
Dr Siobhan Jennings - Irish Health Repository

Dr Siobhan Jennings - Irish Health Repository


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Age standardised CHD mortality rates per 100,000 for Males and Femalesin Ireland and EU-15(Source WHO HFA database)Male Female EU-15 Male EU-15 Female450Age standardised mortality per100,0004003503002502001501005001969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004Year

Snapshot picture…………..INDICATORAspirin onadmissionAspirin ondischargeBeta-blocker ondischargeEuroHeartEUROASPIRESurvey (2002) CCU 2003 1 111, 2006 (Irish data) 293% 85%88.1% 81% 99%75.2% 66% 84%Thrombolysis55.8%

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> ProgrammeAIMTo save lives from Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) byimplementing and assuring best practice - using the IHImethodologyOBJECTIVESTo help hospitals– increase % patients receiving the 8 evidenced basedcomponents of AMI care (unless unless contraindicated )– reduce in-hospital mortalityFOCUS– Information– Techniques in managing change

Initiative included :• Structure– Steering Group, Core team, 5 hosps to start,Agreement with IHF, ICS, ISQSH• Process– Clarifying objective, gelling of core team, consideringbarriers and their solutions– Irish ‘Kit, Data set and collection– Feedback (Academic involvement , confidentiality)– Getting ready Invited Dr N Devaney, IHI Fellowin Belfast to discuss approach.– Hospital visits to all 5 hospitals• Outcome

AMI Care : Key Components ofEvidenced Based CarePre-hospital/Admission1. Early aspirin2. Early beta-blocker3. Timely initiation ofreperfusion(thrombolysis or primaryPCI)On Discharge4. Aspirin5. Beta-blocker6. ACE-inhibitor orARB for patients withsystolic dysfunction7. Smoking cessationcounselling8. Lipid lowering agent

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> BulletinCare on admission (% eligible received)Oct 06 – Sept 09 (3 years)1008097.50 100.00 100.0094.5080.0072.8587.506050.004036.84200AspirinAll Hosp N=680Beta blocker (BB)All Hosp N=599Timely reperfusionAll Hosp N=523Lowest Average (All Hospitals) Highest

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> BulletinCare on discharge (% eligible received)Oct 06 – Sept 09 (3 years)%100908070605040302010098.0 100 97.1 10010092.394.5 95.8 100 97.2 10090.981.875.066.7AspirinAll HospN=571BBAll HospN=553ACEI/ARBAll HospN=521Smoke cessAll HospN=220LLDAll HospN=566Lowest Average (All Hospitals) Highest

Three monthly trend in % eligible patientsreceiving timely reperfusion

<strong>HeartBeat</strong>% Thrombolysed

Annual in-hospital mortality (STEMI)for the first 3 years of HeartbeatYear Deaths Death rate(95% Conf Intervals)Year 1(Oct 06-Sept 07)Year 2(Oct 07-Sept 08)Year 3(Oct 08-Sept 09)24(193 patients)15(205 patients)12(223 patients)12.44%(10.9 - 14)7.32%(6.4 - 8.2)5.38%(4.7 – 6.05)

What changed within Hospitals?• Speedier communication– between ED and Medical/cardiology SpR– between Cath Lab and ED• Promoted action– Consultant in ED studied data and discussed withcolleagues– Audit showed contributing factors in each step of thecare pathway in 1 hosp– Inclusion of <strong>HeartBeat</strong> in regular meetings• Education of SpRs and protocols adjusted• OtherwiseSynchronising ED clocks!

Indicator<strong>HeartBeat</strong>36 monthsOct 2006 -Sept 2009MINAP-EnglandApr 2008 –Mar 2009Improving USHospitalsJan – Dec 2007Early ASA 97.5% NA 97.4%Early Beta Blockers 94.5% NA 94.7%TimelyReperfusionThrom 75.9%PPCI 70.2%Throm 83%PPCI 84%Throm 51%PPCI 72.3%ASA on discharge 98.0% 98% 97.2%Beta Blockers ondischarge97.1% 93% 97.2%ACEI/ARB for LVF 94.5% 92% 91.5%Smoke cess. advice 95.8% NA 98.2%Lipid loweringmeds97.2% 97% 96%

Summary points• AMI death rates are dropping but Ireland could dobetterbetter - evidence is that improved process of care couldsave even more lives• We have initiated a quality improvementprogramme– We are clear on care carried out to high degree in these hospitals– Timely reperfusion has improved since inception of Heartbeat– In-hospital mortality has improved• Issues now involve– expansion of programme to all hospitals (and to NSTEMI)– addressing primary PCI, pre-hospital triage and thrombolysis– Addressing patient delay in seeking help

