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is back!2014HRDesk updatesand more!Week

TABLEOFCONTENTS2014 HRWeekpp. 3 - 83 | HR WeekCelebration4 | In Solidum: TheAHRC Exhibit5, 6| BantayRepublika: A Forumon GoodGovernance7 | Batang Halau:A DocumentaryShowing8 | CulminatingActivityDeskUpdatespp. 9 - 139 | Desks10 | AKAP11 | ASEAN12 | KATUTUBO13 | URDUJAWhat is theMONITRESS?It is a publicationmade by the AteneoHuman Rights Centerintended for the ResidentInterns and Alumni ofthe organization.It contains a reportof the organization’saccomplishments for thepast semester, asummary of futureevents, and a list ofo p p o r t u n i t i e s f o rinvolvement.For comments andsuggestions, kindly emailahrc.monitress@gmail.com.The MONITRESS is broughtto you by the Research andDevelopment Committee ofthe Ateneo Human RightsCenter.1

Hello,Get to know your...AHRCfamily!2015-2016 OfficersPau VasquezMarie PanganibanPhil RecentesHarvey BilangArisa SuzukiPresidentVP InternalVP ExternalSec-GenTreasurerDesk HeadsCommittee HeadsAKAPASEANFrances Estipona Tin BorjaChris CoLorenz DantesKATUTUBOUNHCRRegine Abuel Fae BordeyAngelo Garcia Veron RequejoURDUJAHacel Dela CruzMikee RetiradoSpecial ProjectsFinancePublicity and MarketingAdvocacyCommunications & Dev’tAlumni RelationsResearch & Dev’tQuick Response TeamExternalsBarOpsMea BaligodSherdil RanaBea GutierrezTrixie ElamparoRona PalinesAlexi CaldaAyie ZerrudoPonce LopezMara DimaanoLans SenaGian ArabejoRegine AbuelAna Dahilig2

Ateneo HumanRights Center inNation BuildingThe Human Rights WeekFrom December 8 – 12,2014, the Ateneo HumanRights Center (AHRC) inpartnership withFriedrich NaumannFoundation (FNF),celebrated the HumanRights Week.This year’s theme focused on the role of the Ateneo HumanRights Center in nation-building. This is in line with the themeof the celebration of the Ateneo Professional Schools (APS) ofits 40 th year.The supposedly week-long celebration was cut short by TyphoonHagupit which caused a two-day class suspension in APS. Noteven a typhoon, however, can stop the celebration andcommemoration of the human rights week.3

IN SOLIDUM:THE AHRC EXHIBIT(December 10 – December 12)The exhibit features the different desks and projects the AHRC utilizesin order to do its part in nation building and forwarding human rightsand their respective activities.The celebration of theHuman Rights Week kickedoff through the opening ofthis year's Human RightsExhibit last December 10.The opening was held atthe Octagonal in Basement1 of the Ateneo LawSchool and was graced bystudents and lawyers fromthe Ateneo Human RightsCenter.The opening of the exhibit beganwith an opening prayer and wasimmediately followed by the speech ofthe AHRC Executive Director, Atty. RayPaolo Santiago. In his speech, Atty.Santiago talked about the two themesaround which the Human Rights Weekrevolves. First, in compliance with theinternational celebration of humanrights, he stressed the statement"Human Rights 365," saying that it wasimportant to make human rights amainstream issue 365 days a year tofully support this advocacy. Second, insolidarity with the celebration of the40th Anniversary of the APS, he alsoreminded the guests of Ateneo's thrustfor nation-building and the enormity ofthe role human rights, particularly theadvocacies of the AHRC, play. Inessence, he implored the guests to dotheir part in order to advance humanrights as an issue that concerns not onlyother students in the Ateneo LawSchool but also the entire APSCommunity.Atty. Santiago, along with theDirector of the Institute for GraduateLegal Studies, Atty. Amparita Sta.Maria, officially opened the exhibitthrough a ceremonial cutting of theribbon.The Human Rights Exhibit is entitled In Solidum and gives its viewers a glimpse intothe different advocacies it has. The exhibit features the different desks and projectsthe AHRC utilizes in order to do its part in nation building and forwarding humanrights and their respective activities. These desks include the Katutubo (IndigenousPeople's Desk), Adhikain para sa Karapatang Pambata or AKAP (Children's RightsDesk), Urduja (Women's Rights Desk), the United Nations High Commissioner forRefugees (UNHCR) Project, the Working Group for an ASEAN Human RightsMechanism and the Internship Program.4

