singh (BC) 15-01-19606 Karam Chand Bura, 1/4/1958Palwal11.10.2007Hisar 1.9.2007JagadhariFaridabadGohana12.5.199915.11.20076.2.2008Hisar 23.11.2007RohtakYamunaNagar1.12.20061.12.2007Hisar 11.6.2007KarnalFatehabad16.1.200810.11.1981Hansi 4/11/1981Jagadhari10/11/1981Hisar 12/11/1981KurukshetraMeham1/1/198229-12-198131-03-201628-02-201931-10-201831-01-201831-10-201231-05-201831-10-201631-03-201931.5.201231.3.200831-01-201831-10-201830-06-201831-01-201631-01-201831-03-2016

7 Surinder Singh, 21-11-19608 Devinder Nath, 23-05-19529 Jai Parkash Nain, 4/12/195210 Tejvir Singh, 3/4/196511 Happy Gupta, (PHC) 28-11-196212 Man Mohan Singh, 15-03-195513 Gulshan Kumar, 7/9/195914 Hans Raj, 18-12-195815 Rajesh Kumar Bhardwaj, 31-12-196516 Rajinder Singh Sohal, (SC), 23-11-195117 Ved Parkash (PHC) (SC) 18-03-196418 Gurpreet Singh, 30-06-196319 Raghu<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, 15-09-195920 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, 30-08-196521 Jaswant Singh, 10/4/196022 Raj Kumar-I, 24-10-196023 Daljit Singh , 15-04-1963GohanaKarnalNarwanaGurgaonFaridabadBhiwaniRohtak23-12-198115-12-198120-01-19829/3/198429-05-19847/11/19867/11/1986Hisar 7/11/1986KurukshetraRohtak22-02-198811/8/1988Sirsa 20-08-1988KarnalEllenabadMeham8/11/198819-01-198928-02-1989Sirsa 2/2/1989Hisar 3/2/1989Meham25-01-198930-11-201831-05-201031-12-201030-04-202330-11-202231-03-201330-09-201731-12-201631-12-202330-11-200931-03-202230-06-202130-09-201731-08-202330-04-201831-10-201830-04-2021

24 Rajinder Singh, 8/4/196125 Kuldip Singh, 15-07-196426 Bani Singh, 5/9/196027 Ram Phal Singh, 10/4/196128 Virender Singh 20-12-196129 Jai Bhagwan, (SC) 7/5/196130 Rattan Kumar, (SC) 5/1/196131 Rajesh Kumar, (SC) 15-09-196132 Rohtash, (SC) 14-07-196633 Pawan Kumar, (SC) 5/5/196434 Suresh Kumar, (SC) 7/7/196435 Mahavir Singh, (BC) 1/5/196536 Dal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, (BC) 8/1/196537 Indra Bai, (BC) 6/7/196738 Virender Singh, (BC) 16-05-195839 Jag<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, (ESM) 24-07-196140 Jagat Singh (ESM) 1/7/1962Hansi 23-01-1989Hansi 31-01-1989MehamMeham7/7/198917-07-1989Hansi 15-07-1988Rohtak23-02-1989Hansi 16-02-1989Jind 19-01-1989Pehowa23-01-1989Sirsa 17-02-1989KaithalNarwanaGohanaFatehabadKurukshetraRohtakRohtak6/6/198924-01-198924-02-198928-02-19892/2/198922-02-198928-01-198930-04-201931-07-202230-09-201830-04-201931-12-201931-05-201931-01-201930-09-201931-07-202431-05-202231-07-202230-04-202331-01-202331-07-202531-05-201631-07-201930-06-2020

41 Ved Pal (ESM) 25-12-196342 Ram Pal Singh (ESM) 14-04-196443 Dilbag Singh, 5/5/196844 Kanwaljit Singh, 29-04-196745 Ashok Kumar Nayyar, 06.10.195546 Sukh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh, 7/5/195147 Vinod Kumar, 13-09-195048 Harish Kumar, 15-06-195449 Som Dutt, 1/5/196350 Sunita Rani, 11/4/196251 Surinder Singh, 10/7/196352 Munish Kumar Malhotra, 9/2/197453 Bal<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 30-10-195154 Virender Singh Dhull 27-02-195755 Rakesh Singla 22-05-195856 Rakesh Kumar, 8/6/197257 Mahesh Kumar, 19-03-1964RohtakIsranaNarwanaPehowaHoshiarpurGohanaKaithalGohana3/3/198920-04-198915-03-198924-03-198905.10.19895/10/198924-11-19895/10/1989Sirsa 24.11.1989KaithalBhiwaniRohtakNarwanaRohtak05.12.198927.12.198925.05.199216.11.199216-11-1992Kalka 16-11-1992TohanaKarnal16.08.199308.04.199431-12-202130-04-202231-05-202630-04-202531.10.201331-05-200930-09-200830-06-201230-04-202130-04-202030-07-202129-02-203231-10-200928-02-201531-05-201630-06-203031-03-2022

58 Vivek Kumar, 17-12-197559 Raj Kumar-II, (SC) 5/10/196860 Rattan Bhushan 10/3/195061 Hans Raj, BC 8/2/195362 Siri Krishan, BC 25-05-195063 Sukh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 1/1/196564 Subhash Chander 1/6/196465 Jagroop Singh 2/3/196166 Ramesh Kumar Sharma 19-10-196567 Jaswinder Singh 16-11-197868 Sunil Kumar 15-05-196869 Sajjan Kumar, SC 1/3/195170 Puran Ram, SC 22-06-195471 Amir Singh, BC 15-02-195572 Tara Chand, SC 8/9/195073 Raj Pal Adlakha 27-07-195174 Ram Phal, BC 1/4/1954BallabgarhRewariThanesarJagadhariRohtakBhiwani14.10.199425.01.199623-10-199623-10-19965/12/19961/10/1996Hansi 24-10-1996NarwanaRohtakKaithalRohtak12/12/199623-10-199719-12-199722-12-1998Hansi 6/7/2000AmbalaHansi27-09-19998/4/2000Sirsa 10/6/1999KarnalMeham1/11/199918.11.199931-12-203331-10-202631-03-200828-02-201131-05-200831-12-202231-05-202231-03-201931-10-202330-11-203631-05-202628-02-200930-06-201228-02-201330-09-200831-07-200931-03-2012

75 Ram Bilas 10/5/195276 Nirmala Devi Sood 13-11-195177 Gulab Singh,BC 17-08-195978 Rakesh Dua 7/10/196479 Sampooran Singh 10/1/196980 Sube Singh 30-10-196481 Arun Kumar 1/9/196282 Shamsher Singh 2/4/196083 Jai Pal Saini, BC 15-06-195284 Raj Singh 1/12/195585 Mohinder Singh Dahiya 30-06-195286 Hazara Ram,SC 2/9/195187 Raje Ram,SC 10/6/195088 Joginder Singh 7/1/196389 Baljit Singh 18-03-196090 Ram Pal 18-11-196091 Rakesh Kumar 8/2/1960CharkhiDadriAmbalaSamalkha20-09-199917-09-199925-10-1999Sirsa 17.09.1999Bhiwani27.09.1999Sirsa 29-10-1999HodalNarwanaBararaJhajjarSonepatAmbalaGurgaon29-10-199929.10.199914-06-20002/8/200028-08-200010/3/200020-06-2000Hansi 29-06-2000Hisar 27-09-2000Jind 28-07-2000FerozepurZhirka1/8/200031-05-201030-11-200931-08-201731-10-202231-01-202731-10-202231-08-202030-04-201830-06-201030-11-201330-06-201031-08-200930-06-200831-01-202131-03-201830-11-201828-02-2018

92 Bir Singh, BC 2/3/196193 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 24-04-196394 Ramesh Kumar 10/5/196595 Manju Gandhi, 20-07-197096 Bharti, 19-05-197397 Meenu, 8/10/197498 Ved Parkash, 10/3/196599 Rajinder Singh, 1/12/1967100 Neeraj Madan, 1/1/1969101 Krishan Chander, 17-09-1969102 Bajinder Singh (PH) 5/9/1966103 Pinki Mahawar (SC) 7/7/1986104 Rajinder Kumar (SC) 10/11/1970105 Prithvi Raj (SC) 8.10.1955106 Badan Singh (SC) 1.6.1959107 Bhagat Singh (SC) 9.4.1961108 Suresh Kumar (SC) 1.3.1968109 Baldev Singh (SC) 5.2.1956PataudiSafidonGanaurChandigarhChandigarhChandigarhJagadhariBahadurgarhChandigarhSonepatGohana15-06-200026-06-20001/7/20001/1/20031/1/20031/1/20031/1/20031/1/20031/1/20031/1/20039/6/2005Delhi 17.05.2006KalanaurKarnalHathinKurukshetraMehamChandigarh12.05.20067.6.20071.2.200730.3.20079.10.200731.5.200731-03-201930-04-202131-05-202331-07-202831-05-203131-10-203231-03-202330-11-202531-12-202630-09-202730-09-202431-07-204430-11-202831.10.201331.5.201730.4.201928.2.202628.2.2014

110 Devi Parsad 16.7.1952111 Rajinder Kumar Sharma 8.9.1954112 Rajinder Singh (BC) 20.9.1957113 Sat Pal Sharma 24.4.1952114 Prithvi Raj 11.6.1953115 Prithvi Pal Singh 6.11.1953116 Hira Nand Chugh 13.10.1951117 A.K. Luthra 20.11.1953118 Pradhan Singh (BC) 20.12.1951119 K.K. Chhiber 19.11.1953120 Mohan Lal 2.3.1952121 Shyam Sunder 6.2.1954122 Gurvinder Singh 10.4.1956123 Bhagwati Prasad 26.3.1952Kaithal31.5.2007Palwal 31.5.2007Narwana 31.5.2007Karnal 31.5.2007Karnal 31.5.2007Karnal 31.5.2007Karnal 31.5.2007Panipat 31.5.2007Kurukshetra31.5.2007Ambala 31.5.2007PundriGurgaonYamunaNagarSonepat31.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.7.201030.9.201230.9.201530.4.201030.6.201130.11.201131.10.200930.11.201131.12.200930.11.201131.3.201029.2.201230.4.201431.3.2010IV.9 Posts of Tracers in HeadOffice (Payscale:Rs.3200-4900)1 Neeraj Kumar 15.1.19642 Sunil Kumar 14.1.19673 Nirmala (SC) 21.1.19704 Deepak Bahadur 6.2.19725 Chaman Lal (SC)26.1.19696 Parveen Kumari (BC) 5.5.1969YamunaNagarPanchkulaGanaur1.11.198630.8.199411.4.1994Rohtak 4.4.1991Ambala19.10.1993Morni 14.2.199431.1.202231.1.202531.1.202828.2.203031.1.202731.5.2027

7 Sanjay Kumar 27.7.19748 Udai Singh 3.4.19539 VacantSangrurMohindergarh2.9.199831.5.200731.7.203230.4.2011IOne sanctioned post ofCircle HeadDraftsman(Elect.) ( Payscale Rs. 6500-9900)1 Banwari Lal. 15.10.1951(Mohindergarh)11.10.200531.10.2009IIOne sanctioned post ofCircle Head Draftsman(Mech.)Subhash Chand 16.4.1950(Ambala)9.3.200730.4.2008IIIFive posts of HeadDraftsman Elect.( Pay scale R. 5500-9000)1 Ram Chander 4.1.19512 Parkasha Chand Gupta 23.6.19503 Ram Chander Dahiya 20.5.19524 Subodh Kumar Jain. 27.6.1953(Rohtak.)(Fatehabad)(Kurukshetra)(Gurgaon.)24.6.19994.5.200122.7.200531.3.200631.1.200930.6.200831.5.201030.6.20115 Jai Pal Singh. 2.4.1952(Sonepat)31.3.200630.4.2010IV.Five posts of HeadDraftsman Mech.( Pay scale R. 5500-9000)1 Jai Kishan 5.10.19502 Harnand Lal 6.7.19553 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh. 6.6.19524 Om Parkash Manchanda 13.6.1950(Jind) 29.8.1995(Hisar)(Hisar)(Sonepat)10.11.200027.6.200527.6.200531.10.200831.7.201330.6.201030.6.2008

5 Balwant Singh. 6.2.1954(Fatehabad)9.3.200729.2.2012V. Eight posts of AssistantDraftsman Elect.( Pay scale Rs. 5000-7850)( Four posts are indiminishing cadre)1 Rajinder Singh. 17.11.19522 Ishswar Singh. 22.12.19523 Mohan Dutt. 17.2.19554 Vishnu Dutt. 3.2.19595 Mohinder Singh. 8.2.19546 Raj Pal 10.4.19597 Jagdish Kumar. 4.9.19588 Vijay Kumar. 20.2.19569 B.D. Jain. 13.3.195410 Sher Singh. 1.12.195211 Inder Singh. 3.2.195612 Ravi Kumar. 15.7.1978(Karnal)(Rohtak)(Karnal)(Hisar)(Bhiwani)(Panipat)(Rohtak)(Ambala)(Karnal)(Karnal)(Bhiwani)(Sirsa)1.1.198030.11.201023.3.1981 31.12.201023.3.198121.9.19813.9.198110.9.198121.9.198214.5.199326.10.199324.2.199924.2.19998.9.200028.2.201328.2.201729.2.201230.4.201730.9.201728.2.201431.3.201230.11.201028.2.201431.7.2036VI.Seven posts of AssistantDraftsman Mech.( Pay scale Rs. 5000-7850)1 Raj Kumar. 10.12.19592 Gopi Ram. 1.1.19603 Pardeep Kumar. 15.6.19634 Ram Chander 4.5.19625 to 7 Vacant.(Ropar)(Hisar)(Hisar)(Hisar)28.9.198216.7.19826.3.19848.8.200031.12.201731.12.201730.6.202131.5.2020

DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> MINISTERIALSTAFF (CLASS I/II/III) HEAD<strong>OF</strong>FICESr. No.Name of Officials (S/Shri)I. One post of Jt. DirectorPay scale: Rs.10000-13500DateofBirthDateofappointment/promotionassuchDateofretirementRemarks1 K.S. Gill 25.5.19576.5.200531.5.2015II.One post of RegistrarPay scale: Rs.6500-105001 Rajinder Sikka 20.1.195210.4.200731.1.2010III.10 posts ofSuperintendentPay scale:Rs.6500-105001 Dharam Pal 12.4.19512 D.M.Trikha 24.3.19513 Vinod Kumar 2.5.19524 H.C.Jain 22.3.19525 Hari Chand 4.3.195114.10.200329.8.200531.12.200531.12.200529.9.200630.4.200931.3.200931.5.201131.3.201031.3.20106 M.K.Bhatia 12.5.19517 Ishwar Singh 5.9.19518 A.K.Rana 10.1.19529 Rajinder Singh 5.3.195010 Vacant29.9.200615.12.200623.7.200722.8.200731.5.200930.9.200931.1.201031.3.2008IV.One post of ChiefAccounts OfficerPay scale: Rs.10000-139001 Vacant

V.One post of AccountsOfficerPay scale: Rs.6500-9900+Rs. 200/- S.P.1 J.B. Saini 2.4.195313.2.200430.4.2011VI.2 posts of D.D.A.Pay scale: Rs.8000-135001 Dalip Singh Bishnoi 8..19592 Ragh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 31.5.1957VII.2 posts of A.D.A.Pay scale: Rs.6500-1050030.5.200313.4.200631.3.201731.5.20151 Munish Kumar2 VacantVIII.4 posts of Section OfficersPay scale: Rs. 6500-9900+Rs. 100/- S.P.1 JAI PARKASH BHARGAVA 3.6.19502 RAKSHA SUNEJA 02.03.19643 SUKHVINDER SINGH 2.1.19714 VacantIX.7 postsDy.SuperintendentsPay scale: Rs. 5500-90001 Joginder Singh 10.12.19512 Bipan Kumar Jagota 5.4.19523 C.S.Walia 4.9.19514 Prem Parkash 2.6.19525 Ravinder Mohan 10.11.19506 N.K.Taneja 18.3.19527 C.S.Chhikara 15.3.195222.10.199829.3.200730.10.20065.9.20064.10.20064.10.20061.12.200624.1.20076.3.200730.6.200831.3.202231.1.202931.12.200930.4.201030.9.200930.6.201030.11.200831.3.201031.3.2010X.76 posts of AssistantsPay scale: Rs. 5000-78501 Krishan Kumar Garg 4/11/19512 Chander Mohan 12/12/19538.5.8627.5.8611.8.863 Nar Singh 13-03-30-11-200931-12-201131-03-

1950 20084 Zile Singh Mann 5/2/19557 Baljit Singh 5/5/19518 Arvind Kumar 11/4/195419551950195318 Hari Ram 7/7/1951195122 Shiv Ram 5.5.195723 Anjana Gupta 10/10/195324 Jai Ram 27-11-195225 Usha Rani 20-05-19551.886 28-02-1.8.8611.12.861.8.8619.6.872.3.882.3.862.3.8627.5.8727.5.8610.5.9126.12.9126.12.9130.1.917.2.9212.1.933.9.9327..941.3.9526.5.9526.5.9522.2.965 Raj Kumar 21-01-19526 Om Parkash 1/3/1954201331-01-201029-02-201231-05-200930-04-20129 Suman Bhanot 24-01-31-01-201310 Punamdeep Singh 26-07-195311 Rajwanti 8/10/195131-07-201131-10-200912 Ashok Kumar Bhatnagar 23-09-195013 Harnek Chand Sharma 6/7/195030-09-200831-07-200814 Davinder Kumar 22-12-22-12-200815 Rameshwar Dass 15-12-31-12-201116 Yogesh Dewan 21-07-195217 Janak Raj 1/5/195031-07-201030-04-200831-07-200919 Kamla Khanna 16-06-30-06-200920 Tota Ram 20-02-195121 Om Parkash 7/7/195328-02-200931-07-201131.5.201531-10-201130-11-201031-05-2013

26 Mohinder Singh Beniwal 5/10/195827 Tarsem Kumar 4/1/195428 Harjeet Kaur 9/12/195629 Bansi Lal Nagi 15-03-195731 M.S. Saini 20-12-195332 Ishwar Singh Saini 2/9/195333 Shiv Kumar Nagra 18-10-196134 Mukesh Kaushik 24-03-19531951196643 Amar<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 11/4/196544 Mahender Singh Hooda 10/10/196845 Brahma Nand 15-04-195546 Mohinder Singh Rathi 30-04-196347 Jasvir Singh 11/3/196424.4.9624.4.962.1.9724.4.9624.4.9624.4.9624.4.962.1.972.1.9720.7.9812.4.200212.4.200210.04.200310.4.200327.11.200327.11.20035.3.200413.5.20047.7.20047.7.20047.7.20047.7.200413.10.200435 Ram Parshad Yadav 23-08-195036 Tek Ram Duggal 6/6/195331-10-201631-01-201231-12-201431-03-201531-12-201130-09-201131-10-201931-03-201131-08-200830-06-37 Nem Chand Jain 15-01-196638 Asha Rani 5/7/1958201131-01-202431-07-201639 Savitri Devi 16-12-31-12-200940 Ritu Sharma 15-06-30-06-202441 Gulzara Ram 13-08-195142 Sunita Bhatnagar 12/7/196631-08-200931-07-20241/5/202348 Surinder Singh 15-10-196449 Sneh Lata Gupta 15-02-196031-10-202630-04-201330-04-202131-03-202231-10-202228-02-2018

50 Sri Bhagwan Yadav 7.11.196251 Veena Verma52 Rajinder Kumar 22.3.196453 Bina Devi Gupta 1/7/195954 Veena Rani Arora 19-02-196055 Neelam Sharma 16.5.196556 Suresh Kumar Kayat 4/7/195857 Renu Mehta 18.6.196158 Suresh Chander 2/4/195959 Ram Phal - II 4/10/195117.2.200517.2.200517.2.20054.3.20059.6.20052.9.20052.9.200510.11.20052.12.200530.11.202031.3.202230-06-201728-02-201831.5.202331-07-201630.6.201931-03-201731-10-200960 Gurdeep Singh 10.12.196961 Ramesh Kumar-I 7/7/195662 Sanjeev Kumar 1/1/197463 Madan Lal 12.12.195966 Gurdev Singh 17-02-195567 Baljit Singh 20-06-195468 Dhanwantri 12/3/195269 Zile Singh 1/1/195770 Mahavir Singh 5/2/196171 Ramesh Kumar-II 15-10-19574.4.06/ Ghansham 19-09-197565 Dinesh Yadav 23.1.197130-09-203331.1.202928-02-201330-06-201231-03-201031-12-201428-02-201931-10-2015