Questions/comments/observations• Challenge of set-up, buy-in• Hosp.variation – in interest, commitment• Sustainability and growth factors??– Corporate– At hospital level– ACS programme– IT environment– Spreading change management experience

<strong>HeartBeat</strong>Improving Heart Attack Care inIreland(Case study 2)Dr Siobhan Jennings,Consultant in Public Health Medicine

Age standardised CHD mortality rates per 100,000 for Males and Femalesin Ireland and EU-15(Source WHO HFA database)Male Female EU-15 Male EU-15 Female450Age standardised mortality per100,0004003503002502001501005001969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004Year

Snapshot picture…………..INDICATOREuroHeartSurvey (2002)CCU 2003 1EUROASPIRE111, 2006 (Irish data) 2Aspirin onadmission93%85%Aspirin ondischarge88.1%81%99%Beta-blocker ondischarge75.2%66%84%Thrombolysis55.8%

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> ProgrammeAIMTo save lives from Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) byimplementing and assuring best practice - using the IHImethodologyOBJECTIVESTo help hospitals– increase % patients receiving the 8 evidenced basedcomponents of AMI care (unless contraindicated )– reduce in-hospital mortalityFOCUS– Information– Techniques in managing change

Initiative included :• Structure– Steering Group, Core team, 5 hosps to start,Agreement with IHF, ICS, ISQSH• Process– Clarifying objective, gelling of core team, consideringbarriers and their solutions– Irish ‘Kit, Data set and collection– Feedback (Academic involvement , confidentiality)– Getting ready Invited Dr N Devaney, IHI Fellowin Belfast to discuss approach.– Hospital visits to all 5 hospitals• Outcome

AMI Care : Key Components ofEvidenced Based CarePre-hospital/Admission1. Early aspirin2. Early beta-blocker3. Timely initiation ofreperfusion(thrombolysis or primaryPCI)On Discharge4. Aspirin5. Beta-blocker6. ACE-inhibitor orARB for patients withsystolic dysfunction7. Smoking cessationcounselling8. Lipid lowering agent

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> BulletinCare on admission (% eligible received)Oct 06 – Sept 09 (3 years)1008097.50 100.00 100.0094.5080.0072.8587.506050.004036.84200AspirinAll Hosp N=680Beta blocker (BB)All Hosp N=599Timely reperfusionAll Hosp N=523Lowest Average (All Hospitals) Highest

<strong>HeartBeat</strong> BulletinCare on discharge (% eligible received)Oct 06 – Sept 09 (3 years)%100908070605040302010098.0 100 97.1 10010092.394.5 95.8 100 97.2 10090.981.875.066.7AspirinAll HospN=571BBAll HospN=553ACEI/ARBAll HospN=521Smoke cessAll HospN=220LLDAll HospN=566Lowest Average (All Hospitals) Highest

Three monthly trend in % eligible patientsreceiving timely reperfusion

What changed within Hospitals?• Speedier communication– between ED and Medical/cardiology SpR– between Cath Lab and ED• Promoted action– Consultant in ED studied data and discussed withcolleagues– Audit showed contributing factors in each step of thecare pathway in 1 hosp– Inclusion of <strong>HeartBeat</strong> in regular meetings• Education of SpRs and protocols adjusted• OtherwiseSynchronising ED clocks!

Indicator<strong>HeartBeat</strong>36 monthsOct 2006 -Sept 2009MINAP-EnglandApr 2008 –Mar 2009Improving USHospitalsJan – Dec 2007Early ASA 97.5% NA 97.4%Early Beta Blockers 94.5% NA 94.7%TimelyReperfusionThrom 75.9%PPCI 70.2%Throm 83%PPCI 84%Throm 51%PPCI 72.3%ASA on discharge 98.0% 98% 97.2%Beta Blockers ondischarge97.1% 93% 97.2%ACEI/ARB for LVF 94.5% 92% 91.5%Smoke cess. advice 95.8% NA 98.2%Lipid loweringmeds97.2% 97% 96%

Summary points• AMI death rates are dropping but Ireland could dobetterbetter - evidence is that improved process of care couldsave even more lives• We have initiated a quality improvementprogramme– We are clear on care carried out to high degree in these hospitals– Timely reperfusion has improved since inception of Heartbeat– In-hospital mortality has improved• Issues now involve– expansion of programme to all hospitals (and to NSTEMI)– addressing primary PCI, pre-hospital triage and thrombolysis– Addressing patient delay in seeking help

Questions/comments/observations• Challenge of set-up, buy-in• Hosp.variation – in interest, commitment• Sustainability and growth factors??– Corporate– At hospital level– ACS programme– IT environment– Spreading change management experience

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