BANTAYREPUBLIKA:A FORUMThe main event forthe Human RightsWeek is the forumheld on December11, 2014.The forum focused on theconcept of good governanceand asserting the same as ahuman right. AHRC has invitednumerous speakers to imparttheir knowledge and views onthe definition of goodgovernance and its importancein the stability and growth ofour society. These speakersinclude Dr. Francisco Magno ofthe De La Salle University JesseRobredo Institute forGovernance, Atty. Jose LuisMartin Gascon of the HumanRights Victims Claims Boards(HRVCB), Commissioner LuieGuia of the Commission onElections (COMELEC) and Mr.Vince Lazation of theTranparency andAccountability Network (TAN).The forum was officiallyopened through the welcomingremarks of Atty. Amparita Sta.Maria who said that goodgovernance as a human rightcan be found in the UniversalDeclaration on Human Rights(UDHR) - participatorygovernment and article VIII.She has also emphasized thatgood governance is importantbecause it protects humanrights through securing forimportant concepts whichinclude, accountability andtransparency, Gender andchild rights, Rule of Law andAnti-Corruption commission.5

Dr. Francisco Magno was thefirst to discuss the concept ofgood governance through howthe late Department of InteriorLocal Government (DILG)Secretary Jesse Robredo saw it.Good governance is where thelocal government units canprovide access for the basicnecessities of the people. It is acollective action of both thegovernment and the citizens. Dr.Magno emphasized four keywords: Matino (decent) andMahusay (exemplary), Integritywith Competence. He said that,“Competence is misguidedwithout integrity. Integrity is futilewithout competence and the skilland ability to carry out goodwork.”The second speaker, Atty.Gascon from the HRVCB, focusedon the normative aspect of goodgovernance as a human right. Hestated that good governance, likeany human right, must bestruggled for. Good governanceand democracy can only beachieved if justice is pursued. Hestated that, “Justice deliveryequals notion of human right asgood governance becomes morereal.”The third speaker is theCommissioner of the Commissionon Elections (COMELEC). Atty.Luie Guia. Commissioner Guiamainly emphasized that humanrights and good governance areinseparable, they are mutualbecause good governanceprotects human rights. He furtheradded that working for thegovernment is working for humanrights and encouraged thestudents and audience to work forthe government. He emphasizedthat working the government isserving the people and there is asense of satisfaction serving thegovernment.Mr. Vince Lazatin was the lastspeaker and his discussion wasnot from the perspective of alawyer but from a point of view ofsomeone who wants to fightcorruption. Mr. Lazatin explainedthat corruption exists because ofthe people’s inability to holdpublic officials accountable. Heencouraged the audience to jointhe public sector and considerserving the country thrugovernment or alternativelawyering practice.The four speakers gave abirds’ eye view of the conceptand status of good governance inthe Philippines. There were also apanel of reactors who gave theircomments and insights on whatthey heard that morning. Thesereactors include Ms. Salve Suplitofrom the ABS-CBN News Channel(ANC) as a reactor for the media,Atty. Ray Paolo Santiago as aprofessor from the academe andMr. Muhammad Muktadir Estrellaas the law student reactor.Ms. Suplito has focused moreon the perspective of the mediaand communication. She has givenemphasis that the technicalities ofhow to evaluate good governancehamper its growth throughscorecards. Atty. Santiagomeanwhile stated that to be anactivist is not just about knowing theblacks and the whites, but alsoworking in the gray area andharmonizing different concepts.Lastly, Mr. Mudir Estrella hasemphasized that it should be everystudent should “take it personal”whenever any human right violationhappens, especially that whichrelates to corruption and goodgovernance.The forum ended with the givingof the certificates and the closingremarks led by Atty. AnneMaureen Manigbas, the InternshipDirector of AHRC.6