72 Neeraj Ahuja 31.8.197673 Kailash Chand Giri 17.10.197374 Sukhwinder Jit 13.5.197775 Kanwar Pal 03.03.195576 Attar Singh 22.04.196477 Kishan Singh 2/7/195678 Jai Wanti 12/3/196121.2.200720.3.200720.3.200731.5.200718.6.200718.6.200727.9.200727.9.200727.9.200731.8.203231.10.03131.5.203531.3.201330.04.202279 Vikash Sharma 19-09-197080 Lalit Mohan 22-05-197131-07-201431-03-201930-09-202831-05-2029XI.One post of PrivateSecretaryPay scale: Rs. 6500-10500+ Rs. 200/- S.P.1 R.L.Pahwa 14-06-1951XII.Six posts of PersonalAssistantsPay scale: Rs. 5500-9000 +Rs. 150/- S.P.1 Satya Pal Pruthi 13-06-19532 Kailash Chander Bansal 8/3/19503 Sushma Rani 28-09-19514 Mohinder Pal Kansal 7/5/195217.3.20062.8.199329.10.199718.12.19985.4.199925.6.200321.11.200330-06-20095 Sneh Lata Ahuja 26-10-19526 Prem Sagar 15-05-195430-06-201131-03-200830-09-200931-05-201031-10-201031-05-2012XIII.Seven posts of Sr. ScaleStenographersPay scale: Rs.5000-78501 Rani Ranjana 8/8/19502 Madhu Gupta 15-09-19551.1.199023.6.199531-08-200830-09-2013

3 Ashok Kumar Singal 15-12-19544 Veena Kumari 31-10-19567 Pinki Rani 1/11/196030.3.199813.8.199827.4.199913.8.198924.2.20045 Raj Kumari 15-03-19536 Ramesh Kumar Sehwal 5/4/195631-12-201231-10-201431-03-201120-04-201431-10-2018XIV.Eight posts of Jr. ScaleStenographersPay scale: Rs.4000-60001 Krishna Rani 6/4/19542 Surinder Kaur 9/12/19523 Saroj Bala 26-11-19626 Kumud Bala 12/11/19617 Joginder Singh8 Ajmer Singh11.4.196721.4.197419.8.198624.1.19894.7.198923.2.199523.2.19957.2.199617.2.200531.7.200530-04-201231-12-20101/12/20204 Meena Kumari 16-01-19665 Sube Singh 12/3/195531-01-202431-03-201330-11-201930.4.202530.4.2032XV.Twenty five posts of StenoTypistsPay scale: Rs.3050-4590 +Rs. 100/- S.P.19562 Sunita Rani 29-09-19763 Gulshan Rani 17-04-19664 Murti Devi 10/7/197015.9.198231.12.9317.2.993.5.19967.3.199717.6.19961 Shakti Kumar Verma 16-03-31-03-201430-9-20345 Amarjit Kaur 21-07-19746 Sheela Devi 20.4.197530-04-202431-07-202831-07-203230.4.2033

7 Rajinder Kaur 1.4.19618 Renu Rani 15.9.19799-25 Vacant31.12.903.5.200630.1.201930.9.2037DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> SANCTIONEDPOSTS <strong>OF</strong> CLERKS.PayScales of Rs. 3050-4590.S. No. Name with Designation DateofBirth1 Sardra Ram 6.6.19512 Dharam Pal 10.10.19493 Sujata 1/7/19574 Pinki Walia 6/5/19635 Gurinderjeet Singh 9/9/19756 Puneet Arora 1/4/19697 Ram Kumar 15-03-19578 Mahender Singh Pehal 10/3/19639 Suresh Kumar - II 2/7/197310 Sri Chand 5/1/195511 Rajnish Shamra 14-08-197312 Naresh Kumar Aggarwal 19-10-196913 Som Nath, 18-03-1957HomecivilSubDivisionChandigarhSonepatKarnalKarnalPanchkulaChandigarhRohtakSonepatBhiwaniFaridabadChandigarhPanchkulaPanipatSincewhenworkingassuch1.4.197315.7.8631-12-199030.09.9425.07.9522.01.9622/02/199627/08/199709.05.9624-04-199610/10/199612/12/19971/1/1997DateofRetirement30.6.200931.10.200930-06-201531-05-202130-09-203331-03-202731-03-201531-03-202130-07-203131-01-201331-08-203131-10-202731-03-201

14 Darshana Yadav (BC-B) 14.1.197315 Sunita Dua 25-05-196816 Ram Bhaj (SC-A) 3/7/195417 Jyoti Bala (BC-A) 13-01-197518 Akshya Kumar 14-07-197219 Prem Lata 15-01-197720 Subhash Chander Soni (BC-A) (ESM)5/3/195221 Ramesh Kumar Hooda 13-04-196322 Naveen Kumar (SC-B) 4/9/196923 Prem Chand (BC-A) 7/10/196024 Sheela Malik 1/5/197525 Ragh<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 15-05-196926 Suresh Kumar 3/4/196427 Yogesh Sindoor (BC-A) 18-11-198328 Ramesh Chander Duggal(SC-A)1/1/196629 Ashok Kumar - I 28-03-195830 Hemant (BC-B) 28-09-1985RohtakPanchkula16.6.19978/7/1997Jind 10/3/1998PanchkulaBahadurgarhKaithalBhiwaniRohtakSonepatKarnal26-05-199928-05-19994/6/199925/05/199923-12-199921-12-199922-12-1999Jind 9/5/2000MohindergarhKangra/HPYamunaNagar5/5/20004/1/20007/8/2002Jind 18-12-2003ChandigarhGurgaon2/4/20041/9/2005531.01.203131-05-202631-07-201231-01-203331-07-203031-01-203531-03-201030-04-202130-09-202731-10-201830-04-203331-05-202730-04-202230-11-204131-12-202331-03-201630-09-204

31 Vijay (SC-B) 29-12-198532 Laxmi (SC-B) 11/11/197833 Mukesh Kumar 11/4/197734 Sunil Kumar 5.9.197635 Deepal Kaur 3.3.195636 Urmil Malik 20.7.195237 Ram Rattan 4.9.195438 Jai Singh 2.3.195839 Raj Pal 25.5.195540 Ram Kumar S/o.Sh. PiruRam41 Ram Kumar S/o Sh. AmarSingh18.4.196114.9.195342 Smt. Prem Lata Kukreja 25.7.196943 Baljit Singh 28.3.195444 Lakhmi Ram 6.8.195445 Sahib Singh 6.6.195846 Milap Chand 14.12.195847 Ashok Kumar - III 15.6.196148 Raj Kumar 9.12.196149 Ram Pal 24.12.196350 Sat Narain Sharma 6.6.1958RohtakMahendergarhAmbalaChandigarhAmbalaPanchkulaRohtak1/9/20056/9/200516-12-20056.7.200630.10.200620.10.200623.10.2006Jind 23.10.2006Sonepat23.10.2006Hisar 26.10.2006Hisar 26.10.2006PanipatYamunaNagarPanipatSonepatKangra/HPAmbalaAmbalaAbmalaSonepat26.10.200619.6.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.200731.5.2007331-12-20431/12/203630-04-203530.9.203431.3.201431.7.201030.9.201231.3.201631.5.201330.4.201930.9.201131.7.202731.3.201231.8.201230.6.201631.12.201630.6.201931.12.201931.12.202130.6.2016XVI.5 posts of Restorers

Pay scale: Rs. 3050-45901 Jodh Kumar 10/10/19502 Kashmiri Lal 28-10-19505 Darshan Lal 5.11.19506 Dilla Ram 25.12.1953XVII.18 posts of DriversPay scale: Rs. 4000-60001 Ravi Kant 26.8.19592 Naresh Kumar 19.04.19723 Jeet Singh 1.8.19504 Satinder kumar 24.11.19645 Pritam Singh 30.1.19536 Manohar Lal 13.5.19537 Mohinder Singh 26.6.19508 Harmeet Singh 14.5.19599 Gurbachan Singh12.10.195912.10.195910 Rajinder Paul 13.4.195511 Shyam Lal 10/10/195012 Sat<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 15.3.196013 Raj kumar 20.3.196414 Karam Chand 20.3.196415 Harbhajan Singh 20.4.196716 Ram Lal 27.9.195717 Chandan Singh 18.6.195618 Avtar Singh 26.10.19701.2.197115.2.198918.11.19938.3.20016..199812.6.20011.2.19902.4.200320.4.200531.3.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.20071.7.200717.20071.7.200730.11.200831.12.201131.8.21730.4.203031.8.200831.11.202231.1.201131.5.201130.6.200831.5.201731.10.201730.4.20133 Rajinder Singh Saini 15-01-19524 Julfi Ram 4.12.195231-10-200831-10-200831-01-201031.12.201031-10-200831.3.201831.3.202230.4.02230.9.201530.9.201530.6.201431.102018Directory of Class-IVEmployees of HQ office ofHaryana PWD (B&R)Department, Chandigarh

Sr. No.Neme of Official S/Sh.(with home Distt.)ContactNo.I. Daftri (Pay Scale Rs. 2650-65-3300-EB-70-4000)1 Khem Singh Almora(U.P.)2 Dhaneshwar Bux Singh Sitapur(U.P.)3 Ram Singh Kangra(H.P.)II. Jamadar (Pay Scale Rs.2650-65-3300-EB-70-4000)1 Balwan Singh Rohtak2 Hari Ram Shimla(H.P.)3 Gurnam Singh Ambala4 Bir Singh PauriGarhwal(U.P.)5 Virender Singh PauriGarhwal(U.P.)6 Balam Ram Mandi(H.P.)7 Lala Ram Alwar(Rajasthan)8 Pritam Singh Hamirpur(H.P.)III PEONS (Pay Scale Rs. 2550-55-2660-EB-60-3200)1 Ashok Kumar Saini Patiala(Punjab)2 Neter Singh Mandi(H.P.)3 Tikkam Dutt Pandey Gonda(U.P.)DateofBirth4/6/19491/7/19497/1/194915-10-19509/3/19502/7/194927-7-19487/12/195327-3-19542/5/194915-8-1954DateofPromotion15-3-200017-5-20068/7/19947/6/19885/4/198919-4-19968/2/200020-12-200120-12-200128-3-200220-10-200318-1-195019-7-19551/12/1953DateofRetirement30-6-200930-6-200931-1-200931-10-201031-3-201031-7-200931-7-200831-12-201331-3-201431-5-200931-8-201431-1-201031-7-201530-11-2013

4 Sunder Lal-I Patiala(Punjab)5 Ishwar Nath Kurukshetra6 Madan Lal Kangra(H.P.)7 Diraj Singh PauriGarhwal(U.P)8 Jangi Ram Kangra(H.P.)9 Babu Lal RaiBareli(U.P.)10 Manohar Lal Mahendergarh11 Sharda Parshad Sultanpur(U.P.)12 Mohan Lal Chandigarh28-10-195530-9-195617-2-195117-4-19589/4/195110/1/195322-5-194812/5/195025-9-195813 Ram Parshad Nepal 16-5-195914 Bhim Singh Saharanpur(U.P.)15 Lachhman Dass Chandigarh16 Kanwal Singh Rohtak17 Sube Singh Saharanpur(U.P.)18 Kalpeshwari Devi Chandigarh19 Gurnam Singh-II Ambala20 Sawan Ram Ambala12/2/195416-1-19568/6/19544/7/195711/4/19627/8/19551/1/195431-10-201530-9-201628-2-201130-4-201830-4-201131-1-201331-5-200830-9-201030-9-201831-5-201928-2-201431-1-201630-6-201431-7-201730-4-202231-8-201531-12-2013

21 Rakesh Kumar Ambala22 Jagdish Chander (Blind) Ambala23 Mohinder Singh Sonepat6/2/196516-2-19691/2/195024 Ramesh Kumar Sirsa 12/2/195625 Jai Chand Kaithal26 Siri Chand (Blind) Faridabad27 Raj Kumar Mahendergarh28 Gurmeet Singh Hoshiarpur(Punjab)29 Sunder Lal-II Chandigarh30 Jiwani Devi Rohtak31 Raj Kumari Rohtak32 Raj<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Rohtak33 Data Ram Ambala34 Simranjit Kaur Panchkula35 Surender Kumar Panchkula36 Kuljit Singh Panchkula37 Hoshiar Singh Mahendergarh4/4/19627/1/19551/1/195918-3-19631/1/19624/12/195424-8-196222-4-196910/10/19537/1/196915-12-196930-11-19781/1/196128-2-202528-2-201931-1-201029-2-201630-4-202231-1-201531-12-201831-3-202331-1-202131-12-201431-8-202230-4-201931-10-201331-1-202931-12-202930-11-203831-12-2020

38 Panna Lal Bhiwani39 Prit Pal Singh Panchkula40 Bijender Singh Rohtak41 Ram Pal Kaithal42 Kiran Kumar Sonepat43 Nirmal Kumari Ambala44 Ram Lubhaya Rohtak45 Sukesh Rani Sonepat46 Salinder Singh PauriGarhwal(U.P.)47 Sunil Kumar Ambala48 Ajit Singh Jhajjar49 Deepak Kaushal Ropar(Panjab)50 Ravinder Kumar Hamirpur(H.P.)51 Dilpreet Singh Chandigarh52 Sandeep Chaudhary Bhiwani53 Devinder Singh PauriGarhwal(U.P.)54 Suman Parkash TihariGarhwal(U.P.)5/8/196720-12-19595/2/19654/4/197015-1-197820-8-195615-6-195018-4-196529-8-197927-1-198118-6-197421-7-198114-2-197715-6-19829/7/19856/10/197710/5/198531-8-202731-12-201928-2-202530-4-203031-12-193831-8-201630-6-201030-4-202531-8-203931-1-204130-6-203431-7-204128-2-203730-6-204231-7-194531-10-203731-5-2043

55 Sushil Kumar Panchkula56 Naresh Kumar Karnal57 Kuldeep Kaur Patiala(Punjab)58 Bimal Devi Mahendergarh59 Vijender Kumar Panchkula60 Anil Kumar Kaithal61 Gurnam Singh-III Kaithal62 Om Wati Kurukshetra63 Roop Ram Solan(H.P.)64 Ranjeet Singh Kangra(H.P.)65 Nirmal Kumar Chandigarh66 Bhuvneshwar Parshad TihariGarhwal(U.P.)67 Karamjit Singh Chandigarh68 Bhagirath Almora(U.P.)69 Ramesh Kumar Ropar(Punjab)IV CHOWKIDARS (Pay ScaleRs. 2550-55-2660-EB-60-3200)1 Ram Niwas Bhiwani2 Bishan Kumar Faridabad19-8-19801/3/19751/8/197122-7-196629-1-19788/4/19844/1/198021-12-196715-5-195813-4-19669/9/195210/5/195114-10-195218-7-196715-5-196920-11-195930-1-196531-8-204028-2-203531-7-203131-7-202631-1-203830-4-204431-1-204031-12-202751-5-201830-4-202630-9-201231-5-201131-10-201231-7-202731-5-202930-11-201931-1-

3 Ran<strong>bi</strong>r Singh Kurukshetra20-5-19814 Ramu Nepal 10/11/1965V. SWEEPERS (Pay Scale Rs.2550-55-2660-EB-60-3200)1 Harbhanan Lal Ambala2 Suresh Kumar Rohtak3 Satish Kumar Panipat4 Chajju Ram Faridabad5 Prem Chand Chandigarh9/10/19542/2/196230-1-196510/7/19787/5/1962202531-5-204130-11-202531-10-201428-2-202231-1-202531-7-203831-5-2022DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> SANCTIONEDPOSTS <strong>OF</strong> CLASS II<strong>OF</strong>FICERS ( CIRCLESUPERINTENDENT ) FIELD<strong>OF</strong>FICESS.No.Name of officer (S/Sh.) inorder of seniority.(with Home Distt.)DateofBirth.Dateofpromotionassuch.Dateofretirement.Remarks.I. 10 SANCTIONED POSTS <strong>OF</strong>CIRCLE SUPERINTENDENT(CIVIL)(Pay Scale Rs. 6500-10500)1 Joginder Kumar. (Jind) 15.2.19542 Subhash Chander (Ambala)3 Rajinder Parshad. (Mohindergarh)4 to 7 Vacant18.1.195230.12.195217.11.200311.6.200711.6.200729.2..201231.1.201031.12.2010

II2 SANCTIONED POSTS<strong>OF</strong> CIRCLESUPERINTENDENT(ELECT./MECH.)(Pay Scale Rs. 6500-10500)1 Satish Kumar. (Rohtak)2 Ravinder Kumar. (Rohtak)25.11.19518.4.195311.8.200411.6.200730.11.200930.4.2011DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> SANCTIONEDPOSTS <strong>OF</strong> CLASS III<strong>OF</strong>FICIALS(DY.SUPERINTENDENTELECT./MECH.) FIELD <strong>OF</strong>FICES.No.Name of official (S/Sh.) inorder of seniority.Dateof<strong>bi</strong>rthDateofpromotionassuch.Dateofretirement.Remarks.47 Posts of DeputySuperintendent (Civil).( Pay scale Rs. 5500-9000)1 Ashok Kumar. (Patiala)2 Manohar Lal Bhatia. (Ambala)3 Om Parkash. (Kaithal)4 Inderjit Grover. (Kurukshetra)5 Jagdish. (Hisar)6 Rita Chopra (Kurukshetra)7 Shyam Sunder (Karnal)10.12.195020.8.19522.3.195131.3.195510.2.19514.5.19547.5.19508 Mohinder Pal. (Jind) 2.10.19539 Jai Gopal. (Gurgaon)10 Ravinder Kumar Malhotra. (Hisar)11 O.P. Gupta. (Sirsa)2.1.195610.4.19504.3.195024.6.199924.6.199926.9.200129.12.200329.12.200319.7.200425.8.200425.8.200429.11.200423.3.200523.3.200531.12.200831.8.201031.3.200931.3.201328.2.200931.5.201231.5.200831.10.201131.1.201430.4.200831.3.2008

12 Satish Kumar. (Ambala)13 Narinder Kumar. (Hisar)14 Hawa Singh. (Hisar)15 Som Nath Johar. (Ambala)16 Amrish Chander. (Hisar)17 Ashwani Kumar. (Ambala)18 Man Singh.(Karnal)19 Ram Karan. (Kaithal)20 Subhash Mangla. (Gurgaon)21 Dalip Singh. (Bhiwani)22 Lachhman Dass Gandhi. (Gurgaon)23 Ram parkash. (Fatehabad)24 Hari Chand. (Kurukshetra)25 Murari Lal. (Gurgaon)26 S.K. Mishra. (Bhiwani)27 Prem Chand Pruthi. (Rohtak)1.10.195021.8.195010.12.195410.3.19511.1.195228.3.195927.4.19501.5.195027.4.195217.4.195125.1.19525.4.19507.6.195231.12.195011.3.195328.5.195028 Jugti Ram 17.4.195229 Balwan Singh. (Sonepat)30 Ram Gopal. (Hisar)31 Raj Kumari. (Gurgaon)32 Bhalla Ram. (Rohtak)33 Jarnail Kaur. (Karnal)34 Azad Singh. (Jhajjar)15.8.19602.2.19639.5.19592.10.195115.7.19592.2.195123.3.20056.7.20056.7.20056.7.200524.8.200524.8.200524.8.200522.2.200621.3.200610.7.200610.7.200610.7.200622.12.200622.12.200629.1.200728.3.200728.3.200720.6.200720.6.200720.6.200720.6.200720.6.200720.6.200730.9.200831.3.200831.12.201231.3.200931.12.200931.3.201730.4.200830.4.200830.4.201030.4.200931.1.201030.4.200830.6.201031.12.200831.3.201131.5.200830.4.201031.8.201828.2.202131.5.201731.10.200931.7.201728.2.200

935 Bijender Singh (Rohtak)36 Sewak Ram. (Mohindergarh)37 Sita Ram. (Rohtak)38 Bishamber Dayal. (Gurgaon)39 Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Parshad. (Bhiwani)40 Sajjan Kumar. (Panipat)41 Urmila Kaushik (Hisar)42 Raj Bala. (Faridabad)43 Dhanpat Singh (Ist) (Bhiwani)44 Sukhdev Singh (Mohindergarh)14.5.19516.5.195210.3.19502.2.19537.10.195211.10.196221.5.195010.4.195812.10.195015.12.195129.11.200729.11.200729.11.200729.11.200729.11.200729.11.200712.3.200812.3.200812.3.200812.3.200831.5.200931.5.201031.3.200828.2.201131.10.201031.10.202031.5.200830.4.201631.10.200831.12.200945 Dhansar Jain, SAC (Hisar)46 Shanti Sarup (Rohtak)47 Dhanpat Singh (2 nd ) (Hisar)8.6.195222.9.195128.8.195012.3.200812.3.200812.3.200830.6.201030.9.200931.8.2008II. 9 Posts of DeputySuperintendent (Elect./Mech.).9000)( Pay scale Rs. 5500-1 Banarsi Dass. (Karnal)2 Rajinder Singh. (Jhajjar)3 Ram Pal. (Rohtak)4 Karan Singh. (Bahadurgar)5 Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh. (Jhajjar)6 Tilak Ram.(Sonipat)10.5.195217.3.19526.7.195117.3.19505.3.19543.2.19527.1.199931.7.200120.11.200211.8.200514.6.200619.7.200731.5.201031.3.201031.7.200931.3.200831.3.201228.2.2010

