Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions Release Notes

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24About Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability SolutionsChanges introduced in 6.0.3The LDom agent uses the following command to set the failure policy for themaster domain:# ldm set-domain failure-policy=failure-policy master-domainAs the DomainFailurePolicy attribute is available at the resource level, it is possibleto set the failure policy of the master domain to different values for differentLDom resources either knowingly or unknowingly. When multiple LDom resourcesdefine the failure policy of the same master domain differently, the LDom agentuses internal priority when setting the failure policy of the master domain.The internal priority is as follows:■■■■panic: highestreset: highstop: lowignore: lowestIf the failure policy of the master domain is set to a lower priority on the systemthan the one set in the LDom resource for the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, thenthe failure policy of the master domain will be changed to the value in the attribute.If the failure policy of the master domain is set to a higher priority on the systemthan the one set in the LDom resource for the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, thenthe failure policy of the master domain will not be changed to the value in theattribute. The LDom agent logs a message to indicate the conflict for the firsttime.If the failure policy of the master domain is set to ignore, then the LDom agentdoes not add the master domain to the master list of the guest domain. If themaster domain is part of the masters list of the guest domain, the LDom agentremoves the master domain from the masters list.Note: Symantec does not recommend to set the failure policy of any of the masterdomains to panic.Example 1Failure policy of the master domain (primary) is set to ignore on the system andthe DomainFailurePolicy attribute for the LDom resource is changed to { primary= “stop” }. To check whether the failure policy of the master domain (primary) isset to ignore on the system, enter the following command:# ldm list-bindings primary | grep failure-policyIn this example, as the internal priority of the LDom agent is assigned to stop andas it is higher than ignore, the failure policy of the primary domain will be changed

About Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability SolutionsChanges introduced in 6.0.325to stop. The LDom agent uses the following command to change the failure policyof the primary domain to stop:# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop primaryExample 2Failure policy of the master domain (primary) is set to panic on the system andthe DomainFailurePolicy attribute for the LDom resource is changed to { primary= “stop” }. To check whether the failure policy of the master domain (primary) isset to panic on the system, enter the following command:# ldm list-bindings primary | grep failure-policyIn this example, as the internal priority of the LDom agent is assigned to stop andas it is lower than panic, the failure policy of the primary domain will be retainedas panic.If the failure policy of a master domain need to be set to a value of lower prioritythan the value currently set on the system, you must manually execute the ldmcommand. The LDom agent uses the following command to change the failurepolicy of the primary domain to stop from reset or panic:# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop primaryExample 3If the value of the failure policy of the master domain is specified as ignore in theDomainFailurePolicy attribute, then the master domain is excluded from themasters list of the guest domain by the LDom agent.If the masters list of a guest domain contains primary and secondary and if theDomainFailurePolicy attribute of the LDom resource for the guest domain ischanged to {primary = ignore, secondary = “stop” }, then the primary domain isremoved from the masters list of the guest domain.Before you change the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, you can enter the followingcommand to check whether the masters list of a guest domain contains primaryand secondary:# ldm list-bindings guestldom | grep masterThe following output shows that the guest domain contains both primary andsecondary:master=primary, secondaryAfter you change the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, you can enter the followingcommand to check whether the primary domain is removed from the masters listof the guest domain.

24About <strong>Veritas</strong> <strong>Storage</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Availability</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Changes introduced in 6.0.3The LDom agent uses the following comm<strong>and</strong> to set the failure policy for themaster domain:# ldm set-domain failure-policy=failure-policy master-domainAs the DomainFailurePolicy attribute is available at the resource level, it is possibleto set the failure policy of the master domain to different values for differentLDom resources either knowingly or unknowingly. When multiple LDom resourcesdefine the failure policy of the same master domain differently, the LDom agentuses internal priority when setting the failure policy of the master domain.The internal priority is as follows:■■■■panic: highestreset: highstop: lowignore: lowestIf the failure policy of the master domain is set to a lower priority on the systemthan the one set in the LDom resource for the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, thenthe failure policy of the master domain will be changed to the value in the attribute.If the failure policy of the master domain is set to a higher priority on the systemthan the one set in the LDom resource for the DomainFailurePolicy attribute, thenthe failure policy of the master domain will not be changed to the value in theattribute. The LDom agent logs a message to indicate the conflict for the firsttime.If the failure policy of the master domain is set to ignore, then the LDom agentdoes not add the master domain to the master list of the guest domain. If themaster domain is part of the masters list of the guest domain, the LDom agentremoves the master domain from the masters list.Note: Symantec does not recommend to set the failure policy of any of the masterdomains to panic.Example 1Failure policy of the master domain (primary) is set to ignore on the system <strong>and</strong>the DomainFailurePolicy attribute for the LDom resource is changed to { primary= “stop” }. To check whether the failure policy of the master domain (primary) isset to ignore on the system, enter the following comm<strong>and</strong>:# ldm list-bindings primary | grep failure-policyIn this example, as the internal priority of the LDom agent is assigned to stop <strong>and</strong>as it is higher than ignore, the failure policy of the primary domain will be changed

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