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LOS EXCÉNTRICOSThe MeltingPot PourriCLOWNComedians, musicians, jugglers,that atypical trio that hasrenewed the figure of the clownthanks to a poetry rooted inthe super-realism that seeksa balance between modernityand classicism provoking anCulturalheritage ofhumanityavalanche of laughter. On tour around the world for overthirty years, they have strongly defended the art of the clown,a task distinguished with different recognitions, includingthe National Award for Culture from the Generalitat deCatalunya in 2011. Here they present a selection of theirbest sketches, combined with some novelties, as a sort of“the best of”. Don’t miss it.11 Sep 21:00 12 Sep 21:00 13 Sep 19:00 Pl. dels Àlbers70’ MULTI 5 EUR TPAuthoring and direction Los Excentricos Performing Marceline, Sylvestre et Zaza Script Los Excéntricos Piano construction ZazaPuppets Sylvestre et Ventura & Hosta Cartrons Sound & Lighting Alexandre Barthés, Marta G. Aguado Production Los ExcentricosSupported by ICECI, INAEM, Institut Ramon Llull, Pôle National du Cirque Languedoc-Rousillon, Trapezi Origin Catalunya - SpainWeb www.losexcentricos.com La Llotja, stand C2[LOS NÚMEROS IMAGINARIOS]ENSAMBLE DEL PASTOR BOBOLa cena del rey BaltasarTHEATREA non-classic classicThe company appeared in 2013 with the aim of studying thegenres and traditional scenic devices. Now they present acontemporary approach to the genre of the sacramental actwith an adaptation of Calderón de la Barca. A man dreamshe is Balthasar, the biblical king who ordered the buildingof the Tower of Babel, and invites the diners to a supper tocommemorate his victories. The show inverts the relationbetween the spectator and the performance. Twelve peoplefrom among the audience will be able to sit at the tablewith the actors and will become involved in the piece asparticipants in the dramatic action.11 Sep 19:00; 23:00 12 Sep 19:00; 23:30 13 Sep 20:00 E. Sinaia120’ CAST 12 EUR +18Authoring Calderón de la BarcaAdaptation and Direction Carlos TuñónPerformers Jesús Barranco, EnriqueCervantes, Rubén Frías, Kev de laRosa, Alejandro Pau, Antonio R. LiañoDirection assistant and DramaturgySergio Adillo Verse advice SantiOrtiz, Sergio Adillo Esthetics AntonioJiménez Lighting / Chief Technician:Miguel Ruz Artistic implementationAaron Lobato Bread Beatriz MoraGODEMI Musical advice VirginiaGutiérrez, Jorge Bedoya AudiovisualJavier de Pascual, Gonzalo BernalPhotography Álex Larumbe, PacoEsteve Origin Madrid - Spain Webwww.losnumerosimaginarios.com20

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