Perfume Bottles

Kyle Husfloen, Penny Dolnick - Antique Trader Perfume Bottles Price Guide

Kyle Husfloen, Penny Dolnick - Antique Trader Perfume Bottles Price Guide


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Antique Trader ®<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>price guideKyle Husfloen

Antique Trader ®<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>price guideEditorKyle HusfloenContributing EditorPenny Dolnick

2©2008 by Krause PublicationsPublished byOur toll-free number to place an order or obtaina free catalog is (800) 258-0929.All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any informationstorage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from thepublisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in acritical article or review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, orelectronically transmitted on radio, television, or the Internet.Library of Congress Control Number: 2008929066ISBN-13: 978-0-89689-671-0ISBN-10: 0-89689-671-4Designed by Wendy WendtEdited by Kyle HusfloenPrinted in China

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3TABLE OF CONTENTS<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Collecting ...............................................................6Part I - <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>: Decorative ...............................................8Chapter 1 - American 18th and 19th Century Glass.......................8Chapter 2 - American 19th Century Art Glass..............................10Chapter 3 - American 20th Century Glass....................................11Chapter 4 - English <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> ............................................16Chapter 5 - French <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>..............................................18Chapter 6 - European <strong>Bottles</strong> .......................................................22Chapter 7 - Other European <strong>Bottles</strong>..............................................27Chapter 8 - Other Foreign <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> ..................................29Chapter 9 - Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>..........................................30Part II - Commercial <strong>Perfume</strong>s .....................................................35Chapter 10 - Figurals & Dime Store Novelties.............................35Chapter 11 - French Bottle Designers...........................................37Chapter 12 - The Great <strong>Perfume</strong> Houses ......................................39Chapter 13 - French Couturiers ....................................................44Chapter 14 - Other <strong>Perfume</strong> Specialties........................................46Chapter 15 - Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>s.........................................................48Chapter 16 - Current Production <strong>Perfume</strong>s...................................50Chapter 17 - Specialized Collections............................................51Chapter 18 - Some General Rules for Collectors .........................52Listings:Ancient <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>.........................................................54<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World.........................................54<strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makers....................................................161<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers.....................................................167<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers.........................................................174<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Retailers.......................................................214<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers ........................................................215Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> ............................252<strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles ...............................................267

4INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONAlthough the human sense of smell isn’t nearly as acute as that of many other mammals,we have long been affected by the odors in the world around us. Pleasant fragrances make usfeel good; bad smells usually signal danger or something repulsive.This new Antique Trader<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Price Guide will concentrate only on the “good” aromas.No one knows for certain when humans first rubbed themselves with some plant or herbto improve their appeal to other humans, usually of the opposite sex. However, it is clear thatthe use of unguents and scented materials was widely practiced as far back as Ancient Egypt.Some of the first objects made of glass, in fact, were small cast vials used for storing suchmixtures. By the age of the Roman Empire, scented waters and other mixtures were evenmore important and were widely available in small glass flasks or bottles. Since that timeglass has been the material of choice for storing scented concoctions, and during the past 200years some of the most exquisite glass objects produced were designed for that purpose.As you will learn as you read through this book, it wasn’t until around the middle of the 19thcentury that specialized bottles and vials were produced to hold commercially manufacturedscents. Some such aromatic mixtures were worn on special occasions, while many others weresplashed on to help mask body odor. For centuries it had been common practice for“sophisticated” people to carry on their person a scented pouch or similar accoutrement, sincedaily bathing was unheard of and laundering methods were pretty primitive.I have learned a great deal about the world of perfume and perfume bottles while editing thisvolume. It’s fascinating to realize that commercially produced and brand name perfumes andcolognes have really only been common since the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Frenchstarted the ball rolling during the first half of the 19th century when D’Orsay and Guerlainbegan producing special scents. The first American entrepreneur to step into this field wasRichard Hudnut, whose firm was established in 1880. During the second half of the 19th centurymost scents carried simple labels and sold in simple, fairly generic glass bottles. Only in theearly 20th century did parfumeurs introduce specially designed labels and bottles to hold theirmost popular perfumes. Coty, founded in 1904, was one of the first to do this, and they turned toRene Lalique for a special bottle design around 1908. Other French firms, such as Bourjois(1903), Caron (1903) and D’Orsay (1904) were soon following this trend.Our contributing editor, Penny Dolnick, has done a masterful job of bringing the vast historyof perfume and perfume bottles together in this guide. In addition to her historical study, she alsowas responsible for obtaining a large majority of our nearly 1,200 price listings highlighted byover 950 color photographs. The full range of perfume and “scent” containers is covered here,including a few ancient examples as well as the fine “art glass” containers of the late 19th andearly 20th century right through to more modern dime store bottles.There are hundreds andhundreds of collectors of perfume bottles all over the world, and our Antique Trader <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Bottles</strong> Price Guide provides something of interest to all of them. Even those who are notserious collectors will enjoy reading about how the world of perfumes has grown and changedover the years.We may even stir pleasant memories of a scent worn by someone’s mother orgrandmother. Science has shown that scents or smells can directly affect our mood or behavior.Reading through the following pages will certainly help everyone understand how this “secretscience” has evolved over the millennia to become the big business that it is today.Here’s hoping the Antique Trader <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Price Guide will stimulate ALL yoursenses.Kyle Husfloen, Editor

INTRODUCTION 5Please note: Although our descriptions, prices and illustrations have been double-checked to ensureaccuracy, neither the editors, publisher nor contributors can assume responsibility for any losses thatmight be incurred as a result of consulting this guide, or of typographical or other errors.On The Cover: Far back, left to right: A Czechoslovakian atomizer in orange andswirled red, white and orange, replacement cord and bulb, ca. 1920s-30s, 7 Ω” h., $200-250;German porcelain figural perfume bottle and powder box, a lady in 18th century dress, ca.1930s, 7 π” h., $525. Middle row, left to right: Czechoslovakian clear cut glass pyramidalperfume bottle w/a tall flat blue glass stopper with the intaglio figure of a troubadour, ca.1920s-30s, 5 ∫ h., $240-275; Czechoslovakian cut black glass stepped perfume bottle with atall pointed cut lilac stopper, original “Irice – Made in Czechoslovakia” paper label, ca.1920s-30s, $300-350; Lalique clear glass flattened bottle with a diamond point design andglass stopper, designed for “Capricci” by Nina Ricci, $100; Front row, left to right: Baccaratlimited edition clear turtle-shaped bottle designed for “Champs Elysees” by Guerlain, ca.1904, 4 ∫” h., $800-1,250; clear cut glass cornucopia-shaped perfume with facet-cut stopper,attributed to Czechoslovakia, ca. 1910, 4 π” l., $200.

6PERFUME BOTTLE COLLECTINGPERFUME BOTTLE COLLECTINGPeople collect two kinds of perfumebottles—decorative and commercial.Decorative bottles include any bottles soldempty and meant to be filled with yourchoice of scent. Until about a hundred yearsago, it was usual for a woman to bring herbottle to her favorite apothecary to be filledwith her chosen fragrance. Commercialbottles are any that were sold filled withscent and usually have the label of aperfume company. Since there are so manythousands of different perfume bottles, mostcollectors specialize in some subcategory.Specialize is my number one piece ofadvice!Popular specialties among decorativeperfume bottle collectors include ancientRoman or Egyptian bottles, cut glass bottleswith or without gold or sterling silver trimor overlay, bottles by famous glassmakerssuch as Moser, Steuben, Webb, Lalique,Galle, Daum, Baccarat, Saint Louis, figuralporcelain bottles from the 18th and 19thcentury or from Germany in the 1920s and30s, perfume lamps (with wells to fill withscent), perfume burners, laydown anddouble-ended scent bottles, chatelaines,atomizer bottles, pressed or molded EarlyAmerican glass bottles, matched dressersets of bottles, or hand-cut Czechoslovakianbottles from the early 20th century.Among collectors of commercialperfumes, some favorite specialtycollections are those including a specialcolor of glass bottle, bottles by a singleparfumeur, such as Guerlain or Caron orPrince Matchabelli, bottles by famousfashion designers such as Worth, PaulPoiret, Chanel, Dior, Schiaparelli or JeanPatou, bottles by a particular glassmaker ordesigner, such as Lalique, Baccarat, Viardor Depinoix, giant factice bottles (storedisplay bottles not filled with genuinefragrance), little compacts holding solid(cream) perfume, which are often figural,tester bottles (small bottles with long glassBy Penny Dolnickdaubers), figural and novelty bottles andminiature perfumes (usually replicas ofregular bottles given as free samples atperfume counters).Many people include perfume bottles incrossover collections as well—figural dogperfume bottles for the collector of dogfigures or heart-shaped bottles for thecollector of hearts, for example. There arealso many related collections that may ormay not include actual perfume bottles—advertisements, labels, fans with perfumeadvertising, fabrics with perfume images,soaps, perfume trade cards, powders, thoselittle cardboard cutouts that fragrancemodels hand you in department stores, andmany more that I have never thought of.If you don’t collect perfume bottles, itmay surprise you to learn that the recordprice for a perfume bottle at auction issomething over $200,000 or that those littlesample bottles we used to get for free atperfume counters in the ’60s can now bringas much as $300 or $400! It may alsosurprise you to learn that those miniaturebottles are more popular with Europeancollectors than their full-size counterparts orthat bottles by American perfumecompanies are more desirable to Europeancollectors than to Americans, and viceversa. On the other hand, collectors inEngland seem to prefer Victorian art glassand cut glass with English sterling mounts.It may also surprise you to know that mostcollectors of commercial perfume bottleswill buy empty examples, but those stillsealed with the original perfume do carry apremium, and the original packaging canraise the price by as much as 500%! Even afunny (or suggestive) name can increase theprice of a bottle.Collecting perfume bottles is one ofthose hobbies you can begin with little or noinvestment. Just ask your friend who wearsShalimar to save you her next empty bottle.But beware! Investment quality perfume

PERFUME BOTTLE COLLECTING 7bottles can be very pricey! The rules forvalue are the same as for any other kind ofglass—rarity, condition, age, quality of theglass. There are some special considerationswith perfume bottles. You do not have aninvestment quality bottle (one that willappreciate in value over time) unless thebottle has its original stopper and label (ifit’s a commercial), it is a high quality leadcrystal or glass bottle (not a lower end eaude cologne or eau de toilette bottle) andthere is no corrosion on any metal part. Withcommercial perfume bottles, prior to theintroduction of those little plastic liners onthe dowel end of a stopper in 1979, allstoppers had to be individually ground tomatch the neck of their specific bottle.<strong>Bottles</strong> without those liners are to bepreferred to those that have them. <strong>Perfume</strong>bottles with significant chips or with sickglass (which can only be “cured” by a veryexpensive and time consuming processwhich essentially involves grinding theglass from the inside of the bottle) losesome, if not most, of their value tocollectors.Some other hints for someoneconsidering collecting perfume bottles as aninvestment include the fact that men’s scentbottles do not usually equal the value ofwomen’s perfumes. One exception to the rulethat value depends heavily upon rarity is abottle with widespread sentimental appeal(Evening in Paris is the most obviousexample—women of a certain age allremember buying it for their mothers in dimestores or receiving it from their first beau).Another rule has to do with limited editionperfume issues or gift shop type bottles. Theyare like automobiles—they lose half theirvalue as you take them out of the store and donot regain their original investment for 20years. This old saying about all moderncollectibles has many exceptions in theperfume collecting world, but do rememberthat you cannot count on collector interest inyour bottle in the resale market if everypotential buyer could have bought it in itsinitial offering. Another rule is you make therules for your own collection! Someminiature collectors will only include a bottlecontaining 1/8 ounce or less, while anothermay limit purchases to bottles of less than 3inches. One collector may insist upon onlysigned examples while another proudlydisplays any bottle made by or designed by acertain manufacturer. Some collectorsinclude bottles with figural stoppers in theirdisplays, while others insist that the entirebottle must be made in a figural form (to looklike something other than a bottle).What causes such great differences inthe price of the same bottle? The variablesin pricing are almost endless. The first iscondition, of course. That is followed bylocation (Is the bottle being sold in Europeor the United States? Is the bottle in anelegant antique shop or a charity thrift shop?Is it in a well advertised auction or a smallrural auction? Are two or more biddersdetermined to own the bottle? If the bottle isin an Internet auction, was it listed in themost logical category and was thedescription well written?) I am sure you canthink of dozens of variables yourself.

8PERFUME BOTTLES: DECORATIVEPART IPERFUME BOTTLES: DECORATIVEThe earliest known scent bottles weresmall stone containers used by the predynasticEgyptians to hold perfumed oil.Glassmaking has been traced toSumerian sites in Mesopotamia dating fromthe 23rd century BC. By the 18th Egyptiandynasty, the very new technique of moldingglass was employed for making scentcontainers. Blown glass was first developedin the Roman Empire approximately 100Chapter 1BC and increased the ease and speed ofproducing glass vessels, including scentcontainers. The Romans also introducedoxides into their soda-lime glass to producecolors such as opaque white and yellow,cobalt and greenish-blue and more.The Chinese produced excellent opaqueand layered glass carved in patterns forcenturies before the techniques were used inthe West.AMERICAN 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY GLASSThe history of American glass reallybegins in 1738 when Caspar Wistarestablished a glassworks in New Jersey andhired experienced German craftsmen. Today,most South Jersey free blown glass from the18th and 19th centuries is called by the genericname “Wistar.” These are typically in shadesof green, aquamarine or amber. After theRevolution, German immigrants were in theforefront of the glass industry. Early glass wasmostly simple and utilitarian until after theCivil War. Early scent bottles, called pungents,were free blown in figural shapes like seahorses and musical instruments and couldhave held either smelling salts or scent. Theseusually had cork stoppers and were unsigned.The Boston and Sandwich GlassCompany (1825-1888) was known for itscolored flint glass (early form of lead glass).It produced pungents with pewter caps andis justly famous today for its large variety ofmolded and cut glass cologne bottles, oftenin aquamarine, opaque white, opalescent orother colors. Today, the company is mainlyremembered for lacy patterned pressedglass, often referred to generically as“Sandwich glass”, but it made severalvariations of striped and spatter glass inimitation of old Venetian glass.Yes, there really was a woman namedMary Gregory who worked for the Bostonand Sandwich Glass Company. There hasbeen a long controversy over her work at thefactory. There is no reliable record that sheever painted scenes of people, usuallychildren, in white enamel on colored glass,even though those items have come to beknown as “Mary Gregory glass.” Much ofwhat is known by that name was actuallymade in Europe. My own theory is that thename began when Mary herself startedcollecting enameled pieces with scenes ofchildren playing with hoops or chasingbutterflies and her friends would refer to thestyle by saying, “Oh, you know, that glassthat Mary Gregory likes.”5” green canary cologne with pointed stopperby Boston and Sandwich, ca. 1840-50,$500-650.

AMERICAN 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY GLASS 9“Baron” William Henry Stiegelfounded his glassworks in the 1760s, Hisfirm was the first to produce cut glass andmold blown glass in the colonies. By 1774,his extravagance forced him to sell outcompletely. The Stiegel Glassworks wasknown for colored glass, especially blues,purple and, rarely, amber and for moldblown glass, especially with a daisy pattern.It was also known for enameling, sometimesfigural or floral, in primary colors, a stylebrought to Pennsylvania by Stiegel’sGerman craftsmen and known today asStiegel-type.Early American pressed glass wasmade by pressing liquid glass into metalmolds. The technique was developed inAmerica in the 1820s. It was used by anumber of different companies, whichproduced a wide variety of products,including cologne bottles. Colored pressedglass was produced by the 1860s. Laterpressed glass was often designed to imitatefamous Brilliant Period cut glass patterns.American Brilliant Period CutGlass (1876-1915): This era ofglassmaking is often dated from the 1876Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia,which introduced many consumers to anew style featuring very clear glass,intricately cut on thick blanks. The newmiddle class in America presented a hugemarket for luxury glassware of all kinds.The prevailing Victorian taste of theperiod demanded highly decorated piecesthat only skilled glassmakers couldachieve using hand cutting. The wareswere of the finest full lead crystal (with33% or more lead content; common leadcrystal used half as much lead and glasshas no lead content). <strong>Bottles</strong> were oftenmade with silver collars or overcaps, andmany of the best examples are in coloredor cased glass. The bottles of the time areoften unsigned or signed soinconspicuously as to be almost invisible.More often, the silver mounts are signed.By 1920, cutting was getting tooexpensive and tastes were tending towardthe less ornate. Cut glass was still popularin perfume bottles and other utilitarianitems, but the patterns were much lessintricate and were less labor-intensive andless expensive to produce.Christian Dorflinger and Sons ofWhite Mills, Pennsylvania (1852-1921) wasrenowned for elaborately cut patterns andfor being chosen by several first ladies fortheir White House glassware services. Mostpieces had only a paper label.5” Dorflinger ruby cut to clear cologne in theHob and Lace pattern, unsigned, c.1880s-1900 $675.T.J. Hawkes of Corning, New York(1880-1903) was a cutting shop thatbought its blanks from the CorningGlassworks. It was one of the few firmsthat manufactured cut glass and mountedits own pieces in sterling, being careful tomark both glass and silver. The companyintroduced the most popular AmericanBrilliant Period pattern, called Russian.Later, it was cut by several othercompanies. In 1903, Hawkes and FredrickCarder formed the Steuben Company.Some Hawkes pieces are marked with an“H” or a shamrock with two hawks.

10AMERICAN 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY GLASS7” cologne cut and engraved in the “RockCrystal” style, signed “Hawkes,” sterlingstopper by Gorham, ca. 1900, $1,000-1,250.Mount Washington Glass Company(1837-1894) made cut glass on heavyblanks during the 1870s and ’80s forwealthy customers. It also became theleading manufacturer of opal glass andheavily enameled glass. Its Lava glass wasthe first U.S. art glass, patented in 1878 by F.Shirley of Mount Washington. This wasfollowed by Amberina, which was renamedRose Amber after a lawsuit by the NewEngland Glass Company. These were soonfollowed by Burmese and Peach Blow andbeautiful acid-etched cameo glass, usuallyin pink, blue or green on a white base.Libbey Glass Company of Toledo,Ohio may be known to you as themanufacturer of inexpensive glasses andChapter 2AMERICAN 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY GLASSserving pieces. Actually, it was thesuccessor company of the New EnglandGlass Company which had been a leadingart glass manufacturer during the late 19thcentury. During the Brilliant period, Libbeywas the largest manufacturer of cut glass inAmerica. During the Depression period,Libbey continued to produce some of themost elegant and costly cut and engravedglassware in the United States, glasswareoften sold in the most expensive departmentand jewelry stores.T. B. Clark of Honesdale,Pennsylvania produced colognes in severalrealistic floral patterns after 1900,anticipating the taste for simpler cutting thatbecame known as the Late Brilliant Period.Late Brilliant Period Glass – Thisglass reflects the public’s simpler tastes andthe need glass manufacturers had to lowerproduction costs. Many companies madeperfume and cologne bottles with minimalcutting and, often, a central motif like aflower or pattern of swirls.During this same period, silver overlay(silver deposit) techniques were also verypopular. The surface of a blown bottle wascoated in a desired pattern with a specialflux and then electroplated with pure silver.Sometimes the silver was cut and engraved.Most such bottles were clear, but green andcranberry are known. <strong>Bottles</strong> plated by theAlvin Company and the Gorham SilverCompany are often signed on the metal.AMERICAN 19TH CENTURY ART GLASSSatin glass, or Mother of Pearl SatinWare has a luster finish and has two or morelayers of glass over a white core with apattern caused by internal air traps showingthrough to the outside. The pieces could be ina single color, one color shading from dark tolight, or in several colors forming stripes(called rainbow satin ware). Most of theAmerican production of Mother of PearlSatin Ware was produced by the MountWashington Glass Company.Burmese glass shades from yellow atthe base to salmon pink at the top. Mt.Washington produced Burmese pieces inboth glossy and acid finish and with andwithout enamel decoration. Cleverly, thecompany sent a service in the new color toQueen Victoria and she was thrilled with it.Almost immediately Thomas Webb inEngland applied for a license to producethis ware. His wares were called “Queen’sBurmese.” Forms of Burmese glass were

AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASS 11made by several United Statesmanufacturers until at least 1970.Amberina is a clear amber glass thatshades to red or fuschia at the top when fireda second time. Amberina was patented in1883 for the New England Glass Company.A similar product, called Rose Amber, wasmade by the Mount Washington Company.Aventurine, spangled glass, spatterglass and Vasa Murrhina were all types ofglass using metallic particles and/or smallglass fragments trapped between two layersof glass, the inner one usually opaque toshow off the metallic inclusions. These areall variations of glassworking techniquesfirst developed in Venice and France.Hobbs, Brockunier of Wheeling, WestVirginia, inspired by the sale of the Chinese“Peach Bloom” ceramic vase in 1886,developed a cased line of glass with theexterior shading from deep red to amber. Itwas marketed as “Coral Ware” and todaycollectors call it “Wheeling Peach Blow.” In1885, Mount Washington patented a singleChapter 3layer Peach Blow that shades from dustyrose to bluish gray, which is the rarestversion of Peach Blow. The New EnglandGlass Company marketed a line of PeachBlow under the name Wild Rose. Theirs wasalso a single layer glass shading from deeprose pink to white.Craquelle or Overshot glass was madeby applying clear ground glass particles to ahot gather of glass either before or after ithas been shaped. Most overshot or “ice”glass came from Europe, but the Bostonand Sandwich factory produced colognesusing this technique. Several other UnitedStates glassmakers produced lower qualityovershot glass.Crown Milano is another glass linedeveloped at the Mount Washington GlassCompany. It is a stain-finished white opalglass that is then painted and enameled intransparent whites, tans and pastels. Themark, when present, is a “C” over an “M”under a crown.AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASSArt Glass:Steuben Glassworks: Fredrick Carderand T. J. Hawkes founded the SteubenGlassworks in Corning, New York in 1903.Fredrick Carder was the chief designer from1903 through 1918, when the company wassold to Corning Glass Company. Hecontinued as head of the factory until 1932.Under his leadership, the firm pioneeredfabulous innovative colors like Rosaline,Ivrene (opaque white glass with pearlyiridescence), Jade (a transparent glassproduced in white, blue, green, mandarinyellow, amethyst and Rosaline), CelesteBlue, Verre de Soie (glass with a silk-likeiridescence) and Aurene (blue or goldiridescent glass, often marked “Aurene” onthe bottom of the bottle). In fact, he createdmore than 125 different colors! He alsodeveloped glass techniques such as Cluthra(a bubbled and cloudy glass), Cintra (asimilar product with a granulated effect),Oriental Poppy (a pale colored glass withopalescent white stripes and an opalescentluster inside and out). The company alsoproduced Silverina (glass flecked with micaand blown into a mold with a diamondpattern), Reeded glass (where thin threadsof colored glass were coiled by hand arounda completed piece) and several colors ofopalescent glass. Steuben also producedpaperweight colognes made of very thickclear crystal with a “floating” decoratedinner layer of Cluthra, Cintra, millefiori orair trap spirals.In about 1932, the Great Depressioncaused Steuben to reduce costs by producingonly clear glass pieces. Many Steuben piecesare marked with an acid fleur-de-lis logo.Some pieces are signed by Frederick Carderhimself. A story, perhaps apocryphal, saysthat he would carry an etching pen with himat all times, so that when a friend would say,“Why isn’t my wife’s vase signed, when her

12AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASSsister’s is?”, he could then sign it on the spot,often on the golf course. Carder continued tobe active in the company until his retirementin 1959 at age 96.Steuben produced more than 200different scent bottle shapes, and that hugeperfume production was enlarged by thework the company did for special orders tobe mounted as atomizers by DeVilbiss andto be treated with silver overlay by suchcompanies as Alvin Silver Company.Comfort Tiffany took over the jewelrybusiness and used it as the primary outletfor his glassware designs.4.25” Tiffany Favrile boule-shaped bottle withball stopper, decorated with hearts andvines, Signed, ca. 1920s, $750-900Quezal, named for a colorful CentralAmerican bird, was founded by MartinBach, a former Tiffany employee, in 1904. Itproduced iridescent glass, sometimes withsilver overlay, in imitation of Tiffany’sFavrile and Steuben’s Aurene. Most Quezalpieces are signed. The firm produced goldiridescent commercial scent bottles for thefirm of Melba in Chicago.7.6” Steuben blue Aurene trumpet form perfumebottle with stopper, bottom signedAurene plus paper label $850Tiffany Glass: Louis Comfort Tiffany(1848-1933) was a great glass designerknown for innovation in many techniques,especially in the Art Nouveau style. Inperfume bottles, perhaps his best knownexamples are in his “Favrile” line. Onlysome Tiffany glass is marked with anengraved signature or etched initials, oftenwith the word “Favrile” and/or with a dateor identification number. L. C. Tiffany wasthe son of the founder of the great New Yorkjewelry retail store, Tiffany’s. In 1902, LouisVery rare Quezal trumpet form perfume withfour ribs & pointed stopper. Actually a commercialbottle for the Melba Company, bottommarked both “Q” and “Melba,” ca. 1920,$1,800-2,000

AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASS 13H. C. Fry Glass Company, founded in1900, produced perfume bottles in a colorcalled Foval, an opaline glass. It was alsonoted for its Late Brilliant Period Lily of theValley pattern.Libbey Glass Company (formerly theNew England Glass Company) of Toledo,Ohio, kept up with the changing taste ofAmericans by converting from elaboratelycut crystal of the Brilliant Period toespecially fine cut and etched glasswareduring the Depression.Elegant Glass of the Depression EraThis is the name used to differentiatethe blown or mold blown glass, oftenengraved or etched, from the inexpensivepressed glassware made during the sameperiod. Generally, colored bottles are morecostly than clear. Most of the well knownmanufacturers of the time were located inthe Ohio Valley.Heisey Glassworks was founded in1895 in Newark, Ohio. The company madeboth decorative and commercial perfumebottles for several perfumers. Their bottlesare often marked with an elongateddiamond, with or without an “H.”Pair of iridescent pale lavender footed perfumesby Heisey, ca. 1930-45, marked withdiamond H, pair, $250Tiffin Glass Company of Tiffin, Ohiomade elegant etched glass perfume bottlesduring the 1920s and later. Its most popularcolors were clear and black satin glass.Cambridge (1901-1954) was knownfor its high quality blown bottles. Whenmarked, the logo is a C within a diamond.Fostoria was founded 1887 in Ohio,moved to West Virginia in 1891, and closedin 1986. It made bottles for DeVilbissatomizer mounts, combination perfumebottles set on powder jars, and elegant golddecorated colognes and perfumes during theperiod from 1910 to 1950.Gunderson-Pairpoint (1939-56)produced a wide range of distinctive handblown scent bottles, some in thepaperweight style and often with very largefloriform stoppers. During the 1940s and50s, the Gunderson Pairpoint Companyproduced a version of Peach Blow, shadingfrom pink to white in both glossy and mattfinish. Later, pieces in the Peach Blow stylewere made by several United Statescompanies, making dating and attributionsomewhat problematical.Consolidated Glass Companyintroduced its unique Ruba Rombic line in1928. The pieces featured multiangular,cubist rhomboid shapes typical of Art Decodesigns popular at that time. <strong>Perfume</strong> bottlesare extremely rare.Fenton Art Glass Company (1905-present) was influenced by the fineiridescent colors of Steuben and Tiffany.Fenton introduced its inexpensive pressedversion of this style of glass in 1907. Todaythis is called Carnival Glass. Within a shorttime other American glass factories werealso making their version of Carnival glass.Fenton has produced a wide range of scentand perfume bottles during its long history.During the 1930s it also made opalescenthobnail perfume bottles for the WrisleyCompany of Chicago to use for theircommercial 1930s.

14AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASSPair of green & white swirled feather designbottles by Fenton Art Glass, ca. 1953, 5 3/4” h.,pr. $225Imperial Glass Company produced aline of Carnival glass and, a few years later,introduced an iridescent stretch glass calledRainbow Luster. Imperial became a prolificmanufacturer of all types of glasswares,including perfume and scent bottles. Duringthe 1920s the company produced fine glassbottles to be used with fancy atomizerfittings made by the DeVilbiss company.Inexpensive Depression Era GlassDepression glass is the namecommonly used to describe the inexpensivemachine made colored glassware of the1920s through the early 1940s, a time whenbad economic conditions necessitated thecheapest production methods.Manufacturers tried to make their productsdistinctive through the use of bright colorsor pretty pressed patterns. Some of the wellknown companies of that era include:Hazel Atlas, established in 1885. By the1930s it was a complex of 15 factories andwas the largest glass manufacturer in theworld, making machine molded glass. Someof their wares are marked with an A underan H.Anchor Hocking. Its first productswere Royal Ruby in 1939.Wheaton Glass Company: The T. C.Wheaton Glass Company was founded in1888 and specialized in bottles forpharmacists and doctors. By the 1930s, thecompany was making bottles for qualityperfume makers, both American andEuropean. The successor firm, the WheatonGlass Company, was formed after WWIIand is still in family control. The firm’s logo,a W in a circle, still appears on modernproduction for such firms as Avon, EsteeLauder, Elizabeth Arden and Houbigant.Imperial light blue fading to yellow atomizerwith elegant jeweled DeVilbiss mount,signed by DeVilbiss, ca. 1920s, $1,700-2,0004.25” Carnegie Blue for Hattie Carnegie, mintin box full figural in the form of a lady’s head(the stopper) and shoulders (the bottle),c1944 $625-750Mid-century American pressed glassperfume bottles gained increased acceptanceby a newly well off population because cutglass imports, especially fromCzechoslovakia, stopped because of the war.

AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASS 15Importers like Irving W. Rice (the IriceCompany) had to use domestic bottles. Manyof the designs of these pressed bottles bysuch companies as Imperial Glass, Duncanand Miller, Fenton and L.E. Smith wereattempts to reproduce cut glass effects usingpressed glass methods. American decorativeglassware of this period is often referred to asbathroom glassware.6.2” Pair clear pressed boule shape bottleswith oversized stoppers in the form of firebirds,bottles molded with ribs and facets,unsigned American, c.1940s $175American colognes and perfumes withRococo metal mounts were very popular inthe 1920s to 1950s. They were identifiableby beveled glass, and ornate filigree mountsmade of brass, bronze, gold plated basemetal or, occasionally, ormolu. Many hadfloral themes. Others had figural cherubs orbirds as part of the mounts. Many of thelargest examples had only a small innercontainer to hold the actual scent. Mostwere made in the United States by Apollo,Globe and others and are rarely marked.10.5” Glass bottle and stopper with rococometal mounts, long dauber, unsigned c1950s$70The 20th century Studio GlassMovementThis movement really got started in theUnited States in the late 1960s and gainedits greatest fame in the United States,although there are furnaces in mostindustrialized countries producinginteresting work. Some of the leadinginnovators working in these studios include:Harvey Littleton (b.1922) introducedVenetian glassmaking techniques to theToledo Museum of Art and the University ofWisconsin’s art department in the 1960s.Charles Lotton (b.1935) producesscent bottles in his popular “multi-floral”style with tall pointed stoppers and unusualluster colors. His sons work in his studioand each signs and dates his ownproduction.

16AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASSLundberg and started making qualitypaperweights in 1972. This firm is noted fortheir iridescent and Art Nouveau-style designs.7” Lotton atomizer in peach with green, ca.2000, $550Orient and Flume of Chico, Californiawas founded in 1972 by Douglas Boyd andDavid Hopper. Its highly regarded iridescentglass perfumes with Art Nouveau motifs aresought after by collectors.Lundberg Studio of Davenport,California was founded by the late JamesChapter 4AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY GLASS7.3” Lundberg Studio dark blue glass bottlewith white and green flower motif, tall clearstopper with dauber, 1990, signed bySalazar and Steven Lundberg $165ENGLISH PERFUME BOTTLESAlthough there was certainly a widerange of perfume and scent bottles producedin glass and ceramics before the Victorianera, the most popularly collected examplesdate from the last half of the 19th century. Avariety of the style of bottles and theirmanufacturers will be discussed below.Stevens and Williams was a majormanufacturer of fine English art glass. Thecompany began making specialty glasswarein about 1847, when William Stevensbought an existing glasshouse located nearStourbridge. The factory made a number ofinnovative lines and cased colorcombinations. Its most easily recognizablepieces feature applied ribbon trim.Stevens and Williams emerald greenengraved to clear bottle with a pinched-inshape (also called the “Kettroff” shape or“glug-glug”). Silver hallmarked for 1897-98,$2,500-$3,000.

ENGLISH PERFUME BOTTLES 17English Cameo glass: In the 1870s,John Northwood rediscovered the techniquefor making cameo glass, which had beenlost since Roman times. Cameo glass ismade of a body of opaque colored glasscased in white glass. The outer layer is cutaway or acid etched away in a pattern toreveal the underlayer. The remaining designon the outer layer stands out in relief. Agreat deal of hand finishing was necessaryfor this method. The style is bestexemplified by the magnificent, yet stillamusing, bird’s head bottle made byThomas Webb and Sons in the 1880s.Most other English cameo bottles are of asimple boule (ball) shape and decoratedwith flowers and vines and stopped withsterling silver.elegant cut and colored glass bodies. Somehad finger rings to be carried by the ownerat evening functions. Others had fabulouslyelaborate gold fittings. Cased glass cut backto its clear underlayer was also a Bohemianinvention, much copied in England. Manyof these creations were then decorated withenamel, a popular style still identified withBohemian glass. The English alsomanufactured fine clear cut glass singlebottles with sterling silver mounts and caps.4” Double-ended scent bottle in red cut toclear in a star and punty design with sterlingcaps and inner stopper on the perfume side,no hallmarks, ca. 1870s. English or possiblyAmerican. $350-450English Porcelains and StonewareChelsea English Porcelains date fromthe 1750s. They were often made in theform of people, animals or fruit. Rococobottles with applied flowers and leaves werethe firm’s most popular products.5” Webb Pefume bottle & stopper, cameoglass, Flattened teardrop form, avocadogreen ground cased in white & cameo-cutw/triumph-form blossoms on leafy vines.$2400-2750Double-ended scent bottles: Thesebottles were extremely popular in the 19thcentury. One end held smelling salts and theother end was meant for perfume. The endsof the two sections often had different typesof lids. The perfume end would commonlyhave a tiny glass inner stopper covered by achased silver overcap or a cork lined screwcap. The smelling salt end would usuallyhave a sterling silver screw cap or a springloaded hinged lid. These bottles could havesimple clear faceted glass containers or very3.2” Porcelain bottle molded as a bouquet ofpansies, painted dark blue, red and yellow,unmarked, attributed to Chelsea, c1800s,$2500

18ENGLISH PERFUME BOTTLESGirl in a Swing (St. James factory)was a short lived enterprise (thought to havebeen founded by a partner in the originalChelsea factory. It is known today by thename of one of its most famous figuralporcelains.Wedgwood: Josiah Wedgwood’sJasperware (fine grained stoneware) in asolid color with classical figures in white inrelief was used for scent bottles as well asother decorative items.Other English Porcelain factoriesmade perfume bottles following thedecorating techniques in use for otherceramic products. For example, Coalportalso made perfume bottles with handpaintedscenes and lavish gold trim in the 19thcentury. Royal Worcester porcelains wereidentifiable by their off white backgroundsand handpainted decorations. The Spodefactory at Stoke-on-Trent pioneered in thedevelopment of bone china in 1800 and intransfer printed china in 1785.ENGLISH PERFUME BOTTLESChapter 54” Royal Worcester creamy porcelain bottlewith enameled flowers and a silver cap, late19th c., $500Stoneware Pottery: English stonewarein large variety dates from the late 17thcentury. The best Staffordshire stonewarewas salt glazed white and creamware, a leadglazedearthenware. Scent bottles from thisearly period are rare and highly sought after.FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLESPorcelainThe Sevres porcelain factory hasoperated since 1738, and in 1759 Louis XVtook over the factory and made it the royalporcelain manufacturer. The fame of Sevresware came from its classical influences,deep colors and lavish gilding. After theFrench Revolution, the factory began toshift its production away from monumentalpieces for the very wealthy in favor of moremodest, although still high quality, piecesfor the new middle class, including perfumebottles and dresser sets.5.8” Pair of porcelain colognes, hand-paintedwith flowers, Sevres mark, 19th c., $250-450Other French porcelains have beenmade in the city of Limoges since the 1830sby 35 different manufacturers including

FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLES 19Haviland, Guerin, Jean Pouyat and others.Prior to that time, faience pottery had beenproduced in Limoges. A great deal ofporcelain is still manufactured in the city,including a vast number of enameled boxesfitted with miniature perfume bottles.6.5” Set of three porcelain bottles and stoppers,hand painted with flowers, in metalholder, marked France $300-400One special firm actively encouragedthe development of Art Deco and Cubistdesigners of ceramic works, evensponsoring a competition between 1927 and1931. The Robj Company did not actuallymanufacture anything, and production wasassigned to many established French firms.Their success with imaginative liquordecanters led to additions of perfume lampsand cologne bottles.French Enamel on MetalThe city of Limoges also had factoriesthat made perfume bottles in a fabulousenamel on metal technique. The art ofenameling on metal has been known inFrance since the 6th century (it was knowneven earlier to the Egyptians, Phoenicians,Greeks and other ancients). Limoges hasbeen the premier center of enameling sincethe 12th century.2.5 “ Limoges enamel over copper withinner glass stopper, with lady in blue dress,$1000French Art GlassEtling: If you collect glass, ceramics orbronzes of the Art Deco period, you arelikely to see the name Etling marked onsome wonderful period designs. In fact,Etling was a retailer of high end modernartisan wares of the period (1909-1939). Itcontracted works by such luminaries asDemitri Chiparus, Marcel Guillard andMarius Sabino. Most of these pieces aremarked with both Etling and the name ofthe artist.Emile Galle is the most famous makerof French cameo glass. Although histechnique was similar to that of the Englishcameo glassmakers already discussed, hisresults were entirely different. He useddifferent colors of overlay, experimentingwith opaque and translucent glass. Heworked mostly in the Art Nouveau style,often using natural looking flowers, fernsand berries. He was also influenced by 18thcentury Chinese glass. His work has beenimitated, but never equaled, by modernautomated methods.

20FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLES9.7” Galle cameo atomizer in dark red cutback to light yellow in design of leaves andberries, modern replacement mount, signed incameo, c1920s-30s $550Daum (1875-present) operated in thecity of Nancy, France and was famous for itsmultilayered acid cut-back cameo glass inscenic patterns. Today it is known forinnovative designs in heavy cased glass withfigural pate de verre (paste of glass) coloredstoppers. Daum signatures on cameo glasscan be gilded, etched, engraved or in relief,but they usually included the name “Nancy”and the double armed Cross of Lorraine.Legras (1864-1915) producedmultilayered acid cut back cameo glass.Rene Lalique (1860-1945) first gainedfame as an Art Nouveau jewelry designer.Around 1893, he began working with glass,making magnificent unique bejeweledperfume bottles, among other glass objects.Around the turn of the 20th century, Laliquepurchased a glass factory and began massproducing commercial bottles using blownmoldedand pressed techniques. Many of hisbottles continued to follow the Art Nouveaustyle of his earlier jewelry. He continued tomake decorative bottles for what is now called“Maison Lalique,” creating large numbers ofmass produced non-commercial bottles anddresser sets (garnitures de toilette) to beretailed at his own shops. The majority of thisproduction was in demicrystal, which requiredlittle hand finishing after it was taken out ofthe mold. The majority of the company’sbottles are clear and/or frosted, but red, black,green, blue and opalescent were alsoproduced. Lalique’s bottles required a greatdeal of hand finishing—staining, polishingand enameling, among other techniques. Mostbottles designed by Rene Lalique and madeduring his lifetime are signed with somevariation of “R Lalique.” Those made after hisdeath in 1945 usually have the “Lalique”signature, whether designed by Rene beforehis death, or by his son, Marc, orgranddaughter, Marie Claude, both of whomsucceeded Rene as chief designer for thehouse of Lalique.6.5” Daum cameo and enameled atomizer withberries and leaves, ca. 1905-15, $2,500-2,7503.8” “Telline” frosted bottle and stopper inform of a seashell with light blue stain,signed in mold R Lalique, c1930s, $2500

FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLES 213” “Amelie” molded with bands of overlappingleaves, light blue stain, signed R. Lalique,c1930s, $2000Baccarat was established in 1764,making window glass and other utilitarianproducts. In 1816, it began making luxuryglass. By 1907, it was making over 4,000perfume bottles a day! In addition, Baccaratis justly famous for its sulphides, made bymolding and firing white clay into thedesired shape (often a famous person orlandmark) and then inserting it into hotglass. The firm also made the finest qualityFrench opaline glass, in such colors aspigeon’s blood, pale green, blue, pink coralor red. These colors were used for bothdecorative and commercial perfume bottles.Other French glassmakers of the 19th andearly 20th centuries were also noted fortheir opaline glass.Baccarat also made a huge range ofdresser items in a version of Amberinacalled Rose Tiente, shading from paleamber to rose. Baccarat signatures weresporadic until 1936, when an effort wasmade to standardize the placement of thefirm logo (a carafe and two glasses) eitherby acid etching or on a paper label, easilylost over time.3.75 Baccarat white opaline glass with foldfiligree shoulders and turquoise stones, goldhinged top, $3,000Cristallerie de St. Louis, founded inthe late 18th century, was known for itslatticino in pseudo-Venetian revival style.During the late 1800s and early 1900s, italso created thinly cased and acid cut backarticles, easily confused with similar piecesby Baccarat and Val St. Lambert. Theyproduced some layered semi-opaque cameoglass with elaborate floral and scenicdesigns, but signed these products“D’Argental.”4.12” St. Louis latticino perfume bottle inpseudo-Venetian revival style, ca. 1850-1860, $375-425

22FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLESAlmeric Walter, established 1859, wasfamous for a process called pate de verre(paste of glass) whereby ground glass wasmixed with a liquid and heated in a mold.Pieces are signed “A. Walter, Nancy.”Le VerreFrancais/Schneider/Charder: TheSchneider brothers established Le VerreFrancais in 1913. The firm produced ArtDeco cameo glass signed “Le VerreFrancais” in relief. They also made thepieces which were signed “Charder” (forCharles Schneider).Sabino made a line of opalescentmolded perfume bottles in the 1920s and’30s. Production began again in the 1960suntil Ernest Sabino’s death in 1971. Themolds were sold to an American company,which continues to produce glass in Francetoday. Most pieces are signed “Sabino” inraised lettering.4.5” Almeric Walter pate de verre travel-styleatomizer in shades of blue, ca. 1900-1910,$4,000-4,200Czechoslovakia, Germany, Austria &BohemiaBohemian glass: Bohemia was anhistoric region in central Europe, what is nowthe western two-thirds of the Czech Republic.It was bordered by Germany, Poland, Austriaand the Czech historical region of Moravia.From the 13th century, Bohemianglassmakers began to experiment with newglassmaking techniques, many of themhaving wide influence over other countries’glass industries. One of their signaturetechniques, still being made today, is clearglass coated with a thin layer of colored glass,often as many as three layers of colored glass,and then cut back to reveal the clear base,which is then enameled. Another standardBohemian product was clear glass cased inred and cut or etched in a stylized pattern,such as deer or castles or trees. <strong>Perfume</strong>bottles in these patterns are fairly plentiful. Inthe 1820s, a Bohemian factory first marketeda style of glass called “lithyalin,” which is aglass made in imitation of natural stone. Theearliest pieces were in opaque brownish-redChapter 6FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLESEUROPEAN BOTTLESwith veining resembling agate. Later, goodimitations of natural malachite, lapis lazuliand other stones were developed. Thetechnique was produced by a complex surfacestaining process.4.5” Bohemian Rubina cologne with enameleddecoration and crown top, ca. 1875-1900, $165-225

EUROPEAN BOTTLES 239” Harrach amber cologne with enameledflowers and applied salamander with lily-formstopper with applied glass rigaree and ladybugs, ca. 1890 $750-1,000In 1835, Joseph Riedel pioneered greenor yellow uranium glass (annagrun), whichwas copied by many others firms, includingthe Boston and Sandwich Glass Company inthis country. It was named for his wife“Anna.”In the period from about 1928 until1939, Czechoslovakia produced literallythousands of perfume bottle designs. Mostwere of cut full lead crystal, often beveled atthe edges. The stoppers were usually thefocal point of the more elaborate designsfeaturing deeply etched figures or flowers.Different area manufacturers offered a widevariety of colors, often different colors forthe base and its companion stopper. Spatterglass bottles were also made. Czechglassmakers also made bottles forcommercial perfume companies, such asElizabeth Arden. Another uniquelyCzechoslovakian style is known as“Tango.” It consists of very brightly coloredpieces—yellow, orange or lime green, forexample—decorated with simple blackdetails in the Art Deco style.7.2” Lapis lazuli glass atomizer molded witha nude in high-relief, unsigned Czechoslovakian,ca. 1930s $7506.7” Clear crystal bottle and stopper in theshape of a scimitar, dauber, Czechoslovakialabel, c1920s-30s $200-3007.3” Pink cut crystal bottle with clear andfrosted nude stopper, signed Czechoslovakia,c1930s $750-900

24EUROPEAN BOTTLESSought after by serious collectors ofCzech perfume bottles are the fabulouscreations combining full lead (over 40%)cut crystal bottles with elaborate stoppersmounted with lacy metal filigree, sometimeswith glass or semiprecious jewels. Thiswork was usually done in Czechoslovakia,but also in Austria during the sameperiod—1920s and 1930s.5.7” Clear cut crystal bottle and stopper,stopper cut with flowers, signed Czechoslovakia,c1920s-30s $150The firm of Ludwig Moser and Sonwas founded in the mid-19th century and isstill making excellent glass items today. Itbegan as an engraving studio, but laterdeveloped a technique for producing glassthat was as hard as lead crystal. Their earlywork is often unsigned.8” Moser purple urn shape bottle with goldband of women warriors, conforming stopperwith dauber, unsigned $7503” pair of crystal bottles with metal collars ingilt metal faux jewel mounted caddy, c1920s,marked Austria $350Heinrich Hoffman (1875-1939) was amaster glass craftsman and designer in thearea that became Czechoslovakia in 1918.He made Art Nouveau style molds forperfumes, most signed intaglio in the moldswith a butterfly. In the late 1920s, hisdaughter married Henry Schlevogt, whohad worked in the jewelry making trade.With Hoffman’s help, he founded the IngridCompany (named for Schlevogt’sdaughter). The new company developedmany new processes for making lithyalinglass (in imitation of many natural stones—malachite, lapis lazuli, quartz, etc.) andproduced the sought-after perfume bottleswith nude daubers, with and without elegantmetal filigree mounts with faux jewels. Theyremain the best loved bottles by collectors.

EUROPEAN BOTTLES 25jeweled creations. The firm also bought littledram bottles (one-eighth ounce) in cut orpressed glass and topped with a lacy metalscrew cap, sometimes with a glass dauber andsometimes topped with a faux jewel. The mostunusual of these had tiny figural glass items,people or fruit or hearts, etc., dangling fromthe cap on little chains. The company is still inbusiness today, importing its vanity bottlesfrom the Far East. Many of the bottles listed inother Czechoslovakian sections were probablyimported by Irice, but the paper labels havebeen lost over time.6.3” Hoffman smoke colored crystal bottlewith upright stopper with dauber, stopperetched with lady climbing hill, marked withHoffman butterfly logo, c1930s $9504.8” Blue crystal bottle and stopper, bottlemounted with jeweled metal filigree medallion,Irice paper label, signed Czechoslovakia$300-4005.6” Hoffman lapis lazuli glass bottle andstopper molded as two open chrysanthemumblossoms, signed Ingrid, Czechoslovakia$1200The American firm of Irving W. Rice(Irice) was the leading importer of Czechperfume bottles during the period. Thecompany imported thousands of differentdesigns, often marking them with the Iricelogo alongside the “Made in Czechoslovakia”mark. These imports ranged from the simplestglass bottles to the most elaborate metal and2.6” Cut glass with metal and Bakelite capwith dauber, dangling boy and girl black andwhite charms on chains, ca.1920s-30s,marked by Irice c1920s-30s $135

26EUROPEAN BOTTLESCzech frosted glass, made by atechnique of acid etching, was inspired bythe glass popularized by Rene Lalique in the1920s. It was widely imitated inCzechoslovakia by several companies,sometimes so carefully that it can beconfused with Lalique’s production.Many German glass factories alsoproduced literally hundreds of thousands of“throwaway colognes” or “attar of roses”bottles in the 18th and 19th centuries. Theseare hand blown, long and narrow bottles,seven or eight inches long, often made asrectangles, meant to hold very smallamounts of scent and then meant to bethrown out. They usually had tiny glassstoppers and were clear glass, althoughcolored examples are known. They wereoften cut in simple geometric designs andthen gilded by hand.Another popular German export was themercury glass perfume laydown made bythe thousands in the 1920s and 1930s. Theywere usually enameled in abstract swirlpatterns.7.5” Throwaway cologne bottle paintedwith gold and white enamel with small glassstopper, c19th century $75-100German Ceramic <strong>Bottles</strong>The Meissen Porcelain Works datesfrom the 18th century, when it wasestablished to try to develop hard pasteporcelain in imitation of the very expensiveChinese imports. In the early 18th century,the special clay necessary for this processwas discovered nearby. <strong>Perfume</strong> bottles havebeen produced by the Meissen factory sincethat time, but in such limited quantities thatthey are still very sought after.5.5” Porcelain atomizer in the form of a blackboy with an urn, hand painted, with crossedswords mark for Meissen, c.early 20th century$250-300German crown-top porcelain bottleswere on the most popular style in the 1930s.They were small (usually holding less than1/3 ounce) porcelain figural bottle with ametal and cork crown-shaped stopper. Mostof us have seen at least one version of the“Kewpie doll” bottle, but there are figuresranging from elegantly dressed 18th centuryladies to orange dogs and fat Buddhas. Mostof these bottles are marked “Germany” or“Made in Germany” (after 1920), with orwithout a mold number. Some of theseperfumes came with sets including trays orpowder boxes. Some are combinations ofperfume bottles sitting atop powder boxes.Those pieces which have a factorysignature, like Sitzendorf, are the mostsought after. Also highly collectible are the“naughty” figurals, like the little boy peeing.