7 Sunder Lal. (Gohana/Sonipat)8 B.D. Jain. (Panipat)9 Nafe Singh (Kaithal)10 Shiv Pal Singh. (Mohindergarh)10.4.19537.7.195513.3.195015.9.195019.7.20078.2.20088.2.20088.2.200830.4.201131.7.201331.3.200830.9.20084 b xi <strong>THE</strong> BUDGET ALLOCATED TO EACH <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ITS</strong> AGENCY, INDICATING <strong>THE</strong><strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> ALL PLANS, PROPOSED EXPENDITURES ANDREPORTS ON DISBURSEMENTS MADE.MONTHLY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT UNDER ALL HEAD STATEMENTSHOWING SUB HEAD WISE BUDGET ALLOTMENT DURING <strong>THE</strong> YEAR2008-09 <strong>OF</strong>FICE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF HARYANA PWD (B&R)Rs in lacsSr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-091 2 31 2059-PUBLIC WORKS (ESTABLISHMENT)A) 001 (IV)-EXECUTION (NON-PLAN)i) Salary. 7370.00ii) D.A. 2832.00iii) T.A. 181.50iv) O.E./R.R.T./P.O.L. 147.00v) Medical Claim. 135.00vi) Ex-gratia. 95.00TOTAL ( NON-PLAN) 10760.50B) 001 (IV) EXECUTION (PLAN)i) Salary. 2800.00ii) D.A. 1075.00iii) T.A. 60.00iv) O.E./R.R.T./P.O.L. 8.00v) Medical Claim. 20.00vi) Ex-gratia. 40.00TOTAL (PLAN) 4003.00C) CIRCLE <strong>OF</strong>FICE & O<strong>THE</strong>RS. 2179.50

GRAND TOTAL ESTT. 16943.00Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-09(Rs in lacs)1 2 31) MACHINERY & REVENUE BUILDINGS2059-PUBLIC WORKS (NON-PLAN/PLAN)(A)051-CONSTRUCTION (NON-PLAN).Admn. Of Justice 1.20District Admn. 12.00Jail 1.80Public Works 30.00TOTAL 051-CONSTRUCTION. (A) 45.00(B)052-MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT.i) Purchases (Non-Plan). 10.00ii) Replacement of Machinery (Non-Plan) 150.00iii) Replacement of Vehicles (Non-Plan). 90.00iv) Maint. Of Machinery (Non-Plan). 110.00v) 052-(I)-Purchase (Plan). 50.00TOTAL 052-Machinery & Equipment (N.P./Plan). 410.00( C ) 2059-P.W. O<strong>THE</strong>R HEADS.a) 053-Maint. & Repairs (N.P.)(Non-residential).4000.00b) 053-Maint & Repairs(T.F.C.) 8542.00ii) 103-Furnishing (N.P. ) 35.00iii)104-Lease Charges ( N.P. ) 4.00iv) 105-Public Works Charges (N.P.). 15.00v) 799-Suspense ( N.P. ). 150.00G.Total 2059-P.W & 053-M&R Funds Transfer. 13201.00Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-09(Rs in lacs)1 2 32 2216-HOUSING (NON PLAN)

A) Construction(Non Plan)i) Admn. Of Justice 0.00ii) Distt. Admn. 0.00iii) Jail 0.00iv) Public Works 0.00A) Total Constn (N.P.) 0.00B) Maint & Repairs( N..P.) 996.00C) Furnishing (N.P.) 10.00D) Lease Charges 10.00G.Total 2216- Housing (A+B+C+D) 1026.003 2012-Governor (N.P.) 25.754 2013-Council of Ministers (N.P.) 300.005 2203-Technical Education (N.P.) 2.106 2210-Medical (N.P.) 201.007 2235-Social Welfare(N.P) 4.008 2403-Animl Husbry (Plan) 0.009 2403-Animal Husbandry (N.P) 5.00Total Machinery & Revenue Buildings(1 to 9) 14764.85Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-09(Rs. In lacs)1 2 3-2 CAPITAL BUILDING ( PLAN)4058-C.O. on Printing & Stationery 9.504059-PUBLIC WORKSi) Administration of Justice 2000.00ii) Distt. Administration 1950.00iii) Excise & Taxation 50.00iv) Jails 2568.00v) Treasury & Accounts 5.00vi)Yojana Bhawan 50.00vi)Election Deptt. 50.00vii) Hospitality 10.00viii) H,P.S.C. 15.00ix) H.S.S.C 0.00x)Public Works 300.00xi) Minister car Section 10.00

Total 4059-Public Works:- 7008.004202-Education01-GENARAL EDUCATION202-Secondary Education 500.00203-(I) Higher Education 1900.00ii) Shiskha Sadan 450.0002-TECHINCAL EDUCATIONI) 104-Polytechnics (State Budget) 3800.00ii)105--Engineering College 0.0003-Sports\04-Art & CultureI)101- Youth Hostels ( Sports) 150.00ii)105--Public Libraries 15.00iii) 106-Museum 0.00TOTAL 4202-EDUCATION;- 6815.00Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-091 2 34210- MEDICAL01-Urban Health Services110-Hospitals\DispensariesRs in lacsI) Hospital /Dispensaries 750.0002-Rural Health Servicesi)101-Sub Health Centres 50.00ii)103-Primary Health Centres 700.00iii)104-Coummunity Health Centres 450.0003-Medical Education Training & Research101-Ayurveda 13.00ii)105-Allopathy 3000.00TOTAL 4210-MEDICAL 4963.004216-HOUSINGi) Administration of Justice 50.00ii)Distt Administration 665.00iii) Jails 30.00iv ) Public Works 90.00TOTAL 4216-HOUSING 835.004235-SOCIAL SECURITY & WELFARETotal 4235-Social Welfare 1334.004250-O<strong>THE</strong>R SOCIAL SERVICESTotal 4250-Social Services (I.T.I) 5375.00

4851-INDUSTRIESI) 101-Industrial Estate 1.00ii) 102-Small Scale Industry 12.00Total 4851-Industries 13.005053-CIVIL AVIATION 5.00GRAND TOTAL CAPITAL BUILDING 26357.50Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment2008-094) 3054-ROADS & BRIDGES (NON PLAN) (Rs in lacs)03-State Highway337-Roads Works17) Minor Works 11.0018) Maintenance Works 8108.0004-District & Other Roads99-District Roads337-Roads WorksTotal:- 8119.0017) Minor Works 9.0018) Maintenance Works 4202.0098-Rural RoadsTotal:- 4211.00337-Road Works17) Minor Works 11.0018) Maintenance Works 8603.00Total:- 8614.0096-GIA to HUDCO for repayment of Road works due toshortfall in Toll Collection -09 GIA5000.0005-Roads & inter State or Economic Importamnce337-Road Works 0.0017) Minor Works 50.0080-GeneralTotal:- 50.00800-Other Expenditure 3.00G.Total:- 25997.003054-R&B(CRF) 12000.00Sr.No. Major Head Original Budgetallotment2008-09(Rs. In lacs)5054-R&B(Plan)

1 03-State Highways101-Bridge/ROB 2570.00337-Road Worksa) Wdg./Stg./Bye Passes 5217.00b) For payment to Railway for Rohtak Jhajjar Rewari RailwayLined) NCR(Loan)6000.00(i) (ROB's) 9000.00(ii) Road Works 6000.00Total:- 03- State Highways 28787.002 04-Distt & Other Roads04(i)-Distt. Roads101-Bridges/ROBs 1850.00337-Road Workw/Wdg./Stg/Bye Passes 2107.00NCR(Loan)(i) (ROB's) 3000.00(ii) Road Works 3000.00Total:_ 04(i) -Distt Roads 9957.003 04(ii)-Rural Roads101-Bridges 514.00337-Road Workw/Wdg./Stg/Bye Passes 7042.00NABARD WORKSi) Road Works 9375.00ii) Bridge Works 625.00NCR(Loan)a) ROB's 3000.00b)Road works 0.00PMGSY (State Share) 0.00IT Computerisation 100.00Total:-04(ii)Rural Roads 20656.004 789-Special component Plan SCSP99-Mtc. Of roads in the scheduled castes population1900.00area--74 Speicalcomponent Plan SCCharged 200.00G.Total 5054-R&B(Plan) 61500.00TOTAL<strong>OF</strong> WORKS 1 to 6 115153.26TOTAL <strong>OF</strong> ESTABLISHMENT 15152.73GRAND TOTAL 1 TO6 (WORKS & ESTT.) 130305.99

MONTHLY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT UNDER ALL HEADSSTATEMENT SHOWING SUB HEAD WISE BUDGET ALLOTMENT/EXPENDITUREFOR <strong>THE</strong> MONTH <strong>OF</strong> 3/2008 DURING <strong>THE</strong> YEAR 2007-08 <strong>OF</strong>FICE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong>ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF HARYANA PWD (B&R)( Rs. In lacs )Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotmentRevisedBudgetGrantExpenditureuptopreviousmonthExpenditureduring thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpenditureduring theyear.Upto3/08)1 2 3 4 5 6 71 2059-PUBLIC WORKS (ESTABLISHMENT)A) 001 (IV)-EXECUTION (NON-PLAN)i) Salary. 7225.50 6931.00 6298.63 336.32 6634.95ii) D.A. 2061.00 2336.00 2238.85 126.10 2364.95iii) T.A. 176.25 176.00 162.54 15.19 177.73iv)136.25 134.50 84.03 5.56 89.59O.E./R.R.T./P.O.L.v) Medical7.00 112.00 81.12 6.05 87.17Claim.vi) Ex-gratia. 112.00 220.00 172.76 24.95 197.71TOTAL ( NON- 9718.00 9909.50 9037.93 514.17 9552.10PLAN)B) 001 (IV)EXECUTION(PLAN)i) Salary. 2600.50 2811.00 2598.51 125.82 2724.33ii) D.A. 755.20 947.00 893.42 46.47 939.89iii) T.A. 60.00 50.00 33.97 5.32 39.29iv)7.50 7.50 5.08 0.10 5.18O.E./R.R.T./P.O.L.v) Medical20.00 25.00 9.66 0.11 9.77Claim.vi) Ex-gratia. 30.00 50.00 38.54 21.00 59.54TOTAL(PLAN)C) CIRCLE<strong>OF</strong>FICE &O<strong>THE</strong>RS.GRAND TOTALESTT.3473.20 3890.50 3579.18 198.82 3778.001961.53 1802.50 1574.85 128.65 1703.5015152.73 15602.50 14191.96 841.64 15033.60Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment .RevisedBudgetGrantExpedt, uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpdt duringthe year.upto3/08P.Hexpdt.upto3/08Tota(Rs in lacs)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91) MACHINERY & REVENUE BUILDINGS2059-PUBLIC WORKS (NON-PLAN/PLAN)(A)051-CONSTRUCTION (NON-PLAN).Admn. Of Justice 1.20 1.20 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.00 0

District Admn. 11.00 11.00 11.13 5.13 16.26 0.00 16Jail 2.00 2.00 1.86 9.52 11.38 0.00 11Public Works 27.80 27.80 24.23 8.01 32.24 0.00 32(B)TOTAL 051-CONSTRUCTION. (A)052-MACHINERY &EQUIPMENT.i) Purchases (Non-Plan).ii) Replacement ofMachinery (Non-Plan)iii) Replacement ofVehicles (Non-Plan).42.00 42.00 37.44 22.66 60.10 0.00 6013.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 050.00 150.00 0.00 35.74 35.74 0.00 3522.00 50.00 10.31 82.16 92.47 0.00 92iv) Maint. Of Machinery(Non-Plan).v) 052-(I)-Purchase(Plan).TOTAL 052-Machinery& Equipment(N.P./Plan).( C ) 2059-P.W. O<strong>THE</strong>R HEADS.135.00 130.00 111.79 19.31 131.10 0.00 13110.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0230.00 350.00 122.10 137.21 259.31 0.00 259i) a) 053-Maint. &2521.89 644.10 3165.99 471.16 3637Repairs (N.P.)(Nonresidential).4000.00b) 053-Maint &455.78 145.46 601.24 0.00 601Repairs(T.F.C.)Total : 053(M&R) 4000.00 4000.00 2977.67 789.56 3767.23 471.16 4238ii) 103-Furnishing(N.P. )iii)104-Lease Charges (N.P. )iv) 105-Public WorksCharges (N.P.).32.00 32.00 14.59 0 14.59 0.00 143.00 3.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 010.00 10.00 0.00 0.24 0.24 0.00 0v) 799-Suspense ( 100.00 100.00 2373.36 268.07 2641.43 0.00 2641N.P. ).Total PW Other Heads 145.00 145.00 2387.95 268.31 2656.26 0.00 2656GRAND TOTAL 2059-P.W.(N.P./P)(A+B+C)053- M&R (N.P) FundsTransfer.G.Total 2059-P.W &053-M&R FundsTransfer.Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment4417.00 4537.00 5525.16 1717.74 6742.9 471.16 72148125.00 8125.00 6735.00 1390.00 8125.00 0.00 812512542.00 12662.00 12260.16 2607.74 14867.90 471.16 15339RevisedBudgetGrantExpdt uptopreviousmonthExpdt duringthe currentmonthCumulativeexpenditureduring theyear upto3/08P.Hexpdt.upto3/08TotaRs. in lacs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 82 2216-HOUSING (NONPLAN)A) Construction(Non Plan)i) Admn. Of Justice 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0ii) Distt. Admn. 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.00 0iii) Jail 0.00 0.50 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.00 0iv) Public Works 0.00 9.40 5.70 6.39 12.09 0.00 12A) Total Constn(N.P.)B) Maint & Repairs( N..P.)0.00 10.00 5.94 6.39 12.33 0.00 12854.75 923.00 878.13 103.20 981.33 101.61 1082C) Furnishing (N.P.) 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0D) Lease Charges 10.00 10.00 10.14 2.38 12.52 0.00 12G.Total 2216-Housing (A+B+C+D)874.75 953.00 894.21 111.97 1006.18 101.61 1107

3 2012-Governor(N.P.)4 2013-Council ofMinisters (N.P.)5 2203-TechnicalEducation (N.P.)10.46 59.69 51.92 12.86 64.78 0.28 65250.00 400.00 373.80 88.52 462.32 2.62 4642.10 2.10 13.70 4.33 18.03 0.86 186 2210-Medical (N.P.) 201.00 206.76 82.44 21.25 103.69 70.86 1747 2235-SocialWelfare(N.P)8 2403-AnimlHusbandry (Plan)9 2403-AnimalHusbandry (N.P)Total RevenueBuildings(1 to 9)4.00 4.00 1.48 0.00 1.48 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05.00 5.00 0.42 0.00 0.42 0.00 013959.06 14292.55 13678.13 2846.67 16524.80 647.39 17172Sr.No.Major HeadOriginalBudgetallotment.RevisedBudgetgrantExpdt.. uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpdt..during theyear.upto3/08P.Hexpdt.upto3/08Tota1 2 3 4 5 6 7 82 CAPITAL BUILDING ( PLAN) Rs in lacs4058-C.O. on0.00 8.65 5.01 3.35 8.36 0.00 8Printing &Stationery4059-PUBLICWORKSi) Administration of 920.00 2920.00 2064.90 453.07 2517.97 6.97 2524Justiceii) Distt.1440.00 5311.24 5098.34 572.40 5670.74 72.33 5743Administrationiii) Excise & Taxation 225.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0iv) Jails 2540.00 4540.00 4250.27 132.78 4383.05 51.15 4434v) Treasury &5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0Accountsvi)Yojana Bhawan 0.00 0.00 110.64 9.86 120.5 0.00 12vi)Election Deptt. 0.00 200.00 93.64 25.86 119.5 0.00 119vii) Hospitality 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0viii) H,P.S.C. 60.00 20.00 2.06 24.07 26.13 2.41 28ix) H.S.S.C 60.00 10.00 1.67 0.37 2.04 1.52 3x)Public Works 258.00 258.00 401.90 2.31 404.21 37.21 441xi) Minister carSectionTotal 4059-PublicWorks:-4202-Education01-GENARALEDUCATION60.00 35.00 8.92 5.06 13.98 4.27 185590.00 13294.24 12032.39 1225.73 13258.12 175.86 13433202-Secondary500.00 500.00 131.09 6.90 137.99 0.00 137Education203-(I) Higher1470.00 1970.00 2235.38 251.74 2487.12 77.25 2564Educationii) Shiskha Sadan 200.00 200.00 485.01 17.71 502.72 29.04 53102-TECHINCALEDUCATIONI) 104-Polytechnics(State Budget)ii)105--EngineeringCollege03-Sports\04-Art &Culture1700.00 4782.00 1313.73 3332.27 4646 48.50 46940.00 0.00 206.77 106.11 312.88 0.00 312

I)101- Youth Hostels ( 66.00 66.00 49.61 38.96 88.57 0.00 88Sports)ii)105--Public20.00 30.00 119.32 2.24 121.56 0.00 121Librariesiii) 106-Museum 0.00 18.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10TOTAL 4202-EDUCATION;-Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment3956.00 7566.00 4540.91 3765.93 8306.84 154.79 8461RevisedBudgetGrantExpdt.uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpdt.duringthe year.upto3/08P.Hexpdt.upto3/08Tota1 2 3 4 5 6 7 84210- MEDICAL Rs in lacs01-Urban HealthServices110-Hospitals\DispensariesI) Hospital /Dispensaries 524.00 524.00 901.33 153.31 1054.64 43.80 109802-Rural HealthServicesi)101-Sub HealthCentresii)103-Primary HealthCentresiii)104-CoummunityHealth Centres03-Medical EducationTraining & Research50.00 50.00 183.59 -169.55 14.04 0.00 14550.00 550.00 691.72 252.43 944.15 28.60 972450.00 450.00 219.91 147.29 367.20 18.28 385101-Ayurveda 300.00 450.00 81.61 28.42 110.03 0.00 110ii)105-Allopathy 1400.00 2900.00 1878.56 501.85 2380.41 99.32 2479TOTAL 4210-MEDICAL4216-HOUSING3274.00 4924.00 3956.72 913.69 4870.47 190.00 5060i) Administration of50.00 245.00 147.65 44.04 191.69 5.21 196Justiceii)Distt Administration 425.00 1915.00 1448.8 170.14 1618.94 169.73 1788iii) Jails 50.00 30.00 10.2 1.70 11.9 0.00 11iv ) Public Works 160.00 90.00 337.27 127.54 464.81 4.41 469TOTAL 4216-HOUSING4235-SOCIALSECURITY &WELFARETotal 4235-SocialWelfare4250-O<strong>THE</strong>R SOCIALSERVICESTotal 4250-SocialServices (I.T.I)4851-INDUSTRIES685.00 2280.00 1943.92 343.42 2287.34 179.35 24661016.00 1201.79 744.33 379.92 1124.25 7.89 11323866.00 2758.22 3912.86 740.47 4653.33 20.85 4674I) 101-Industrial Estate 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0ii) 102-Small Scale22.00 75.98 2.61 0.34 2.95 2.86 5IndustryTotal 4851-23.00 75.98 2.61 0.34 2.95 2.86 5Industries5053-CIVIL AVIATION 5.00 543.95 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0GRAND TOTALCAPITAL BUILDINGSr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotment18415.20 32652.83 27138.76 7372.91 34511.67 731.60 35243RevisedbuddgetgrantExpdt. uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpenditureduring theyear(upto3/08.4) 3054-ROADS &BRIDGES (NONPLAN)