Batang Halau:A documentary showingToenlighten thestudentry onthe plight ofstatelesschildren andotherchallengesthataccompanythis issue,AHRC has invitedthe director,producer andwriter of BatangHalau (BanishedChildren), Mr.Eleazar DelRasario. Thedocumentarydiscusses theeverydaychallenges ofundocumentedchildren in Sabah,Malaysia. Theshowing was donelast December 12at the BernasSeminar Room ofthe AteneoProfessionalSchoolsThedocumentary wasoriginal shown infree television in2012. It showedhow statelesschildren lived theirday-to-day life,scouring for foodor engaging inchild labor. Itdepicts how thesechildren, becauseof the lack ofmoney andidentificationdocuments, aredeprived of theirbasic rights suchas the right toeducation and theright to health. Theultimate goal ofthe documentary isto inform thesociety of theproblems thesechildren and theirfamily face in thehopes of providinga better life forthem. The first stepfor this better life isthrough providingthem witheducation.Thedocumentary alsoelicited differentreactions andquestions from theaudience. Onestudent has evenexpressed hisgratefulnessbecause they wereable to attend thedocumentaryshowing. It madehim see the realitybeyond the booksand classroom lawstudents areconfined in.The event wasofficiallyconcluded with alegal discussion onstatelessness andthe refugee statusdone by theInternship Directorof AHRC, Atty.Anne MaureenManigbas.7

The celebration of theHuman Rights Weekcapped off through adinner hosted by theAHRC on December 12,2014. The dinnercommemorated thememorable experiencesof alumni interns whilethey were still studentsand how at present, theystill continue to advocatenot only for goodgovernance but forhuman rights in general.The first sharer of thenight was Atty. Rommel“Iyok” Abitria. Heshared some of hismemorable experienceswhile he was still anintern. Most especially,he has detailed hisimmersion experienceand his trek going to theimmersion site. He stillconsiders his immersionexperience as one of themost memorableexperience in his life.Culminating Activity -December 12, 2014Atty. Iyok currentlyworks as an alternativelawyer who helpsdetainees in jails andwork toward jaildecongestion. Thesecond speaker is Atty.Ma. Cecille “Sek” DSLumague. Just like Atty.Iyok, she also shared herexperiences during herimmersion. She has alsoemphasized her key rolenow while working forthe government.The sharing wasfollowed by a shortaudio-visual presentationof the past activities ofthe Center. The videoshowed the differentdesks in action and theinternship program’sbasic orientation seminar,immersion andevaluation. Some specialnumbers were alsopresented by residentinterns.The event wasattended resident interns,lawyers and alumni ofthe Center including theDean of the Law School,Atty. Sedfrey Candelaria.8


Save the ChildrenSave the Children Project is currently working on the adding ofmore information on the political aspects per each country. Thecurrent draft also needs to be fixed in terms of footnotes. Theteam is waiting to be updated by the project supervisor .Child-Free BilibidChild-Free Bilibid is working on the drafts for the Petition for HabeasCorpus concerning CICL’s in different city jails. The first draft hasbeen sent to the supervising attorney and we are currently standing-byto be updated by the supervising attorney regarding the revisions to bemade.BluePlateBluePlate is in need of 8 cans suitable to be used as coin banks. Thesecoin banks will be placed in different locations within the school sothat people can conveniently donate their spare change to theBluePlate project.AKAPALS organizations joinWorld Day Against ChildLabor celebrationAs part of the 2014 World DayAgainst Child Labor Celebration andin commemoration of the NationalChildren’s Month, the National ChildLabor Committee organized aprogram entitled, “PhilippineProgram Against Child Labor: BatangMalaya Proteksyunan, Child LaborLabanan!” It was held in theOccupational Safety and HealthCenter in Quezon City on October18. This was attended primarily bychildren from different orphanagesand child care institutions fromdifferent barangays and various nongovernmentorganizations andcharitable institutions. The purposeof this program is to createawareness among Filipinos about thecontinuing fight against child laborand to serve as a call to everyone toinvest on social protection programsin order to prevent and eliminatechild labor.The program started off withmorning exercises such as Zumba. Itwas followed thereafter by messagesfrom Director Lawrence Jeff Johnsonof the International LabourOrganization (ILO) and theincumbent Department of Labor andEmployment (DOLE) Secretary, Atty.Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz.Afterwards, games such as patintero,luksong tinik, sipa, puzzle-solving,agawan base and many others wereplayed by the children who attendedthe program. After lunch was served,the children presented skits and songand dance numbers whichshowcased their talent and skills inthe performing arts.In support of the battle againstchild labor, various organizationsfrom the Ateneo Law school whichincludes the Adhikain Para SaKarapatan Pambatan (AKAP) desk ofthe Ateneo Human Rights Center(AHRC), Kapwa, the social responseorganization of the Ateneo and theAteneo Law School Student Council(ALS SC) sponsored hygiene kits andloot bags which contain toys, candiesand art materials. Before theprogram ended, Edelyn CriselleVentura, President of Kapwa andresident intern of the AHRC,distributed these kits and loot bags tothe children who participated thesaid event.10

