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ARTISTIC ITINERARIESDo not miss the immensity!THE FIRA WAS MUCH COOLER IN THE PASTA selection for nostalgics, viewers who dream of the return of the Fura delsBaus and the Comediants.Los Excéntricos, Brincadeira, Associazione Eccentrici Dadarò–Compagniaifratellicaproni, Le Croupier, Leandre, Teatro Necessario & MattatoioSospeso, Cie. Les Enjoliveurs, Théâtre de la Toupine, Matteo GalbuseraEXTREME SPORTSHave you gotten into a mess. If I were you, I wouldn’t even try. Shall we continue?Ah, so you like risks? If you are looking for excitement, this is your programme.Abast Elàstic, Carla Rovira, Nacho Vilar Prod., [Los Números Imaginarios]Ensamble del Pastor Bobo, Deriva Mussol, Leire Mesa, Cortez – Fontán,Marcel et ses Drôles de Femmes, 1 WattFIRATÀRREGA 15-MA journey marked by commitment. If your thing is participating in demonstrationsand going to Plaça Catalunya or the Puerta del Sol, or you think contemporary arthas been taken over by the bourgeois, than this is the place for you!Pérez & Disla, The Cross Border Project, Teatro Necessario & MattatoioSospeso, Insectotròpics, Cia. La Rueda, Conservatori Superior de Dansa IT,Associazione Eccentrici Dadarò–Compagnia ifratellicaproni, Carla Rovira,Leire Mesa, Vaca 35, Teatro Línea de SombraTÀRREGA SLOWYou have the right to get old, where sitting on the ground becomes a trialdue to osteoarthritis or to dress however you want. This programme is alsofor gourmets and lovers of a contemplative life.Marga Socias & Kristofer Krarup, Pérez & Disla, 1 Watt, Auments, Cia. Ignífuga,Leire Mesa, Teatro Línea de Sombra, Vaca 35, Xevi Bayona, Deriva MussolTÀRREGA HIPSTERModernity is perhaps, like adolescence, a flu that we overcome with thepassing of years. Or not. This pack is designed for local hipsters and thosefrom all over. Long live the beard and independent thinking!Cia. Ignífuga, Cia. Vero Cendoya, Vaca 35, Chroma Teatre, Íntims Produccions,Insectotròpics, Xevi Bayona, Cortez-Fontán, Alumnes Màster FT, SharonFridmanGRANNY PACKAGEIf you think street arts are just for young people or you believe that theatreis only good when viewed from a box, well, you are a granny and we havewhat you want.La Ruta 40, Sharon Fridman, Chroma Teatre, Cia. La Rueda, Los Excéntricos,Associazione Eccentrici Dadarò–Compagnia ifratellicaproni, Le Croupier,Pérez & Disla, Dorrance DanceBILLY ELLIOT PACKAGEDance for all tastes, and good at that. Even for those who always say they‘do not understand’ or ‘they do not know’.Cortez-Fontán, Sharon Fridman, Company Chameleon, ConservatoriSuperior Dansa IT, Ertza, Urban Nation, Vero Cendoya, Dorrance Dance,Auments, Abast ElàsticIF FELLINI WERE ALIVE TODAY...Some still think the circus is a crazy genre where people act stupid and dress inbright tights. They may be right in some cases but in others the truth is what iswrong and by far. Fall in love with the circus, crazy or not at FiraTàrrega 2015.Vol de Ment, Vol’e’Temps, Marcel et ses Drôles de Femmes, Circ Bover, Capicua,Serena Vione, Leandre, Cia. En Diciembre, Acrojou, Companyia D’ClickSNOTTY PACKAGEA route for the little ones who are 12 or younger. Don’t worry adults, thischoice is also designed for you.Itinerània, La Baldufa, Cia. Sifó, El Pájaro Carpintero, Carla Rovira, LosHerrerita, Leandre, Campi qui Pugui, Théâtre de la Toupine, Cie. LesEnjoliveursMY MOUSTACHE GROWS, MY TITS GROWSIf you are between 12 and 18 years of age then don’t pay much attention towhat I advise. This selection is not for you, then. Get it?Urban Nation, Marcel et ses Drôles de Femmes, Brincadeira, MatteoGalbusera, Campi qui Pugui, Circ Bover, Cia. En Diciembre, Cia. VeroCendoya, Pérez & Disla100% TÀRREGA – EXPERIENCE PACKAGINGA series of shows that will provide you with an all terrain experience. Somethings only happen in Tàrrega.Vaca 35, Sharon Fridman, Marga Socias & Kristofer Krarup, [Los NúmerosImaginarios] Ensamble del Pastor Bob, Cortez – Fontán, Dorrance Dance,Vero Cendoya, Cia. Ignífuga, Insectotròpics, Urban Nation, Íntims ProduccionsRECOMANAA route designed by professional opinion formers from the portalRecomana.cat specializing in reviews of the performing arts.Insectotròpics, Company Chameleon, La Baldufa, [Los NúmerosImaginarios] Ensamble del Pastor Bob, Pérez & Disla, Cia. Vero Cendoya,Cia. Ignífuga, Íntims Produccions, Vaca 35.AUTOBÚSThe Moritz bus willtravel all over the town.Don’t hold back!5

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