A) 03-State Highway101-Bridges Works 0.00 0.00 6.52 2.70 9.22337-Roads Works 7938.50 7938.50 6001.64 391.92 6393.56Total 03 StateHighwayB) 04-Distt. Roads7938.50 7938.50 6008.16 394.62 6402.78101-Bridges Works 0.00 0.00 1.94 30.09 32.03337-Roads Works 3710.00 3710.00 1471.41 15.80 1487.21Total-04-Distt.RoadsC) 04-Rural Roads3710.00 3710.00 1473.35 48.89 1522.24101-Bridges Works 0.00 0.00 159.29 16.74 176.03337-Roads Worksa) Other Roads 8518.00 8518.00 12196.72 2457.90 14654.62b) GIA HUDCORoadsTotal-04 RuralRoadsD) 05-Roads & InterState or EconomicImp.G.TOTAL 3054-R&B(N.P.)(A+B+C&D)5000.00 5000.00 3572.02 964.21 4536.2313518.00 13518.00 15928.04 3938.84 19866.8850.00 50.00 -- 0.00 025216.50 25216.50 23409.55 3879.35 27288.905 3054-ROADS &BRIDGES ( PLAN)C.R.F. Scheme7000.00 5000.00 3303.26 1736.79 5040.05Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotmentRevisedbuddgetgrantExpdt. uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpenditureduring theyear(upto3/08.4) 5054-C.O.ONROADS & BRIDGES(PLAN)A) 03-State HighwayRs.in lacs101-Bridges Works 2500.00 500.00 1787.63 -437.49 1350.14337-Road Worksa) Other roads / 8826.00 3200.00 2775.26 458.89 3234.15Railway Line-Rohtak-Rewari.b) HHUP Works. 0.00 0.00 41.77 9.12 50.89c) NCR Worki) R.O.B works 3000.00 2400.00 1482.44 140.80 1623.24ii) Raod Worsk. 2000.00 700.00 157.14 94.28 251.42Total 03 -StateHighwayB) 04-District Roads16326.00 6800.00 6244.24 265.60 6509.84101-Bridges Works 1800.00 400.00 1245.00 -919.46 325.54337-Road Works 2050.00 1500.00 1396.85 332.21 1729.06N.C.R Work

a) R.O.B Works. 1000.00 1000.00 2723.42 1186.22 3909.64b) Road Works. 1000.00 0.00 127.29 -127.29 0.00Total-o4 Distt.Road 5850.00 2900.00 5492.56 471.68 5964.24C) 04-Rural Roads101-Bridges Works 500.00 900.00 566.91 -7.03 559.88337-Road Works 8900.00 11116.00 5981.59 5066.52 11048.11NABARD WORKS.D) I Road work 7500.00 10800.00 10596.51 649.09 11245.60ii) Bridge works. 500.00 700.00 420.36 1300.83 1721.197-A) N.C.R Work 1000.00 3900.00 2018.85 374.58 2393.43IT Computerisation. 100.00 100.00 18.18 2.07 20.25Total 04-Rural 18500.00 37216.00 19602.40 7386.06 26988.46roads.Charged 200.00 200.00 96.51 50.05 146.56Grand Total 5054-C.O on R&B (A to D)40876.00 37416.00 31435.71 8173.39 39609.10Sr.No. Major Head OriginalBudgetallotmentRevisedbuddgetgrantExpdt. uptopreviousmonthExpdt.during thecurrentmonthCumulativeexpenditureduring theyear(upto3/08.5) DEPOSIT WORKSRs. In lacs( ROADS &BUILDING)A ROAD WORKSI) H.S.A.M.B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00II) H.R.D.F.A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00iii)Panipat Refinery 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Other Road Works 0. 0 0. 0 651.11 279.89 931.00BCBRIDGE WORKSI) Other BridgesWorksNational HighwayDepositTOTAL DEPOSIT(R&B) WORKSBUILDINGDEPOSIT WORKSG.TOTAL A.B.C& DDEPOSIT WORKSROAD&BLDG.0.00 0.00 35.33 29.45 64.78154.37 154.37 57.53 0.30 57.83154.37 154.37 743.97 309.64 1053.612919.13 2919.13 2830.64 941.34 3771.983073.50 3073.50 3574.61 1250.98 4825.596 NATIONAL HIGHWAYWORKSi) 5054- R & B6000.00 8000.00 7304.47 886.43 8190.90N.H.WORKSii) 3054-R&B N.H.Works 613.00 613.00 1648.73 3217.17 4865.90G.TOTAL N.H. WORKSi) & ii)6613.00 8613.00 8953.20 4103.60 13056.80Total of Works 115153.26 126255.73 111493.22 4863.69 116356.91TOTAL <strong>OF</strong>ESTABLISHMENTG. TOTAL 1 TO6(WORKS & ESTT.)15152.53 15602.50 14191.96 841.64 15033.60130305.99 141858.23 125685.18 5705.33 131390.51

4bxii.<strong>THE</strong> MANNER <strong>OF</strong> EXECUTION <strong>OF</strong> SUBSIDY PROGRAMMES, INCLUDING<strong>THE</strong> AMOUNTS ALLOCATED AND <strong>THE</strong> DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> BENEFICIARIES <strong>OF</strong>SUCH PROGRAMMES.There is no subsidy programme in P.W.D. B&R Department.4b xiii)<strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> RECEIPIENTS <strong>OF</strong> CONCESSIONS, PERM<strong>ITS</strong> ORAUTHORIZATION GRANTED BY ITNone4b xiv)DETAILS IN RESPECT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> INFORMATION, AVAILABLE <strong>OF</strong> IT HELDBY IT, REDUCED IN AN ELECTRONIC FORMHARYANA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (B&R), CHANDIGARHPHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTSUNDER ALL HEADS <strong>OF</strong> ACCOUNTS YEAR-WISE FORROAD WORKS.LIST <strong>OF</strong> MAJOR DISTRICT ROADS IN HARYANA (As on 31.03.2008)Sr.NoName of road MDR No Length(Kms.)1 Tohana-Dharsul-Ratia upto State Border 101 57.982 State Border-Rori Kalanwali Dabwali 101-A 52.883 Jakhal-Dharsul-Bhuna Pabra Sarsaud 102 64.574 Bhattu-Ludesar-Jamal (upto Border) 103 38.685 Sirsa-Ludessar-Bhadra (upto Border) 104 32.736 Dabwali-Chotala (upto Border) 105 32.007 Hisar-Balasmand-Burak 107 31.408 Hisar-Tosham-Bhiwani 108 64.009 Jhanwari-Miran-Siwani 109 30.1510 Jhumpa-Behl-Obra-Kairu-Lohani 110 59.3011 Narwana-Tohana 111 33.0012 Uchana-Latani-Uklana 112 25.0013 Dhand-Pundri-Rajaund-Alewa 113 49.7614 Assand-Salwan-Kohana 114 38.0015 Karnal-Munak 115 25.2016 Thanesar-Jhansa-Thol 116 28.8417 Panchkula-Morni 118 31.2018 Thanesar-Dhand-Kaithal 119 44.4119 Ganaur-Shahpur 121 26.0020 Bahadurgarh-Chhara-Dhujana-Beri Kalanaur 122 56.0021 Jhajjar-Badli to Delhi Border 123 18.7522 Bond-Kalan-Dadri-Chirya-Bhagot-Kaniana-Ateli 124 89.0023 Satnali-Badhra-Jui-Kairu-Tosham 125 61.0324 Dadri-Jhajju Kalan Kadma Satnali 126 32.0025 Faizabad-Seoma-Kanina 127 28.8426 Nizampur-Nangal Dargu Nangal Chaudhary. 128 16.0027 Narnaul-Nangal Chaudhary Bhudwala 129 30.0028 Chhuchakwas Jharli Bahu Karoli 130 36.2329 Hodal-Punhana-Nagina 131 40.3930 Ballabgarh pali-Dauj-Sohna 133 33.00

31 Hodal-Uttawar-Nuh Taoru Pataudi-Patuda 132 91.5032 Palwal-Mandkaul-Nuh 134 32.0033 Palwal-Hathin-Uttawar Bhandas 135 42.5934 Bahadurgarh Badli Chandu 136 32.5035 Mehrauli-Gurgaon road to Faridabad 137 30.4536 G.T. Road to Jatheri-Akbarpur Rathdhana-Nahra 138 38.67Kundal Sohati Bahadurgarh37 Rania-Mohmadpuria-Balasar-Naiwala-Dutianwali- 139 34.10Bacher road upto border.Total: 1508.15Say: 1508 Km.LIST <strong>OF</strong> STATE HIGHWAYS AS ON 31.03.2008Sr.No.Name of roads State Highway No. Total length(in km.)1 Jagadhri-Bilaspur-Sadhaura Naraingarh Raipur 1 64.10Rani Road2 Surewala Chowk to Fatehabad 2 47.913 Kala Amb Sadhaura Shahbad Thol 4 75.504 Shaha to Ambala 5 15.145 Sharanpur Radaur Pipli Pehowa Chika 6 103.646 Jagadhri-Paonta 6-A 4.907 Karnal Ladwa Shahbad 7 59.258 Kunjpura Karnal Kaithal Khanauri 8 96.059 Karnal-Kachwa Pehowa Patiala 9 60.2510 Gohana Jind Barwala Agroha Adampur Bhadra 10 135.8211 Meerut Sonepat Gohana Assandh Kaithal11 183.71Patiala12 Deoban Naguran 11-A 30.0013 Karnal Assandh Jind Hansi Tosham Sodiwas 12 192.3214 Gurgaon Sohana Nuh Alwar 13 95.3915 Panipat Safidon Jind Bhiwani Loharu 14 177.2116 Shahjahanpur-Rewari road. 15 21.0017 Jhajjar Farraqnagar Gurgaon 15-A 43.0318 Sanauli Panipat and Rohtak Bhiwani 16 62.2819 Gohana Lakhan Majra Meham Chang 16-A 68.9120 Nizampur Narnaul Mohindergarh Dadri17 199.74Bhiwani Hansi Barwala Tohana Munak.21 Rohtak Kharkhoda Delhi Border 18 41.1022 Siwani Singhani road 19 49.5023 Murthal Sonepat Kharkhoda Sampla Jhajjar20 156.59Jahajgarh Chhuchakwas Dadri Loharu24 Budhlada Ratia Fatehabad Bhattu Bhadra 21 65.5125 Bahadurgarh Jhajjar Kosli 22 77.1126 Sardulgarh-Sirsa Ellenabad 23 68.4827 Rewari Dahina Kanina Mohindergarh Satnali24 92.45Loharu28 Gurgaon Rewari Narnaul Singhana 26 119.8829 Saha to Shahbad 31 17.0030 Sirsa Ottu Rania Jiwan Nagar Dabwali road 32 70.4331 Nilokheri Karsa Dhand road. 33 2864Total 2522.84Say 2523 Kms.

Annexure – ALIST <strong>OF</strong> NATIONAL HIGHWAYS IN HARYANA As on 31.03.2008Sr.No.Name of roads N.H.No.Length (inkm.)A Entrusted to NHAI1 Delhi – Ambala (Sher Shah 1 182.866Suri Marg).2 Delhi –Mathura. 2 75.0303 Delhi – Jaipur. 8 83.2154 Delhi-Hisar-Sulemanke 10 29.70 to 170.00 (Delhi-Hisar) 140.3005 Ambala – Kalka . 22 28.300Total 509.711B Entrusted to HaryanaState.1 Delhi – Hissar - Sulemanke 10 170.00 to 315.55 (Hissar- 145.550Dabwali).2 Pinjore – Baddi. 21-A 0.00 to 17.50 17.5003 Bhatinda - Dabawali 64 0.00 to 0.480 0.4804 Ambala – Hissar-Rajgarh 65 0.00 to 241.56 241.5605 Narwana – Bawal 71 238.695 to 450.81 210.8756 Rohtak-Gohana-Panipat 71-A 0.00 to 73.29 73.2907 Rewari-Palwal. 71-B 0.00 to 13.30, 17.70 to 20.30 67.900& 26.90 to 78.908 Ambala-Kala Amb. 72 0.00 to 0.645, 1.00 to 2.93, 40.52513.75 to 26.30 & 26.850 to45.9509 Saharanpur-Panchkula 73 70.640 to 179.085 108.44510 Jagadhari-Paontasahib. 73-A 0.00 to 45.880 45.880Total: 952.005G. Total 1461.716Sr.NoName of CircleCircle wise Metalled Road Length in HaryanaAs on 31.03.2008NationalHighwayStateHighwayMajorDistrictRoads(Length in km.)OtherDistrictRoadsTotalLength1 Ambala 204 223 47 1987 24612 Bhiwani 36 552 383 2022 29933 Chandigarh 162 89 34 1273 15584 Gurgaon 170 157 274 2325 29265 Hisar 265 457 387 4104 5213

6 Jhajjar 157 231 138 1418 19447 Jind 173 329 111 1864 24778 Karnal 112 240 78 1746 21769 Rohtak 183 245 56 1572 2056Total: 1462 2523 1508 18311 23804- - - - P.R. 265M.C. 2426524G. Total 1462 2523 1508 18600 24093Note: 510 km. length of N.H. roads transferred to N.H.A.I.District Wise Metalled Road Length inHaryana as on 31.03.2008.Sr.NoName of DistrictNationalHighwayStateHighwayMajorDistrictRoadsOtherDistrictRoadsTotalLength1 Ambala 146 107 - 960 12132 Bhiwani 36 400 248 1354 20383 Faridabad 91 - 90 867 10484 Fatehabad 41 127 117 1278 15635 Gurgaon 59 90 37 565 7516 Hisar 142 191 92 1513 19387 Jhajjar 65 116 124 616 9218 Jind 127 154 50 886 12179 Kaithal 46 174 64 978 126210 Karnal 55 182 68 865 117011 Kurukshetra 76 116 44 798 103412 Mohindergarh - 152 135 668 95513 Mewat 20 67 147 893 112714 Panchkula 66 17 34 524 64115 Panipat 57 58 10 881 100616 Rewari 92 115 14 802 102317 Rohtak 122 83 15 617 83718 Sirsa 82 139 178 1313 171219 Sonepat 61 162 41 955 121920 Yamuna Nagar 78 73 - 978 1129Total: 1462 2523 1508 18311 23804- - P.R. 265 265M.C. 24 24G. Total: 1462 2523 1508 18600 24093Note: 510 km. length of roads transferred to N.H.A.I.

Sr.NoPHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER ALL HEADS <strong>OF</strong> ACCOUNTS FORROAD WORKS YEAR-WISE AS ON 19.2.08.(Length in kms.)Detail of works 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/ 06 2006-07 2007-08(upto2/08A NewConstruction1 Metalling 65.63 45.55 37.44 45.24 92.59 72.96 105.43 190.362 Premix Carpet 70.41 64.50 38.61 39.86 82.45 68.99 84.11 155.72Total: 136.04 110.05 76.05 85.10 175.04 141.95 189.54 -B ImprovementWorks1 Widening/Stren 120.73 405.07 331.09 535.50 844.95 866.51 1326.67 838.11gthening2 Strengthening/ 220.31 356.50 481.72 525.79 692.79 728.50 1232.33 902.73Addl. Crust.3 Re-construction 23.82 19.84 36.30 63.77 40.35 51.96 47.74 41.014 Raising 66.28 32.85 52.08 31.33 41.10 72.44 65.21 32.325 Premix Carpet 2295.45 2926.32 2315.74 1640.48 994.53 1816.46 1755.74 1432.326 C.C. Block 35.02 31.16 48.46 75.30 107.54 112.07 220.07 152.46pavement.7 Brick on edge 6.25 27.37 4.08 7.25 54.11 91.63 115.80 43.98pavement8 Side drains 7.68 5.47 22.87 18.34 54.60 193.08 262.85 89.589 Hume Pipeculverts in Nos.Total except(Sr. No. 8 & 9)above10 State Highwaysunder HHUP11 NationalHighwaysG. Total of B.Improvementworks12 G. Total of A &B55 Nos 6 Nos. 18 Nos 48 Nos 58 Nos 135 85 Nos 75 Nos.Nos.2767.86 3799.11 3269.47 2879.42 2775.37 3739.57 4763.56 3442.90- 870.00 233.80 445.26 215.02 10.88 - -- 194.00 241.23 337.00 184.64 215.00 220.15 227.76- 4863.11 3744.50 3661.68 3175.03 3965.45 4983.71 3670.602903.90 4973.16 3820.55 3746.78 3350.07 4107.40 5173.25 3861.02

Annual Plan 2008-09: District - wise Allocation of District Plan Component - Approved Outlays.Format-IIState: HaryanaName of Department : Haryana PWD B&R BranchSr.NoMajor Head ofDevelopmentApprovedOutlay2008-09DistrictPlanComponent2008-09District - wise Allocation of Approved Annual Plan Outlay 2008-09Rs. in lacsKarnal Kurukshetra Mahendergarh Mewat Panchkula Panipat Rewari Rohtak Sirsa Sonepat YamunaNagarHeadQuarter1 2 3 4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 5054 (R&B) Plani) Bridges &325 122 122 - 40 120 - 1095 - 122 203 -ROBsii) HHUP - - - - - - - - - - - -iii) HUDCO(MDRs) / ODR- - - - - - - - - - - -iv) Bye passes - - - 60 - - - 152 - 45 - -v) Widening &150 120 90 135 150 165 150 300 300 180 210 385Strengtheningvi) New61 30 137 163 158 229 127 205 219 152 178 -construction ofroadsvii) Machinery 5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5viii) LandAcquisitionand chargedamount.10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 5 10

ix) Payment ofState share toRailways fornew Railwayline betweenRohtak-JhajjarRewari road.x) Information &Technology- - - - - - 1840 2240 - - - -2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 60xi) Setting up of5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5State Academyof Research &Training &Strengthending ofQualityControlsystem.xii) Preparation of5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5Project reportFeasi<strong>bi</strong>lityStudiesthroughHSRDC.xiii) Setting up of- - - - - - - - - - - -Design Cell inHSRDC/Capital Grantto HSRDC.xiv) Preparation of5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5Project reportthroughHaryana R.R.& IDA.xv) Stg. of HSRDC 5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

xvi) Survey &Investigation- - - - - - - - - - - -Computerization.Total: 573 309 366 380 385 551 2154 4029 561 536 623 4802 Nabard Project. 400 388 375 434 446 396 262 434 577 275 537 -Total: 400 388 375 434 446 396 262 434 577 275 537 -CentralAssistance (CA)i) Constn. of R.O.Bs/ Bridges76 25 25 - 9 25 - 246 - 25 52 -ii) Constn. of Bye- - - - - - - - - - - -passes.iii) Widening and126 97 76 106 114 121 129 190 227 129 163 224strengthening ofroadsiv) Constn. of new60 60 124 158 131 89 110 176 173 173 201 -roads.262 182 225 264 254 235 239 612 400 327 416 224Total:4 AdditionalCentralAssistance (ACA)i) Bridges & ROBs - - - - - - - - - - - -ii) Roads - - - - - - - - - - - -TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - -5 New scheme-(NCR)i) New work- - - 2400 - 900 - 4590 - 9660 - -including NCRloan. (Bridges /ROBs / Roads).Total: - - - 2400 - 900 - 4590 - 9660 - -6 Externally25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 -Aided Project(EAP)Total: 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 -TOTAL of Sr.1260 904 991 3503 1110 2107 2680 9690 1563 10823 1601 7041 to 67 SC SP 163 106 188 27 100 87 80 57 23 19 162 -

ComponentTotal: 163 106 188 27 100 87 80 57 23 19 162 -GRANDTOTAL:1423 1010 1179 3530 1210 2194 2760 9747 1586 10842 1763 704Annual Plan 2008-09: District - wise Allocation of District Plan Component - Approved Outlays.Format-IIState: HaryanaName of Department : Haryana PWD B&R BranchSr.NoMajor Head ofDevelopmentApprovedOutlay2008-09DistrictPlanComponent2008-09District - wise Allocation of Approved Annual Plan Outlay 2008-09Ambala Bhiwani Faridabad Fatehabad Gurgaon Hisar Jhajjar Jind Kaithal1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 5054 (R&B) Plani) Bridges & 3650 3650 203 203 40 122 608 203 122 - -ROBsii) HHUP - - - - - - - - - - -iii) HUDCO- - - - - - - - - - -(MDRs) / ODRiv) Bye passes 2000 2000 - - - - - - 197 1152 394v) Widening & 4300 3915 300 450 210 210 165 165 180 150 135Strengtheningvi) New2694 2694 10 86 35 132 229 152 91 173 127construction ofroadsvii) Machinery 100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

viii) LandAcquisitionand chargedamount.ix) Payment ofState share toRailways fornew Railwayline betweenRohtak-JhajjarRewari road.x) Information &Technologyxi) Setting up ofState Academyof Research &Training &Strengthending ofQualityControlsystem.xii) Preparation ofProject reportFeasi<strong>bi</strong>lityStudiesthroughHSRDC.xiii) Setting up ofDesign Cell inHSRDC/Capital Grantto HSRDC.200 190 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 5 56000 6000 - - - - - - 1920 - -100 40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5- - - - - - - - - - -

xiv) Preparation of 100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5Project reportthroughHaryana R.R.& IDA.xv) Stg. of HSRDC 100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5xvi) Survey &Investigation- - - - - - - - - - -Computerization.Total: 19444 18964 550 776 322 501 1044 562 2547 1507 6882 Nabard Project. 10000 10000 448 420 345 511 339 710 518 1085 1100Total: 10000 10000 448 420 345 511 339 710 518 1085 1100CentralAssistance (CA)i) Constn. of R.O.Bs/ Bridgesii)iii)iv)Constn. of Byepasses.Widening andstrengthening ofroadsConstn. of newroads.850 850 52 52 9 34 153 42 25 - -- - - - - - - - - - -3000 2776 193 143 157 156 126 176 107 129 1112306 2306 50 72 32 107 115 130 79 137 1296156 5932 295 267 198 297 394 348 211 266 240Total:4 AdditionalCentralAssistance (ACA)i) Bridges & ROBs - - - - - - - - - - -ii) Roads - - - - - - - - -TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - -5 New scheme(NCR)i) New work24000 24000 - - - - 3600 - 2850 - -including NCRloan. (Bridges /ROBs / Roads).Total: 24000 24000 - - - - 3600 - 2850 - -