OTHER EUROPEAN BOTTLES 272.3” crown top Art Deco lady head bottle,marked Germany c1920s-30s $165Chapter 73.6” Crown top perfume in the form of a birdwith a long tail, c1920s-30s, molded Germanymark, $175OTHER EUROPEAN BOTTLESHolland, Denmark and Belgium:Dutch perfume containers of the 18thand 19th centuries were often inspired bythe trade between the Orient and Holland.The Chinese trade led to many uniquebottles—Chinese porcelains mounted in theNetherlands with metal caps and corkstoppers, each one-of-a-kind creationmounted by hand. The Dutch were alreadyknown throughout Europe for theirsophisticated silver and gold work andelaborately cut glass. Dutch engraversexcelled at diamond point engraving andstippling. There were also extremelyluxurious gold mounted cut rock crystalexamples and simpler Delft style ceramicbottles. Until the second quarter of the 19thcentury, almost all Dutch perfume bottleshad cork stoppers with silver or gold pullknobs or full precious metal overcaps. (Lackof the original cork does not affect pricesbecause all cork dries out and falls apartover time.)4.1” Three Dutch Schoonhoven crystal bottleswith sterling collars, bases and overcaps, twowith inner glass stoppers, on hallmarked withdagger, c1900 $100-125 eachThe Belgian glass firm of Val St.Lambert began making cased glassperfume bottles in the 19th century. Theywere usually clear cased in a single color,most commonly violet, yellow-amber orcranberry, and acid cut back to clear,

28OTHER EUROPEAN BOTTLESleaving a pattern of leaves and flowers.These bottles were often sold as part ofdresser sets including several sizes ofperfume and cologne bottles, powder jarsand pin trays.8” crystal bottle in red acid cut back to clearin a pattern of leaves and branches, facet cutstopper, attributed to VSL, c1920s-30s $150The Danish porcelain firm of RoyalCopenhagen is officially the Danish RoyalPorcelain Factory, established in 1775 andbest known around the world for its FloraDanica dinnerware.Sweden:Orrefors has been a glassmaking firmsince 1898. It developed a process for casedglass with controlled bubbles called Ariel.Their most popular perfumes, still inproduction, are boule shaped with tall sticklikeground glass stoppers and engravedfigures. Most are signed “Orrefors” or “Of,”with or without the date or the designer'sname.Kosta Boda: The Boda Glassworks wasfounded in 1864 and the Kosta Glassworkswas founded in 1742. The two merged toform Kosta Boda in 1970.Italy:The terms Venetian and Murano aresynonymous for glassware manufacturedsince the Middle Ages on the island ofMurano near Venice. The island of Muranohas been a great glassmaking center eversince. During the 16th and 17th centuries,the Venetians developed many newtechniques for decorating glass, includinglatticino (spiral threads) and millefioricanes, and their gold and silver foiltechniques are still in use today, sometimescausing confusion when trying to date aparticular piece. Early pieces often hadfinely blown figural swans or dragons aspart of the design, usually on the stem of apiece. However these animals did not lendthemselves to perfume bottles. Several newglass techniques were developed in the 20thcentury such as sommerso, that uses abrightly colored bottle, sometimes with asecond color overlay, and then cased in anextremely heavy layer of clear glass. Someof the great modern firms of Murano signtheir products. Among them are Barovierand Toso, Venini, Cenedese and Barbini.4.75” Murano clear perfume bottle withunusual encased fish, ca. 1950s, $275-300

OTHER FOREIGN PERFUME BOTTLES 29Chapter 8OTHER FOREIGN PERFUME BOTTLESIreland:Waterford Glass Ltd. was founded in1783. It closed before the mid-19th century.The present company was opened in 1951. Itproduces a variety of cut crystal scent bottles,most signed with the company’s clover logo.Japan:Japan has a centuries-long tradition ofceramic and glass manufacturing. Very earlypieces were rarely marked. Exports intendedfor the American market were usually markedNippon (the Japanese word for Japan, notdenoting any particular factory) from 1891 to1921. When pieces were marked Nippon plusJapan, they are later products. From 1921 to1945, the mark for exported wares was “Madein Japan” or simply “Japan.” During theAmerican occupation of Japan after WorldWar II, from 1945 to 1952, the mark“Occupied Japan” was used.During the occupation, there was aconcerted effort to produce goods thatwould appeal to the Western market andbring in needed currency. <strong>Perfume</strong> bottles inthe style of Meissen, Staffordshire, prewar-Czechoslovakia and Old Paris porcelainwere exported by the thousands.Mexico:Mexican silversmiths have producedthousands of different perfume bottles insolid sterling silver, sterling over glass andsilver deposit. They are difficult to date sincethe same designs that were introduced in the1920s have been in constant production eversince. Those signed by the famoussilversmiths are, of course, most costly. Alsoexported from Mexico are hand carvedhardstone bottles.2.5” Clear glasswith sterling overlaydecorated withflowers andleaves, markedsterling and Mexico,c1940s-60s$60Egypt:In the last 15 years or so, huge numbersof lightweight blown bottles with flashedcolors, gold trim and, usually, flame stopperswith long daubers, have been produced andexported from Egypt. Most are based onclassical designs, but some are figuralanimals. They are too abundant to be of muchvalue but they are very attractive.Russia:Anyone trying to identify glass orenamel on metal perfume bottles fromRussia during the 18th or 19th century maybe forgiven for confusing them with Frenchpieces. The two countries traded extensivelyand freely borrowed designs from eachother. After 1900 the French Art Nouveaustyle of Galle was very popular.3” silver-gilt scentbottle with stippledbackground anddecorated with brillianttranslucentenamels on thebottle and top, Russianhallmarks, ca.1880, $1,750-2,000

30SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLESSouvenir bottles:Chapter 9SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLESThe growth of the tourism industry inthe 19th century prompted manymanufacturers to produce bottles with thenames of towns or resorts on them. Thistype of bottle could be made of fine handpainted porcelain, an inexpensive ceramicor pressed glass. In France, opaline bottleswith views of famous monuments printedon paper and set under glass on the lid werepopular with ladies making their “grandtour.” German bottles with names of spaspainted among flowers were common. Somesouvenir bottles were unmarked, but sold incases with identifying marks. Glass bottleswere also used as souvenirs, with theiridentification cut or etched into the glasssurface. Thousands of bottles of all typesand in many different materials were issuedto commemorate Queen Victoria’s GoldenJubilee in 1887, for instance.and fine porcelain examples are found. Mostwere made with metal screw caps or hadtiny inner glass stoppers with metalovercaps to keep the contents safe within alady’s handbag.Atomizers:These are perfume bottles mounted witha pump that sprays the perfume inside as amist. There were several noted companiesthat produced these.Marcel Franck inherited a Frenchcompany from his father that made all-metalpump-type travel atomizers invented by hisfather. Under Marcel’s direction, thecompany contracted the glass from suchfamous glassmakers as Daum, Baccarat,Lalique and others. Most mounts were brassor silver plated, some were gold plated andeven solid gold examples are known. Latermounts were chrome plated and are oftenmade for purse or pocket. Often the glass ismarked by the maker and most mounts aremarked “Marcel Franck,” sometimes withthe name of the patented mount type, likeLe Kid, Le Weekend, L’Escale, or LeParisien. Other markings include “Brevete”or “SGDG,” which mean “patented,” or“Depose,” which means “registered.”2” Blue glass boule shape bottle with clear innerstopper and metal overcap and finger ring,enameled with gold flower and leaves, inscribed“Venise” (the French spelling of Venice) $250Purse bottles came from manycountries, used a variety materials and arefound from all eras, from the 18th centuryto today. They were popular in England,France, Germany and Italy as early as the1700s. These countries were noted for theirtiny luxury bottles made in variousmaterials from colored and cut glass tostriped Venetian examples. Even ceramic7.3” Rene Lalique “Le Parisien” frosted glassatomizer with nudes and garlands, metalsigned SGDG, glass signed R Lalique,c1920s $650

SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLES 315.5” boule atomizer in multicolor glass,mount signed Marcel Franck and BreveteSGDG $75-100DeVilbiss was established in Toledo,Ohio in the early 1900s. The company wasthe leading American manufacturer ofatomizers. It purchased the glass bottlesfrom leading glasshouses such as Steuben,Durand, Daum, Imperial and others andmounted its own hardware, hoses andrubber bulbs. Even the Lenox ChinaCompany made at least two bottles forDeVilbiss, a comical penguin-shaped bottleand a two-piece circular bottle with theatomizer mounted in the lower half. Thehand-crocheted bulb covers were, I am told,made in a “cottage industry” fashion byOhio housewives working at home. Thegreat years for DeVilbiss were the 1920sand 1930s. The company also made dressersets including powder jars, trays andperfume bottles with long glass daubers.World War II and changing tastes led tosimpler shapes with less hand decoration.The company discontinued atomizerproduction in 1969. Most DeVilbissproduction was signed in gold or engraved“DeV” without any signature of theglassmaker.4.2” DeVilbiss pink enameled dauber bottlewith gold trim, unsigned, $705” DeVilbiss violet glass atomizer with goldplated mount with a faux jewel finial, signedDeVilbiss c1930s $90Etling (1909-1939) was a Frenchcompany that sold French cameo glassatomizers and perfume bottles signed“Richard” at its Paris shop. It alsocontracted with another establishedglassmaker, probably Loetz of Austria. Itdid not make glass perfume bottlesthemselves.

32SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLEST. J. Holmes and Company madeatomizer mounts and bought the glass fromseveral other manufacturers. They areusually marked “Holmspray” on the metal.Pyramid is a marking found on otheratomizer mounts.8.7” cameo atomizer in red cut back toorange with motif of leaves, signed Richard,mount unmarked, c1930s $475Volupte was another Americanatomizer maker. Many of its designs arevery similar to DeVilbiss products.7” Clear bottle w/twisted stem, orange andblack enamel trim, paper label “24 kt goldplated,” signed Volupte $5207.4” mint in box tall atomizer with black andgold enamel with orange roses in silk lineddisplay case, mount signed Pyramid $1100Paperweight scent bottles:These bottles feature extra heavy bases,usually with distinctive inclusions, and havebeen made in both Europe and America.St. Clair Glass Company of Elwood,Indiana was founded by five of the six St.Clair brothers, most notably Joe. Thecompany produced numerous paperweightscent bottles, most with flower inclusions.The company made sulphides andexceptional controlled bubble paperweightscent bottles. In the 1960s, the St. Clairfactory was able to reproduce chocolateglass, similar to the color made by theIndiana Tumbler and Glass Company ofGreentown, Indiana, to use for its floralinclusions. St. Clair glass signatures varyfrom etched to raised from “JSC” to “StClair to Joe St Clair.” Some are unsigned.

SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLES 336.5” Pair of paperweight scent bottles withturquoise flowers rising from pink bases,signed by Joe St. Clair, ca. 1945-70, $750 pr.Whitall Tatum & Company ofMillville, New Jersey, made paperweightscent bottles (or inkwells) with lilies orroses inside the heavy glass bases.Gunderson-Pairpoint (1939-56)produced a wide range of perfume bottles inthe styles of elegant Depression Glass, MidcenturyModern and paperweights.<strong>Perfume</strong> Lamps:These are small lamps that featured anindentation in the top of the shade forperfume or perfumed oil. The heat of thelight bulb caused the perfume to evaporateand fill the room with scent. They are oftensimple frosted glass, but wonderful figurallamps made of ceramic material were alsopopular in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Dueto safety concerns, modern rewiring of theselamps is considered only a minor defect.8.5” DeVilbiss perfume lamp in light to darkorange glass internally painted with nudefairies and foliage in elaborate metal mount,c1930s $500<strong>Perfume</strong> Burners: The word perfumecomes from the Latin word meaning “toburn.” The earliest uses of scents were toburn them as part of religious ceremonies.Incense burners date back at least to ancientEgypt. <strong>Perfume</strong> burners are usually in theform of glass perfume bottles with longcloth wicks and metal covers that are filledwith special perfumed oil. When lighted,they give off scent just like a scented candledoes today.6” Fulper (New Brunswick, NJ) perfume lampwith molded dancer, rewired, signed Fulper $6006.7” Sirenes, a clear and frosted burnerw/conforming cover, amber stain, moldedsignature R Lalique $2750

34SPECIALTY PERFUME BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> jewelry, like other jewelry,can take any wearable form. It can mean anyjewelry with a well or pierced back toaccommodate filling with actual scent or,more recently, can mean any jewelry with abottle motif or jewelry issued bycommercial perfume companies, usually inimitation of that company’s perfume bottles.The range of perfume jewelry is enormous,from antique pure gold perfume pins andrings to modern plastic pins that hold tinyminiature bottles.Dresser sets and boxed sets: Duringthe 18th and 19th centuries, handsome andhighly decorative small chests or casketswere made in England and on the Continentto hold matched sets of scent bottles fortravel or for protecting the expensivecontents at home. The boxes themselveswere often made of luxurious importedwoods or caskets of glass and metal with orwithout semiprecious stones. Sets were alsomade for racks with locks called“Tantaluses.” Novelty sets were made ininfinite forms, including cruet sets and cartspulled by “coolies.” Colognes and toiletwaters are less expensive to produce and donot last as long as perfume. Therefore,cologne bottles can be differentiated fromperfume bottles because they are larger. Setsfor the dresser usually contain cologne andlotion bottles and powder jars, andsometimes even candlesticks and hairreceivers, as well as perfume bottles.DeVilbiss dresser set of four matchingpieces: two 6.7” perfume bottles, an atomizerand a dauber bottle in teal blue with goldenamel on gold metal foot and stem withmatching powder box and 11” tray, c1930s$1900Powder Jars: Some powder jars weresold separately. Others were designed to bepart of dresser sets with matching perfumeand cologne bottles. They range in valuefrom Depression Era examples, which sellfor less than $25, to Lalique and Galleexamples, which are extremely costly.1.6” Green crystal powder box, the coverintaglio cut with cupids, on jeweled metalbase, marked with Hoffman butterfly, c1930s$700<strong>Perfume</strong> Buttons: These are buttonsmeant to be sewn onto clothing. They areusually metal with pierced designs. Ascented cloth is inserted into the back of thebutton and the perfume wafts through theholes in the button.NoveltiesSchuco, a German manufacturer ofstuffed toy animals, made darling monkeysand bears of mohair with movable limbs,whose heads came off to reveal a long tubewith a cork stopper for holding perfume.As early as 1820, Englishmanufacturers delighted in making noveltyshaped bottles, with and without silvermounts. Some were the porcelain varietyalready discussed. Others were in the formof nuts, fruit, eggs, shells, musicalinstruments, shoes or hands. Creativeartisans even used natural nuts and shellstopped with metal mounts to cater to theVictorian curiosity about nature.

FIGURALS & DIME STORE NOVELTIES 351.62” English glass perfume bottle in theshape of a strawberry, brass cap and chatelainering, ca. 1890-1900, $375Related Collectibles:Pomanders: These grew out of thebelief that strong fragrances could ward offdisease. Therefore, the wealthy carriedoranges pierced with cloves when they lefthome. From these came the first silverboxes, often shaped like oranges, to holdmedicinal scents like cloves, ambergris andcinnamon. They were in wide use during theperiod of the Great Plague of 1665-1666.Vinagrettes: supplanted pomanders bythe late 18th century. These tiny containers,often extremely intricate and expensive, hada space for a cloth or sponge soaked invinegar or another strong scent and held inplace with a decorative inner grill. TheyChapter 10were useful when encountering strong odorsor to revive a lady from a swoon.Part IICOMMERCIAL PERFUMESCommercial perfume design has someimportant considerations lacking in thedesign of decorative bottles. One of these isthe relationship between the name of thescent and the design of the bottle. Not allperfumes named Rose have a rose on thebottle or the box, of course, but many do.Not all boxes made for holding perfumebottles are decorative or conform to thetheme of the bottle’s design, but many do.Even the color of the liquid scent itself isconsidered by some to be an element of thedesign of the complete perfume package.My personal apology about the headingsunder this category: This was even moredifficult than the decorative section -- does aRene Lalique bottle for D’Orsay with anude on the bottle go under the figuralheading, the D’Orsay section or the Laliquesection? You see what I mean. Most of thedates given are for the introduction of thescent, not the release of the bottle. It isalmost impossible to provide thediscontinuation date for any bottle or scent.The perfume companies are reluctant togive that information, so as to leave openthe possibility of a relaunch or just becausethey don’t like to admit that their productwas not particularly successful.FIGURALS & DIME STORE NOVELTIESFigurals<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles which are called figuralcan be any one of three different kinds. Firstis the full figural bottle where the stopperand the bottle combine to make any formother than a perfume bottle (human, flower,seltzer bottle—anything). Second is onewhere only the stopper is a figure (a floweror a girl sitting atop a cushion). Next is thetype of bottle where the figural element isimpressed or cut into the front of the bottle.Last is the kind where the display holdingthe bottle is the only figural element (MaxFactor’s colorful cats under domes holdingsmall bottles).

36FIGURALS & DIME STORE NOVELTIES2.5” Suivez Moi by Tre Jur in frosted figure ofa lady, with long dauber, c1925 $150-2009” Au Soliel for Lubin in a bottle with amolded snake chasing the fly on the stopper,c1912 $1100-13002.6” Tryst by Villon in its red opaque skyscraperbottle with black glass stopper andgood label. This bottle was used for otherscents by other companies, including Duskaby Langlois, ca.1946 $90-1103.62” Souvenir d’un Soir by Mary Chess is areplica of the Plaza Hotel fountain in NewYork, c1956 $310-590Dime store novelties: The period fromthe 1920s through the 1950s saw atremendous expansion in the sale ofperfume, including inexpensive colognesand toilet water. Many were marketed inimaginative yet inexpensive figuralcontainers. A vast collection could be madeof bottles and/or stoppers in the form offlowers.

FRENCH BOTTLE DESIGNERS 372.2” Old Colonial by United Toilet Goods Co.mini in hurricane lamp presentation, goodlabel c1940-60s $252” Floral Quintuplets by Karoff , set of 5 withwood heads wearing ruffles at the neck, boxc1940s $80-110Chapter 113.8” The Duke by Erte in the form of a manwith a cane, details in enamel, in glass domewith label, c1930s $60FRENCH BOTTLE DESIGNERSIn addition to the tremendouscontributions made by Lalique andBaccarat, there were a number of less wellknown firms that produced quality glassdesigns.Brosse: Verreries Brosse was anestablished glassmaker in France from itsfounding in 1854, but in the 1920s, theentire production of the factory wasconverted to perfume bottles. Still in thebusiness of making fine hand finishedperfume bottles, the company’s trademark is“VB” or “BR.” Today’s customers includeHermes and Chanel.5” Coup de Chapeau by Gilbert Orcel inwhite glass as a figural lady’s head andshoulders with gold enameled details,Brosse bottle, c1954 $125

38FRENCH BOTTLE DESIGNERSPochet et du Courval: This venerablecompany has been making high qualityperfume bottles since the early 17th century.Since 1930 the firm’s entire business hasbeen the manufacture of commercialperfume bottles for such distinguishedparfumeurs as Dior, Jean Patou andMolinard. Many of the company’s bottlesbear the “HP” mark.7.25” Vol deNuit eau de cologne in donutbottle with pointed glass stopper and dotlabel, c1937, marked HP $65Saint Gobain Desjonqueres: Thisglassworks was founded in France in the17th century. They acquired theDesjonqueres factory, which had beendestroyed during World War II, after it hadbeen rebuilt and modernized under theMarshall Plan. Today this is the largestmaker of perfume bottles in the world.Some of their bottles are marked with thefirm’s “S” or “SGD” mark.Julien Viard: Viard was a sculptor aswell as designer and part owner of theglassmaking firm of C & J Viard and Violletle Duc. Many of his designs featured stainedor enameled details or wonderful figuralstoppers. Often unsigned, bottles may besometimes found with the “J. Viard” or “J.Villard” signature.3.1” Fete de Nuit by Agnel in black glass bottlein the form of a bell, sealed, by J Viardc1920 $1250Sue et Mare: Louis Sue was a famousFrench architect and interior designer. AndréMare trained as a painter but turned todesign. They began working together in1914. Their work encompassed every facet ofArt Deco design, from interior wall panels towallpaper to perfume bottles. Theirpartnership ended in 1928. Louis Sue or thefirm of Sue et Mare designed all of JeanPatou’s perfume bottles and boxes andseveral bottles for other perfumers, notablythe popular bottle for D’Orsay’s “Le Dandy.”He designed the unique “Normandie”presentation for Patou in 1935 to celebratethe ocean liner by that name.3” Normandie by Jean Patou, mint in boxreissue of the original Louis Sue bottle,c1980s $635-900

THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSES 39Chapter 12THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSESElizabeth Arden , whose real name wasFlorence Nightingale Graham, opened abeauty salon in New York City in 1910. Herfirst product was a cleansing cream. Shebegan marketing her own perfumes in about1915.Bourjois was established in 1863. Thefirm began marketing perfume in 1903.“Evening in Paris” was introduced in 1928in its signature cobalt blue bottle. It soonbecame a hugely popular and inexpensiveline presented in holders shaped as shoes,shells, hotel doors, famous landmarks,boats, wheelbarrows, ashtrays, and otherdesigns.6.5” It’s You for Elizabeth Arden in clear figuralhand holding a bottle with a blue ringand blue flower stopper, sealed with hangtags, Baccarat signed and numbered, lackingdome, c1938 $1200-15002.75” Evening in Paris by Bourjois in cobaltbottle with silver triangular label and frostedupright stopper with its star shaped box,c1928 $75-1001.8” Blue Grass in its replica miniature bottlewith two labels, c1934 $110-1252” Evening in Paris cobalt mini with silver trianglelabel in blue Bakelite owl case, c1928$100-225Caron was founded in 1903, and itsfamous scent, “Narcisse Noir,” wasintroduced in 1912.

40THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSES3.75” Voeu de Noel by Caron is in opalescentwhite crystal molded with flowers on thefront, c1939 $165-225Ciro was founded in the United Statesin 1921, but all its perfumes were made andbottled in France.1.3” Rue de la Paix by Corday set of threeminiatures in a metal lamppost with a “cobblestone”ashtray base, minis with goodlabels, c1952 $188-5107.5” Chevalier de la Nuit by Ciro in the formof a knight in clear and frosted glass, c1923$175Corday was founded in 1921. Itsfamous scent, “Toujours Moi,” was used inchurches in Paris as incense. In 1923 it wasfirst marketed as a commercial perfume. Itis thought that Corday originated, in the1930s, the selling of perfume in tiny oneeighth-ounceminiature bottles that werereplicas of the larger Corday bottles.3” Toujours Moi by Corday, mint in box bottleand stopper with impressed flowers, withbrown stain and deluxe box c1934 $155Coty was founded by FrancoisSportuno, who later changed his name toCoty, in 1904. Soon thereafter his firmbegan to commission Rene Lalique to createlabels and then bottles for his early floralscents. Coty was the first to consistentlyoffer his scents in luxurious crystal bottlesand expensive presentation boxes.

THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSES 414.36” L’Effleur was probably Rene Lalique’sfirst collaboration with Francois Coty.The label with the raised female figure isactually molded into the glass, brown stain,c1908 $4500-47505.12” Ambre d’Orsay is a black glass ReneLalique design with four draped classicalfemale figures molded on the corners, stopperwith stylized flowers, c1913, this versionsigned Lalique in the mold, $800-900Guerlain was established in 1828. Nowin the hands of the fifth generation of theGuerlain family, the company has createdover 200 different perfumes. The Guerlainbottles have been made by severalcompanies, Baccarat, Pochet et du Courval,Saint Gobain–Desjonqueres, Romesnil andBrosse. In addition to beautiful full-sizedbottles, Guerlain began producing sampleand tester bottles before 1900.6.25” L’Or by Coty in teardrop bottle andstopper, good gold lettering, marked Baccarat,c1916 $225D’Orsay was founded in 1830 by CountAlfred D’Orsay, a renowned bon vivant witha talent for creating perfumes. He was asculptor, painter and writer. His interest inperfume was supposedly inspired by hismistress, Lady Blessington. From then oncreating scents became his solepreoccupation.6.3” Shalimar by Guerlain winged bottlewith small blue fan stopper, label andfaded velour case, marked Baccarat,c1921 $100-165

42THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSES6.5” L’Heure Bleu by Guerlin eau de toilettebottle in the teardrop shape with all glass oniondome stopper, good label, c1912 $55-702.5” Le Debut Noir by Richard Hudnut in adistinctive squat bottle of black glass with agold raspberry stopper, with bottom labelc1927 $175-250Lancome was founded by a formeremployee of Coty <strong>Perfume</strong>s in 1935. Hisscents were presented in bottles designed byLalique, Baccarat and other great glassdesigners.2.2” Champs Elysses by Guerlin in limitededition bottle with fountain label, sealed,c1904 $250-330Richard Hudnut was established in1880, making this the first major Americanperfume and cosmetic company. His firstscent was “Violet Sec.” His most soughtafterbottles were designed by Julien Viard.4.5” Magie by Lancome in its clear twistedbottle with inner glass stopper and glassovercap in its deluxe presentation box,unsigned Baccarat design c1949 $150-250

THE GREAT PERFUME HOUSES 43Lentheric was founded in 1885 byGuillaume Lentheric. He began marketingperfumes in the United States in the 1920s,opening a very lavish salon at the SavoyPlaza in New York.1.5” A Bientot by Lentheric, mint in box replicawith gold ball cap, c1930 $40-50Prince Matchabelli was founded afterthe Russian Revolution by Prince GeorgesMatchabelli. His first venture in the UnitedStates was a boutique where he sold customblended scents, among many luxury items.These scents were so successful that heformed a perfume company in 1926. All hisearly products were sold in bottles shaped ascrowns. Many, but not all, of the names hegave his scents related to royalty.1.75” Wind Song by Prince Matchabelli ingreen crown with screw cap in velvet box,c1953 $45-752.6” Royal Gardenia by Prince Matchabelli inclear crown with gold and black trim, goldcross stopper, mint in heavy plastic cubec1930 $170

44FRENCH COUTURIERSFrench couturiers, beginning with CocoChanel in 1923, began to market their ownscents in elegant bottles, ending the practice ofselling perfume in simple containers meant tohold the scent only until it could be decantedinto the customer’s own bottle. In the next fewyears, Paul Poiret, Worth, Jean Patou, ElsaSchiaparelli and Lanvin introduced their ownscents in elegant bottles that followed thedesign trends of their fashion houses.Christian Dior opened his couturehouse in 1946 and his perfume business in1947. His most famous perfumepresentations were designed by Baccarat.Chapter 13FRENCH COUTURIERS3.5” Arpege by Lanvin, mint in box, in theLanvin signature black boule with the goldlogo on the front and the (older) raspberrystopper, c1927 $220Lucien Lelong opened his couture shopin 1919. He began producing perfume in1921. The first scents were called simply A,B, C and N.7” Miss Dior in clear with blue enamelamphora with glass stopper, good lettering,marked Baccarat c1933 $525-700Lanvin: Jeanne Lanvin made hats untilher designs for dresses for her own daughterwere “discovered” and women began to buyher dresses for themselves and theirdaughters. She began marketing perfumesin 1923. Paul Iribe designed the famousLanvin logo which shows Jeanne and herdaughter.6.75” Indiscret by Lelong in beautiful drapedbottle with glass bow stopper and label,c1935 $100Nina Ricci and her son, Robert, openedher couture house in 1932. In 1946, Robert

FRENCH COUTURIERS 45launched the first Nina Ricci scent, “CoeurJoie,” in its Marc Lalique-designed openheart bottle.12.8” L’Air de Temps for Nina Ricci withdouble dove stopper (called Flacon auxColombes) was designed by Marc Lalique in1947. It is often mistaken for a giant factice,but it held eau de toilette. $1250.Elsa Schiaparelli opened her shop onthe Rue de la Paix, Paris in 1929. Her firstperfume was “Salut” in 1934, but she is bestremembered for “Shocking,” released in1937 in a bottle shaped like a dress manikin.The story has it that she was inspired whenwalking past the dress dummy she usedwhen designing for Mae West.2.12” Zut by Schiaparelli replica mini ofwoman’s lower torso, empty, good bottomlabel c1949 $500-600Worth was a couture house establishedin 1858 by Charles F. Worth. He began tomarket perfume in 1924, all in Laliquedesignedbottles.6.2” Requete for Worth, mint in its box, is aclear footed urn with blue enamel scallops,marked Lalique,c1944 $2000-25006” Shocking in its dressmaker dummy bottlewith glass flowers around stopper, tape measurearound neck and S label, in glass domec1936 $350

46OTHER PERFUME SPECIALTIESChapter 14OTHER PERFUME SPECIALTIESFactices“Factice” is the French term for adummy or display bottle. They may be anysize from tiny to one ounce to really huge.The only necessity is that they not containreal scent but, usually, a special coloredliquid that will not stain the bottle and thatmimics the color of the true scent. Somecollectors include small factices amongtheir normal size bottles. Others specializein the giant size display bottles.12.5” VickyTiel giant factice,used forseveral of herscents, withshell stopperand moldednudes $400Miniature <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Miniatures are an extremely popularspecialized collection. It is relatively easy todisplay a large number of “minis” in a smallspace. Years ago, perfume companies gaveaway miniature versions of their full-sizedbottles filled with real scent to encouragecustomers to try their products. Today thathas changed and the perfumers give awaytubes of scent attached to advertising cards(which are also collectible), while theminiature reproduction bottles, whenavailable at all, are sold. Many companiestoday make miniatures that have nocorresponding full-sized bottles, some incostly limited edition figural bottles.2.4” Moment Supreme by Jean Patou, mintin box in the Baccarat “bumpy” bottle withgold cap in its deluxe case, c1929 $1358.5” Prince Matchabelli clear giant crown withgold trim and gold cross stopper, no label;used to advertise the whole line of PrinceMatchabelli scents, c1940s-60s $650-7252” Chi Chi by Renoir mint in box replica ofheart bottle with bakelite arrow cap, c1942$125-150

OTHER PERFUME SPECIALTIES Testers 47beauty products, such as soap, lotion or bathpowder. Beware of sets composed of one ormore companies’ scents, which have nocorresponding full-sized bottles since therewas a Midwestern company that madehundreds of different sets with severaldifferent company names, using stockbottles with some generic scents.2.36” Heaven Sent by Helena Rubenstein inform of a frosted angel with metal cap,empty, c1941 $40-60Miniature boxed sets come in severaldifferent versions. There are the sets thatwere designed so that you could test severalof a single company’s scents. There weresets composed of several differentcompanies’ scents. These are hard to price,since the miniature bottles are often onlydifferent by one or two from another set,and it is hard to know which miniaturesaffect the price of the set. Other box setsinclude miniature perfumes with otherTesters“Tester” is a term that has come tomean any small (usually one-eighth ounceor less) sample bottle with a label and a longdauber to apply the scent. The most highlyprized testers come as sets from a singlecompany and include many of its scents, andare either boxed for sale or sitting on adisplay base for use at perfume counters. Ofcourse, testers can also be modern spraybottles used at perfume counters to test newscents.Men’s ScentsMen’s scent bottles are not nearly ascollectible as women’s, but there are manyexceptions, especially for figural bottles,such as the large military figures made forCanoe and Royal Leather.1.5” Set of 4 Marquay scents, mint in boxreplica minis with glass stoppers and individualvelvet pouches c1950s $1252.4” Set of 6 by Rose Valois, mint in box hatmanikins wearing different hats (Rose Valoiswas a haute couture hat designer), c1950$1000-110015” Canoe by Dana, in giant ceramic bottle inthe form of a French sailor, full, signed Danac1946 $75-100

48SOLID PERFUMESEstee Lauder: The Lauder Companyhas been issuing at least one, and oftenmany more, limited edition solid (cream)perfume compacts every year since 1967.Most contemporary ones are figural, that is,made in the shape of something other than asimple compact. They are always well madeand usually beautiful. The large number ofvintage and contemporary solids makesthem ideal for a single company collection.They even lend themselves to themecollections—cats, dogs, circus, produce,hearts, people, etc.Chapter 15SOLID PERFUMESMolinard: This French company isjustly famous for introducing tiny solidperfumes, called “concretas,” in containersmade of hand-decorated Bakelite. Flowerswere the most common decoration, butoutdoor scenes and people are the mostsought after. They were filled with what thecompany called “wax of the flower.”1.7” Lauder Youth Dew Cameo Dancers,mint in box, in the form of a cameo with coralbackground with three dancing figures c1982$1301.8” Estee Lauder Cinnabar Imperial solidperfume foo dog from the Imperial Series(composition figures made to resembleivory), empty, no label c1979 $350Corday has been making solidperfumes since approximately 1970. Manyof them are figural and several feature thecompany’s signature unicorn.7.5” Two Molinard concretas with handpaintedgirl smoking, full, labels $20-35 each

SOLID PERFUMES 49Helena Rubenstein opened her firstbeauty products shop in Australia in 1902.She opened a chain of beauty shops inLondon, Paris and the United States. Shebegan to market perfumes in 1934.Lauder (Estée), “Cinnabar,” an oval gilt metalbox compact with the top mounted by a fauxivory model of a cat scratching its neck, fromthe Ivory Series, labeled, used, ca. 1982,1 3/8" h. $1501.6” Helena Rubenstein Heaven Sent solidperfume in the form of a toad, used, in itsbox, c1941 $30Lauder (Estée), “Dazzling,” a model of theStatue of Liberty in gold, statues holds lipstick,mint in box, ca. 2000, 3 2/3" h. $79

50CURRENT PRODUCTION PERFUMESChapter 16CURRENT PRODUCTION PERFUMESThese perfume bottles may beconsidered future collectibles, however,some of them are purchased for display assoon as they are released. The limitededitions of Jean Paul Gaultier are a primeexample.6” Classique by Jean Paul Gaultier inupdated version of the original torso spraybottle, c1990s $555.12” Amouage Gold by Amouage mint inbox bottle with gold domed stopper (alsoavailable in limited edition with genuine malachiteand lapis bottles), c1983 $175

SPECIALIZED COLLECTIONS 51Chapter 17SPECIALIZED COLLECTIONSLamps related to commercial perfumesare rare. Most were used as perfume counterdisplays.FlowersHeartsGames/gamblingNudesHuman figuresAnimalsArchitectureClothingCrownsArt NouveauArt DecoPowder Boxes and TinsMid-century modernSingle ParfumeursSingle color<strong>Perfume</strong> jewelry3.2” Indiscret body powder by Lucien Lelongin large cream box with sunburst motif,c1935 $35-45PaperweightsRelated CollectiblesAdvertisementsLabelsSoaps<strong>Perfume</strong> trade cardsFansPowder Boxes and Tins1” Le Golliwogg pin by Vigny in the form of asmiling black Golliwogg face, c1919 $250-350BooksCrossover collectible themes—e.g.—cars, hands, elephants, dogs, shoes.Compacts: Some collectors includepowder compacts in their perfume bottlecollections when they are part of a series.For instance, Richard Hudnut madecompacts that matched some of their scentbottles. Estee Lauder still releases compactsas part of its series of solid perfumes.Awards and samples given byperfumers to perfume counter salespeople.These included pins, plaques, glassware,etc.Dealer Signs

52SOME GENERAL RULESFuture CollectiblesCelebrity brand scent bottles: perhapsthese bottles which bear the name of movieand music notables should be considered1. There are no rules! Every rule hasexceptions!2. Specialize! Specialize!3. Until you have studied the market andhandled many, many bottles, you shouldonly buy from a reputable dealer who willguarantee his/her merchandise.4. Always remember that identificationof glass manufacturers can be a problembecause workers moved from factory tofactory, even from country to country,taking with them every technique they hadlearned. Also, signatures can be forged.5. The importance of labels andpackaging cannot be overstated whencollecting commercial perfume bottles.6. The importance of rarity is moredifficult to quantify. Buy something rare,but not obscure.7. The secondary market places greatimportance on signed/documented pieces.8. Condition is all important. Checkcarefully for any signs of sick glass, chips,repairs, mismatched stoppers, falsesignatures and torn labels. The exception isthose little rubber bulbs on atomizers.Because they dry out over time,replacements or missing bulbs are notconsidered flaws. Missing a tiny innerstopper under a silver or gold cap or ornatestopper cover is considered a minor flaw.9. With some bottles, a “marriage”between a bottle and a stopper made for anidentical bottle is considered a minor flaw.Chapter 18current collectibles (they accounted for$140 million in sales in 2006).New figurals will also be appealing tocollectors.SOME GENERAL RULESHowever, with cut glass or silver depositbottles, the stopper must match the patternof the bottle exactly.10. Prefer something by a famousglassmaker or porcelain manufacturer.11. Prefer something by a famousperfume house over an unknown one.12. Buy a complete presentationwhenever possible.13. Buy a perfect example wheneverpossible.14. Prefer crystal to glass.15. Prefer examples where the stopper isground to match its individual bottle overexamples with plastic stopper liners on thetongue of the stopper (post-1979).16. Buy a perfume bottle over cologneor eau de toilette.17. Buy the best quality you can afford.18. Size matters. Some commercialscents are rare in large sizes (2 ounces orlarger) but fairly common in miniatures—orvice versa.19. If you absolutely love it, buy it.20. Of course, be wary of reproductions,but some designs, especiallyCzechoslovakian and Murano bottles, havebeen in almost continuous production formany, many years, so that their recentproducts cannot be consideredreproductions.

CREDITS 53Penny Dolnick is a past president of theInternational <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Associationand a dealer in collectible perfume bottlessince 1987. She is the author of the PennyBank Commercial <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle PriceGuide, 8 th Edition, the Penny Bank Miniature<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Price Guide, 3rd Editionand the Penny Bank Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Bottle Price Guide, 4th Edition. She is willingto help you identify and date your bottles,but will not appraise them. You canemail her at alpen@gate.net.The International <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Associationis an organization of 1,500 perfumebottle collectors in several countries. It fosterseducation and comradeship for collectorsthrough its gorgeous quarterly fullcolormagazine, its regional chapters andits annual convention. For information or amembership application, go to www.perfumebottles.org.Every year, the IPBA convention playshost to the Monsen and Baer <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleAuction, featuring approximately 400perfume bottles and related items. Backissues of the full color hard-bound cataloguesare available. For more information,email Monsen and Baer at monsenbaer@errols.com.Special thanks to Frank and ElizabethCreech, Joan Walter and Madeleine Francefor bearing with me and continuing myeducation.CREDITSThanks to all my friends in the International<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Association foranswering my endless questions.Photos courtesy ofAl DolnickRandall Monsen and Rod BaerFrank and Elizabeth CreechJoan WalterMadeleine FranceShirley HanickAmelia ChathamConnie LinneBarbara MillerHelen FarnsworthShari HopperMarsha CraftsAnne ConradJoyce GeeserSabra BraeTeri WorthCathy Weiss

54PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESAncient <strong>Perfume</strong> ContainersPERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESAncient <strong>Perfume</strong> ContainersRare Early Phoenician Unguent HolderAncient Roman Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Dropper<strong>Perfume</strong> dropper, blown glass, aqua w/naturaliridescence, Rome Empire, 2nd to4th century A.D., 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)..... $400-500<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Aroundthe WorldAustriaDressing table set: cologne bottle, cov. jar& atomizer; each in black glass in ashapely tapering cylindrical shapetrimmed w/narrow gilt-trimmed panels setw/faux blue jewels, round-footed bronzebases & fittings, ca. 1920s-30s, tallest7" h., the set (ILLUS., top next page) ....... $4,500Early Roman Glass Scent HolderScent holder, blown aqua glass w/a longneck, Roman Empire, 2nd to 4th c. A.D.(ILLUS.) ............................................... $300-400Unguent holder, terra cotta, in the form of asmall amphora, 6th or 7th century B.C.,5" l. (ILLUS., top next column) ............ $650-700<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle, Jar & Comb From an Ornate Six-Piece Egyptian Revival Dressing Table SetDressing table set: perfume bottle w/stopper,cov. dresser jar, hand mirror, brush& clothing brush; each in the EgyptianRevival style, the perfume bottle in cobaltblue cut to clear domed crystal shapew/an ornate scrolled gilt-metal neck &bulbous filigree stopper set w/blue glasscabochons the matching cylindrical glassjar w/a low domed gilt-metal coverw/matching designs & blue glass cabochons,a long comb w/a narrow matchingmount, the other brushes & mirrorw/matching backs set w/blue glass cabochons,signed “Austria,” 1920s, bottle5 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS.).............. $4,500-5,500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 55Three-Piece Black Glass Austrian Dressing Table SetAustrian Cut Crystal <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleAmber Austrian <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, amber crystal inan oblong upright shape w/a low angledshoulder to the short neck fitted w/an amberfacet-cut stopper, mounted in a giltmetalbase w/a decorative plaque on theside, paper label reads “T&B Austria,” ca.1920s, 8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............... $3,000-4,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut crystalin a short cylindrical shape, panel- andlobe-cut lower bands below a widestrawberry diamond-cut upper band,panel-cut shoulder & neck, paneled silverstopper inset on the top w/an ivoryminiature portrait of a lady wearing acoronet, mid-19th c., 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.,top next column) ................................. $500-600Pale Amethyst Austrian <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

56PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale amethystcrystal, narrow long ovoid shape w/sharplytapering paneled sides w/a small neck & apointed stopper, resting on a narrow giltmetalband trimmed w/white enamel, metalstamped “Austria,” ca. 1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS.,previous page)................................ $1,500-2,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glassw/a cylindrical body & wide shoulder to theshort neck w/flared rim, crystal overlaid inred & acid-cut w/a design of vines &leaves against a frosted clear ground,clear facet-cut stopper, attributed to ValSt. Lambert, ca. 1920s-30s, 8" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................... $150Bohemia<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, a pair ofsmall upright square crystal body w/giltmetalenclosed necks & clear facet-cutstoppers, mounted in a gilt-metal frametrimmed around the base w/faux jewels &w/an arched overhead faux jewel-sethandle, signed, ca. 1920s, 3" h., the set(ILLUS.)...................................................... $350BelgiumAustrian Bottle Set in a FrameEnameled Rubina Bohemian CologneCologne bottle & stopper, bell-shaped Rubinaglass body enameled in yellow offancy scrolls & small flowers, metal collar& small crown-shape stopper, late 19thc., 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $165-225Fine Belgian Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleBohemian Amber-Flashed & Cut CologneCologne bottle & stopper, cylindrical clearglass w/a rounded shoulder & short neck,flashed in amber & ornately cut overallw/tall almond-shaped panels alternatingw/block & fan panels, amber facet-cutstopper, ca. 1860, 6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)... $400-500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 57Cologne bottle & stopper, green glass h.p.in white enamel in the Mary Gregory stylew/a chicken & foliage, late 19th c.,8 1/2" h. ..................................................... $250Cologne bottle & stopper, ruby-flashed onclear glass, tall slightly tapering cylindricalshape w/a narrow shoulder & cylindrialringed neck, the sides cut w/threebands separating faceted panels in alternatingclear & ruby engraved w/stylizedleaves, a tall paneled ruby stopperetched w/vertical squiggly bands, ca.1890-1910, 5" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $250Elaborate Harrach Enameled CologneCologne bottle & stopper, mold-blownsquare amber bottle w/optic ribbing & astepped shoulder to the short flaringneck, heavily & ornately enameled overallw/colorful flowers & leaves, one sideapplied w/a large salamander, the tallribbed & lily-form stopper w/an appliedrigaree rim band & applied lady bugs onthe sides, Harrach factory, ca. 1890,9" h. (ILLUS.) ................................... $750-1,000Rare Green Silver-Overlay CologneCologne bottle & stopper, silver-overlayglass, squatty bulbous lower body belowslender tapering cylindrical upper bodyw/a short flaring neck, bulbous pointedstopper, dark green overlaid w/ornatesterling scrolls & flowers w/lattice panelsup the neck, solid silver neck, silver overlaidstopper, Bohemia, 8" h. (ILLUS.)...... $4,320Fine Ruby-Flashed & Cut CologneCobalt Blue Squared Squatty CologneCologne bottle & stopper, squatty cobaltblue glass shape w/four projecting tieredoval panels below a curved shoulder &short flaring neck, ornately trimmed w/giltflower & leaf sprigs, large squared mushroomstopper, possibly Bohemia, ca.1900-20, 4 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ................. $150-175

58PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldRuby <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer with Portrait<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, deep rubybell-shaped body enameled w/a dottedbody band & leafy sprigs w/an oval reserveenameled in white w/the profile of ayoung woman, unusual metal pump fittings,southern Bohemia, ca. 1865-75,4" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $375-450Ornately Cut Annagrun Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, annagrun uraniumglass in a cylindrical shape deeply cutaround the sides w/diamond panels, silvercollar & fancy hinged cap w/glass innerstopper, Joseph Riedel, mid-19th c.,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $450-500Riedel Annagrun Enameled <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, annagrun uraniumbulbous ovoid bottle tapering to a shortneck w/flattened rim, enameled around theshoulder w/leafy scrolls & blossoms, bulbouspointed stopper, Joseph Riedel, ca.1850-60, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)................... $250-275Leaf & Acorn-decorated Chatelaine <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, chatelainestyle,flattened milky opal teardropshapedsmall bottle ornately enameled incolor w/clusters of oak leaves & goldacorns on slender branches, brass collarw/short chain & ring, twist-off domed cap,Moser, ca. 1880-90, 3 1/8" l. (ILLUS.)........ $300

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 59<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical cobaltblue glass bottle w/rounded shoulders& short cylindrical neck, the upperhalf of the body covered in gold formingpoints & further highlighted w/raised giltstylized florals, the lower body decoratedw/delicate gold flowers, gold-coveredknob stopper, ca, 1865, 5 1/4" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $350-450Turquoise Gold-trimmed Moser <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, chatelainestyle,turquoise blue round teardropshapedsmall bottle ornately enameled ingold w/stylized flowers & leaves & panelsdown the shoulders, brass collar w/chain& ring below the domed hinged cap,Moser, ca. 1880-90, 3 1/8" l. (ILLUS.). $300-450Elaborately Decorated Cranberry <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical cranberryglass cased in clear w/a short neckw/a flaring rim, the sides decorated w/awide center band ornately enameled incolor w/leafy scrolls & flowers, flanked bybands decorated w/gold lappets, cranberryball stopper w/gold lappet design,probably the Myers-Neffe factory, ca.1885, 6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $1,250-1,500Ornately Gilded Bohemian <strong>Perfume</strong>Fancy White to Blue Cut-Overlay Bottle

60PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical cutoverlayglass w/rounded shoulder &small cylindrical neck, blue opaline casedin while & cut w/trefoils & quatrefoilsw/the white layer ornately trimmed w/gilt,gold neck & ball stopper, ca. 1860s,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS., previous page)........ $300-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, oval milk glassbottle w/a color h.p. scene of trees & avillage, silver mounts, ca. 1800, 2 1/3" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $600Moser Gold-decorated <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, domed cylindricalcranberry glass bottle h.p.w/heavy gold shoulder panels abovelily-of-the-valley decoration, gildedknopped stopper, Moser, ca. 1900-20,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...................................... $650<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, green cut toclear crystal waisted bottle w/a tall pointedstopper, heavy gold floral enamel trim,attributed to Moser, 6" h............................. $450Extraordinary Jet & Malachite Glass Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, round graduatedring design black glass bottle w/alarge figural malachite glass stoppercarved as the head of a woman, ca.1920s-30s, 6" h. (ILLUS.).......... $10,000-15,000Early Bohemian Milk Glass BottleMoser Squatty Bulbous Bottle on Base<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousclear bottle painted overall in pale orangetrimmed w/yellow leaves & blue & whiteflowers accented w/nine small round windows,raised on a gilt-brass footed base,brass collar w/pointed knop brass stop-

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 61per, signed by Moser, ca. 1920s,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $550Scarce Red Lithyalin <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousred lithyalin glass w/tapering paneledsides & a ringed neck, paneled mushroomstopper, F. Egermann, ca. 1830-40, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .............................. $1,200Bohemian Malachite Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle &Matching Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper & perfume atomizerw/fittings, Malachite glass, eachw/a bulbous shape heavily molded w/figuresof cherubs, bottle w/large moldedflower spray stopper, atomizer w/gilt metalfittings, tube & bulb, ca. 1930s, 4 1/2" h. &6 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS.)..................... $450-550Small Moser Cranberry Scent BottleScent bottle w/original brass cap & fingerring, tusk-form, cranberry decoratedaround the top w/a wide band of goldenameled w/tiny blossoms, the sidesdecorated w/gold fern leaves, Moser,some gold wear, 3" l. (ILLUS.) ................... $546CzechoslovakiaPurple Moser Gold-Banded <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slenderfooted dark purple urn-shaped bottlew/a tall knopped neck, etched aroundthe shoulder w/a wide gold band ofwomen warriors, slender upright stopperw/matching gold band, w/dauber, unsignedMoser, 8" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $750Czech Cameo Glass Atomizer

62PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cameo glass,flaring base tapering sharply to a slendercylindrical body in black cut to red,w/flowers, original fittings & tube & bulb,unmarked, ca. 1920s, 9" h. (ILLUS., previouspage)................................................. $500<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, footed ovoidbottle w/a dark red ground & relief-moldedbright red female nudes, gilt metal fittings,no bulb, unsigned, ca. 1930s,7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $900Czech Orange & Spatter Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, footed blownglass bottle w/swirled red & white spatteraround the base & a dark orange upperbody, gilt-metal fittings w/originaltube & bulb, unsigned, ca. 1930s,7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $210Czech Molded Lapis Lazuli Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, upright rectangularlapis lazuli glass molded in highreliefw/an Art Deco nude woman, originalfittings, tube & bulb, unsigned, ca.1930s, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $750Czech Red Atomizer with NudesPink Bottle with Harem Dancer Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, a low squaredpink cut crystal bottle fitted w/a tall frostedclear figural stopper of a harem dancerw/dauber, signed, 1930s, 5 7/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $450

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 63Clear Arched Czechoslovakian Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, a Prochaskabottle by J. Viard in clear crystal w/enamel& brown patina, a long low arched containerw/molded & colored borders,squatty stopper w/a molded half-figure ofa child, ca. 1926, 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $3,000Czech Bottle with Figural Nudes<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, amber crystalmolded as a pair of seated nude youngmaidens on an oblong base & flanking agilt-metal filigree-framed oval black cameojewel w/the head of an elegant lady,mounted on a thin filigree base raised onsmall scroll feet, a flower-molded mushroom-shapedstopper, unmarked, 1920s,5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $3,200-4,000Czech Red <strong>Perfume</strong> & Clear Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, a red crystalbase w/a paneled base divided by buttressfeet below the tiered sides & shortneck, tall flat clear stopper etched w/ascene of a woman & child w/flowers,w/dauber, signed & silver original silverleaflabel, ca. 1930s, 5" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $700Peach Cut Bottle with Nude on Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, arched & facetcutpeach crystal bottle w/a large roundflat clear stopper etched w/a kneeling femalenude & large blossoms, signed, ca.1930s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $400

64PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldfanned center flanked by etched floralpanels & ending in dauber stub, stenciledoval “Made in Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,100-1,600Unusually Cut Black & Clear Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black cut crystalbottle w/an asymmetrical ziggarat-styledesign accented w/cut thistles, flattenedpointed clear stopper etched w/a standingclassical maiden, w/dauber, ca.1930s, 6 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $300Bell-shaped Black Bottle with Mount<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black glass flattenedbell-shaped body mounted w/along filigree-bordered panel enclosing afloral-carved green plaque, tall crystalnotched asymmetrical stopper w/dauber,stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia”& metal tag reading “Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................. $850-1,200Black Fanned Bottle with Green Mount<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black glassfanned shape w/blocked ends, ornategilt-metal filigree decorated w/small palegreen jewels & a flower-carved oval jewel,the tall flat crystal stopper w/a narrowBlack Bulbous <strong>Perfume</strong> with Red Mount<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black glass flattenedbulbous body mounted on thefront w/a delicate scrolling filigree enameledmetal plaque fitted w/a coral red

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 65round flower-decorated plaque, tall crystalflattened & pointed plume-style stoppercomplete w/dauber, stenciled oval“Made in Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.).......................... $1,100-1,600<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black glassw/ringed foot decorated w/gilt-metal filigreebands trimmed w/red jewels, theflaring paneled sides below the filigreetrimmedneck, tall plain crystal spearpointstopper w/dauber stub, stenciledoval “Made in Czechoslovakia," 1920s,5 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $900-1,700Black Paneled Morlee Czech <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black glasspaneled bell-form shape w/a cylindricalneck w/a flattened faceted oval stopperetched w/a scene of seated lovers completew/dauber, the neck & shouldersdecorated w/gilt-metal filigree jewelmountedbands w/a long front panel enclosinga long oval pale green flowermoldedjewel, stenciled oval “Made inCzechoslovakia” & metal tag w/“Czechoslovakia- Morlee,” 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,300-1,600Fan-shaped Bottle with Nudes on Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear crystalflattened fan-shaped body fitted w/apierced frosted clear stopper moldedw/draped nudes, unsigned, 1930s,5 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,200-2,100Black <strong>Perfume</strong> with Jeweled FiligreeLong Low Crystal Czech Filigreed Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear crystal ina long low form w/a gently curved &

66PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldribbed bottom, the wide shoulder & necktrimmed w/enameled gilt-metal filigreetrimmed w/red jewels, tall clear oblongstopper etched w/a large cockatoo on aflowering vine, ending in dauber stub,metal tag marked “Czechoslovakia,” ca.1920s, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............... $1,000-1,500Fine Flower-form Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear crystalsquatty domed shape resembling a petaleddaisy, the tall clear oblong stopperetched w/a tall nude flying female fairy,stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 8 1/2" h (ILLUS.).......................... $1,560Fine Czech Pyramidal <strong>Perfume</strong> & Blue Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glasspyramidal bottle w/a small neck, fittedw/a tall flat rectangular stopper w/an intagliodesign of a troubador, ca. 1920-30s,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $240-275Czech Cut Glass Cornucopia <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glasslay-down type, in the shape of a cornucopiaw/a facet-cut stopper, ca. 1910,4 1/4" l. (ILLUS.)......................................... $200Clear Czech Bottle with Fililgree & Rose

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 67<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear facetedcrystal w/a flattened & sharply taperingform & wide shoulders, mounted w/giltmetalenameled filigree trimmed w/redjewels & centered by a carved white rose,the tall flat spade-shaped crystal stopperetched w/branches of roses & ending in adauber stub, metal tag marked “Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS., previouspage) ......................................... $950-1,400Clear Bottle with Dancing Nudes Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear uprightcut fan-shaped bottle w/a very tall flatoblong stopper etched w/two dancing femalenudes, signed, ca. 1930s, 7 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $1,000Clear & Black Scroll-decorated Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear flattened& arched crystal bottle w/an etched scrolldesign, tall flat arched black glass stopperetched w/a large gilt-trimmed scroll,signed, ca. 1930s, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ............... $135Czech Scimitar-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear glass bottlein a scimitar shape w/overall cut-styledecoration, large flat fanned stopperw/dauber, original paper label, ca.1920s-30s, 6 3/4" l. (ILLUS.)............... $200-300Clear <strong>Perfume</strong> with Bird of Paradise Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, crystal flat-sidedoblong ribbed shape on short feet,overlaid w/ornate gilt-metal enameled filigreebands set w/blue jewels, tall flat cryalshaped oblong stopper etched w/a fly-

68PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worlding bird-of-paradise & ending in a dauberstub, stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia”& metal tag w/“Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............... $1,600-2,100Clear Squatty <strong>Perfume</strong> & Cupid Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, crystal footedsquatty tapering form w/fluting down thesides, decorated w/fancy gilt-metalenameled & jeweled filigree leafy scrollmounts, tall flat crystal oblong stopperetched w/a scene of cupid, a bird & flowersending in dauber stub, stenciled inoval “Made in Czechoslovakia” & w/metaltag reading “Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $750-1,100Pyramidal <strong>Perfume</strong> with Figural Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, dark blue facetedpyramidal shape raised on a filigreetrimmedmetal base w/ball feet & wrappedaround the neck & shoulders w/enameled& jeweled leaf & blossom mounts, tallcrystal stopper molded in the shape of astylized lady wearing a pleated gown &holding a bouquet of flowers, completew/dauber, stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.).............. $3,900Long Low Cut Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, crystal, long lowbottle of cut yellow crystal on a fitted filigreemetal base trimmed w/a large porcelainplaque, clear glass arched & fannedopenwork flat stopper w/a figural design &dauber, stenciled “Made in Czechoslovkia,”1920s, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)... $1,300-1900Bulbous Blue Filigree-mounted <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, dark blue flattenedbulbous bottle flaring at the base,wrapped w/a filigree metal base band &a fancy enameled & jeweled filigree sidepanel, tall flattened & pointed blue openworkstopper etched w/large stylized

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 69flowers, w/dauber stub, metal tag reading“Czechoslovakia,” 1920s, 8 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) ........................................ $1,900-2,400w/enameled gilt-metal mounts & opaquegreen jewels, the tall clear spearpoint stopperw/flared, pointed lower wings & etchedw/cascading roses, ends in a dauber stub,stenciled “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 8 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $1,700-2,500Pink Pyramidal Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, dark pink facetedpyramidal shape raised on a filigreetrimmedmetal base w/square feet &mounted on one side w/an enameled &jeweled filigree scroll mount centered w/along jewel framed w/seed pearls, tall rectangularpink stopper etched w/the figureof a tall lady in a garden, completew/dauber, stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,900-2,500Black & Crystal Starburst-cut <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened blackcrystal bottle cut in a starbrust design, atall clear flattened diamond-shaped starburst-cutstopper w/dauber, signed,5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $350-400Tall Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> with Filigree Trim<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, domed & flattenedclear crystal fluted form mountedBlack Tapering Paneled Czech <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed blackglass form w/flattened paneled & flaringsides tapering to a short neck, ornate filigreemetal neck band & enameled & jeweledside panels centering a rectangularfloral-carved plaque, tall arched crystalstopper etched w/a stylized rose & w/daub-

70PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worlder stub, metal tag marked “Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $420Oblong Blue Diamond-cut Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed low oblongpale blue bottle cut w/an overall designof diamond points, clear diamondshapedstarburst-cut stopperw/dauber, ca. 1930s, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $175Unmarked Green Metal-trimmed Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, green crystalw/flattened sides & angled shoulders,jeweled metal band on neck, high archedflattened stopper complete w/dauber,mounted w/a filigree metal triangular sidepanel w/enamel & a rectangular greencenter jewel, unmarked, 1920s, 5 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,100-1,800Footed Clear Bottle & Floral Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed squaredclear tier-cut bottle w/a very tall flat rectangularstopper etched along one sidew/an arching stem of flowers, signed, ca.1920s-30s, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $150Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Ingrid<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, lapis blue crystal,flattened rounded upright shapew/molded blossom-form sides, largearched blossom-form stopper, marked“Ingrid,” shallow edge chips on end ofstopper, ca. 1930, 5" h. .............................. $900

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 71Fine Czech Lapis Lazuli Glass<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, lapis lazuliglass bulbous bottle molded in high-reliefw/stylized bluebells, the tall stopperw/matching bluebells, signed, ca. 1930s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,100Fine Long Czech Bottle with Fancy Filigree<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, long low clearcrystal shape w/flattened sides & angledshoulders, decorated around the lowerhalf w/ornate gilt-metal triple-arched filigreetrimmed w/green jewels, the roundedclear faceted stopper etched w/a scene ofseated lovers & ending in a dauber, unmarked,1920s, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............ $2,160Light Blue Crystal Czech <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, light blue crystalw/flattened line-incised sides & a highplain fanned stopper w/dauber, fittedw/filigree metal neck, side & foot bandsaccented w/enamel & jewels, stenciled“Made in Czechoslovkia,” 1920s,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $750-1,000Black & Crystal Glass Irice Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, low arched &faceted black glass body mounted w/a filigreeneck band joined to a filigree metalpanel centered by a long oval pink jewel,the tall openwork frosted clear stoppermolded w/flowers & complete w/dauber,stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia”& an “Irice” label, 1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.) .. $1,800

72PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldBlack Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> in Ornate Stand<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, low flattenedblack glass bottle w/an arched & beveledtop, fitted into an ornate gilt-metal scrollpiercedstand set w/opal-like cabochons& small pearls, on four leafy-scroll feet, amatching pierced neck band & a flaringmetal filigree stopper set w/a domed &faceted opal-like stone, ca. 1920s-30s,3 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $2,000Red Frosted & Smooth Irice <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, low flattened &flaring red crystal bottle molded w/asmooth V-form panel & frosted rose panels,arched tiara-form stopper w/matchingdecor, no dauber, Irice label &signed, ca. 1920s-30s, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .. $300Czech Crystal & Pink Cut <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, low flattenedcrystal bottle cut w/fanned ends flankinga center diamond, the small neck w/anoversized flattened pink cut crystal stopperw/a Daisy & Button-style design,signed, ca. 1920s-30s, 7" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $250Low Pink Crystal Bottle w/Tall Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, low, long &slightly arched facet- and fan-cut bottlew/a tall Gothic arch-form flat clear stopperetched w/a half-length figure of anude woman, signed, 7 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $750-900

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 73trimmed w/faux jewels, the cylindricalcap mounted w/similar filigree & jewels,signed, ca. 1930s, 2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $375Czech Miniature Clear Square Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, miniature clearupright square footed bottle w/a flatteneddark green stopper w/dauber, signed,part of a series made to resemble famouscommerical bottles, ca. 1930s, 2 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $100Fine Moser Black Crystal Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Moser blackcrystal bottle, rounded foot below the tallslender tapering bottle w/a thin pointedstopper, gilt intaglio figural bands,w/dauber, marked by Moser & w/Moserlabels, in deluxe fabric box, ca. 1920s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $3,900Black Miniature Bottle with Filigree<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, miniature, cylindricalblack glass w/the upper body in adiamond point design, the lower bodydecorated w/a gilt metal filigree bandBlue Bottle with Figural Nude Figures<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, oval upright bluecrystal bottle resting on gilt-metal feet,each side of the bottle molded w/a full-figureseated nude woman flanking a tall giltmetalmount framing a small oval whiteporcelain plaque h.p. w/a courting couple,blue molded pointed button-formstopper, ca. 1930s, 7" h. (ILLUS.) .. $1,500-1,750

74PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldCzech Malachite Glass Floral <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, ovoid malachiteglass deeply molded overall w/poppylikeblossoms & w/a blossom-form stopper,unsigned, ca. 1920s-30s, 6 7/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $525Blue Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> in Fancy Stand<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale blue crystal,oblong notched container fitted on afancy gilt-metal pierced & jeweled standw/ball feet, large flattened & notchedstopper, ca. 1920s, 5" h. (ILLUS.)........... $1,800Blue Molded Flower & Butterfly Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale blue crystalbulbous shape molded as a flowerblossom, fitted w/a figural butterfly stopperw/dauber, unsigned Irice, Czechoslovakia,1920s, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .... $2,200-3,400Czech Labeled Morlee <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale blue &crystal, the blue tapering & faceted bottlemounted w/a large floral-molded panelabove the thin metal filigree enameled &jeweled base band, jeweled & enameledneck band, tall clear rectangular flat stopperetched w/Cupid & complete w/dauber,stenciled oval “Made in Czechoslovakia”& original foil label reading “Morlee,”1920s, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $480

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 75marked “Czechoslovakia,” ca. 1920s,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,500-2,000Blue Bottle & Tall Clear Floral Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale blue footed& waisted cut crystal bottle w/a tall flatclear pointed stopper etched w/largeflowers & vines w/cut-out portions, daubermissing, marked, ca. 1920s-30s,6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $255Labeled Pale Purple Czech <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale purplearched & fanned bottle fitted w/filigreemetal decorated w/enamel & jewels, flatplain fanned stopper w/dauber, stenciled“Czechoslovakia” & w/metal tag reading“Czechoslovakia, Aristo,” 1920s,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $840Green Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> in Fancy Stand<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale green crystal,flattened rectangular form w/beveledcorners & short neck fitted w/a tall flattenedspearpoint stopper, resting on afancy jeweled openwork gilt-metal standdecorated w/dragons & classic masks,Jewel-mounted Purple <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale purplecrystal w/flattened angled sides, metalband on neck, wide flat diamond-formstopper etched w/a kneeling maiden,complete w/dauber, a large enameled &jeweled metal plaque on the side centeredby a large green jewel, stenciled“Made in Czechoslovakia” & metal tagreading “Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,3 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,100-1,800

76PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldYellow <strong>Perfume</strong> of Overlapping Discs<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale yellowcrystal molded as graduated overlappingflattened discs w/the outer two ribbed,matching stopper w/overlapping ribbeddiscs & ending in a dauber, unsigned,1930s, 6" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $1,800-2,500Pink Czech Bottle with Bird on Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pink crystal w/ashort neck wrapped in metal filigree, tallalmond-shaped stopper molded w/abird, filigree leaf sprig & blossom on theside, filigree metal base band, stenciledoval “Made in Czechoslovakia,” metaltag marked “Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,5" h. (ILLUS.)................................... $900-1,600Pink Shell-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pink crystalmolded in a shell form & mounted on theside w/filigree enameled metalwork centeredby a pink flower-molded jewel, tallflat clear spearpoint stopper etchedw/flowers & complete w/dauber, stenciledoval “Made in Czechoslovakia” &metal tag w/“Czechoslovakia,” 1920s,5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $960-1,600Czech Block-Cut Crystal <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, rectangularblock-cut clear crystal bottle w/a smallneck fitted w/a large flattened block-cutred crystal stopper, no dauber,signed, ca. 1920s-30s, 4 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) .. $285<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, square pale purplebody w/the wide shoulder centered bya small metal filigree-wrapped neck, wideplain purple chevron-shaped stopperw/dauber, resting on a square filigree metalbase & w/a large oval filigree metal sidemount centered by a flower-molded palegreen jewel, raised on four small ball feet,stenciled “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 5 1/8" h. ................................ $800-1,200

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 77Square Pink Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, square pinkbody w/the wide shoulder centered by asmall metal filigree-wrapped neck, wideplain pink chevron-shaped stopperw/dauber, resting on a square filigreemetal base & w/a large oval filigree metalside mount centered by a flower-moldedpink jewel, raised on four small ball feet,stenciled “Made in Czechoslovakia,”1920s, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $900Czech Malachite <strong>Perfume</strong> with Nude<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright flattenedtapering malachite glass bottlemolded w/a seated nude female holdinga garland of flowers, the tall flattened almond-shapedstopper molded w/a bird &flowers, signed, ca. 1930s, 6" h. (ILLUS.) .. $750Czech Malachite <strong>Perfume</strong> with Nudes<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tapering cylindricalmalachite bottle molded w/drapednude ladies, the arched tiara-style stopperfurther molded w/nudes, unsigned, ca.1930s, 7 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)................ $1,400-1,600Black Glass & Filigree Czech Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, wide low pyramidalblack glass bottle w/block-molded panelsdecorated w/gilt metal filigree bandstrimmed w/a large green triangular stone &faux pearls w/small jewel-set bands aroundthe base & neck, tall flat clear rectangularstopper w/beveled corners etched w/ascene of Leda & the swan, signed, ca.1930s, 6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $800-900

78PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, bright orangebulbous Tango-style Art Deco bottlesw/black glass button stoppers, signed“Czechoslovkia,” ca. 1920s-30s, 3" h.,pr. ........................................................ $150-200Denmark“Formule Legrain - Made in Egypt,”1950s, 5" h. (ILLUS.)............................... $2,040<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pink porcelainin a footed, flattened & squared shapemolded w/a kneeling nude woman, tinycylindrical neck w/ball stopper, RoyalCopenhagen paper label, early 20th c.,4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $150-200EgyptDanish Royal Copenhagen BottleEgyptian “Lotus Flower” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Lotus Flower”by Ahmed Soliman, cylindrical crystalCzechoslovakian bottle w/dauber in a fittedIvorine case w/label, in original velvet-linebox, 1920s, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $2,200-2,700“L’Armes de Nuit” by Kesma Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Armes deNuit” by Kesma, clear tapering doubleruffleskirt-shaped bottle w/tall frostedstepped stopper, labeled, in a black cylindricalsatin-lined box, bottom label readsRare Egyptian-theme Soliman Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers set, AhmedSoliman set w/three very long, slendersquared bottles each enameled in colorw/an ancient Egyptian goddess, jeweledmetal screw caps, in original greenleather box, ca. 1920s, 7 1/2" l., the set(ILLUS.) .................................................. $2,160

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 79Soliman “Sandalwood” & “Attar of Roses”Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers set, “Sandalwood”& “Attar of Roses” by Ahmed Soliman,three long slender squared clearbottles w/jeweled screw caps, two enameledin color w/ancient Egyptian figures,the third w/a gilded figure, in original redleather box, labeled, 1920s, 7 1/2" l.,theset (ILLUS.) ................................... $2,200-3,000EnglandFine Royal Worcester <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, asymmetricalscroll-molded porcelain bottle incream h.p. w/delicate flowering leafystems issuing from a blue scroll, heavygold trim, répoussé sterling silver hingedcap, Royal Worcester, late 19th c., 4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $500Pretty Swirled Rainbow Ribbed Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, sphericalform w/molded ribs in swirled shades ofblue, peach & yellow cased in clear,original white metal atomizer fittingsmissing original bulb, late 19th c.,5 3/4"h. (ILLUS.)........................................ $518<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “April Violets”by Yardley, clear glass bottle w/uprightstopper & floral label, mint in box, ca.1938, 4 3/4" h...................................... $140-175Round Webb Citron Cameo Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, boule-shapedcameo glass bottle, citron cased in white& cameo-carved w/large flowers & budsw/on leafy stems, hinged sterling silvercap w/hallmarks for Birmingham, 1891-92, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................... $1,800-2,200

80PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldUnmarked English Porcelain <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, boule-shapedwhite porcelain bottle h.p. w/red & pinkblossoms on green leafy stems, sterlingsilver collar & cap hallmarked for Birmingham,1893, 3" h. (ILLUS.)................... $125English Cameo Lay-down <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glassteardrop-shaped lay-down bottle inwhite cased in pumpkin & cameocarvedw/large blossoms on leafybranches, unsigned, silver hallmarkedfor 1885 (ILLUS.) ................................... $1,500English Mother-of-Pearl Satin <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, bulbous taperingovoid pink mother-of-pearl satin glassin the Diamond Quilted patt., trimmedw/gilt flowers, sterling silver collar &hinged répoussé cap w/glass innerstopper, ca. 1880, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)... $750-850<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glasslay-down style, flattened teardrop shapein Prussian blue overlaid in white & cameo-carvedw/a leafy stemmed flowers &ferns, hallmarked sterling silver collar &rounded cap, ca. 1880, 4" l. ....................... $940Early Chelsea Pansy Bouquet <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Chelsea porcelainmolded as an upright colored bou-

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 81quet of pansies in dark blue, red & yellow,unmarked, 18th c., 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)...... $2,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, dark blue JasperWare tapering ovoid body decoratedw/white relief classical figures w/Pegasus,sterling silver collar & nickel-platedsprinkler top, Josiah Wedgwood, hallmarkedfor London, 1913, 3 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $650Chelsea Basket-form <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Chelsea porcelain,upright bulbous molded basket-formlower body w/a molded gold chainaround the middle w/a shield-shaped taginscribed “eau de senteur,” tall taperingneck h.p. w/a colorful bouquet of flowers,metal collar & stopper w/tall porcelain finialmolded as a model of a butterfly atopa blossom, ca. 1765, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $3,000Squatty Viard Bottle Made For Dubarry<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Dubarry bottleby J. Viard & made by Depinoix, clear widesquatty round shape molded overall w/arepeating wave design & multicolored patina,the upright figural frosted stopper w/akneeling nude, flea bites to stopperplug, ca. 1920s, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).. $3,000-4,500Wedgwood Jasper Ware <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleEnglish Porcelain Figural <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

82PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelain,modeled as a seated man in fancypatterned costume above colorful appliedflowers, domed & molded base, ca.early 19th c., bottom marked w/a gold anchor,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS., previous page)... $1,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, model of an anchor,the stem in paneled green glassforming the bottle w/the anchor base & topin stamped silver & brass mounts w/achain wrapped around the bottle, smallperiod photos of a lady & gentleman at thebottom sides, unknown manufacturer, ca.1850-60, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................ $3,000Unusual English Pitcher-form <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened rubyred pitcher-form bottle, flattened roundbottle mounted on a round sterling silverfoot & a silver collar, spouted neck, cover& S-scroll handle, London hallmarks for1872, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $400-500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Heart’s Delight”by Dubarry, a figure of a green Pierroton a matchbox holding a simpleminiature, ca. 1920, 2" h. ........................... $203English Tiger Eye <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,flattened oblong real tiger eye agatew/metal collar & hinged cap, glass innerstopper, ca. 1875, 3" l. (ILLUS.).......... $350-400Rare Early Anchor-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong>English Strawberry-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,mold-blown glass in the shape of a strawberrypainted red, cream & green, brasscollar w/chain & finger ring & hingedcap, ca. 1890-1900, 1 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)....... $375

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 83neck & red & white stopper, ca. 1860-80, 4 1/2" l. (ILLUS.) ....................... $900-1,000English Purse-sized Cut Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, purse-sized,clear cylindrical cut glass w/dentedscrew-on sterling silver cap marked forBirmingham, 1894, 2 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $45Grouping of Three Satin Glass <strong>Perfume</strong>s<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, satin glass,dusty pale blue w/a ring of bluish violet atthe base, swelled ovoid body tapering toa short gilded neck w/gilt & blue ball stopper,highlighted overall w/gold beads,late 19th c., 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS. upper rightwith two Stevens & Williams satin glassperfume bottles, listed on page 175).......... $259Fine English Cut-Overlay Small <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, purse-sized,cut-overlay, red, cut to white cut toclear, cylindrical body deeply cutw/cross designs & vesicas, paneledShort Blue Panel-Cut <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, short cylindricaldark blue panel-cut design w/fancy silver-gilthinged cap & inner glass stopper,sterling w/hallmarks for Birmingham,1916, 1 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $175

84PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldDuck Head Scent Container<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright squaredshape w/rounded shoulders, cameoglass in citron cased in white & cameocarvedw/long leafy stems of blossoms,sterling silver collar & hinged bulbouschased cap, silver w/Birmingham hallmarksfor 1896-97, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,400-1,750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, cameo glass, laydownstyle, figural engraved duck head inoverlay colors of white over yellow, originalsilver cap marked underneath,8 3/4" l. (ILLUS., top of page).................. $4,600<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, satin glass, sphericalshape in the mother-of-pearl swirledband design, shaded green to yellow,marked sterling silver collar & scroll-embossedcap, ca. 1900, 5" h. (ILLUS. rightwith Thomas Webb green cameo glassperfume, page 176).................................... $538Pungent bottle, clear blown glass, dolphinormermaid-shaped pungent-type, appliedclear rigaree, engraved “Eliz-h Richardson”on one side & a sprig on theother, American or English, early 19th c.,small rough spot on rigaree, 3" h. (ILLUS.second from left with other blown & pattern-moldedpungent bottles, bottom ofpage)............................................................ $44Upright Squared Webb Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong>Group of Four Blown & Mold-Blown Early Pungent <strong>Bottles</strong>

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 85Scent bottle & stopper, English cameoglass, spherical body in amber-yellowground overlaid in white & cameo-carvedw/a design of flowering branches aroundthe sides, marked sterling silver collar &spherical cap, missing interior stopper,late 19th c., 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)................. $1,265Scent bottle & stopper, pottery, Gardeniapatt., black curled handle, Motto Ware, “Athing of beauty is a joy Forever - GardeniaEau de Cologne - Toogoods - London- England,” pink gardenia on blue ground,brass crown-form stopper, Watcombe,Torquay Pottery, ca. 1930s, 5" h............. $30-50Scent bottle & stopper, pottery, Lavenderpatt., “Hill’s English Lavender,” marked“Genuine Devon Pottery - Made in England,”Torquay Pottery, still sealed, ca.1930s, 2 1/2" h. ....................................... $30-50Short Panel-Cut Clear Scent BottleScent bottle & stopper, clear short panelcutcylindrical shape w/hinged sterlingsilver cap & glass inner stopper, silvermarked for Birmingham, 1897, 1 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $180English Blue & White Cameo ScentScent bottle w/cap, cameo glass, cylindricalform in white cut to blue w/a flower &leaf design, silver cap & base band, England,late 19th c., 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $690Lovely Yellow English Cameo Scent BottlePretty Wedgwood Jasper Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, Jasper Ware, flattedteardrop shaped body in blue jasper centeredby a long oval olive green reserveframed by a ring of small white relief blossoms& enclosing a scene of a classicalwoman seated on a chair w/cupid in herlap, the reverse scene shows a womanwalking w/cupid leading the way, w/originalfitted case, Josiah Wedgwood, bottle3 1/4" l. (ILLUS.)...................................... $1,035Scent bottle w/cap, lay-down style, longdagger shape in dark red cut to clear,plain sterling silver cap & inner glassstopper, hallmarks for Birmingham,1890, 7 1/2" l. ............................................. $375

86PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldRuby Cut to Clear Double-ended Scentw/hallmarks for Birmingham, 1897, 8" l.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $350Cut Glass Lay-down Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, lay-down type, longtapering conical form w/overall elaboratecutting, sterling silver hinged capw/hallmarks for London, 1884, 5 1/2" l.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $150Loop-decorated Satin Glass Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, satin glass & silver,bulbous form w/long slender neck, anengraved & hallmarked silver band atbase of neck w/silver chain extendingfrom it to embossed silver floral cap,w/overall pink & cream loop decoration,6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $575Scent bottle w/caps, double-ended style,emerald green facet-cut bottle w/plain silverstopper at each end, sterling mark forLondon, 1899, 3 7/8" l. ............................... $375Scent bottle w/caps, double-ended style,long cylindrical shape in dark red cut toclear w/a star & punty design, sterlingcaps & inner stopper on the perfumeside, probably English, ca. 1870s, 4" l.(ILLUS., top of page)........................... $350-450Scent bottle w/caps, double-ended style,long cylindrical shape w/bottle encasedin spiraling sterling silver mounted w/amonogram, spring-loaded hinged cap onperfume end, screw-on silver cap onsmelling salts end, w/original case fromGass & Co., London, England, silvermarked by Samson Mordan, ca. 1882,4 1/2" l. (ILLUS., top next page).... $1,250-1,500Long Cut Vaseline to Clear Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, long slender taperingshape in vaseline shading to clear fancycut glass, sterling silver screw-on capShort Cobalt Blue Double-ended ScentScent bottle w/caps, double-ended style,short oblong facet-cut cobalt blue bottlew/gadrooned silver caps at each end, unmarked,probably English, ca. 1880s,3 1/2" l. (ILLUS.).................................. $250-300

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 87Europe - GeneralSterling Silver-Encased Double-Ended Scent BottleCoquilla Nut Carved <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleBuilding-Shaped Clear Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown clear glass,designed as a building w/a domed cupola,neck w/flared lip, pontil scar, ca. 1840-60, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $224<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,ornately carved coquilla nut, the acanthusleaf foot supporting a swelled cylindricalcontainer carved down thesides w/inverted fruit-filled cornucopiasjoined by swags, leaf-carved flared rimw/an urn-shaped neck w/loose ringhandles & a figural swan stopper, Germanyor Switzerland, ca. 1830,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS., top next column)....... $1,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, paperweighttype,clear squatty ovoid bottle w/facetcutpanels & enclosing a millefiori paperweightbase, matched domed stopper,unsigned, unknown date, 6" h. (ILLUS.,bottom next column)............................ $175-200Fine Facet-cut Paperweight <strong>Perfume</strong>

88PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldEuropean Blue & Yellow Blown ScentScent bottle, free-blown glass, flattenedteardrop form in cobalt blue w/olive yellowoverlay in a herringbone design,sheared & ground lip, polished pontil, ca.1840-60, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $134Polish Silver Scent Holder Tower BoxScent holder, Bessamin box or spice tower,silver, a tall tapering stem supporting abulbous tower-form container set w/coloredstones & w/a pierced band aroundthe middle, conical cover w/flag finial, Poland,19th c., 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)..... $1,500-2,000FranceUnusual Scent Holder Tower BoxScent holder, Bessamin box or spice tower,silver, a domed foot & slender stem supporta bulbous tower-form container setw/colored stones below the pierced neck,conical cover, middle European, 19th c.,6" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $1,200-1,500Large Mold-Blown Cathedral CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown clear glass,designed as a paneled cathedral, embossed“PD” on side at base, tall neckw/rolled lip, pontil scar, some milky interiorstain, ca. 1840-60, 10 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)... $269

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 89blue & green rhinestones, feather in turban,full & sealed w/original box, ca.1951, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $325-400Sevres-marked Porcelain <strong>Perfume</strong>sCologne bottles & stoppers, square uprightporcelain w/beveled corners, wideshoulder to short flared neck & tall buttonstopper, white ground h.p. aroundthe sides w/pink & colored blossomsbetween gold-trimmed dark bluebands, gilt trim on shoulder, neck &stopper w/lighter blue banding, Sevresmark on the bottom, late 19th c.,5 7/8" h., pr. (ILLUS.)......................... $250-450French Figural Rose & Butterfly Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a figuralFrench porcelain container in the shapeof a large red rose resting on greenleaves, fitted w/a gilt-metal figural butterflyatomizer w/original cord & bulb, in fittedbox, marked “Artyse - Made inFrance,” ca. 1925, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $2,400“Prince Douka” Bottle with CostumeFactice bottle & stopper, “Prince Douka”by Marquay, large clear glass bottle w/afrosted stopper in the shape of a man’shead wearing a turban, bottle trimmedw/a cream satin cape decorated w/red,Signed French Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cameo glass,frosted white cased in amethyst & cameo-carvedw/a design of berry clustershanging from leafy stems, the sidesigned in cameo “G. Raspiller,” late 19thearly20th c., 7" h. (ILLUS.)........................ $748

90PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worlddark blue & orange, signed “AM,” ca.1930s, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $350-450<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “A Votre Ordres”by Forvil, clear glass tiered bottle,no label, signed by Verreries Brosse, ca.1930, 4 3/4" h............................................... $75Lavender to Clear Ribbed Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, footed bulbousovoid optic-ribbed bottle shadingfrom lavender to clear & enameledaround the shoulder w/an orange scrollingband, plated fittings w/a blackbulb, ca. 1900-20, 6" h. (ILLUS.)................ $325<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, porcelainshell-shaped bottle w/a gilt-bronze mountin the shape of a baby, ca. 1880-1890,6 3/4" h.................................................... $1,000Figural “Adorée” by Eroy Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Adorée” byEroy, clear & frosted glass w/the lowround base supporting the tall frosted figureof a kneeling nude lady, w/label,sealed, w/box, 1940s, 4 3/8" h. (ILLUS.).... $900French Frosted Atomizer with Butterfly<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, slender taperingcylindrical frosted glass bottlehand-enameled w/a large butterfly inRosine “Aladin” Arched Metal Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Aladin” byRosine, arched flat-sided metal bottleembossed on each side w/mythical animals,chain handle suspended fromshoulder, domed cork stopper, moldedlabel along front bottom rim, ca. 1919,2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $400

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 91“Ambre Antique” Bottle by Arcy<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ambre Antique”by Arcy, tall slender slightly taperingsquare form w/a tall faceted goldpaintedstopper, original paper labelw/applied carved shell cameo, ca. 1920,6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,300-2,000“Ami” by Silka Black & Gold <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ami” by Silka,tall flattened rectangular black glass bottlew/a small neck & clear ball stopper,the sides decorated in gold w/very thinoverall herringbone design & a tall narrowcenter vertical band w/a rockworkdesign, gilded labels, ca. 1925, 7 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $480<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Apogée” byVeolay, squat clear glass bottle w/a metalovercap, two labels, ca. 1932, 2" h. ............. $68“Ambre de Delhi” by Babani Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ambre de Delhi”by Babani, upright flattened disc-formclear glass bottle covered in gold enamel& decorated w/black scrolls, gold facetedstopper, signed on the bottom, ca. 1920,2 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,500Rare “Bermuda Angel Fish” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bermuda AngelFish” by Peniston-Brown, figuralopalescent glass fish stopper on shortglass bottle base, base marked “A. Jollivet- Made in France,” ca. 1937,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................... $3,500

92PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldVictorian Blue Opaline <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blue opalinelow cylindrical bottle w/rounded shoulder,fitted on a gilt-brass base w/leaftipfeet, openwork metal geometric mountssuspending metal beads around theshoulder, gilt-brass collar & pointedstopper, probably French, late 19th c.,5" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $225“Carnet de Bal” Brandy Snifter Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Carnet de Bal”for Revillon, clear glass designed to resemblean inverted brandy snifter, discformthick stopper, mint in box, ca. 1935,2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................. $75-125<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Casque” byJean d’Albert, clear glass urn-form bottlew/shield-shaped label, mint in box, ca.1957, 1 3/4" h............................................... $55Sabino Leaf-molded <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, bulbous ovoidmilky opalescent glass molded overallw/stylized leaves, tapering tiered stopper,signed by Sabino, date unknown,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $150“Cassandra” by Weil Ionic Column Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cassandra” byWeil, clear glass model of an Ionic columnw/the scrolled capital forming the stopper,mint in original box, full & sealed, goldlabel, ca. 1935, 3" h. (ILLUS.) .............. $375-400

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 93<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Circé” by Moiret,domed black glass bottle molded inrelief w/a figure of the crouching sorceress,a lion & a dog, flaring buttonstopper, ca. 1930, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).......... $350“Christmas Bells” Bell-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “ChristmasBells” by Molinard, flattened black glassmodel of a bell w/gold screw-off cap,mint in fitted red box, ca. 1926, 2 3/4" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $150Figural “Chu Chin Chow” Pefume Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Chu ChinChow” by Bryenne, figural glass in theshape of a very fat seated Oriental man w/agold head & body & wearing a blue-dottedrobe, holding a blue fan w/product name ingold, atop a low square striped pillow-formbase, head & wide collar form stopperw/small chips, some gold wear, ca. 1918,2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $1,800-2,400Early French Glass & Silver <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear columnarglass bottle mounted on a flaring silverbase cast w/swags & floral designs, a silvercollar & silver stopper cast as asculpted bust of Bacchus, inner glassstopper, ca. 1840, 6" h. (ILLUS.)... $3,000-3,500“Circé” Black Glass Bottle with FiguresFrench Cut Crystal Medal-shaped Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut crystalbottle in the shape of a cross-form militarymedal, the center cut w/a fine diamondpoint design, ca. 1840-50, 2 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $450-550

94PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Coup de Chapeau”by Gilbert Orcel, a white opaquefigural glass bottle by Verrieries Brosse,in the shape of the stylized bust of awoman wearing a hat, gilt trim,empty, ca. 1954, 5" h. (ILLUS.).................. $125French Clear Craquelle Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear squattybulbous base tapering to a tall slenderneck w/flattened rim, craquelle glass w/acranberry snake applied around theneck, clear craquelle mushroomstopper, ca. 1850-70, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $275-350Bienaimé “Cuir de Russie” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cuir de Russie”by Bienaimé, clear glass oval threetierbottle w/scalloped edges, matchingstopper, original label, full & sealed,w/original drop-front box, ca. 1950,2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $110“Coup de Chapeau” Bottle by Brosse“Cuir de Russie” Onion Dome Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cuir de Russie”by L.T. Piver, bulbous tapering clearglass bottle w/pointed stopper representingan onion dome on a Russian church,in matching box, ca. 1991 (ILLUS.)............ $240

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 95French Cut-Overlay <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cut-overlayglass in clear cased in white & turquoiseblue, rounded notch-cut base tapering tosix cut oval panels each enameledw/flowers or leaves below tall cut neckpanels w/matching decoration, panel-cut& enameled acorn-shaped stopper, ca.1870-80, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $253“Debutante International” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Debutante International”by Jean Desprez, uprightflattened tapering clear glass bottle w/afrosted glass flame-shaped stopper, originallabel, in original damask-coveredbox, a limited edition for Daggett andRamsdell, ca. 1960, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)......... $65Pretty Limoges Enamel <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical Limogesenamel over copper decoratedbottle h.p. w/an elegant lady in a bluedress against a dark red ground, gilt trim,metal fittings, 19th c., 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) . $1,000Scarce Hermès “Doblis” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Doblis” byHermès, clear upright square glass bottlew/rounded edges & green glassmushroom-shaped stopper, w/originallabel, in a paper box replica of the Hermèsbuilding in Paris, ca. 1955,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................... $2,700

96PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldFigural “Ecarlate” by Suzy <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ecarlate” bySuzy, clear figural glass bottle in theshape of a stylized woman’s head, thestopper formed by a red-enameled hat,w/original box, ca. 1939, 3" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $350-800Small Purse-sized “Femme” BottleRochambeau Grape Cluster <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural clearblown glass cluster of grapes w/fabricleaves, Rochambeau, w/labels & orignialdecorative rectangular box, 1920s,4 1/2" l. (ILLUS.)......................................... $600“Escarlate de Suzy” Manikin Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Escarlate deSuzy” by Suzy, clear glass manikin headwearing a red-enameled hat & name atthe base, ca. 1940, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)........ $340<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Essence Rare”by Houbigant, glass iceberg-shaped bottle,“HP” mark of Pochet et deCourval, ca. 1929, 1 3/4" h...................... $25-30<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Femme” byRochas, small purse-sized flattened ovalwhite opaline bottle covered in blacklace, gilt-metal hinged cap, w/dauber,pouch & box, special ChristmasEdition, ca. 1944, 2 3/4" l. (ILLUS., topnext column)............................................... $475Figural Baby Enamel on Metal <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural enamelon metal, in the shape of a small baby

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 97wearing a pale yellow gown decoratedw/red roses, gilt-silver mounts at neck,head forms cap, possibly French, ca.1820-40, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ........................... $2,800Crystal <strong>Perfume</strong> with Napoleon Sulphide<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovalcrystal bottle w/notch-cut sides & enclosinga sulphide bust of Napoleon,decorative silver cap, ca. 1840-50,3 1/4" l. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $2,000Figural Windmill <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Deroc<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Gai Monmartre”by Deroc, figural red-painted glasswindmill w/a pointed metal cap & enameledwindmill blades, partial label, ca.1926, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $2,200-3,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Gardenia” byValois, clear glass bottle w/amber glassfloral stopper, w/original box, ca. 1936 ........ $54<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, gently swelledcylindrical cut crystal bottle in a honeycombdesign, a cylindrical silver basemount & collar & ornate cap, ca. 1880,4" h. .................................................... $350-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Golden Laughter”by Suzy, clear glass manikin headwearing a green-enameled hat,w/label, ca. 1941, 4 1/3" h................... $300-425Clichy Twisted Filigrana Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened violinshapedglass body in red, pink & whitetwisted filigrana decoration, cylindricalsilver cap, Clichy factory, second half19th c., 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)................ $750-1,000Poodle Sachet & <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Esmé<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Green Eyes”by Esmé, small slender cylindrical clearglass bottle w/metal hand-shaped cap,labeled, tied to a stylized white poodlecloth sachet marked “L’ami fidèle - PoodleSachet - Esmé of Paris,” ca. 1946,bottle 3 1/4" h., the set (ILLUS.).......... $650-950

98PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Hallo! Coco!”by Jovoy, designed by Brosse as a birdcageenclosing an enameled glass containerw/a figural parrot stopper, cordseal, w/original box, ca. 1924, bottle 4" h.(ILLUS., bottom of page)....................... $15,600Tall Green Opaline <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, green opalinebottle w/a footed squatty bulbous basetapering to a very tall, slender neck w/aflared rim, a gilt-trimmed band wrappedaround the lower neck, tall double-knopblown stopper, overall leaf & vine gilt decoration,France, second half 19th c.,9 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $350<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Guy Six” byJeannette Renard, curved clear glassbottle, mint in box, ca. 1930s, 1 1/2" h............................................................. $110-120Figural Early Telephone <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Hop 6010” byPascall, figural clear glass candlestickstyletelephone w/a metal head & handle,metal bicycle bell ringer, bottom molded“C.T.G.,” 1920s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...... $550-950<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “HRH” by ChevalierGarde, clear glass bottle w/a frosteddouble-eagle stopper, worn label, ca.1937, 5 3/4" h...................................... $130-205Rare “Hallo! Coco!” by Jovoy Display Bottle

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 99<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jasmin” byLander, figural frosted yellowish greenglass in the shape of a standing lady,her torso forming the stopper w/corktip, original label on the bottom, ca.1945, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $175Rare Limited Production “Isadora” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Isadora” byIsadora, factice bottle from a Pierre Dinanddesign, squatty cylindrical clearglass bottle printed in gold, a tall frostedclear figural stopper showing a seated femalenude w/her hands behind her head,extremely limited Czechoslovakianproduction, ca. 1990, 12" h. (ILLUS.)...... $3,750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jasmin” by GiraudFils, simple clear glass bottlew/flowers on stopper, labeled, originalbox, ca. 1920, 4" h. ...................................... $85“Jasmine d’Or” by La Valliere Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jasmine d’Or”by La Valliere, footed squatty diskshapedbottle in clear glass enameledaround the edge w/a band of blue leaves& white & yellow blossoms, the shoulderenameled w/a random webbing design,large flattened flower-form stopper, ca.1922, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $540<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Joy” by JeanPatou, eau de parfum in a simple clearglass flat rectangular bottle w/a gold cap& label, full, marked “BR” for VerreriesBrosse, ca. 1931, 3 1/4" h............................ $55“Jasmin” Figural Lady <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleWatch-form “L’Heure Est Venue” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Heure EstVenue” by de Marcy, a flattened roundclear glass bottle in the shape of a pocketwatch w/the paper label designed as thewatch dial, yellow ribbon around neck,small gilt metal stopper, fitted in flattenedoval red box w/satin lining, ca. 1930s,2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $150<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “La Boheme” byArly, clear glass wing-shaped bottle

100PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldw/black stopper, labeled, ca. 1915,4 1/8" h................................................ $200-245“Le Chic Chic” Bird-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Chic Chic”by Vigny, clear bulbous ovoid bodyw/gold-painted wings at the side, figuralmetal bird head cap over an inner stopper,full, ca. 1920, hairline in bottle,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $375-500“Le Golliwogg” by Vigny Figural Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Golliwogg”by Vigny, bulbous frosted glass bottlew/a white disk-form collar, the stopper inthe form of the Golliwogg head enameledin black & red & w/real seal fur hair,original foil label w/printed hands, inoriginal black box w/drop-front, basedon English character, ca. 1919, 5 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $480-675“Le Diamant Noir” by Lydes Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le DiamantNoir” by Lydes, an A. Jollivet clear glassdisk-form bottle w/a small pointed blackglass stopper, original center label, inoriginal box w/tassel, c. 1926, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $2,800-3,500Smaller 3" “Le Golliwogg” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Golliwogg”by Vigny, bulbous frosted glass bottle w/awhite disk-form collar, the stopper in theform of the Golliwogg head enameled inblack & red & w/real seal furn hair, origi-

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 101nal foil label w/printed hands, empty, nobox, based on English character, ca.1919, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................ $110-210“Les Fleurs” by Ybry <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleBlack Glass “Le Prestige” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Prestige” byMoiret, flattened ovoid black glass bottlew/an overall fish scale design, blackbeaded ball stopper, no label, ca. 1930,4 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $30“Les Sylvies” Bottle with Dragonflies<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Les Sylvies” byViolet, Lucien Gaillard bottle in a clearflattened rectangular shape moldedw/large dragonflies decorated w/multicolorpatina, molded “LG” in circle mark onthe bottom, w/original box, 1920s,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $3,600-4,100“Le Roy Le Veult” Crown-form Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Roy LeVeult” by Marcel Buerlain, squatty clearglass figural crown bottle trimmedw/gold, figural fleur-de-lis stopper frozenin place, labeled, in original box, ca.1927, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $2,800-3,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Les Fleurs” byYbry, a clear glass bottle w/a square lowerhalf & cylindrical upper half, short neck& clear ball stopper suspending a goldsilk cord & enameled metal tag, ca. 1928,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS., top next column) ......... $1,800Early “Madelon” by Depinoix Bottle

102PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Madelon” byDepinoix, a Boissard J. Viard bottle inclear & frosted glass, footed squatty diskformbottle w/a colorful enameled patinaband around the sides, the tall figuralstopper w/further color trim, ca. 1919,4" h. (ILLUS., previous page).................. $2,400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Narcisse Bleu”by Mury, upright flattened clear glass octagonalbottle molded w/flowers, blue patina,Art Deco style label, original wornbox, ca. 1925, 3 1/2" h. ....................... $210-220<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Niki” by Niki deSt. Phalle, first edition, square blackglass bottle w/square gold cap decoratedw/the artist’s signature colorful entwinedsnakes, ca. 1980s, 3" h. ......................... $55-75“Maharadjah” by Paul Poiret Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Maharadjah”by Paul Poiret (Rosine), cylindrical clearglass bottle w/black glass mushroomstopper, on a three-legged green glassstand, w/original label, ca. 1926, 4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $4,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Maharajah” byRosine, glass bottle w/green glass stopper,mint in original box featuring prettygraphics, ca. 1922, 2 3/4" h. ...................... $338Rare Boxed “Niradjah” by Marquis Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Niradjah” byMarquis, a Depinoix spherical blackglass bottle w/original round color stickerw/the name & head of an exotic lady, redcased in clear ball stopper, original presentationbox, 1920s, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) . $7,200Rare Early Glass Human Head <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, mold-blownmilk white glass in the form of a humanhead w/painted trim, attributed to BernardPerrot, ca. 1680, 2 3/4" l. (ILLUS.).. $1,200Scarce Mademoiselle Chanel “No. 1” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “No. 1” by MademoiselleChanel, clear cylindrical glassbottle w/rounded shoulder & short cylindricalneck, upright clear glass disc stopperw/red & white paper label, red & whitepaper label wrapped around bottle, moldedmark on the bottom, w/scarce originalbox, ca. 1940, 4 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)... $2,500-3,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 103to reach a small molded fly on the pointedstopper, ca. 1912, 9" h. (ILLUS.)... $1,100-1,300Rare Inlaid Tortoiseshell <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type, acarved tortoiseshell teardrop-shapedcontainer w/tiny overall inlaid gold stars &an ornate filigree collar, tall bulbous engravedcap over the interior glassbottle, ca. 1849, 4 3/4" l. (ILLUS.) ........... $2,000Contemporary French Figural <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,figural porcelain model of a man in 18thc. costume, head stopper chained tobody, marked “Hand-painted in France,”contemporary, 5 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................. $75Tall Bottle with Molded Lizard & Fly<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,“Au Soliel” for Lubin, frosted clear bottlew/a wide squatty bulbous base taperingto a very tall slender cylindrical neckmolded w/a gold lizard climbing the sidePurse-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Lubin<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,“Ouvrez-Moi” by Lubin, figural blackglass purse w/metal rim & black glassbutton stopper, original black silk cordstrap, original label on strap, ca. 1937,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,100-2,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,“Ouvrez-Moi” by Lubin, molded black

104PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldglass bottle & stopper in the shape of apurse, ca. 1936, 3" h. .......................... $600-825Novelty Liberty Bell <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,“Tabac Doux” by Parfums Edhia, cobaltblue glass bottle in the shape of the LibertyBell w/original hang tag & mint inbox, probably a tribute to the UnitedStates after the Liberation of France inWorld War II, ca. 1946, 2" h. (ILLUS.)........ $125Unusual Cut Crystal & Vermeille <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, panel-cut clearcrystal bottle on an ornate vermeille oversilver base mount & similar scrollingshoulder & neck mounts, crown-stylematching cap over inner glass stopper,19th c., 4" h. (ILLUS.).............................. $4,500“Offrande” by Cheramy <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Offrande” byCheramy, upright tall clear bottle w/blackglass stopper, labeled, in original triangulardrop-side box decorated w/a flower &spider web design, ca. 1925, 5 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................ $800-1,400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ondine” by SuzanneThierry, clear glass bottle w/pointedstopper, mint in box, ca. 1954,4 1/4" h....................................................... $131Duckling & Snail Novelty <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Parfum Narcissus”by Hetra, blown glass figural of ayellow duckling looking down at a colorfulsnail, on a clear base, w/original label,two lines in base, 1920s, 2 1/2" l.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $400-550

