
Talking-Esports-FINAL-2 Talking-Esports-FINAL-2


It’s especially important toprepare if you are a colourcommentator, and in someways you will need to go everdeeper than the play-by-playguy as viewers will be expectingyou to tell them somethingthey don’t know. The other guyjust has to explain what’s goingon!I was once told that it’s better to say nothing at all than say somethingyou’re not sure about. In other words, say what you have tosay with total conviction, even if it ends up being wrong - at least itwill then be seen as a genuine mistake. There’s nothing worse thana commentator saying “I think that’s right” - it either is or it isn’t,and if you’re not sure, you shouldn’t be saying it anyway.Preparation comes in many forms, and how important it is will alsovary on the type of role you perform at an event and how good youare at retaining information yourself.Roughly speaking, you should be preparing for the following items:Team and player information, line-ups, player names, nicknames,ages, etc.Team and player statistics, wins, losses, trends, form, tables,results, etc.Tournament information, structure, prize money, entry system,qualification results23

I’ve included a recent spreadsheet I used to prepare for a big tournamentso you can see the various tabs and perhaps use this as abase for your own preparation. Check it out.What you’re also looking for in all of this information is storylines.You can find many golden nuggets if you do your preparation right.It could be you find a team has never lost using a particular strategyor hero or champion. You might find a winning or losing streak ofmatches for a player or team.You could find they’ve never beaten or lost to the team they’reabout to play, and all of these things on their own or collectivelyinvite a story line that allows people to understand the magnitudeof what they are watching. It also helps people who are mostlyneutral choose a team or player to root for, making it more enjoyablefor everyone.24

I’ve included a recent spreadsheet I used to prepare for a big tournamentso you can see the various tabs and perhaps use this as abase for your own preparation. Check it out.What you’re also looking for in all of this information is storylines.You can find many golden nuggets if you do your preparation right.It could be you find a team has never lost using a particular strategyor hero or champion. You might find a winning or losing streak ofmatches for a player or team.You could find they’ve never beaten or lost to the team they’reabout to play, and all of these things on their own or collectivelyinvite a story line that allows people to understand the magnitudeof what they are watching. It also helps people who are mostlyneutral choose a team or player to root for, making it more enjoyablefor everyone.24

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