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THROWSThe art of throwing is one that is often underestimated in esportsbroadcasting. A ‘throw’ (you may also have heard a throw referredto as a toss or hand off) is the technical term for passing off to thenext part - or segment - of the show. A throw is not always to anotherperson, and the way in which you throw can change in manyways depending on who or what you are throwing to.As a host or presenter, you will need to be extremely strong withthrows and their many different varieties. While you won’t need tobe an expert on throws as a commentator, you will still need toknow how to hand off properly, and with enough expertise to ensurethat the show knits together properly.One of the key aspects of a good throw is to pause just before youdo the main throw. This allows you to slightly reset from whateveryou were just talking about. You can literally count to two in yourhead and then deliver the throw - you’ll be amazed by how effectivethis is.I’ll also use a lot of leading throws, particularly when going to acommercial break. This is simply teasing what’s coming up after thenext piece of content. It could be that you tease the next matchwithin the throw itself.REGULAR THROWSA regular throw is one that goes to another person on the show.You can achieve this in a number of ways, but the first rule ofthrows is to never use the word ‘throw’!66

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