6 Externally 500 500 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25Aided Project(EAP)Total: 500 500 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25TOTAL of Sr. 60100 59396 1318 1488 890 1334 5402 1645 6151 2883 20531 to 67 SC SP1900 1900 185 194 72 118 34 53 38 72 122ComponentTotal: 1900 1900 185 194 72 118 34 53 38 72 122GRANDTOTAL:62000 61296 1503 1682 962 1452 5436 1698 6189 2955 2175Contd/---2Annual Plan 2007-08: District - wise Allocation of District Plan Component - Revised Outlays.Format-1State: HaryanaName of Department : Haryana PWD B&R BranchSr.NoMajor Head ofDevelopmentRevisedOutlay2007-08DistrictPlanComponent2007-08District - wise Allocation of Revised Annual Plan Outlay 2007-08Rs. in lacsKarnal Kurukshetra Mahendergarh Mewat Panchkula Panipat Rewari Rohtak Sirsa Sonepat YamunaNagarHeadQuarter1 2 3 4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 5054 (R&B) Plani) Bridges &8 3 3 - 1 3 - 27 - 3 5 -ROBsii) HHUP - - - - - - - - - - - -iii) HUDCO(MDRs) / ODR- - - - - - - - - - - -

iv) Bye passes - - - 4 - - - 10 - 3 - -v) Widening &10 8 6 9 10 11 10 20 20 12 14 25Strengtheningvi) New12 6 27 32 31 45 25 40 43 30 35 -construction ofroadsvii) Machinery 5 5 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5viii) Land10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 5 10Acquisition andchargedamount.ix) Payment of- - - - - - - - - - - -State share toRailways fornew Railwayline betweenRohtak-JhajjarRewari road.x) Information &1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30Technologyxi) Setting up of- - - - - - - - - - - -State Academyof Research &Training &Strength endingof QualityControl system.xii) Preparation ofProject reportFeasi<strong>bi</strong>lityStudies throughHSRDC.- - - - - - - - - - - -

xiii) Setting up of- - - - - - - - - - - -Design Cell inHSRDC/Capital Grant toHSRDC.xiv) Preparation of- - - - - - - - - - - -Project reportthroughHaryana R.R. &IDA.xv) Stg. of HSRDC - - - - - - - - - - - -xvi) Survey &Investigation- - - - - - - - - - - 75Computerization.Total: 46 33 44 54 58 75 51 113 84 64 65 1452 Nabard Project. 460 446 431 499 513 455 302 499 664 316 618 -Total: 460 446 431 499 513 455 302 499 664 316 618 -CentralAssistance (CA)i) Constn. of R.O.Bs/ Bridges72 24 24 - 8 24 - 232 - 24 48 -ii) Constn. of Bye- - - - - - - - - - - -passes.iii) Widening and118 91 71 99 107 113 121 178 213 121 153 209strengthening ofroadsiv) Constn. of new57 58 118 151 125 85 105 166 165 165 192 -roads.247 173 213 250 240 222 226 576 378 310 393 209Total:4 AdditionalCentralAssistance (ACA)i) Bridges & ROBs - - - - - - - 1360 - 80 - -ii) Roads - - - - - - - 340 - 20 - -TOTAL - - - - - - - 1700 - 100 - -5 New scheme(NCR)-

i) New work- - - 800 - 300 - 1530 - 3220 - -including NCRloan. (Bridges /ROBs / Roads).Total: - - - 800 - 300 - 1530 - 3220 - -6 ExternallyAided Project(EAP)Total: - - - - - - - - - - - -TOTAL of Sr.753 652 688 1603 811 1052 579 4418 1126 4010 1076 3541 to 67 SC SP86 56 99 14 53 46 42 30 12 10 85 -ComponentTotal: 86 56 99 14 53 46 42 30 12 10 85 -GRANDTOTAL:839 708 787 1617 864 1098 621 4448 1138 4020 1161 354Annual Plan 2007-08: District - wise Allocation of District Plan Component - Revised Outlays.Format-1State: HaryanaName of Department : Haryana PWD B&R BranchSr.NoMajor Head ofDevelopmentRevisedOutlay2007-08DistrictPlanComponent2007-08District - wise Allocation of Revised Annual Plan Outlay 2007-08Ambala Bhiwani Faridabad Fatehabad Gurgaon Hisar Jhajjar Jind Kaithal1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 5054 (R&B) Plani) Bridges & ROBs 90 90 5 5 1 3 15 5 3 - -ii) HHUP - - - - - - - - - - -

iii) HUDCO (MDRs) - - - - - - - - - - -/ ODRiv) Bye passes 132 132 - - - - - - 13 76 26v) Widening & 286 261 20 30 14 14 11 11 12 10 9Strengtheningvi) New construction 530 530 2 17 7 26 45 30 18 34 25of roadsvii) Machinery 100 95 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5viii) Land Acquisition 200 190 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 5 5and chargedamount.ix) Payment of State - - - - - - - - - - -share to Railwaysfor new Railwayline betweenRohtak-JhajjarRewari road.x) Information & 50 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Technologyxi) Setting up of State - - - - - - - - - - -Academy ofResearch &Training &Strength ending ofQuality Controlsystem.xii) Preparation ofProject reportFeasi<strong>bi</strong>lity Studiesthrough HSRDC.- - - - - - - - - - -

xiii) Setting up ofDesign Cell inHSRDC/ CapitalGrant to HSRDC.- - - - - - - - - - -xiv) Preparation of - - - - - - - - - - -Project reportthrough HaryanaR.R. & IDA.xv) Stg. of HSRDC - - - - - - - - - - -xvi) Survey &Investigation75 - - - - - - - - - -Computerization.Total: 1463 1318 43 68 38 59 92 67 62 131 712 Nabard Project. 11500 11500 515 482 397 588 390 816 596 1248 1265Total: 11500 11500 515 482 397 588 390 816 596 1248 1265Central Assistance(CA)i) Constn. of R.O.Bs /Bridges800 800 48 48 8 32 144 40 24 - -ii) Constn. of Bye- - - - - - - - - - -passes.iii) Widening and2810 2601 181 134 147 146 118 165 100 121 104strengthening of roadsiv) Constn. of new roads. 2200 2200 48 69 31 102 110 124 75 131 123Total: 5810 5601 277 251 186 280 372 329 199 252 2274 Additional CentralAssistance (ACA)i) Bridges & ROBs 2800 2800 160 - - - 960 240 - - -ii) Roads 700 700 40 - 240 60 - - -TOTAL 3500 3500 200 - - - 1200 300 - - -5 New scheme (NCR)i) New work includingNCR loan. (Bridges /ROBs / Roads).8000 8000 - - - - 1200 - 950 - -Total: 8000 8000 - - - - 1200 - 950 - -

6 Externally Aided - - - - - - - - - - -Project (EAP)Total: - - - - - - - - - - -TOTAL of Sr. 1 30273 29919 1035 801 621 927 3254 1512 1807 1631 1563to 67 SC SP1000 1000 97 102 38 62 18 28 20 38 64ComponentTotal: 1000 1000 97 102 38 62 18 28 20 38 64GRANDTOTAL:31273 30919 1132 903 659 989 3272 1540 1827 1669 1627

Approved Annual Plan for 2007-08 for National Highway.Works included in sanctioned Annual Plan for 2007-08.Sr.NoNHNo.Name of WorksLengthin Km / No.Appx Cost( in cr.)A. Expressway(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.00 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.00 0.00(iii) ConstructionB. Four LaningSub Total 0.00 0.00Total 0.00 0.00(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) Construction64 Four laning from Km. (Punjab-Haryana Border to Dabwali) 0.480 1.2510 Four laning from Km.224.600 to 226.600 (Vill. Dariyapur). 2.000 3.25C. BypassesSub Total 2.480 4.50Total 2.480 4.50(i)FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) ConstructionSub Total 0.000 0.00Total 0.000 0.00D. ROBs/RUBs / Flyover cum ROB.(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0 0.00(iii) Construction10 ROB in Sirsa Town at RD 255.850 over lavel crossing1 20.00no.143.Sub Total 1 20.00Total 1 20.00

E. Missing Link/New National Highways.(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) ConstructionSub Total 0.000 0.00Total 0.000 0.00F Widening to two lane & IRQ i/c improvement73 Km. 122.685 to 142.435. (Saha to Sahzadpur) 19.750 5.50Total 19.750 5.50G. Widening to two lane & Strengthening i/c ImprovementsTotal 0.000 0.00H. Strengthening/raising65 Km. 147.00 to 153.00 (Near vill. Gai<strong>bi</strong>pur) 6.000 2.50Total 6.000 2.50I. Clearance of Utility Services.Total 0.000 0.00J. I.R.Q.P i/c improvement71 KM. 259.765 to 261.365 (Narwana city) 1.600 2.0071 Km. 426.550 to 440.880 (Rewari City) 14.330 5.7373 Km. 78.600 to 89.00. (City portion Yamunanagar) 10.400 5.90Total 26.33 13.63K. Paved Shoulder21A Km. 0.00 to 2.200 i/c improvement of junction with NH-22 at 2.200 2.00Pinjore21A Km. 11.20 to 17.50 i/c raising in km. 13.40 to 14.00 & 17.00 7.400 4.50to 17.50.(between Kiratpur & Himachal border)65 Km. 97.00 to 114.00 (Except 103.00 to 105.50) Vill.14.500 13.40Kalayat.65 Km. 197.00 to 220.00.(Near Chaudharywas) 23.000 11.0071B Km. 0.00 to 13.30. (Rewari to NH-8) 13.300 10.0071B Km. 26.650 to 44.00 (RIICO to Khori Kalan Tauaroo) 17.350 13.0071B Km. 6 0.00 to 78.94 (Near Palwal) 14.940 10.0073A Km. 13.70 to 33.90.(Between Chhachharauli to Tajewala) 20.200 10.00Total 112.890 73.90L. Widening/Reconstruction of CulvertTotal 0.00 0.00M. Major Bridge(i)Reconstruction/ WideningSub Total 0 0.00(ii) Reha<strong>bi</strong>litationSub Total 0 0.00Total 0 0.00N. Minor Bridge(i) Reconstruction / Widening10 Culvert in Km. 91 at vill. Madina. 1 0.10Sub Total 1 0.10(ii) Reha<strong>bi</strong>litation73A Replacement of old minor bridge at km. 6.1. 1 0.3573A Replacement of old minor bridge at km. 15.2 1 1.3073A Replacement of old minor bridge at km. 120.6. 1 1.5065 Replacement of Bridge on Balsam and distributory. 1 1.50Sub Total 4 4.65(iii) L.A.Sub Total 0.00 0.00(iv) FS/DPRSub Total 0.00 0.00Total 5.00 4.75

Sr.NoNHNo.O. Road Safety & EnvironmentTotal 1.00 1.00P Misc.Total 1.00 1.00G.Total 169.45 126.78Approved Annual Plan for 2008-09 for National Highway.Works included in sanctioned Annual Plan for 2008-09.Name of WorksLengthKm /No.AppxCost( in cr.)RefrencePosition of estimateAmountA. Expressway(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.00 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.00 0.00(iii) ConstructionSub Total 0.00 0.00Total 0.00 0.00B. Four Laning(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) Construction65 Km. 103.00 to 105.50 near vill. Kalayat 2.500 5.0073A Km. 2.60 o 5.50 (Jagadhari City). 2.900 6.0073A Km. 26.100 to 27.600 (Khizrabad town portion) 1.500 3.0010 Km. 252.000 to 254.850 2.850 4.00Sub Total 9.750 18.00Total 9.750 18.00C. Bypasses(i)FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) ConstructionSub Total 0.000 0.00Total 0.000 0.00D. ROBs/RUBs / Flyover cum ROB.(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0 0.00(iii) Construction10 Constn. of ROB at Dabwali at RD 315.25. 1 20.00Sub Total 1 20.00Total 1 20.00E. Missing Link/New National Highways.(i) FS/ Detailed EngineeringSub Total 0.000 0.00(ii) L.A.Sub Total 0.000 0.00(iii) ConstructionSub Total 0.000 0.00Total 0.000 0.00F Widening to two lane & Strengthening i/c Improvements65 Km. 77.150 To 88.135 Kaithal Byepass (10mtr) 10.985 11.0071B Km. 44.00 to 50.784 26.366 13.00Total 37.351 24.00G. Widening to two lane with Geometric ImprovementsTotal 0.000 0.00

H. Strengthening/raisingTotal 0.000 0.00II.R.Q.P i/c improvement65 Km. 0.00 to 9.00. (Ambala city portion) 9.000 3.5065 Km. 188.00 to 191.750. 5.850 2.5073 Km. 166.185 to 179.085 12.900 4.5073 Km. 89.000 to 95.000 6.000 2.0010 Km. 191.00 to 194.700 & 196.840 to 200.00 between 6.860 3.00Agroha & Badopal.71 KM. 352.540 to 358.550 with drain except ROBportion. (Rohtak City)5.500 4.50Total 46.110 20.000J Paved Shoulder65 Km. 197.00 to 230.500 33.500 29.0071B Km. 44.00 to 54.00 10.000 8.50Total 43.500 37.500K Widening/Reconstruction of CulvertTotal 0.00 0.00L Major Bridge(i)Reconstruction/ WideningSub Total 0 0.00(ii) Reha<strong>bi</strong>litationSub Total 0 0.00Total 0 0.00M Minor Bridge(i) Reconstruction / Widening10 Km. 252.500. 1 0.3071 Constn. of HL Bridge at RD 243.705 near Narwana. 1 2.5021A Constn. of HL Bridge at RD 15.500 of Pinjore-Baddi 1 2.50road.Sub Total 3 5.30(ii) Reha<strong>bi</strong>litation10 Km. 253 on Sirsa major distributory 1 1.0010 Km. 281 Mamrokheri distributory 1 1.0010 Km. 270.300 Ottu feeder 1 1.00Sub Total 3 3.00(iii) L.A.Sub Total 0.00 0.00(iv) FS/DPRSub Total 0.00 0.00Total 6.00 8.30N Road Safety & Environment 2.70Total 0.00 2.70O Misc.71 Constn. of drain in vill. Uchana Kalan, Broda, Khatkar,Jhanj Kalan & Jind city.1.50Road safty works incl. wayside amenities & Toll Plazacosting less than 50 lacs.Survey investigation, repair reha<strong>bi</strong>litation, minor bridgecosting less than 50 lacs.0.00 0.000.00 0.00Total 0.00 1.50G.Total 136.71 132.00NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (NABARD)ROAD & BRIDGES PROJECTS UNDER RIDF SCHEMES IN HARYANA• Approved by Government of India in 1996-97 as NABARD Loan Scheme.• State Sponsored Plan NABARD Loan Scheme.• To achieve 100% connectivity in Haryana with roads.

• Difference in cost of Estimate and Tendered amount is to be born by the NABARD &State Government as per their shares tranchwise.• Five-year maintenance contract. All roads and bridges improved/re-constructed /reha<strong>bi</strong>litated under NABARD Projects would have to be maintained for 5 years as partof Contractor Contract. Maintenance funds to service maintenance part of Contractwhich will be born by the agency.• The projects sanctioned by NABARD under its tranches as well as HaryanaGovernment (Finance Department) are being executed/carried out in field by HaryanaPWD B&R Officers/Officials.• Since the launches of this scheme 184 roads having a length of 1938.55 Km. havebeen sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs.461.01 crore as on 29.02.08, 159 roadshaving a length of 1670.00 Km. have been completed by spending a cost ofRs.327.02 crore and work on 25 roads is under progress as per detail attached.• Since the launches of this scheme 110 bridges have been sanctioned at an estimatedcost of Rs.105.89 Crore upto 29.02.08. Out of 110 bridges 21 no. bridges have beencompleted by spending a cost of Rs.23.97 Crore and work of 89 bridges is inprogress. Out of 89 bridges 85 bridges recently sanctioned under RIDF-XIII with anestimated cost of Rs.8113.95 Lacs detail attached.ROADSName ofTrancheNo. ofroadsLength (inKm.)Estimatedcost (Rs. InCrore)RemarksRIDF-III 33 248.15 13.25 All works completedRIDF-IV 24 298.01 22.92 All works completedRIDF-IX 71 672.04 158.97 Out of 71 works 69 workscompleted and 2 works in progressRIDF-XI 53 667.35 240.83 Out of 53 works 33 work completedand 20 work in progressRIDF-XIII 3 53.00 25.04 Works in progressBRIDGESName ofTrancheNo. ofroadsLength (inKm.)Estimatedcost (Rs. incrore)RemarksRIDF-III 5 - 3.45 All works completedRIDF-VIII 20 - 21.30 Out of 20 bridges 16 workscompleted and 4 works in progressRIDF-XIII 85 - 81.14 Works recently sanctionedNATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (NABARD)ROAD & BRIDGES PROJECTS UNDER RIDF SCHEMES IN HARYANAAIMS AND OBJECTIVES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> NABARD SCHEMEscheme: -Following are the major benefits that accrue from good road networks under NABARD1. To undertake infrastructure projects especially roads to benefit rural areas of Haryanaparticularly rural road works approved under NABARD Scheme.2. To undertake that is to plan, execute, monitor and review- Implementation of NABARD Scheme.3. To meet the needs of rural infrastructure including creation, maintenance and management ofroad network.4. To provide service for training of manpower for road/infrastructure industry and other relatedfields.5. To create assimilate, manage and disseminate information database of Haryana in general andin particular to facilitate planning and management of infrastructure projects in rural Haryana.6. To acquire and facilitate introduction of best practices in respect of creation, maintenance andmanagement of rural infrastructure especially roads.

