Dutch Athletics Team

150822-30 Dutch Athletics Team World Championships in Athletics Beijing 2015 150822-30 Dutch Athletics Team World Championships in Athletics Beijing 2015


A word with … Sifan HassanAs the reigning European champion both indoors and outdoors, Sifan Hassan is one ofthe main Dutch medal threats in Beijing. After a fabulous race at the Hercules meeting inMonaco, she is ranked second in the world with 3:56.05, improving her own Dutch recordyet again.Question: After your European indoor title, you picked up the outdoor season where you had leftoff, running well in many high-profile races. What was the purpose behind the competitionchoices, perhaps not only races aimed at fast times?Sifan: I chose to run the 1500m competitions in the Diamond League events so I can win the DiamondLeague. In addition, I ran some 800m events to gain some speed. I need to run enough competitions toget in shape.Question: In your most recent 1500 meter race, you nevertheless ran your fabulous 3:56.05 record, 16 thall-time in the world. Does that give you extra confidence for Beijing?Sifan: It was a good time, but I didn’t win that competition...Question: At your last preparation race, in London, you also improved your personal best over 800meters (1:59.46). Did you do extra work on your finishing speed?Sifan: For this race I didn’t train different from what I used to do for the 1500m races. This 800m was myspeed training.Question: Which race this year stands out to you most?Sifan: My 4:00 indoor race in Stockholm.Question: We al know by now about your relatively late start in athletics, meteoric rise, and continuedprogress. Are you surprised how much you keep improving?Sifan: No, not really. I am training hard with my coach Honoré Hoedt to get faster and faster. I’m hopingI can still improve to a new level.Question: As to the World Championships: there is a handful of most prominent medal favourites in the1500 meters. You have beaten most of them this year at some point, is there a way to challengeGenzebe Dibaba (WR 3:50.07 in Monaco) as well?Sifan: Everyone can be beaten, so there is always a way.Question: The 800 meters is run after the 1500 meter final in China, are you interested in running thatthat distance there?Sifan: Yes, I am. Maybe I will run both events.4

Question: Olympic fever is already building. Can athletes such as yourself already look beyond Beijingto Rio?Sifan: I am only looking at the World Championships in Beijing. I do it step by step.Question: For you, 2016 may be even busier. Do you expect to defend your European title next year?Will you perhaps even run Cross Country again, where you won your first international title?Sifan: I want to defend my 1500m title for sure! I may be running another distance as well, but I am notsure yet. I don’t know yet whether I will cross this year.Question: Do you have any expectations how it will be to run the European Championships in your owncountry?Sifan: I don’t know what to expect in Amsterdam. I think it will be very nice and I am looking forward to it!At this moment I cannot guess how it will be, but I can imagine it will be very special to run in orange formy home crowd!But first: World Champs in Beijing!Good Luck in China … and beyond!5

A word with … Sifan HassanAs the reigning European champion both indoors and outdoors, Sifan Hassan is one ofthe main <strong>Dutch</strong> medal threats in Beijing. After a fabulous race at the Hercules meeting inMonaco, she is ranked second in the world with 3:56.05, improving her own <strong>Dutch</strong> recordyet again.Question: After your European indoor title, you picked up the outdoor season where you had leftoff, running well in many high-profile races. What was the purpose behind the competitionchoices, perhaps not only races aimed at fast times?Sifan: I chose to run the 1500m competitions in the Diamond League events so I can win the DiamondLeague. In addition, I ran some 800m events to gain some speed. I need to run enough competitions toget in shape.Question: In your most recent 1500 meter race, you nevertheless ran your fabulous 3:56.05 record, 16 thall-time in the world. Does that give you extra confidence for Beijing?Sifan: It was a good time, but I didn’t win that competition...Question: At your last preparation race, in London, you also improved your personal best over 800meters (1:59.46). Did you do extra work on your finishing speed?Sifan: For this race I didn’t train different from what I used to do for the 1500m races. This 800m was myspeed training.Question: Which race this year stands out to you most?Sifan: My 4:00 indoor race in Stockholm.Question: We al know by now about your relatively late start in athletics, meteoric rise, and continuedprogress. Are you surprised how much you keep improving?Sifan: No, not really. I am training hard with my coach Honoré Hoedt to get faster and faster. I’m hopingI can still improve to a new level.Question: As to the World Championships: there is a handful of most prominent medal favourites in the1500 meters. You have beaten most of them this year at some point, is there a way to challengeGenzebe Dibaba (WR 3:50.07 in Monaco) as well?Sifan: Everyone can be beaten, so there is always a way.Question: The 800 meters is run after the 1500 meter final in China, are you interested in running thatthat distance there?Sifan: Yes, I am. Maybe I will run both events.4

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