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LA BALDUFAPinocchioMULTIDISCIPLINARYFor children…suitable for their familiesPinocchio is the story of boy who is free, without prejudices or complexes, disobedient andnaughty, but also very naive, who finds himself mixed up in various adventures that makehim grow and mature until he is exhausted. Geppetto, with a father’s protective instinct,takes care of his education. La Baldufa offers a reinterpretation of Carlo Collodi’s classic. Atale to make us reflect about education, effort, responsibility and sincerity.Authoring Carlo Collodi Direction Jokin Oregui and La Baldufa Adaptation LaBaldufa: Enric Blasi, Emiliano Pardo, Carles Pijuan Performers Enric Blasi, EmilianoPardo, Carles Pijuan Music Óscar Roig Lighting design Miki Arbizu Set & costumedesign Carles Pijuan Set construction Juan Manuel Recio, Carles Pijuan TechnicianMiki Arbizu Production Enric Blasi, Amàlia Atmetlló Office Isabel Mercé, PilarPàmpols Co-Production Théâtre du Cloître, Scène Conventionnée, Festival Nationalde Bellac Collaboration ICEC – Generalitat de Catalunya, INAEM – Ministerio deCultura Origin Catalonia - Spain Web www.labaldufateatre.com La Llotja, stand 911 Sep 11:30; 17:00 12 Sep 11:30 Teatre Ateneu55’ NO TEXT 5 EUR TPVisita’ns a la nova botiga a l’AV. de Barcelona, 12cistelles setmanals i venda a www.femcadena.com, Tel.: 973 314 116Productes ecològics, comerç justi articles de proximitat.Alternatives per un consummés sa i responsable.18

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