7. To provide technical cooperation to other organizations in improving rural infrastructure.8. To propose and organize conventions, seminars and workshops on issues pertaining to ruralinfrastructure especially roads.9. To support development of public opinion among all people on matters of rural infrastructure.10. To acquire and sell properties/buildings/assets for furthering the objectives of NABARD.11. To remunerate any person or organization/foundation for services rendered or to be rendered toconduct its business/activities.12. Accessi<strong>bi</strong>lity of villages from main roads will improve the progress of all social services.13. There will be substantial increase in farm production due to better awareness in farmers &quick/timely procurement of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, import of farm equipment’s &labour from towns/cities with greater ease.14. Better prices of agriculture produce due to easy and quicker access to the markets.15. Improvement in law & order position due to better accessi<strong>bi</strong>lity and mo<strong>bi</strong>lity.16. Better medical & educational facilities to rural population.17. Improvement in social customs of villages.18. Better mo<strong>bi</strong>lity of people due to lesser turn around time for the vehicles.19. The last but not the least saving in operation cost, less consumption of fuel & lowermaintenance cost of vehicles.NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (NABARD)ROAD & BRIDGES PROJECTS UNDER RIDF SCHEMES IN HARYANARIDF-IIIThis project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/326/RIDF-III(Haryana)/97-98dated 21/16.06.1997.Total Works 38Completed Works 38Work in ProgressNilProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(90%) (10%)ApproximatelyExpenditureso far(Rs. in Lacs)TotalLength (inKm.)1325.00 1325.00 1192.50 132.50 1325.00 198.28RIDF-IVThis project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/556/RIDF-IV(Haryana) /22PSC /98-99 dated 25.08.1998.Total Works 24Completed Works 24Work in ProgressNilProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(90%) (10%)ApproximatelyExpenditureso far(Rs. in Lacs)TotalLength (inKm.)2292.20 2292.20 2062.98 229.22 2292.20 289.01RIDF-VIII (Bridge Project)

This project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB./CHG/RIDF-VIII/178/HR-801 2002 -03 dated 25.06.2002.Total Works 20Completed Works 18Work in Progress 4ProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(90%) (10%)Expenditureso far(Rs. inLacs)TotalLength (inKm.)2129.74 2129.74 1916.76 212.98 2052.09 -RIDF-IXThis project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/1800/RIDF-IX(Haryana) /69 &70 PSC /2003-04 dated 20.02.2004 & 04.03.2004 respectively.Total Works 71Completed Works 69Work in Progress 2ProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(80%) (20%)Expenditureso far(Rs. inLacs)TotalLength (inKm.)15741.98 15741.98 12593.51 3148.38 12500.64 665.20RIDF-XIThis project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/629/RIDF-XI(Haryana) /78PCS /2005-06 dated 22.07.2005.Total Works 53Completed Works 33Work in Progress 20ProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(80%) (20%)Expenditureso far(Rs. inLacs)TotalLength (inKm.)19649.87 24082.76 19266.20 4816.56 16684.45 667.00RIDF-XIIIThis project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/1201/RIDF-XIII(Haryana) /92PSC /2007-08 dated 21.11.2007.Total Works 3Completed WorksNilWork in Progress 3ProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(80%) (20%)Expenditureso far(Rs. inLacs)TotalLength (inKm.)25.04 25.04 20.03 5.01 Nil 53.00

RIDF-XIII (Bridge Project)This project was sanctioned by NABARD vide No.NB.SPD/1601/RIDF-XIII(Haryana) /95PSC /2007-08 dated 06.02.08 & NB.SPD/RIDF-XIII(Haryana) /92 PSC /2007-08 dated21.11.08.Total Works 85Completed WorksNilWork in Progress 3ProjectCost Initial(Rs. inLacs)ProjectcostExpected(Rs. inLacs)Loan Composition(Rs. in Lacs)Nabard Sate Share(80%) (20%)Expenditureso far(Rs. inLacs)TotalLength (inKm.)8113.95 8113.95 6010.13 2103.82 Nil -Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-IIIName of WorkSanctionedCost(Rs. in Lacs)Length(in Km.)BHIWANI DISTT.(BHIWANI CIRCLE)1 Bithan Chehar Kalan Road R030200008/0000001 25.00 3.252 Bhiwani Nangal to Du<strong>bi</strong>wala R030200011/0000001 17.00 2.503 Bijlanwas to Kural R030200045/0000001 35.00 5.004 Kairu to Hero ki Dhani R030200012/0000001 18.00 2.505 Bigowa to Achina R030200013/0000001 45.00 7.806 Wdg. Birhi-Tiwala-Siswala Jhojju Kalan Road Km. 0 34.00 12.50to 6.30 R030200018/00000017 Stg. Tosham Bye pass R030200019/0000001 12.00 1.208 Stg. Bapora Bye pass R030200020/0000001 24.00 2.409 Stg. Lalhana Asalwas Road R030200021/0000001 17.00 5.0010 Stg.Pataudi Siwani Road R030200022/0000001 14.00 4.0011 Stg. Bidwan-Siwatch Mandholi Khurd Road 17.00 5.60R030200027/0000001REWARI DISTT.ROHTAK CIRCLE12 Ramgarh Bhagwanpur to vill. BhagwanpurR030200014/00000015.00 0.50PANCHKULA DISTT.CHANDIGARH CIRCLE13 Pinjore Nalagarh road to PrempuraR030200004/000000114 Kaimbwala to Bhoj Khudana RoadR030200005/000000175.00 4.8090.00 7.50HISAR DISTT.HISAR CIRCLE15 Kalirawan to Khairampur R030200006/0000001 35.00 5.0016 Kanoh to Kirori R030200007/0000001 35.00 6.3017 Wdg. Rawalwas Khurd to Dho<strong>bi</strong> via Siswala Kharia 21.00 12.00R030200026/000000118 Stg. Hisar Ghursal Road Km.0 to 2.80 13.00 2.60R030200028/000000119 Stg. Hisar Ghursal Road Km.21 to 27.85 32.00 6.85R030200029/0000001YAMUNA NAGAR DISTT.CHANDIGARH CIRCLE

20 Wdg. Yamuna Nagar Karnal road via Khajuri(Section Yamuna Nagar to Gumthala Road)R030200015/0000001JIND DISTT.JIND CIRCLE21 Wdg./Stg. Hansi Sisai Road Km. 0 to 6.95R030200024/000000137.00 21.0018.00 6.95FATEHABAD DISTT.HISAR CIRCLE22 Wdg. Fatehabad Hanmspur Road 32.00 19.70R030200025/000000123 Ayalki to Jandwala via Thamuspura Road 40.00 22.00R030200030/000000124 Fatehabad Bhuna road to Bhutan Kalan 14.00 7.57R030200031/000000125 Wdg. Ratia Rori Road R030200023/0000001 35.00 18.00SIRSA DISTT.HISAR CIRCLE26 Wdg. Sirsa Ludesar Road Km. 0.30 to 6.50R030200032/000000127 Wdg.DHS road to Ding Makhosarani road km 0 to8.00 R030200033/000000110.00 6.2017.00 8.00PANIPAT DISTT.KANAL CIRCLE28 Wdg. Panipat Ujha Road R030200034/0000001 10.00 4.8929 Wdg. Panipat Sanoli Road to Bapoli 18.00 9.16R030200035/000000130 Wdg. road connecting Panipat Assandh to PanipatGohana Road R030200038/000000158.00 5.00SONEPAT DISTT.KARNAL CIRCLE31 Wdg. Jaswant Singh Chauhan MrgR030200036/000000132 Wdg. Murthal Chowk to Sabzi Mandi at SonepatR030200037/000000112.00 4.893.00 0.49JHAJJAR DISTT.ROHTAK CIRCLE33 Wdg. Matanhail Salawas Kosli road km. 0 to 16.44(Length under NABARD=14.28 km.)R030200039/000000129.00 17.00Total 897.00 248.15CONSTRUCTION <strong>OF</strong> BRIDGES (5 NOS.)A AMBALA DISTT.AMBALA CIRCLE34 Constg. H.L. Bridge over Jodha Nala CrossingKaleram Barauli Road (4 spam of 10.50 mtr.each=61.80 mtr.) R030200040/000000185.00 -35 H.L. Bridge over Markanda river & approaches fromvill. Teokar to Jakhwala (3 spam 21.75 mtr.each=66mtr. R030200042/0000001FARIDABAD DISTT.GURGAON CIRCLE36 H.L. Bridge over Loh Singhani to Sehrala road onSehrala drain R030200041/0000001KARNAL DISTT.KARNAL CIRCLE37 H.L. Bridge in Km. 3 of Indri Garhi Birbal road overIndri escape R030200043/0000001SONEPAT DISTT.KARNAL CIRCLE38 H.L. Bridge over drain No.8 crossing Rithal GurukulBhainswal via Rewara R030200044/0000001100.00 -30.00 -35.00 -95.00 -Total 345.00 -Grand Total 1242.00 444.05

Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-IVName of WorkWORKS COMPLETEDBHIWANI DISTT.(BHIWANI CIRCLE)1 Jamalpur to Bawani Khera (Wdg. & Stg. of JamalpurBawani Khera road) R040200020/00000012 Mandhauli Kalan to Obra (S/R by Pvdg. 4" thickBUSG & 20mm thick mix seal surfacing) onSidhanwa, Gopalwas Mandhauli Kalan & ObraSidhnwa road R040200021/00000013 Rupgarh to Nimri wali (Wdg. & Stg. of Nimriwali toRoopgasrh road) R040200022/00000014 Kitlana toBoirsana (Stg./raising on Kitlana, Chappar,Barsana road) R040200023/00000015 SH-20 to Sanwar (Wdg./Stg. of road from SH-20 toMDR-124 via Achina Bhageshari, Ranila Sanjarwas)R040200024/00000016 Sankor to Raniula (Wdg./Stg. of Sanjarwas toSanga road via Sankor) R040200025/00000017 SH-17 to MDR-124 via Dudwa (S/R to SH-17 toMDR-124 via Dudwa) R040200026/00000018 SH-14 to Thalod (Wdg./Stg. L/R from SH-14 tovill.Thilod via Devsar, Bajina, Dhani Mahu, NiganaKalan and Dhulheri Alampur) R040200027/00000019 From MDR-110 to Bhurtana (Wdg./Stg. L/R fromJhupa Kalan, Behl Kairu, Bhiwani, Loharu road.MDR-110 to Hansi Tosham road SH-12 via SimliBas,Dhani Baigan, Pura, Dhani Mahu, Rewasa,Bangwan, Bhurtana) R040200028/0000001SanctionedCost(Rs. inLacs)Length(inKm.)52.74 47.4763.49 57.1434.15 4.0288.43 11.7099.90 13.4070.16 5.4053.85 7.60293.77 30.50217.01 31.00MOHINDERGARH DISTT.BHIWANI CIRCLE10 SH-17 to Sehlong (S/R to L/R from SH-17 to villSehlong in M. Garh Distt. R040200035/000000152.50 5.75FATEHABAD DISTT.HISAR CIRCLE11 Sanyana to Bawan (Raising & Stg. on Sanyana toBawan via Bosti) R040200036/000000158.04 8.36GURGAON DISTT.GURGAON CIRCLE12 Vill. Khandeola, Sohna (Wdg./Stg. & raising of roadfrom Tauru Sohna,Jafrabad, Sunith Chhalka road toPalwal, Sohna Rewari road) R040200039/000000113 Farukh Nagar to Rajupur (Wdg./Stg. of L/R fromTauru Pataudi to Haili Mandi, F. Nagar road viaMachana) R040200040/0000001HISAR DISTT.JIND CIRCLE14 Dhani Chanderpal to Petwar (S/R Dhani Chanderpalto Petwar with L/R Jamwari) R040200037/0000001JHAJJAR DISTT.ROHTAK CIRCLE15 Sundrana to Mohan Bari (Imp. of various roads byPdg. Stg. in Sahlawas toMohan Beri via Sudhrathiand Jharli) R040200030/000000116 Sahlawas to Koli Puri (Imp. Sahlawas to Kolipuriroad via Niwada & Radhuwas)R040200031/000000117 Birchhwas to Radhuwas (Imp. of Chhuchhakwas toRoyal Puri) R040200038/000000153.30 7.5087.90 11.60152.19 21.1067.04 10.00101.10 14.0084.62 11.00KARNAL DISTT.KARNAL CIRCLE

18 Karnal Phusgarh Chhapra (Imp. of Karnal Sect.-6 toPhushgarh Chhapra Khera, Sabri SharifabadDebarkipur & Kunjpura road) R040200019/000000196.59 13.80PANIPAT DISTT.KARNAL CIRCLE19 SH-16 to Ishrana bandh (Imp.of SH-16 IshranaBandh Bowana, Lakhu upto MDR-121)R040200018/0000001REWARI DISTT.ROHTAK CIRCLE20 Guriani to Pataudi (Wdg. & Stg. on Guriani toJewara, Gudana road upto Division Boundary viaAhmadpur, Saidpur, Palwas). R040200032/000000121 Rewari Narnaul to Kanuka (Wdg. from RewariNarnaul road to Kanuka approach road).R040200033/000000122 Rewari Narnaul to Bhandor (Wdg. Stg. Gumina,Bhandor from Khari Railway Station to Kanuka).R040200034/000000160.00 8.50175.06 11.8784.93 11.0637.36 4.60YAMUNA NAGAR DISTT.CHANDIGARH CIRCLE23 Dusani to Tigra (Pvdg., Raising & Stg. of L/R fromS.K. road to vill. Khajuri via Dusani, Tigra andChhota Khera) R040200016/000000150.55 7.0024 Mamidi Jouriam to Ambala (Pvdg. Wdg./Stg. from 157.52 22.50Mumidi Jouian to Ambala Jagadhri road via HarnaulTopra Khurd, Topra Kalan Sagri, Kheri Lakha Singh,Rapauli, Mustafabad & Chhaper)R040200017/0000001Grand Total 2292.20 376.87Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-VIIIName of WorkWORKS COMPLETED1 High Level Bridge over Tangri Nadi X-ing Ambala tobaraula Road at Km.15.33 in Ambala Distt.R0802000012 Bridge over Saraswati Distributary X-ing Thana toMangana Road in Kurukshetra Distt. R0802000023 Bridge over Kalka Nadi X-ing Kalka-Paploha-Kheranwali road at Km.3.25 in distt. Panchkula R0802000034 H.L. Bridge over Sarsa Nadi on PN Road to Kholmola atKm.1.10 in Panchkula Distt. R0802000045 H.L. Bridge over Bhorian Nadi X-ing Pinjore to MallahRoad at Km.3.80 in Panchkula Distt. R0802000056 H.L. Bridge over Berghati Nadi X-ing Pinjore to MallahRoad at Km.6.70 in Panchkula Distt. R0802000067 Bridge over Sarsa Nadi X-ing PN Road to Kot FatehSingh at Km.1.10 in Panchkula Distt. R0802000078 H.L. Bridge over Rakhshi Nallah X-ing Sudhal Sudhalito Guglan Road in Yamuna Nagar Distt. R0802000089 H.L. Bridge on local nallah on Bichpuri to Newazpurroad at Km. 0.68 in Yamuna Nagar Distt.R08020000910 H.L. Bridge on local nallah on Bichpuri to Newazpurroad at Km. 1.63 in Yamuna Nagar Distt.R08020001011 H.L. Bridge over Patharala River X-ing Khizrabad toBilaspur Road at Km.10.00 in Yamuna Nagar Distt.R08020001312 H.L. Bridge over local Nallah X-ing Chhrauli Kot DarpurRoad to Baroli Majra road at Km.1.50 in Yamuna NagarDistt. R08020001413 H.L. Bridge over Drain No.8 X-ing Raiya to Salodha inJhajjar Distt.R080200015SanctionedCost(Rs. inLacs)Length(InKm.)396.81 -15.99 -100.52 -177.56 -92.07 -69.28 -142.41 -21.71 -43.26 -43.57 -222.73 -67.77 -60.48 -

14 Constn. of vanted causeway over Yamuna Creak atGheer to Shergarh Tapu Road at Km. 2.75 in KarnalDistt. R08020001615 Constn. of Skewed Bridge on Nardak Disty X-ingJalmana to Kurlan Road at Km. 1.10 in Karnal Distt.R08020001716 Bridge over Uplana Minor X-ing Jalmana to UplaniRoad at Km.1.05 in Karnal Distt. R08020001843.22 -22.78 -7.75 -WORK IN PROGRESS -17 H.L. Bridge on local nallah on Bichpuri to Newazpur 70.50 -road at Km.3.90 in Yamuna Nagar Distt.R08020001118 H.L. Bridge near Meghuwala on local nallah X-ingKhizrabad Bilaspur Road to Gulabgarh Chiken Road atKm.7.00 in Yamuna Nagar Distt. R080200012104.10 -19 H.L. Bridge on Indri escape X-ing Kunjpura to KarnalRoad at Km.5.95 in Karnal Distt. R08020001920 H.L. Bridge over Ghaggar River X-ing Dhandauta toBoopur road at Km.1.00 in Kaithal Distt. R08020002040.43 -386.80 -Grand Total 2129.74 -Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-IXName of WorkWORKS COMPLETEDAMBALA CIRCLE1 Strengthening of link road from Khera Metklan Roadto Rasoolpur PIC No. R0902000512 Strengthening of road from Ambala Hisar Road toMehlan Bhuni PIC No. R090200052SanctionedCost(Rs. inLacs)Length(in Km.)58.33 6.7579.65 9.153 Adhoya Chappar road PIC No. R090200053 61.30 5.004 Thanesar Jhansa Thol road PIC No. R090200096 215.98 9.96BHIWANI CIRCLE5 Bond Kalan Dadri Chirya, Bhagot Kanina Ateli road(MDR-124) section Bond Kalan Dadri road PICNo.R090200054500.95 16.266 Strengthening of Jhojju Kalan Satnali Road (MDR)PIC No. R0902000557 Baganwala Dadam Khanak Raod Km 5.25 to 12.94(ODR) PIC No. R0902000568 Sanjarwas to to Sanga via Sankror PIC No.R0902000579 Hisar Tosham Road Km 52.46 to 61.86 includingTosham Bye Pass (MDR-108) PIC No. R09020009710 Widening/Strengthening Bond Kalan Dadri ChiryaKanina Ateli Road (MDR-124) Km 68.07 to 81.07 &81.07 to 94.67 PIC No. R09020005811 Thilod Badalwala Bidola Chhapar Rangran ChhaparJogian Garanpura Road PIC No. R09020009812 Kaunt Manheru Kitlana Road (ODR) PIC No. R090200099.13 Faizabad Seehma Kanina Road in MohindergarhDistt Km 0 to 12.32 & 12.32 to 28.84 PIC No. R090200100CHANDIGARH CIRCLE14 Radaur Mustfabad road km. 0 to 9.60 PIC No. R09020005915 Improvement of Link Road Jallah to Madhana roadvia Thapli PIC No. R 09020006016 Improvement of Link road Morni to BadyalPIC No. R 09020006117 Widening & Strengthening of Pinjore Mallah RoadPIC No. R 09020006218 Radaur Jathlana road to Gumthla via Kandroli PICNo. R 09020010119 Chhachhrauli Kot Darpur road km. 10.00 to 17.04PIC No R 090200102GURGAON CIRCLE233.47 10.00113.23 7.6963.90 4.50334.31 9.70674.58 26.60300.60 20.73213.11 14.13726.34 28.84117.50 9.60140.00 8.30122.46 8.59208.65 13.4577.48 8.95102.50 7.04

20 Delhi Jaipur road to Farrukh Nagar. PIC No. R09020006321 Widening & Strengthening road from Jiwara Gudanaroad upto Distt. Boundary km 0 to 9.00 in GurgaonDistt. PIC No. R 090200064300.00 17.62166.83 9.0022 Jogipur Hathin road Km. 0.00 to 20.00 PIC No. 339.68 20.00R 09020006523 Faridabad Tigaon road PIC No. R 090200066 92.87 5.6324 Urban Estate to Gurgaon Farrukh Nagar ( 67.10 6.20Dhankot) via Dhanwapur Kherki Majra PIC No. R09020010425 Gurgaon Pataudi road ( Hayatpur) D.J road (Manesar) via Badha Nawada Fatehpur, NaharpurKassan.PIC No. R26 Palla Basantpur road Km.3.30 to 4.50 PIC No. R09020006827 Faridabad Jassana Chirsi Manjhawali road Km.5.00to 16.32 PIC No. R 090200106HISAR CIRCLE28 Hisar Mangali Sharwa road to Sultanpur viaKanwari. PIC No. R 09020006929 Kheri Jalab to Uchana Via Kapro. PIC No. R09020007030 Improvement of DHS rd. to Umra Sultanpur Kanwarird. PIC No. R 09020007131 Hansi Jind rd. to Petwar Narnaund(Sec. NND toPetwar) with link rd. to Panchayat Ghar Petwar) PICNo. R 090200072138.87 7.7130.40 1.20267.00 11.12184.60 12.50169.21 10.23286.07 16.1953.08 5.8032 Talwandi Saboo Rori Road PIC No. R 090200073 238.50 12.4033 Dabwali Kalanwali Via Desujodha PIC No. R 686.12 35.1009020007434 Muklan Sharwa road (Sec. Kalwas to Sharwa). PIC 338.09 19.71No. R 09020010835 Improvement of Tohana Dharsul Ratia Rori road 1240.97 41.49MDR -101 in Fatehabad Distt. PIC No.R 09020010936 Improvement of Jakhal Dharsul Bhuna Pabra road 781.06 27.49MDR 102 in Fatehabad District. PIC No. R09020011037 Improvement of Khara Kheri Bhattu road Km 0 to 122.81 8.008.00 in Fatehabad District. PIC No. R 09020011138 Widening /Strengthening & Re-Constn. of EllenabadNohar Kanina road km. 0 to 0.58 & 3.50 to 9.45(RIDF-IX) PIC No. R 090200112131.98 6.53JIND CIRCLE39 Kheri Safa to Tarkha Road PIC No. R 090200075 18.54 2.1040 Garhi to Nepewala PIC No. R 090200076 24.55 2.6541 Bhana to Gurusar Rd. PIC No. R 090200077 20.32 2.2142 Uchana to Kheri Masania Road PIC No. R 23.14 2.5009020007843 Shamlokalan to Julana-Nandgarh road via Ramkali- 19.65 1.85Karsola in Jind Distt. PIC No. R 09020007944 Providing Strengthening of Link road from H.B.Ghagger to Ahmedpur to Paprala to Jawalapur in21.53 1.25Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R 09020008045 Providing Re-Constn. & Strengthening On Bhuslanto Sarkpur to karam in Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R09020008146 Providing Re-Constn & Stg on approach to Deba toRatta Khera Luqman in Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R09020008247 Improvement By Providing Re-Constn &Strengthening On Belhehra to Theh Banera to H.B.in Kaithal Distt.PIC No. R09020008348 Special Repair Estimate by Providing StrengtheningOn link road from Kaithal Cheeka to DeraHimatpura to dera Bazigrain in Kaithal Distt. PIC No.R 09020008449 Improvement By Providing Re-Constn &Strengthening On road from Kharkan Poswal toChhota & New Poswal in Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R43.18 2.4133.43 2.7051.20 4.4037.93 4.0025.35 2.30

