
Talking-Esports-FINAL-2 Talking-Esports-FINAL-2


8. Don’t lean on desks with your elbows9. Don’t put your hands in your pockets10. Don’t keep touching your nose, covering your mouth, playingwith your hair or eyebrows or rubbing your face11. Leave your hair alone12. Seriously, leave your hair alone13. Stop fidgeting14. Don’t play with your headset/mic15. Never adjust your headset without muting first and ensuringyou aren’t on camera16. If you’re the only one on camera (for example onstage),make sure you keep eye contact with the camera17. Always use the right nomenclature18. Use the cough button - never cough into the microphone19. Don’t cover the antenna on a handheld mic - it can causeinterference and it annoys sound engineers a lot20. Always let your stage manager know where you are if youleave the set or stage21. Put the mic from your headset on the side of your facewhich is away from the camera (most broadcasting headsetsare multi-way enabled)87

22. No swearing - ‘idiot’ is fine, though ;)23. Keep eye contact with anyone you interview24. Mic in your left hand if your interviewee is on your left, andin your right hand if they’re on your right25. Make sure your mic isn’t ‘hot’ before saying something youdon’t want the public to hear26. If you host a lot, use your own professional in-ear earphones- less mess, more quality27. Don’t forget to breathe28. Learn how to tie a tie or find someone who knows how to29. Try and avoid stripes on clothing - it makes the cameras goweird30. Pay attention to your producer - they will be your bestfriend when things go wrong31. If you’re a host onstage, insist on having a preview monitor(sometimes called a PGM)32. Never highlight or bring attention to production errorswhile on screen or mic33. Always double check your mic is turned on before yoursegment or interview88

22. No swearing - ‘idiot’ is fine, though ;)23. Keep eye contact with anyone you interview24. Mic in your left hand if your interviewee is on your left, andin your right hand if they’re on your right25. Make sure your mic isn’t ‘hot’ before saying something youdon’t want the public to hear26. If you host a lot, use your own professional in-ear earphones- less mess, more quality27. Don’t forget to breathe28. Learn how to tie a tie or find someone who knows how to29. Try and avoid stripes on clothing - it makes the cameras goweird30. Pay attention to your producer - they will be your bestfriend when things go wrong31. If you’re a host onstage, insist on having a preview monitor(sometimes called a PGM)32. Never highlight or bring attention to production errorswhile on screen or mic33. Always double check your mic is turned on before yoursegment or interview88

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