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OFFICIAL SECTIONA cross-section look at the current theatre sceneINSECTOTRÒPICSCompra’mMULTIDISCIPLINARYOPENING SHOWCompra’m (Buy me) is an explosion of tales that arise from a central point: the story of Pandora’sBox. From the Greek myth, the show tackles the possibility of redeeming the world in danger ofdestroying everything that matters to us. A reflection on happiness, about the way we are andwhat we seem to be. A duality that marks the characters, who fall into the temptation to stopbeing themselves and are perversely invited to acquire a false happiness. A profound reflectionon the emptiness of the consumer society that consumes us from day to day. A multidisciplinaryproduction in live cinema by the company of audiovisual explorers, Insectrotròpics, who counton the scenography of Jordi Queralt and the atavistic and fascinating music of Tullis Rennie andthe duet Za!Insectotròpics are masters of the art of mixing painting, music, theatre and video. Born in 2011in Barcelona through the merging of artists from wide-ranging trajectories and languages,they experiment with the fusion and interaction between their disciplines to create new showsand formats. Insectotròpics’ work focuses on developing a new way of relating to the worldof the arts and the search for their own, and not very habitual, language that has opened thedoors to the international markets. With the presentation of Compra’m, FiraTàrrega completesa process of accompanying the company that has gone from programming the show LaCaputxeta Galàctica (2011), the inclusion of Bouazizi in the 2013 Laboratoris de Creació andthat now culminates with the commissioning of this large format inaugural show.Yes, this is the yearAuthoring and direction Insectotropics Visual works Laia Ribas, Vicenç Viaplana, Xanu,IEX Actresses Mar Nicolás, Padi Padilla Music Tullis Rennie, Za! (Eduard Pou & PauRodriguez) Production Maria Thorson Technical direction Aleix Ramisa Video AlbertSellés Stage Jordi Queralt Suau Stage assistant Guilhèm Vilches Origin Catalonia -Spain. With the collaboration of Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació, Ajuntament d’Olot,Animac Mostra Internacional de Cinema d’Animació de Catalunya and Teatre Municipal del’Escorxador de Lleida. Web www.insectotropics.com La Llotja, stand C110 Sep 22:00 11 Sep 23:00 13 Sep 00:00 E. Hort del Barceloní45’ NO TEXT FREE TP e9

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