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LE CROUPIEREsperança DinamitaCABARETUntil the outbreak of the Civil War, the Paral·lel in Barcelonawas a bustle that became the cradle of the genre of the review;foxtrots, couplets and pasodobles were the soundtrack of theepoch. Le Croupier presents a journey through the musicalhits of early 20th-century Barcelona, taking one of the leadingThe queenof the party!vedettes of the time as a reference: Esperança Dinamita. Beyond being a simple concert,based on songs, texts and audiovisuals, the show creates a perfect wrapping to transportthe audience back to a fascinating period of our recent history.Authoring Le Croupier Direction Xavier Pujolràs Guest artists Aina Sánchez, MontPlans Performers Carles Cors, Faló Garcia, Xevi Quiño, Toni Huertas, David Benítez,Josep Picot i Raúl Sánchez Dramaturgy Josep Maria Miró Coromina ChoreographyRoberto G. Alonso Artistic direction, Costume, Graphics & Photography Art estudi(David Faüchs and Fanny Espinet) Documentary movie Albert Blanch Sound designAlbert Cortada Lighting design Andreu Fàbregas Origin Catalonia - Spain Webwww.lecroupier.cat La Llotja, stand 2311 Sep 19:30; 22:30 12 Sep 19:30; 23:00 13 Sep 20:00 E. MoritzThe ticket does not guarantee a seatLe tiquet d’entrée ne garantit pas le droit à un siège 60’ CAT 5 EUR +1841

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