09020008550 Improvement By Providing of road from Kaithal KKRroad to vill. Sleempur Mehdood road. In Kaithal Distt.PIC No. R 09020008651 Improvement Providing Strengthening On Old ByePass At vill. Dhand in Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R09020008752 Improvement By Providing Strengthening of roadfrom Pabnawa to Chandlana in Kaithal Distt.District:- Kaithal PIC No. R 09020008818.45 2.1724.38 1.9133.18 3.9153 Providing Strengthening of road from Kaul to Raison 41.17 4.80in Kaithal Distt. PIC No. R 09020008954 Karamgarh to Khanpur PIC No. R 090200113 9.48 1.0355 Mohal Khera PIC No. R 090200114 8.82 0.9756 Ujhana link Road PIC No. R 090200115 6.44 0.6557 Hatho Link Road PIC No. R 090200116 6.59 0.7358 Alipura to Kheri Gainda Road PIC No. R 090200117 13.63 1.5059 K.C. Agrain road to Landeri to Charson in Kaithal 32.95 2.31Distt. PIC No. R 090200111860 Ratta Khera to Seholi to H.B. in kaithal Distt. PIC 18.78 1.02No. R 090200119KARNAL CIRLCE61 Kharkhoda to Assoda RD 0 to 6.70 upto Distt. 135.27 6.70Boundary. PIC No. R 090200090ROHTAK CIRCLE62 Kalanaur Basana Meham road PIC No. R 361.00 18.1809020009163 N. Bye Pass Rohtak PIC No. R 090200092 112.28 2.5764 Improvement of Badli Duriana via Ladpur Munimpur 222.00 11.64road PIC No. R 09020009365 Improvement of Rohtak Beri road (Sec Beri Kabulpur 220.17 8.50road PIC No. R 09020009466 Dahina Jatusana road. PIC No. R 090200095 242.37 16.0967 Jassia Rithal road i/c School PIC No. R 090200120 177.59 9.0568 Kansala Morkheri Samchana Bhainsru road 193.40 10.27PIC No. R 09020012169 Improvement of Kharkhoda Assodha road PIC No.R 090200122230.00 11.31Total 12406.35 642.84WORKS IN PROGRESSCHANDIGARH CIRCLE70 Improvement of Panchkula Morni road by Stg.Retaining wall of Km. 0 to 4.20, Km. 12.00 to 18.00and Km.24.00 to 29.00 PIC No.090200103486.99 15.20GURGAON CIRCLE71 Ballabhgarh Samepur Samathla road Km. 0 to 14.20PIC No.090200067253.00 14.00Total 739.99 29.20G. Total 13146.34 672.04Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-XIName of WorkWORKS COMPLETEDAMBALA CIRCLE1 Link road form Ambala Hisar road to villageNiharsi in Ambala Distt.2 Link Road form Ambala Hisar road toKalawar, Danipur upto Jakhwala in AmbalaDistt.SanctionedCost(Rs. inLacs)Length(in Km.)77.10 6.01244.98 12.843 Mohri Kesri Bihta road in Ambala district. 189.46 15.69BHIWANI CIRCLE

4 Dadri Chirya Kanina road (MDR 124) 518.37 18.355 Dhanana Badesra Sisar road 420.88 10.256 Jhojju Berala Badhra road 650.48 20.10CHANDIGARH CIRCLE7 Kalka Paploha Knerawali Charnia road upto 507.00 9.70NH-21A in Panchkula Distt.8 Chhachrauli Bilaspur road in Yamuna 279.89 9.26Nagar Distt.9 NH-72 to NH-73 via Dhanana Rasiadpur & 255.30 14.92Rampur in Ambala district.GURGAON CIRCLE10 Bamni Khera to Hasanpur. 877.02 21.5811 Palwal Allawalpur Amarpur Mohna road km. 452.53 8.708.00 to 16.7012 Sikri to Dhauj via Sikrona 681.80 12.8013 PSR road to Village Jaurasi. 331.36 7.0014 Gurgaon Alwar road ( Badshahpur) to 206.73 5.25Hassanpur Darbaripur road.15 Gurgaon Alwar road ( Badshahpur) to 181.00 5.50Hassanpur Quadarpur via Medawas road.HISAR CIRCLE16 Hisar Balsamand Bhadra road. 1019.62 29.4017 Umra to Ratera road. 268.33 7.9018 Talwara Mundian road. 151.43 9.1519 Fatehabad Bhuna road to Bhutan. 214.58 7.5620 Tohana Snyana road. 817.42 21.95JIND CIRCLE21 Pillu Khera Dharauli Bhartana road upto 432.13 12.09Jind Gohana road.22 Gohana Jind to Bhairon Khera. 130.84 4.2023 Kalwa Butani Hatt road. 380.53 10.2024 Dhamtan to Garhi road. 708.10 15.0025 Dharauli to Kaneria via Phullian Sulhara. 769.08 17.0026 Kithana to Kalayat via Mataur. 791.98 21.6027 Narwana Kaithal road to Mandi Kalan via 624.93 14.60Lodhar Sinsar.KARNAL CIRCLE28 Madluda to Alupur in Panipat Distt. 410.92 8.70ROHTAK/JHAJJAR CIRCLE29 Sonipat to Ganaur via Kami Lalheri road. 672.16 17.3030 Simli Bhambawa Karror Kharawar road in 419.99 8.75km. 0 to 8.96 in Rohtak district.31 Sampla Kulthana road in Rohtak district. 220.19 7.2032 Jhajjar Subana road to village Gurianai via 124.61 4.00Babepur upto District boundary.33 Sampla Dighal road upto district boundary. 366.70 7.45Total 14397.44 402.00WORKS IN PROGRESSAMBALA CIRCLE34 Link Road from Matheri Sheikhan Naneollaroad to Jajoli & Khera to NH road in AmbalaDistt.162.33 8.6735 Pehowa Cheeka road to Pehowa Patialaroad via Mohanpur Kala in Distt.KurukshetraBHIWANI CIRCLE36 Garhi to Bawani Khera road km. 5.50 to12.3037 Naya Gaon Bayal road upto RajasthanBorder281.49 8.98381.70 12.30269.49 9.45

CHANDIGARH CIRCLE38 Link Road from Kaimbwala to BhojKhudana in PKL district.39 Link road Morni Balag road to Tikkar Tal RD0 to 9.38 in PKL Distt40 Chajju Majra Raipur Rani road upto Mouli inPKL District.41 Panchkula Morni road to Bari-Sher in PKLdistrict.42 Jagadhari Workshop road to NH-73 viaSasoli Sudhail, Jhandheri and Bhambhol inYamuna Nagar Distt.234.39 7.50299.70 9.38194.52 6.40353.40 12.20353.97 11.22GURGAON CIRCLE43 Palwal Allawalpur Amarpur Mohna road km. 353.13 8.000.00 to 8.00HISAR CIRCLE44 Khan Mohammed Nakta road upto Ratia 565.64 20.07Rori road.JIND CIRCLE45 Julana Nandgarh road. 374.14 10.0046 Uchana to Kithana via Karsindhu Chhatter. 1230.19 23.1847 Kaithal to Baba Ladhana Kharkhan via 1103.67 23.41Atela Manjhila road.48 Kaithal Peodha Pai road. 838.25 17.00KARNAL CIRCLE49 Madulada to Jagsi via Atola Kurana and 935.82 23.37Matand in Panipat & Sonepat Distt.ROHTAK/JHAJJAR CIRCLE50 Rewari to DJ road via Majra Gurdaspur. 255.90 9.6051 PSR Road (NH-71 B) to Rewari Pataudiroad (SH 26) via Gokulpur Jant Janti inRewari District.273.78 9.6052 Rohad Badli road. 580.72 17.3253 Sampla Jassor Kheri Kulasi upto Nehra 643.09 17.70Bahadurgarh road.Total 9685.32 265.35Grand Total 24082.76 667.35Sr.No.LIST <strong>OF</strong> WORKS UNDER RIDF-XIIIName of WorkSanctionedCost(Rs. inLacs)ROAD PROJECT1 Wdg. & Stg. of Road from B.P.S Mahila University atKhanpur to G.T. road Ganaur via Kasanda DubetaKailana Saiya Khera in Sonepat Distt.2 Wdg. & Stg. of Road from Gohana to B.P.S MahilaUniversity,Khanpur Kalan in Sonepat Distt.3 Wdg. & Stg. of Road from B.P.S Mahila University,Khanpur Kalan to Gurukul Bhainswal via Kakrana,Lath, Jolly in Sonepat Distt.Length(Km./M/Ha)1194.02 26.00453.35 9.00856.4 18.00Total 2503.77 53.00BRIDGE PROJECT1 H.L. bridge Markanda River Ambala-Sad-B 778.54 -2 H.L. bridge WJ Canal Kaith K 3.80 K 902.01 -3 Markanda Nadi in Mulana Jharu Majra 679.22 -4 Loharu Canal (RD 27195) 11.03 -5 Loharu Canal (RD 36350) on Birhi Me 10.95 -6 Loharu Canal on Dadri Bond road 40.34 -7 Loharu Feeder on Morwala Bigowa road 84.90 -

8 Loharu Canal (RD 1120) Dadri Ghika 10.54 -9 Agra Canal (RD 25.158) on Ballabhgarh 212.13 -10 Buria Nallah (RD 4.954) on Badshahpur 189.45 -11 Agra Canal (RD 28.0187) on Ballabhgarh 247.39 -12 Agra Canal (RD 32.150) on Ballabhgarh 234.65 -13 Agra Canal (RD 37.200) on Janauli-M 226.36 -14 Gaunchi main drain (RD 79500) on 40.35 -15 Gaunchi main drain (RD 82500) on L 45.65 -16 Gaunchi main drain (RD 93000) on 36.61 -17 Gaunchi main drain (RD 174600) on 29.51 -18 Gaunchi main drain (RD 164500) on 39.04 -19 Gaunchi main drain (RD 153000) on 37.87 -20 Gaunchi main drain (RD 144500) on Ah 39.43 -21 Gaunchi main drain (RD 134485) on Ah 36.81 -22 Gaunchi main drain (RD 49900) on G 38.15 -23 Ujjina Diversion drain X-ing (RD 58 58.95 -24 Ujjina Diversion drain X-ing (RD 13 55.05 -25 Ujjina Diversion drain X-ing (RD 2 50.16 -26 Harchandpur Distributory (RD 53550 6.32 -27 Aqueduct X-ing of Harchandpur Distt. 13.45 -28 Gurgaon canal on Nimot to Kalwaka 152.00 -29 Local drain on Haily Mandi Faruk-Na 79.74 -30 Barwala link canal on Garhi Pipalt 133.79 -31 Butana Branch on Panipat Assandh r 38.01 -32 Indri Escape on Matak Majri to Bin 75.44 -33 Narwana Br. Km. 74 (74/4) of Shahbad 190.60 -34 Thanesar Jhansa Thol road at RD 25 36.77 -35 Thanesar Bhagthala road at RD 4.87 34.21 -36 Thanesar Bhagthala road at RD 4.93 41.53 -37 Thanesar Bhagthala road at RD 4.9 33.48 -38 Thanesar Jhansa road to Lukhi Bick 51.70 -39 Thanesar Jhansa road to Lukhi road 23.49 -40 Thanesar Jhansa road to Lukhi-Bikh 47.37 -41 Thanesar Jhansa road to Lukhi-Bikh 36.52 -42 Kirmach to Hathira road at RD 9.95 48.51 -43 Kirmach to Hathira road at RD 10.00 37.75 -44 Kurukshetra Dhand road at RD 2.50 40.35 -45 Drain No.2 on Panipat Barsat road 86.63 -46 Drain No.2 on Simia Gurgaon Beholi 86.44 -47 Drain No.2 on Garhi to Tajpur(VT- 55.89 -48 Samlkha to Naaina road (VT-2-5/8 45.97 -49 Kiwana approach road (VT-1-5/400) 43.40 -50 Dadola to Bapoli road (VT-1-35) 57.91 -51 Drain No.2 on Sanjoli to Raimal road 49.79 -52 Indra drain on Israna to Seenk road. 34.69 -53 Drain No.8 on Dabh-Ballabh-Kanna 48.63 -54 Drain No.8 on Dabh-Ballabh-Kanna 50.82 -55 Drain No.8 on Dabh-Ballabh-Kanna 49.33 -56 Drain No.8 on Dabh-Ballabh-Kanna 31.76 -57 Drain No.8 on Beri-Kalanaur road 46.92 -58 Dulhera Distributory on Sampla Kul 44.06 -59 Baroda Julana road X-ing Ka 63.92 -60 Rindhana Gharwal X-ing Kahanaur Di 60.46 -61 Puthi Moi Rewara X-ing D-No.8 at 111.74 -62 Jagsi Chhatera X-ing Drain No.8 a 67.77 -63 D.R. Bridge on Sonepat Purknass Moi 95.76 -64 Sonepat Mehlana Farmana Jasrana Po 105.40 -65 Sonepat Kakroi Bidhlan Gorar Munga 100.06 -66 Kharkhoda Khana Sekri road X-ing 83.29 -67 Bhouria Nadi on Bhahwanpur Raipur 144.68 -68 Tunda Nadi on Pinkour Barun road 169.53 -69 River Ghaggar on Thapli Barisher r 233.40 -70 Drain No.8 on Badli Pelpa Sondhi 47.47 -71 Drain No.8 on Badli Duriana Road 76.28 -72 JLN Feeder on Jjazgarh Palra Dubal 173.20 -73 Loharu Canal on Jhazgarh Palra Dub 32.29 -74 JLN FDR on Beri Kabulpur Road RD 1 23.78 -75 WJC on Beri Kabulpur Road RD 17.99 11.84 -76 Drain No.8 on Dharana Approach Road 41.98 -

77 Nuh-Palwal road at RD 4100-4200m, 167.28 -78 Nuh-drain on Jogipur Hath in road RD 35.69 -79 Local Nallah on Jogipur Hathin road 14.47 -80 Gurgaon Canal (Rd 135700) on Jogipur 39.72 -81 Gurgaon Canal (Rd 111900) on Mandak 32.57 -82 Local Nallah on Mandkola Silani road 48.32 -83 Local Nallah on Mandkola Silani road 64.83 -84 Gunchi Main drain on Palwal Hathi 33.38 -85 Gunchi Main drain on Palwal Hathin Gehla 46.48 -Total 8113.95 -G. Total 10617.72 53.00BuildingsLIST <strong>OF</strong> HARYANA BHAWAN / CHANAKYAPURI GUEST HOUSE/ CIRCUIT HOUSES /REST HOUSES IN HARYANAAMBALA CIRCLESr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. PWD Rest House Ambala City 6 Nos. suites2. PWD Rest House Ambala City 7 Nos. suites3. Circuit House Ambala Cantt. 3 Nos. suites4. PWD Rest House Mulana 1 No. suite5. PWD Rest House Pipli 1 No. suite6. Circuit House Kurukshetra 4 Nos. suites7. PWD Rest House Shahbad 4 Nos. suites8. PWD Rest House Ladwa 1 No. suiteBHIWANISr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. PWD Rest House Bhiwani 18 Nos. suites2. PWD Rest House Siwani 2 Nos. suites3. PWD Rest House Tosham 3 Nos. suites4. PWD Rest House Bawani Khera 2 Nos. suites5. PWD Rest House Charkhi Dadri 3 Nos. suites6. PWD Rest House Loharu 3 Nos. suites7. PWD Rest House Narnaul 8 Nos. suites8. PWD Rest House M.Garh 2 Nos. suitesCHANDIGARHSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. Navratan Rest House Shimla 2 Nos. suites2. Benmore Rest House Shimla 3 Nos. suites3. Benmore Rest House Shimla 3 Nos. suites4. PWD Rest House Kalka 3 Nos. suites5. PWD Rest House Y. Nagar 2 Nos. suites6. Ekant Bhawan Mussorie Uttrakhand 3 Nos. suites7. Civil Rest House Naraingarh 1 No. suite

8. Civil Rest House Sadhaura 1 No. suite9. Civil Rest House Bilaspur 1 No. suiteGURGAONSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. Gurgaon 13 Nos. suites2. Delhi 89 Nos. suites3. Mewat 5 Nos. suites4. Faridabad 10 Nos. suitesHISARSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. PWD Circuit house Hisar 8 Nos. suitesJIND2. Rest House at Hansi 5 Nos. suites3. Civil Rest House Bhattu Kalan 1 No. suite4. Civil Rest House Ratia 2 Nos. suites5. Civil Rest House Bhuna 1 No. suite6. Civil Rest House Sirsa 10 Nos. suites7. PWD Rest House at Fatehabad 4 Nos. suites8. PWD Rest House at Dabwali 1 No. suiteSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. PWD Rest House Jind 8 Nos. suites2. PWD Rest House Saffidon 2 Nos. suites3. PWD Rest House Narwana 4 Nos. suites4. PWD Rest House Kaithal 7 Nos. suites5. Civil Rest Guhla 1 No. suit6. PWD B&R inspection bungalow at Pundri 1 No. suiteJHAJJARSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. PWD Rest House Jhajjar (old & new) 5 Nos. suites2. PWD Rest House B.Garh 1 No. suite3. PWD Rest House Rewari 5 Nos. suitesKARNALSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. Circuit house at Karnal (being reserved by 4 Nos. suitesDC Karnal2. PWD Rest House Karnal 3 Nos. suites3. PWD Rest House Gharaunda 2 Nos. suites4. PWD Rest House Panipat 8 Nos. suitesROHTAKSr. No. Name of Circuit / Rest House No. of suites(Except Governor / CM suite)1. Rest house at Rohtak 3 Nos. suites2. Rest house at Sampla 2 Nos. suites

3. Rest house at Meham 3 Nos. suites4. Rest house at Kharkhoda 3 Nos. suites5. Rest house at Sonepat 12 Nos. suites6. Rest house at Rai 2 Nos. suites7. Rest house at Larsauli 2 Nos. suitesExisting rates for stay in suites of Haryana Bhawan, Haryana State guest House Chanakyapuri,New DelhiDignitaries /Various Categories of OfficersRates in Rs. (Existing)w.e.f. 01-05-09Chief Minister, Haryana (Note-Charges for CM Suite) 36.00(i) Hon’ble Chief Justice & Hon’ble Judges of PB & Hr. HighCourt.(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00(ii) Speaker of Haryana Vidhan Sabha 30.00(iii) M.Ps/M.L.As of Haryana, Freedom Fighters of Haryana 30.00(iv) M.Ps/M.L.As of Haryana, Freedom Fighters of Haryana 26.00Financial Commissioners/Commissioners/Vice Chancellor of all(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Chairman/MD & other officers of Equivalent ranks of Govt.Officers of Govt. Corpn./Boards/Autonomous bodies.(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Registrar/Deputy Registrar/of Pb. & Hr. High Court(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Officers of Haryana Govt. 18.00Haryana Govt. officers on deputation(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Officers of Universities of Haryana and Registrar of PunjabUniversity/Officers of HSEB (All companies thereof), Officers ofcomparable ranks of Haryana Govt. Officers.(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Organizing Secy. /Joint Organizing Secy. and Dy. Secy. to IndianRed Cross Society & the Haryana State Branch while of officialduty.Officers of Civil Aviation Clubs in Haryana:-1. Asstt. Pilot Instructor2. Asstt. Engineer3. Gliding Engineer(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00IAS probationers allotted to Haryana State while on duty 18.00Chief Commissioner UT Chandigarh while on duty 52.00Accountant General & Dy. Accountant General of Haryana(a) On duty 18.00(b) Not on duty 30.00Haryana Govt. Officers on leave 30.00Haryana Govt. Officers with Head Quarters at Delhi 30.00Officers of Govt. of Indian on Duty 52.00Former Governor of Haryana52.00Former CM of HaryanaFormer Ministers of Haryana 150.00Retired Judges of Pb. & Hr. High Court (for 4 days and beyond it at 52.00full rates)Non official members of Advisory Committee Constituted by Govt. 120.00

while staying in connection with meetings.Recipients of Padma Award 52.00Recipients of Paramvir Chakra belonging to Haryana. In case of 52.00awards the post thmous recipients who received the awards onbehalf of the deceased (for example wife, mother, father) for aperiod of not exceeding 7 days.Accredited Press Correspondents Editors including news 52.00Editors/Associate Editors of the News papers being published fromChd. i.e. The Tribune (English, Hindi & Punja<strong>bi</strong>) in connectionwith their professional work.Commissioner, Income Tax Rohtak, Hr./UT Chd. on Duty 52.00Vice Chairman/Director of YMCA Institute of Engg. Faridabad 18.00Air Officer Commanding, Air Force Station, Chandigarh while on 52.00duty.Retired Hr. Govt. Officers (for 4 days & beyond it at full rates) 52.00Offices/Doctors of PGI white on duty. 52.00Former MPs/MLAs of Haryana 300.00Former Governor of other states who belong to Haryana 52.00MPs/MLAs of constituencies of other states provided they belongs 300.00to HaryanaThe Chairman B.B.M.B. 300.00Commissioner of Income Tax Rohtak, Hr. U.T., Chd., while not on 300.00duty.Members of family of MP/ 52.00MLA & an officers of Hr. Govt. (including CM/Speaker/States 300.00Ministers/Dy. Speaker/Dy. Ministers/ CPS & Judges of Pb. & Hr.High Court). The word family as defined in rule 2.17 of CSR Vol.iPart-I (a) dependents, (b) Majors (Not dependents)Non-official members of the commissioner on Public Expenditure 300.00in connection with the study group meetings.Other/Non officials members of Advisory Committee constituted 800.00by Govt. while not staying in connection with the meeting.Committee Room/Dining Hall for non official meetings. 2000.00Panel Charges: -(a) Categories 500.00(b) Category No. 7 800.00Room Rents for stay in Benmore Circuit House, Navratan Rates in Rs. (Existing)Guest House Shimla and Ekant Bhawan Mussoriew.e.f. 01.-05-2KHaryana Govt. Officers/Ministers(a) On duty18.00 (winters)36.00 (summers)(b) Not on duty30.00 (winters)60.00 (summers)Family of Haryana Govt./Govt. of Indian Officers/Ministers 52.00 (winters)104.00 (summers)Govt. of India Officers/Ministers(a) On duty52.00 (winters)(b) Not on duty104.00 (summers)Private person500.00 (winters)1000.00 (summers)Room rents of PWD Rest House/Circuit HouseRates in Rs. (Existing)w.e.f. 01.-04-97Haryana/Govt. /Govt. of India Officers/Ministers Non-AC AC(a) On duty 5.00 15.00(winters)10.00(summers)(b) Not on duty 10.00 25.00(winters)10.00(summers)Private person 150.00 250.00