ASEANBaseline Study on ASEAN Legal Aid in SouthEast AsiaThis project provided a profiling of the different ASEANCountries. The interns were assigned a country whichthey were required to research on. The project centeredon the legal aid provided by such countries or the lackthereof. The interns also had a counter-part countryresearcher per ASEAN Country who provided the sameoutput. The purpose of such a counter-part was toprovide information which could not be obtained by theintern. In contrast, the intern provided an outsiderperspective of the status of the legal aid in theparticular country assigned to them. Both output wasthen combined into one cohesive document per country.Kapihan on Human RightsThe AHRC, in partnership with the Philippine WorkingGroup, held a successful Kapihan for this year whichfocused on the Human Rights Perspective on DisasterManagement and Sectoral Cooperation on Rehabilitation.The main purpose of the Kapihan was to provide a forumfor the discussion of the efforts and programs inaddressing disaster risks, response and rehabilitation bythe government with the emphasis on human rights andgender perspective. Over 100 guests from differentsectors participated in the Event.11

katutuboBreaking Free: A Forum on theBangsamoro Basic LawThe forum was made in partnership with TheLegal Rights and Natural Resources Center - an EnvironmentalLaw and IP Rights NGO advocate. The forum was part of thelobbying made by LRC for the full inclusion of the IndigenousPeoples' Rights Act in the Bangsamoro Basic Law.The forum presented two IP leaders from the TedurayLambangian group, a non Moro IP tribe from Maguindanao.Timuay Alim Bandara and Datu Bronx shared the situation intheir community and the history of their battle for therecognition of their Rights separate and distinct from the Morotribes in Mindanao.Atty. Ray Paolo Santiago, Dean Sedfrey M. Candelaria and Fr.Albert Alejo reacted on the real life battle of the IP tribes for self- determination. The three esteemed reactors suggested severallegal actions that may be taken for the inclusion of IP Rights inthe BBL.12

Paralegal Talk on Stopping Teen-DateViolence and Sexual HarrassmentLast September 10, 2014, Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC) wasinvited by Soroptimist International of Mandaluyong to give a seminaron Stopping Teen-Date Violence and Sexual Harrassment to thestudents of Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales. The resourcespeakers were Atty. Nica Yan from the AHRC and Miss Regine JessicaAbuel from the Women's Rights-Urduja Desk. The seminar coveredcomprehensive talks on the Anti-Violence Against Women and ChildrenLaw and the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law. The students, including theteachers and organizers, participated well during the talk and theopen forum. Both the resource speakers and the participantslearned a lot from each other.URDUJAGender andDevelopment Seminarat Brgy. St. IgnatiusThe interns of the AteneoHuman Rights Centertogether with Atty. PattySison-Arroyo conducted agender and developmenttraining last October 4, 2014for the leaders of Brgy. St.Ignatius in Whiteplains,Quezon City. The seminardiscussed topics such asgender and sexuality, genderdiscrimination, gender andhow it relates and affects thesociety’s development. Thediscussion also includedrelevant special laws such asthe Violence against Womenand Children Act, the RH Bill,the Sexual Harassment Lawand the Anti-Trafficking Law.The seminar also includedsome group dynamics andactivities to evaluate whatthey have learned from eachsession.The participants were thebarangay officials andmembers of the Gender andDevelopment Council whoactively participated duringthe discussion. They havegiven their inputs, insightsand opinions on the issuesand laws discussed. Uponevaluation of the activity, theissues in the barangayrelating to gender have beenbrought up, in the hopes offinding resolution for thesame.The barangay leaders andthe council members haveexpressed their intention ofhaving similar trainings in thefuture for the members oftheir barangay.13

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