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 105w/rounded shoulder, upright flattened tulip-shapedstopper w/letter “R,” red waxseal tag around neck, w/original box, ca.1940s, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)......................... $40-50Lionceau “Parfum pour Blondes” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Parfum pourBlondes” by Lionceau, upright flattenedoval turquoise green opaque glassw/molded scrolls trimmed w/tan stain,small cylindrical matching stopper, smallfaded oval label, signed on thebottom, ca. 1920, 3 1/8" (ILLUS.)........ $200-225<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Parfum pourBrunes” by Lionceau, upright flattenedoval turquoise green opaque glassw/molded scrolls trimmed w/tan stain,small cylindrical matching stopper, nolabel, ca. 1920, 3 1/8" h. ..................... $375-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Platine” byDana, clear bottle w/silver off-center label& metallic flake floating in bottle, mintin box, ca. 1939, 2 1/4" h. ............................ $50“Rose d’Ispahan” Bottle by Coryse<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Rose d’Ispahan”by Coryse, clear frosted taperingovoid bottle w/molded roses tinted pinkaround the shoulder & on the button stopper,w/original label, sealed, 1920s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,202“Replique” by Raphael <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Replique” byRaphael, short square clear glass bottleFigural Salvador Dali Factice Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Salvador Dali”black (dark blue) glass factice bottle designedas a pair of full lips below a tallnose forming the stopper, based on Dali’s1981 painting “Apparition du Visagede l’Aphrodite de Cinde dans unPayage,” ca. 1983, 12 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ... $1,200

106PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldMiniature “Sculptura” by Jovan Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sculptura” byJovan, miniature square black glass pedestal-stylebottle w/a gold stylized nudefemale torso sculptural stopper, ca.1970, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $25-30Figural Glass “Suivez Moi” <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Suivez Moi” byHouse of Tre-Jur, figural frosted clearglass, the bottle in the shape of a wide layeredcrinoline dress, the tall stopper in theshape of the upper torso of a lady w/headtilted & wearing a hat, w/long dauber, ca.1925, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................... $150-200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sweet Pea” byRenaud, green opaque glass tubular bottlew/screw-off cap, gold label, in originalleatherette case, ca. 1930, 4" l..................... $85Langlois “Shari” Octagonal Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shari” by Langlois,slender upright clear glass octagonalbottle w/frosted flattened disc stopper,original label, tall silk-coveredoctagonal box decorated w/Orientalflorals, ca. 1925, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $45-55<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Side Glance”by Anjoi, clear glass diamond facetedbottle w/glass stopper, labeled, originalbox, ca. 1952, 4" h. ...................................... $50Square “Tigress” by Fabergé Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tigress” byFabergé, upright square clear glass bottlew/upright clear glass disc stopper,original pink banner label, in originalbox, ca. 1938, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.).................. $35

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 107“Triomphe” Arc de Triomphe Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Triomphe” byLeon Laraine, clear & frosted glass stylizedmodel of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris,tall flattened rectangular red glass stopperw/engraved name, unmarked Czechbottle, ca. 1940s, 6 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............ $230Square French <strong>Perfume</strong> with Swans<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright squareporcelain shape w/a figural small moldedgold swan at each bottom corner w/a goldcorner band up to a gold palmette at eachcorner each joined by a low palmette bandin gold, the side panels centered w/h.p.floral bouquets within scalloped greenbands, tapering shoulder w/further designsbelow the gold neck & large molded& gold-trimmed button stopper, unmarked,19th c., 9" h. (ILLUS.)............. $450-550<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Votre Main” byJean Desprez, Sevres porcelain figuralhand bottle w/applied flowers, originallabel, ca. 1939, 7 1/4" h. ............................ $762“Tryst” byVillon Red Skyscraper Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tryst” by Villon,figural red opaque bottle in the shapeof a skyscraper w/a black glass stopper,original paper label, bottle used for otherscents by other companies includingDuska by Langlois, ca. 1946, 2 2/3" h.(ILLUS.)................................................. $90-110Disc-form White Opaline <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, white opalinedisc-shaped bottle w/fancy gold shoulder

108PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldmounts & cap w/basse taille enameling,mid-19th c., 3" l. (ILLUS.).............. $2,000-2,500“Ze Zan” with African Princess Case<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ze Zan” by Tuvache,gilded ceramic bottle within a figuralcarved wood African princesscase, ca. 1938, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .... $900-1,400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zibeline” byWeil, clear glass upright flattened oblongbottle w/gilded sides & logo-formstopper, ca. 1927, 3 1/2" h. .......................... $75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, dime storenovelty-type, set of three bottles each inthe shape of a puppy, mint in celluloistent box, by Manon Freres, ca. 1940s,2 3/4" h., the set ...................................... $45-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Prince Douka”by Marquay, small clear bottlesw/frosted head stoppers, each wearing adifferent colored satin cape, mint in celluloisbox, ca. 1951, 3" h., the set .......... $650-700Triple Set of French Porcelain <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, three porcelainupright wedge-shaped bottles forminga cylinder, each h.p. w/pale yellow bandsw/colored florals flanking a wide whitemiddle band w/colorful floral bouquet,short cylindrical neck w/gold rim & tallpointed stopper h.p. w/red & blue stripeson a white ground, held in a slender giltmetalframe, bottoms marked “Made inFrance,” 6 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS.) ...... $300-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers set, “Cuir deRussie,” “Petite Fleur Bleue,” & “Sous-Bois” by Godet, each in an upright flattenedoval dark red glass bottle w/apointed black glass stopper, original labels,sealed, in original presentation box,1930s, 3" h., the set (ILLUS., bottom ofpage).......................................................... $720Godet Three-Bottle Gift Set & Original Box

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 109Cologne bottle & stopper, clear glassthrowaway-type, long slender square laydownstyle w/a tiny glass stoper, the bottleenameled in gold & white, late 19th c.,7 1/2" l. (ILLUS.).................................... $75-100Dressing table set: a pair of tall colognebottles & a cov. powder box; each piecein porcelain w/a dramatic angular ArtDeco style body decorated in light &dark green triangular design, figuralFlapper head stoppers, w/daubers,probably German, ca. 1930s, 6 1/4" h.,the set (ILLUS., bottom of page)............... $950Rare Early Mold-Blown French ScentScent bottle w/cap, mold-blown yellowishamber glass, flattened tapering bulbousform molded w/a heart & fleur-de-lis design,original pewter crown cap, pontilscar, ca. 1750-1800, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...... $728GermanyLong Glass Throwaway-type CologneFigural Dutch Girl Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, figural ceramicbottle in the shape of a seatedDutch girl holding a large urn w/metal fittings& mesh-covered bulb, light blueglaze, gold label on the front base “Ketma,”probably German, ca. 1900-20,3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $175Art Deco Three-Piece Dressing Table Set

110PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, figural porcelainmodel of a nude lady h.p. in pastelcolors, marked “Germany 4390,” ca.1920s-30s, 6" h. .................................. $150-200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodeled as an elegant lady wearing along blue gown trimmed w/a yellow rose,white bow at her waist, upper body formsstopper w/glass dauber, unmarked, ca.1930s, 5" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $150German World Globe <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, footed sphericalbottle decorated in color as a worldglobe w/the wording in German, gilt metalfittings w/mesh-covered bulb, ca. 1920s-30s, 6 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)................................ $350Germany Porcelain <strong>Perfume</strong> & Powder Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & powder box, porcelain,figural, designed as a lady in 18th c.dress in yellow w/green trim, her upperbody lifts off to expose the powder box,her upper body forms the perfume bottletopped by a small metal crown-formstopper, ca. 1930s, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)........ $525Figural Elegant Lady <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleNovelty Airplane <strong>Perfume</strong> from Germany<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Annette,” clearblown glass model of an early airplanew/painted tail, wings, propeller &wheels, fitted w/a small bird pilot, sealedw/cork stopper under rear of body, labeled"Made in Germany," 1920s,4 3/8" l. (ILLUS.)................................. $400-550

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 111probably German, ca. 1880-1900,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $375German Swirl-decorated Glass Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown milkglass teardrop-shaped bottle decoratedw/swirled yellow & blue bands, restingon a round foot, metal cap w/crownshapedstopper, unmarked, ca. 1930s,3" h. (ILLUS.) ........................................ $75-100Porcelain Sphinx-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelaindesigned as the Egyptian sphinx glazedin red, red-painted metal crown-shapedstopper, marked, ca. 1920s-30s,3 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $175-200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodel of a lady wearing a blue & goldcourt dress & a powdered wig, small metalcrown-shaped stopper, marked,4 3/4" h................................................ $235-275“Naughty” Figural Bisque Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural bisqueporcelain “naughty” design, modeled asa standing little boy ready tourninate, h.p. features & pale blue cap,Porcelain Art Deco Lady Pefume Bottle

112PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodel of a standing Art Deco lady wearinga full red & yellow gown & holding awhite cylinder trimmed w/zigzag lines &topped by a small metal crown-shapedstopper, unmarked, ca. 1920s-30s,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS., previous page)............... $150Porcelain Red Dog <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodel of a stylized red dog w/large eyes,metal crown-shaped stopper, marked, ca.1930s, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................. $120Figural Pierrot <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodeled as a seated figure of Pierrotwearing yellow, holding up a large whiteurn w/a molded red rose stopper,w/dauber, marked “Bavaria,” ca. 1930s,5" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $325Porcelain Oriental Lady Head Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainmodel of the head of an Oriental ladyw/tall black hair, small metal crownshapedstopper, ca. 1920s-30s, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $245German Porcelain Baby-form Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelain,modeled as a seated kewpie-likebaby w/hands behind its back, small metalcrown-shaped cap, marked, ca.1920s-30s, 3" h. (ILLUS.).................... $120-140

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 113<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainstylized head of a 1920s Flapper w/a longearring & white cap, small metal crownshapedstopper, marked, ca. 1920s-30s,2 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $165Figural Dutch Boy <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural porcelainstanding Dutch boy holding a bouquet ofpink flowers, his tall cylindrical pink hattopped by a metal crown-shaped stopper,unmarked, ca. 1920s-30s, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $150-200German Bottle with Molded Face<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovalporcelain bottle w/a yellowish iridescentground, molded w/the head of aHarelquin-like lady, ca. 1920s, 2 3/4" l.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $125German Porcelain Flapper BottleGerman Porcelain Figural Bird Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened porcelainbottle designed as a long-tailedred & yellow bird perched atop a taperingwhite column, small figural crownmetal stopper, molded mark, ca.1920s-30s, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) .................. $175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, mercury (silver)glass lay-down teardrop shape w/an orangeswirl design & ball stopper w/long

114PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worlddauber, neck marked “Germany,” ca.1920s-30s, 2 7/8" l. ...................................... $75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, mercury (silver)glass lay-down teardrop shape w/orange,yellow & green swirls design & ballstopper w/long dauber, neck marked“Germany,” ca. 1920s-30s, 2 1/2" l. ........ $60-75Silver-Mounted Dralle <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ora e Sempre”by Dralle, upright square clear bottle withina silvered metal footed frame & w/ahinged domed silvered metal cap openingto the stopper, 1920s, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $1,560Yellow Porcelain Bottle with Flowers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright squaredshape w/rounded shoulders, yellowground w/a rectangular white reserve onthe front h.p. w/roses & flowers enclosedby gilt scrolls, yellow fan-shaped stopper,w/dauber, marked “Dresden -Saxony,” ca. 1891-1921, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ..... $175HollandGooglie-eyed Figural Girl Head Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, porcelain figuralhead of a googlie-eyed girl w/short blackhair, cork stopper, unmarked, ca. 1930s,2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $90Dutch Footed Cut Crystal <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovalpanel-cut crystal footed bottle w/an ovaldiamond point cut side panel, gold hingedovercap & collar, gold inner loop w/originalcork, ca. 1794, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $500-650

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 115IrelandBrush tray & scent bottles, Irish Belleek,Thorn patt., turquoise & gilt decoration,D333-I & D335-I (ILLUS., bottom ofpage)....................................................... $2,200Early Dutch Tapering Crystal Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tapering ovoidcut crystal bottle w/a gold base mount cutw/lotus leaves, gold hinged overcap &collar, glass inner stopper, ca. 1790-1810, 4 1/4" l. (ILLUS.)........................ $650-750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, cut crystalw/a bulbous bottom & tall tapering panelcutneck w/a silver collar & crown-formstopper, two on a fluted silver foot, twow/glass inner stoppers, one hallmarkedw/a dagger, Schoonhoven, Holland, ca.1900, 4 1/8" h., each .......................... $100-125Early Cut Crystal Irish <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, small oblongcrystal deeply cut overall w/a diamonddesign, silver screw-on cap & glass innerstopper, damage to inner lip, probablyCork, ca. 1820, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $300-400Thorn Brush Tray & Scent <strong>Bottles</strong>

116PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldItalyUnusual Tall Figural Head BottleFactice or cologne bottle, “Egizia” by LaDucale, tall figural ceramic head of an Africanlady w/a tall pointed hairdo & a tallringed neck, gold trim & long brass wireearrings, marked “Canova - Canova Italy,”missing brass & cork stopper, ca.1936, 11 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........................... $600Colorful Blown Venetian <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown glass,footed upright ovoid body tapering to asmall cylindrical neck w/a flaring rimcomposed of white lattacinio & coloredtwisted bands, slender applied clearloop handles, tall flower-cluster stopperw/clear aventurine leaves, aventurinefoot, Venice, late 19th - early 20th c.,7" h. (ILLUS.)............................................. $460<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown “sommerso”style in light green glass over bluein a heavy teardrop form, paper label forSeguso, Murano, ca. 1960, 4" h.......... $175-200Small Murano Spatter Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle, blown ovoid body taperingto a small flared neck, clear glassenclosing a spatter design in red, yellow& green, Murano, late 19th c.,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $125Murano Encased-Fish <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened uprightblown glass disc shape in clear encasingan upright black fish w/white-threaded fins& tail, open mouth forms opening fitted

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 117w/a clear ball stopper, Murano, ca. 1950s,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $275-300JapanCologne bottle w/flower cluster stopper,Noritake china, Art Deco man wearingcheckered cape, lustered sides, 6 3/4" h. .. $470Fine Mold-Blown Italian <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, mold-blownglass w/a mottled red round foot & stemsupporting a tall slender optic-ribbed mottledred baluster-form body, clear stopperw/applied yellow & red blossoms w/curledgreen leaves, similar band of blossoms &leaves applied around the stem, Murano,ca, 1910-30, 9 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................... $800Nippon Porcelain Ovoid <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, bulbous ovoidporcelain bottle tapering to a short flaringneck, decorated w/gold vertical band &zigzag band around the shoulder under ablack band, gold lines on rim & ball stopper,w/a Nippon mark, pre-1921, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $275MexicoEarly Italian Carved Coral <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type, afooted ovoid natural red coral bottle w/agilt-metal collar & hinged cover set w/a coralcameo, ca. 1790, 1 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)....... $1,600Small Mexican Glass & Silver <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened rectangularclear glass container decoratedoverall w/sterling silver overlay in a de-

118PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldsign of engraved leafy vines & blossoms,cylindrical silver cap, marked“Sterling - Mexico,” ca. 1940s-60s,2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......................................... $60Small Mexican Silver-encased <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright rectangularsterling silver case w/gently angled& line-incised sides enclosing a miniatureglass bottle, marked “Sterling -Mexico,” ca. 1940s-60s, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .... $35RussiaFine Enameled Silver-Gilt Russian <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovoidfancy silver-gilt body w/a stippled backgroundhighlighted w/delicate designs inenamels colored red, blue & white,matching ball-form cap, hallmarked, ca.1880, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $1,750-2,000SpainPretty Enameled Brass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, enameledbrass, lay-down type, tapering eight-paneledbrass tube w/each panel decoratedw/inlaid colored enamel forming loops &points, glass-lined w/original glass stopperunder the brass cap, probably Russian,late 19th c., 3 1/2" l. (ILLUS.) ......... $1,438“Maderas de Oriente” by Myrurgia<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Maderas deOriente” by Myrurgia, upright slender cylindricalbody w/colored enamel label,clear disc-form stopper, w/bullet-shapedwooden box w/a large tassel, ca. 1920,4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.).................................... $25-45

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 119Sweden<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear crystalfaceted bottle & stopper, Kosta Boda,signed “V. Lindstand,” ca. 1950, 3 1/2" h. .... $65Chatelaine scent bottle & stopper, mother-of-pearlsatin glass, flattened ovoidbody shaded blue to pale blue in the DiamondQuilted patt., gilt-metal collar, fingerchain & cap, ca. 1885-95, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $4001960s Orrefors <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear crystalovoid form tapering to a tiny neck w/a tallcylindrical stopper, signed byOrrefors, ca. 1960s, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......... $65United StatesRare Amethyst Mold-Blown CologneCologne bottle, amethyst glass, mold-blownovoid body tapering to a tall neck w/flattenedrim, sixteen ribs swirled to the left, tubularpontil scar, probably Pittsburghregion, ca. 1820-60, 6" h. (ILLUS.)............ $1,904Blue Satin Glass Chatelaine BottleSandwich Blue Mold-Blown CologneCologne bottle, cobalt blue mold-blownglass, tall paneled & waisted sides w/anangled shoulder to the long paneled neckw/a flattened rim, smooth base, Boston &Sandwich Glass Co., mid-19th c., 7" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $1,456

120PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldaround neck reading “For The Toilet,” ca.1890-1910, 5 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................... $112James Garfield Bust Figural BottleCologne bottle, figural bust of JamesGarfield, clear glass, ground lip, originalwooden base w/original gold paint, 95%original label for “The GarfieldCologne,” ca. 1880-84, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .. $364Unusual Opera Glasses Figural BottleCologne bottle, figural opera binoculars,clear glass w/original metal brackets, focusingmechanism & stopper w/screwcaps, 98% original neck labels for “Bradley’sOpera Bouquet Cologne - NewYork,” ca. 1885-1910, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.).... $224Figural Chinese Man Cologne BottleCologne bottle, figural Chinese man, clearglass, tooled mouth, smooth basemarked “C.T.,” original paper labelTorso of Woman Figural BottleCologne bottle, figural torso of woman,clear glass, ground lip, smooth base,original metal screw-on cap, 85% originalfaded paper label reading “SantaClara Cologne,” ca. 1890-1910,6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......................................... $96

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 121Clear Teardrop Cologne BottleCologne bottle, free-blown teardrop form,clear glass decorated w/alternating blue,white & pink vertical stripes, tooledmouth, pontil, America, ca. 1840-70,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $147Cologne bottle, medium green mold-blownglass, rectangular w/two recessed labelpanels, sheared mouth w/applied ring,pontil scar, ca. 1840-60, 2 5/8" w., 6" h...... $616Amethyst Cologne with Original StopperCologne bottle, mold-blown amethystglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip, originaltall pointed ground stopper, smoothbase, shallow flake off side of baseedge, ca. 1850-80, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $336Amethyst Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown amethystglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 4 5/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $134Early Labeled American Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown aqua glass,spherical ribbed basket form, long neck &rolled lip, pontil scar, 100% of original paperlabel reading "Eau De Cologne -Paris," ca. 1840-60, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)......... $78

122PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldRare Early Labeled American CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown clear glass,designed as a building w/a domed cupola,molded inscription “Morris - Johnson -N-York,” neck w/flared lip, pontil scar,some faint interior stain, ca. 1840-60,6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $672Clear Cologne with Dagger & Vine DesignCologne bottle, mold-blown clear glass,upright rectangular shape w/bulbed neckw/flared lip, molded w/a dagger & scrollingvine design, pontil scar, some lightscratches on back label panel, ca. 1840-60, 8 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $157Violin-Shaped Ship Design CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown clear glass,flattened violin shape molded w/a sailingship, tooled, flared lip, pontil scar, ca.1840-60, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $134Large Cobalt Blue Paneled CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown cobalt blueglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 7 1/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $246

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 123Cobalt Blue Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown cobalt blueglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 6 1/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $258Paneled Labeled Cobalt Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown cobalt blueglass, tall 12-sided vertically ribbed form,sheared & rolled lip, smooth base, 85%original paper label reading “Eau de Colognede Paris,” ca. 1860-80, 7 5/8" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $157Labeled Cobalt Blue Paneled CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown cobalt blueglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip, pontilscar, 90% original paper label on sidereading “Eau De Cologne - Reetifiee,” ca.1860-80, 7 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ......................... $308Deep Cobalt Blue Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown dark cobaltblue glass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 4" h. (ILLUS.) .. $112

124PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldScarce Tall Ribbed Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown dark cobaltblue glass, 16 vertical ribs in the cylindricalshape tapering to a tall round neckw/a rolled lip, polished pontil, faint interiorbase haze, ca. 1850-80, 12 1/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $728Scarce Cobalt Paneled & Waisted CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown deep cobaltblue glass, eight-sided rounded deeplywaisted form w/a tall neck & tooledlip, smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 7" h.(ILLUS.) ................................................. $1,344Middle-sized Cobalt Paneled & WaistedCologneCologne bottle, mold-blown deep cobaltblue glass, eight-sided rounded deeplywaisted form w/a tall neck & rolled lip, pontilscar, ca. 1850-80, 6 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)........ $784Tall Cobalt Blue Tapering Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown deep cobaltblue glass, gently tapering cylindricalshape w/a tooled & rolled lip, pontil scarbase, ca. 1850-1880, 12" h. (ILLUS.)......... $202

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 125Scarce Purple Bead & Flute CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown deep purpleglass, tapering cylindrical form moldedw/vertical ribs & a bead & flute design,tooled mouth, smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 5 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $784Scarce Mint Green Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown fiery opalescentmint green glass, gently taperingcylindrical shape w/a rolled lip & pontilscar on base, ca. 1850-1880, 9 3/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $336Fiery Opalescent Waisted Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown fiery opalescentglass, eight-sided deeply waistedshape w/tall neck & tooled mouth, smoothbase, ca. 1850-80, 4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $560Scarce Fiery Powder Blue CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown fiery opalescentpowder blue glass, eight-sided deeplywaisted shape w/tall neck & tooledmouth, smooth base, some light insidestain, ca. 1850-80, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $616

126PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldEarly Figural Elephant Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown glass, modelof a standing elephant w/a fancy blanketon its back, tall swelled neck w/rolled lipin top center, open pontil, clear, ca. 1840-60, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $392Mandolin Player Clear CologneFigural Swan Glass Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown glass, modelof a swan w/wings up supporting a tulipformbulb w/a cylindrical neck w/flared lip,open pontil, greenish aqua, ca. 1840-60,6 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $448Paneled Grape Amethyst Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown grape amethystglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip, pontilscar, ca. 1850-80, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............ $476Basket of Fruit Clear Glass CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown glass, moldedas a tall basket of fruit, tall cylindricalneck w/tooled mouth, pontil, clear, ca.1840-60, 5 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $308Cologne bottle, mold-blown glass, moldedon one side w/a scene of a mandolinplayer seated below a tall pointed archw/a quatrefoil, rolled lip, pontil, clear, ca.1840-60, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS., top next column)........................................................... $395Light Bluish Green Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown light bluishgreen glass, 12-sided cylindrical shape

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 127tapering to a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 6" h. (ILLUS.) .. $202Rare Canary Waisted Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown light canaryyellow glass, eight-sided deeply waistedshape w/tall neck & tooled mouth, smoothbase, ca. 1850-80, 4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $3,920Rare Large Bluish Green CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown medium bluishgreen glass, 12-sided cylindrical shapetapering to a tall round neck w/a rolled lip,smooth base, crude textured glassw/very tiny seed bubbles, ca. 1850-80,9 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,120Light Blue Mold-blown Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown light opalescentblue glass, paneled cylindricalshape tapering to a long neck w/flaredrim, attributed to the New England GlassCo., ca. 1870, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $300-400Lavender Tall Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown medium lavenderglass, 12-sided cylindrical shapetapering to a tall round neck w/a rolledlip, pontil scar, ca. 1850-80, 7 1/8" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $308

128PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldPrussian Blue Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown medium Prussianblue glass, 12-sided cylindricalshape tapering to a tall round neck w/arolled lip, smooth base, ca. 1850-80,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $258Fine Deep Green Paneled CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown medium todeep emerald green glass, 12-sided cylindricalshape tapering to a tall roundneck w/a rolled lip, smooth base, ca.1850-80, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ..................... $1,008Teal Blue Paneled Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown medium tealblue glass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a rolled lip, smoothbase, ca. 1850-80, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)............. $202Paneled Sapphire Blue Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown sapphire blueglass, 12-sided cylindrical shape taperingto a tall round neck w/a tooled lip,smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 9" h. (ILLUS.) .. $308

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 129Rare Mold-blown Blue Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown sapphireblue glass, flattened corseted shapew/palmette scrolled acanthus w/crosshatching,inward rolled mouth, pontilscar, America, ca. 1840-60, 5 3/4" h.(ILLUS.).................................................. $2,128Teal Blue Paneled-Waisted CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown teal blue glass,eight-sided deeply waisted shape w/tallneck & tooled mouth, smooth base, ca.1850-80, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $308Labeled Paneled Teal Blue CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown teal blue glass,12-sided cylindrical shape tapering to atall round neck w/a rolled lip, smoothbase, 98% original paper label on sidereading “Eau De Cologne - Paris,” ca.1850-80, 6 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $280Hourglass Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown teal blue glass,eight-sided hourglass form w/long slenderneck, tooled lip, smooth base, ca.1850-80, 4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $840

130PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldTall Labeled Amber Cologne BottleCologne bottle, mold-blown tobacco amberglass, gently tapering cylindrical shapew/an applied mouth & smooth base, 85%original paper label reading “French’s BayRum Imported by Geo. C. Goodwin & Co.38 Hanover St. Boston,” ca. 1850-1880,11 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........................................ $90Scarce Libbey Amberina CologneCologne bottle & stopper, Amberina artglass, tall pedestal base & slender ovoidbody tapering to a flared & lobed rim, tallacorn-form stopper, signed byLibbey, ca. 1917, 8 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $2,500Rare Turquoise Blue Waisted CologneCologne bottle, mold-blown turquoise blueglass, 10-sided slender waisted form w/atall neck & tooled lip, smooth base, somelight interior stain, ca. 1850-80, 6 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $1,904Boldly Colored Modern Thiewes BottleCologne bottle & stopper, blown bouleshapedbottle w/a bold marbleized designin shiny red, orange, yellow, blue &matte white, signed “George J. Thiewes1983,” 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ..................... $275-300

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 131Cologne bottle & stopper, clear pressedglass, pink-stained, Banded Portlandpatt., large size........................................... $215Unusual Modern Robert Levin BottleCologne bottle & stopper, blown deep violetiridescent glass squatty bulbous bottledecorated overall w/amber patches, thecylindrical neck w/applied pointed deeppurple handles at the base below a bandof purple threading, deep purple knobstopper, signed “Robert Levin 1977,”5" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $275Pretty Engraved American CologneCologne bottle & stopper, clear sphericalbody nicely engraved w/a floral design,ball stopper, unmarked, ca. 1890 (ILLUS.)............................................................ $350-450Leaf & Flower Engraved CologneCologne bottle & stopper, clear engravedglass, bell-shaped body decoratedw/long leafy stems & engraved daisy-likeflowers, the button-form stopper cased insterling silver & topped by red guillocheenamel, ca. 1920, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)... $175-200Cologne bottle & stopper, clear pressedglass, Banded Portland patt., large size....... $85Cologne bottle & stopper, clear pressedglass, Banded Portland patt., small size ...... $55Rock Crystal-style Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, cut & engravedclear glass, squatty bulbous shape w/a tallneck & sterling silver-coated mushroomstopper, in the Rock Crystal style, signedby Hawkes, sterling by Gorham, ca. 1900(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,000-1,250

132PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldCompany, Sandwich, Massachusetts, ca.1860s, 7 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ..................... $650-750Cologne bottle & stopper, Grape & Cablepatt. Carnival glass in marigold, NorthwoodGlass Co........................................... $150Cologne bottle & stopper, Grape & Cablepatt. Carnival glass in purple, NorthwoodGlass Co. ................................................... $175Cologne bottle & stopper, Hobnail patt.(No. 118), blue opalescent glass, Duncan& Miller ................................................ $100Lovely Ruby Flashed & Cut Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, cylindrical cutglass, clear flashed in ruby & cut overallw/a Cane patt., cut ball stopper, unsignedDorflinger, ca. 1889-1900,7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................. $850-1,075Cologne bottle & stopper, cylindrical cutglass, clear flashed in ruby & cut overallw/a Cane patt., cut ball stopper, unsignedDorflinger, ca. 1889-1900, 5" h. ................. $800Pineapple-shaped Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, mold-blownmilky clambroth knobby pineappleshapedbody w/an applied green neckw/flaring ruffled rim, matching green tulip-shapedstopper, gilt trim, attributed toBoston & Sandwich Glass Co., ca. 1845-60, 7 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $750-850Cut Overlay American Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, cylindricalshape in clear cased in sapphire blue &cut in a strawberry diamond & fan design,clear facet-cut stopper, Cape Cod GlassEarly Canary Cologne with Pointed Stopper

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 133Cologne bottle & stopper, pressed canaryglass, squatty base & paneled patternedsides, fitted w/a pointed stopper, Boston& Sandwich Glass Co., ca. 1840-60,5" h. (ILLUS., previous page).............. $500-650Cologne bottle & stopper, pressed glass,Star & Punty patt., paneled sides & stopper,yellowish green, Boston & SandwichGlass Co., ca. 1860, minor flakes,6 1/8" h. (ILLUS. left with canary Star &Punty cologne, bottom this column)........... $440Cologne bottle & stopper, pressed Hobnailpatt. glass, pink opalescent, Hobnailball stopper, Duncan & Miller Glass, ca.1940s, 6" h. .................................................. $45Cologne bottle & stopper, pressed Hobnailpatt. milk glass w/cork stopper, FentonArt Glass, ca. 1930s-40s, 6 1/2" h. ... $30-40Canary Star & Punty Pattern CologneCologne bottle & stopper, pressed canaryyellow six-sided shape, Star & Puntypatt., upright matching stopper, Boston &Sandwich Glass Co., ca. 1850-70,6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $550-600Rare Ruba Rombic Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, pressed RubaRombic patt. by Consolidated Lamp &Glass Co., silvery dark brownishgrey, ca. 1928, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).. $3,500-4,500Hobnail Cologne Bottle & StopperCologne bottle & stopper, pressed glass,Hobnail patt., amber, Duncan & Miller,6 1/2" h., 8 oz. (ILLUS.)................................ $65Two Star & Punty Cologne <strong>Bottles</strong>Cologne bottle & stopper, pressed glass,Star & Punty patt., paneled sides &stopper, canary, Boston & Sandwich

134PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldGlass Co., ca. 1860, minor flakes,6 1/8" h. (ILLUS. right with yellowishgreen Star & Punty cologne) .................... $286Glass Co., ca. 1850-75, 9" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $350-500Very Rare Royal Flemish Cologne BottleCologne bottle & stopper, Royal Flemishart glass, squatty bulbous body h.p.w/flowers & butterflies, the neck & baseof stopper in dark brown trimmedw/heavy gold scrolls, Mt. WashingtonGlass Co., marked, ca. 1894, 5 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $6,500-8,000Dorflinger Bulbous Green to Clear CologneCologne bottle & stopper, squatty bulbouscut glass, clear flashed in green & cutoverall in the Marlborough patt., cut ballstopper, unsigned Dorflinger, ca. 1890-1910, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $6,500-7,500Footed Ruby Cologne with Acorn StopperCologne bottle & stopper, ruby moldblownglass, low pedestal foot & bulbousbody tapering to a tall cylindrical neckw/flattened rimm, tall acorn-form hollowstopper, attributed to the New EnglandSmith Brothers Decorated CologneCologne bottle w/cap upright melon-lobedglass in opal decorated w/dark brownshading to cream & h.p. w/white & yellowdaisies on leafy stems, decorated bySmith Brothers, silver collar & hingedcap, ca. 1875-90, 5" h. (ILLUS.).......... $750-900Cologne bottles & stoppers, mold-blowngreen rim over milk glass Emerald Crestline in the Beaded Melon shape, clearpointed ribbed stopper, clear applied ruffledneck, Fenton Art Glass, ca. 1940s,4 1/2" h., pr................................................. $150

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 135Cologne bottles & stoppers, “Northwoods”by The House of Men, figural bottlein the shape of a man’s torso wearingan evening jacket enameled in brown,ivory-colored plastic caps shaped as asquared man’s head, labeled, in box labeled“His Elite Duo,” ca. 1947, somebox scuffs, 6 1/4" h., the set (ILLUS., topof page) ............................................ $650-1,000House of Men “Northwoods” Cologne SetFine American Cut Glass ColognesPair of Elegant Ruby to Clear ColognesCologne bottles & stoppers, ruby cut toclear glass, a thick round foot & a ringedstem supporting an urn-form body w/ashoulder band, tapering panel-cut neckw/cupped & scalloped rim, tall pointed cutstoppers, foot rim & body cut overallw/punties, probably American, unknownmaker, ca. 1845-60, 7" h., pr. (ILLUS.) ...... $750Cologne bottles & stoppers, upright clearfine cut glass w/a shoulder tapering to aPyramid Atomizer & <strong>Perfume</strong> Setringed neck, bulbous stopper, ca. 1900,6" h., pr. (ILLUS., top next column)............ $125 <strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer & matching perfumebottle, each w/a round gold foot below a

136PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldtall slender swelled body in gold w/longalmond-shaped black reserves enameledw/gold & orange blossoms, gilt-metalatomizer fitting w/gold fabric tube &mesh-covered bulb, the perfume w/a flattoppedgilt stopper, marked “Pyramid,”1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS.)...................... $1,000-2000Fine Pyramid Atomizer & Fancy Box<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a gildedround foot below the tall slender & gentlyswelled black glass bottle ornately decoratedw/a gold spiraling band alternatingw/a gold & orange flowering vine design,gilt metal fitting w/gold tube &mesh-covered bulb, mount signed “Pyramid,”in original fancy tall arched displaybox w/hinged front doors, 7 3/8" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $1,100New England Peach Blow Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, New EnglandPeach Blow art glass, lobed pearshape in deep pink to light pink, originalgilt-metal fitting & pink cocheted tube &bulb covering, ca. 1886-90, 6 1/4" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $350-500Fine Crown Milano Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, Crown Milanoart glass, footed bulbous ovoidcreamy body h.p. w/stylized flowers &leaves & heavy gold trim, gilt-metal top &gold tubing & crochet-covered bulb, ca.1893, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $1,100-1,200Fine Wave Crest <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, Wave Crestglass in the Helmschmeid Swirl mold,shaded pink to white ground h.p. overallw/tiny blue blossoms on leafy stems,by C.F. Monroe Co., ca. 1898, 5 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $750-900

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 137Vantines <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle-Powder Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & face powder gift set,short cylindrical frosted glass bottlew/button stopper w/a cork tip, resting ona silk powder box trimmed in metallic fabric& a Peking glass ring & beads, w/contents,in original square box, Vantines,1920s, bottle 1 3/4" h., the set (ILLUS.atop box) .......................................... $850-1,300Clear Bottle with Ornate Brass Filigree<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, a clear glassboule-shaped bottle encased in ornatepierced flowering leafy vine brass filigree,the tall upright oval stopper w/a border ofbrass filigree enclosing a large facetedamber glass jewel, ca. 1940s-50s,5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $250“847-A” Figural Bride <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “847-A” byEisenberg, frosted clear figure of a standingwoman wearing a wedding gown &holding a bouquet, traces of brown patina,label on bottom, ca. 1938, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $245-350Scrolled Brass & Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

138PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, an uprightscrolling oval framework around largeoval beveled clear glass panels enclosinga small cylindrical bottle w/a brass filigreecovering, the tall pierced & loopedstopper centered by a large clear beveledglass panel & a long dauber,unsigned, ca. 1950s, 10 1/2" h. (ILLUS.,previous page) ............................................. $70<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ben Hur” byAndrew Jergens, rounded clear glassbottle w/a frosted stopper & blacklabel, ca. 1904, 5 1/4" h. .............................. $40Mary Sherman Figural “Can Can” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Can Can” byMary Sherman, frosted clear glass figureof a French cancan dancer, head formsstopper, ca. 1940s-50s, 8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................... $125Burmese Hand-Shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Burmese artglass, glossy finish, long slender ovoidform w/a figural hand at tip, attributed toMt. Washington Glass Co., ca. 1886-90,6 7/8" l. (ILLUS.)............................ $2,750-3,000Bottle for “Camelia Noir” by Erte<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Camelia Noir”by Erte, Inc., thin upright rectangularblack glass bottle w/small pointed stopper,paper label on side, w/original label& drawer-slide box, stain in boxinterior, ca. 1925, 3 5/8" h. (ILLUS.).... $550-800Hawkes Venetian Pattern <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear bulbouscut glass in the Venetian patt. byHawkes, set on a high scroll-decoratedsterling silver base & w/silver mounts byGorham, ca. 1885-90, 7" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,200-1,500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 139<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear glass delicatelyengraved squatty bulbous body,matching hollow knob stopper, signed byHawkes, ca. 1905, 6 3/4" h. ................ $600-750Tall Libbey Cut Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glass,pedestal base w/tall elaborately cut ovoidbody & flared neck, pointed cut stopperw/long dauber, engraved monogram onside, signed by Libbey, ca. 1900,7 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $750-850<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear elaboratelycut boule-shaped bottle w/faceted ballstopper, signed by Hawkes, ca. 1890s,5 1/2" h....................................................... $150<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear floraletchedglass, tall conical shape, sterlingsilver-cased stopper w/long dauber,signed by Hawkes, ca. 1900, 7 1/2" h........ $135Early Roller Skate Shoe <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear glassmodel of a high-topped shoe roller skate,by Solon Palmer for an unknown scent,metal crown-form stopper, ca. 1900-20,5" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $150-200Delicately Engraved Hawkes <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleClear Press-Cut American <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear glasspressed-cut design fanned bottle w/astylized blossom on each side, a verytall pointed arch & rayed stopper, proba-

140PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldbly American, ca. 1940s-50s, 6 7/8" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $55-75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Djer Kiss” byKerkoff, clear bottle w/pointed glass stopper,mint in box, ca. 1908, 4 3/4" h. ........ $32-36Clear Glass Low Bottle with Tall Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear pressedglass low round bottle w/a diamond pointdesign, the short neck supporting a verytall pierced stopper in a stylized scrollingleaves & flower design, ca. 1940s-50s,6" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $50-70Fannie London “Fan Toi” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fan Toi” byFannie J. London, hexagonal short clearbottle decorated w/silver overlay floraldesigns, short cylindrical neck w/pointeddisk stopper, ca. 1920, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .. $100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Fenton Burmeseart glass, satin finish, bulbousshaped w/a diamond optic design decoratedw/h.p. roses, signed by C.Griffith, ca. 1990s, 6" h............................... $163Clear Imperial Bottle Made for Irice<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear pressedglass w/a step-sided bottle supporting anoversized frosted clear stopper designedas a bouquet of sunflowers, glass madeby Imperial for Irice, original paperlabel, ca. 1940-60, 6" h. (ILLUS.).......... $75-125<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear squatpressed glass bottle w/a stopper designedas two birds atop a ball, ca.1950s, 6" h. .................................................. $55Figural Pocket Watch <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural pocketwatch, clear glass, tooled mouth, smoothbase, 100% of original paper labels of awatch face & “Extract Magnolia,” metalneck band & hanger, original corkw/some advertising wrapped aroundit, ca. 1890-1910, 2 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)........... $146

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 141glass in the shape of a woman dancingwearing a long wide skirt (there is a versionw/a narrower skirt also), her stylizedarms & head form the stopper, ca. 1940,6" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $150-185<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Isadora” byIsadora, low round clear glass bottlew/kneeling nude lady stopper, mint inbox, ca. 1979, 3 1/4" h. ............................. $140Fine Gold & Black DeVilbiss <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flat-bottomedsquatty base covered in gold tapering tothe slender black body trimmed w/slendergilt stripes & scrolls, gilt-metal cap fittedw/an upright flat octagonal finialw/black enameled trimmed w/blue & lavenderenameled scrolls, long slender giltmetalrods hanging from bottom sides offinial & ending in small black glass balls,w/dauber, marked “DeVilbiss,” 1920s,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $4,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed brass filigreeenclosing a clear glass bottle w/alarge upright prong-set stopper w/a largepink glass jewel, w/dauber, ca. 1930s-50s, 9 1/2" h. ................................................ $95“Jasmine of Southern France” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jasmine ofSouthern France” by United Drug, a roundsquatty three-tiered clear glass bottle w/ablack cap, fitted in a hinged steel ballholder, ca. 1940s, 1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $140<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Lov’ Me” byMelba, clear bottle w/embossed femalenude, full, frozen stopper, ca. 1913,5 1/4" h......................................................... $89“Gala Performance” by Rubenstein<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Gala Performance”by Helena Rubinstein, clearEarly “May Bloom” Bottle from Palmer<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “May Bloom”by Solon Palmer, clear cylinder bottlew/cylindrical neck fitted w/a clothwrappedball stopper, original label &box w/pretty floral graphics, tax stampfor 1899, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $235

142PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldLady Figural Bottle for “Pois de Senteur”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Pois de Senteur”by Joubert, figural clear & frostedbottle, the base in the form of a large hoopskirt, the stopper designed as the head &arms of a lady holding a fan-shaped label,cork stopper, in original colorful box, ca.1925, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........................... $3,360<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pressed vaselineglass, waisted shape w/foot & pointeddisc stopper w/broken dauber, TiffinGlass, ca. 1930s-40s, 7" h. .......................... $90New Martinsville Pink Satin <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, New Martinsvillefooted slender flaring lobed bodyw/flaring neck, pink stain w/h.p. flowers,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,“Naughty ’90s” by Milart, molded glassfemale torso w/a satin corset, w/dome,full, ca. 1940s, 5 2/3" h............................... $250Figural Bottle for “<strong>Perfume</strong> No. 7”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “<strong>Perfume</strong> No. 7”by Hattie Carnegie, wide narrow archedclear glass bottle in the form of shouldersfitted w/a frosted glass figural stylizedhead of a woman, gilt wording around thesides, labeled, in rare grass cloth box, ca.1928, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $450-900Fenton Lobed Ruby <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, ruby cased inclear mold-blown glass in diamond opticdesign, footed squatty spherical melonlobedform w/a short neck & applied clearruffled rim, clear ribbed & pointed stopper,Fenton Art Glass, ca. 1942, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $75

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 143“Shari” by Langlois Czech-made Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shari” by Langlois(United Drug), round widely flat basetapering sharply to the small neck w/fittedw/a bullet-form stopper, clear glass w/adecorative gold band around the base rim,original sticker label, sealed, base stenciled“Bottle Made in Czechoslovakia,” ca.1925, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................... $900Squatty Glass & Brass Filigree Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousclear glass bottle draped w/delicatebrass filigree flowering leafy vines, thetall pierced brass stopper w/a keyholeform decorated w/a large blossom belowa basket of flowers, long dauber, unsigned,probably American-made, ca.1950s, 5" h. (ILLUS.)........................... $100-125Nan Duskin “Soirée” Rooster Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Soirée” by NanDuskin, clear glass model of a rooster,head forms stopper, bottle made inFrance, ca. 1940s, 10" h. (ILLUS.)...... $150-170Ornate Brass Filigree <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall uprightbrass filigree design w/a wide roundscroll-cast foot supporting an upright flattenedpierced disc w/a scroll border & aring of amber cabochon stone around alarge central flower blossom w/an amberstone center, the small brass bottle at thetop supporting a tall fanned pierced stopperw/a bellflower design, ca. 1940s-50s,7" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $100

144PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright filigreebrass design w/a round pierced leaf designfoot supporting a large oval borderw/brass beading framing two beveledglass panels enclosing a small cylindricalglass container enclosed in brass filigree& supported atop a small figural head, alarge pierced & scroll-trimmed brassfleur-de-lis form stopper, ca. 1950, 9" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $200-250<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Violet Leaves”by Solon Palmer, clear cylinder bottlew/cylindrical neck fitted w/a cork stopper,good original label, ca. 1904, 3 1/4" h.......... $55Extraordinary Lalique Presentation Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Trésor de laMer” for Saks Fifth Avenue, a unique Laliqueopalescent glass container, composedof a shell-shape box w/hinged coveropening to expose the pearl-shaped bottle,complete w/original red velvet presentationbox lined in gold silk & blue velvet & cordedlabel in the form of a booklet identifying thisas No. 72 from a limited editon of 100, boxalso retains original Saks price tag affixedto the bottom indicating a price of fifty dollars,glass box retains partial label on insideof cover, box stenciled “R. Lalique -France,” bottle engraved “R. Lalique -France,” ca. 1936, box 5 x 7 1/2 x 8 1/4",glass box 5 3/4" w. (ILLUS.).................. $216,000Early “Viorenta” Boxed <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Viorenta” byVantines, upright clear square bottlew/tall cylindrical neck & button stopper,w/original color-printed paper label, inhandmade wooden box, base moldedw/the Vantines flag logo, ca. 1908,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $600-1,000Unusual Brass & Glass Tall <strong>Perfume</strong>“We Moderns” by Saks Fifth Avenue<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “We Moderns”by Saks Fifth Avenue, flattened footed

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 145clear glass bottle w/stepped shoulders &enameled detail, clear flattened fan stopper,sealed, in original silver box, ca.1928, 4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $550-950“White Rose” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Allan<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “White Rose”by Allan, upright gently swelled bodyenameled w/scattered flowers, facet-cutball stopper, w/original label & silk-linedrectangular box, early 1900s, 5 3/4" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $550-800Figural Globe Bottle with Original Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, figural globe onmetal stand, clear glass rotating globeon original stand w/original cap marked“Our Country,” small label on side reads“Pat. Applied For,” ground mouth,w/original box showing globe & labeled“The Earth - Filled with Choice <strong>Perfume</strong>- Wm. H. Brown & Co. - <strong>Perfume</strong>rs - Baltimore,MD ...U.S.A.,” ca. 1885-1910,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $258Sesquicentennial Liberty Bell Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, figural Liberty Bell,clear glass, embossed “E. Hoyt & Co. -Celebrated - <strong>Perfume</strong>rs - Estb. 1868 -Sesqui Centennial - 1776-1926,” tooledlip w/original neck foil, smooth base,2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $96Swirled Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, blue & white swirledglass, four-sided slightly waisted formw/bulging shoulder tapering to roughsheared & ground lip w/original screwonmetal cap, marbled decoration inshades of blue on white, America, ca.1860-90, two minor chips off edge of lip,possibly from time of manufacture,2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $364Mt. Washington Egg <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

146PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, Mt. Washingtonegg-shaped bottle, white opaque w/apale beige ground h.p. w/irises in amethyst& blue, 4" h. (ILLUS., previouspage) ....................................................... $1,438<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle/powder box combination,pressed pink glass, stopper w/long dauber,Fostoria Glass, 6" h. ............................... $50Clear <strong>Perfume</strong>s with Firebird Stoppers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, clear bouleshapedbody w/molded ribs alternatingw/diamond point panels, large oversizedstoppers in the form of a firebirds, unsignedAmerican, ca. 1940s, 6 1/4" h.,pr. (ILLUS.)................................................. $175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, clear paperweightglass style, cranberry-trimmedribs, stopper w/clear leaves & cranberryopen flowers, unsigned Gunderson-Pairpoint,6 1/2" h., pr....................................... $145Evyan Boxed Three-Bottle Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Great Lady,”“Most Precious,” & “White Shoulders,” byEvyan, set composed of two flattenedrectangular clear glass bottles & a smallerheart-shaped clear glass bottle, in a fittedsatin-lined box, ca. 1950s, 2 3/8"3 1/8" h., the set (ILLUS.)........................ $35-45Cornucopia-Shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, clear pressedglass, the bottle in the form of a cornucopiaon a wave base, the tall pierced stopperdesigned as tall leaves w/a five-petalblossom, American-made, ca. 1940s-50s, 8 1/4" h., pr. (ILLUS.) .................. $175-225Pair of Slender Lavender Heisey <strong>Perfume</strong>s<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, mold-blownpale iridescent lavender glass, round foot& slender stem to the tall ovoid body taperingto a flared neck, paneled buttonformstopper, marked by Heisey, ca.1930-40, 7" h., pr. (ILLUS.) ........................ $250

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 147Boxed Set of “Round The Clock” Scents in Original BoxTwo Early <strong>Bottles</strong> in Basket Case<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Pearls of Violets”& “Pearls of Lilies” by Wm. H.Brown of Baltimore, each simple flattenedclear glass bottle w/a cork stopper,original labels, w/original woven basketcase, ca. 1900, bottles 2 1/2" h., the set(ILLUS.)...................................................... $150<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, plain clearglass cylindrical blown bottle w/glassscrew-in stoppers, the “Round The Clock”set from Clock <strong>Perfume</strong>s of Chicago, heldthe scents “Morning,” “Noon,” & “Night,”w/original plastic rack & clear plastic displaybox, bottles probably made in Czechoslovakia,the set (ILLUS., top of page) ...... $120Pair of Green & White Fenton <strong>Perfume</strong>s<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, pressedgreen swirled w/white glass, footed ovoidbody tapering to a flared & scalloped rim,clear frosted ribbed & pointed stopper,satin finish, Fenton Art Glass Co., ca.1953, 5 3/4" h., pr. (ILLUS.) ....................... $225<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “WhiteRoses” gift set by Yardley & Co., a pair ofclear glass tapering squared bottlesw/button stoppers, original paper labels& yellow neck ribbons, in original unusualArt Nouveau-style serpentine rectangularbox, early 1900s, 4" h., the set (ILLUS.,top next page) ............................................ $900

148PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> flask, mold-blown translucentpale blue cobalt blue glass, lightly dimpledtapered angular body w/a slendercylindrical neck, sheared flat base, possibly9th to 11th century, some interior residue,4" h. (ILLUS. far right with three otherpungent bottles, top of next page) ........... $99“White Roses” <strong>Perfume</strong> Gift Set by Yardley & Co.Early American Sea Horse Pungent BottlePungent bottle, clear blown glass in seahorse-form w/pale blue & applied trailing,probably late 18th - early 19th c.,3" l. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $300-400Pungent bottle, clear & white stripedblown glass, dolphin- or mermaidshaped,pungent-type, scrolled shapedapplied w/cobalt blue rigaree, plain lip,possibly Boston & Sandwich Glass Co.,first half 19th c., some losses & roughnessto rigaree, 1 3/4" h. (ILLUS. far leftwith three other blown & pattern-moldedpungent bottles, page 84) ........................... $77Early Cobalt Cut Glass Pungent BottlePungent bottle, cobalt blue cut glass flattenedround form, probably Americanmade,ca. 1825-50, 2 1/4" w. (ILLUS.)....... $200Pungent bottle, pattern molded bright peacockgreen glass, flattened tapering ovoidform w/16 ribs swirled to the right, plainrim, rough pontil, probably American, firsthalf 19th c., 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS. far right withthree other blown & pattern-molded pungentbottles, page 84) ................................. $143Pungent bottle, teal blue pattern-moldedglass, flattened tapering ovoid form w/24vertical ribs, red swirl in the side, plain rim,rough pontil, American or English, first half19th c., 2 7/8" h. (ILLUS. second fromright with three other blown & patternmoldedpungent bottles, page 84)............... $176Pungent bottle, yellowish amber patternmoldedglass, flattened tapering ovoidform w/26 vertical ribs, plain rim, roughpontil, American or English, tiny flake onlip, some wear, first half 19th c., 3" h.(ILLUS. second from right with three otherblown & pattern-molded pungent bottles,top next page).................................... $165