4 b x v <strong>THE</strong> <strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO CITIZENS FOROBTAINING INFORMATION, INCLUDING <strong>THE</strong> WORKING HOURS <strong>OF</strong> ALIBRARY OR READING ROOM, IF MAINTAINED FOR PUBLIC USE : -PWD B&R is not maintaining any library for public use.4 b xvi <strong>THE</strong> NAMES, DESIGNATIONS AND O<strong>THE</strong>R <strong>PARTICULARS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong>PUBLIC INFORMATION <strong>OF</strong>FICERS;HAYANA GOVERNMENTPUBLIC WORKS (B&R) ARCHITECT DEPTT.ORDERTo implement effectively the provisions of “The Right to Information Act, 2005” enacted by theGovernment of India and notified in the Gazettee of India of 21 st June, 2005, in exercise of the powersconferred under Section 5 (1 and 2) and section 19 (1) of the said Act. following officers aredesignated as First Appellate Authority for the PWD B&R and Architect Department and State PublicInformation Officer at State level in these Departments with immediate effect as per details given:-Sr. Designation of the OfficersNo.1. Joint Secretary to Govt. Haryana,PWD B&R /Architect Department2. Superintending B&R (E) and B&R(W).Designation to exercise powers under theaforesaid Act.First Appellate Authority.State Public Information Officer for theirrespective Branch.Dated Chandigarh,the 19.3.2006Endst. No. 10/4/2006 – 4 B&R ( E) Dated Chandigarh, theDHARAM VIRFinancial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt.Haryana, PWD (B&R) / Architect Deptt.A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-1. Joint Secretary to Govt. Haryana, PWD ( B&R) / Architect Deptt.2. Superintendent, PWD B&R Establishment – I and II Branch.3. Superintendent, PWD (W) Branch,4. PS / Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Govt. Haryana, PWD ( B&R) / ArchitectDepartment.5. EIC, PWD ( B&R) Br. Haryana, Chandigarh.Sd/-Superintendent B&R (E)For Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary toGovt. Haryana, PWD (B&R) / Architect Department.A copy is forwarded to the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Govt.Haryana, Administrative Reforms Department, Chandigarh w.r.t. his U.O. no. 5/4/2005 -1AR, dated4.1.2006.Sd/-Superintendent B&R (E)For Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary toGovt. Haryana, PWD (B&R) / Architect Department.To

The Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, AdministrativeReforms Department, Chandigarh.U.O. No. 10/6/2006 – 1 B&R ( E)Dated Chandigarh, the

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (BUILDING AND ROADS) HARYANA CHANDIGARH.<strong>OF</strong>FICE ORDERSNo. 2 /NH Dated: 12.07.07In partial modification of office order No. 16 dated 18.11.2005 & No.10/Gen.dated 11.10.2006 and No. 8/Gen. dated 07.05.07, the following Assistant PublicInformation Officers, Public Information Officers and the Appellate Authorities (First) arehereby redesignated as under:-1. Assistant Public Sub divisional Level Concerned Sub-Divisional EngineerInformation officerHead OfficeADA (Sh. Charan Singh)2. Public Information Divisional Level Concerned Executive Engineer of Officerfield Division Office.Head OfficeExecutive Engineer, (NH),Head Office, Chandigarh.3. Appelate Authority Concerned Superintending Engineer, (Plg.)Superintending Engineer,for their respective Areaand Superintending Engineer,(Buildings) Show RoomNo.29, Sector-7C, Chandigarhfor Head Office.Sd/(Mahesh Kumar)Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana,PWD B&R Branch, ChandigarhEndst. No.3874-4025 /NH Dated: 12.07.07Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessaryaction in continuation of this office endst. No. 5122-5230/Gen. dated 18/24.11.2005.1. Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. To Govt. Haryana AdministrativeReforms Department.2. Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. To Govt. Haryana, Public Works(Buildings & Roads) Deptt. Chandigarh.3. All Chief Engineers, Haryana PWD B&R Department Head Office.4. All Superintending Engineers of Haryana PWD B&R Department, includingHead Office.5. All Executive Engineers Haryana PWD B&R Department, it is requested thatabove orders may please be got noted from the S.D.Es under your Division.6. Joint Director Administration.7. DDA (Legal Cell), Head Office.8. Registrar, Head Office.9. All Branch Officers in Head Office.10. PS to Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R Department.ForSd/Executive Engineer, (NH)Engineer-in-Chief, HaryanaPWD B&R Branch, Chandigarh

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (BUILDINGS AND ROADS BRANCH) HARYANA CHANDIGARHOffice Order No. 13 /EII dated: 03.01.08In partial modification of office order No. 2/NH dated 12.7.2007, Sh. Munish Kumar ADA ofthis office is hereby designated as Assistant Public Information Officer in Head Office with immediateeffect.Sd/(Mahesh Kumar)Engineer-in-Chief, HaryanaPWD (B&R) Branch, ChandigarhEndst. No.65-177 /EII dated: 03.01.08A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action incontinuation of this office Endst. No. 3874-4025/NH, dated 12.07.2007:-1. Financial Commissioner & Principal Secy. to Government, Haryana Administrative ReformsDepartment.2. The Commissioner & Secy. to Government, Haryana, Public Works (Building & Roads) Deptt.Chandigarh.3. All Chief Engineers, Haryana PWD B&R Department Head Office.4. All Superintending Engineers of Haryana PWD B&R Department, including Head Office.5. All Executive Engineers Haryana PWD B&R Department, it is requested that above orders mayplease be got noted, from the S.D.Es under your Division.6. Joint Director Administration, in Head Office.7. The Executive Engineer (NH) in Head Office.8. DDA (Legal Cell), Head Office.9. Registrar, Head Office.10. All Branch Officers in Head Office.11. PS to Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R Department.12. Sh. Munish Kumar, ADA in Head Office.Sd/Registrar,for Engineer-in-Chief, HaryanaPWD (B&R) Branch, ChandigarhHARYANA STATE ROADS & BRIDGES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED,PANCHKULADesignation of Authority to whom the first appeal lies w.r.t RTI Act, 2005.The Managing DirectorIN <strong>THE</strong> PURSUANCE <strong>OF</strong> SECTION 4 (1) (b) <strong>THE</strong> RTI ACT, 2005,<strong>THE</strong> INFORMATION IN RESPECT <strong>OF</strong> HARYANA STATE ROADS & BRIDGES DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION LIMITED, PANCHKULA IS GIVEN HERE UNDER4.<strong>bi</strong>The particulars of its organisation,functions and duties.The corporation is operating from rentedpremises located at SCO 23, Sector 7,Chandigarh. It has constructed in own

4.<strong>bi</strong>iThe powers and duties of its officersand employees.building in Sector 2, Panchkula. Theoffice will be shifted in the first week ofApril, 2008Addresses and telephone Nos. of theoffices are available in the Website underAnnexure I of RTI Act,2005. Theactivities/ functions of the Corporationare available in the website.The powers and duties of Officers andofficials / employees are decided by theBoard of Directors/HODs/ Controllingofficers and in terms of service rules andregulations.4.<strong>bi</strong>ii The procedure followed in thedecision making process, includingchannels of supervision andaccounta<strong>bi</strong>lity.4. <strong>bi</strong>v The norms set by it for the dischargeof its functions.Different powers as delegated by theBoard of Directors / Govt. Rules to itsofficers at various levels for performingtheir duties. In order to exercisesupervision and fix responsi<strong>bi</strong>lity, variouscontrol/ accountable measures are inplace.Norms, as approved by the Board ofDirectors, are the guiding principals fordischarging its various functions.4.bv4.bvi4.bviiThe rules, regulations, instructions,manuals and records, held by it orunder its control or used by itsemployees for discharging itsfunctions.A statement of the categories ofdocuments that are held by it or underits control.The particulars of any arrangementthat exists for consultation with, orrepresentation by, the members of thepublic in relation to the formulation ofits policy or administration thereof.For discharging various functions,employees of the Corporation usevarious, circulars and other instructionsissued to them from time to time.Documents as required under the law,rules and regulations are held by theCorporation.The detail of shares are at Annexure-IIThe information/ schemes of theCorporation are reflected in theNewspapers / website, in the interest ofthe Public, from time to time.4. bviii A statement of the boards, councils,committees and other bodiesconsisting of two or more personsconstituted as its part or for thepurpose of its advice, and as towhether meetings of those boards,councils, committees and otherbodies are open to the public, or theminutes of which meetings areaccessible for public.4.<strong>bi</strong>x A directory of its officers andemployees.The Corporation is a Public LimitedCompany, wholly owned by Governmentof Haryana. Various committees as perrequirement of the Corporation areformed on the approval of the Board ordirections by the top management. Publicis not entitled to participate in the Boardmeetings /Committees and minutes arenot accessible to public.List of Board of Directors of theCorporation is available on the website ofthe Corporation. Any person interested inseeking the information about any otheremployee/officer can approach theCorporation in this regard. The list ofofficers designated as First AppellateAuthority, State Public Information Officerwith their address and contact numbersof offices are available on website asAnnexure I under this Act for reference.

4.bx4.bxi4.bxiiThe monthly remuneration receivedby each of its officers and employees,including the system of compensationas provided in its regulations.The budget allocated to each of itsagency, indicating the particulars of allplans, proposed expenditures andreports on disbursements made.The manner of execution of subsidyprogrammes, including the amountsallocated and the details ofbeneficiaries of such programmes.Remuneration of Officers/employees isfixed as per the Service rules andregulations.Not applicable to HSRDC LTD.Not applicable to HSRDC LTD..4.bxiii Particulars of recipients ofconcessions, permits or authorizationgranted by it.Not applicable to HSRDC LTD.4.bxiv4.bxv4.bxviDetails in respect of the information,available or held by it, reduced in anelectronic form.The particulars of facilities available tocitizens for obtaining information,including the working hours of alibrary or reading room, if maintainedfor public use.The names, designations and otherparticulars of the Public InformationOfficers.All the general information regardingrules and regulations governing sanction(Toll Plaza Bid document for civil works)are already available in the Corporation’swebsite and can be downloaded/ seenfrom there.The citizens can visit Head Office/Branchoffices of the Corporation for obtaininginformation regarding facilities/servicesprovided by the Corporation. Further, thecitizens can also surf Corporation’swebsite www.hsrdc.in for getting the uptodate information. The public can alsoapproach State Public InformationOfficers/ obtaining information notavailable on the website.Available under Annexure I.Annexure - IList of officers designated as First Appellate Authority and State Public InformationOfficerat Head Office, Panchkula under Right to Information Act, 2005First Appellate AuthorityAddress of Field/BranchOfficesTelephoneNumbersSh. B.S. SinglaManaging DirectorState Public Information OfficerSh. R.K. BishnoiExecutive EngineerHSRDC, Bay No. 13-14,Sector-2, PanchkulaHSRDC, Bay No. 13-14,Sector-2, Panchkula0172-27902230172-2795302

LIST <strong>OF</strong> SHAREHOLDERS IN HARYANA STATE ROADS & BRIDGESDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITEDSr No. Name Number of equity shares of Rs10/- each1 Hon’ble Governor of Haryana 4,99,99,930/-2 K.K Jalan, IAS 103 N. Bala Bhaskar, IAS 104 Mahesh Kumar 105 B.S. Singla 106 Maha<strong>bi</strong>r Singh 107 G.D. Goel 108 A.K. Jain 10DETAIL <strong>OF</strong> TOLL POINTSSr.No.TollPointName of the RoadLength(in Kms)Toll Collection Pointas notified1) T-1 Gurgaon-Sohna road km 11 26.00 Km 11 nearBadshahpur2) T-2 Gurgaon-Pataudi road km 2.40 50.41 Km s2.4 near Gurgaon3) T-3 Gurgaon-Farrukhnagar-Jhajjar road 45.53 Kms 7 near Gurgaonabout 6 km from Gurgaon4) T-4 Palwal-Sohna Road 50.00 Kms 4.1 near Palwal5) T-5 Sohna-Dharuhera Road 50.00 Km 49 near Bhiwani6) T-6 Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar-Dadri-Loharu- 126.00 Near Rajasthan BorderPilani road7) T-7 Fatehabad-Bhattu Kalan-Bhattu-25.00 Near Rajasthan BorderLudesar road8) T-8 Sirsa-Ellanabad road 50.00 Near Rajasthan Border9) T-9 Sardulgarh-Sirsa road near Pb. Border 16.00 Near Punjab Border10) T-10 Budhlada-Ratia-Fatehabad road 41.00 Near Punjab Border11) T-11 Jagadhari-Chachchrauli-Paonta road 45.50 Kms 40 near YamunaNagar12) T-12 Y/Nagar-Radour-Ladwa-Thanesar 75.00 Near UP Borderroad13) T-13 Shamli-Panipat road 15.00 Near UP Border14) T-14 UP Border-Sonepat-Gohana road 57.43 Near Bahadurgarh15) T-15 Bahadurgah-Jhajjar Road 26.00 Near Rajasthan Border16) T-16 Sohana-Nuh-Ferozpur-Zhirkha-Alwar 76.00 Near Rajasthan Borderroad17) T-17 Shajahanpur-Rewari road near21.00 Near Rajasthan BorderRajasthan border18) T-18 Narnaul-Nizampur road near Rajasthan 11.00 Near Rajasthan Border19) T-19 Narnaul-Singhana road near Rajasthan 15.00 Near Rajasthan BorderBorder20) T-20 Hansi-Tosham-Sodiwas Road 84.00 Near Rajasthan Border21) T-21 Barwala-Agroha-Bhadra road 55.50 Near Punjab Border22) T-22 Uklana-Tohana-Munak Road 29.50 Near Punjab Border23) T-23 Kaithal-Khanauri road near Pb. Border 24.00 Near Punjab Border24) T-24 Kaithal-Patiala road near Pb. Border 36.00 Near Punjab Border25) T-25 Pehowa-Patiala road 10.00 Near Himachal Border26) T-26 Kala Amb-Sadhaura-Shahbad road 59.75 Near Delhi Bordernear Himachal Pradesh Border27) T-27 Rohtak-Kharkhauda-Delhi road 42.00 Near Rajasthan Border

28) T-28 Bhattu Ludesar-Jamal road upto- Near Rajasthan BorderRajasthan Border29) T-29 Sirsa-Ludesar-Bhadra road - Near Rajasthan Border30) T-30 Kotputli-Budhwal-Nangal Chaudhary- MDR129 Near Rajasthan BorderNarnaul road near Rajasthan border31) T-31 Sohana-Dharsul-Ratia-Hanspur road MDR101 Near Punjab Border(upto Punjab Border) near PunjabBorder32) T-32 Jakhal-Dharsul-Bhuna-Pabra road nearPunjab BorderMDR102 Near Punjab BorderVARIOUS WORKS BEING DONE BY <strong>THE</strong> HARYANA STATE ROADS &BRIDGES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITEDSr Name of WorkNo1) Construction of various buildings in Bhagat Phool Singh MahillaVishwavidyalya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat)2) Construction of Various Buildings in Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram ThermalPower Project3) Construction of High Level bridge over Tangri river Crossing Jagadhari– Ambala road at RD 47.48 Km4) Construction of Suspension bridges over Ghaggar river xing L/R fromKhartia Barisher road to Bhoj Khoti (in Morni Area) in Panchkuladistrict.5) Construction of Suspension bridges over Ghaggar river xing L/R fromKhartia Barisher road to Kharak (in Morni Area) in Panchkula district.Estimated cost(Rs in Crores)86.9145.917.530.700.676) Murthal –Sonepat Road (SH-20) (Km0.00 to 10.125) (10.125) 27.637) Sonepat –Kharkhoda-Sampla Road (SH-20) (Km 10.125 to 43.400)(33.275)54.068) Sampla Jhajjar road (SH-20) (Km 44.120 to 65.460) (21.34) 33.999) Improvement of Jhajjar-Jahazgarh-Chhuchhakwas Daadri road (SH-20)(Km.74.540 to 95.150) (20.610)10) Jhajjar to Farrukh Nagar Gurgoan (SH-15-A) (Km 5.50 to 46.250)(40.750))11) Widening and upgrdation of Rai Nahra Bahadurgarh road (MDR-138)(Km 0.00 to 37.40)12) Rohtak-Kharkhoda Delhi Border (Bhalaut Kharkhoda Delhi Borderincluding Kharkhoda byepass)(SH-18) (Km 10.200 to 40.760)13) Hodal - Nuh - Patoda - Patodi Km 7.00 to 96.00 in Mewat district InFaridabad Distt 0-7 Kms39.3792.9872.3173.80239.8714) Gurgaon - Nuh - Alwar road upto Rajasthan Border (Km 7.15 to 95.39) 348.00

VARIOUS WORKS BEING DONE BY <strong>THE</strong> HARYANA STATE ROADS &BRIDGES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITEDSrNoName of WorkEstimated cost(Rs in Crores)15) Construction of various buildings in Bhagat Phool Singh Mahilla 86.91Vishwavidyalya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat)16) Construction of Various Buildings in Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal 45.91Power Project17) Construction of High Level bridge over Tangri river Crossing Jagadhari 7.53– Ambala road at RD 47.48 Km18) Construction of Suspension bridges over Ghaggar river xing L/R from 0.70Khartia Barisher road to Bhoj Khoti (in Morni Area) in Panchkuladistrict.19) Construction of Suspension bridges over Ghaggar river xing L/R from 0.67Khartia Barisher road to Kharak (in Morni Area) in Panchkula district.20) Murthal –Sonepat Road (SH-20) (Km0.00 to 10.125) (10.125) 27.6321) Sonepat –Kharkhoda-Sampla Road (SH-20) (Km 10.125 to 43.400) 54.06(33.275)22) Sampla Jhajjar road (SH-20) (Km 44.120 to 65.460) (21.34) 33.9923) Improvement of Jhajjar-Jahazgarh-Chhuchhakwas Daadri road (SH-20) 39.37(Km.74.540 to 95.150) (20.610)24) Jhajjar to Farrukh Nagar Gurgoan (SH-15-A) (Km 5.50 to 46.250) 92.98(40.750))25) Widening and upgrdation of Rai Nahra Bahadurgarh road (MDR-138) 72.31(Km 0.00 to 37.40)26) Rohtak-Kharkhoda Delhi Border (Bhalaut Kharkhoda Delhi Border 73.80including Kharkhoda byepass)(SH-18) (Km 10.200 to 40.760)27) Hodal - Nuh - Patoda - Patodi Km 7.00 to 96.00 in Mewat district In 239.87Faridabad Distt 0-7 Kms28) Gurgaon - Nuh - Alwar road upto Rajasthan Border (Km 7.15 to 95.39) 348.00

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