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LA RUTA 40La col·leccióTHEATREAn encounter in a hotel triggersthe action in this text thriller thatexplores the relations between twocouples who work in fashion design.A disturbing piece by Harold PinterTheatre,Theatreabout the many faces of truth and the cruel and painfulstruggle to find it out, which sees its first performance inSpain. As the author said on receiving the Nobel Prize forLiterature, “sometimes you believe that you have the truthat a moment and, then, it slips through your hands andescapes”. Projecte IT Emergents, together with the Grec,Temporada Alta and FiraTàrrega.11 Sep 22:00 12 Sep 11:00 Poli. Municipal75’ CAT 12 EUR +18Authoring Harold Pinter Direction Albert Prat Translation Víctor Muñoz i Calafell Performers Òscar Intente, Alberto Díaz, LauraPujolàs, Sergi Torrecilla Stage Xesca Salvà Lighting Sergi Torrecilla Costume Nídia Tusal Make-up Toni Santos PhotographyRoser Blanch Direction assistant Ignasi Guasch Sound design Joan Solé Executive production Maria G. Rovelló Origin Catalonia- Spain Web www.laruta40.netLEIRE MESANo tenemos títuloPOLITIC CIRCUSWorking with local groupsShow without seatingSpectacle sans siègeAuthoring, Direction and Performing Leire Mesa Collaboration and Dramaturgy Rolando San Martin People involved Indoxworkers Musicians Albert Sala, Carlos Miñarro, Javi Pelón, Sisco Ayala Special acknowledgements Mireia Sallarés, ManelGutierrez, Carles Asensio, Carlos Vilchez, Natalia Fornet, Jesús Villamajó, Mireia Fontanet, Mercé Agusti, Goran Angelov, Marta GilAudiovisuals & graphics Mireia Sallarés, Andrea Paz Cortés. Co-Produced by FiraTàrrega, Subtopia & Basque Government OriginBasque Country - Spain Web www.leiremesa.com La Llotja, stand 11We had a title for this project but we don’t have it any more,just like some people had jobs, homes, healthy bodiesand names, and now they don’t. “In primitive cultures,if someone does not get lost, they don’t grow up.” Thetrapeze, like getting lost, is the art of not having your feeton the ground, resisting in the market the hegemonies ofthe product. Working with local groups in resistance, thiserrant and circus project starts out from research into theconcepts of power and resistance in relation with identitybuilding, the work ethic, the feelings and the bodiesthat this globalised society produces. LABORATORY OFCREATION FIRATÀRREGA 2015.12 Sep 00:30; 20:30 13 Sep 20:00 Cal Trepat50’ CAST 5 EUR +18 e34

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