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 149Pungent bottle w/cap, mold-blown light fieryopalescent glass, paneled coffinform, pewter cap embossed w/roses,possibly Boston & Sandwich GlassCo., ca. 1850-70, 3 3/8" h. (ILLUS. farleft with three other pungent bottles, topof page) ...................................................... $121Pungent bottle w/cap, molded-blownopaque white glass, eight concave sides,tin cap, probably Boston & SandwichGlass Co., ca. 1850-70, 2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.second from left with three other pungentbottles, top of page) ..................................... $22Group of Pungent & <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Scent bottle, cobalt blue glass, waistedform on flaring base, ringed neck w/inwardrolled lip, the body decorated w/diamonds,scrolls & fans, medium color incenter shading to light at sides, openpontil, America, ca. 1835-55, 5 5/8" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $2,128Cobalt Blue Glass Scent BottleEarly Blue Cut Glass Scent BottleScent bottle, cut cobalt blue glass, flattenedoblong form w/angled notches &panels w/almond-shaped cut waffle panels,sheared & polished lip, polishedpontil, ca. 1850-80, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)........ $112

150PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldVery Early Blown Aqua Scent BottleScent bottle, free-blown aqua glass, ovalring-form w/pinched-in center area, twobands of applied rigaree along the sides,pontil scar, sheared & tooled lip, Mid-Atlanticglasshouse, ca. 1800-30, 2 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $464Striped Sea Horse ScentDated Sea Horse Scent BottleBlown Sea Horse ScentScent bottle, free-blown glass in sea horseform, small tapering & tightly scrolledshape in medium cobalt blue w/a whiteswirled stripe & applied clear rigaree,tooled mouth, pontil scarred base, ca.1815-35, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $532Scent bottle, free-blown glass in sea horseform, small tapering & tightly scrolledshape w/red, white, blue & clear swirledstripes & applied clear rigaree, tooledmouth, pontil scarred base, ca. 1815-35,2 5/8" h. (ILLUS., top next column) ......... $1,008Scent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/a tightly curled end, flattened sidescopper-wheel engraved “T.S.N” above abird on one side & “1792” above a floweron the other side, applied clear glass rigaree,pontil scar, tooled lip, very minor chip,rare, ca. 1792, 4 1/8" h. (ILLUS., middlenext column) ............................................... $672Sea Horse ScentScent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/thin white & amethyst swirledbands ending in a tightly curled end, appliedclear glass rigaree, pontil scar,tooled lip, slight lip edge roughness in themaking, ca. 1815-35, 2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)..... $179

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 151Striped White & Cobalt Early ScentScent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/thin white bands ending in a tightlycurled end, applied cobalt blue glassrigaree, pontil scar, tooled lip, ca. 1815-35, 2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $308Clear Thinly Striped Sea Horse ScentWhite & Amethyst-striped Sea Horse ScentRare Large Early Sea Horse Scent BottleScent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/thin white bands ending in a tightlycurled end, applied clear glass rigaree,pontil scar, tooled lip, slight lip edgeroughness in the making, ca. 1815-35,rare large size, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............... $672Scent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/thin white, pink & blue bands endingin a tightly curled end, applied clearglass rigaree, pontil scar, tooled lip, ca.1815-35, 3 3/16" h. (ILLUS., top next column)........................................................... $179Scent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,clear w/wide white & amethyst bandsending in a tightly curled end, appliedclear glass rigaree, pontil scar, tooled lip,tiny chip off rigaree end, ca. 1815-35,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS., middle next column) ...... $235Cobalt Blue Blown Sea Horse Scent BottleScent bottle, free-blown sea horse-form,cobalt blue w/a tightly curled base, appliedclear glass rigaree, pontil scar,tooled lip, ca. 1815-35, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .. $224

152PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldOpalescent Milk Glass Monument Scent BottleScent bottle, milk glass, monument form onrectangular base, w/short cylindricalneck & rolled lip, in fiery opalescent color,pontil, rare, America, 1835-55, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $2,688Cobalt Blue Three-Lobed Scent BottleScent bottle, mold-blown cobalt blueglass, triple-lobed form w/sheared &tooled lip, pontil scar, possibly Boston &Sandwich Glass Co., ca. 1840-60,2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $190Vertical-ribbed Cobalt Blue Scent BottleScent bottle, mold-blown cobalt blue glass,flattened teardrop form w/26 vertical ribs,pontil scar, sheared & tooled lip, ca.1840-60, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $146Early Blue Concentric Ring Scent BottleScent bottle, mold-blown glass, cobalt bluein a flattened concentric ring designw/notched edges, tooled lip, pontil scaron base, minor wear, rare, possibly froma New England glasshouse, ca. 1830-50,2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $224

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 153Early Teal Green Sunburst Scent BottleScent bottle, mold-blown teal greenglass, flattened round shaped w/moldedsunburst design & notched edges,pontil scar, polished lip, pinhead sizeflake off side of lip, ca. 1830-50,1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................... $476Rare Early American Scent BottleScent bottle, teal green mold-blown glass,flattened ovoid shape w/a molded feathers& fern design, inward-rolled mouth,pontil scar, possibly early Pittsburgh district,1820-40, 2 3/8" l. (ILLUS.)............... $2,016Libbey-signed Alexandrite Scent BottleScent bottle & stopper, Alexandrite artglass, the wide squatty bulbous opticribbedbottle centered by a small neckw/flared rim, tall amber stopper, bottomsigned “Libbey,” early 20th c., very slightinterior staining, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............. $460Figural Lantern Scent BottleScent bottle, teal glass & metal, figural lantern,center glass globe in metal cagew/stepped base, screw top & loop handle,original label on base reading “Use Tappan’sFamous Sweet Bye & Bye <strong>Perfume</strong>,it is Fine Sold Everywhere,” America, ca.1890-1910, 3 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................... $90Flattened Round Ribbed Scent BottleScent bottle & stopper mold-blown cobaltblue glass, flattened round form w/20 ver-

154PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the Worldtical ribs swirled to the right, polishedpontil, sheared & tooled lip, originalblown flattened tam stopper, ca. 1840-70, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................. $448Scent bottle & stopper, paperweight-type,blown clear glass enclosing controlledbubbles & a paperweight base, oversizedstopper w/three tiers of leaves, Gunderson-Pairpoint,ca. 1950, small chip,6 1/2" h....................................................... $125Joe St. Clair Paperweight Scent <strong>Bottles</strong>Scent bottles & stoppers, paperweightstyle,bulbous ovoid blown clear glassbottle w/controlled bubbles & encasingblue trumpet flowers, the tall ovoid stopperencasing blue flowers on pink stems,signed by Joe St. Clair, ca. 1945-90,6 1/2" h., pr. (ILLUS.) ................................. $750Blue Mold-blown Toilet Water BottleToilet water bottle w/original blown stopper,three-blown mold light cobalt blueglass, paneled 12-sided ovoid body taperingto a ringed cylindrical neck & tamstopper, smooth base, ca. 1850-80, 6" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $308Contemporary MakersTall Canary Yellow Toilet Water BottleToilet water bottle, canary yellow glass,pattern-molded cylindrical body w/a tallslender neck w/molded mouth, eightvertical ribs swirled to the right on theneck, probably Pittsburgh district, ca.1840-70, ring-ground pontil scar,12 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)..................................... $840Modern Charles Lotton Blown Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, blown artglass tapering bulb-shaped bottlew/green pulled leaves down over the pinkground, original pink cord & bulb covering,by Charles Lotton, ca. 2000, 7" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $550

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 155Contemporary Pink Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, ovoid pinkglass bottle molded w/vertical leaves,brass fittings w/black tube & bulb w/tassel,unmarked, contemporary, 5" h. (ILLUS.)....... $10Modern Blue Iridescent Necklace-BottleContemporary Atomizer & <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, sphericalribbed clear glass bottle w/a slightly iridescentfinish, brass fittings & bulb, unmarked,contemporary, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.right with unmarked contemporary perfumebottle) ............................................... $5-10<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown blue iridescentglass teardrop form bottlew/double twist at the bottom, w/a metalcollar & stopper fitted w/a pointed purpleglass jewel, suspended on a chain to beworn as a necklace, signed “John Gilvey,”early 1990s, 3" l. (ILLUS., top nextcolumn) ...................................................... $650<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown clearglass teardrop shaped w/internal lilyblossoms in green & white, signed &numbered by Orient & Flume, ca. 1970s-80s, 6 1/2" h. .............................................. $590Modern Heart-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown flattenedheart shape in clear enclosing a design ofred heart-shaped leaves on greenswirled stems, signed “Zellique 2001,”3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $375

156PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the WorldModern Flask-form <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown glass flattenedflask shape in mottled shades ofred, blue & tan, blown glass applied taperinghorizontal stopper finial, signed“Baguere 1992,” 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ..... $175-225Lundberg Bottle with Narcissus<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown heavyclear glass encasing yellow & white narcissus& dark green leaves, clear blownovoid stopper, signed “Steven LundbergStudios 1980,” 4" h. (ILLUS.) .............. $450-550Cased Glass Floral Lundberg <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown glassovoid bottle in dark blue cased in clear &enclosing a band of stylized large white &yellow blossoms & green leaves, tallclear pointed stopper w/dauber, signed“Salazar” & “Steven Lundberg,” LundbergStudios, 1990, 7 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $165Modern Blown Black & White <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown ovoidblack glass shape w/fused white glass

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 157stylized flowers around the sides, knobstopper w/white swirls, signed “PatRobison,” ca. 1990s, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $175-225<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear blownglass upright ovoid shape encasing alarge cluster of colorful canes representingflower blossoms, by ShawnMessenger, ca. 2000, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).... $165Two Modern Eloise Cotton <strong>Perfume</strong>s<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown taperingovoid frosted clear glass bottle w/trailingstands encasing peach, frosted clearflame stopper, by Eloise Cotton, ca.2000, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS. left with matchingperfume in blue) ........................................... $78<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown taperingovoid frosted clear glass bottle w/trailingstands encasing dark blue, frosted clearflame stopper, by Eloise Cotton, ca.2000, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS. right with matchingperfume in peach) .................................. $78Steven Main Faceted Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear uprightangular glass enclosing a large bubble inpeach shaded to light blue & trimmed w/ared bug on branches, angled facetedglass stopper, by Steven Main, ca. 2000,6" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, frosted & clearbottle w/fanned ribbing at the sides centeredby a frosted stripe, frosted clearflower-molded stopper, unmarked, contemporary,5" h. (ILLUS. left with contemporaryatomizer, page 155)....................... $5-10Blown Clear <strong>Perfume</strong> with Colorful CanesContemporary Pyramidal <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, sharply taperingpyramidal body in mauve w/an iridescentfinish, inverted pyramidal tealgreen stopper, unmarked, contemporary,5" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $10

158PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, a clear glassfigural bottle representing Dwarf Dopeyfrom the Disney movie, Snow White andthe Seven Dwarfs, maker unknown,1960s, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.).............................. $20Lundberg Bottle with Fuchsias<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright ovoidblown clear glass encasing pendentdusty rose fuchsia blossoms on greenleafy stems, clear blown ovoid stopper,signed “Steven Lundberg 1987,” 5 7/8" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $300Dime Store Novelty-type,“Apple Blossom” <strong>Bottles</strong> in Orange Holder<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Apple Blossom”by Laverne of New York, set ofthree small cylindrical clear bottles fittedin a model of a large metal orange onlegs that opens in the middle, designused by other perfume makers, includingDuvinne, ca. 1940s, each bottle 1 1/4" h.,the set (ILLUS. open).............................. $25-35<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bouquet” byBenjamin Ansehl, designed as a clearplastic typewriter, ca. 1930s......................... $33<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Gala Night” byBouton, in a Bakelite ship’s wheel w/ananchor holder, ca. 1928, 1 1/2" h. ................ $75Figural Dwarf Dopey <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle“Harp d’Amour” Figural Harp Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Harp d’Amour”by Cleevelandt Corp., a slender clearglass vial w/a crown-form stopper mountedin a model of a upright floor harp, ca.1940, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................... $75

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World 159<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Heliotrope” byCalifornia <strong>Perfume</strong> Company, bottle w/anupright frosted stopper, good label, ca.1916, 4 1/3" h............................................... $55<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Imagination”by Loiret, clear glass in the shape of adressmaker’s dummy w/a pink enameledcorset, ca. 1940s, 3 1/2" h. .......................... $25<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Milady’s Strike”by Stuart Products, glass bottle in theform of a bowling pin, w/labels, ca.1940s-50s, 3" h. ........................................... $35<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “PAR-fumes” byKaroff, three small slender clear tubesw/metal caps shaped like golf clubs, fittedinto a plaid cloth golf bag, w/label, ca.1939, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $125Novelty “Old Colonial” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Old Colonial”by United Toilet Goods Co., designed asa hurricane lamp w/a wooden base &glass chimney enclosing the small bottle,good original label, ca. 1940s-60s,2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $25Novelty “Picanette” Figural Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Picanette” byKaroff, a clear glass bottle fitted w/a colorfulskirt printed w/the faces of blacks,w/a wooden head stopper painted inblack w/white & red accents, wearing awide-brimmed felt hat, ca. 1938, 4 1/8"h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $60-80<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Queenly Moments”by Duchess of Paris, clear bottlein the form of a bust of Queen Victoria, ona wooden base, ca. 1938, 3 1/2" h............... $28<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Springtime” byBouton, designed as a piano w/keyboardformed by two miniature bottles, w/aworn box, ca. 1930s, 2" h............................. $60<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sweet Pea” byLander, bottle w/a red plastic tiara-formcap, 1940s, 3 1/2" h. .................................... $20“PAR-fumes” Golf Clubs Novelty Set“The Duke” Figural <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “The Duke” byErte, clear glass in the shape of a standingman w/a mustache holding a cane &wearing a black hat stopper, trimmed inred & white enamel, under a glass domew/a label, ca. 1930s, 3 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)........ $60

160PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Around the World<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “The Winnah,” asimple clear glass bottle in a trophy holder,by Artfield Creations, ca. 1940s ......... $60-75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Yesterday” byBabs Creations, glass designed in theshape of a lady holding a cloth bouquet,under a glass dome, ca. 1939, 4 1/4" h. ...... $35“Floral Quintuplets” Novelty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Apple Blossom”& “Gardenia” by Lander, a smallovoid clear glass bottle w/an overallknobby design, each w/a molded head ofa girl w/hair forming the stopper, good labelson each, ca. 1940s, 5 1/2" h., each(ILLUS.)........................................................ $35<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Castanettes”by Karoff, a set of three smallglass bottles each wrapped in cloth & w/apainted wooden head stopper wearing asombrero, w/original box, ca. 1937, each2" h., the set (ILLUS., bottom of page)............................................................ $110-150<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Floral Quintuplets”by Karoff, a set of five small clearcylindrical bottles, each w/a paintedwooden head stopper w/a cloth ruffle collar,fitted in original box, ca. 1940s, 2" h.,the set (ILLUS., top of page)................. $80-110Novelty <strong>Bottles</strong> with Girl Head Stoppers“Castanettes” Figural Novelty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Set

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makers 161PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer MakersUnited StatesDeVilbissDressing table set: perfume bottle & stopper,atomizer, cov. powder box & tray;the perfume & atomizer w/a tall slendergilt-metal stem holding a short bulbousteal blue bottle w/gilt decoration, gilt-metalfitting or stopper, low round matchingpowder box, all on a round footed giltmetal11" d. tray, ca. 1930s, bottles6 3/4" h., the set (ILLUS., top of page).... $1,900Fine DeVilbiss Four-Piece Dressing Table Set<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer & matching perfumebottle, each w/a thin round gold foot &slender swelled tall textured gold stembelow an ovoid body in pink glass decoratedw/a gilt lattice design trimmedw/stylized black blossoms, each w/giltmetalfittings, the atomizer w/a gold fabrictube & bulb, the bottle w/a flat-toppedstopper, signed “DeVilbiss,” ca. 1926,7" h., pr. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,560Fine DeVilbiss Atomizer & <strong>Perfume</strong> SetVery Rare DeVilbiss Atomizer-Bottle Set<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer & perfume bottle set,tall slender pale green glass Imperial bot-

162PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makerstles mounted in ornate gilt-metal filigreeframes w/a round green glass foot, jeweledtrim, domed top collar, the perfumew/a tall filigree two-armed stopper suspendingfiligree drops & w/a dauber, theatomizer w/matching top mount suspendingoriginal cord & gold mesh-coveredbulb, signed, ca. 1920s, 7 7/8" h.,pr. (ILLUS.)............................................ $13,500angular metal tube suspending a teardrop-shapedfrosted bottle w/internalgreen paint, the bottom tip w/a gild meshcoveredbulb, unsigned, “DebutanteSeries,” ca. 1928, 6" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $455Fine Tall Black & Gold DeVilbiss Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, thin roundfoot below the very tall slender taperingbody w/original metal fitting w/a tallacorn-form finial, black background decoratedw/thin gold stripes & stylized blossomsw/large orange leaves, marked“DeVilbiss,” ca. 1926, 10" h. (ILLUS.) ..... $2,520Metal & Decorated Black Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a round giltmetalfoot & tall slender stem supportinga gently swelled glass bottle enameledin black on the interior & trimmed w/acoral & gold ring & scroll design on theexterior, gilt metal fitting w/original goldtube & mesh-covered bulb, signed,9 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $390DeVilbiss Angular Debutante Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a rectangularpyramidal gilt-metal foot supporting a tallDeVilbiss Debutante <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makers 163<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a roundstepped gilt-metal foot supporting a tallslender S-scroll metal stem suspending ablack glass bullet-shaped bottle & endingw/a back mesh-covered bulb, unsigned,part of “Debutante Series,” ca. 1928,6" h. (ILLUS., previous page)..................... $400<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, blown lightblue fading to yellow glass body trimmedw/an elegant jeweled DeVilbiss metalmount, glass made by Imperial, ca.1920s, 6 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)............... $1,700-2,000Gold DeVilbiss Atomizer with Label<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings a squareglass foot on the upright ovoid body coveredw/a textured gold finish, removablestopper w/original bulb, also w/a domedgilt cap, original DeVilbiss paper label,1920s, 6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $540Fine Steuben Aurene/DeVilbiss Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, blue SteubenAurene glass container w/a flaring foot taperingto a tall very slender body, gilt-metalfittings w/a black faux jewel acorn finial& gold cord & mesh-covered bulb, signed,early 20th c., 10" h. (ILLUS.)............. $900-1,100DeVilbiss Atomizer with Imperial GlassQuezal Gold Atomizer for DeVilbiss<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, deeply waistedcylindrical shape in gold iridescentQuezal glass w/blue highlights, signed byDeVilbiss, ca. 1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.)........... $650

164PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer MakersDeVilbiss Atomizer of Cambridge Glass<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, footed slendertapering ovoid body in Azurite coloredCambridge glass w/an etched urn,scroll & swag decoration, gilt-metal fittingw/acorn-shaped finial, black fabric tube &bulb w/tassel, unsigned DeVilbiss, 1922,8 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $660Lenox Penguin-form DeVilbiss Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, Lenox porcelainfigural bottle in the shape of a penguintopped w/a black felt cape concealingthe bulb, signed by DeVilbiss &Lenox, 4 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $260Steuben Gold Aurene DeVilbiss Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, goldSteuben Aurene glass container w/a flatdisk foot & a tall tapering cylindricalbody, gilt metal fittings w/black tube &mesh-covered bulb, unsigned, early20th c. 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)........................... $475<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, “Le Modern,”a short domed clear glass container restingon a rectangular gilt-metal base &w/gilt-metal cap w/large round disk supportingthe original black bulb, by DeVilbiss,w/original box, ca. 1928, 3" h.......... $1,800DeVilbiss Atomizer with Silvered Metal Fittings<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, round silveredmetal foot supporting a tall veryslender stem topped by a flared cup supportinga squatty bulbous black glasscontainer fitted w/a silvered cap & stemsuspending the black fabric band & originaloblong bulb, unsigned DeVilbiss, ca.1928, 7 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $540<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, small clearasymmetrical block-form glass bottlew/metal collar & fittings topped by agreen Bakelite button, original greenmesh-covered bulb, signed, w/originalquarter-round green leatherette case,early 20th c., 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS., nextpage).......................................................... $190<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, tall slenderblue opalescent Coin Dot glass patt.,made for DeVilbiss by Fenton ArtGlass, ca. 1930s-40s, 4" h. .......................... $65

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makers 165Fine DeVilbiss Atomizer & <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Set with Original Boxgilt-metal mounts, applied Delft blue foot& bottle stopper, probably made for DeVilbiss,8 1/4" & 8 1/2" h., pr......................... $450<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizers w/fittings & perfumebottle & stopper, tall slender gentlyswelled black glass bottle w/a gold-encrustedround foot & lower body & acidetchedgold leaves up from the base, giltmetal fittings, atomizer w/original blacktube & mesh-covered bulb, the perfumebottle w/a disc-form stopper enameled inblack on top, w/original textured gold boxw/a tassel at the end, ca. 1930s, 7 1/2" h.,pr. (ILLUS., top of page) ................ $1,500-1,750Clear Blocky Glass DeVilbiss AtomizerDeVilbiss Purple Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, tapering cylindricaldeep purple glass bottle w/metalmount fitted w/a purple jewel on top, originalmesh-covered bulb, signed, ca.1930s, 5" h. (ILLUS.).................................... $90<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings & bottle &stopper, Fry Foval glass body w/appliedSmall Green Glass DeVilbiss <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousgreen glass bottle w/a gilt metal collar &disc-form stopper enameled in green,w/dauber, ca. 1940-60, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................ $45-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright octagonalpink glass w/each panel trimmed ingold, metal collar & button stopper w/pinktop, w/dauber, unsigned, 4 1/4" (ILLUS.,next page) .................................................... $70

166PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, a clear glassround foot w/gold trim below the balusterandspiral-twist clear stem supporting theovoid bottle internally painted w/mauve &decorated on the exterior w/a black &gold geometric design, gilt metal fittingw/gold tube & mesh-covered bulb w/tassel,signed in gold, paper label on bottomreads "24 kt gold plated," 7" h. (ILLUS.) .... $520DeVilbiss Octagonal Pink <strong>Perfume</strong> BottlePowder jar, cov., swelled cylindrical jarw/low domed cover, black enameled jar& cover each heavily decorated w/goldacid-etching & enameling, signed inwhite enamel, ca. 1920s-30s, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $300VoluptéDeVilbiss Black & Gold-etched JarVolupté Skyscraper-style Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, Art Deco skyscraperdesign, a long narrow brassstepped base w/two stepped uprightssupporting a flattened, ribbed & tieredclear glass skyscraper-form bottlew/brass fitting, mesh-covered bulb suspendedin the interior, signed, ca. 1930,6" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $750-900Tall Decorative Volupté AtomizerArt Deco-decorated Volupté Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, round flat orangefoot supporting a tall very slenderbottle internally decorated in yellowishgreen & enameled on the exterior w/a detailed& colorful Jazz Age Art Deco designin red, green & black, gilt metalmount w/slender black tube & mesh-coveredbulb, unsigned, ca. 1930s, 9 1/3" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $1,250

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers 167PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle DesignersAustria - CzechoslovakiaHoffman<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black opaquecrystal, upright flattened octagonalshape centered on each side w/a roundmalachite glass disk w/a jeweled spiderdesign, matching stopper w/disks, designedby Hoffman, ca. 1920s, 7 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $4,800CzechoslovakiaAustrian Hoffman Black <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, black opaque &clear crystal, the flattened upright designw/a flat bottom & fanned octagonal sidesdecorated w/a metalwork spider & webdesign, designed by Hoffman, metalstamped “Austria,” clear tall flattened arrow-formstopper, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $4,500Rare Hoffman Bottle with Venus StopperPefume bottle & stopper, cylindrical violetbottle molded w/a continuous band ofdancing classical figures, a figural Venusde Milo stopper w/dauber, molded Hoffmanbutterfly logo & signed, ca. 1920s-30s, 7" h. (ILLUS.)................................... $3,750Fine Hoffman Black Crystal <strong>Perfume</strong>Blue Hoffman Bottle with NudesPefume bottle & stopper, dark royal blueflattened domed bottle molded w/a femalenude, the arched tiara-style stopper alsomolded w/nudes, signed by Hoffman, ca.1920s-30s, 6 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)......... $2,500-3,000

168PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle DesignersPefume bottle & stopper, footed squattybulbous bottle in light blue molded aroundthe sides w/blossoms on vines, the tallstopper molded w/two dancers, ca.1920s-30s, 6 1/8" h........................ $2,500-3,000Marked Hoffman Disc-form BottlePefume bottle & stopper, light smokey-coloredfooted upright disc-shaped bottlew/a matching flat round stopper engravedw/a scene of a lady climbing a hill,w/dauber, butterfly logo of Hoffman, ca.1930s, 6 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $950Pink Hoffman Bottle w/Figures on StopperPefume bottle & stopper, upright flattenedpink square bottle w/beveled corners, theflat octagonal stopper etched w/a sceneof a classical woman dancer w/a satyr &cupid, Hoffman butterfly logo, ca. 1930s,5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $800Rare Hoffman Bottle with Nude DauberPefume bottle & stopper, upright flattenedclear bottle w/beveled shoulders, smallcylindrical neck & pale blue molded button-formstopper w/a long frosted figuralnude dauber, Hoffman butterfly mark,6 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $4,300Extremely Rare Smoky Hoffman BottlePefume bottle & stopper, upright flattenedsmoky square bottle w/beveled cornersmounted on a base composed of turquoisepanels, a bulbous ovoid stopperalso mounted w/turquoise panels & endingin a figural nude female dauber, Hoffmanbutterfly logo, ca. 1930s, 6 3/8" h.(ILLUS.)................................................. $25,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers 169Lapis Lazuli Flower-form BottlePefume bottle & stopper, upright lapis lazulicrystal boldly molded flower-shapedbottle w/a matching flower stopper, designedby Hoffman, signed “Ingrid -Czechoslovakia,” 5 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $1,200Hoffman Bottle with Nude on Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale blue crystalw/faceted tapering sides, metalwrappedneck & tall oval stopper etchedw/a dancing nude, on a gilt-metal fourfootedjeweled & reeded base, markedin intaglio “Hoffman,” 1930s, 6 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $3,000Green Hoffman Bottle with Filigree<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, green taperingbottle w/a short neck trimmed w/metal filigree,flat octagonal stopper etched w/aCupid & Psyche scene & dauber, mountedin a high fancy metal filigree basetrimmed w/enamel & a large oval greenjewel, marked in intaglio “Hoffman,” onejewel chip, 1920s, 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,300-1,600Scrolled Pale Purple Czech Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pale purplecrystal w/a flattened, arched & scrolltrimmedbody, small neck w/gilt-metalband, tall oval flat stopper etched w/ascene of two putti complete w/dauber, fittedw/gilt-metal side panels & foot bandenameled in green & trimmed w/jewels,attributed to Hoffman, w/original metaltag reading “Czechoslovakia”, 1920s,6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,320

170PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle DesignersHoffman Pink <strong>Perfume</strong> with Pierced Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, pink crystal bottlein a long narrow shape w/angledshoulders, oval frosted pink stopper w/apierced design of draped nudes, w/dauber,mounted on a four-footed gilt-metalbase w/green enameling & a large greenjewel, marked in intaglio “Hoffman,”1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $1,600-2,000Square Pink Crystal Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squared pinkcrystal w/angled shoulder & short neckw/a flat etched stopper w/a Cupid &Psyche scene & dauber, fitted in a filligreemetal base decorated w/enameling& jewels, marked in intaglio “Hoffman,”1920s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............... $1,700-2,200Rare Shoe-Shaped Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, shoe-shapedblack glass w/“jade” knot stopper & enameled& jeweled applied metalwork, Hoffman,stenciled “Made in Czechoslovkia,” ca.1920s, 4 1/2" l. (ILLUS.)........................... $18,000Unusual Dralle “Tula” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tula” by Dralleof Germany, designed by Hoffman ofCzechoslovakia, a low clear crystal bottlew/a heavily notched rockwork-like design,fitted w/a large upright blue discstopper etched w/the figure of a kneelingnude male archer, w/paper label, ca.1930, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,440<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, clear & frostedcrystal in a Modernist design, squattybulbous oblong bottles w/short neck fittedw/tall rectangular stoppers etchedw/female figures, designed by Hoffman,marked “Czechoslovakia,” ca. 1930,7" h., pr. ........................................ $2,000-3,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers 171FranceSue et MareTwo-bottle Czech <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, green glass,two upright squared bottles w/angledshoulders w/gilt-metal neck band & flattenedstoppers etched w/a Cupid &Psyche scene, in a fitted filigree gilt-metalstand, one w/dauber, marked in intaglio“Hoffman,” 1920s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,500-3,000“Amour Amour” by Patou <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Amour Amour”by Jean Patou, clear glass domed glassbottle w/two labels, gold base & goldraspberry stopper, mint in box, ca. 1925,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $350<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Colony” byJean Patou, clear glass bottle w/floriformstopper, ca. 1927, 5" h. ....................... $390-425<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Dandy” byD’Orsay, miniature upright flattened octagonalclear glass bottle w/square goldlabel, gold ball cap, ca. 1926, 1 2/3" h. ........ $25<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Dandy” byD’Orsay, upright flattened octagonalblack glass bottle w/square goldlabel, ca. 1926, 3" h. .................................... $55<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Dandy” byD’Orsay, upright flattened octagonalblack glass bottle w/square goldlabel, ca. 1926, 3 1/2" h. ............................ $375Green Glass Powder Jar on BasePowder jar, cov., a cylindrical optic ribbedgreen glass box w/a flat cover etched inintaglio w/a scene of a dancing classicalmaiden & two cupids, gilt-metal filigreefooted base set w/faux jewels, signedw/Hoffman butterfly logo, ca. 1930s, 12/3" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $700Patou “Normandie” Reissue Bottle

172PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Normandie” byJean Patou, reissue of original Louis Suedesigned bottle, mint in box, ca. 1980s,3" h. (ILLUS., previous page).............. $635-900on the stopper & down the shoulders, designedby Julien Viard & signed “J Viard,”no label, ca. 1926, 2 1/3" h. ................ $650-700<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ambre deCarthage” by Isabey, clear & frostedglass bottle w/molded leaves w/greystain, designed by Julien Viard & signed“JV,” no label, ca. 1926, 3" h...................... $355<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bleu de Chine”by Isabey, upright cylindrical body w/greystained panels trimmed w/enameled flowers,designed by Julien Viard & signed“JV,” no label, ca. 1926, 5 3/4" h. ............. $1,500“Toujours Fidele” Octagonal Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Toujours Fidele”by D’Orsay, upright flattened octagonalclear glass version of this bottlew/square gold label, mint in originalbox, ca. 1912, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............. $25-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Vacances” byJean Patou, clear glass bottle w/uprightJean Patou stopper, mint in box, ca.1934, 3 3/4" h............................................ $300Julien ViardScarce Dubarry “Blue Lagoon” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Blue Lagoon”by Dubarry, a J. Viard bottle in clear &frosted glass w/a multicolored patina,squatty four-lobed shape w/Egytian designsbetween each lobe, small moldedhobs on the shoulder, short neck w/a figuralstopper of a kneeling Egyptianwoman, ca. 1919, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ............. $4,440“Ambre de Carthage” Enameled Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ambre deCarthage” by Isabey, clear flattenedround bottle w/dripping orange enamelA Circa 1900 “Bouquet Cavalieri” Bottle

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers 173<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bouquet Cavalieri”by Depinoix, a Monna Vanna J. Viardbottle in clear & frosted glass, taperingcylindrical shape w/molded panelstrimmed w/enamel up the sides, metalpendant label, original box, ca. 1900,5" h. (ILLUS., previous page).................. $2,400atop a coiled snake, unsigned, 3 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $2,400-2,600Extremely Rare “Enigma” by LubinEgyptian-style Bottle & Matching Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Enigma” byLubin, a J. Viard bottle in clear glass,flattened triangle shape molded on theside w/an Egyptian sphinx & stylizedvertical label in gold, triangular stopper,in original extremely rare decorative boxw/a Nile tableau of flowering lotus blossomsinside & the name & an Egyptianscarab on the exterior, ca. 1921,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $27,600“Fete de Nuit” Bottle Designed by Viard<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fete de Nuit”by Agnel, black glass paneled bellshapedbottle w/upturned base, trimmedw/white bands & gold dots, full & sealed,designed by Julien Viard, ca. 1920,3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $1,250<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Gotic” byGueldy, glass decorated w/blue & blackenamel, a gold label, designed by JulienViard & signed, ca. 1922, 4 1/2" h.............. $550“Eva” Bottle with Figural Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Eva” by Lubin,bottle design by J. Viard, squatty bulbousclear blue-stained bottle trimmed w/leafbands, stopper w/figure of Eve sittingRare “Le Prestige” by Gueldy Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Prestige” byGueldy, J. Viard tall slender cylindricalclear glass bottle w/name in sepia patinaaround the top, fitted w/a figural sepiakneeling fairy stopper, based molded “J.Viard,” w/original box w/hinge tear, ca.1922, 6 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $4,800<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Les Violettes,”clear bottle w/embossed leaves w/a greystain, designed by Julien Viard & signed“JV,” ca. 1923, 5 1/8" h. .......................... $1,859

174PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers“Orchidee” by Depinoix J. Viard Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Orchidee” byDepinoix, a Renaud - J. Viard containerin clear glass w/lavender patina, taperingovoid shape w/molded stopper, w/label,cord sealed, in original box, ca. 1920s,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $2,520<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sous laCharmille” by Brecher, a J. Viard bottlemade by Depinoix, squatty bulbous clearglass tapering to a small neck & flattenedblossom-form stopper, the sides enameledin shades of green & brownw/leaves, ca. 1924, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)..... $2,520<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Vers la Joie” byRigaud, squat frosted clear bottle w/goldtrim, blue stopper & gold overcap, designedby Julien Viard, ca. 1927, 32/3" h.......................................................... $382England<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersStevens & WilliamsScarce “Promenade Matinale” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Promenade Matinale”by Arys, J. Viard bottle made by Depinois,a footed flattened w/tapering ovoidshape in clear glass decorated w/frosted &sepia flower & leaf cluster, short neck w/afigural frosted & sepia kneeling nude stopper,w/original label & rectangular box, ca.1920, 4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $2,400Fine Green & Clear Stevens & Williams<strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, emerald greencut to clear upright bottle w/pinched-insides (also called the “Kettroff” or “glugglug”),sterling silver collar & emerald cutto clear ball stopper, cut leafy vine design,by Stevens & Williams, silver hallmarked1897-98, 7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $2,500-3,000“Sous la Charmille” Bottle for BrecherStevens & Williams Fish-shaped <strong>Perfume</strong>

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty fishshape composed of clear glass over micachips & trimmed w/gold enamel details,unmarked silver tail forming the stopper,Stevens & Williams, ca. 1880, 5 1/2" l.(ILLUS., previous page) ...................... $600-750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, satin glass,honey amber & bittersweet mother-ofpearlSwirl patt., spherical body w/ashort flaring neck & matching ball stopper,creamy white interior, attributed toStevens & Williams, England, late 19thc., 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS. left with other satinand Stevens & Williams perfume bottles,page 83)..................................................... $748<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, satin glass, turquoiseblue mother-of-pearl Swirl patt., sphericalbody w/a sterling silver collar & bulbousleaf-cast cap dated Birmingham, England,1887, bottle attributed to Stevens & Williams(ILLUS. center with other satin andStevens & Williams perfumes, page 83)..... $633Thomas Webb<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glass,boule-form four-color cameo bottle, opalcased in citron under red & white, cameocarvedaround the body w/leafy blossomingbranches, Thomas Webb butterflyemblem on the reverse, hinged sterlingsilver répoussé cap, ca. 1885, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $4,000-4,500Rare Webb Cameo Swan Head <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glass,figural swan’s head cameo bottle in bluecased in white & cameo carved, sterlingsilver overcap on inner glass stopper,cap marked by Keller, Thomas Webb ca.1885, 9 1/3" l. (ILLUS.)................ $9,000-12,000Webb Shaded Red Netted <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, boule-shapeddeep red shaded to pink cased glass bottleenclosed in gold netting, glossy finish,Thomas Webb & Sons, w/sterling silvercollar & hinged cap w/hallmarks for London,1885-86, 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $750-900Rare Four-Color Webb Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong>Webb Green Cameo Teardrop <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glassflattened teardrop form, avocado greenground cased in white & cameo-cutw/trumpet-form blossoms on leafy vines,hinged sterling silver cap marked for Birmingham,1887, Thomas Webb & Sons,5" l. (ILLUS.).................................. $2,400-2,750

176PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glass,flattened teardrop lay down-type, deepred cased in white & cameo-carvedw/large blossoms on leafy stems, screwoffrépoussé sterling silver cap, unsignedThomas Webb, ca. 1890-1900, 4 1/2" l.(ILLUS.)................................................... $2,000Webb Cameo Teardrop <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cameo glassflattened teardrop form, teal blue groundcased in white & cameo-cut w/clusters offlowers on leafy vines, unmarked metalcap, Thomas Webb & Sons, somerepair, ca. 1890, 3 1/3" l. (ILLUS.).............. $900Webb Novelty Egg with Chicken Head <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type, ablown mottled egg yolk yellow eggshapedbottle w/applied clear feet & fittedat the top w/a metal chicken head cap,Thomas Webb & Sons, ca. 1890,4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $400-500Webb Red Cameo Lay-down <strong>Perfume</strong>Two Fine English <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, cameo glass, laydowntype, flattened tapering form in darkgreen overlaid in white & cameo carvedw/a butterly, sprigs & leaves, hallmarkedsterling silver collar & ronded hinged cap,Thomas Webb & Sons, ca. 1890s,4 1/2" l. (ILLUS. left with Thomas Webbperfume bottle)........................................ $1,434

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 177Decorated Queen’s Burmese <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle w/cap, Queen’s Burmeseart glass, boule-shaped in salmonpink shaded to cream, enameledw/stylized leaves & berries trimmed ingold, silver cap w/English silver hallmarksfor 1885, Thomas Webb,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)........................ $1,500-2,000Fine Webb Shaded Pink Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, art glass, lay-downtype w/long pointed teardrop form indeep red shaded to pink & enameled ingold & white w/a long leafy stem w/blossoms& a gold butterfly, Thomas Webb,minor gold wear, 6 1/2" l. (ILLUS.) ............. $690Blue Cameo Thomas Webb Scent BottleScent bottle & stopper, cameo glass,spherical body in light blue overlaid inwhite & cameo-carved w/a blue flower,leaves & branch, the reverse w/a differentflower, three buds, leaves & branch,sterling collar & cap marked “TheodoreB. Starr Sterling,” bottle by ThomasWebb, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................... $1,495Rare Webb Cameo Scent BottleScent bottle w/cap, cameo glass, lay-downtype w/a pointed teardrop shape, deepred overlaid in white & cameo-carvedw/water lilies & a dragonfly, original goldwashedmetal screw-on cap w/répoussédesigns, 3 1/4" l. (ILLUS.) ....................... $3,335

178PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersFranceAlmeric WalterArgy Rousseau Atomizer with VioletsRare Walter Pate de Verre Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, pate deverre, upright cylindrical form travel-typein shades of blue & a touch of orangemolded w/stylized flowers, gilt-metal fittings,signed by Almeric Walter, ca.1900-1910, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $4,000-4,200Argy Rousseau<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, pate deverre, upright flat-bottomed taperingovoid shaped w/a mottled pale greenground molded w/dark blue & green violets,gilt metal fittings, signed by ArgyRousseau, ca. 1920s 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.,top next column)............................ $1,500-3,000<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, pate deverre, upright pear-shaped body in mottledbrown carved near the base w/a wideband of red poppies & amber foliage,original hardware & replacement blackfabric-covered bulb, glass signed “G.Argy-Rousseau” in cameo, overall 6" h.(ILLUS., second from top next column)... $3,600Fine Pate de Verre <strong>Perfume</strong> AtomizerBaccaratDressing table set: five clear etched containersin an ornate gilt-bronze frame, includestwo cylindrical bottles w/pointedstopper, two cylindrical atomizers & acentral cylindrical covered box,Baccarat, ca. 1900, tallest 8" h., the set(ILLUS., bottom of page)............... $6,000-7,000Rare Baccarat Five-Container Dressing Table Set in Frame

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 179“Ideal” by Houbigant in Baccarat BottleEau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Ideal” byHoubigant, upright square clear glassbottle w/faceted metal screw-on cap, unsignedby Baccarat, ca. 1900, 2 7/8" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $25-30<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, clear acidetchedglass decorated w/gilt swags,metal fittings, marked “Baccarat - MF(Marcel Franck),” ca. 1920s, 12" h... $900-1,000Baccarat Atomizer with Flower Baskets<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, clear ovoidbottle enameled in dark blue w/oblong reservesenclosing baskets of flowers,banded trim & scattered tiny blossoms,metal fittings missing the bulb, signed“Baccarat - M Franck,” ca. 1930s,5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $175-225<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “1000 Joies” byMyon, opaque green slag glass bottlew/dented brass overcap, no label, signedby Baccarat, ca. 1933, 3 7/8" h. ................. $710Baccarat-attributed Panel Cut Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, clear cylindricalcrystal cut w/panels trimmed in gold,gilt-metal fitting & bulb, unmarked, attributedto Baccarat, ca. 1920s-30s, 6" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $210“12-34” by Premet Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “12-34” byPremet, Baccarat upright rectangularclear glass bottle w/short neck w/facet-cutknob stopper, sealed, w/original label &silk-lined box, paper labelw/“Baccarat,” ca. 1910, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)......................................................... $650-1,000

180PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers“A Travers Champs” Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “A TraversChamps” by Guerlain, a Baccarat containerin clear glass, upright flattenedovoid shape w/frosted figural stopper,w/label, cord sealed, in original marbleizedbox, base marked “Baccarat,” ca.1924, 5" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $1,080Rare Baccarat Pink Bottle for “Astris” byPiver<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Astris” by Piver,a Baccarat upright hexagonal pinkglass bottle w/button stopper, w/originallarge silver star-shaped label onthe side, matching box, botton stenciled“Baccarat,” ca. 1927, 2 3/4" h.(ILLUS.).................................................. $7,800Early Baccarat Bottle for “Astris”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Astris” by L.T.Piver, clear upright square clear glass bottlew/beveled corners & a facet-cut stopper,trimmed w/gilt-metal bands & a medallionlabel on one side, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1908, 4 2/3" h. (ILLUS.).. $300-400“Astris” by Piver Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Astris” by Piver,Baccarat upright clear glass bottlew/beveled corners, short neck w/face-cutknob stopper, in a decorative openworkgilt-metal holder, original fitted paper boxw/some edge wear, ca. 1912 (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,100-1,500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 181Early Baccarat #1 Decorated Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Baccarat #1 cylindricalclear bottle used for Violet & OrizaLegrand scents, decorated w/an overalldesign of black dots & black & yellowrings, flattened disc upright stopper, nobrand label, signed by Baccarat, late 19th- early 20th c., 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)................ $400“Caractère” & “Tendance” Baccarat <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Caractère” byBruyere, clear square upright glass bottlew/beveled corners, short neck & facetedbutton stopper, original label, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1920s, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.right with Tendance bottle)......................... $125“Bellodgia” by Caron Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bellodgia” byCaron, short clear rectangular facetedbottle w/faceted knob stopper, good label,original box, unsigned byBaccarat, ca. 1927, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .... $50-75Fine “Cascade” Bottle Made by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cascade” byGravier, Baccarat bottle in clear & frostedcrystal w/pale green patina, the round uprightthree-tiered shape topped by a frostedfigural dolphin stopper, bottom stenciled“Baccarat,” 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $3,360

182PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersbottles produced by Saint Lous & Val St.Lambert, ca. 1900, 6" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $350-400Baccarat Turtle Bottle for Guerlain<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “ChampsÉlysées” by Guerlain, a Baccarat bottlein clear glass, figural design of a turtle, alimited edition, w/orignal label, ca. 1904,original box not shown, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......................................................... $800-1,250Baccarat Bottle for “Danger” by Ciro<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Danger” byCiro, clear upright rectangular bottle inthe form of staggered tiers, inner stopper& black crystal overcap, marked byBaccarat, ca. 1938, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $100-150Baccarat Etched Clear & Citron Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cylindricalbottle w/narrow shoulder & short neck,flashed w/citron & acid-cut overall w/adesign of leafy vines, by Baccarat, similar“Désir du Coeur” by Ybry Square Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Désir du Coeur”by Ybry, a Baccarat bottle in darkpink, an upright square w/a square redenameledstopper at one corner, in boxw/R. Lalique glass pendant & tassel, ca.1926, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $3,250

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 183<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Diorling” by Dior,footed clear glass flask-shaped bottlew/heavy gilt-metal trim & a metal flowerbud stopper, signed & numbered, w/box,7 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,800-2,200“Devinez” by Ybry Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Devinez” byYbry, flattened diamond-shaped bottle inopaque orange glass w/gilt metal roundlabel on the side, orange metal overcap &inner stopper, w/original leather case,unsigned by Baccarat, ca. 1927, 2 1/8" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $860-975<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Diorissimo” byChristian Dior, a Baccarat clear glassbottle w/a tapering pedestal base belowthe ribbed ovoid body tapering to the gildedbronze rim & stopper topped by a gildedmetal tall spray of roses & leaves, gildedlabel, in luxurious box w/interior satin,bottle base stenciled “Baccarat,” ca.1951, 8 1/2" h.......................................... $2,100Baccarat Opaline & Filigree Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovoidwhite opaline bottle decorated at theshoulder w/ornate pierced scrolling goldfiligree set w/tiny turquoise stones,hinged domed & scroll-engraved cap setw/tiny turquoise stones, by Baccarat,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $3,000“Diorling” by Dior in Baccarat BottleBaccarat Bottle for “Jasmin” by Mury<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jasmin” byMury, a Baccarat bottle in a conical form,

184PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersclear glass w/an enameled cobalt bluespiral down the sides, flared rim, clearball stopper, ca. 1917, 4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $1,500-2,200Unusual Elephant-form “Kismet” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Kismet” by Lubin,a Baccarat bottle in clear glass, figuraldesign of an elephant w/black drapingdown the sides, the frosted stopper inthe shape of its rider, base stenciled“Baccarat,” ca. 1921, 4 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $6,500-9,000Baccarat “L’Ocean Bleu” Dolphins Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Ocean Bleu”by Lubin, clear figural glass bottle designedas a pair of upright dolphinsw/their tails touching, open center, smallneck w/clear ball stopper, signed & numberedby Baccarat, designed for the Paris1925 Exposition des Arts Decoratifs, ca.1925, 6 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $375-400Baccarat “L’Heure Romantique” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Heure Romantique”by Corday, a Baccarat clearflattened arched bottle w/a deep flutedgold base band & gilt paneled gilt stopper,base stenciled “Baccarat,” ca. 1928,3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $390Baccarat “Le Parfum Ideal” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Parfum Ideal”by Houbigant, upright square clearBaccarat glass bottle w/rounded shoulders,faceted button stopper, embossedgold label, w/original fabric-covered box,unsigned by Baccarat, ca. 1900, 4 1/8"(ILLUS.)............................................... $100-145

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 185Cut-Overlay Baccarat Bottle for Dior1980s Limited Edition “Metal” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Metal” by PacoRabanne, a Baccarat clear flat uprightrectangular bottle w/silvered metalmounts & rectangular block stopper, gildedlabel, in gold box & white outer box,base stenciled “Baccarat - Limited Edition- No. 437,” ca. 1980, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $2,100-2,800<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ming Toy” byForest, designed as the figure of a seatedOriental lady, clear glass w/blue & goldenameling, signed & numbered byBaccarat, ca. 1923, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS., topnext column).................................. $2,900-3,300<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Miss Dior” byDior, cut-overlay footed ovoid body inwhite cut to clear w/gold enameled details,matching cut ovoid stopper, mint inoriginal satin-lined box, signed & numberedby Baccarat, 7" h. (ILLUS., top ofpage) ............................................. $1,500-2,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Molinard clearglass square bottle w/raised squares oneach side, matching square stopper,used for several scents, no label, signedby Baccarat, ca. 1934, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.,bottom next column)................................... $125“Ming Toy” Figural Baccarat <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleSquare Glass Baccarat Bottle for Molinard

186PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muguet” byMaudy, a Baccarat square crystal bottlew/the beveled corners decorated w/silverygrey stylized florals, the domed decoratedcap w/four open arches ending ateach rim corner, base stenciled“Baccarat,” ca. 1928, 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $2,200-3,500Rare Baccarat Factice Bottle for Gabilla<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mon Talisman”by Gabilla, a Baccarat facticefooted ovoid opaque white glass bottle,the lower portion divided into panelsbelow a scalloped band all trimmed ingold, the upper body molded in reliefw/stylized flower blossoms, short cylindricalflared neck w/a gilt-trimmedcupped stopper centered by a gold ball,name printed in gold on the side, stenciled“Baccarat,” minor gilt wear, ca.1928, 10 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)....................... $4,500“Black Glass Baccarat “Notturno” Bottle”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Notturno” byMury, a Baccarat upright black glass diskw/the name molded & trimmed in gold onthe side, tiny gold neck & lobed ball stopper,base stenciled “Baccarat,” ca. 1926,3 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $400-650Unusual Baccarat Bottle for “Muguet”Houbigant “Premier Mai” Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Premier Mai”by Houbigant, a Baccarat clear rectangularbottle w/rounded shoulder & shortneck w/large button stopper, original label& silk-lined box, “Baccarat” paperlabel, ca. 1908, 4" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $650-1,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 187<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Roses” byD’Orsay, a Baccarat bottle designed byJulien Viard, in frosted glass, slender cylindrialform w/an applied band of R. Laliquemetalwork around the base, giltmetalmounts, interior stopper present, inlavender suede box, molded “RL” on themetal, ca. 1912, 5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.).......... $4,200Rare Figural Pharoah Head <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ramses IV” byRamses, a J. Viard bottle in frosted clearglass w/a grey patina, figural design ofan ancient Egyptian pharaoh’s head w/aball & feather stopper, ca. 1919, basestenciled “Baccarat,” 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $6,500-8,500“Rue Royale” by Molyneux Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Rue Royale”by Molyneux, clear cylindrical bottle w/taperingshoulder & short cylindrical neckw/flared rim, flat disc-form clear stopper,mint in original box, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1938, 4 1/3" (ILLUS.) ........... $200Scarce Baccarat-Lalique “Roses” BottleBaccarat Bottle for “Ta Wao” by Madhva<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ta Wao” byMadhva, a Baccarat container designedby J. Viard, wide thin disk-form base taperingsharply w/fluted sides enameledin gold below the black disk stopperw/original bead on stopper, base marked“Baccarat,” ca. 1923, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .. $6,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tendance” byBruyere, clear square upright glass bottlew/beveled corners, short neck & facetedbutton stopper, original label, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1920s, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.left with Caractère bottle, page 181) .......... $125

188PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersEarly Plassard Bottle Made by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Une FemmePassa” by Plassard, a Baccarat taperingovoid clear crystal bottle w/an overall etchedfloral surface centered by a gold & white label,matching mushroom stopper, ca. 1911,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................ $1,200-1,400Very Rare Baccarat Bottle for Delettrez<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “XII” byDelettrez, a Baccarat container in moldedpink opaque glass, a narrow uprightrectangular form w/a molded oblongstopper, w/label, in original hand-paintedbox, first appearance of this bottle,base marked “Baccarat,” ca. 1927,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $24,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, BaccaratRose Tiente cylindrical bottles in theSwirl patt., two w/the Baccarat logo, 42/3" h., 6" h., 7" h., set of 3 ........................ $550Guerlain “Vega” Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Vega” by Guerlain,Baccarat crystal bottle in a shortslightly tapering ringed design w/a roundedshoulder to a small neck w/a knobstopper, resting on an octagonal base,sealed, in original octagonal box, bottledbase stenciled “Baccarat,” ca. 1926, 3" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,200-2,100Houbigant Three Bottle Set in Holder<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, Houbigantset of three square upright clear glassbottle w/faceted button stopper, in a fittedmetal tantalus holder w/lock & key,unsigned by Baccarat, 2 3/4" h., the set(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $125

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 189<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers & atomizers,Baccarat set for Ybry, three flattened diamond-shapedbottles in orange, green &deep rose glass & two small triangular atomizersin dark green & dark blue glass,complete in fitted suede case, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1920s, the set (ILLUS., topof page) ......................................... $7,000-8,000D’ArgentalRare Baccarat Boxed Set of <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> & Atomizers for YbryDaum - NancyD’Argental Cameo Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Burner<strong>Perfume</strong> burner, cameo glass, footed taperingcylindrical bottle in dark yellow overlaidin dark red & cameo-carved w/leafy floweringvines, signed in cameo “d’Argental,” ca.1910-25, 7" h. (ILLUS.)............................. $1,500Daum Nancy Cameo Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cameo glass,bulbous tapering body in mottled ambercarved & enameled in color w/leafybranches & red berries, original metal fittingsbut no cord or bulb, Daum -Nancy, ca. 1905-15, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $2,500-2,750<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cameo glass,cylindrical body in pink cased in white &carved & enameled w/trees, frosted glassball stopper, signed by Daum - Nancyw/the Cross of Lorraine, 6" h.......... $1,900-2,200

190PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersFine Daum Nancy Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleScent bottle & stopper, cameo glass, cylindricalbody in rare raisin color casedin clear & cameo-carved w/a design offleur de lis trimmed in gold, cylindricalchased silver cap set w/small turquoisestones, Daum - Nancy, ca. 1892, 3” h.(ILLUS.) ........................................ $3,000-4,000Scent bottle & stopper, Daum - Nancycameo glass, spherical white body taperingto a short neck w/a clear stopperw/faceted edges trimmed in gold, thebody cameo-cut & enameled w/a leafyvine of shaded red flowers & buds framinga black & white enameled scene of aroad leading to a village, base signedw/etched signature, very small old chipinside lip, small flake on corner of stopper,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $2,185DeVezFine Daum Cameo Scent BottleDaum Nancy Cameo Scent BottleScent bottle & stopper, cameo glass, wideovoid amethyst body w/a small cylindricalneck, cameo-carved w/floral blossoms& leaves trimmed in gold, frostedclear ball stopper, signed on bottom byDaum Nancy, late 19th - early 20th c.,6" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $1,035Fine DeVez Cameo Glass Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, French cameoglass bottle w/a sharply taperingslender shape, light grey ground overlaidin dark green & cameo-carvedw/leafy vines framing a lakeside landscape,signed “DeVez,” ca. 1910-20,11 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $1,500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 191Franck (Marcel)<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cylindricalcrystal cut in an overall block design, cylindricalsilver plate mount w/cord & bulb,mount marked “Marcel Franck,” ca.1920s-30s, 3 7/8" h. (ILLUS. right withother cylindrical Franck atomizer) ....... $100-125French Spatter Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, bouleshapedglass in a bold colorful spatterdesign in shades of orange, yellow,green, red & blue, metal collar & fittingsw/black cord & mesh-covered bulb, metalmount marked “Marcel Franck - Brevete -SGDG,” 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $75-100<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cylindricalcrystal cut in a hobstar, fan & zipper cutdesign, cylindrical silver plate mountw/plunger top, mount marked “MarcelFranck,” ca. 1920s-30s, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.left with other cylindrical Franck atomizer)........................................................$100-125Two Marcel Franck Cut Atomizers<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, low rectangularclear cut crystal bottle w/metalmount marked “Marcel FranckEscale,” ca. 1920-40, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.right with taller Franck atomizer)........... $75-100Two Cut Cylindrical Franck AtomizersFranck Goldtone Purse Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, purse-sized,goldtone metal, flattened tapering pyramidalform w/a round dial device at thebottom front, pointed metal cap, ca.1950s, 2 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)......................... $35-40

192PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, tall uprightpaneled circular clear cut crystal bottlew/metal mount marked “Marcel FranckEscale,” ca. 1920-40, 5" h. (ILLUS. leftwith shorter Franck atomizer, previouspage) ..................................................... $75-100Galléleafy branches w/berries, modern replacementmetal fittings & yellow cord &silk-covered bulb, Gallé, signed incameo, ca. 1920s, 9 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $550<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, slenderslightly tapering cylindrical cameo glassform w/a gold ground overlaid in brown &cameo-cut w/a design of floweringshrubs, Gallé, signed in cameo, ca.1910-1920, 8" h....................................... $2,500Gallé Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, cameo glass,flat-bottomed ovoid shape tapering to themetal fittings missing the bulb, powderblue ground overlaid in purple & cameocarved w/boysenberries, vines & leaves,signed on the side by Gallé, late 19th -early 20th c., 5" h. (ILLUS.)........................ $690Early Gallé Enameled <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed ovoidclear glass bottle w/a short neck & buttonstopper, enameled around the sidesw/dark blue & purple blossoms w/slendergreen leaves & a butterfly to the side,signed by Gallé, ca. 1870-80, 3 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,750-2,000Gallé Cameo Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, slenderslightly tapering cylindrical cameo glassform in light yellow ground overlaid indark red & cameo-carved w/a design ofGallé Cameo Scent Bottle

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 193Scent bottle w/cap, cameo glass, bulbouscreamy white ground overlaid in orange& cameo-carved w/large flowers & leafyvines, a silver band on the small neckw/hinged cap opening to the originalglass stopper, raised on a silver footband, silver marked “C & M” & rearinglion & “G” in a shield, signed in cameo onthe side, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS., previouspage) ....................................................... $1,438<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, “L’Air duTemps” by Nina Ricci, a Lalique clear &frosted glass container, short cylindricalshape decorated w/a soaring bird, w/atomizerfittings & bulb, in deluxe suede &fabric outer box, engraved “Lalique,”1950s, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......................... $1,020LaliqueR. Lalique Atomizer Made for D’Heraud<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, for D’Heraud,a Lalique clear glass container, gentlytapering squared form molded at eachcorner w/a vertical band of stylizedleaves trimmed w/a black patina, originalgilt-metal hardware, hose & hardenedrubber bulb, molded “R. Lalique,” ca.1924, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,140Lalique “Le Parisien” <strong>Perfume</strong> Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, “Le Parisien”patt., frosted clear cylindrical shapedmolded w/a repeated design of standingnude ladies & garlands, metal taperingcollar & plunger top, glass signed “R. Lalique,”metal stamped “SGDG,” ca.1920s, 7 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $650“L’Air du Temps” Atomizer by Lalique“Le Provencale” by Molinard Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, “Le Provencale”by Molinard, a bulbous frosted clearbottle molded w/a continuous band of femalenudes, metal fittings, etched signa-

194PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersture “Molinard - Lalique - France,” ca.1940s, 5 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “5 Fleurs” byForvil, a Lalique perfume bottle in clear &frosted glass w/a grey patina, tall uprightsquare shaped w/short neck & squarestopper, cord sealed, molded “R.Lalique,” ca. 1929, 4" h. .......................... $3,600center opening, sealed, in early silk boxw/Christian Berard graphics, enameled“Lalique,” 1940s, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)..... $550-800<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Coeur Joie” byNina Ricci, clear open heart-shaped bottlew/molded flowers, signed byLalique, ca. 1946, 4" h. ......................... $75-200Rare Lalique “Amphitrite” <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Amphitrite,”green glass in an upright snail shell designw/a small figural stopper, engraved“R. Lalique - France,” a. 1920, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $5,100Early “Cyclamen” by Coty Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cyclamen” byCoty, a Lalique perfume bottle in clear &frosted glass w/a green patina, tall uprightgently tapering shape w/short neck& disc stopper, w/original leather box,molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1909, 5 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $3,900Lalique Bottle for “Coeur Joie” by Ricci<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Coeur Joie” byNina Ricci, a Lalique frosted glass container,designed as an upright heart w/ascalloped border & large heart-shapedRound Lalique <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Dans La Nuit”by Worth, matte blue glass, round shapedecorated w/randomly spaced & sizedcameo stars on matte blue ground,matching stopper, bottle signed on bottom“R. Lalique,” stopper held in placew/original metallic rope ties, each w/paperlabel reading “Worth, Paris” on oneside & “Dans La Nuit” on other, in originalbox, wear to labels, box w/some wear &looseness to hinge, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ............. $403

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 195Rare “Elegance” Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Elegance” byD’Orsay, a Lalique bottle in frosted glassw/a brown patina, upright flattenedsquare shape w/an overall molded designof frolicking female figures, partial label,molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1914,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $4,200Ricci “Farouche” Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Farouche” byNina Ricci, clear flattened round bottlew/an octagonal disc-form stopper, full &sealed, signed by Lalique in the mold,w/original red flocked box, ca. 1974,3 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $110Smaller “Farouche” Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Farouche” byNina Ricci, clear flattened round bottle w/anoctagonal disc-form stopper, full & sealed,signed by Lalique in the mold, w/original redflocked box, 2 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)......................... $88“Fille d’Eve” Apple-shaped Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fille d’Eve” byNina Ricci, frosted clear glass in theshape of an apple w/two clear leavesforming the stopper, signed byLalique, ca. 1952 (ILLUS.) .................... $70-130

196PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersmolded w/a flowering tree, stopper engraved“R. Lalique - 939,” matchingnumber on the base, introduced in 1919,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $10,755Roger & Gallet “Flausa” Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Flausa” byRoger & Gallet, clear & frosted Laliquebottle w/sepia patina, flattened ovoidbody molded w/the seated figure of ahalf-nude classical maiden, molded “Lalique”on the button-form stopper, matchingengraved control numbers, ca. 1914,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $4,200Lalique “Hélène” Bottle, Circa 1950<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Hélène,” a Laliquefrosted & clear container, squaredshape w/four side panels molded w/akneeling woman, large cylindrical ribbedcap enclosing the stopper, stenciled“Lalique - France,” ca. 1950, 5 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $720Rare Lalique Frosted Glass <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fleurs dePommier” by Bouchon, Lalique frostedclear w/blue patina, the ovoid bodymolded w/bands of graduated arches,the high arched & pierced long stopperR. Lalique “Imprudence” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Imprudence”by Worth, a Lalique factice bottle in clearglass w/a tapering cylindrical boldlyringed design w/silver edge detail, smalltapering stopper, base molded “R.Lalique,” ca. 1938, 9 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)...... $1,440

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 197<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Effleur” byCoty, a Lalique bottle in clear & frostedglass w/a black patina, upright flattenedrectangular shape w/a rectangular panelmolded w/a mermaid among swirlingwaves, clear faceted ball stopper, applied“Lalique” glass label, first collaborationbetween Coty & René Lalique, ca.1908, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $3,600-4,500Lalique Bottle for “Je Reviens” by Worth<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Je Reviens” byWorth, a Lalique blue & opaque blueglass container, upright cylindrical skyscraperdesign w/ribbed sides & astepped shoulder, blue domed stopper,in fitted silvered metal hexagonalcase, ca. 1931, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $1,800<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Air duTemps” by Nina Ricci, clear roundswirled glass bottle w/figural frostedpeach stopper composed of a pair of flyingbirds, limited edition, mint in box, ca.1990s, 3 1/2" h. ......................................... $165<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Air duTemps” by Nina Ricci, clear roundswirled glass bottle w/figural frosted stoppercomposed of flying birds, ca. 1948,signed by Lalique ...................................... $400Rare Lalique Figural “La Phalène” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “La Phalène” byD’Heraud, a Lalique clear & frosted Amberinaglass container, molded as a tinynymph w/butterfly wings, flattened roundstopper, molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1925,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $7,200Rare Early Lalique-Coty <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleBurmann “La Sirene” Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “La Sirene” byBurmann, clear sharply tapering cylindricalclear glass bottle w/a small oblongconcave panel w/a mermaid, disc-formstopper, ca. 1929, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ..... $2,750

198PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersLalique “Amelie” Pattern <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “Amelie”patt., squatty bulbous clear frostedbottle w/a pale green patina, molded w/adesign of graduated rows of overlappingleaves, molded & engraved “R.Lalique,” ca. 1930s, 3" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $2,000Nearly Unique “Orielles Lezards” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “OriellesLezards” patt., heart-shaped clearbottle molded down each side w/lizards,flattened & arched molded stopper, onlytwo known to exist, ca. 1912, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS. Too rare to price)<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “Panierdes Roses” patt., clear frosted glass w/ablue patina, molded w/a band of rosesaround the shoulder & on the stopper,signed “R. Lalique,” ca. 1930s, 4" h. ....... $3,300<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “Perles#3” patt., frosted clear bottle moldedw/three rows of draped pearls, signed “R.Lalique,” ca. 1926, 5 1/2" h. ....................... $550Very Rare Lalique Clear & Red <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “BouchonFleurs de Pommier” patt., gentlyswelled clear cylindrical bottle w/panelsoutlined in thin red stripes, very rarelarge arched & flower-molded stopper,signed “R. Lalique,” ca. 1910-20,5 2/3" h. (ILLUS. Too rare to price)<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “Camilla”patt., squatty clear frosted bottle w/ablue patina, molded w/a design of deepridges, signed “R. Lalique,” ca. 1927,2 1/2" h....................................................... $550Lalique “Telline” Pattern <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique “Telline”patt., frosted clear w/light blue patina uprightclam shell form w/a flattened clamshell stopper, molded signature “R.Lalique,” ca. 1930s, 3 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .... $2,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique undocumenteddesign in clear glass, plain flattenedround bottle ribbed at the edges &w/a cylindrical neck & frosted bulletshapedstopper w/gilt inclusion, molded

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 199“Lalique,” w/extended “L,” ca. 1912,6 1/2" h. ........................................ $2,000-3,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Baiser duFaune” by Molinard, clear & frosted Laliquebottle, an upright circle design enclosingan engraved plaque of a womankissing a faun, small round stopper,molded “R. Lalique” & engraved “Molinard- Paris, France,” ca. 1928, 5 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $4,800Early Undocumented Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Lalique undocumenteddesign in clear glass, the plaintall slightly tapering square bottle fittedw/a tall slender tapering pointed stoppermolded w/stylized flora, molded “Lalique,”w/extended “L,” ca. 1912, 8 7/8" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $780Very Rare “Le Baiser du Faune” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Baiser duFaune” by Molinard, upright clear ringformbottle w/a frosted inner panel etchedw/a scene of a woman kissing a faun,sealed, signed “R. Lalique,” ca. 1930, 52/3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $5,000-6,000Lalique “Le Baiser du Faune” Bottle“Le Jade” Lalique <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Jade” byRoger & Gallet, jade green Lalique bottlew/grey patina, flattened ovoid body moldedoverall w/entwined vining, molded “R.L. - France,” few flecks on inner rim,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $2,400

200PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersblue patina, tall slender upright squareform w/a long almond-shaped reservefeaturing stylized female nudes w/flowers,base molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1920,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $5,100Lalique “Le Jade” Bottle for Roger et Gallet<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Jade” forRoger et Gallet, a Lalique jade greencontainer w/a grey patina, flattenedovoid shape molded w/a spreadwingedbird against a vining background,small domed stopper, meant toresemble a Chinese snuff bottle, molded“R. Lalique,” first half 20th c.,3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................... $1,800Lalique “Les Anemones” by Forvil Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Les Anemones”by Forvil, a Lalique perfume bottle inclear & frosted glass w/black enameltrim, clear spherical bottle w/a wide moldedfigural frosted stopper, w/label & originalbox, molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1929,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $3,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Les YeuxBleus” by Canarina, blue glass bottlew/an overall pattern of eyes, signed “R.Lalique,” ca. 1928, 2" h. .......................... $1,600<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Misti” by L.T.Piver, bottle w/impressed flowers, signed“R. Lalique,” ca. 1923, 1 7/8" h. ................. $915Rare Early Lalique Bottle for “Lepage”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Lepage,” a Laliquebottle in frosted & clear glass w/lightLalique “Misti” by Piver Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Misti” by Piver,a Lalique clear & frosted glass containerw/a blue patina, squatty low round formmolded overall w/butterflies, blossomformbutton stopper, molded “R.Lalique,” ca. 1913, 2" h. (ILLUS.)............ $3,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 201Reissued Lalique Bottle for Molinard<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Molinard” byMolinard, flattened upright rectangularbottle, small on the lower half, a widemolded & frosted band of kneeling nudeson the upper half, w/original box, reissueof 1929 bottle for “Iles d’Or” by Molinard,bottle signed “Creation Lalique,”sealed, ca. 1980s, 4 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $375“Mystere” Black Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mystere” byD’Orsay, a Lalique black glass containerw/whitish patina, an upright square w/ashort neck, short square stopper centeredby an upright stem, molded designaround the rim & up the stem, w/originalsilk-lined leather presentation case,molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1912, 3 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $1,680Unusual “Muguet” Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muguet,” a Laliqueperfume bottle in clear & frostedglass, a clear squatty bulbous bottlew/a high arched frosted floral stopper,stenciled “R. Lalique,” ca. 1931, 4" h.(ILLUS.) ........................................ $4,000-5,000Scarce “N” Skyscraper Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “N” by Lelong, aLalique perfume bottle in clear & frostedenameled glass, upright square skyscraper-stylebottle w/enameled swagbands around the sides, matching stopper,w/label & cord sealed, in rare greenenameled metal box, molded “R.Lalique,” ca. 1929, 4" h. (ILLUS.)............ $8,400

202PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersmolded w/large stylized leaves, foursmall molded turtles around the neck,bulbous scale patterned stopper, in silkbox & outer box, stenciled “Lalique,” ca.1951, 4 3/8" h................................ $6,500-8,500Lalique “Narkiss” Bottle for Chinese Market<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Narkiss” byRoger et Gallet, a Lalique bottle in clearglass w/light brown patina & enameleddetail, flattened tapering ovoid shapemolded on the sides as a large flowerblossom w/a five-point star center, moldedblossom button stopper, company label& Shanghai perfumer’s label in MandarinChinese, intaglio molded “RL,” ca.1912, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $1,920“Pan” Bottle by Rene Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Pan,” clear &frosted Lalique bottle w/sepia patina, tallslender & slightly tapering frosted shapew/long swagged panels each topped by arelief-molded horned head, molded “R.Lalique” & engraved “Lalique,” ca. 1920,5" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $2,520Very Early Lalique Bottle for “Niobe”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Niobe” by Violet,a Lalique bottle in frosted & clearglass w/light blue patina, flattened ovoidshape w/a molded shoulder design ofbirds on branches, intaglio molded“RL,” ca. 1912, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............ $2,100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “No. 7” forMorabito (luxury goods store in Paris), aLalique opalescent butterscotch crystalcontainer, footed bulbous ovoid shapetapering to a molded neck, the sidesLalique Bottle for “Panier de Roses”

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 203<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Panier deRoses,” a Lalique clear & frosted glasscontainer w/a grey patina, designed asa slender upright ribbed cylinder moldedaround the shoulder w/a band ofroses, stopper formed by a cluster ofroses, engraved “Lalique,” ca. 1912,3 3/4" h. (ILLUS., previous page).......... $2,040w/beaded spirals, w/round label, sealed,w/original box, molded “R. Lalique,” ca.1928, 6 1/2" h. ........................................ $1,700Late “Parfum Lalique” Factice Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Parfum Lalique,”a Lalique factice perfume bottle inclear & frosted glass w/flat arched stopper,script signature “Lalique,” ca. 1992,10 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $660“Relief” by Forvil Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Relief” by Forvil,a Lalique clear glass container, uprightflattened disk shape molded overallw/beaded spirals, sealed w/roundlabel, ca. 1920s, 8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $2,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Réplique” forRaphael, a Lalique frosted glass container,molded in the shape of an acornw/gilded plastic top, ribbon label, in originalbox, enameled “Lalique” mark, ca.1944, 1 7/8" l. ............................................ $175Very Rare Lalique “Quatre Soleils” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “QuatreSoleils,” a Lalique clear & frosted glasscontainer w/a sepia patina, wide flaringlower body below a sharply tapering upperbody molded w/four panels enclosingstylized sunburst florettes backed w/reflectingfoil, button-form stopper, engraved“R. Lalique,” ca. 1912, 2 7/8" h.(ILLUS.)................................................. $10,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Relief” by Forvil,a Lalique clear glass container, uprightflattened disk shape molded overallLalique “Requete” by Worth Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Requete” byWorth, a Lalique clear glass containerw/blue enamel trim, short pedestal basesupporting an upright flattened disk formbottle w/a scalloped border all around, taperingcylindrical stopper w/blue enamelbands, labeled, sealed, w/seldom seenoverall box, stenciled “Lalique,” ca. 1944,6 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $2,200-2,900

204PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersclear flattened upright disk shape moldedw/the swirled figure of a sirentrimmed in blue, matching mushroomstopper, first documented examplew/conforming stopper, molded “R.Lalique,” ca. 1927, 5" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $57,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tzigane” byCorday, a Lalique clear & frosted glasscontainer, designed as an upright clusterof ropetwist bands, small disk stopper,enameled label, in violin-shaped easelbacksilk display box w/edge wear, ca,1937, 6 1/2" h. .............................. $1,400-1,800Lalique “Roses” Bottle for D’Orsay<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Roses” byD’Orsay, clear & frosted Lalique bottlew/sepia patina, footed spherical bottlew/a short neck & tall figural stopper,molded “Lalique” w/extended “L,” someinterior residue, stopper frozen, ca. 1912,4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $3,360<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sans Adieu” byWorth, a Lalique green glass container,slender upright bottle w/a unique tallmulti-tiered stopper, w/label, in originalwooden box, molded “R. Lalique,” ca.1929, 4 1/4" h. ........................................ $1,080One-of-a-Kind Lalique “Sirene” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sirene” patternby Lalique, the perfume bottle inclear & frosted glass w/a blue patina,Extraordinary Lalique Presentation Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper,“Trésor de laMer” for Saks Fifth Avenue, a unique Laliqueopalescent glass container, composedof a shell-shape box w/hinged coveropening to expose the pearl-shapedbottle, complete w/original red velvet presentationbox lined in gold silk & blue velvet& corded label in the form of a bookletidentifying this as No. 72 from a limitedediton of 100, box also retains originalSaks price tag affixed to the bottom indicatinga price of fifty dollars, glass box retainspartial label on inside of cover, boxstenciled “R. Lalique - France,” bottle engraved“R. Lalique - France,” ca. 1936,box 5 x 7 1/2 x 8 1/4", glass box 5 3/4" w.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $216,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tzigane” byCorday, an upright frosted notched cylindricalbottle w/disc stopper, molded Laliquesignature, ca. 1949, 4 1/2" h. ............... $150-200

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 205Le Verre FrancaisFine Lalique “Sirènes” <strong>Perfume</strong> Burner<strong>Perfume</strong> burner, “Sirènes” patt., cylindricalbase w/a dark amber stain molded in reliefw/the figures of nude sirens, domedtop, molded signature “R. Lalique,” ca.1930s, 6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)......................... $2,750Le Verre Francais Cameo AtomizerCameo atomizer & fittings, squatty pearshapedbody in frosted yellow cased inmottled orange & brown & cameo-cutw/an Art Deco stylized flower & leaf design,original metal fittings, signed on thebottom, missing atomizer bulb, 6 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $920Muller FreresTall Lalique Scent Bottle Made for ArysScent bottle & stopper, Lalique bottlemade for Arys, clear & frosted, tall slenderupright cylindrical shape molded w/adesign of vertical rows of stylized roundflowerheads, button-shaped frosted stopperw/matching design around the rim,base marked in raised block letters “Arys- R. Lalique,” some minor interior staining,small grind to lip, 7" h. (ILLUS.)........ $1,035Muller Freres French Cameo Atomizer

206PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, French cameotall slender swelled bottle in mottledorange cameo-carved & enameled in colorw/tall trees in a lakeside landscape,signed “Muller Freres - Luneville -France,” early 20th c., 8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.,previous page) ........................................... $950Richard<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, French cameoglass bottle w/a cushion foot belowthe gently tapering swelled body, lightpink cased in dark maroon & cameocarveda flowering stems up from the bottom,gilt metal fitting w/small mesh-coveredbulb, glass signed “Richard,” mountunmarked, ca. 1930s, 8" h. (ILLUS.).......... $550French Cameo Richard Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, French cameoglass bottle w/a bulbous base taperingto a slender cylindrical upper body, yellowishorange glass cased in dark red &cameo-carved w/a design of leafy hopvines, gilt-metal fitted w/long tube &mesh-covered bulb w/tassel, glasssigned “Richard,” mount unmarked, ca.1930s, 8 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $475Richard Red & Pink Cameo Atomizer<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, French cameoglass bottle w/a footed squatty bulbousbase tapering sharply to a tall slender cylindricalneck w/a bulbed top, pink casedin dark red & cameo-carved w/stems ofbleeding heart, glass signed “Richard,”mount apparently replaced, ca. 1930s,8 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $1,400Saint LouisRichard Pink Cameo <strong>Perfume</strong> AtomizerSt. Louis Green & Clear Etched <strong>Perfume</strong>

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 207<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical clearbottle w/flattened shoulder & short neck,flashed w/peridot green & acid-etchedoverall w/a design of leafy vines againsta leaf-etched ground, St. Louis, similarbottles made by Baccarat & Val St.Lambert, ca. 1900, 6" h. (ILLUS., previouspage) ............................................ $350-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ramses II” byBichara, a Saint Louis clear crystal Egyptianobelisk shape deeply etched overallw/hieroglyphics & labeling, silvery greylustre patina, inner stopper present, ca.1928, 8" h. (ILLUS.) .................... $7,000-10,500St. Louis White Latticino <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed bulbousovoid glass bottle tapering to a slenderneck, clear w/white swirled latticinothreading up the sides, blue applied lipband, white latticino button stopper, St.Louis, ca. 1850-60, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $375-425Fine French Latticino <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty roundtapering bottle in swirled blue & white latticinoglass, matching blown bulbousstopper, probably by St. Louis, ca.1870s, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)..................... $450-600GermanyMeissenRare “Ramses II” Obelisk <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleFigural Meissen <strong>Perfume</strong> AtomizerPefume atomizer & fittings, figural porcelain,designed as a seated blackamoorboy in a colorful costume holding a pale

208PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makersblue ovoid bottle w/gilt metal collar, fittings& bulb w/gold mesh covering, blueCrossed swords Meissen mark, early20th c., 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................... $250-300<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,model of an auburn mohair monkeywearing a black suit & top hat, removablehead over interior glass tube insert, 5" h.... $450United StatesFry<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slim milkyFry Foval glass body w/floral etching,Delft blue foot & stopper w/long dauber,7 1/2" h....................................................... $325QuezalUnusual Figural Meissen Scent BottleScent bottle w/stoppers, porcelain, figural,modeled as the figure of a standingbearded man in a long brown hoodedrobe holding the neck of a white goose inone hand & a basket of colored fruit overhis other arm, a long basket holding asmall child, the head of the child & theman form a stopper, Meissen bluecrossed-swords mark & impressed“2472,” late 19th c., 3" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $1,323Schuco<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,model of a blond mohair bear, 5" h. ........... $350Quezel Gold <strong>Perfume</strong> for Melba Company<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, slender taperingcylindrical shape w/four half ribs upfrom the base, small neck & button-formstopper, gold iridescent Quezal glassproduced for the Melba Company, basemarked “Q” & “Melba,” ca. 1920, 6 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,800-2,000Schuco Monkey Novelty <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, novelty-type,model of an auburn mohair monkey, removablehead over interior glass tube insert,5" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $300Gold Iridescent Quezal Scent BottleScent bottle w/disc stopper, blown artglass, tapering cylindrical form w/four

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 209ribs spaced around the sides, overallgolden iridescence w/green highlights,hexagon stopper, Quezal, signed on thebottom, tiny fleabite on edge of stopper,early 20th c., 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)..... $1,000-2,000Steuben<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, deep purpleSteuben glass w/a tapering ovoid shapew/molded columns down each cornerforming side panels finely engravedw/draping flower & leaf swags, pointeddisc stopper, variant of No. 6604, factorysignature & original paper label, ca.1920s, 8 1/4" h. (ILLUS. - Too rare toprice)Steuben Blue Aurene <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blue AureneSteuben glass w/a wide bottom shape &squat pointed stopper, signed “Aurene2833,” 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................ $600Extremely Rare Steuben <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleTall Steuben Blue Aurene <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, footed widewaistedshape tapering to a tall slenderneck w/flared rim & tall pointed stopper,Steuben blue Aurene glass, Shape No.3175, signed “Aurene,” ca. 1920s, 7" h.(ILLUS.)......................................... $2,500-3,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, mold-blowneight-lobed gourd shape w/ribbed & pointedstopper, Steuben gold Aurene glass,signed “Aurene 1455,” 6 1/2" h. ........... $650-800<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbouseight-lobed gourd shape in clear glass, aflame-shaped stopper w/silver overlay ina floral design, signed by Steuben, silverunsigned, 6 1/2" h. ..................................... $550<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousmelon-lobed shape in clear engravedglass w/matching pointed stopper,Steuben Shape No. 1455, engraved &signed by J. Hoare, ca. 1910-20, 6" h.(ILLUS. center with two other similarSteuben perfume bottles, top next page)............................................................ $500-600<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousmelon-lobed shape in clear glass decoratedw/fancy silver overlay, matching pointedstopper, Steuben Shape No. 1455,unsigned, ca. 1910-20, 6" h. (ILLUS. rightwith two other similar Steuben perfumebottles, top next page) .......................... $550-700

210PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle MakersThree Steuben <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottes in Shape No. 1455<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty bulbousmelon-lobed shape in Selenium Rubyw/matching pointed stopper, SteubenShape No. 1455, ca. 1910-20, 6" h. (ILLUS.left with two other similar Steuben perfumebottles, top of page)............................... $350-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty goldAurene Steuben eight-lobed glass w/aribbed & pointed matching stopper,signed “Aurene 1455,” 5 3/4" h. ................. $525Steuben Verre de Soie & Celeste Blue <strong>Perfume</strong>Steuben Verre de Soie & Jade <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty translucentVerre de Soie Steuben eight-lobedglass w/a pointed Jade Green stopperw/dauber, unsigned, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $600<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, squatty Verrede Soie Steuben eight-lobed glass w/aribbed & pointed Celeste Blue stopper,Shape No. 1455, ca. 1910-20, 4 3/4" h.(ILLUS., top next column) ................... $350-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slendergreen pilgrim bottle-shaped Steubenglass body raised on a swirled Cintra &mica-flecked ball stem & an amber foot,swirled Cintra & mica-flecked ball stopperw/long dauber, ca. 1920s, 11 3/4" h.(ILLUS., bottom next column) ...... $2,500-3,500Tall Green & Cintra Steuben <strong>Perfume</strong>

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 211Three Steuben Shape 3294 <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS. right with two similarperfume bottles, top of page) ........ $1,000-1,100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slender taperingbody w/a tall slender stopper,Green Jade, Steuben Shape No.3294, ca. 1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS. centerwith two similar perfume bottles, top ofpage)................................................ $700-1,000Unusual Steuben Shape 6309 <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slenderovoid body w/a very tall slender neck &pointed button stopper, colorless glasslayers enclosing mica flecks, the sidesapplied w/swirled Topaz drops, rubystopper & dauber, Steuben Shape No.6309, ca. 1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.)..... $2,500-3,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slender taperingbody w/a tall slender stopper,deep Amethyst, Steuben Shape No.3294, ca. 1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS. left withtwo similar perfume bottles, top of page)...................................................... $1,200-1,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slender taperingbody w/a tall slender stopper, goldAurene, Steuben Shape No. 3294, ca.Tall Slender Blue Aurene <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tall slightly taperingslender cylindrical footed bodyw/short flared neck, tall pointed stopper,Steuben blue Aurene, bottom signed “Aurene”& a paper label, 7 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................... $850

212PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tapering ovoidblue Aurene Steuben glass bottle w/abutton-form stopper, Shape No.2835, ca. 1915, 3 1/4" h. ..................... $600-750bottle w/ball stopper, four indentsaround the sides, unsigned, 1920s, 32/3" h. (ILLUS.)............................. $2,800-3,300Steuben Shape 2835 <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tapering ovoidVerre de Soie Steuben glass bottle w/abutton-form Celeste Blue stopper,Shape No. 2835, ca. 1915, 3 1/4" h.(ILLUS.) .............................................. $275-300Verre de Soie Bottle with Cintra Stopper<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Verre de SoieSteuben glass body w/pink Cintra stopperw/long dauber, Shape No. 6236, ca.1920s, unsigned, 6" h. (ILLUS.) .... $1,200-1,500TiffanyBlue Aurene “Atomic Cloud” <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, upright “AtomicCloud” shaped Steuben blue AureneTiffany Favrile <strong>Perfume</strong> with Hearts & Vines<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, boule-shapedbody w/short flared neck & ball-shapedstopper, gold iridescent Tiffany Favrileglass w/an overall green hearts & vinesdecoration, signed, ca. 1920s, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $750-900

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers 213Cut Glass & Sterling Tiffany & Co. Scent <strong>Bottles</strong>Fine Tiffany Double-Gourd <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, tapering double-gourdshape w/eight vertical ribs inTiffany blue Favrile glass, signed, ca.1909, 5 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $3,500-4,500Scent bottle w/cap, intaglio-carved paperweightglass, waisted cylindrical shapew/deep carved scrolls surrounding largedeep rose pink blossoms & greenleaves, ovoid leaf & flower cast sterlingsilver cap opening to a glass stopper, byTiffany Studios & Tiffany & Company,glass engraved “L.C.T. o786,” ca. 1905,5" h. (ILLUS., top next column) ............ $19,120Extremely Rare Tiffany Scent BottleScent bottles & stoppers, cut glass, sphericalclear bodies cut w/a band of strawberrydiamond & hobstars above a panelcutbottom & shoulder w/a flaring neck,fitted w/an ornate pointed sterlingcappedstopper, silver marked by Tiffany& Co., ca. 1900, 5 1/4" h., pr. (ILLUS.,top of page)............................................. $1,150Wheaton Glass Company,After shave lotion, “Early American OldSpice” by Shulton, cylindrical w/an enameledgirl on the front, upright glass stopper,unmarked by Wheaton, ca. 1937,2" h.......................................................... $25-30Eau de cologne bottle & stopper, “ParaTi” by Tuya, clear glass bottle w/fivebands & a tiered stopper, unsigned byWheaton, ca. 1946, 5 3/4" h......................... $25

214PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Carnegie Blue”by Hattie Carnegie, figural, in the shapeof the shoulders of a woman trimmed ingold w/her clear head forming thestopper, ca. 1944, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS., topof page) ............................................... $625-750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sinner” byAdrian, columnar form bottle, unmarkedby Wheaton, ca. 1944, 2 7/8" h.................... $26IriceFigural Hattie Carnegie “Carnegie Blue ”<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Makers<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Retailersjewel & dauber, trimmed w/dangling dicecharms, marked by Irice, ca. 1920s-30s,2" h............................................................. $128<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glassdram bottle w/a filigree metal cap w/fauxjewel & dauber, trimmed w/a chain danglinga blue cat charm, ca. 1920s-30s, 22/3" h.......................................................... $450Filigree-mounted Irice - Czech Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, bulbous footedclear crystal bottle encased in delicatefloral metal filigree set w/a large greenjewel & smaller jewels, small cylindricalneck also mounted w/filigree & topped bya green jewel, Czechoslovakia mark, ca.1930s, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $125<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glassdram bottle w/a filigree metal cap w/afaux gem & dauber, dangling multicoloredbead charms in the form of a boy &girl, ca. 1920s-30s, 2 2/3" h. ...................... $153<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, clear cut glassdram bottle w/a filigree metal cap w/fauxIrice Blue Bottle with Filigree Trim<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened bluecrystal bottle w/a stepped ovoid shapemounted w/a fancy metal filigree paneltrimmed w/beads, flat blue asymmetricalstopper etched w/a cluster of lily-of-thevalley,no dauber, Irice paper label &signed, 4 7/8" h. (ILLUS.).................... $300-400<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, glass bottle w/ametal filigree-covered stopper w/fauxjewel & glass dauber, a glass cherry &two leaves dangling from attached chain,signed w/an Irice Czech import mark,2 3/4" h................................................ $175-225

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 215Miniature Crystal Irice Bottle with Charms<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, miniature cleartapering cylindrical cut crystal bottle w/ametal filigree-trimmed cap w/a domedred Bakelite top suspending two chainsw/stylized boy & girl charms in black,white, blue & green beads, marked byIrice, ca. 1920s-30s, 2 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $135<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, miniature flattenedupright clear bottle encased indelicate scrolling gilt metal filigreew/cross-form bands of delicate enameledflowers centered by a large turquoise-likejewel, cylindrical filigreeneck w/turquoise jewel top,unsigned, ca. 1930s, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)............................................................ $125-135France<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersBourjoisEau de cologne bottle & stopper, “Ramage,”clear glass bottle in original birdsbox, ca. 1951, 7 3/4" h. ................................ $50<strong>Perfume</strong> atomizer w/fittings, “Evening inParis,” cobalt blue glass bottle w/silvertonemetal fittings, ca. 1928, 2 1/4" h...... $25-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Beau Belle,”clear glass bottle shaped as the letter “B,”good label, gold ball cap, ca. 1949,5 3/4" h....................................................... $170<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”cobalt blue glass bottle w/a silver V-shaped label & glass keyholestopper, ca. 1928, 4 1/2" h. ........................ $225Miniature Filigree & Turquoise Jewel Bottle“Evening in Paris” Bullet-shaped Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening inParis,” cobalt blue miniature bulletshapedlay-down style bottle w/gold label& silk tassel on the cap, ca. 1928,3 1/2" l. (ILLUS.)..................................... $16-20

216PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersEiffel Tower-shaped Bakelite case, ca.1928, 2" h................................................... $220<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”miniature cobalt blue glass bottlew/original triangular silver label, in redBakelite shell-form case, ca. 1928, 2" h..... $275“Evening in Paris” Urn-shaped Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”flattened, footed half-round urn-formcobalt blue glass bottle w/a short neck &high clear glass fan-shaped stopper,original silver label, w/original deluxe silverfabric box, empty, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .... $300“Evening in Paris” with Owl-form Case<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”upright flattened rectangular cobaltblue glass bottle w/a black cap, originaltriangular silver label, w/original blue figuralowl Bakelite case, ca. 1928, 2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $100-225Bourjois “Evening in Paris” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”flattened upright cobalt blue bottlew/rounded shoulder, short neck & frostedglass upright stopper, original silver &black triangular label, in original blue &silver star-shaped box, ca. 1928,2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................. $75-100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”miniature cobalt blue glass bottlew/original triangular silver label, in blueBakelite shell-form case, ca. 1928, 2" h... $70-125<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”miniature cobalt blue glass bottlew/original triangular silver label, in greenBakelite shell-form case, ca. 1928, 2" h............................................................. $220-380<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Evening in Paris,”miniature cobalt blue glass bottlew/original triangular silver label, in figuralBourjois “Kobako” Bottle & Case<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Kobako,” clearfrosted ovoid glass shaped like a Chinesesnuff bottle & molded overallw/chrysanthemums, small metallic label,complete w/the red Bakelite inro-stylecase molded w/chrysanthemums, ca.1953, 2 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $250-300

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 217<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mais Oui,” cobaltblue bottle w/clear fan-shaped glassstopper, mint in box, ca. 1938, 4" h..... $120-160“Mais Oui” Small Fan-shaped Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mais Oui,”small fan-shaped clear glass bottlew/blue cap fitted w/a silk tassel, ca. 1938,1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $30-45<strong>Perfume</strong> gift set, “Evening in Paris,” a shallowbox in the form of a French sailor’shat holding cobalt blue glass perfume,eau de cologne & purse-sized bottles, atalcum container, face powder case & alipstick, face powder & lipstickopened, ca. 1928, box 11" d. (ILLUS. ofopen & closed box) ............................. $120-200<strong>Perfume</strong> set, “Evening in Paris,” a small cobaltblue glass bottle sitting in the centerof a flat rounded metal ashtray decoratedw/scenes of Paris, ca. 1928, 2 1/4" h.,the set ........................................................ $355CaronUnusual “Evening in Paris” Gift SetMiniature “On the Wind” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “On the Wind,”miniature tapering ribbed clear bottle w/ayellow label & cap, ca. 1930, 1 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $20-40<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Premier Muguet,”clear glass bottle w/white plasticflower-shaped stopper, mint in box, ca.1955, 2 1/3" h............................................... $40<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Soir de Paris,”cobalt blue glass bottle w/a ribbedBakelite stopper, ca. 1928, 3 1/3" h. ............ $40Miniature “Bellodgia” Bottle by Caron<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bellodgia,”miniature rectangular clear glass bottle

218PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturersw/a stepped shoulder & square blackcap, w/original pink label, ca. 1927, 1" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $25dancers, bottle empty, ca. 1936, 3" h.(ILLUS.) ..................................................... $100Caron “Fete des Roses” Gold Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fete desRoses,” upright square glass bottle w/anoverall molded small block design & coveredw/gold enamel, matching taperingfaceted stopper, label on bottom,sealed, ca. 1949, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $325Caron “La Fete des Roses” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “La Fete desRoses” by Caron, upright square glassbottle w/an overall checkered patterncovered in gold, pointed gold stopper, labeled,in a velvet drawer-slide box w/silkrose petals, ca. 1951, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $1,900Caron “French Cancan” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “French Cancan,”clear glass ringed ovoid bottle w/alace ruffle around the neck & a squarewhite stopper, w/original drop-front boxlined in white & decorated w/CancanCaron “Nuit de Noel” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Nuit de Noel,”flattened upright rectangular black glassBaccarat bottle w/gold label band & smallknob stopper, w/original shagreen boxw/tassel, unsigned by Baccarat, ca.1922, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Poivre,” laydownglass bottle in the shape of a peppercorn, w/leatherette case, ca. 1954,3 1/2" l. .................................................... $25-45

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 219<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Chevalier de laNuit,” flattened rounded upright frostedclear glass bottle molded to represent thetorso of a knight, a figural plummedknight head stopper w/black patina,unsigned, ca. 1923, 7 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “New Horizons,”clear glass curved bottle, mint inbox, ca. 1941, 2 1/3" h. ................................ $75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Oh La La,”clear glass waisted cylindrical bottle w/afan-shaped stopper, ca. 1959, 5 1/2" h................................................................. $25-40Caron “Voeu de Noel” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Voeu de Noel,”oblong opalescent white glass bottlemolded w/large blossoms, bar-form glassstopper, name in gold enamel on thefront, ca. 1939, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $165-225Ciro<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Chevalier de laNuit,” flattened rounded upright blackglass bottle molded to represent the torsoof a knight, a figural plummed knighthead stopper, ca. 1923, 4 1/2" h. ............... $200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Chevalier de laNuit,” flattened rounded upright clearglass bottle molded to represent the torsoof a knight, a black glass figural plummedknight head stopper, ca. 1923, 2 1/3" h. .... $800Ciro “Chevalier de la Nuit” BottleSmall Ciro “Oh La La” Bottle with Dress<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Oh La La,”clear glass waisted cylindrical bottlewrapped in a black felt dress, whitescrew-on cap, ca. 1959, 2" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................ $60-75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Reflexions,”miniature square clear glass bottlew/green & white label & screw-on whitecap, full, ca. 1933, 1 1/4" h........................... $25Corday<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fame,” clearglass bottle w/upright stopper, originaldamask box, ca. 1937, 2 1/2" h.................... $65<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “OrchidéeBleue,” clear glass Baccarat floriformbottle & stopper, signed by Baccarat, ca.1925, 1 3/4" h............................................... $75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Quand?,” blackglass bottle w/black & gold stopper, originallabel, ca. 1925, 3 1/2" h................ $160-225<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Toujours Moi,”an upright clear glass flattened roundbottle w/molded down the sides w/stylizedflowers trimmed in gold, gold cap,original label, ca. 1950s, 2 1/2" h. ........... $40-58

220PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers“Toujours Moi” Gold-trimmed Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Toujours Moi,”an upright clear glass flattened roundbottle w/molded down the sides w/stylizedflowers trimmed in gold, originalhang tab around the neck, flaring cylindricalcap, ca. 1924, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............ $40Small “Toujours Moi” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Toujours Moi,”an upright clear glass flattened taperingovoid body w/a molded shield on the frontw/the original shield-shaped label, pinkcap, ca. 1927, 1 2/3" h. (ILLUS.).................. $30“Toujours Moi” Bottle & Box by Corday<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Toujours Moi,”an upright clear glass flattened roundbottle w/molded down the sides w/stylizedflowers under a brown patina, orangeBakelite stopper, original label,w/original brown similated alligator skindeluxe gift box, ca. 1935, 3" h. (ILLUS.) .... $155Corday “Zigane” Violin-shaped Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zigane,” an uprightclear glass bottle in the shape of aviolin, gold lettering on the front,empty, ca. 1949, 4 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)............ $100

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 221w/a black base & moldedchrysanthemums, ca. 1934, 3 1/4" h.......... $585Unusual Corday Lamppost Bottle Holder<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Jet,” “L’ArdenteNuit,” & “Zigane,” three miniatureglass bottles w/original labels each fittedinto a lantern atop a cast metal three-lightlamppost mounted w/a signed reading“Rue del la Pax” & ending in a round ashtraybase, Corday impressed mark on thebottom, ca. 1952, each bottle 1 1/3" h.,the set (ILLUS.) ................................... $180-510CotyBlue-Enameled Bottle Made for Coty<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, Coty bottle inupright oval crystal w/fancy enameleddecoration, the blue banded shoulderabove a narrow band of rings suspendingoverlapping stylized long blueleaves, domed blue-enameled stopper,attributed to Marcal Goupy, bottommolded “Coty - France,” ca. 1925,4 5/8" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $960<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Emeraude,”clear glass tall rectangular bottle w/awave-molded stopper, set in a gold plastichigh heeled shoe, w/outer box, mint inbox, ca. 1936, 2 3/4" h . ............................... $98“L’Aimant” by Coty Eau de Toilette SetEau de toilette bottles & stoppers, “L’Aimant,”a small & large upright squaredclear glass bottle w/gold caps, original labelsw/original gold box, ca. 1927, 1 2/3"& 3" h., the set (ILLUS.) ............................... $35<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “A Suma,” frostedboule-shaped glass bottle w/embossedflowers, in original Bakelite case“Emeraude” by Coty <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

222PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Emeraude,”upright flattened rectangular clear glassbottle w/incised bands around the body,flaring faceted stopper, original label,bottle originally used for “Le Vertige,” ca.1938, 4 1/8" h. (ILLUS., previous page)..... $145Small “L’Aimant” Bottle Designed by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Aimant,” asmall tapering rectangular clear glass Laliquebottle w/a rectangular waves stopper,original gold label, ca. 1927,1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $28Rare Coty “L’Effleur” Bottle by Lalique<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Effleur,” uprightrectangular clear & frosted Laliqueglass bottle molded in the center panelw/an Art Nouveau female above waves,brown patina, probably first collaborationw/Lalique, ca. 1908, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $4,500-4,750“L’Aimant” by Coty with Original Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Aimant” byCoty, an upright rectangular clear bottlew/frosted patterned domed stopper w/sepiapatina, w/label, sealed, in uprightsquare box, 1920s, 3 5/8" h. (ILLUS.)........ $240Coty “L’Or” Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Or,” tall slenderclear Baccarat teardrop-shapedglass bottle w/tall teardrop stopper, goldlettering near base, marked byBaccarat, ca. 1916, 6 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $225

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 223Early “L’Origan” by Coty <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Origan,” asmall square clear bottle w/screw-offgold cap, original gold label, full, ca.1903, 1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................... $11<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “La Rose Jacqueminot,”clear Baccarat glass bottlew/a floriform stopper, gold labels & originalbox, marked by Baccarat, ca. 1905,4 2/3" h....................................................... $305“Muguet” by Coty <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muguet” byCoty, upright flattened rectangular clearglass bottle w/flat shoulders & flattenedfaceted diamond-shaped stopper, w/lable,sealed, w/original box, 1930s, 5" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $840<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muse,” clearglass bottle w/a frosted overcap, ca.1945, 3 1/8" h............................................. $107<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Styx,” a clearglass unsigned Lalique bottle w/a briarstopper in the Serie Toilette, 1910,2 1/3" h . ................................................ $45-90Coty Three-Bottle <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers set, “La Rose,” “Jasmin de Corse,” & “L’Origan” by Coty, each a clear glass lowsquare shape w/a squared & flattened stopper w/a molded design, sealed w/labels & in original black silklinedleather case, bases stenciled “Cristal Coty,” ca. 1923, 2 1/4" h., the set (ILLUS., above) ........ $1,800

224PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersD’Orsayglass one, originally it sold for $1, missingthe label, ca. 1938, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .. $325-400“Ambre d’Orsay” Black Glass Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ambre d’Orsay,”a upright square black glass Laliquebottle w/a tall molded classical female figureat each corner, stopper w/stylizedflowers, signed in the mold byLalique, ca. 1913, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ... $800-900Milk Glass “Belle de Jour” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Belle de Jour,”an upright oval asymmetrical milk glassbottle w/the stopper designed as a handholding a bouquet of flowers, originallabel, ca. 1938, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $225-300D’Orsay “Belle de Jour” Reissue Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Belle de Jour,”a clear tapering cylindrical Lalique bottlew/a high arched tiara stopper w/twonudes, an unusual reissue of a bottle designedfor “Leur Ames” to celebrate the25th anniversay of that scent, reissue bottlehas a plastic stopper rather than aVery Rare “Grace d’Orsay” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Grace d’Orsay,”an upright square clear & frostedLalique glass bottle w/reticulated uppercorners & flaring reticulated stopper,brown patina, sealed, extremely rare,1915-20, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....... $20,000-30,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 225D’Orsay “Le Lys” Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Lys,” an uprightflattened ovoid clear & frosted Laliqueglass bottle molded overall w/blossomson stems, flat round flower-moldedstopper, brown patina, unsigned by Lalique,6 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)........................ $325-400“Mystere d’Orsay” Black Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mystere d’Orsay,”upright rectangular flattened blackglass Lalique bottle w/tall slender squarestopper, engraved R. Lalique signature, ca.1925, 3 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) ..................... $900-1,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Voulez Vous,”a clear bottle w/black cap w/dauber,full, ca. 1965, 2 2/3" h. ............................ $25-35Dior (Christian)D’Orsay “Muguet” Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muguet,” anupright flattened rectangular clear Baccaratglass bottle w/short neck & facetedknob stopper, gold label, etched Baccaratmark, ca. 1923, 4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).......... $600Mini “Miss Dior” Lay-down Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Miss Dior,”miniature clear glass flattened oval laydownbottle w/black lettering, screw-offcap, ca. 1953, 1 1/2" l. (ILLUS.) .............. $15-20

226PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersFine Baccarat “Diorling” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Diorling,” clearBaccarat glass footed & ribbed ovoid bottlew/a tall upright gilt-metal stopper composedof flowers on stems, signed &numbered by Baccarat, ca. 1956, 9" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $1,000Fine “Miss Dior” Cut Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Miss Dior,” cobaltcut to clear Baccarat glass footedbaluster-form bottle w/a tall cut teardropstopper, gilt trim, name painted ingold, marked by Baccarat, ca. 1933,7" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $525-700“Miss Dior” Clear Cut Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Miss Dior,”clear cut Baccarat glass footed balusterformbottle w/a tall cut teardrop stopper,name painted in gold, marked by Baccarat,empty, ca. 1953, 7" h. (ILLUS.)...... $140-175Two Dior <strong>Perfume</strong> Counter Testers<strong>Perfume</strong> counter testers & fittings, “Diorling”& “Miss Dior,” clear Baccarat glassfooted & ribbed ovoid bottle w/a gilt-metalfittings & bases, ca. 1950s, 5" h., each(ILLUS.)........................................................ $75

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 227Guerlainscrew-off cap, worn label, full, ca.1962, 2 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)........................ $55-70Eau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Jicky,”miniature clear glass teardrop-shapedbottle w/all-glass stopper, no box, ca.1970, 2" h..................................................... $20“Vol de Nuit” Eau de Cologne BottleEau de cologne bottle & stopper, “Vol deNuit” by Guerlain, clear upright clearglass doughnut-shaped bottle w/label inthe center, pointed stopper, “HP” mark ofPochet et de Courval, ca. 1937, 7 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $65Eau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Chamade,”miniature clear glass teardropshapedbottle w/all-glass stopper, nobox, ca. 1970, 2" h. ...................................... $39Eau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Chantsd’Arome,” miniature clear glass teardropshapedbottle w/all-glass stopper,w/box, ca. 1970, 2" h.................................... $51“L’Heure Bleue” Eau de Toilette BottleEau de toilette bottle & stopper, “L’HeureBleue,” upright flattened ovoid clearglass bottle w/frosted onion-dome stopper,good original label, ca. 1912,6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $55-70Black Glass “Chants d’Arome” BottleEau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Chantsd’Arome,” upright flattened lyreshapedblack glass bottle w/gold1970s “Parure” Eau de Toilette BottleEau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Parure,”clear flattened ovoid glass bottle w/frosted& bead-molded domed stopper, nobox, ca. 1970, 2" h. (ILLUS.)................... $25-35Eau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Shalimar,”miniature clear glass teardropshapedbottle w/all-glass stopper,w/box, ca. 1970, 2" h.................................... $50Eau de toilette bottle & stopper, “Vol deNuit,” miniature clear glass teardrop-

228PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturersshaped bottle w/all-glass stopper, nobox, ca. 1970, 2" h. ...................................... $57Lalique “Bouquet de Faunes” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Bouquet deFaunes,” footed rounded urn-form frostedLalique glass bottle w/molded faunmasks alternating w/masks of womenaround the shoulder, short neck w/moldedbutton stopper, no label, unsigned byLalique, ca. 1922, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $450-750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Chamade,”clear glass draped bottle w/a figural rosebudstopper, good label, “HP” mark ofPochet et de Courval, ca. 1969, 4 3/4" h. .... $45Scarce Guerlain “Champs Elysées” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “ChampsElysées,” short rectangular flattenedclear glass bottle w/rounded shoulder,short neck & rectangular faceted stopper,original silver & blue fountain design label,limited edition, ca. 1904, 2 1/8" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $250-330<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Coque d’Or,” ashort cobalt blue glass bow-shaped Baccaratbottle w/overall gold enamel,signed & numbered by Baccarat, samebottle used for the scent “Dawamesk” after1946, this bottle ca. 1937, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS. right with larger Coque d’Or bottle,bottom of page) .......................... $900-1,000<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Coque d’Or,” ashort cobalt blue glass bow-shaped Baccaratbottle w/overall gold enamel,signed & numbered by Baccarat, samebottle used for the scent “Dawamesk” after1946, this bottle ca. 1937, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS. left with smaller Coque d’Or bottle,bottom of page) ............................. $750-800A Large & Small “Coque d’Or” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle by Baccarat

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 229Guerlain “Fleur de Feu” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fleur de Feu,”clear slender tapering cylindricalribbed body on a foot, flaring stopper,4" h. (ILLUS.) .............................................. $85Early Guerlain “Mitsouko” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mitsouko,” aclear upright three-section glass bottlew/rectangular flattened stopper, early labelw/horse design, sealed, ca. 1916,4 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $250Early “Jicky” Bottle by Baccarat<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jicky,” a shortclear paneled Baccarat bottle w/angledshoulder & quadrilobe stopper, mint &unopened in brown flocked box w/whitesatin interior, signed by Baccarat, scentintroduced in 1889, bottle introduced ca.1908, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $120-190<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’HeureBleue,” miniature upright flattenedsquare clear glass Baccarat bottle w/ascrolled shoulder, short neck & squattyopenwork heart-shaped stopper, empty,no box, ca. 1932, 1 3/8" h. .......................... $16Guerlain “Mitsouko” Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mitsouko,” uprightflattened square clear glass Baccaratbottle w/a scrolled shoulder, short neck& squatty openwork heart-shaped stopper,original label, signed byBaccarat, ca. 1916, 4" h. (ILLUS.) ............... $50

230PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersGuerlain “Nahéma” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Nahéma,”clear flattened round glass bottle w/halfroundfoot & ball stopper, full & sealed,w/original box, discontinued scent, ca.1979, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Pois de Senteur,”a clear faceted glass bottle & stopper,large label, ca. 1940, 2 3/4" h. ............ $155Baluster-form “Shalimar” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shalimar,” aclear & frosted baluster-form glass bottlew/a frosted drape wrapped around mostof the body, tall upright molded rose budstopper, original label, w/zebra designbox, ca. 1921, 4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)......... $125-200Guerlain “Shalimar” Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shalimar,” aclear footed crystal fluted & fanned Baccaratbottle w/a small blue glass fannedstopper, original label & faded pink velourcase, marked by Baccarat, ca.1921, 6 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)...................... $100-165Modern Guerlain “Shalimar” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shalimar,” amodern clear footed crystal fluted &fanned Baccarat bottle w/a small blueplastic fanned stopper, original label &purple velour case, marked “HP,” ca.1980s, 4" h. (ILLUS.)............................... $12-20

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 231Matching <strong>Bottles</strong> for Guerlain Scents<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shalimar” or“Chamade,” miniature upright flattenedclear glass bottle w/a rounded shoulder,short neck & large black plastic buttoncap, used for several scents, 1 1/2" h.,depending on the scent, each (ILLUS. oftwo) ......................................................... $10-40Lancome “Magie” Teardrop Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Magie,” clearglass teardrop-shaped pendant bottlew/metal collar & ring stopper, in originalfitted box, ca. 1949, 3" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $75-90Early Guerlain “Sillage” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sillage” byGuerlain, wide clear octagonal form w/agilt drapery around the edge of theshoulder, gilt-trimmed neck & buttonstopper, w/label, sealed, ca. 1910,5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $900<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tabac Fleuri,”clear glass bottle w/fleur-de-lis shapedstopper, w/box, 3" h. .................................... $96<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Vol de Nuit” byGuerlain, small upright square grey glassbottle w/a molded sunburst design & circulargold ring label on the sides, shortsquare clear stopper, sealed, in originalzebra skin-patterned box, ca. 1933,2 1/2" h. ..................................................... $175Lancome<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Kypre,” clearglass bottle w/upright engravedstopper, ca. 1935, 3 1/2" h. .......................... $39Lancome “Magie” Twisted Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Magie,” clearupright square Baccarat glass bottlew/in-body twist, conforming block overcap& stopper, deluxe presentation box,unsigned by Baccarat, ca. 1949, 4 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $150-250<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Marrakech,”clear glass bottle w/curved stopper, mintin box, ca. 1942, 3 2/3" h. .......................... $210

232PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersLanvinLancome Trésor Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Trésor,” clearupright rectangular bottle w/a flattenedengraved glass disk stopper, mint in originalbox, ca. 1953, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ................. $75Lanvin “Arpege” Bath Oil BottleBath oil bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” uprightflattened round clear glass bottle w/a flatbase & relief-molded logo, screw-off goldcap, ca. 1927, 3 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)......... $200-240Lancome Trésor Two-Bottle Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Trésor,” aclear glass tapering cylindrical ringed fullbottle w/gold screw-on cap w/ribbon & a1995 reissued clear glass flattened diskformbottle w/a rayed design & facetededges, gilt metal screw-on cap, the set(ILLUS.)...................................................... $220<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers set,“Tropiques” & “Magie” by Lancome, apair of frosted glass tapering & flutedcontainers w/metal caps, original labels,in original box, Limited Edition “Jumelles”presentation set, ca. 1952, 3 1/2" h....................................................... $1,600-2,100Lanvin “Arpege” Round Black Glass Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” blackboule-shaped glass bottle w/signaturegold logo, older gilt raspberry-shapedstopper, mint in box, ca. 1927, 3 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $220

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 233Tiny Rounded “Arpege” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” tinyclear glass rounded bottle w/black screwoffcap, ca. 1927, 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)................ $25Small Boule-shaped “Arpege” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” clearboule-shaped glass bottle w/gold logo,gold ball-shaped ribbed stopper, full, ca.1927, 1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................ $8-10Rare Lanvin Miniature “Arpege” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” rareminiature black boule-shaped glassbottle w/signature gold logo, goldscrew-off cap, mint in box, ca. 1927,1 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ......................... $1,000-1,300Unusual Miniature “Arpege” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Arpege,” unusualminiature rounded clear glass bottlew/banner label & black cap, ca. 1927,1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $25<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Crescendo,”miniature upright square clear glass bottlew/buff label & black screw-off cap,full, ca. 1939, 1 1/2" h. ................................. $15

234PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers“Scandal” by Lanvin <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Scandal” byLanvin, clear spherical glass bottle printedin gold w/stylized figures of a woman& child, knobby gilded stopper, sealedw/label, in original box, ca. 1931,2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $250-350Scent bottles & stoppers, miniature glassbottles w/silver labels & black logo stoppers,in box, ca. 1920s, 1 7/8" h., set of 4 .... $89LeLong (Lucien)Eau de cologne bottle & stopper, “Impromptu,”clear glass barber bottleshapedbottle, mint in box, ca. 1935, 8" h. .... $455" Lelong “Indiscret” Ribbed Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Indiscret,”frosted clear tall ribbed cylindrical glassbottle w/draped design around the flaredbase, upright metal bow-shaped stopper,labeled, ca. 1935, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............ $28Lucien Lelong “Indiscret” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Indiscret” byLucien Lelong, slender tapering & reededcylindrical frosted clear glass bottle w/aknob stopper, on a composition base,seated, w/original box, ca. 1935,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $200-450Lelong Tall “Indiscret” Ribbed Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Indiscret,”frosted clear tall ribbed cylindrical glassbottle w/draped design around the flaredbase, upright bow-shaped stopper,labeled, ca. 1935, 6 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $100

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 235<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jabot,” frostedclear wide domed & fluted bottle w/alarge bow-shaped stopper, inner stopper& dauber, two labels, ca. 1939, 2 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $140-175Lucien LeLong “Jabot” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Jabot” by LucienLelong, clear glass bottle shapedlike a skirt w/widely flaring hem, largefrosted glass knot-shaped stopper,w/original label & round box, ca. 1939,3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $840Lelong “Jabot” Bow-topped BottleMiniature Lelong “Mon Image” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mon Image,”miniature upright tiered clear glass bottlew/flat rectangular stopper, original label,w/original mirrored case, ca. 1933,1 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)....................................... $130Lelong “Opening Night” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Opening Night” by Lelong, a clear glass tiered pyramidal bottle enclosed in a rareamber & black Lucite box, cord sealed, w/labels, ca. 1939, 3" h. (ILLUS.)........................................ $1,920

236PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersLelong “Opening Night” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “OpeningNight,” clear squatty rounded & taperingbottle w/a wide flat shoulder & an overallincised block design, flat-topped halfroundstopper w/matching design, inoriginal stage-design box, ca. 1934,2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $225“Tailspin” Lucien LeLong Bottle-<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tailspin” by LucienLelong, clear gently swelled cylindrical& paneled glass bottle w/faceted stopper,w/label, sealed, in unique armoireshapedbox, ca. 1940, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .... $475<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tailspin,” clearglass bottle shaped like a stack of pokerchips, upright stopper, in originalcase, ca. 1947, 3 1/2" h. .............................. $50Lelong “Sirocco” Double-Twist Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sirocco,” uprightclear glass double-twist design bottle,sealed, mint in box, ca. 1934,3 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $100-125Lelong Set of Small “Joli Petit” <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Joli Petit,”four miniature clear glass barber bottleshapedbottles each tied w/a ribbon, mintin original red box, ca. 1940s, 2 1/2" h.,the set (ILLUS.)............................................ $75

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 237LenthericPiver (L.T.)Miniature “À Bientot” Bottle & Box by Lentheric<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “À Bientot,”miniature upright square clear glass bottlew/gold ball cap, gold lettering, mint infitted box, ca. 1930, 1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................ $40-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Confetti,” miniatureclear glass bottle w/gold cap & yellowbanner label, original outer box, ca.1939, 1 7/8" h............................................... $70<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Dark Brilliance,”clear glass bottle w/bow-shapedstopper, gold lettering, ca. 1946, 3 1/3" h................................................................. $40-45<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Miracle,” frostedclear & polished columnar bottlew/hang tag, in original box, ca. 1924,2 1/8" h....................................................... $100<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Repartée,”clear glass knot-shaped bottle w/glassstopper, ca. 1949, 3 1/2" h. .......................... $33L.T. Piver “Pompeia” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Pompeia” byL.T. Piver, upright square clear glass bottlew/rounded shoulder & cylindrical neckw/pointed faceted stopper, original labels,mint in original box, ca. 1922,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $375Ricci (Nina)Miniature “Shanghai” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shanghai,”miniature long low clear glass bottlew/stepped shoulder & gold ball cap, mintin box, ca. 1936, 1 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ......... $45-50<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Tweed,” clearglass bottle w/wood cap, full, ca. 1935,3 1/8" h......................................................... $25“L’Air du Temps” Eau de Toilette BottleEau de toilette bottle & stopper, “L’Air duTemps,” tall ovoid twisted clear glass bottlew/a frosted stopper designed as twoflying doves (Flacon aux Columbes), de-

238PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturerssigned by Marc Lalique in 1947, oftenmistaken for a giant factice bottle,12 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................. $1,250Small Capricci Glass <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Capricci” byNina Ricci, small squatty bulbous clearglass bottle w/an overall diamond pointdesign, screw-off gilt metal cap, ca.1961, 1 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $25-30“L’Air du Temps” Sunburst Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “L’Air duTemps” by Nina Ricci, squatty flattenedclear glass sunburst design w/a scallopedplastic case, gold metal cap, ca.1948, 1 1/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $55-90SchiaparelliLalique Bottle for “Capricci” by Ricci<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Capricci” byNina Ricci, small squatty bulbous clearLalique glass bottle w/an overall diamondpoint design, glass stopper, bottle signedby Lalique, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ........................... $100Empty “Le Roi Soliel” Baccarat Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Roi Soliel,”clear Baccarat glass round sharply taperingwave-molded bottle w/a large flattenedupright stopper representing thesun w/the face composed of doves, designedto celebrate the liberation ofFrance at the end of World War II, designedby Salvador Dali, missing goldmetal shell-shaped case, bottle only, ca.1945, 7" h. (ILLUS.) .................... $9,000-10,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 239Rare Schiaparelli “Le Roi Soliel” Bottle in Original Shell-form Case<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Roi Soliel,”clear Baccarat glass round sharply taperingwave-molded bottle w/a large flattenedupright stopper representing thesun w/the face composed of doves, designedto celebrate the liberation ofFrance at the end of World War II, designedby Salvador Dali, w/gold metalshell-shaped case, ca. 1945, empty inoriginal case, 7" h. (ILLUS.) .................. $12,500Tiny Schiaparelli “S” Bottle & BoxMiniature Schiaparelli “S” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “S,” miniatureclear glass bottle in a flattened discshape molded w/a script “S,” gold ballstopper, sealed w/original hang tag, ca.1965, 1 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $95-110<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “S,” tiny clearglass bottle w/white cap, black script “S”label, small pink & transparent plasticbox, ca. 1965, 1" h. (ILLUS., top next column)............................................................. $35Very Rare “Sans Souci” Presentation Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sans Souci,”clear glass bottle w/a tiny glass windmillinside, w/the original windmill-shaped

240PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturerspresentation box w/movable blades,only known complete set, 1943,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.).................................... $8,000“Scent of Mystery” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Scent of Mystery,”clear glass cylindrical bottle w/ablack & gold label & black cap, createdfor Mike Todd’s movie, “Scent of Mystery,”meant to be sprayed in the theatresas “Smell-O-Vision,” ca. 1969, w/originalblack & gold box, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $500Schiaparelli “Shocking” Factice Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shocking” bySchiaparelli, a factice clear glass bottle inthe shape of a female mannequin, fittedw/a gold ball stopper, on original velvetdisplay stand, ca. 1936, 18" h. (ILLUS.)...................................................... $3,500-4,000Miniature “Shocking” Bottle with Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shocking,” aminiature clear glass miniature uprightrectangular bottle w/a gold cap, completew/original pink & white label & in originalpink box w/gold carrier, ca 1936, 2 1/8" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $65Schiaparelli “Shocking” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shocking,”clear glass bottle molded in the shape ofa dressmaker’s dummy, glass flowersaround the stopper, a tape measurearound the neck w/the “S” label, all undera glass dome, ca. 1936, 6" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $350

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 241Schiaparelli Small “Shocking” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shocking,” figural,small clear glass bottle in the form ofa female torso, gold nugget cap, w/originalbox, 2" h. (ILLUS.)................................ $110“Shocking Scamp” Bottle in Metal Body<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “ShockingScamp,” a miniature clear glass bottle fittedinside a metal openwork stylized figureholding a sword above its paintedstopper head, on metal stand, 5 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $2,335Miniature “Shocking” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Shocking,”miniature clear glass bottle in the shapeof a female torso w/a dressmaker tapew/“S” label around the neck, gold cap,full, ca. 1936, 2" h. (ILLUS.) .................... $40-70“Si” by Schiaparelli Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Si,” clear glassbottle in the shape of a chianti bottlew/gold stripings, mint in cylindrical ribbedgold presentation box, ca. 1957, 4 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $800-900

242PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersSchiaparelli “Succes Fou” Bottle & BoxMiniature “Si” by Schiaparelli Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Si,” miniatureclear glass bottle in the shape of a chiantibottle, gold cap, label on bottom, ca.1957, 1 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $145-290Schiaparelli “Sleeping” Candlestick Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Sleeping,”clear glass candlestick-shaped bottle w/ared glass flame-shaped stopper, labeled,w/original snuffer-shaped box, ca. 1938,8" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $650-750<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Succes Fou,”green opaque leaf-shaped glass bottlew/gold trim, in original bright pink heartshapedpink box, ca. 1953, 4 1/4" h.(ILLUS., top next column).................. $450-600Schiaparelli “Zut” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zut” by Schiaparelli,clear & frosted glass, modeled asthe lower torso of a lady wearing tights,her legs tapering down into round folds offabric frosted & trimmed w/gold stars, gildedstopper, sealed, in original purple silklinedbox, ca. 1949, 5 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)......... $900

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 243Worth“Zut” by Schiaparelli Figural Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zut,” clear &frosted glass bottle in the shape of thelower body of a woman w/her slip puddledaround her feet, gold designsaround the waist & gold stars on the slip,gold metal cap & green neck ribbon, reportedlyinspired by an accident that occurredto Elsa Schiaparelli when thewaist elastic on her slip broke at a trainstation & the slip fell to her feet, ca. 1949,4 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $345<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zut,” miniatureclear glass bottle in the shaped of thelower torso of a woman, metal stopper,empty, good label on bottom, ca. 1949,2 1/8" h. .............................................. $500-600Worth Blue Glass “Dans La Nuit” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Dans La Nuit,”small dark blue glass boule-shaped bottlew/upright blue disc stopper moldedw/the name, w/original box, ca. 1920, 21/3" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $150“Je Reviens” Blue Lalique Glass Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Je Reviens,”small blue Lalique glass cylindricalribbed bottle w/a turquoise stopper,signed by Lalique, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ............... $100Miniature “Zut” by Schiaparelli Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Zut,” miniatureversion of the clear glass bottle in theshape of the lower body of a womanw/her slip puddled around her feet, ca.1949, 2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $350Scarce Worth “Requete” Lalique Bottle

244PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Requete,”clear glass Lalique bottle w/a pedestalbase supporting the upright round discformbottle w/a scalloped edge trimmedin blue enamel, clear tapering stopper,mint in box, marked by Lalique, ca. 1944,6 1/8" h. (ILLUS., previous page).. $2,000-2,500United StatesArden (Elizabeth)Worth “Vers Toi” Lalique Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Vers Toi,” clearfrosted Lalique glass tapering cylindricalflowerpot-form bottle w/a flat shoulder,tiny neck & short cylindrical stopper, labeled,signed “R. Lalique,” ca. 1933,3" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................... $75Arden “Blue Grass” Figural CologneCologne bottle, “Blue Grass,” figural clearglass bottle in the form of the bust of awoman on plinth base, missing corkstopper, ca. 1934, 12 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)........ $125<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Blue Grass,”clear upright rectangular glass bottle w/ablue horse overcap, full, w/two labels, ca.1934, 3 1/4" h............................................... $66Two Miniature “Je Reviens” <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, “Je Reviens,”a miniature upright reeded square blueLalique glass bottle w/a match gold cap &a miniature flattened disc-form blue Laliqueglass bottle w/a cylindrical cap, bothempty & unsigned, ca. 1930s, 2" &2 1/2" h., each (ILLUS.)........................... $20-25Miniature “Blue Grass” Arden Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Blue Grass,”miniature clear upright rectangular glassbottle w/a gold overcap, empty, w/twolabels, ca. 1934, 1 1/8" h. (ILLUS.).... $110-125

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 245Fan-shaped “Cyclamen” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cyclamen” byElizabeth Arden, a Baccarat figural bottlew/a white open fan resting on a clear facetedglass base, tall pointed square stopper,gilt trim, sealed w/metallic ribbon &jewel brooch, base stenciled“Baccarat,” ca. 1938, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)................................................................ $2,400Figural Baccarat Bottle for “It’s You”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “It’s You,” clearfigural Baccarat glass bottle in the form ofan upright hand holding aloft a flaring bottle,a blue ring & blue flower stopper,sealed, w/hang tags, signed & numberedby Baccarat, lacking dome, ca. 1938,6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,200-1,500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “It’s You,” figuralBaccarat glass bottle in the form of anupright white hand holding aloft a goldflaring bottle, gold rose-shaped stopper,hang tag & original glass dome, mint inbox, ca. 1935, 6 1/3" h. ........................... $3,850Baccarat “Cyclamen” Bottle for E. Arden<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cyclamen,” figuralBaccarat glass bottle in the shape ofan open white fan on clear feet & w/a tallpointed clear stopper, signed & numberedby Baccarat, ca. 1938, 6 3/8" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $400-600Arden “Memoire Cherie” Figural Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Memoire Cherie,”figural, a frosted clear glass modelof a lady, label on the bottom, 3" h.(ILLUS.)..................................................... $285

246PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers“Mille Fleurs” by Elizabeth Arden Bottle & Presentation BoxFigural “On Dit” by Elizabeth Arden BottleFigural “Memoire Chérie” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Memoire Chérie,”frosted glass figural w/the bottleshaped like a woman's torso w/her goldtrimmedarms crossed at the front, headshapedstopper w/gilt trim, deluxe holidayversion, ca. 1953, 6 7/8" h. (ILLUS.)... $750-1,200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mille Fleurs,”clear bulbous glass bottle w/an orangeBakelite cap, bottom label, mint in originalpresentation box, ca. 1942, 2 1/2" h.(ILLUS., top of page).................................. $175<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “My Love,” clearglass bottle w/a feather-shaped stopper,good lettering, ca. 1949, 3 1/2" h. .............. $140<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Night andDay,” clear glass triangular bottle w/aflame-shaped stopper, good label, ca.1935, 2" h..................................................... $48<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “On Dit” by ElizabethArden, clear frosted container moldedin the shape of two ladies’ heads, onewhispering to the other, curled topnotstopper, very rare box w/graphics by ReneBouche, ca. 1948, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS., topnext column) ............................................ $6,600“On Dit” Figural Elizabeth Arden Bottle

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 247<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “On Dit,” figuralclear & frosted glass bottle in the form oftwo stylized ladies' heads w/tightly curledhair whispering to each other, topknotforms stopper, ca. 1952, 4 1/4" h. (ILLUS.,previous page) ..................................... $145-175Ayer (Harriet Hubbard)<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, chessmanknight figural bottle, clear tapering &ringed bottle w/a gilt metal horse headstopper, ca. 1940s, 3" h. (ILLUS. left withtall Mary Chess knight bottle)....................... $20<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, chessmanknight figural bottle, clear tapering &ringed bottle w/a clear glass horse headstopper, ca. 1940s, 4 1/3" h. (ILLUS.right with short Mary Chess knight bottle) .... $40“Muguet” Harriet Hubbard Ayer Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Muguet,” J. Viardbottle in an upright flattened triangularshape, clear & frosted w/an overallblossom design w/a sepia patina, matchingflattened arched stopper, w/originallabel, 1920s, 3 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................. $570<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Yu,” simple rectangularclear glass bottle w/a wide glassstopper, mint in box, ca. 1937, 2 2/3" h. ........... $55Chess (Mary)Souvenir d’un Soir Fountain Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Souvenir d’unSoir,” a frosted & clear glass figural replicaof the fountain in the Plaza Hotel in NewYork City, ca. 1956, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.)... $310-590Two Mary Chess Chessmen <strong>Bottles</strong>Set of Mary Chess Gold Chessmen <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong>s bottle & stoppers, chessmanfigural bottles, gold-painted glass tapering& ringed bottle w/a chessmanstopper, ca. 1940s, original gold box,3" h., set of 4 (ILLUS.).................................. $89

248PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersColgate & CompanyEarly Colgate “Caprice” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Caprice,” simpleslender slightly tapering clear bottlew/metal twist-off cap, good originallabel, ca. 1893, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $20-30<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Cha Ming,”simple slender clear bottle w/glass stopper,original label w/floral graphics, inoriginal box, ca. 1917, 3" h........................... $55Art Deco Lalique Bottle for “Orchis”<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Orchis,” a Laliquebottle in clear & frosted glass w/alight rose patina, upright flattened rectangularshape w/an overall etched designof stylized flowers on the sides, w/label,molded “R. Lalique,” ca. 1927, 3 5/8" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $2,520Colgate “The Unknown Flower” Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “The Unknown Flower,” J. Viard frosted clear upright round bottle w/a sepia patina,the sides molded as a large four-petaled blossom, small blossom stopper, w/original disk-form boxw/tassel, ca. 1921, stain to interior of box, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................................. $2,200-3,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 249Factor (Max)Hudnut (Richard)Max Factor Novelty <strong>Perfume</strong> Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Hypnotique,”novelty-type, a simple cylindrical glassbottle w/gold plastic cap packaged undera high plastic dome w/a seated stylizedblack cat, labeled around the base of thecontainer “Sophisti-Cat,” ca. 1958, bottle2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................... $18-22“Fadette” Bottle for Richard Hudnut<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Fadette,” a J.Viard design in clear & frosted glass, cylindricalw/an overall molded floral swagdesign trimmed in sepia patina, figuralstopper of nude lady, bottom molded "J.Viard," ca. 1924, 4" h. (ILLUS.).... $1,600-2,300<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le DebutBlanc,” a squatty octagonal white glassbottle w/a short neck & upright gold raspberry-shapedstopper, original label,empty, ca. 1927, 1 1/3" h. .......................... $183Max Factor Sophisti-Cat Novelty Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Primitif,” novelty-type,a simple cylindrical glass bottlew/gold plastic cap packaged under ahigh plastic dome w/a seated stylizedpink cat, labeled around the base of thecontainer “Sophisti-Cat,” ca. 1960, bottle2" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $22-30Hudnut “Le Debut Noir” Black Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Debut Noir,”footed squatty angular black glass bottlew/an upright frosted yellowish raspberryshapedstopper, label on bottom, ca.1927, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $175-250

250PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersJade Green “Le Debut Vert” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Le Debut Vert,”a squatty octagonal jade green glass bottlew/a short neck & upright gold raspberry-shapedstopper, original label,empty, ca. 1927, 2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)............ $200<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Mona Lisa,”clear frosted bottle & stopper, goldlabel, ca. 1902, 3" h. .................................... $21Hudnut “Violet Sec” 1940s Bottle & Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Violet Sec,”clear upright tall slender square glassbottle w/a white plastic onion dome cap,original label & cylindrical presentationbox, scent introduced in 1896, thisbottle ca. 1940s, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ............... $25-55Hudnut “Three Flowers” Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Three Flowers,”slightly tapering cylindrical frostedclear bottle w/clear & frosted archedstopper, original gold label, empty, ca.1929, 6 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $45-50Hudnut <strong>Perfume</strong> & Compact Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper & compact set,“Le Debut Noir,” a squatty octagonalblack glass bottle w/pointed gold stopper& original label in a fitted gold box besidean octagonal compact w/a black enameledlid, ca. 1927, bottle 2 1/8" h., the set(ILLUS.)......................................... $1,200-2,000

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers 251Prince Matchabelli“Added Attraction” by Prince Matchabelli<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Added Attraction,”clear glass crown-shaped bottleenameled in red & gold w/gold cross stopper,label on bottom, ca. 1956, 2 2/3" h.(ILLUS.) ............................................... $200-250<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Added Attraction,”miniature glass crown-shaped bottlew/red enamel trim & a screw-off cap,in velvet case, ca. 1956, 1 3/4" h. ....... $125-150<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Ave Maria,”clear & frosted crown-shaped bottlew/clear glass cross stopper, originallabel, ca. 1926, 2 1/4" h. ......................... $25-40<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Beloved,” clearcrown-shaped bottle enameled in blue &gold & w/a gold cross-form stopper, inoriginal plastic case, ca. 1950, 3 1/4" h...... $113“Duchess of York” in Crown-form Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Duchess ofYork,” clear glass crown-form bottlew/gold enamel trim & gold cross-formstopper, label & mark on the bottom, ca.1934, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $65-75<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Empress of India,”clear & frosted glass crown-shapedbottle w/cross stopper, original label, ca.1930, 1 3/4" h.......................................... $25-44<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Infanta,” allclearglass crown-form bottle w/clearcross-form stopper, original box, ca.1937, 1 1/2" h............................................. $128<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Katherine theGreat,” all-black enameled crownshapedbottle w/gold cross stopper, originallabel, ca. 1935, 2 1/3" h................ $550-580<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Prophecy,”white enameled crown-shaped bottlew/gold trim & gold cross stopper, originallabel, sealed, ca. 1974, 1 2/3" h................. $135Gilt-Metal “Crown Jewel” <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Crown Jewel,”miniature gilded metal crown-shapedbottle w/gold ball cap, in fitted box, ca.1945, 1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $100“Royal Gardenia” with Special Box

252PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Royal Gardenia,”clear glass crown-shaped bottlew/gold & black trim, gold cross stopper, full& sealed, w/original fitted heavy clear plasticcube box, ca. 1930, 2 2/3" h. (ILLUS.,previous page) ............................................ $170<strong>Perfume</strong> ManufacturersMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Bottles</strong>Current Production <strong>Perfume</strong>s“Wind Song” Crown Bottle in Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, “Wind Song,”small bluish green & black enameledcrown-shaped bottle w/a screw-off goldcap, fitted in velvet box, ca. 1953,1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $45-75“Matruska” Russian Doll-shaped BottleAir-Val International, “Matruska,” Russiannesting doll figural bottle, mint in box,4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................... $20Prince Matchabelli Miniature <strong>Bottles</strong> inCrown-shaped Presentation Box<strong>Perfume</strong> bottles & stoppers, miniature setof three clear crown-shaped bottlesw/gold caps, fitted in a presentation boxw/a large gold & white crown-shapedcover w/gold cross finial, ca. 1950s, each1 1/4" h., the set (ILLUS.).................... $285-385Clear Square “Amouage Gold” BottleAmouage, “Amouage Gold,” square uprightclear glass bottle w/a pointed domedmetal stopper, also produced in a limitededition w/a genuine malachite & lapisbottles, ca. 1983, 5 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......... $175

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 253“Classique” Glass Torso <strong>Perfume</strong> BottleGaultier (Jean Paul), “Classique,” clearglass female torso spray bottle, ca.1990s, 6" h. (ILLUS.).................................... $30“Fragile” Snow Globe Gaultier <strong>Perfume</strong>Gaultier (Jean Paul), “Fragile,” designed asa snow globe enclosing the tiny figure ofa lady wearing a long black dress &gloves, gilt metal base, mint in box, ca.1999, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ..................................... $90Updated “Classique” Torso BottleGaultier (Jean Paul), “Classique,” updatedclear glass female torso spray bottlew/black detailing, ca. 1990s, 6" h. (ILLUS.)..... $55“Summer Fragrance” Glass Torso BottleGaultier (Jean Paul), “Summer Fragrance,”clear glass female torso atomizer bottlepainted in bright pink & yellow in a SouthSeas motif, w/original metal can, 6" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $60

254PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Sonja Rykiel One-Ounce Spray BottleRykiel (Sonja), clear glass T-shaped oneounceeau de perfum spray bottle w/orangecap, sealed, ca. 1990s, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $6Factice <strong>Bottles</strong>Chanel, “Chanel No. 5,” giant all-glass design,6 1/2" h. ...................................... $100-220Chanel, “Chanel No. 5,” giant plastic design,17" h. .......................................... $190-300Houbigant “Chantilly” Glass FacticeHoubigant, “Chantilly,” large footed teardrop-shapedclear glass bottle w/gentlyflaring cylindrical clear glass stopper, ca.1940s, 11 1/4" h. (ILLUS.)................... $125-150Liz Claiborne “Realities” FacticeClaiborne (Liz), “Realities,” frosted goldglass bottle designed as two stackedsquare blocks, frosted pale blue blockstopper, good gold lettering, full, 9 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $1001990s Calvin Klein “Eternity” FacticeKlein (Calvin), “Eternity,” large upright rectangularclear glass bottle w/flattenedrectangular metal stopper, ca. 1990s,9 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $50

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 255Lagerfeld “Chloé” FacticeLagerfeld (Karl), “Chloé,” clear bouleshapedglass bottle w/large double blossomfrosted glass stopper, marked “HP”on the bottom for glassmaker, Pochet etdu Courval, 11" h. (ILLUS.) ................. $175-200Prince Matchabelli Giant Crown FacticePrince Matchabelli, giant clear glasscrown-shaped bottle w/gold trim & a goldcross stopper, unlabeled, used to advertisea wide line of scents, ca. 1940s-60s,8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ................................ $650-725Claude Montana “Montana” Acrylic FacticeMontana (Claude), “Montana,” giant frostedacrylic stylized torso w/narrowbanding, ca. 1990s, 16" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $175Prince Matchabelli, giant clear glasscrown-shaped bottle enameled in lightblue w/gold trim & a gold cross stopper,unlabeled, used to advertise a wide lineof scents, ca. 1940s-60s, 8 1/2" h........... $2,717Vicky Tiel Green Glass FacticeTiel (Vicky), large ovoid frosted green glassbottle molded w/standing female nudes &w/large shell-shaped stopper, used forseveral of her scents, 12 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .. $400

256PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Worth “Je Reviens” Factice by LaliqueWorth, “Je Reviens,” tall cylindrical ribbeddark blue Lalique glass bottle w/steppedshoulder & cylindrical turquoise bluestopper, marked by Lalique on thebottom, ca. 1931, 11 1/3" h. (ILLUS.)......... $250Miniature <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> - General“L’Origan” Mini Bottle with Head & HatCoty, “L’Origan,” small clear glass cylindricalbottle w/gold lettering & gold captopped by the painted head of a ladywearing a broad-brimmed black hat, ca.1950s-60s, 1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....................... $75Coty, “Paris,” small cylindrical clear glassbottle tied to a plastic Christmas bell, ca.1930, 1 1/2" h............................................... $90“Muguet de Corday” Boxed MiniatureCorday, “Muguet de Corday,” small clearglass ovoid bottle w/gilt metal cap, inoriginal cellulose case, ca. 1931,1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $30-40Tiny “Paris” by Coty Miniature BottleCoty, “Paris,” tiny square clear glass bottlew/original label & screw-off gold cap, ca.1923, 1 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) ............................... $25

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 257Houbigant, “Chantilly,” small flattenedovoid clear glass bottle w/a white cap tiedto the back of a miniature cafe chairw/red cushion seat, w/original box, ca.1940, 2" h. (ILLUS.) .............................. $50-125Miniature “Ecusson” Bottle in Boxd’Albret (Jean), “Ecusson,” small flattenedclear glass shield-shaped bottle w/goldlabel & gold screw-off cap, in original oblongplastic display box, ca. 1952,1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $20-50Desprez (Jean), “Sheherazade,” smallclear glass spire-shaped bottle, mint inbox, ca. 1960s, 3" h. .................................. $200Evyan, “White Shoulders,” small clear glasslay-down type textured heart design, ca.1943, 2 1/4" h............................................... $10Gabilla, “La Vierge,” small clear glass bottlew/ tiered glass stopper, labeled, ca.1913, 1 2/3" h.......................................... $55-65Gourielli, “Five O’Clock,” small clear glassmodel of a cocktail shaker, w/originalbox, ca. 1947, 1 1/2" h. ........................... $25-30“Le Parfum Ideal” Miniature BottleHoubigant, “Le Parfum Ideal,” small clearglass cylindrical ribbed Louis XV-stylebottle w/a tall neck & gold cap, label onthe bottom, ca. 1900, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)....... $42Isadora, “Isadora,” small clear glass bottlew/plastic figural kneeling nudestopper, ca. 1970s, 1 1/2" h. ................... $12-18Miniature “Chantilly” Bottle with ChairMiniature “Arpege” by Lanvin BottleLanvin, “Arpege,” small upright squareclear glass bottle w/original label & blackcap, w/original cylindrical black box, ca.1927, 1 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................... $25Le Galion, “Sortilege,” tiny clear glass bottlew/metal logo cap, mint in box, ca.1937, 3/4" h.................................................. $76Lelong (Lucien), “Passionment,” smallclear glass bottle w/a pearl-shapedtop, ca. 1940, 1 1/8" h. ................................. $18

258PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Myrurgia, “Joya,” small clear glass facetedbottle w/gold cap, mint in box, ca. 1954,1 1/2" h.................................................... $25-50Paquin “9 x 9” Black Glass MiniaturePaquin, “9 x 9,” small flattened uprightblack glass bottle w/original label, taperingfluted gold screw-on stopper set w/ablue stone, impressed mark on thebottom, ca. 1939, 2 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)........... $140Park and Tilford, “No. 3,” small clear glassbottle w/nude on the label, black cap, ca.1931 ............................................................. $16Miniature “Lys Bleu” BottlePrince Henri d’Orleans, “Lys Bleu,” smallclear glass eau de toilette bottle w/roundedshoulders & short neck, upright plasticstar-shaped stopper, black & gold label,full, ca. 1980, 3" h. (ILLUS.) ......................... $27Redken Labs, “Pique,” clear glass bottlew/plastic butterfly-shaped stopper, mintin box, ca. 1979, 2" h. .................................. $29Patou “Moment Supreme” MiniaturePatou (Jean), “Moment Supreme,” smallclear glass bottle w/overall moldedknobs, gold metal cap, gold label on bottom,w/original white box lined in bluesilk, ca. 1929, 2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ................ $135Picasso (Paloma), “Paloma Picasso,” flatround black glass bottle, full, ca. 1984,2 1/8" h........................................................... $5Picasso (Paloma), “Paloma Picasso,” flatround white glass bottle, full, ca. 1984,2 1/8" h......................................................... $35Renoir “Chi-Chi” Heart-shaped MiniRenoir, “Chi-Chi,” small clear & frostedglass bottle in the shape of a sidewaysheart raised on a foot, tan Bakelite screw-

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 259on cap, w/original box, ca. 1942, 2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $125-150“Detchema” by Revillon MiniatureRevillon, “Detchema,” small flattened ovoidclear glass bottle w/original label & goldcap, ca. 1953, 1 1/8" h. (ILLUS.).................. $15Rochas (Marcel) “Femme,” small flattenedround opaque white lay-down type glassbottle covered in floral design black lace,gilt-metal ball stopper w/long dauber,empty, w/black cloth pouch, 2 2/3" h. ..... $40-50Rubenstein “Heaven Sent” Angel BottleRubenstein (Helena), “Heaven Sent,”small frosted clear glass bottle in theshape of a stylized baby angel, gold metaltwist-off cap, empty, ca. 1941, 2 1/3" h.(ILLUS.)................................................... $40-60“Heaven Sent” Miniature with HarlequinRubenstein (Helena) “Heaven Sent,” aminiature upright flattened clear glassbottle w/a molded woodgrain design & awhite cap being held by a small Harlequindoll, mint in box, ca. 1941, 2 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $50-75“Mischief” Miniature Bottle & Top HatSaville, “Mischief,” small flattened uprightblack glass bottle w/a gold cap, labeled,w/miniature black plastic top hat holder &white oval hatbox box, ca. 1935, 1 3/4" h.(ILLUS.)................................................. $65-120Valois (Rose), “Marcotte,” small glass bottlein plastic case designed as a womanwearing & white & red straw hat, ca.1950, 2 1/3" h............................................. $371

260PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Miniature Sets of <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>“A Concentrated Extract” Mini BottleVanderbilt (Lucretia) “A Concentrated Extract,”small flattened round blue glassbottle w/the silver butterfly logo, uprightfanned blue glass stopper, tiny label onthe bottom, 2 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ................. $70-90Chanel Four Miniature Bottle SetChanel, set of four small clear glass rectangularbottles w/plastic caps, fitted in originalbox, ca. 1990s, each 1 1/3" h., theset (ILLUS.)............................................. $30-55Ciro Set of Five Miniature <strong>Bottles</strong> with Boxes & CaseCiro, set of five bottles, “Danger,” “New Horizons,” “Reflexions,” “Ricochet,” “Replique,” & “Surrender,” eachclear glass bottle in a different shape w/a gold cap, w/original individual boxes & presentation case, ca.1940s, each 1 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS.) ............................................................................................ $90-100Ciro “Flaconettes” Set of Miniature <strong>Bottles</strong>Ciro, set of five bottles, “Flaconettes,” tiny upright square clear glass bottles each w/a different color label,white ball-shaped caps, in original fitted box, each 1 3/4" h., the set (ILLUS.) .................................. $55-76

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 261Corday “Voyage à Paris” Nine-Bottle Miniature SetCorday, set of nine bottles, “Voyage à Paris”set, clear tapering cylindrical glassbottles w/shield-shaped paper labels,white caps, each in its individual celluloiscase, ca. 1940s, mint in box, each1 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS. of box cover &contents, top of page) ......................... $175-225Coty Set of Two Miniature <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Coty, set of two bottles, “Emeraude,” &“Paris,” each clear simple rectangularglass bottle w/a finely ribbed gold cap,mint in original large white box, ca.1940s, each 2" h., the set (ILLUS.) ....... $90-100Dior, set of three bottles, lay-down style,called pastilles or pebbles, w/paper labels,mint in box, ca. 1950s, each1 1/2" h., the set .................................. $188-355Marquay, set of four tiny faceted oval clearglass bottles w/pointed & faceted glassstopper, original labels, each w/individualvelvet pouche in original box, ca. 1950s,each 1 1/2" h., the set (ILLUS., bottom ofpage).......................................................... $125Marquay Four-Bottle Miniature Set

262PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>“Flor de Blason” Mini <strong>Perfume</strong> & Soap SetMyrurgia, “Flor de Blason,” a small clearglass square bottle w/gold metal stopper,labeled, w/matching wrapped bar ofsoap, mint in box, ca. 1927, bottle2 7/8" h., the set (ILLUS.)............................. $85Prince Matchabelli, set of four bottles,“<strong>Perfume</strong> Honors,” each clear glass bottlemint in original 11 1/3" l. box, each1 1/4" h., the set ...................................... $29-49Prince Matchabelli, set of four bottles,“<strong>Perfume</strong> Honors,” each clear glass bottlemint in original square pink box, each1 1/4" h., the set ........................................... $76Set of “Extra Scotch Maid Sachet” Sachet <strong>Bottles</strong>Robinson, set of three bottles, “ExtraScotch Maid Sachet,” each a woodenmodel of a whiskey bottle w/a blue &white label, in a fitted rectangular woodencase, ca. 1940s-50s, each 2 1/2" h., theset (ILLUS.)................................................ $125Three Miniature Raphael <strong>Bottles</strong>Raphael, set of three bottles, “Demon,”“Plaisir” & “Replique,” each clearsquared glass w/a flattened clear glassblossom-form stopper w/an engraved“R,” labeled, full & sealed, in green clothcarrying case, ca. 1940s, each 2" h., theset (ILLUS.)................................................ $300Ricci (Nina), set of five bottles, “L’Air duTemps,” each clear glass bottle w/a coloredplastic double-dove stopper in acage presentation box, mint, ca. 1990s,each 1 3/4" h., the set ........................... $95-130Stuart “<strong>Perfume</strong> Cart” Miniature SetStuart, set of three bottles, “<strong>Perfume</strong> Cart,”a pink wood cart w/movable wheels holdsthree tiny cylindrical clear glass bottlew/caps, w/original box, 1940s, each1 1/4" h., the set (ILLUS.).................... $125-160

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 263Valois (Rose), set of six small tapering cylindricalribbed bottles w/plastic headshapedstoppers each wearing a differentfancy hat, mint in original displaybox, Rose Valois was a haute couturehat designer, ca. 1950, 2 3/8" h., the set(ILLUS., top of page) .................... $1,000-1,100<strong>Perfume</strong> Tester <strong>Bottles</strong>Arden (Elizabeth), “Cupid’s Breath,” clearglass bottle w/glass ball stopper w/dauber,labeled, original wooden case, ca.1928, 2 2/3" h.......................................... $24-46Balmain (Pierre), “Jolie Madame,” clearglass bottle w/glass stopper w/dauber,full, ca. 1952, 2 1/3" h. ................................. $29Caron, “Le Muguet de Bonheur,” clear glassbottle w/white label & metal capw/dauber, ca. 1952, 2 1/2" h. .................. $20-42Caron, set of 8 small bottles, clear glassw/white labels & screw-off caps w/daubers,mint in box, ca. 1950s, each2 1/2" h., the set ......................................... $315Set of Six Rose Valois Miniature <strong>Bottles</strong>Two Dana Tester <strong>Bottles</strong>Old Chanel No. 5 Tester BottleChanel, “No. 5,” upright square clear glassbottle w/label, upright flat oval glass stopperw/dauber, original label, ca. 1921,2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $25Dana, “Ambush,” upright square clear glassbottle w/label, glass ball stopperw/dauber, ca. 1950s, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.right with Dana Platine tester bottle, topnext column)................................................. $30“Bolero” by Dana Square Tester BottleDana, “Bolero,” upright square clear glassbottle w/squared clear glass stopperw/long dauber, good original label, ca.1932, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $35-50

264PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>Dana, “Platine,” upright square clear glassbottle w/label, glass ball stopperw/dauber, ca. 1950s, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.left with Dana Ambush tester bottle, previouspage)................................................... $30Desses (Jean), “Celui,” clear glass bottlew/glass stopper w/dauber, ca. 1938,2 3/4" h......................................................... $23Houbigant, “Quelques Fleurs,” clear glassbottle w/glass stopper w/dauber, ca.1912, 2 1/4" h............................................... $20Purse <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cased glassw/pink over white cut to clear, brass overcap& finger ring & inner stopper, Europe,late 19th c., 3 3/4" l. ................................... $600Dralle “Illusion Rose” Tester Bottle &CaseDralle, “Illusion Rose,” clear cylindrical bottlew/flat oval glass stopper impressedw/a flying bird, red diamond-shaped label,plain wood upright lighthouse-formcase w/red & black paper label,Germany, ca. 1918, 2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.).. $90-100English Cranberry Glass Purse <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, cylindrical cranberryglass bottle w/a floral-stamped cylindricalsterling silver screw-on cap, hallmarked1876, England, 2 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $250Dralle “Veilchen” Tester Bottle & CaseDralle, “Veilchen (Violet),” upright paneledclear bottle w/flat oval stopper impressedw/a flying bird, original label, w/uprightcylindrical red wood case in the form of alighthouse, Germany, ca. 1920-30s,2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................. $80-120Bird Claw-shaped Purse <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES Miscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> 265<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural, silverplated model of a bird's foot w/claws,American or European, ca. 1890,2 1/2" l. (ILLUS., previous page) ................ $400Long Sterling Chased <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottlepanel trimmed in gold & enclosing colorfulflowers on a white ground, cut roundwindows down one edge, gilt-silver collar& decorated cap, Bohemia or France, ca.1875-1900, 3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............. $400-500<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, long slender cylindricalsterling silver case chased overallw/flower & leaves, hinged domed cap,England, ca. 1900, 8" l. (ILLUS., top ofpage).......................................................... $400Czech Lapis Purse <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened footedround lapis lazuli glass molded in highreliefw/a large blossom & leaves, metalfiligree screw-on cap w/a blue faux jewel,metal tag marked “Czecho-Slovakia,” ca.1920, 2 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ............................. $200Rare Rutilated Quartz <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, long square rutilatedquartz hardstone bottle w/a leafstampedsilver-gilt collar & hinged capmarked by Krementz, American, dated1898, 2 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $1,000Fine Blue Cut-Overlay Purse <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened oblongcut-overlay glass in clear cased in blueover white & cut w/a long rectangularCzech Malachite Glass Purse <strong>Perfume</strong>

266PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLESMiscellaneous Specialty <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, molded footedround malachite glass decorated w/flowers& ropetwist bands, red Bakelitescrew-on cap, signed “Ingrid - Czecho-Slovakia,” ca. 1920, 2 1/4" h. (ILLUS.,previous page) ........................................... $300Souvenir-Type<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown cobaltblue glass in a boule shape enameledoverall in gilt leafy flower sprigs surroundingthe gold inscription “Venise” (Venicein French), metal collar, overcap & chainw/large ring, late 19th - early 20th c., 2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $250Blown Glass & Silver “Duluth” Souvenir<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, blown bulbousdark green bottle tapering to a short flaringneck, decorated w/overall silver overlayw/loops spelling out the name “Duluth”(Minnesota), unknown maker,probably late 19th - early 20th c.,3 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $851939 New York World’s Fair <strong>Perfume</strong> Set<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, figural design ofthe Trylon & Perisphere of the 1939 NewYork World’s Fair, a squared yellowishgreen Bakelite platform supports a clearglass Perisphere w/Rubicon sticker besidea tall slender metal model of the Trylon,complete w/original box, 3 1/4" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $305-480Blue Glass Souvenir <strong>Perfume</strong> for VenicePorcelain Exposition Souvenir <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, flattened ovalgilt-brass mounted porcelain w/a printedcolor scene of a large unknown exposi-

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 267tion building, gilt-brass collar, cap & longchain w/finger ring, probably late 19th c.,4" h. (ILLUS.) ............................................. $450Dana, “Canoe,” figural cologne bottle, a ceramicdecanter in the shape of a Frenchsailor standing on a dock, realistic painting,full, brand name on cap, ca. 1946,15" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $75-100Red <strong>Perfume</strong> with Notre Dame Scene<strong>Perfume</strong> bottle & stopper, short cylindricalred glass shape w/a rounded shoulder tothe metal collar & overcap decorated atthe top w/a color scene of Notre DameCathedral, Paris, late 19th c., 2 7/8" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $150<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesMen’s Scents“HIS Northwoods After Shave Lotion”House for Men, “HIS Northwoods AfterShave Lotion,” glass bottle molded in theshape & a man's torso & enameled indark red, square stylized head whiteplastic cap, small round label, ca. 1940, 61/3" h. (ILLUS.) ....................................... $60-90Dana “Canoe” Figural Cologne BottlePatou “Voyageur” Eau de Toilette BottlePatou (Jean), “Voyageur” eau de toilette, asmall cylindrical cobalt blue glass bottlew/a silver cap resting in a miniature modelof an ocean liner, w/original dark blue& silver presentation box, ca. 1990s, bottle1 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)................................. $15-30

268PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesRabanne “Eau de Calandre” BottleRabanne (Paco), “Eau de Calandre,” smallupright square clear glass bottle w/blackcap, ca. 1990s, 2" h. (ILLUS.) ........................ $1Uomo Male Torso “Hero” BottleUomo, “Hero,” figural grey nude male torsobottle w/grey plastic cap, full, ca. 1992,2 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $12<strong>Perfume</strong> LampsElizabeth Taylor “Passion for Men” FacticeTaylor (Elizabeth), “Passion for Men,” uprightrectangular deep purple largefactice bottle w/fanned ribs at sides,large rectangular wood cap, 11 1/2" h.(ILLUS.).................................................. $50-70DeVilbiss <strong>Perfume</strong> Lamp with White ShadeBrass & glass, round brass base & supportring holding a cylindrical white glassshade decorated around the basew/small black dancing figures & w/orange& black swags around the top, metaldomed cap w/pierced holes, unsignedDeVilbiss, United States, 1930s, 7 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)...................................................... $600

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 269Fulper Figural Dancer <strong>Perfume</strong> LampCeramic, figural, model of a curtseyingdancer holding out her ruffled skirt, atopa low cylindrical dark pink base, rewired,Fulper Pottery, United States, signed, ca.1920s, 6" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $600DeVilbiss <strong>Perfume</strong> Lamp with NymphMetal & glass, gilt-metal footed base supportinga cylindrical white shade decoratedin black w/a sea nymph raised onwaves & blowing a long horn, piercedmetal cap, unsigned DeVilbiss, UnitedStates, ca. 1930s, 7 3/4" h. (ILLUS.).......... $550DeVilbiss Orange-shaded <strong>Perfume</strong> LampMetal & glass, footed metal base supportinga tall slender cylindrical shade in darkorange glass internally decorated inblack w/nude fairies & foliage, piercedmetal cap, DeVilbiss, United States, ca.1930s, 8 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............................ $500Etling Figural Indian <strong>Perfume</strong> LampPorcelain, figural, a seated Native Americanholding a golden bowl where scentemerges, in shades of cream & red, revired,by Etling, signed “Chuparus,”France, ca. 1920s, 7" h. (ILLUS.)............... $800

270PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesGoebel Porcelain Owl <strong>Perfume</strong> LampPorcelain, figural, a stylized owl in brown,tan & yellow w/large amber glass eyes,marked w/the Goebel trademark,Germany, ca. 1930s, 5" h. (ILLUS.) ........... $350Figural Bambi Goebel <strong>Perfume</strong> LampPorcelain, figural, in the shape of Bambistanding above green foliage, licensedby Disney, signed by Goebel, Germany,rewired, ca. 1940s, 6 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) ........ $600Art Deco Figural Porcelain <strong>Perfume</strong> LampPorcelain, figural, all-white, a standing figureof an Art Deco lady holding a cup on anoval base w/a ringed urn in front of her fittedw/a yellow glass ball shade etchedw/roses, Germany or perhapsCzechoslovakia, ca. 1930s, 7" h. (ILLUS.).... $350German Porcelain Kitten <strong>Perfume</strong> LampPorcelain, figural, modeled as a brown &white kitten seated on a white pillow,unmarked, unwired, German, 6 1/2" h.(ILLUS.) .................................................. $55-90Pottery, molded in two pieces as a ballerina,blue & violet w/painted face, air ventson the side of dancer’s head, rewired,bottom signed very faintly “Fulper” in animpressed oval, 6" h................................... $440

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 271Carved DeVilbiss <strong>Perfume</strong> LampWooden, cylindrical shade on a woodenbase, black carved to white w/a design ofa sailing ship & sea gulls on stormy seas,perfume well missing, DeVilbiss, UnitedStates, ca. 1930s, 6 1/3" h. (ILLUS.).......... $350Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>sCorday “Tourjours Moi” CarouselCorday, “Tourjours Moi,” Le Carousel designbox, round gilt-metal base mountedw/a movable carousal unicorn below aparasol w/banner, labeled, full, 2 1/2" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $145-175Mary Chess “Emerald Clover” <strong>Perfume</strong>Chess (Mary), “Emerald Clover,” gilt metalfour-leaved clover set w/four green heartshapedstones, pendant attachment,original labeled box, ca. 1970s, 1 3/8" h.(ILLUS.)........................................................ $50Corday “Tourjours Moi” in Horse BoxCorday, “Tourjours Moi,” Le Cheval stylebox w/the gilt metal case topped by themodel of a reclining horse in tan plastic imitatinghard stone, labeled, full, 1 2/3" h.(ILLUS.)............................................... $115-145Dana, “Tabu,” designed as a pendant decoratedw/a raised lady head, mint inbox, ca. 1970s, 2 1/8" h. .............................. $22Factor (Max), “Aquarius,” gilt metal miniaturecircus seal pendant w/chain, full, nobox, ca. 1970s, 1 1/2" h. .............................. $27Factor (Max), “Hypnotique,” gilt metal miniatureflower cart w/movable wheels, mintin box, ca. 1970s, 1 1/2" h....................... $55-75

272PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesMax Factor “Hypnotique” Rocking HorseFactor (Max), “Hypnotique,” gilt metal miniaturerocking horse container, full, nolabel, ca. 1958, 2" h. (ILLUS.) ...................... $45Fragonard, “Banjo,” designed as aBakelite penguin figure, labeled, ca.1930s, 1 2/3" h. ......................................... $155Houbigant, “Chantilly,” designed as a whiteplastic compact w/a crystal in the centertop, mint in box, ca. 1970s, 2" l. ................... $23Lancome, “Trésor,” designed as a steppedcompact w/a pink bow, mint in box, ca.1980s, 2" l. .............................................. $15-35Lauder (Estée), “Aliage Christmas Camellia,”in a faux carved jade camelliashapedbox, empty, original label & box,1981, 1 1/4" l. ............................................. $433Lauder (Estée), “Beautiful,” a model of ajeweled cowboy boot, “Beautiful to Boot,”mint in box, ca. 1998, 2" h.......................... $158Lauder (Estée), “Beautiful,” designed as areplica of King Tut’s gold burial mask,mint in box, ca. 2001, 2" h. .......................... $61Lauder (Estée), “Cinnabar,” a compositionmodel of Chinese foo dog seated atop asquare box, from the Imperial Series, empty,no label, ca. 1979, 1 7/8" h. (ILLUS., topnext column) ............................................... $350Lauder (Estée), “Cinnabar,” a model of aseated Chinese Imperial foo dog in fauxivory seated on a compact, used,labeled, ca. 1984, 1 3/4" h. ........................ $200Estée Lauder “Cinnabar” Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Lauder “Cinnabar” in Box with CatLauder (Estée), “Cinnabar,” an oval giltmetal box compact with the top mountedby a faux ivory model of a cat scratchingits neck, from the Ivory Series, labeled,used, ca. 1982, 1 3/8" h. (ILLUS.).............. $150Lauder “Dazzling” Statue of LibertyLauder (Estée), “Dazzling,” a model of the Statue of Liberty in gold, statues holds lipstick, mint in box, ca.2000, 3 2/3" h. (ILLUS.) .......................................................................................................................... $79

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 273Lauder (Estée), “Knowing,” a model of ajeweled bee on a honeycomb, labeled,full, ca. 1994, 1 7/8" l.................................. $108Lauder (Estée), “Pleasures,” a model of acactus decorated w/green crystals, mintin box, ca. 2001, 2 3/4" h. ..................... $75-120Lauder (Estée), “Pleasures,” a model of acrab representing the zodiac symbol,from the Zodiac Series, full, labeled &w/pouch, 1 1/2" l........................................... $58Lauder (Estée), “Pleasures,” designed as agilt metal model of a kitten w/a pink ball,full, no box, ca. 2000, 1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $40Lauder “Pleasures” in Gold KittenLauder (Estée), “Pleasures,” designed as agilt metal model of a kitten w/a pink ball,complete in original fitted box, ca. 2000,1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.) ......................................... $68Lauder “Pleasures” Champagne BottleLauder (Estée), “Pleasures,” a model of anice-filled bucket holding the perfume inthe shape of a bottle of champagne, full,no box, ca. 2000, 2" h. (ILLUS.)................... $55Lauder “Pleasures” Gold Kitten, No Box“Pleasures Perfect Peach” Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Lauder (Estée), “Pleasures Perfect Peach,”a model of a realistic peach w/gold stem& leaf set w/rhinestones, tiny label on thebottom, ca. 2000, 1 3/4" h. (ILLUS.)........ $55-80Lauder (Estée), “White Linen,” a model of abeige plastic snail, mint in box, ca. 1994,2" l. .......................................................... $49-85Lauder (Estée), “White Linen,” a model of ametal lady bug enameled in red & black,empty, no label, 1998, 2 1/4" l...................... $35Lauder (Estée), “White Linen,” a model ofan open-winged butterfly compact in purple& green, mint in box, ca. 1993,1 3/4" l. ....................................................... $116Lauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” an oval boxwith the top set w/a faux cameo w/anamber background w/raised white figuresof dancing ladies, label on theback, original box w/price tag, ca. 1982,1 3/4" l. (ILLUS., next page)...................... $130

274PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesLauder “Youth Dew” in Jeweled BoxLauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” in a low rectangularcompact box w/gilt metal border,the top set w/beige plastic imitating agate& set w/a blue jewel, full, no box, ca.1974, 2" l. (ILLUS.)....................................... $90Lauder “Youth Dew” in Faux Cameo BoxLauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” an oval giltmetal compact box w/a faux cameo topw/the white relief head of a lady, ca.1984, 1 1/2" l. ............................................ $289Lauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” in a blueenameled box w/an orange enameledflower in the top center, labeled,used, ca. 1979, 1 3/4" l. ............................... $45Lauder “Youth Dew” in CompactLauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” Parma Paisleyround gilt metal compact box decoratedw/dark blue enamel, no label,empty, ca. 1974, 1 3/4" d. (ILLUS.).............. $35Millot, “Crepe de Chine,” designed as a giltmetal fortune cookie, mint in box, ca.1970s, 1 3/4" h. ............................................ $38Estée Lauder “Youth Dew” Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Lauder (Estée), “Youth Dew,” in a gilt-metalround coiled rope box w/a turquoise coloredstone centered on top, mint inbox, ca. 1968, 1 1/2" d. (ILLUS.).................. $20Two Molinard “Concretas” with GirlsMolinard, a pink & a yellow “concreta,”each h.p. w/a scene of a girl smoking, labeled,full, 3/4" d., each (ILLUS. of two).. $20-35Molinard, “Baiser du Faune,” a yellow cylindricalBakelite “concreta” h.p. on the potw/a faun, labeled, full, ca. 1930s,1 1/8" h. .................................................. $65-75Molinard, “Habinita,” a “concreta” decoratedw/a girl smoking, in a plastic ringbox, ca. 1930s, 7/8" d. ................................. $60

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 275Molinard, set of 12 round “concretas” inBakelite, each decorated w/a differentflower, mint in box, ca. 1930s,each 7/8" d., the set (ILLUS., top ofpage) ................................................... $150-225Molinard Set of 12 “Concretas” in Original BoxMolinard, set of three cylindrical small pots,each a different color & h.p. on topw/flowers or a girl smoking, ca. 1930s,1 1/8" h., the set (ILLUS.)...................... $75-120Molinard, set of three, each in the form of aFrench sailor’s hat, mint in box, ca.1930s, each 1" w., the set................... $185-342Patou (Jean), “Joy,” container w/crystallogo top, mint in box, ca. 1990s, 2" h. .......... $50Prince Matchabelli, “Aviance,” designed asa rectangular gilt metal rectangular pendantw/woven top & chain, labeled, ca.1970s, 1 1/2" h. ....................................... $15-23Prince Matchabelli, “Wind Song,” designedas a gilt metal cat w/green jewel eyes,full, no box, 1 1/4" h. .................................... $25Set of 5 Molinard Die-shaped “Concreta”Molinard, set of 5 square “concretas” inBakelite shaped like dice, each a differentcolor, scents are “Carino,” “Fleurettes,”“Naniko,” “Tabatchin” & “XmasBells,” in original leatherette case, ca.1930s, each 3/4" w., the set (ILLUS.) ........ $150Molinard Set with Decorated BoxesRevlon “Moon Drops” in ElephantRevlon, “Moon Drops,” designed as “TheRajah’s Elephant,” a gilt metal elephant-

276PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectiblesshaped container w/enameled howdah &green stone eye, full, in original box,2 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) .................................... $40-50Revlon “Ultima” Compact with PortraitRevlon, “Ultima,” octagonal gilt-metal compactw/center oval miniature portrait of alady under glass, labeled on the back,full, ca. 1970s, 2" l. (ILLUS.) ................... $20-30Rubenstein (Helena) “Emotion,” designedas a jeweled purse, mint in box, ca.1970s, 1 3/4" l. ............................................. $30Rubenstein (Helena) “Heaven Sent,” designedas a gilt metal bracelet, labeled,full, ca. 1941, 2" l........................................ $122Rubenstein “Heaven Sent” Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Rubenstein (Helena) “Heaven Sent,”round disc-form gilt-metal compact designw/a large yellow stone set into thetop, label on the bottom, w/originalbox, ca. 1941, 1 2/3" d. (ILLUS.)................. $25“Heaven Sent” Toad Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Rubenstein (Helena) “Heaven Sent,” giltmetal model of a toad w/a bumpy back &red jewel eyes, nearly empty, w/originalbox, ca. 1941, 1 2/3" l. (ILLUS.) ................... $30Schiaparelli “Shocking” Solid <strong>Perfume</strong>Schiaparelli, “Shocking,” designed as agilt metal heart-shaped locket w/a latticeworkcenter set w/pink rhinestones& S-scrolls around the border, labeledon the bottom, w/original box, ca. 1936,1 1/3" h. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $140Unknown maker, unknown scene, Bakelitedesigned as “Le Jazz” black man wearinga top hat, no label, ca. 1920s-30s,1 3/8" h......................................................... $83

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 277Body powder, “Indiscret” by LucienLeLong, large round cream box w/amolded sunbrust design on the top, ca.1935, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.) .......................... $35-45Vanda, “Limoge,” gilt metal pin in the form ofan owl w/green stone eyes, in originalbox, ca. 1960s-70s, 1 7/8" h. (ILLUS.) .... $20-30MiscellaneousVanda “Limoge” in Owl Pin“The Romance of <strong>Perfume</strong>” BookBook, “The Romance of <strong>Perfume</strong>” by Richardle Galliene, drawings by George Barbier,w/enclosed pamphlet about RichardHudnut (ILLUS.) ......................................... $175Guerlain Advertising BookletAdvertising booklet, published by Guerlain,color photos of various Guerlain perfumeproducts, ca. 1970s (ILLUS.) .............. $35Lelong “Indiscret” Body Powder BoxDior Bracelet-form <strong>Perfume</strong> HolderBracelet, bangle-type, wearable paintedglass & metal snake-form holding “Poison”by Christian Dior, mint in box, ca.1990s, 4" d. (ILLUS.)........................... $125-175

278PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related CollectiblesBaccarat Store Dealer SignDealer sign, “Baccarat,” long rectangularclear glass sheet on a black woodenstand, 3 1/8" h. (ILLUS.)...................... $175-200Dealer sign, “Guerlain,” long rectangulargreen glass w/black lettering, 6" l............ $25-35“Lanvin” Black Dealer SignDealer sign, “Lanvin,” long rectangular blackglass w/gold lettering, 6" l. (ILLUS.) ......... $25-35Early “Shalimar” by Guerlain Face PowderFace powder, “Shalimar” by Guerlain, lowdisc-form box in black w/ornate gilt leafyscrolls & loops on the top, opened, ca.1912, 1 1/2" d. (ILLUS.) ............................... $30Lamp, display lamps w/printed shades &glass bases in the shape of candle-formbottles used for “Sleeping” perfume,9 1/2" h., pr.............................................. $1,850Lalique “Fleurs d’Amour” Face Powder TinFace powder, “Fleurs d’Amour” by Roger etGallet, a low round metal tin w/an impresseddesign of exotic birds on the lid,reddish-orange stain, signed by Lalique,3" d. (ILLUS.) ...................................... $100-125Italian Micromosaic LavaliereLavaliere, silver-gilt flattened ovoid jugformpendant decorated overall w/micromosaicdesigns in various colors, suspendedon chains for a fancy micromosaicbar pin, Italy, ca. 1900, 2 3/4" l.(ILLUS.)............................................... $450-500

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 2791947 Magazine Ad for D’Orsay “Divine”Magazine advertisement, “Divine” byD’Orsay, from a 1947 French magazine,9 1/2 x 12" (ILLUS.)........................................ $5Early Glass Golliwogg <strong>Perfume</strong> PinPin, “Le Golliwogg” by Vigny, black glassface of a smiling Golliwogg w/gold, red &white trim, ca. 1919, 1" w. (ILLUS.)..... $250-350Estée Lauder “Cinnabar” PendantPendant, “Cinnabar” by Estée Lauder, flattenedoval faux cinnabar lacquer bottlecarved overall w/leaves & blossoms, giltmetal shoulder, cap & chain, ca. 1978,2" l. (ILLUS.)................................................. $36Paneled Green Jar with Lady on CoverPowder jar, cov., green glass w/a cylindricalpaneled jar w/a stepped paneled rim,matching flattened domed cover centeredby the frosted green figure of akneeling lady, unmarked, Europe, ca.1930s, 6" h. (ILLUS.).................................. $300

280PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES<strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectiblesyellow & black, unmarked, Germany, ca.1920s-30s, 11 1/2" h. (ILLUS.)............ $100-110Figural Lady Porcelain Powder JarPowder jar, cov., porcelain, figural, modelof a lady in 18th c. court costume, gownin yellow & pink, high hairdo w/feathers,unmarked, Germany, ca. 1920s-30s,4 1/2" h. (ILLUS.) .................................. $95-110Jeannette Powder Jar with DonkeyPowder jar, cov., short cylindrical clear boxw/the matching cover molded w/model ofa walking donkey, Jeannette Glass Co.,1930s-50s, 5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.)....................... $25Porcelain Spanish Lady Powder JarPowder jar, cov., porcelain, figural, modelof a Spanish lady wearing a deep pinkgown & white shawl trimmed in green,Pink Powder Jar with Scottie DogPowder jar, cov., short cylindrical pale pinkbox w/the matching cover molded w/modelof a seated Scottie dog, JeannetteGlass Co., 1930s-50s, 5 3/8" h. (ILLUS.) ...... $45

PERFUME, SCENT & COLOGNE BOTTLES <strong>Perfume</strong> Related Collectibles 281Lanvin “Pretexte” Sample Card for SaksSample card, “Pretexte” by Lanvin, a tinycylindrical glass tube on the original advertisingcard from Saks FifthAvenue, ca. 1929, tube 1" l. (ILLUS.)........... $40“Sculptura” Figural Soap Bar HolderSoap holder, round black plastic dish moldedw/a female nude, made to hold a figuralnude soap bar in “Sculptura” by Jovan(ILLUS.)................................................. $25Trade card, Escada, white w/black sketchof an elegant lady, gold wording alongthe bottom, unsprayed, ca. 2006, 5" l. ....... $1-2

282APPENDIX ISCENT NAMESSCENT NAMESA.A Bientot (Lentheric)Added Attraction (PrinceMatchabelli)A Go Go (HattieCarnegie)Aladin (Rosine)Aliage “ChristmasCamellia (EsteeLauder)Ambre de Carthage(Isabey)Ambre de Delhi (Babani)Ambre d’Orsay(D’Orsay)Amouage Gold(Amouage)Amour Amour (JeanPatou)Apogee (Veolay)Apple Blossom (Lander)April Violets (Yardley)Aquarius (Max Factor)Arpege (Lanvin)Astris (L. T. Piver)A’Suma (Coty)Au Soliel (Lubin)Ave Maria (PrinceMatchabelli)Aviance (PrinceMatchabelli)A Vos Ordres (Forvil)B.Baiser du Faune(Molinard)Banjo (Fragonard)Beau Belle (Bourjois)Beautiful “Beautiful toBoot” (Estee Lauder)Beautiful “Sphinx” (EsteeLauder)Belle de Jour (D’Orsay)Bellodgia (Caron)Beloved (PrinceMatchabelli)Ben Hur (AndrewJergens)Bermuda Angel Fish(Peniston-Brown)Bleu de Chine (Isabey)Blue Grass (ElizabethArden)Bolero (Dana)Bouquet (BenjaminAnsehl)Bouquet des Faunes(Guerlain)C.Calandre (Paco Rabanne)Can Can (Mary Sherman)Canoe (Dana)Capricci (Nina Ricci)Caprice (Colgate)Carnegie Blue (HattieCarnegie)Carnegie, Hattie (HattieCarnegie)Carnet de Bal (Revillon)Casque (Jean d’Albert)Cassandra (Weil)Castanettes (Karoff)Celui (Jean Desses)Chamade (Guerlain)Cha Ming (Colgate)Champs Elysses(Guerlain)Chanel #5 (Chanel)Chanel #22 (Chanel)Chantilly (Houbigant)Chants d’Arome(Guerlain)Chevalier de la Nuit(Ciro)Chi Chi (Renoir)Chloe (Karl Lagerfeld)Cinnabar “ContentedCat” (Estee Lauder)Cinnabar “Imperial FooDog” (Estee Lauder)Cinnabar “Imperial Dog”(Estee Lauder)Circe (Moiret)Classique (Jean PaulGaultier)Coeur Joie (Nina Ricci)Colony (Jean Patou)Confetti (Lentheric)Coque d’Or (Guerlain)Coup de Chapeau(Gilbert Orcel)Crepe de Chine (Millot)Crescendo (Lanvin)Crown Jewel (PrinceMatchabelli)Cuir de Russie(Bienaime)Cuir de Russie (L. T.Piver)Cupid’s Breath (ElizabethArden)Cyclamen (ElizabethArdenD.Danger (Ciro)Dans la Nuit (Worth)Dark Brilliance(Lentheric)Dawamesk (Guerlain)Dazzling Gold “Statue ofLiberty” (EsteeLauder)Debutante International(Jean Desprez)Detchma (Revillon)Devinez (Ybry)Diorling (Christian Dior)Djer Kiss (Kerkoff)APPENDIX IDuchess of York (PrinceMatchabelli)Duke, The (Erte)Duska (Langlois)E.Early American Old Spice(Shulton)Ecusson (Jean d’Albert)847A (EisenbergBrothers)Emerald Clover (MaryChess)Emeraude (Coty)Emotion (HelenaRubenstein)Empress of India (PrinceMatchabelli)Escarlate de Suzy (Suzy)Essence Rare (Houbigant)Eternity (Calvin Klein)Eva (Lubin)Evening in Paris(Bourjois)Extra Scotch Maid(Robinson)F.Fame (Corday)Fan Toi (Fannie J.London)Farouche (Nina Ricci)Femme (Marcel Rochas)Fete de Nuit (Agnel)Fete des Roses (Caron)Fille d’Eve (Nina Ricci)Five O’clock (Gourelli)Fleurs d’Amour (Roget etGallet)Fleurs du Monde(Faberge)Floral Quintuplets(Karoff)Flor de Blason(Myrurgia)Fragile (Jean PaulGaultier)French Cancan (Caron)G.Gala Night (Bouton)Gala Performance(Helena Rubenstein)Gardenia (Valois)Gardenia (Lander)Golden Laughter (Suzy)Golliwogg (Vigny)Gotic (Gueldy)Grace d’Orsay (D’Orsay)Guy Six (JeannetteRenaud)H.Habanita (Molinard)Harp d’Amour(Cleevelandt)Heart’s Delight (Dubarry)Heaven Sent (HelenaRubenstein)Heliotrope (California<strong>Perfume</strong> Co)Hero (Uomo)HIS Northwoods (HouseFor Men)HRH (Chevalier Garde)Hypnotique (Max Factor)I.Ideal (Houbigant)Illusion Rose (Dralle)Imagination (Lioret)Impromptu (LucienLelong)Indiscret (Lucien Lelong)Infanta (PrinceMatchabelli)Isadora (Isadora)It’s You (Elizabeth Arden)J.Jabot (Lucien Lelong)Jasmin (Lander)Jasmine (Giraud Fils)Jasmine of SouthernFrance (United DrugCo)Je Reviens (Worth)Jicky (Guerlain)Jolie Madame (PierreBalmain)Jolie Petit (LucienLelong)Joy (Jean Patou)Joya (Myrurgia)K.Katherine the Great(Prince Matchabelli)Knowing “Honeycomb”(Estee Lauder)Kobako (Bourjois)Kypre (Lancome)L.La Boheme (Arly)L’Aimant (Coty)L’ Air du Temps (NinaRicci)La Rose Jacqueminot(Coty)La Sirene (Burmann)La Vierge Folle (Gabilla)Le Baiser du Faune(Molinard)Le Chic Chic (Vigny)Le Dandy (D’Orsay)Le Debut Blanc (RichardHudnut)Le Debut Noir (RichardHudnut)Le Debut Vert (RichardHudnut)

APPENDIX I SCENT NAMES 283L’Effleur (Coty)Le Jade (Roger et Gallet)Le Jazz (unknown maker)Le Golliwogg (Vigny)Le Lys (D’Orsay)Le Muguet de Bonheur(Caron)Le Parfum Ideal(Houbigant)Le Prestige (Moiret)Le Provencale (Molinard)Le Roi Soliel (Schiaparelli)Les Violettes (Molinard)Les Yeux Bleus (Canarina)L’Heure Bleu (Guerlain)L’Heure est Venue (deMarcy)Limoge (Vanda)L’Ocean Bleu (Lubin)L’Or (Coty)L’Origan (Coty)Lov’ Me (Melba)Lys Bleu (Prince Henrid’Orleans)M.Mademoiselle Chanel No. 1(Chanel)Maderas de Orient(Myrurgia)Magie (Lancome)Maharajah (Rosine)Mais Oui (Bourjois)Marotte (Rose Valois)Marrakech (Lancome)Matruska (Air-Val)May Bloom (Solon Palmer)Milady’s Strike (StuartProducts)Mille Fleurs (ElizabethArden)Ming Toy (Forest)Miracle (Lentheric)Mischief (Saville)Miss Dior (Christian Dior)Misti (L. T. Piver)Mitsouko (Guerlain)Molinard de Molinard(Molinard)Moment Supreme (JeanPatou)Mona Lisa (RichardHudnut)Mon Image (LucienLelong)Montana (Claude Montana)Moon Drops “The Rajah’sElephant” (Revlon)Muguet (Corday)Muguet (D’Orsay)Muse (Coty)My Love (Elizabeth Arden)Mystere d’Orsay (D’Orsay)N.Nahema (Guerlain)Narcisse Bleu (Caron)Narcisse Bleu (Mury)Narcisse Noir (Caron)Naughty 90s (Milart)New Horizons (Ciro)Night and Day (ElizabethArden)Niki First Edition (Niki deSt. Phalle)9 x 9 (Paquin)No. 3 (Park & Tilford)Normandie (Jean Patou)Nuit de Noel (Caron)O.Oh La La (Ciro)Old Colonial (United ToiletGoods)Ondine (Suzanne Thierry)On Dit (Elizabeth Arden)1000 Joies (Myon)On The Wind (Bourjois)Opening Night (LucienLelong)Orchidee Blue (Corday)Ouvrez Moi (Lubin)P.Para Ti (Tuya)PAR-fumes (Karoff)Parfum Pour les Blondes(Lionceau)Parfum Pour les Brunes(Lionceau)Paris (Coty)Parure (Guerlain)Passion For Men (ElizabethTaylor)Passionment (LucienLelong)Picanette (Karoff)Picasso, Paloma (PalomaPicasso)Pearls of Lilies (Wm. H.Brown)Pearls of Violets (Wm. H.Brown)Penthouse (Lancome)Pique (Redken Labs)Platine (Dana)Pleasures “Bubbly” (EsteeLauder)Pleasures “Cactus” (EsteeLauder)Pleasures “Cancer” (EsteeLauder)Pleasures “DelightfulKitten” (Estee Lauder)Pleasures “Perfect Peach”(Estee Lauder)Pois de Senteur (Guerlain)Poison (Christian Dior)Poivre (Caron)Pompeia (L. T. Piver)Premier Muguet (Bourjois)Pretexte (Lanvin)Primitif (Max Factor)Prince Douka (Marquay)Prophecy (PrinceMatchabelli)Q.Quand? (Corday)Queenly Moments(Duchess of Paris)Quelques Fleurs(Houbigant)R.Ramage (Bourjois)Realities (Liz Claiborne)Reflexions (Ciro)Relief (Forvil)Repartee (Lentheric)Replique (Raphael)Requete (Worth)Royal Gardenia (PrinceMatchabelli)Rue de la Paix (Corday)Rue Royal (Molyneux)Rykiel, Sonia (SoniaRykiel)S.S (Schiaparelli)Sans Souci (Schiaparelli)Savoire Faire (DorothyGray)Scent of Mystery(Schiaparelli)Sheherazade (Jean Desprez)Sculptura (Jovan)Shalimar (Guerlain)Shanghai (Lentheric)Shari (Langlois)Shocking (Schiaparelli)Shocking Scamp(Schiaparelli)Si (Schiaparelli)Side Glance (Anjou)Sinner (Adrian)Sirocco (Lucien Lelong)Sleeping (Schiaparelli)Slumber Song (HelenaRubenstein)Soir de Paris (Bourjois)Soiree (Nan Duskin)Sortilege (Le Galion)Souvenir d’un Soir (MaryChess)Springtime (Bouton)Styx (Coty)Succes Fou (Schiaparelli)Suivez Moi (Tre Jur)Summer Fragrance (JeanPaul Gaultier)Sweet Pea (Lander)Sweet Pea (Renaud)T.Tabac Doux (Edhia)Tabac Fleuri (MarcelGuerlain)Tabu (Dana)Tailspin (Lucien Lelong)Three Flowers (RichardHudnut)Tiel, Vicky (Vicky Tiel)Tigress (Faberge)Toujours Fidele (D’Orsay)Toujours Moi (Corday)Toujours Moi “LeCarousel” (CordayToujours Moi “Le Cheval”(Corday)Toujours Toi (Corday)Tresor (Lancome)Triomphe (Leon Laraine)Tryst (Villon)Tweed (Lentheric)Tzigane (Corday)U.Ultima (Revlon)V.Vacances (Jean Patou)Vanderbilt, Lucretia(Lucretia Vanderbilt)Veilchen (Dralle)Vers la Joie (Rigaud)Vers Toi (Worth)Violet Leaves (SolonPalmer)Violet Sec (RichardHudnut)Voeu de Noel (Caron)Vol de Nuit (Guerlain)Votre Main (Jean Desprez)Voulez Vous (D’Orsay)Voyageur (Jean Patou)W.White Linen “Butterfly”(Estee Lauder)White Linen “Lady Bug”(Estee Lauder)White Linen “Snail” (EsteeLauder)White Shoulders (Evyan)Wind Song (PrinceMatchabelli)Winnah, The (ArtfieldCreations)X.Xmas Bells (Molinard)Y.Yesteryear (Babs Creations)Youth Dew (Estee Lauder)Youth Dew “CameoDancers” (Estee Lauder)Youth Dew “FragrantFlower (Estee Lauder)Youth Dew “GoldenCameo” (Estee Lauder)Youth Dew “Jeweler’sTreasure” (Estee Lauder)Youth Dew “Parma Paisley”(Estee Lauder)YU (Harriet Hubbard Ayer)Z.Ze Zan (Tuvache)Zibeline (Weil)Zigane (Corday)Zut (Schiaparelli)

284APPENDIX II<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle & Container ManufacturersAPPENDIX II<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle & Container ManufacturersBelgiumVal St. LambertBohemiaHarrachIngrid CompanyLudwig Moser & SonJoseph RiedelEnglandStevens & WilliamsThomas Webb & SonsFrancePorcelain:William Guerin & Company, LimogesHaviland & Company, LimogesJ. Pouyat, LimogesGlass:Argy-Rousseau (Gabriel)BaccaratBrosse (Verreries Brosse)Cristallerie de St. LouisDaum, NancyFranck (Marcel) - AtomizersGalle (Emile)Lalique (Rene)Le Verre Francais (Schneider/Charder)Manon FreresPochet et du CourvalRichardRomesnilSabinoSaint Gobain-DesjonqueresSue et MareViard (Julien)Walter (Almeric)GermanySchucoItalyBarbiniBarovier and TosoCenedeseVeniniSwedenKosta BodaOrreforsUnited StatesBoston & Sandwich Glass Company - (Sandwich,Masschusetts)Cambridge Glass Company – (Cambridge,Ohio)Clark (T.B.) – (Honesdale, Pennsylvania)Consolidated Lamp & Glass Company –(Coraopolis, Pennsylvania)DeVilbiss – (Toledo, Ohio) – AtomizersDorflinger (Christian) & Sons – (White Mills,Pennsylvania)Duncan & Miller Glass Company – (Washington,Pennsylvania)Fenton Art Glass Company – (Williamsport,West Virginia)Fostoria Glass Company – (Moundsville,West Virginia)Fry (H.C.) Glass Company – (Rochester,Pennsylvania)Gunderson-Pairpoint Glass – (Sagamore,Massachusetts)Hawkes (T.J.) Glass Company – (Corning,New York)Heisey Glass Company – (Newark, Ohio)Imperial Glass Company – (Bellaire, Ohio)Libbey Glass Company – (Toledo, Ohio)Littleton (Harvey)Lotton (Charles) – (Chicago, Illinois)Lundberg Studio – (Davenport, California)Morgantown Glass Works – (Morgantown,West Virginia)Mt. Washington Glass Company – (New Bedford,Massachusetts)Orient and Flume – (Chico, California)Pyramid - AtomizersSt. Clair Glass Company – (Elwood, Indiana)Smith (L.E.) Glass Company – (Mount Pleasant,Pennsylvania)Steuben Glass Works – (Corning, New York)Stiegel (William Henry) – (Manheim, Pennsylvania)Tiffany Glass and Decorating Company –(Corona, New York)Tiffin Glass Company – (Tiffin, Ohio)Volupte – AtomizersWheaton Glassworks, Millville, New Jersey

APPENDIX III <strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers, Retailers & French and American 285APPENDIX III<strong>Perfume</strong> Bottle Designers, Retailers & French and AmericanCouturiersBottle DesignersGeorges Chevalier (France)Salvidor Dali (France)George Delhomme (FranceHeinrich Hoffman (Bohemia)Julien Viard (France)French Couturiers with <strong>Perfume</strong>LinesCristobal BalenciagaPierre BalmainMarie-Louise BruyereCallot SoeursPierre CardinCartierCarvenCoco ChanelJean DessesChristian DiorJacques FathJean Paul GaultierGivenchyGres – Madame GresJacques GriffeJacques HeimHermesKarl LagerfeldLanvinGermaine LecomteLucien LeLongLenthericEdward MolyneuxClaude MontanaJeanne PaquinJean PatouPaul PoiretPaco RabanneRevillon (furs)Nina RicciMarcel RochasSonia RykielYves St. LaurentElsa SchiaparelliSuzy (hats)Madeleine VionnetWeilWorthAmerican Couturiers with <strong>Perfume</strong>LinesAdrianHattie CarnegieCeil ChapmanLiz ClaiborneLilly DacheEisenberg BrothersBarbara GouldPeggy HoytCalvin KleinJay ThorpeGilbert Orcel (hats)Nettie RosensteinAdele SimpsonGloria Vanderbilt<strong>Perfume</strong> Retailers Marketing TheirOwn BrandsBernard Altman (U.S.A.)Henri Bendel (France)Bergdorf Goodman (U.S.A.)Bonwit Teller (U.S.A.)Cartier (France)Etling (France)Nan Duskin (United States)Irice (U.S.A.)Lord & Taylor (U.S.A.)Marshall Field (U.S.A.)Peniston-Brown Company (Bermuda)Robj (France – porcelain dealer)John Wanamaker (U.S.A.)

286APPENDIX IV<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers WorldwideAPPENDIX IV<strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers WorldwideAgnel (France)Air-Val International (Spain)Alys (France)Amboise (France)Amouage (Oman)Anjou (U.S.A.)Benjamin Anseht (U.S.A.)Antoine de Paris (France)Elizabeth Arden (U.S.A.)Arly (France)Arys (France)Atkinson (England)Avenel (France)Avon (U.S.A.)Harriet Hubbard Ayer(U.S.A.)Babani (France)Babs Creations (U.S.A.)Henri Bendel (U.S.A.)Benoit (France)Bichara (France)Bienaime (France)Biro (U.S.A.)John Blocki (U.S.A.)Boissard (France)Borsari (Italy)Bourjois (France)Brajan (France)Bryenne (France)Burmann (France)California <strong>Perfume</strong> Company(U.S.A.)Canarina (France)Caron (France)Charbert (U.S.A.)Charles of the Ritz (U.S.A.)Cheramy (France)Mary Chess (U.S.A.)Ciro (France)Clammy (France)Jacqueline Cochran(France)Colgate (U.S.A.)Consolidated Cosmetics(U.S.A.)Corday (France)Coryse Salome (France)Coty (France)Crown <strong>Perfume</strong>ry (England)Jean d’Albert (France)Dana (France)De Heriot (U.S.A.)Delettrez (France)de Marcy (France)Jean de Parys (France)De Raymond (France)De Seghers (France)Jean Desprez (France)D’Orsay (France)Georg Dralle (Germany)Dubarry (England)Pierre Dune (France)Mary Dunhill (England)Gi Vi Emme (Italy)Erasmic (France)Esme (France)Evyan (U.S.A.)Faberge (U.S.A.)Max Factor (U.S.A.)Charles Fay (France)Fioret (France)Forest (France)Forvil (France)Fragonard (France)Fuller Brush (U.S.A.)Gabilla (France)Gelle Freres (France)Giraud Fils (France)Godet (France)Gourelli (U.S.A.)A. Gravier (France)Dorothy Gray (U.S.A.)Grenoville (France)Gres (France)Jacques Griffe (France)Grossmith & Son (England)Gueldy (France)Guerlain (France)Marcel Guerlain (France –Not related to Guerlain)Guermantes (France)Gui (France)Ann Haviland (U.S.A.)Heraud (France)Houbigant (France)House For Men (U.S.A.)Richard Hudnut (U.S.A.)Isabey (France)Isadora (France)Andrew Jergens (U.S.A.)Jeurelle (U.S.A.)Thomas Jones (France)Joubert (U.S.A.)Jovoy (France)Jussy (France)Karoff (U.S.A.)Kathryn (U.S.A.)Kerkoff (France)Lalique (France)Lanchere (U.S.A.)Lancome (France)Lander (U.S.A.)Langlois (France)Lanselle (France)Lanvin (France)Estee Lauder (U.S.A.)Lazell (U.S.A.)Le Galion (France)Legrain (France)Legrand (France)Leigh – aka Shulton (U.S.A.)Lengyel (U.S.A.)Lever Brothers (U.S.A.)Lionceau (France)Lioret (France)Fannie London (U.S.A.)L’Oreal (France)L’Orle (U.S.A.)Lubin (France)Lundborg (England)Marceau (France)Massenet (France)Marquay (France)Maudy (France)

APPENDIX IV <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers Worldwide 287Melba (U.S.A.)Mellier (U.S.A.)Milart (U.S.A.)F. Millot (France)Miro Dena (France)Moiret (France)Molinard (France)Molinelle (England)Morny (England)Mullens & Kropff (Germany)Mury (France)Myon (France)Myrurgia (Spain)Nesly (France)Nipola (U.S.A.)Merle Norman (U.S.A.)Odeon (France)Odlys (France)Gilbert Orcel (France)Oriza Legrand (France)Orloff (U.S.A.)Ota (France)Solon Palmer (U.S.A.)Park & Tilford (U.S.A.)Paloma Picasso (France)Piguet (France)Edward Pinaud (France)L.T. Piver (France)Plassard (France)Pleville (France)Prince Henri d’Orleans(France)Prince Matchabelli (U.S.A.)Raffy (France)Rallet (France)Ramses (France)Raphael (France)Raquel (U.S.A.)Redken Labs (U.S.A.)Jean Claude Renard (India)Jeannette Renard (France)Renaud (France)Renoir (France)Revlon (U.S.A.)Rigaud (France)Rimmel (France)Robertet (France)Robinson CosmeticsCompany (U.S.A.)Rochambeau (U.S.A.)Rodin (France)Roger et Gallet (France)Rosine – Paul Poiret(France)Rouff (FranceHelena Rubenstein (U.S.A.)Rubicon (U.S.A.)St. Denis (France)Salome (France)Sauze Freres (France)Saville (England)Scherk (Germany)Sheisedo (Japan)’Shulton (U.S.A.)Silka (France)Societe Hygenique (France)Ahmed Soliman (Egypt)Stuart (U.S.A.)Suzanne Thierry (France)Jay Thorpe (U.S.A.)Vicky Tiel (U.S.A.)Elizabeth Taylor (U.S.A.)Tokalon (France)Tre-Jur (U.S.A.)Tussy (U.S.A.)Tuvache (U.S.A.)United Drug Company(U.S.A.)Uomo (Italy)Valois (U.S.A.)Rose Valois (France)Vanda (Canada)Monna Vanna (France)Lucretia Vanderbilt (U.S.A.)Vantine (U.S.A.)Varva (U.S.A.)Vega (France)Verlayne (France)Vigny or deVigny (France)Vinolia (England)Violet or Veolay (France)Vivaudou (France)Volnay (France)Ganna Walska (France)J.R. Watkins (U.S.A.)Wolff & Sohn (Germany)Woodworth (U.S.A.)Wisley (U.S.A.)Yardley (England)Ybry (France)Zofaly (France)For additional listings of <strong>Perfume</strong> Manufacturers see the reference book,“Commerical <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong>” by Jacquelyne Y. Jones-North(Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1987).

More Glorious Glass Guides25th Anniversary Editionby Kyle HusfloenThis twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the mostsought-after price guide contains more than5,500 color photos, and covers key antiques andcollectibles categories including glass, ceramics,toys, furniture and more. With nearly 10,000listings, and the most extensive descriptions of anyprice guide, this book delivers the most informationof any collectibles reference available today.Softcover • 6 x 9 • 1,008 pages • 5,500 color photosItem# Z2045 • $19.996th Editionby Michael PolakLoaded with listings, up-to-date market valuesand trademark data for 19th and 20th centurybottles, this new edition of the ultimate bottle bookallows you to accurately identify and assess morethan 50 categories of bottles. With 650 auctionqualitycolor photos and concise descriptions whichcontain maker information, year of production andidentifying details and pricing, this book is built tomake sense of today’s bottle market.Softcover • 6 x 9 • 552 pages • 650+ color photosItem# Z2815 • $21.992nd Editionby Ellen T. SchroyEverything you need to assess carnival glass isin this new edition. A revamped listings formatincludes dimensions, color and price range, while250 patterns help you identify pieces. From colorand cut to design and identifying details, the worldof Depression Glass is at your fingertips.Softcover • 8-1/4 x 10-7/8 • 256 pages1,000+ color photosItem# Z1048 • $24.992nd Editionby Mark MoranIdentifying and assessing the value of your Fentonpieces has never been so easy, or so accurate. Inaddition to identifying and pricing details, this bookalso provides a helpful and insightful history of theFenton Glass Co.Softcover • 8-1/4 x 10-7/8 • 256 pages1,000+ color photosItem# Z1050 • $24.99To Order Call the publisher at 800-258-0929 M-F 8 am – 5 pm OR Online atwww.krausebooks.com OR Visit booksellers and antiques shops nationwide to pick upa copy! Please mention offer code ACB8 with all direct-to publisher orders.

04 03 02 01 FnL1 Qy1BDDA3NDk2MjAwNjcxNAA=cnVlZ2VyAEf02ZIEMTAuNAI4MAExBVVQSW9sYSBkaXZpc2lvbikPR3JlZ29yeSBLJUYrVyBQdWJsaWNhdGlvbnMsIEluYyAo04 012004 03 02 01 FnL1 Ti0xMw05NzgwODk2ODk2NzEwAA==cnVlZ2VyAEf97fMEMTAuNAI4MAExBkVBSW9sYSBkaXZpc2lvbikPR3JlZ29yeSBLJUYrVyBQdWJsaWNhdGlvbnMsIEluYyAo04 0124Accurately Assess Your CollectionAntique Trader ® <strong>Perfume</strong> <strong>Bottles</strong> Price Guide provides acomplete survey of perfume and scent containers, from ancienttimes to modern days. Whether you collect bottles fromspecific designers or manufacturers, a specific “parfumeur”or even from a specific country, you’ll find the identifyingdetails and pricing you need within these pages—fromnovelty commercial brands such as Avon and Coty tocouture containers such as Chanel No. 5 and Lalique.Special Highlights Include:• In-depth information on the history of perfumeand perfume making• 1,200 detailed descriptions accompanied bynearly 1,000 color photos• Special appendices with detailed listings ofperfume scent names, perfume makers and more.Compact and comprehensive, Antique Trader ® <strong>Perfume</strong><strong>Bottles</strong> Price Guide will prove an invaluable reference forany home library. Take it home and enjoy a visual treatfull of reminders of special perfumes that have beena part of your life.About the AuthorKyle Husfloen has spent the last 35 yearsoffering tips, insight and news of the collectibleshobby to readers of Antique Trader ® and togeneral collectors. He has authored more than20 books, including the top-selling AntiqueTrader ® Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide. Hisweekly column, “Kyle on Antiques,” can be foundat www.antiquetrader.com.US $19.99Z2188 (CAN $21.99)ISBN-13: 978-0-89689-671-0ISBN-10: 0-89689-671-451999UPCEAN0 74962 00671 49780896 896710

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