
Talking-Esports-FINAL-2 Talking-Esports-FINAL-2


THANKSThis book would not have been possible without the contributionsof many people, not just those of my colleagues over the years whoI have worked with but those who also contributed small pieces ofadvice that remained valuable to this day. It is impossible to attributeevery single part correctly in the book as most of the things Ihave learned are a mixed up, jumbled up collection of things I foundout myself, learned from others on the job or got advice on.However, I do want to acknowledge all of the people who, indirectlyor directly helped me write this book, it is dedicated to all of you inthe esports broadcasting industry.Mike Burkes, Marcus Graham, Stuart Saw, Joe Miller, Leigh Smith,Shaun Clark, Oliver Aldridge, Jason Atkins, Matt Hoving, Alison Suttles,Lauren Scott, Genna Bain, John Bain, Rachel Quirico, JamesCarrol, Alex Richardson, Helena Kristiansson, Michel Blicharz, JamesLampkin, Nick Plott, Sean Plott, Dan Stemkoski, Jeff Dickinson, DarrylKucmerowski, Tobi Dawson, Iain Cole, Niall Chadwick, MelodyShafir, Neil Porter, Ollie Lossef, Simon Eicher, Sven Hoffmann, AlexanderHoltz Shedden, T.L. Taylor, Geoff Robinson, Jason Kaplan,Dennis Gehlen, Corin Cole, Patrick Creadon, Ariel Horn, William Cho,Sue Lee, Susie Kim, Richard Lewis, Joshua Gray, Soe Gschwind-Penski.89

CREDITSOriginally produced as a pdf in 2007. Massively updated in 2014 andpublished on The updated version was proofed andedited by Ella McConell.The final version you now read is based largely on the publishedversions on thanks to the talented photographers used throughout thebook: Helena Kristiansson, ESL, Gfinity, Multiplay,Robert Paul, DirecTV,Sky TV, Championship Gaming Series, Joe Brady, PatrickStrack, Adela Sznajder.Talking Esports © 2015 Paul Chaloner.90

THANKSThis book would not have been possible without the contributionsof many people, not just those of my colleagues over the years whoI have worked with but those who also contributed small pieces ofadvice that remained valuable to this day. It is impossible to attributeevery single part correctly in the book as most of the things Ihave learned are a mixed up, jumbled up collection of things I foundout myself, learned from others on the job or got advice on.However, I do want to acknowledge all of the people who, indirectlyor directly helped me write this book, it is dedicated to all of you inthe esports broadcasting industry.Mike Burkes, Marcus Graham, Stuart Saw, Joe Miller, Leigh Smith,Shaun Clark, Oliver Aldridge, Jason Atkins, Matt Hoving, Alison Suttles,Lauren Scott, Genna Bain, John Bain, Rachel Quirico, JamesCarrol, Alex Richardson, Helena Kristiansson, Michel Blicharz, JamesLampkin, Nick Plott, Sean Plott, Dan Stemkoski, Jeff Dickinson, DarrylKucmerowski, Tobi Dawson, Iain Cole, Niall Chadwick, MelodyShafir, Neil Porter, Ollie Lossef, Simon Eicher, Sven Hoffmann, AlexanderHoltz Shedden, T.L. Taylor, Geoff Robinson, Jason Kaplan,Dennis Gehlen, Corin Cole, Patrick Creadon, Ariel Horn, William Cho,Sue Lee, Susie Kim, Richard Lewis, Joshua Gray, Soe Gschwind-Penski.89

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