Organic Chemistry




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<strong>Organic</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong> - Ch 11 538 Daley & DaleyA symmetricalmolecule has nostereogenic centers andhas an internal planeor center of symmetry.Examining the symmetric properties of the tetrahedral carbonatom will help you understand a stereogenic center. For example,make a molecular model of dibromomethane (Figure 11.6) which is acarbon atom with two pairs of equivalent substituents. Notice that themolecule contains two planes of symmetry. One bisects the carbonatom and lies between the two bromine atoms; the other also bisectsthe carbon atom, but it lies between the hydrogen atoms. The portionsof the molecule on either side of either plane of symmetry are mirrorreflections of each other. Construct the mirror image ofdibromomethane. Notice that the two are superimposible. That is,dibromomethane is symmetrical.HHCBrBrPlanes ofsymmetryBrHCHBrFigure 11.6. Planes of symmetry in dibromomethane.Now substitute chlorine for one of the bromines and fluorine forone of the hydrogens. The name of the new molecule isbromochlorofluoromethane (Figure 11.7).HFCClBrBrHCFClFigure 11.7. Two different three-dimensional representations of the same enantiomerof bromochlorofluoromethane. This molecule has no plane of symmetry.With four different substituents attached to one carbon atom,bromochlorofluoromethane contains no element of symmetrywhatsoever. The molecule is asymmetric. Because the molecule isasymmetric, a nonsuperimposible mirror image molecule ofbromochlorofluoromethane exists as its enantiomer.Convince yourself that the mirror image molecules ofbromochlorofluoromethane are not identical structures by trying tosuperimpose one model on the other. Orient the two enantiomers intoa mirror image position and slide them together placing the hydrogenwww.ochem4free.com 5 July 2005

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