
Talking-Esports-FINAL-2 Talking-Esports-FINAL-2


Initially chat and talk to your partner off air. Get to know them better,understand what they like and dislike, not only within commentarybut in life in general. Do they have any habits that might annoyyou? Do they want to work in a specific way? Is there anything theywant to ensure they do during the broadcast?As previously mentioned, I’ll often agree a set of hand signals withmy new partner right up front. This allows me to deliver the play-byplayside of things in the best way I know how. I’ll often give mypartner a few hand signals for things like “don’t talk” or “talk more”as well as showing them what that looks like before we go on air.Most are common sense in any case, but it doesn’t do any harm toknow them up front.I’ll also ensure we haveclearly defined rolesduring the broadcast.This is especially true ifit’s two play-by-playbroadcasters as we willneed to know when tocome in and when tobe quiet. Initially therewill be mistakes as the two of you get used to each other. However,work on it and be frank and honest about what each of you can dobetter as well as debrief after each match you cover and you’ll seeimprovements in your chemistry very quickly.51

HOSTING AND PRESENTINGOne of the most important roles for the flow of a show is that of thehost or presenter as TV likes to call them. The role can be split in tovarious different parts. For the sake of this book, I’ll call it simplyhosting as the presenter role is much the same.Main stage hostDesk hostInterview hostCo-hostThese represent the most common host roles found in esport currently.That’s not to say that one person may well cover severalroles within one show, for example the main stage host is usuallythe interview host at events.MAIN STAGE HOSTTo the onlooker, this role may seem somewhat superfluous, but agreat stage host will deliver a smooth show for everyone at theevent and those watching at home. Generally speaking, the stagehost gets very little air time, but the time they do get is extremelyimportant. The usual parts of the show a stage host delivers are:Welcoming everyone to the eventIntroducing the eventUpdating everyone on where the show is (current position,what’s up next etc.)52

HOSTING AND PRESENTINGOne of the most important roles for the flow of a show is that of thehost or presenter as TV likes to call them. The role can be split in tovarious different parts. For the sake of this book, I’ll call it simplyhosting as the presenter role is much the same.Main stage hostDesk hostInterview hostCo-hostThese represent the most common host roles found in esport currently.That’s not to say that one person may well cover severalroles within one show, for example the main stage host is usuallythe interview host at events.MAIN STAGE HOSTTo the onlooker, this role may seem somewhat superfluous, but agreat stage host will deliver a smooth show for everyone at theevent and those watching at home. Generally speaking, the stagehost gets very little air time, but the time they do get is extremelyimportant. The usual parts of the show a stage host delivers are:Welcoming everyone to the eventIntroducing the eventUpdating everyone on where the show is (current position,what’s up next etc.)52

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