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VOL DE MENTCadàver exquisitCIRCUSA circus show for all ages, with the Russian cradle asthe protagonist. This pair of artists, who have taken partindividually in different projects around Europe (LesHommes Infames, la Cie. Scabreuse, Los 2 Play, amongothers) create this first show with their own company. Twopeople in a broken world, where the rules of behaviourhave broken down and words have lost their meaning,where loneliness hinders communication, they seek theway to reach a neutral, natural space. A proposal of poeticturns inspired in the creation and collective invention of thesuper-realist game that gives the show its name.11 Sep 19:30 12 Sep 19:30 13 Sep 19:30 E. La Maleta40’ NO TEXT FREE TPLovingstreet circusAuthoring Amanda Delgado, JordiSerra i Baleri Direction CarlesFernandez Performers AmandaDelgado, Jordi Serra i Baleri Set designEugenio Szwarcer Costume NenéFernández Original track AmandaDelgado, Mattia Sinigaglia, Juan Pastor,Pol Jubany Frame design Aida delRío, Lluís Vidal AcknowledgementsCol·lectiu la Persiana, Spela Vodeb,Alejo Gamboa, Yuri Sakalov, JoanRamón Graell, Xesca Salvà, CarlesSalas, Alex Casas, Jesús Delgado,Elena Aguilar, Julià Rocha, MagdalenaHuertas Origin Catalonia - Spain Webwww.lamaleta.cat La Llotja, stand 12VOL’E TEMPSMundos de papelMULTIDISCIPLINARYCircus and entertainment (hipsters refrain)Authoring Vol’e Temps Direction Anthony Mathieu. Théatre Crac. Collectif La Basse-Cour Performers Sara Ortiz, Albert Monncunill,Darío Dumont Set design Vol’ e Temps Origin Andalusia - Spain Web www.voletemps.com La Llotja, stand 43A circus company in a constant process of research andrenovation, who combine experience and professionallearning with the freshness acquired in various streetshows around Europe. The fast-paced show combinescircus, theatre and dance techniques with humour andspontaneity. A man alone, abandoned in the empty corridorsof a place where only the dreams of its old hosts remain. Aplace of memories and imagination where nothing is whatit seems and where everything seems what it is.11 Sep 20:00 12 Sep 22:00 13 Sep 12:00 E. 23 Arts50’ NO TEXT FREE TP50

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