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COMPANYIA IGNÍFUGAA House IsNot a HomeTHEATREAuthoring Maurice Maeterlinck Translation & Direction Pau Masaló PerformersCristina Arenas, Eduard Autonell, Òscar Castellví, Marina Congost, Anna Enrich, ToniGuillemat, Aleix Melé, Júlia Rodón Direction assistant Roberto Romei Set design,Costume & Lighting Irene Dobón, Alba Macfarlane Sound design Nicolás VillaMusic composer Rayo-60 Set construction La Forja del Vallès AcknowledgementsRoger Bernat / FFF, Grup Xarxa (Torelló), Teatre esSela, Jordi Rodón, RamonAutonell, Xavier Masaló, Mercè Aregall, Sílvia Ferrando, Victoria Szpunberg, RaúlTorres, FiraTàrrega, Claravalls neighbors, Verkami contributors, Nau Ivanow OriginCatalonia - Spain Web www.ignifuga.net La Llotja, stand 19An updated classicProtected by the darkness of the night, two men watch the inside of a house from thegarden. They have to break bad news to the family... On this basis, inspired by Maeterlinck’spiece Interior, the show explores how the order of things can be turned upside down andhow we protect ourselves from life’s turns with the safety the home provides. The work ofthis young company goes beyond pure narrative, incorporating a political view of the worldand an active criticism of the surroundings, with the aim of giving the audience an emotionalexperience and including them actively in the dramatic action. LABORATORY OF CREATIONFIRATARREGA 2015This show includes a brief walking tour. The show is followed throughheadphones, in English or Spanish. Spectators must leave a documentproving deposit.Ce spectacle inclut un bref parcours à pied. Des casques audio permettent desuivre le spectacle en anglais ou espagnol. Il sera demandé aux spectateursde laisser un document accréditatif en dépôt.11 Sep 21:00 12 Sep 21:00; 23:00 13 Sep 21:00 E. Ignífuga70’ CAST / ENG 12 EUR +18 e32

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